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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7088851 No.7088851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she retired?

>> No.7088891

who is she even?

>> No.7088915

She has a facebook fanpage and I think she stills cosplays, but not much now. She has a youtube account where she talks about cosplay and she's divorced now I think.

Ginny McQueen

>> No.7088949

Didn't shave have this huge Dr. Who wedding?

>> No.7089002

wait, divorced? sauce?

>> No.7089035

Is that supposed to be Penelo? because it looks like crap.

>> No.7089076

Oh Ginny... Good drama watching right now. She's divorced and living in LA. Compalins about not having money to pay rent but refuses to even get a retail job. Instead she constantly tries to sell prints and beg for money from her fans. All while traveling to various cons nationally and internationally as a guest. My fave was when she was in Europe tweeting that she didn't have money for rent but had just recently gotten a new tattoo in England. Bitch needs to get her priorities in order.

>> No.7089148

Speaking of people we don't see much of anymore, what happened to Miyu?

>> No.7089286

she trips on /fit/ as laura

>> No.7089309

She goes on a different board now since she doesn't cosplay anymore. I think she said /fit/?

>> No.7089321

Is she retarded?


>> No.7089418

Hrm. Last I checked she still lives in Las Vegas. But the rest seems legit.

>> No.7089563
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>> No.7089584

nope she's definitely in LA, just look at her twitter. I'm sad anon missed out her mysterious UK boyfriend

>> No.7089705
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I lol'd

>> No.7090250

What a way to treat a wedding, no wonder it ended badly.

>> No.7090368

She's had like... 3 relationships since her divorce and it hasn't been a year? Chick needs to grow up, get a proper job and fix her mental health issues instead of making emo YouTube videos.

>> No.7090375

It ended badly most likely because she didn't have a good relationship with her husband to being with. She constantly complained on her FB, twitter and YouTube account how she has no one and hated living in Vegas. Doesn't surprise me that he would dump her if that was her public attitude about her married life. Who wants to be with someone who doesn't see them as a lover and a friend and talks shit about them online. She pretty much documented her divorce on YouTube.

>> No.7090451

jeebus, she looks like a pissed old hag.

>> No.7091130

omg what is this .............. http://www.patreon.com/ginnymcqueen
She wants people to pay her to make costumes and shitty youtube videos?!

>> No.7091142


Haven't you heard? That's how cosplayers do it now. Get facebook likes and then make a kickstarter to have idiots pay for your stuff.

>> No.7091145

i read her twitter, she is desperately poor, depressed and always begging for donations. I feel really bad for her.

>> No.7091150
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>dat wig tho

>> No.7091161

Your joking right? If she can travel to international cons and sit around making youtube videos all day then she can get her ass to a mall and apply for a job or even macdonalds. Shes just a lazy bitch who thinks shes more valuable as a model/entertainer then she actually is. She doesnt have any education past a GED or actual skills besides sewing. Shes 31 and made herself this way.

>> No.7091267


The heck is google hangout?

>> No.7092141

Google Hangout is an A/V chatroom. Think Skype or Facetime with multiple people in it.

And yeah, I got tired of Ginny a while ago. Stopped following her Twitter when the constant whining and complaining got too much. She's so self-centered and needy that I can't imagine any guy being able to handle it for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.7092828


>> No.7092837
File: 102 KB, 640x427, 2056641388_5a0bf0de2d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel jelly forever that I couldn't go to cons for years like my peers
>Half of those fuckers don't even have a college degree and just work part time retail

>> No.7093805

What do you mean? Ginny McQueen divorced? When did this happened?

>> No.7093810

>or actual skills besides sewing
her sewing's not that great, at that

>> No.7093857

Her shitty husband cheated on her with multiple women http://youtu.be/qgqw9OK0jwY

Can't blame her for hating living in Las Vegas. It's a shithole to live in. Visit, nice but to live? Awful.

>> No.7094034


Couldn't she had just edited out all the whiny baby crap? God what a fucking attention whore.

>> No.7094144

Just checked her fb, its kind of gross cons are still inviting her out asa guest when all she does is begfoe money. I didn't see a single wip shot, just the same dress over and over she's trying to sell, one slave Leia photo and a dazzler. Why would a con have you out if you aren't making new shit?

>> No.7094162

I don't even understand WHY she got invited to cons in the first place? Is it because she's been on the scene for so long? She doesn't seem to have ever done anything amazing, only wear very skimpy costumes..

>> No.7094177

>Her shitty husband cheated on her with multiple women http://youtu.be/qgqw9OK0jwY

She cheated with Ambrosia's boyfriend years ago and bragged about it on Livejournal with some purple prose bullshit. Sympathy: none