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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7078249 No.7078249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here. Random ass question.
Somebody mind giving me A ROUGH estimate of the male-female ratio of this board?
Will bump with random shit.

>> No.7078251
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>> No.7078252
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>> No.7078255
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>> No.7078256
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>> No.7078258
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>> No.7078259
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>> No.7078260

female: 70% male: 30% approx.

>> No.7078263

THanks, nigga

>> No.7078266

actually, after seeing a recent "census" of the board, its more like 70% male, 30% female which is considerably more than other boards. it just seems like everybody is female because they make posts while the males lurk for sexy pictures.

>> No.7078271

On an anonymous image board?

>> No.7078275

Pfft, no way.
/fit/ is more like 90% male.

>> No.7078287
File: 240 KB, 1218x720, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're here, is this true?

>> No.7078291

That's just an urban legend. Thanks to people like you, OP, it is more like 60 : 40.

And the 60...

... is male.

>> No.7078293

No, this is just one of the reasons why /cgl/ changed from a majority-female board to a majority-male board in 2012.

>> No.7078295

Most of the posters are female, but I'd say it's probably 50/50.

>> No.7078297

The problem is that the female minority is more vocal and contributes much more to /cgl/ relevant things. The males are mostly shitposters from other boards like OP who come here to "practice talking to girls", "hit on girls", "ask the girl board girl things", "whiteknight girls", "post misogyny threads saying all cosplayers are slut" (usually the last two are made by the same poster...), et cetera et cetera. And when they don't do these precious contributions, they just masturbate. They're also usually behind the mindless "le sexy cosplay thread" dumps that no one else cares about, other than jerkoffs.

>> No.7078304

That does not matter because the majority of POSTERS are female. Males only come here to fap to hot, scantily dressed cosplayers and spew sexist bullshit, like the brainless penis-carriers they are.

>> No.7078322

No, that's not true neither. The majority of POSTS are made by a female, but overall it's just a dozen or two of girls for cosplay, maybe another dozen for lolita. On the other hand, there's like 50 different male posters per month. They don't post as much because they have nothing to contribute, but you can tell there's a lot of them if you ever look at the suggestions threads.

>> No.7078325

This. And when they're not doing that, they're making threads with their own faces as the OP image and asking who to cosplay (even if there's a suggestion thread right in the catalog).
Sorry, but most men are largely useless to /cgl/.

>> No.7078336

I'm a guy and I'm only here because bitchy crazy catty girls turn me on. There must be so many dommes here, man.

Prolly a few others like me upsetting the balance of "real" male /cgl/ goers.

>> No.7078342

I'm a guy who genuinely likes cosplay. I just lurk.

I'd say it's like 30/70 in males favor

>> No.7078379

Yeah, but they don't make the board. They're shitposters and only go here for unrelated reasons. See >>7078297.

This is a female-oriented board, and most of the board-relevant threads and posts are from females. Hence why we consider it a mostly female board, because the males here do nothing relevant.

A million girls could lurk and shitpost /r9k/ with "btw im a grill" and it would still be a (beta) male-oriented board. Same goes for /cgl/.

>> No.7078424


Holy shit, people on /fit/ still use that thing I made? I'm flattered.

>> No.7078436

I've always believed that three easy ways to tell if someone is just an idiot from some other board are:
>they try to use spoiler tags
>they start threads asking what to cosplay as
>they constantly bump those threads

>> No.7078445

Ok I've been posting on this thread for more than 20 minutes now with my delicious samefaggotry

Enjoy your statistics, faggot.

>> No.7078449

All female. All men here are transgendered. Most successful to pull of their new male lifestyle is God.

Wait- isn't that the fakeboi/girl thing?