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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7086872 No.7086872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boob Magic

>> No.7086889
File: 378 KB, 556x900, tarot_1_by_insane_pencil-d6l5wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not even boob magic, shes just a chubby girl with big boobs. That top is just taped down. Her boobs look so grossly far apart.. She should put a clear strap on the fabric to hold them together.

>> No.7086894

toupee tape holding them up into the fabric, that's not a hard one to do.

>> No.7087605

I find amazingly stupid that the whole boob is fine, but the nipple is the worst thing to see ever.
It's so funny. Side boob, Cleavage, under boob. Hell put a x of tape on nipple and you are good. But a nipple? Call the police.

>> No.7087613

oh geez I agree with you but you've just called out the sjws who are just going to shit all over this thread responding to the b8 that will also come with it.

>> No.7087618

It is funny, when you think about it. But male nipples are okay.

>> No.7087617


>> No.7087621

actually i think most states have a something like 70-80% of the breast must be covered.
but that isn't going to get enforced at a con, obviously

>> No.7087622

It depends on where you are. Here, any place a man can go topless, a woman can too. So the conventions here don't allow anyone to show their nipples.

>> No.7087624

What magical place are you in? I really want to be able to go topless. Probably wouldn't use it, I just like the option.

>> No.7087625

it's legal in New York.

>> No.7087627

Ah, makes sense.

>> No.7087628

many states you would win the case of being a topless woman (if it were legally allowed for men to be topless, most businesses it is not allowed so keep that in mind) since nudity laws technically cover the genitalia only.
many women have won cases against the state when arrested for being topless.

New York just makes a point to say it is alright.
topless.org has lots of info if you're interested ~

>> No.7087631

Austin. As the other anons said, though, there are others.

Generally it's old women and the occasional hairy hippies doing it, though.

>> No.7087632

And not like around in public, but definitely in more private but still public places, like Barton Springs.

>> No.7087873
File: 1.03 MB, 628x836, 1374266969646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look smaller here
maybe weight gain made them balloon

>> No.7087883

Nope, they're the same size. What's different is she's sticking her chest out in op image. On that one, she's leaning forward more.

>> No.7087938

Is it beneficial lighting that is making her look so much thinner in this pic, or is it the same costume worn years apart?

>> No.7087939
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She obviously is chubbier in OP pic because she gained weight.

>> No.7087941
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>or is it the same costume worn years apart?


OP is from Dragoncon this year

>> No.7087943
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>> No.7087944

The amazing thing is she is the only cosplayer who truly does earn a decent living entirely from cosplay and nothing else. Of course that's mostly just because Japanese cons go crazy for her tits and actually put her measurements in their adverts, but it's still kinda impressive. Now you see why people like Yaya and JNigs are so eager to inflate their tits to crazy sizes.

>> No.7087949

Looking at these types of bodies makes me so jealous. When I put on weight it doesn't smooth out all over like that, I get little balls of fat on my hips and look like I have permanent muffin top. I don't know if it's because I have scoliosis or if I'm just really unlucky.

>> No.7087951

I'm jelly.

>> No.7087959

I'd say it's because it's an erogenous zone or something like that. I don't really know though and I used to think it was kind of stupid too, well not saying that I don't still think that.

>> No.7087973
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it was Taiwan

>> No.7088497

Probably just unlucky. The way fat settles is almost entirely related to genetics.

She looks good here.
Other photos she just looks fat.

>> No.7088515
File: 35 KB, 640x960, 1236629_577268812331795_826959548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"thick" girls have to really take care of their bodies or they become fat very easily

especially as they get older and their metabolism slows down

still, shes pretty hot even with the extra pounds, her boobs and butt got bigger

>> No.7088524

>"thick" girls have to really take care of their bodies or they become fat very easily

not all of them. some of us just gain a certain amount of weight and then stop. I'm pretty thick but I don't gain or lose any weight past a certain amount. I may be one of the lucky ones, but not everyone's body works the same. i look tone and curvy without having to try.

>> No.7088528

>Her boobs look so grossly far apart
>implying that isn't how breasts normally work

>> No.7089050

it's an erogenous zone on many, many men too. And there are many women for whom it's not one. So that response/excuse is bullshit, basically lol

>> No.7089071

>grossly far apart
Sorry to break it to you, but that's what real big boobs look like. Hell, I have size B and my boobs are that far apart. No girl has natural V cleavage.

>> No.7089078

I meant she should make them look more comicbook-ish and unrealistic by pushing them together. Im fully aware thats what normal breasts look like. It just doesnt look the best it can.

>> No.7089082

The methods for pushing boobs together are all really obviously there. Those clear straps ruin shit for me, and just pushing them together all the time starts looking like even more "LOOK AT MY TITS" than it already is. It also limits her choices in poses.

>> No.7089855

i've never caught her name, can anyone help me out?

>> No.7089884
File: 70 KB, 697x960, 1000114_455079707921708_917187535_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Big McLargeHuge

>> No.7089894

i dont think thats right

>> No.7090743

Slab Bulkhead

>> No.7090792

it's also weird that if a woman has her boob out it is gross, but if it is breastfeeding then it is fine (or at least suppose to be fine).
I'm still breast feeding my baby and it's weird that I don't mind doing it in public but hate doing it around friends

>> No.7090803

>with breast feeding its fine
Youd be surprised. I worked at a theme park that was mostly catered towards young children. Id get multiple complaints per day about people breastfeeding in public.

>> No.7090838

>dat FUPA

>> No.7091077

breast feeding in public is disgusting, i wouldn't do it

>> No.7091094

I don't understand the problem, especially if people are doing it discretely. It sounds unsanitary to force a baby to eat in the bathroom...

>> No.7091099

If they've got something covering up the baby and their tits, it's not bad at all.

>> No.7091110


Babies get hungry in public. What're you gonna do?

>> No.7091121


Ugly fatties detected.

>> No.7091123

She has some great boobies. Like sure she's a bit chubby, but like, did you just see her boobies?? I am really digging those boobies right about now. I appreciate her and that outfit and her for wearing that outfit.

>> No.7091300
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>bellechere's boobs got bigger

>> No.7091312

I'm not even a thick girl, I have small bone structure and at 5'4" I normally weight 120ish pounds. But if I put on 5-10 pounds, BOOM, fugly hips. I think it's probably a combination of my scoliosis and genetics, my older sister never had that problem even when she weighed more than I do now.

>> No.7093879

As a fairly skinny girl who is nicely proportioned, I have to say that she looks amazing! Really beautiful body. And lucky that she is that size and still has some muscle tone on her stomach. Her boobs look the normal amount of spread apart to me.

>> No.7093893

This so much. Her breasts look fine as-is anyways.

>> No.7094179

is there a rate to fuck her silly?

>> No.7094305

Only one guy gets to do it, sadly, and he's a chubby geek like the rest of us. There is no fairness in the world.

>> No.7094990
File: 213 KB, 900x1350, catwoman__you_ll_never_catch_me_by_bellechere-d676gt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post. MORE.

>> No.7095010

Yes please.

Anyway got any more of her in the Tarot costume? I've not seen any of those pics before.

>> No.7095011

How are her boobs not falling out of that top? It looks like it's about to pop off!

>> No.7095022


>> No.7095035

Boob magic. Can you not read?

>> No.7095618

is there more of her? i need it for... research.