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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 305 KB, 885x1397, skirt fly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7069547 No.7069547 [Reply] [Original]

So I finished a steampunk outfit for Meta Con Minneapolis for this upcoming weekend, and my next con is in Feb.

But I have no idea what to do for my next cosplay....
I would like to do something fairly current with the trends, but at the same time I don't want to be just another SAO or AOT cosplayer as they are currently everywhere.

Anyone have any suggestions?
I'm 5'6 aand 150lbs if that helps

>> No.7069552

Maybe you should finish your first costume before making a new one

>> No.7069557

Is that some weird Steampunk version of Mami?

>> No.7069561

It's not a version of anything. I designed and did it myself.

>> No.7069560

...But I did finish it.

I made a bustle skirt, the gray belt with button flap pockets, spats, and a mini top hat.
I'm not wearing this one for competition though so I got lazy about the shirt, stockings, and gloves.

>> No.7069564
File: 314 KB, 1244x1794, steam4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original design I did, some of it got lost in the process though :/

>> No.7069574

WTF you think this is heros of cosplay or something
>I'm not wearing this one for competition though so I got lazy

>> No.7069575

I also think it looks like a steampunk version of Mami.

That being said, it doesn't even look steampunk to me and I wouldn't have thought so if you hadn't said it, I would add more details OP.

Why do something current? Just cosplay from what you like no matter how old the series is. If you're cosplaying an OC then you obviously don't care about being the most-recognized person at a con. I think you could get tons of love if you cosplayed something from ex. 80's series or old shoujo.

>> No.7069583

Why does steampunk have to be slutty? Oh wait it doesn't. I guess your just a whore. What kind of cool gagets would a steampunk whore have to help her in her career?

>> No.7069598

OP, as for your costume right now it just looks like a cheap Halloween costume you threw some things on top of. If you look at women's Halloween costumes, they typically have the same exact style, short skirt with maybe a little ruffle and short-sleeve top with not much details etc. Perhaps make the skirt (especially the back) a bit longer by adding another layer, or otherwise add more details. It's very plain as you have it now.

I would recommend making the socks actual tights/leggings that go all the way up (the extra skin there plus all the skin showing on the arms doesn't make for a good design).

I like your drawn idea of longer spats, it seems more original and interesting than the shorter version you actually made.

In this picture, we can't tell what the grey pouches are supposed to be at all, and they look very plain. The coin/ring/whatever on your hand also seems extremely out of place because there's no decoration anywhere else. On top of that the gloves don't fit the style of the rest of your outfit, it looks like you just put them on because they were the only gloves you had (cloth gloves with a bit of lace at the bottom would fit the style you have going on more - even though you're trying for steampunk, your outfit doesn't seem steampunk to me).

For some ideas, decorate the edges of the spats or shoes with gold, along with your grey pouches. You could also have gold fingernails and you should put some kind of matching decoration on your hat too. There should also be some kind of decoration on your shirt, ex. the ruffle part at the end of the sleeve could be in a different colour, or the collar. You could also make an exaggerated collar shape to make the outfit seem more like a costume.

The single row of black lace on the skirt looks very cheap. I would do something to fix that as well.

I have an idea. Why not line the skirt with a matching gold/black/white fabric? Then the skirt will look more interesting.

>> No.7069600

Heroes of cosplay can go fuck themselves. I made this before I even heard of this show. I never intended to make this one a serious business outfit. I did this for fun....

I think it's mostly the wig. :/
I said the same thing in the hotel room at my last con a week ago.

And I just thought doing something current may be better than my usual fight game character.

Last I checked I'm covered completely up top, behind, and there's like 4 in of skin showing on my thighs. Pretty sure that's not slutty, just saying.

>> No.7069601

gold push-up bra/corset
gold lipstick and fingernails
gold earrings/bracelets/rings
possibly a large and gaudy mirror

>> No.7069607

You can add a hoop contraption under the skirt, or a petticoat if you'd like. A scarf/tie/something like that would also make the top seem more interesting.

>> No.7069612
File: 265 KB, 545x1141, bustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips. I will probably do some more work on this costume, even though I had intended to just leave it as is.

Also I did embellish the hat with a red bow and some gears.

>> No.7069611
File: 33 KB, 396x568, hanky1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super slutty in Victorian terms considering that's what steampunk is based off of.

>> No.7069615
File: 85 KB, 640x480, mami-tomoe-cosplay-boots-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the wig, but that certainly helps.
>short-sleeve white shirt (ignoring her unattached long sleeves)
>short skirt with minimal ruffle
>black thing around middle/stomach area
>some skin showing at the thighs
>round black cap
>Mami uses guns, I assume your grey pouch is some kind of gun/ammo holder
I'm not saying it's bad to seem like a steampunk version of her. I'd even say it could be a good idea, you could change your outfit to be that on purpose.

>> No.7069620

Oh boy, gears! That'll make it steampunk. Better paint a nerf maverick and glue some gears to that too

>> No.7069619

I could :/
But then I feel I'd have to rework the entire thing into a gold/brown scheme.

>> No.7069622

Last I checked gears are used in steampunk fairly often. But whatever.

>> No.7069623

>Anyone have any suggestions?

Jenny Craig

>> No.7069626

yes let's make fun of my weight. Really original, it made me lol hard. :)

>> No.7069625

Yeah. The problem is that gears are repetitive and boring, and a cop out to slap on something and claim it's steam punk.

>> No.7069628

The gears on the hat look nice.

Seeing it from behind, the length of the skirt back there seems okay (especially considering the length of the front) but the layers are cut in an unflattering way, perhaps their lengths should have been more varied.

If you lengthen the spats, you could have some kind of shape at the top to make them more interesting too instead of just a flat cut.

>> No.7069629

Clearly I didn't do enough research before starting this then...I looked at stuff for a few weeks before even designing anything...I know gears are common and hum-drum, but it's something that generally works.

>> No.7069632

I debated adding the black lace from the skirt around every edge of the spats before I finished them.
And originally my spat pattern was higher up, but after 3 attempts at making them (and failing), I just made them shorter.
Each time I widened my pattern, they still never closed at the top for some reason :/

>> No.7069656
File: 761 KB, 1900x1654, steampunk cakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the problems is maybe you were looking to much into Steampunk costumes, and not enough into Victorian clothing.

I think some things to consider. Your colors. They really don't strike me as steampunk, or even very victorian colors. Instead of the really bright red color, try opting for a more darker maroon color.

2. Consider what your character does for a living, and try to better build a theme around that. Are they a pilot? A factory worker? A whore? Right now, your costume looks to much like "random halloween shop steampunk costume" Like a legs avenue costume.

3. Consider your steampunk elements. You've got spats and a rather weak looking belt/corset area. The gears are kind of hidden off in the hat. I was actually just looking at a website that had some steampunk wedding cakes on it, and I decided to put together a few on an image to show different types of elements on a steampunk cake. You can see several that have no gears on them at all, or gears that are part of machinary. If you took away the gears on your hat, you'd almost look close to some bad saloon girl costume.

>> No.7069664

ok thank you for your helpful advice :)

>> No.7069673


Considering the Victorians invented the first powered vibrator, there's some real possibilities for cool props with a steampunk whore that OP is really losing out on

>> No.7069674
File: 513 KB, 160x281, tumblr_mdpzdezKR21rh7reso1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I see. You're trying to match with the con band, steam powered giraffe,right? In that case, the red does indeed work. I love your red spats over your tights. the only think I could look into is maybe changing into a different top. Its cute, but it doesn't fit the theme. But I wouldn't worry too much about it, The band will think your cute either way. Give Bunny a big smile for me, okay?

>> No.7069678

Yeah that's exactly what I was trying to do actually >w<

I'm a bit sad The Jon won't be there though :/

>> No.7069684


Yeah its a little sad, but I can perfectly understand why it had to be done. Though I've grown quite fond of Hatchworth. His dedication and love for the band really shows.

>> No.7069690

I'm excited to see them play either way. I am still on the fence about Hatchworth personally. But I'm thinking after I see them live, I'll miss The Jon less and grow fonder of Hatchworth.

>> No.7069694


are steam powered giraffe pretty big? I see those guys around my neighborhood all the time

>> No.7069698

They have a decent following, but I don't think they are necessarily "big"
I don't think they play outside of California very often except at steampunk cons.

This is the closest they have been to me, and I'm still driving 6+ hours to see them. ^^;

>> No.7069703

According to their FB page they have 42k in likes

>> No.7069889

SPG is pretty big in the steampunk community because they're one of the few self-proclaimed steampunk bands that doesn't suck ass.

Anyway-as a steampunk myself, I can see where you were goin but you sort of fell flat. I agree with the others that it looks like a "steampunk lass" Halloween costume. Most successful steampunk costumes have at least one focal piece. Some guys do a robo arm, some ladies have giant hats with clockwork birds, others have belts with tons of keys and gears, or breathing apparatuses around their necks. You look dreadfully bland and not steampunk without one!

An easy (but rather generic) focal piece is to make clockwork wings out of cardboard an spray paint.