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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 540x720, 1185519_10151610019361130_1080673521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7095757 No.7095757 [Reply] [Original]

Last one was fun.

>> No.7095760
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>> No.7095762
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>> No.7095775

I love her

>> No.7095820

Would plow until death

>> No.7095829

Won't do nudes because of husband, damn you husband-san. Anyways, from the other thread she does taiwanese/chinese idol dvds. Pictures of those anyone?

>> No.7096006
File: 407 KB, 492x657, Screen Shot 2013-09-11 at 1.36.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler: without all the photoshop her catwoman isnt nearly as great.

>> No.7096013

I'm not seeing much different. Tiny bit more belly, but not a lot. It looks like she's probably wearing a corset but she does have a lovely figure even without one. I'm pretty jelly.

>> No.7096063
File: 298 KB, 1261x2048, 477122_10151052049616130_760353115_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know photoshop and lighting help but


>> No.7096231
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>> No.7096239
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>> No.7097011

Any pics of her Tarot stuff? I haven't seen much of it.

>> No.7097122

Uhm, I saw this in person and it was awesome.

>> No.7097549
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>> No.7097658

Mein gott.

>> No.7097677
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>> No.7098356

Is she as pleasant a person as she seems?

>> No.7098374


He knows what's up.

>> No.7101204

i'd hit it repeatedly

>> No.7101518

Why would you ever stop hitting it?

>> No.7101531
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>> No.7101533

this is true

>> No.7101601

without all the photoshop her body looks like cottage cheese and her face looks melted

>> No.7101605

Got any pics to back that up? Because the pics I've seen of her without photoshop were still super fuckin' hot.

>> No.7101688

As a straight women who LOVES looking at hot women... this chick is busted and gross. I don't get it, and I don't think I'll ever get it. But carry on... to each his own.

>> No.7102512

All kidding aside - why? Like, yeah, I'll respect your opinion and all, but I'm genuinely curious. Can you explain why you think she's not only not attractive, but actively gross? And, maybe, for contrast, mind sharing with us a woman you do think is attractive? Make it a cosplayer or some other amateur/non-celeb, just to keep the point of comparison a bit more fair.

>> No.7102529
File: 358 KB, 567x899, 137925100093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont expect a straight women to understand how a man feels when he sees big tits or ass.

Hell, even a lesbian can't know, which is why most lesbians like boyish women.

>> No.7102541

lipstick lesbian here
kind of
let's not get into technicalities
i like women who are pretty
she is not my cup of tea
but guess what ~ just like men, lesbians who appreciate women who wear makeup and do their hair and have boobies and bums and curvies and such no one thing is universally attractive.
it's called

i hope you learned something today.

>> No.7102554

I'm a lesbian and I find this woman's ample T and A very appealing. I bet touching her must feel so nice, squishy boob and round ass everywhere. I like putting my hands on a woman's waist and being able to feel the angle of her waist turning into wide hips. Ah, man. Now I keep on thinking about it. I usually don't go for women this big, but I love comparatively small waists and big thighs together.

>> No.7102567
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>> No.7102573


He's so frustrated, he elevated from hoverhand to hoverfist.

>> No.7102584

I had an fling with bi-sexual chubby girl who loved BBWs and appreciated there softness. So what you said is inaccurate

>> No.7102598

I don't understand the appeal. She just looks so old. Is it a MILF fetish thing?

Not trying to be a jerk, I just legitimately don't understand.

>> No.7102607

Uh, you seriously don't understand that different people have different preferences?

>I don't understand why people don't like the things I like

Not trying to be mean or anything. It just seems like a narrow point of view.

>> No.7102611

If you call Doktor in the middle of Mistral's fight he comments on how her tits are amazing and how she either has a very advanced full-body replacement, or more likely, that they're real.

>> No.7102613

I understand that, I suppose, just seems like most chubbies on /cgl/ get relentlessly bashed, especially if they're older and scantily clad. So people drooling over a chubby older woman is the last thing I expected to see here.

>> No.7102617
File: 249 KB, 1365x2048, 1274751_10152182010524325_2088752824_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's not THAT chubby

a little pudgy, sure

>> No.7102624

Nice T and A. Especially that ass, damn. Her face isn't much to write home about because of the sad manjaw, but who cares? Her body doesn't look as old as her face.

I don't think /cgl/ bashes chubbies as much as they bash fatties, which are two different things.

>> No.7102626

She probably weighs a lot, but it's all really well-distributed.

>> No.7102632
File: 70 KB, 697x960, 1000114_455079707921708_917187535_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women cannot feel the animal primal lust a man feels

it is instinctual, hardwired into our genes

you may say you "love" big tits but you will never love them like men love them, you will never worship them or fetishize them

how many pics/vids of busty girls have you got saved to your hard drive? can you name me any busty pornstars/glamour models? of course not

>> No.7102644

She's gained a little weight since last year.

>> No.7102649

>implying you can rival my giant stash of glasses fetish that goes across the dimensions and genders

yeah, ok

>> No.7102654

She doesn't look bad in this picture, but she looks chubbier in other ones. And her face is pretty rough.

>> No.7102659
File: 35 KB, 640x960, 1236629_577268812331795_826959548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that pic is from this year at Dragoncon

>> No.7102661

I don't have a big tit fetish so I don't have pictures like that saved, but I have tons of pictures of my real fetishes saved. So fucking hard to find some of that shit, too. Must be nice having a fetish that's easy to find good content for.

>> No.7102665

I really wish there was more of that Tarot costume 'cos DAMN.

>> No.7102677

I play with my big tits every day, and as narcissistic as this is, I love jiggling them in a mirror, or slathering them in oil.

Don't you try to tell me what I think about big tits. You don't know me. You don't know my fetishes.

>> No.7102690 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 1464x2048, 469585_469439246410928_1634878421_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does abuse photoshop sometimes

Though she can still look pretty without it

>> No.7102691
File: 286 KB, 573x1024, 6122318249_3964371c54_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and this one is from two years ago.

>> No.7102700
File: 85 KB, 638x708, 417830_10200159732050146_1421136360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here ever met her?

>> No.7102706
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>> No.7102734
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I saw her at Dragon Con this year. Didn't talk to her but she seems pretty chill, I could be completely wrong though..

>> No.7102749

Bianca Beauchamp and Gianna Michaels are my favorites. Suck it, chicks love big titties too. And we get to play with our own boobies. Its as much fun for us as it is for you.

>> No.7102755

ugh why cant I be you

>> No.7102786

I never cared for her face, but man, what a latex collection.

>> No.7102816
File: 468 KB, 1565x2048, 337007_469070956447757_1428603301_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bianca Beauchamp
>Gianna Michaels
too small

Pleb tier taste in titties

God tier titties = Hitomi Tanaka, Wendy Fiore, Rachel Aldana, Leanne Crow, September Carrino to name but a few

>> No.7102824

>hating on Bianca's fake tits
Shes a fetish model, everyone knows fake tits look great in clothes.
>too Small
Yeah nah.

Oh, you like disgustingly massive tits I see.

>> No.7102845

>God tier titties = Hitomi Tanaka
>calling other people's tastes pleb
Half you fake tit lovers never even heard of her before Two Best Friends.

>> No.7102935

What's Two Best Friends is it a porn movie? Van you give me the AV code?

>> No.7102979

Looks fine to me.

>> No.7103032

I want to smell her farts
>The thistit
yeah captcha, ikr

>> No.7103037

I'm a straight woman and I find myself questioning my sexuality over Bellechere. So don't speak for all of us as if you know.

>> No.7103095
File: 28 KB, 760x428, hitomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nearly wretched. Was super hot up giant animu titties until I came across nudes. THOSE AREOLAS.

>> No.7103096

Woah. I don't even know what to say.

>> No.7103099

Not a fan of her, I've seen her be rude to other cosplayers she considers a "threat"

>> No.7103110
File: 212 KB, 768x1024, redsonja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be a bitch, she has ugly eyes, an unattractive mouth, and a giant nose. Usually I think plain women can be saved by makeup, but BelleChere kind of goes past plain into straight up ugly territory. And I don't feel bad saying that because I follow her online and her personality seems as ugly as her face. I think it would take plastic surgery for me to like what I see which is ironic because she has publicly stated in the past that she thinks women who get fake boobs are inferior to women born naturally endowed.

Since you asked me to post a woman I DO find hot, here's a Red Sonja who is SMOKING. Sure she's probably got collagen stuffed up in her lips but I could stare at her face all day.

>> No.7103114


>> No.7103128
File: 232 KB, 1200x1600, GenCon_RedSonja2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's another Red Sonja (less plastic-looking than the last) I find more attractive than BC. All the hotness of the buxom body with a more pleasing face. Like I said before I just PERSONALLY find her face to be hard to look at, but I can totally understand that there are dudes out there who couldn't care less about faces when a woman has tits and ass that big without the usual huge gut that comes along with.

>> No.7103198
File: 247 KB, 682x1024, hampirella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7103201

not a fan of the face either

>> No.7103217

probably the most unattractive picture of her I've seen.

Personally this girl's face looks very masculine to me, and I'm not a fan.
Her body is strange, and I don't really see her ax buxom? She's not really chubby and her boobs are small and pushed together.

But whatever floats your boat. I don't care for BC's face at all, but her body, especially the tummy to the hips area, is really gorgeous to me.

>> No.7103216

She's always on her high horse. She doesn't hide the fact she looks down upon others. And she loses her shit when guys compliment or mention her tits or ass.

To answer an earlier question, no, she's not a pleasant person.

>> No.7103222

It's years of waist training.

>> No.7103229

I didn't realize that... obviously I know she wears corsets for certain cosplays and what not. Is there a write up by her somewhere where she explains how long, her brand, etc?

>> No.7103230

>women who get fake boobs are inferior to women born naturally endowed.

This is true though and there is no arguing that can make it untrue.

1. going under the knife purely to make up for what you think you lack screams issues and likely high maintenance. I've never net a chick that got them done and wasn't typical of one of those things. Anecdotal yes, but I'm a chick and can speak from knowing girls.

2. Fakes have to be maintained. More surgery.

3. Fakes will eventually have to be taken out so you arent 70 with D balloons on an aging body.

Yeah it's just a random set of genetics. Don't be so put out if you didn't get the tits you wanted. They aren't everything and you did win the genetic lottery elsewhere I assure you. You got nice lips, or a great ass, awesome hair, thick lashes, lovely colored eyes, perfect fingernails, smooth skin, great aging, longevity, muscle tone, or something.

>> No.7103244

Wait... are we talking about Yaya or Bellechere. I'm confused now.

>> No.7103255

Well, really, it could apply to both of them. Yaya is more fake about it all and pretends she's supportive of others.

>> No.7103272

It's less of a preference and more of a biological imperative. A woman chubby in a certain way has a very healthy, fertile look about her, and incites a very difficult to explain type of sexual compulsion in men.

I'm honestly a big fan of open sexuality, and actively against people who try to use "biology" to try and dictate people's rights, but this is just a kind of thing women can't understand. I don't budge into female feels, I don't see why lezzies need this male feel.

>> No.7103295

Yeah, unless you have a study that was monitoring people's brains to gauge their lust I don't really believe it.

>> No.7103302

That's fine, you're allowed to stay ignorant.

But, unlike you, I'm not really one to doubt. When my girlfriend freaks out while she menustrates, I don't tell her to hook up to a brain scanner to show increased stressful responses to normal stimuli. and then, if she doesn't, then I don't say I don't really believe that PMS exists. Because it'd be incredibly ignorant to assume I understand how the brains of another sex work.

>> No.7103309

>Because it'd be incredibly ignorant to assume I understand how the brains of another sex work
That's exactly what you're doing.

>> No.7103318

Yes and no, but you're reading it out of context. There's a difference between analyzing behavior, and begging the question by saying "what you say isn't true because you don't have scientific analysis."

Read any post (ITT, even) by a woman about a woman who looks fertile, none of them ever get it.

>> No.7103327

I can smell when a woman is ovulating sometimes and it turns me on. One of my fetishes is actually sniffing panties, as much as it embarrasses me to say. Sometimes I fantasize about... meh, I probably shouldn't go on. I don't think it's fair to say that women can't feel something when you don't actually know what they feel.

>> No.7103335

Me too anon, me too >:). I don't doubt that maybe, maybe some women DO get it. But the women earlier who said it was a preference, that it was the same as fetishes, as opposed to a part of sexual biology in looking for a fertile woman, that bitch had no idea what she was talking about and was the reason for noting that it isn't something quite so simple.

>> No.7103373

period blood smells like bread to me.

>> No.7103391

She really is. She's just so fucking nice, and a really happy person. She just has a good attitude all in all.

>> No.7103393

Fuck man, so much jelly in this thread they oughta call it Smuckers.

>> No.7103394

She denies it, so you won't see any info on how much (obvious) corset training she put her waist through.

>> No.7103405

I've seen her snub the hell out of my friends (fellow cosplay girls- not male fanboys) at cons who approached her- how well do you know her?? "Fucking nice" and "good attitude" are faaaar from what I've seen or heard.

>> No.7103419

>>7103230 see >>7103095

These are your "natural" large chests. If you were a dude (and I wouldn't be shocked if you were and claimed to be female so you aren't dismissed as a shallow misogynist), I would tell you you must not have seen any large tits in reality because they are generally not as sexy as they are in your fantasies. But since you're a "fellow" girl, you must be a fatty who thinks your "large" tits overrides the fat (and sure, it works well for fat dudes and chubby chasers with low self-esteem).

1. What?? I've met plenty of women with implants that are low-maintenance and chill as fuck. That's like saying that all women who save up their money to buy a new car are low maintenance. Generalization much??

2. Large natural boobs sag with age. In fact, by around 30, your boobs will be at a level that small-chested girls can look better than at 40. Gravity effects them more than fake boobs for sure.

3. You also will probably have to have back surgery at 70 from years of hoisting around your "natural" large tits that are now twice as heavy because you're more inclined to gain weight and probably hanging past your midriff. CONGRATS!

>> No.7103427

And in b4 "JEALOUS FLATTY." Yep- you caught me! I do have pretty small tits, but no, I don't want them to be any bigger. I think they're perfect, and I love the way that they're perky and lifted and go well with my super flat tummy.

>> No.7103524

My girlfriend and I have talked to her quite a few times at cons, and I used to talk to her back in the day of Myspace, when I first found her and cosplaying. Can't speak for anyone else's experience, but she always found time to be pretty cool with us.

>> No.7103703

chubby chasers in this thread, I can smell it *sniff* *sniff*

>> No.7103810

Actually no, nothing I was going to say was going to relate to your weight or boobs, and everything to do with how much of a cunt you are for trying to explain away your hatred for others.
You can fuck off.

>> No.7103816

What is the material for the body suit? I like how non glossy it is, I would think it would make a good sailor scout base

>> No.7103907
File: 165 KB, 650x520, BoobNinja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poster of >>7103230 here

Wow you couldn't be more off about me, not even if you were really trying. Therefore I have to take everything else you say as perhaps the ignorance of youth or something more insidious.

>That large natural chest is fine. It's what she was given and I don't buy into only small areola is pretty or best. From a reproduction standpoint large and dark is better. Babies have bad eyesight and in order to feed they need visual cues on where to go. I've got girlfriends and I watch porn so I've seen plenty of tits across the board in shape and size and nearly all of them have something sexy about them.
>I am in fact female. /cgl/ is littered with us.
>I don't have large breast. I'm a C on a 6 foot frame and pretty average weight. My chest is not large at all on my body. They look like a solid B looks like on a shorter girl.
>I don't think big old boobs override big everything else. When I see it I shake my head and think man, if she got down to a cute chubby weight she'd still have a great rack and she could fit them into cute clothing plus she could still eat a hamburger and not carrots all day.

1. I know 7 girls who had them done, including my sister. Every single one of them is a self important me-monster in some way. One ignores her kids. One never cleans up her entire house (I think she might be a horder). One makes her boyfriend pay for everything. One doesn't care for anything if it's not name brand. One displays her rack and gets mad when people look.... it's crazy.
As far as I can see, getting a boob job is just a marker for other crap behavior.

2. Of course they sag and again that is what's natural and looks fine. It's perky 20 yr old boobs on a 40 yr old that look terrible.

3. If you are talking about me...nope. I have Cs and my 6 ft body handles them just fine. No hoisting around something too big for me. But a hearty congrats to me anyways cause they're in good proportion.

>> No.7104609

>As a straight women who LOVES looking at hot women...

Let me guess, by hot women you mean fashion models.

>> No.7104910


Are the best part.

>> No.7104965

I don't plan on using areolas as dinnerplates ever, that's not my kink. So to me, nips as big as your head is pretty repulsive. Especially the way they fade into the breast like that, like someone just took a smudge tool to them.

Different strokes, I guess.

>> No.7105508

Yoko Matsugane for life, anyway. Tanaka is the poor man's Matsugane.

>> No.7109675

needs more

>> No.7109684

Holy shit if her pelvic region was twice as long and her waist was half the size of her thighs, she could be a Masami Ōbari character.

>> No.7113891

Would plow

>> No.7113901

You sound super mad. At everything.

>lol those are natural large chests for you!!!
>YOU ARE A DUDE AND DELUSIONAL stupid males goddammit
>??? ???
>look how natural large tits are horrible and you'll need surgery lol those big-titted ugly back-pained bitchesss
>i totes love my mosquito bites!!!

Seriously. Chill, girl.

>> No.7113907

I feel a little better about my huge areolas now

>> No.7113906

who's that with her?

>> No.7113915


dont get too exited, the other girl is padding

>> No.7113932

it looks like she could have a cute face though

>> No.7113939
File: 54 KB, 900x607, 971133_475906685826925_1460534732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh yeah she's super kawaii

>> No.7114017
File: 309 KB, 1000x502, tript_3_AssassinJane_JailBreak_01_1000px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Miss Sinister Cosplay

>> No.7114047


Top's just a bra? Seriously?

>> No.7114096


I think she was commissioned to do that.

>> No.7114097
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>> No.7114112
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>> No.7114714


>> No.7114959


I'd like to eat her cornflakes, that's for sure.