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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7085623 No.7085623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what's that I heard of Vic saying something inappropriate at Dragon*Con? I'm honestly curious.

>> No.7085644

he hit on a cosplayer in the children's division of the masq; girl couldn't have been more than 9

>> No.7085653

also suggested another kiddo should be an orion slave girl.

>> No.7085660


>> No.7085671

Oh god yes, more insane Vic stories?

>> No.7085679

I thought you were exaggerating, but holy shit.

>> No.7085695

What time is this? I don't wanna watch the whole thing

>> No.7085697

Where's thekiddie fiddling part?

>> No.7085698


all the kids go first it's right as the WW walks off stage

>> No.7085708

9:27 this guy is hilarious

>> No.7085710

oh god, what a creep.

>> No.7085713

I can't hear what he's saying

>> No.7085719

the crowds reaction is perfect. Just that long low "ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh" that means someone dun fucked up.

I can not wait for this to get threaded through the industrial meat grinder that is the SJWs.

>> No.7085727
File: 120 KB, 312x728, age ain't nothin' but a number.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was clearly a joke. Not sure why you're all getting worked up about this shit.

>> No.7085731

And here comes the RBR VIC defense squad

>> No.7085736
File: 464 KB, 500x278, bummed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What're you doing after the show?"
>"What? She's wonder woman!"
Probably the worst justification you could have come up with.

>> No.7085737


I honestly don't know him from Adam.

>> No.7085788

I swear if it wasn't Vic McEggnog who said it, no one would give a shit.

>inB4 Vic fan
No, I just don't care and it's not like he was actually going to do something?

>> No.7085792

Yeah that was.. pretty distasteful, I understand he was trying to be funny but the poor kid doesnt even know what that joke means and probably just asked her parent who was waiting off to the side. Not cool

>> No.7085806
File: 313 KB, 1024x1334, Ohgawdstahp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we get to start making up new names for Vic McNogginhoggin now?

>> No.7085809

it was rape

>> No.7085811

She looks a few years younger than nine....

>> No.7085828

Vic Mcadamianut, please stop before someone beats the everloving shit out of you, even though you deserve it you old ass gross fuck.

>> No.7085831

I want Vic McIwanthisdick to rape me

>> No.7085848

oh my god I know the girl that drew this. she used to go to my college. i have all sorts of stories involving her, she is the definition of awkward weirdo weeb.

>> No.7085860

Story time!

>> No.7085866

Yeah, even him saying "Sorry it was just a joke. She's very adorable kid.(saying this part like normal people and not like a creep)" would be better than "C'MON! I HAD TO SHE'S WONDER WOMAN"

>> No.7085872 [DELETED] 

Oh god I don't even know where to begin. I'll just start off by saying that this girl is definitely not young, late 20s maybe even 30s so there's really no reason to act so awkward unless there's something wrong with you.
She's just 100% awful. I was in a class with her one semester, and was talking to someone about going to cons and such, and little did I know it was a horrible idea because she came over and instantly started rattling my ear off about how she LOVES~ cons and anime and oh god here let me show you my ART~ jesus it was horrible. Everything was like the example the anon posted above, awful proportions... lots of yaoi, animu, some pony shit in there. It was awkward because I didn't know what to tell her, but before I could even comment on it she started babbling on about how she went to our big local con and showed her art to some chick in the artist alley and even THEY told her that her art was bad. (WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT A FAMOUS ARTIST SAID YOUR ART WAS BAD?)
As the semester dragged on I began to quickly realize what kind of awful awkward person she was. I felt bad, because I talked to one of the girls that sat next to her and she told me how awful it was because she always smelled like watertrash and period (it wasn't hard to believe because she was disgusting and greasy every day. My group of friends actually became awful and started referring to her as Face because of her insane amount of acne and acne scars, and her face just looking fucked up in general)
Of course she would go on and on and tell us shit none of us wanted to hear, like how she was ~BISEXUAL~
She was (and still is to my knowledge) obsessed with this one band Steam Powered Giraffe, and she would often come to class dressed in awful ~STEAMPUNK~ outfits.
She would get mad at literally everything. (I don't want to say "tard rage" because I don't really know if anything is really wrong with her but that's what it seemed like) <cont>

>> No.7085873

this is literally how I imagine Tempest Page/Meowtan is in real life lol

>> No.7085876 [DELETED] 

She had outburts and actual tantrums in class, ESPECIALLY when she didn't understand something. It was a language class, so there was lots of not understanding going on. It was really awkward too when she would compare everything in the language we were learning to Japanese.
One time someone was talking about something and she literally threw a tantrum screaming about being ~bisexual~ thinking that the person who was talking was offending her ~sexuality~ (they weren't). More random explosions of smelly anger happened throughout the semester, but this was so long ago that I don't really remember too well.
When that semester ended, I was so glad because I figured I'd never have to deal with her outbursts and shit ever again. OH BOY WAS I WRONG.
Turns out a couple years later I'm in another one of her classes. Shit got awkward again because apparently by now she's FTM and dating another FTM person and kept trying to tell everyone about it and like, man that's cool, I can dig it, but holy shit I honestly don't care can you please tell someone else? This is like the 5th time you told me, dude.
This class wasn't too long ago so I actually remember what some of her outbursts were about and can go into them a little more.
One day she came into class talking about how happy she was that she finally got a job (don't know how that happened, honestly). And things were going great because she was in a good mood (despite the radiating stank throughout the room). But as the class went on, she got a phone call, and stepped outside to take it. And when she came back... oh dear lord.
ALL THE STOMPING, ALL THE HUFFING, ALL THE ANGRY FACE RRARRGGGHH and of course everyone is doing their own thing and see this happen, but it's way too awkward to be like "dude why you freakin out, man?" so no one says anything to her, and for the longest time she sits at the table huffing to herself OBVIOUSLY trying to get people to ask her what's wrong. <cont)

>> No.7085882 [DELETED] 

Finally this nice old lady asks her what's up, and she explains to her that she was angry because her new job is going to make her wait 2 weeks before she could start (even though I guess they said she could start sooner?). And this poor old lady tries her best to be sympathetic to her, but she doesn't care because she's being a giant babybutt and throwing a tantrum everywhere, literally on the edge of tears.
She threw the craziest outbursts about literally everything. Especially when it came to her art, and when she was falling behind and couldn't keep up, or when her stuff didn't turn out like how she wanted. Her tantrums were awkward for most people around her, but it was nice to revel in all that schadenfreude after already putting up with her for a semester.
I could post some of her awfully hilarious art and such, but I'm afraid that I've already derailed this thread completely.

>> No.7085890

So has anyone listed to this trainwreck yet? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2013-08-29

He calls his fans "outcasts, lonely, teased" and shit several times which isn't nice imo. I know his fans are socially awkward weeaboo nutcases but come on... that's just mean. Also, the guys troll him on his religion.

>> No.7085893

Just visited her dA and had a nice laugh.
Thank you for sharing, anon.

>> No.7085894

What kind of retard course are you doing where you're studying different classes at late twenties, early thirties with people that obviously aren't clever either?

>> No.7085902

You've never been to a Community College, have you?
I think my favorite of her stuff is her weird yaoi comic Of Warriors and Kings or something. Not sure if that one is on her DA, but it's on her facebook. That one always makes me laugh the hardest.

>> No.7085917



>> No.7085925

you've never seen an old person at post-secondary? not everyone goes to school right out of high school

>> No.7085959

And some people even, GASP, go back for a second degree!

>> No.7086113

>Vic Mcadamianut

>> No.7086114
File: 1.75 MB, 228x128, 1376268403855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic, ffu

>> No.7086143

but dont tell the dramawhores that theyre over reacting theyll call you a rushlimbagdad ranger.
(risembol? rootietootiefrootie? seriously, fuck whats the name of those rangers?

>> No.7086727

Don't forget the second gem when he asks another young girl if she wants to be a slave girl. 29:10

>> No.7086752

oh my god, please do go on, dear anon.

>> No.7086783

how many voice actors have been potential pedos now at cons? vic, chris patton, that guy that was always with jeff nimoy come to mind. david williams of adv was pretty sorted. media blasters had one that they stopped letting go to conventions after a number of complaints back in the early '00s.

>> No.7086942

She did, and it got deleted

>> No.7086946

Friendly reminder that threads like these are composed of ugly girls bitching to one another about a guy who refused to have sex with them.

I wouldn't be surprised if not even a single post ITT spoke the truth.

>> No.7086955

Can someone PLEASE link me EXACTLY to where he is supposed to start molesting the little girl? I'm not sitting through two hours of family friendly bullshit.

>> No.7086961



???????????????????????????????????? DON'T TRY TO HIDE, YOU POSTED IN THE COMMENS SECTION I SAW IT

>> No.7086974



>> No.7086975


He sais to the 6 year old dressed as Wonder Women "What are you doing after the show?" and the crowd goes "Boooooo~!".

Un-FUCKING-believable that /cgl/ made me sit through that shit for almost 10 minutes just to hear... that???? THAT?T????????????????THAT???????????????????????????????????? I EXPECTED SOMETHING MORE YOU SEE


>> No.7086988

Hi tumblr.

>> No.7087806

holy shit /cgl/, you will over react to anything wont you

it was a fucking joke, lighten up you menstruating douches.

>> No.7087831

Wow, I think we have a new queen of /cgl/. In a good sense I mean.

>> No.7087836

for all we know, he could have been asking if she wanted to get ice cream. I mean wouldn't you want ice cream if you were 6?

>> No.7087840

vic mcgonnigal defense force GO!

>> No.7087842 [DELETED] 

NOOOOOO! It's not possible!! No one's ever been able to summon him!!

>> No.7087844

>I mean wouldn't you want ice cream if you were 6?
Not from a child rapist like YOU that's for sure.

>> No.7087855

Six year olds don't understand rape so calm down

>> No.7087866

That's why people need to protect them.

>> No.7087868

>"It's fine to rape children guys, they don't understand it! :) They think it's fun-fun! :)"

>> No.7087906

Vic won't sleep with you, ever. You can stop trying.

>> No.7087918

ur mom is Vic

>> No.7087966

Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, mein Freund. Es tut mir Leid.

>> No.7087971

>I am from germany and when we rape we leave candy behind
Good lord.

>> No.7088341


Sexiest seagull I've ever seen. C'mon don't be shy girl, speak up if you're still here :3

>> No.7088365

WTF why hasn't this pedophile been arrested yet? I want to see him hit on Big Ol Leeroy in the state pen.

>> No.7092654

Why hasn't this fucktard been arrested or hit by a big rig?

>> No.7092676

>vic misogyny

>> No.7092677


it doesn't really matter. she's from taiwan so she's only going to end up being incinerated after china regains its place as #1 world superpower.

>> No.7092718


He's certainly sexually harassed enough people. He regularly propositions his volunteers at cons (he did this at A-kon this year).

Speaking of Mangina, anyone catch the ANNcast of him last week? I loved how there was totally a sexual joke and he pretends to not get it.

>> No.7092735


Not trying to white knight him, but I think he's talking about anime fandom in general in an attempt to justify his evangelism. He clearly doesn't get why they label him a fundamentalist (it's not a denomination you can renounce by saying you are non-denominational Vic, it's an accurate description of your literal interpretation of the Bible, one you seem to ignore every time you cheat on your fiance).

But that podcast was amazing and cringe-worthy all at once.


As a former Ranger, I can tell you the calendar is filled with creepy art like this. People draw fanart of him and his fiance. No lie.

>threads like these are composed of ugly girls bitching to one another about a guy who refused to have sex with them

Even in my weeby Ranger days I never wanted to sleep with the guy and being on the flip side of that community now, I can say I am more than disturbed by his level of physical touch with his fans, the level of intimacy they have with his personal life (organizing birthday gifts, Christmas stuff, a Ranger yearbook, all things for him to have with personal pictures and letters from the fans), and the fact that he is old enough to be every girl's FATHER and they still want to date/sleep/marry this guy. It's more of a cult than a fanclub.

>> No.7096227

>I loved how there was totally a sexual joke and he pretends to not get it.

I'm more surprised he didn't hijack the damn program to dispel rumors. Like, how he's a homophobe.....

>> No.7096588



SOURCE is in demand?

>> No.7096931


That was the ONE thing they didn't really talk about at all maybe because even Zac doesn't want to go there. I mean, there was plenty of contentious and touchy subjects and it did feel like Zac was trolling him almost. But Vic did kinda hijack it in a way. Half of it is him talking about why he's such a big Christian and why he is so vocal about it at cons.

On the one hand, I can see where yes, a con is a big venue and perhaps a good place to try and reach out to people. As a Christian I can support the idea of trying to teach love.

Except that Vic doesn't always teach love, certainly doesn't practice what he preaches, and I don't go to anime cons to hear about Jesus. THAT is what has always bothered me most about him trying to be so vocal at cons. Just let it be and hide your Jesus powerlevels man. It's an otaku convention, not a Jesus freak convention. Maybe show love and the gospel through your actions, not your words.

>> No.7097249

>Except that Vic doesn't always teach love, certainly doesn't practice what he preaches, and I don't go to anime cons to hear about Jesus.

He kinda "justifies" the whole Sunday Services at cons cause.....people want them. Is it really that needed at an Anime con on the last day? At that point of the con, people are grabbing last minute deals, trying to pack up their shit before they get kicked out of their hotels, returning cars and catching flights. Going to a Church service won't be a top priority on the last day of a con.....

>> No.7097389

who's Jenny?

>> No.7097410 [DELETED] 



>> No.7097413

>only vic drama allowed
>not allowed to have drama of wimmins

How the mighty cgl has fallen

>> No.7097449


>> No.7097660

confirmed for underage ban

>> No.7099175

the whole culture around him is sickening. what sort of sad arse obsesses over the guy who did the bad americanized voice dub?

>> No.7099189

Oh, just because I don't know some FUCKING SHITTY song from the 80s that makes me underage? Nigger, you don't know HALF the songs that I know from 90s and below. I am far older than you or ANYONE else on /cgl/.

>> No.7099584

It's Jenny's telephone number, she wants to fuck.

>> No.7099597

Saggy menopausal tits or gtfo

>> No.7099715


Here's my steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dadyouneverhad

Add me if you want to be spanked all fine and proper.

>> No.7099742
File: 82 KB, 450x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such rage.

>> No.7099774

Isn't this dude like 50 now? Goddamn.

>> No.7099791
File: 36 KB, 640x480, yamimarikmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw yet another Vic McRib'sback horror thread

God I love these. This guy is such a train wreck. The arguments that spring up between his supporters and haters gives me a boner, also.

>> No.7099882

What rage, you stupid fuck? Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot, you're one of those faggots who only go to 4chan during summer.

>> No.7100111

hehehe... Feed my Dic Mangina hatred... yesss yesss... Give me more names to call him!!

On a side note, I once had a hotel room next to the guy....

>> No.7100145

>Vic McRib'sback
I lo'd

>> No.7100174

You dont say that kind of thing when people already think you are a pedo

>> No.7100207

It is a joke. Ya'll're just looking for stuff to whine about.

>> No.7101217

Why can't this thread be about the cute Asian girl who shook her ass in the video anon posted above instead?

She's apparently a seagull.

We must track her down and have sex with her.

>> No.7101580

She's a shy girl and a virgin, just like the typical /cgl/ girl. :^^^^)

>> No.7102160

I will keep bumping this thread until Jenny becomes my wife and bears my son.

>> No.7105037

I remember in my super weeaboo days Vic was my idol and I was a Ranger and all of that. I look back on those days and are ashamed of myself. A good amount of his fans are insane and obsessed with him and his personal life. I think at this point he's so popular he feels he can get away with just about anything.