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File: 72 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7082866 No.7082866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a dream dress thread? I'm finally getting one of mine after some hard work! Pic related.

Also, how many dream dresses do you guys have? What constitutes a "dream dress" for you. Pretty much all brand things are dream dresses for me, since I don't have a disposable income yet.

>> No.7083476
File: 19 KB, 240x320, baby_op_moonprincess_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think rareness is a big part of what constitutes a dream dress, because in order for anything to be extremely desireable it also has to be limited.
Pic related, I've only seen it a couple of times

>> No.7083479

That's plain as fuck.

>> No.7083485

of course there are other elements that make a dress a dream dress, i was just stating my personal opinion of what makes a dress a "dream" dress and not so much a wish list dress

>> No.7083492
File: 412 KB, 508x565, pearldrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon, same.
There was one up for auction on Y!J not too long ago, but it finished at 27000 yen or something like that, which isn't too bad.
I really wish I bid on that but I had no money at the time.
Pic related, another dream dress of mine. No one seems to sell the pink OP.

>> No.7083521

>Pretty much all brand things are dream dresses for me, since I don't have a disposable income yet.
Same. Not exactly the dresses themselves, I can afford them, I just can't justify spending over 50% of the price of dress+shipping in taxes.

My country now assumes every package from a foreign country is a purchase (due to people lying and marking as gift to get rid of taxes- now I can't even trade the few dresses I already have) and has a standard price for stuff, so if they see my package, assume I paid $300 for the shit that's in there, they're gonna tax me over $300, even if I only paid $100 for said second hand dress. I don't have enough money to throw away on a shitty, abusive government so I can't buy anything unless I'm travelling.
I'm currently saving up for a shopping trip to Japan because of that. Which will probably take a few more years, but oh well. Sorry for the long rant.

I agree. Of course if it is a "dream" dress it is either 1- rare, hard to come by or 2- very expensive (though lolita dresses are usually both things) because if not for these two, the person would just buy it and not just keep wishing.

>> No.7083574


I keep seeing this dress, but don't know the brand or name of the series. Source please?

>> No.7083611

pearl drops on the dry flower from the indie brand Baroque.

>> No.7084439
File: 30 KB, 300x300, lac des cygnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keirabug11 is selling lac des cygnes OP in blue on ebay with socks and bow for $260 if anyone gives a damn

I'm looking for it in white and I know other people are looking as well?

>> No.7084453
File: 203 KB, 373x500, bookmark1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone emailed me saying they were thinking about selling this...that was 2 months ago...

so close :(

>> No.7084473

jesus christ that's terrible.

there's absolutely no way around it?

>> No.7084478
File: 29 KB, 320x240, IJcfv-XotfOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's partially true and why some people continue to obsess and hunt for their dream dresses - lolita is after all a bit of a collector's fashion. However, I think some dresses that aren't as rare are just as loved and as legitimately "dream dress" as rarer ones if they give you the same feelings. I distinguish from wishlist and dream dress in that the dream dress is the love at first sight/have to have it/one ring to rule them all and the wishlist dresses are the supporting harm/all those other rings.

Still looking.

>> No.7084565
File: 898 KB, 3508x2480, myprecious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got so excited until I read blue

>> No.7084583

What country do you live in? That's awful.

>> No.7085014


one day. you're looking for it in black, right?

>> No.7085025


Also , what is that dress?

>> No.7085028

It's okay comrade
Yep still looking for the elusive black x black colourway.
I'd settle for the white if I had lots of spare cash but I wouldn't take out an overdraft to get it? For the black I'd probably sell a none essential organ haha

one day, one day

>> No.7085035

Dam the super rare Moitie Candelabra has been put up for auction, but it's the cape and skirt not the cape and JSK.. I'm tempted to get the cape but it will be a waste if I never get hold of the JSK.

>> No.7089510

Moitie's Lace Flock. It's either a purply bordeaux or actual purple, I'm still not quite sure from the photos and I've seen it described as both. Either way I want it.

>> No.7089654
File: 13 KB, 300x300, glassdoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have quite a few, but this is my big one at the moment (Angelic Pretty's Glass Doll). I don't even care which colourway out of white, black, and lavender. Can't find it anywhere though, and same with Gloria (skirt in wine red) which is my other mega dream piece. I just think they're both really beautiful.

>> No.7089738
File: 32 KB, 232x313, vm sister dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my son

>> No.7089740

I love this so much, I just want to kill Choke and steal it off her

>> No.7089794
File: 859 KB, 1000x560, i will wait i will wait for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7089881

One of my dream dresses too. :(

>> No.7089882

Some girl is selling french cafe on the LSE page now

>> No.7090355
File: 89 KB, 250x333, 1330787558821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've masturbated to this dress several times.

>> No.7090389


What dress is this?

>> No.7090455
File: 91 KB, 480x640, TheSecretGardenTheRosehasSecretScentEliseJSK-iv_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7090485
File: 223 KB, 640x630, 6907789283_00f30487e1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my hands on this babbu.
This was my white whale for a while, but thankfully I have have a list of a few others I'd really love, so I still have something to shoot for.

>> No.7090568
File: 94 KB, 354x782, mmm-pleats-op1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a recent purchase, I've gotten all my dream prints! No more purchases for me for a while, but finding my non-print dream pieces will be the hard part.

Yeeeah Choke has a few of my dream dresses, haha. VM and Moitie. Pic related.

>> No.7090588

There's one up in the Lolita sales in English on facebook right now.
Idk about it's quality though.

>> No.7090752

Yep.. Another dream dress of mine too!

>> No.7090762
File: 171 KB, 670x500, 12-015_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rather in love with this babby from J&J. Don't know the name of it though.

>> No.7090854
File: 135 KB, 700x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of AP prints that I pine over that will probably look like shit on me. But Triple Tart is probably the only one I want in ALL the colour ways except black, despite knowing the cut probs won't suit me. Pus, everyone else seems to think it looks like shit which makes it harder to find. T_T

>> No.7091067

I know in past threads people mentioned Misty Sky, here's the navy skirt listed on egl comm sales: http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/21974660.html

>> No.7091080

I love the red one. I know the skirt is currently in fairytale boutique and i saw the red jsk on mbok for about 18,000 yen

>> No.7091084


mfw i call my boyfriend babu and this is weird

>> No.7091081

Same for glass doll. Its okay, anon, we have hope, I saw the pink one sell for only $100 about 2 weeks ago

>> No.7091113
File: 38 KB, 232x313, ap_jsk_sugarpansydoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I find it in anything other than yellow?! >:\

>> No.7091213
File: 37 KB, 240x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damnable thing in red. As always.

It's me and another anon searching for the red JSK, and hilariously enough, we're friends over it

I just pray neither of us cuts the other if someone sells it.

Or that we're both safe and it's rereleased

>> No.7091234

because no one in there right mind would part with it in anything but yellow.

>> No.7091672
File: 28 KB, 300x400, chelsea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "dream" pieces are really pieces from when I first got into lolita that I couldn't buy because I was a broke kid spending all my money on projects for art/design classes. They're all things that are almost impossible to find lately. Right now, I have three that I'm actually actively looking for. I have only ever found one from my small list in the past, so many have been bumped off as "impossible". However, I now may have found one that I previously had written off, provided that my shopping service can get a bid in in time. I'm quietly flailing, because it's in amazing condition and for a great price.

As for photo contribution, pic related is a past dream dress, which I finally was able to buy after years of lusting after it.

>> No.7091799

someone's selling the full lavender set on LSE or the comm sales I think

>> No.7091946
File: 140 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, anon. My country's pretty fucked when it comes to customs too. I had a friend who had to pay over a hundred euros for her Innocent World order. This is why I can't really order things directly from brand websites.

If that's the case, my dream item would be Midsummer Night's Dream, even though I rarely saw Mother Goose in that color. Too bad the JSKs look like crap.

>> No.7092692

Why would you want a huge maxi pad on your body

>> No.7092705
File: 27 KB, 300x400, chelsea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it really bothers you, it's detachable, anon. But I think that style of apron is cute.

>> No.7092895

Probably for twice more than its worth.

>> No.7092932
File: 780 KB, 638x900, 29017_900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I want this dress so bad

>> No.7092937
File: 344 KB, 278x531, Lief Dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lots of dream dresses, however, I just just fallen head over heels over this jsk. I'm really annoyed how difficult it is to find Lief/Mew. I'd love to see a clearer picture of this dress and be able to buy it.

Their lj has been on hiatus for too damn long. Do they even have a working website?

>> No.7093024


>> No.7093026
File: 80 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats tea party, fml. Why can't ap re-release it, I've seen quite a large amount of people want it including me, so why not ap?! ;-; hell I would even ask Oo Jia would make a replica of this and actually buy it.

>> No.7093034

I know that feel anon.
We should have fortnightly gatherings when we sacrifice plush kittens to AP until they give in and rerelease it.

>> No.7093037

You and me both, anon. And probably dozens of other lolitas.

>> No.7093041
File: 60 KB, 369x493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, we'll sacrifice vanilla-chans to the glorious AP. Maybe then they'll hear our calls and how much we all want this dress

>> No.7093046
File: 3 KB, 194x259, tokimeki jsk in sax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall.
Also, eternally regretting not getting this while it's still up.

>> No.7093068

It was made to order so it's not like it sold out or anything.

>> No.7093153
File: 55 KB, 250x333, toy_parade_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another member of the "never gonna happen" club, represent.

>> No.7093165


I'm >>7091672 and just found out that my order went through! After nearly seven years, I will have my tacky as fuck pirate lolita dream ensemble!

>> No.7093178

well this must be rare
i didnt even know an op version existed
its dang ass cute anon

>> No.7093183

You can find it.
Frillypinkdreams did recently, and she hasn't even been in lolita (and thus looking) for very long.

>> No.7093212

Thank you, guys. I shall prevail!

>> No.7095251

Here's a mint if you're willing to settle for it.

>> No.7095331
File: 52 KB, 212x300, jj_2009_skirt_empreinte_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream skirt
On it's way to me in all it's glorious purpley goodness. I call this a dream item as it ticks all my boxes:
-royal theme
-delicate detailing
-juliette et justine (2009 amazing year for prints)
-hard to find on EGL comm sales

The most I will pay is retail for an item.

>> No.7095353
File: 40 KB, 300x400, brilliant princess meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat my bonnet for this dress, in Navy or Ivory, for a reasonable price, in the partially shirred JSK so I can squeeze my fatty-chan ass into it. Sometimes I see it on y!auctions but never the style I need. Heartbreaking.

>> No.7095357

Have you checked mbok? I could have sworn I saw it recently.

>> No.7095358

Not recently. It would be up now though, I have absolutely no expendable income as I'm focusing solely on school at the moment. :( Such is life in Soviet me

>> No.7095362

Ah it's y!auctions, http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e132430327

And as I said no tengo dinero ahora.

My heart she weeps

>> No.7095373

Ouch. My condolences, anon.

>> No.7095468

Oh I really want this skirt, it's on fairy angel but I'm wary of their extra costs..

>> No.7095512
File: 16 KB, 250x333, cherrybunnyop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dress to death. I've seen it worn a lot and it just looks amazing. I want it so badly.

>> No.7095611

GODDAMMIT and Choke just got ANOTHER dream dress of mine.

>> No.7095696

Yup.... in red or navy, for me. Though the green is gorgeous too with the gold trim.

Oh yes this absolutely. For me it's the pinafore jsk in ivory.

Dammit Meta, why so amazing and hard to find...

>> No.7096613
File: 38 KB, 300x400, bernadette3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mine. ALL MIIIIIIIIIINE! Tacky pirate dream dress, yesssssssss.

>> No.7096626

2007 called

>> No.7096636
File: 167 KB, 640x640, IMG_2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*regret intensifies*

>> No.7096639

LUCKY. CONGRATS! I'm still lusting over the ivory.

>> No.7097276

Which extra costs? The price on the English site is the price you pay + shipping, they do charge more than the Japanese site but it's not like they're hidden costs...alternatively just use a SS for the Japanese site if you think it'll be cheaper

>> No.7097322

I think what the original anon is talking about is that they tend to have higher prices than most other places.

>> No.7097360

Are you talking about Milky Ange's Bernadette set?

>> No.7097373

I am indeed, as posted again here:

I bid on it once in ivory a few months back and lost out. There was another floating around on Y!JA, but it's missing the blouse.

>> No.7097973
File: 39 KB, 240x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having serious rori feels right now. I disliked this print at first but now I really REALLY love it. But no one ever sells the fucking skirt.

>> No.7097992
File: 22 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_velveteenembroidery_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw the skirt and cape set in person
>Holy shit it's perfect

How hard is the skirt and cape set to find, seagulls? My heart yearns for this set.

>> No.7098698

Depends on the color your looking for, I've seen red on mbok a few times but no green or black

>> No.7098849

I got it in the reserves. The skirt took forever to sell out, but I have never seen one sold. It is amazing in person. Good luck on finding it- I don't think it is something a lot of people are going to let go of.

>> No.7100061

Victorian Maiden Sister OP.

>> No.7101851


>> No.7101882
File: 120 KB, 466x700, timelordteaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over-due reply is over-due. Thank you very much!

I love this dress so much, but I hate Baby's fitting/drafting standards. After going through many of their dresses, I have a feeling that this would sit way too high up my torso.

>> No.7101894

I want to eat her wig, it looks like cotton candy

Obviously this would ride high, it looks like the design is high waisted...?

>> No.7101895

Ahh YES. My ultimate dream dress is finally being sold by someone.
I would like some CGL opinions though, when is it acceptable that one sells higher than retail value?
Is it just for those of cult following? I don't feel the dress I'm interested in has much demand, but it's in excellent unworn condition?

>> No.7101896

depends on the dress

the value of some dresses will inflate depending on popularity/age/rarity/interest, and some dresses aren't worth selling/buying over retail because they were just never popular.

>> No.7101905

if it's out of stock, I don't see why anyone wouldn't attempt to sell it over retail. It's out of stock.

>> No.7101923

oh, don't take this to mean that I think you should expect someone to pay over retail for an out of stock item. But if something is out of stock, I would price it a little over retail depending on rarity, and if no bites, drop to retail, no bites, drop again. Not trying to say just because a dress is not in stock that it is WORTH more than retail, just that it's not a bad idea to put it up for more to see if anyone bites. And then you obviously have to be realistic and drop the price until it sells. or I guess hold out for months/years like some of those insanely high priced auctions that are always up without bids or buyers on all the auction sites.

>> No.7101928

Can I ask, what dress is it?