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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 163 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mkra9a96ta1qlk869o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7066979 No.7066979 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread of lolitas doing 'non-loli' things? But not loads of pics of girls smoking and drinking.

I know lolita isn't a set lifestyle, but just lolitas doing the non-usual drinking tea and eating cakes type of things.

>> No.7066987
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>> No.7066984
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>> No.7066989
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>> No.7066993
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>> No.7066995

Is that Misako?

>> No.7066990
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>> No.7066997

yes and yes

>> No.7066996

Is that Misako?

>> No.7066999

Also Kimura Yu

>> No.7067001


>> No.7067015

The gun pics? They went to a gun range during their time off when they were in the US for Anime Matsuri.

>> No.7067020
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>> No.7067025
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>> No.7067027
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>> No.7067031
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>> No.7067037
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>> No.7067041
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>> No.7067039
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>> No.7067047
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>> No.7067052
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>> No.7067055
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>> No.7067053
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>> No.7067058
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>> No.7067069

d'aww she's so cute

>> No.7067085

I never even thought of longboarding in my loli! =0

>> No.7067088
File: 175 KB, 800x600, tumblr_ms71iv0NGz1qd7hh8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard finding pictures of cute, well dressed girls doing unloli things. It's always the itas that think they're so hardcore by doing something that's not cute.

>> No.7067090
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>> No.7067092
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>> No.7067104
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>> No.7067109
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>> No.7067107
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>> No.7067110
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>> No.7067117
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>> No.7067114
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>> No.7067119
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>> No.7067122
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>> No.7067124
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>> No.7067128
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and I'm out

>> No.7067131

So what I learned from this is absolutely no loli knows what trigger discipline is. Guys, if you want to look bad ass, at least hold the damn gun right.

>> No.7067143

yo Frillex, drop the lace

>> No.7067146


considering a majority of the girls in these photos are from Japan where guns are banned, I think it's forgivable that the first time misako holds a gun she doesn't have perfect form

>> No.7067412
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Mr. Yan agrees.

>> No.7067422

that's a skateboard you idiot

>> No.7067444

This thread is giving me great idwas on things to do when I get my Lolita stuff.

>> No.7067502
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Important business meetings

>> No.7067724
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>that lack of trigger discipline with some girls

>> No.7067734



They shot a god damn pistol, what's it look like?

>> No.7067736


>black girl


>> No.7067766

Oh, fuck you.

>> No.7067836

>mfw the only pic with trigger discipline

>> No.7067866

Yeah but then they lose it again >>7067122

>> No.7067880

is this the chick who mr yan was obsessed with?!

>> No.7067882


>> No.7067883

One of many.

>> No.7068035

99% sure that's Jimni Cricket.

>> No.7068254
File: 969 KB, 797x690, jimini cricket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um. No. You are very wrong. Jimini is ugly as fuck.

>> No.7068295


This this this

>improper gun hold
>girl lean

I bet there was a lot of muzzle sweeping too.
Whoever is giving these girls these guns needs to teach them basic gun safety and whatnot.
At least they did that at the indoor range pictures but that's mandatory there.

>> No.7068304

She's cute....

>> No.7068603


>> No.7068644

can we get lolitas smoking cig pics?

>> No.7068752
File: 129 KB, 720x960, 1012704_10151524061861196_952700716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong because Jimni is white and that DJ is clearly asian.

You're wrong because Jimni is adorable as fuck.

>> No.7068772

No, nobody wants to take photos of filthy itas ruining their clothes

>> No.7068774


Pff. Smoking doesn't make you an ita. While it sucks that they're making their dresses stink, it's not as if you can't ever get the smell out.

>> No.7068779

next time I dress up I'll get some pictures in my burando.

>> No.7068783

I smoke lightly/socially, and when I smoke outside I don't find the scent really lingers on my dresses. I hate the "after smell" so I'd notice if my clothes smelled for very longer.

>> No.7068785

I don't know about never getting the smell out, one of the shop girls at AP reeked of smoke so bad I couldn't stand near her when I was trying to shop. She didn't look dirty but, augh, that smell.

>> No.7068791


No you don't. Everyone thinks they 'noticed' the smell but they don't. Anon, you probably stink and can't tell because you've damaged your nose.

>> No.7068799

>I don't find the scent really lingers on my dresses
You should ask someone who never smokes / does not live with a smoker to confirm.

>> No.7068810
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>> No.7068817

On the bright side, once you stop smoking entirely your nose reverts to normal and you get to smell the glorious stench you've been making everyone else deal with!

>> No.7068824
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>> No.7069017

Lolis doing unloli things make me absolutely swoon.

>> No.7069077

Light/social smokers can detect the smell, though. If you're smoking a couple cigs every other day, you're not really damaging your nose that much, or getting completely used to the smell. People who can't feel it are usually the ones who smoke like a whole pack and inside their houses and cars, so much that they don't notice anymore.

>> No.7069084


>> No.7069087

I wonder what the staff at the range were thinking when they were there seeing adults in lolita outfits. Was staff irked?

>> No.7069088

Maybe you can detect it, but you're still around it more than someone who is never around it. You don't get the full brunt of the stench.

>> No.7069093

So I'm going to tell you this:

I used to smoke about a pack and a half a day. I quit for a year. About two weeks after quitting (so no smoking at all during those two weeks) I started smelling it in my clothing and on my sheets. I had to wash everything several times (my clothes had alreayd been washed once since I had quit, but it was NOT enough) before I felt like I could not smell it anymore.

Fast forward about two years, I started smoking 'socially/lightly' again, so maybe 5 cigarettes a day/every other day (please note, I NEVER smoked inside my living place, ever) and then I quit about 5-6 months after that. Guess what, the smell was just as strong about a week after I put out that last cigarette and queue to me washing everything several times again. Look, I get it, you don't think it smells bad. But if you're smoking SOCIALLY, you're standing with other smokers every time you smoke. it gets in your hair, you lay down and it gets on your pillow.

I know, you think it doesn't smell. It does, I promise.

Now, I don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke, but I did not like the smell of it on my clothing and being surrounded by it after I had quit, it just grossed me out (especially the sheets/pillow, gross)

Anyway, never going back. And, if you want to quit, or at least get some insight into your drug addiction, pick up Easy Way by Alan Carr, best decision I ever fucking made.

>> No.7069097


>I quit for two years


>> No.7069101

Wait a min..forgive my ignorance if I am incorrect but wasn't airsoft from Japan? Yes i know we are tlaking airsoft vs real firearms but still both guns fire projectiles so could they not have gotten some airsoft shooting and general gun safety before hand before switching to real firearms or say pellet guns?

Just wondering.

>> No.7069107

>could they not have gotten some airsoft shooting and general gun safety before hand
People don't make a big fuss about having bad form with airsoft guns. You're not likely to kill anyone with them, so people are generally pretty "eh" about it.

I've seen kids running around in a church parking lot shooting at each other with airsoft guns before, their parents didn't give a fuck.

>> No.7069112

>>7068644iz that code for sucking cock?

>> No.7069116
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>> No.7069132

Well... AFAIK airguns (airsoft as well) can kill. Shot in the neck or eye and blocking a vien can kill. Also I have seen airguns using steel ball or lead ball take crazy ass wild boar.

>> No.7069134


Who is this? She looks kind of like a girl I know.

>> No.7069137

LOL... Thank you sir/ma'am.

Sauce on her?

>> No.7069147

wish I knew.

>> No.7069151

>AFAIK airguns (airsoft as well) can kill. Shot in the neck or eye and blocking a vien can kil
I'm sure they can. The parents still didn't care. Probably because "Oh it's just plastic it wont hurt them"

Stupid as hell.

>> No.7069152


pretty sure these were both one off things that they did for an afternoon, I don't imagine misako practicing her stance for shooting guns, or two other lolitas either.

I live in the west and we love guns, but I've only gone shooting once, and while I got trained in all the specifics I probably couldn't repeat it.

>> No.7069154
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>> No.7069156

I don't think any of the lolitas in this thread are actual gun enthusiasts. Pretty sure with Misako and Midori, it was more like "oh hey, here's something fun to do!" rather than the girls asking to go to the range.

>> No.7069162

>I don't think any of the lolitas in this thread are actual gun enthusiasts.
Gun enthusiast or not, you should really learn to handle one correctly, even if you're just holding it for a photo. Always treat it as if it's loaded just in case, never put your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot, etc.

>> No.7069201

No offence to anyone here who actually is even slightly into guns, but coming from a country where we don't have guns and even toy guns are not that common, a lot of the people I know (apart from those who are into it, and into the airsoft guns) just think "oh it's just a toy, so it doesn't matter how I hold it" or in so many cases you don't even think, because we just don't come into contact with these things much. I can count the number of times I've held a toy gun on one hand. Yes, I know it's obviously good practice to not put your finger on the trigger, but I'm just explaining from this side why not all of us have perfect trigger discipline.

>> No.7069202

That's understandable. It's more about the people who do know about guns and are around, though. They should teach them how to not kill people by accident.

>> No.7069205
File: 72 KB, 474x354, midori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midori Fukasawa bungee jumping in cosplay

>> No.7069208

I love this.

>> No.7069207
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>> No.7069223
File: 42 KB, 480x318, fffa96f3be6faaa2e09d6052b8e1d9b21370301918_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Midori

>> No.7069226

I'm assuming the person you're talking to has a longboard, and her thought is inspired by seeing someone skateboarding? Chill a little.

>> No.7069240

Yes airsoft is from Japan originally, and it's quite popular, but there have been more and more laws put into place which have made airsoft guns harder and harder to purchase. It's very likely someone like Misako wouldn't have ever been around one before. Midori though maybe because her and her friends are into some crazy sports, although it's more like white water rafting and bungee jumping rather than shooting so even she might not have used an airsoft gun before.

>> No.7069255


I wouldn't call myself a gun enthusiast, but I own a gun (Kel-Tec PF-9) and go shooting often. I've gone in lolita one time and that was enough for me. My two gun ranges are not air conditioned at all and I was sweating bullets (hoooooooo) after about 30 mins when I visited dressed up. Also, the casings are freaking scalding when they are ejected and wearing flowy clothing scared me a bit that I'd get a casing caught in a fold and either burn my skin or leave a mark on my clothing. Also, I don't feel that lolita (I guess this does depend on what you're wearing, but I never go blouse-less in lolita) gave me enough movement in the shoulders for proper speed of draw, I felt a bit too constricted. But that's my personal experience and I'm sure there are some lolitas out there who go shooting in their frills all the time.

As for gun safety, yes, Misako is doing all the classic moves that will get you side eyes on a display floor heh. but I get it, no guns in Japan, she's fascinated by handling her first (well that's me assuming) real firearm, and also someone is taking a picture of her. I'm sure someone corrected her shortly thereafter. Looks like a 1911 to me (I can't really tell brand/make though), is there a write up somewhere of this visit so I can see what she was shooting?

>> No.7069328

Terrible trigger discipline. Google it.

>> No.7069336

dude in middle is middle eastern Steven Carrel

>> No.7069334

More bad TD. Ugh.

>> No.7069338

>lolitas doing unloli things

>> No.7069346

Wow, I love this

Wish I could do the "predenting to be sucking a cock" thing. I only look like that when I'm actually sucking a cock.

>> No.7069347

Midori is a lolita

>> No.7069351

Ah yes how about a photo of any old lolita not in lolita clothing golfing, very lolita relevant

>> No.7069374

Well she's a lolita model, so I guess it's still relevant.

>> No.7069404

Hey who is this girl?

>> No.7069455


is that lolisa from tumblr? she looks like her.

>> No.7069471

is it just me or there's more pix in this single thread then in regular EGL threads

>> No.7069808

Not really? There's only 42 images in this thread.

>> No.7069818

>no lolitas smoking or drinking
>gun thread

>> No.7069864

Not to mention it stains everything brown.

I'm a non-smoker but I lived with family members who were heavy smokers. Thankfully I wasn't into Lolita at the time, but everything I owned turned brown. Any costumes I had been working on that were white when I brought the fabric home would come out ivory when I wore them, and they'd all stink to high heaven despite trying to keep it away from the smoke.

It does air out though. It takes time, but it does. But it's pretty damn difficult if not impossible to get the discoloration out of clothing, especially delicate items.

We ended up inheriting a fuckton of model cars from my husbands grandfather who was a smoker. Now our whole apartment reaks of it and I'm pretty sure my dresses have a slight smell to them now. :/ Not happy.

>> No.7069880
File: 102 KB, 720x540, tumblr_moygtopmbq1rr5qu7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked for not pictures of girls drinking and smoking, which most of the 'so unloli' pics are of. It's better than seeing a thread full of pics like this one.

Less than half the pictures involve guns, although yes there is a lot of discussion about trigger discipline and all that jazz, but that happens in cosplay threads where people are holding guns too.

>> No.7069885

I've got some real lolita golfing pictures, from a meet, but it's wrong to post your comm on cgl.

Has anyone else got practical ideas for unusual meets? The comm that went to that Alpaca farm looked so fun to be with.

>> No.7069891

I never got drinking and smoking in loli, the last thing I'd want is to puke/someone else puke onto my loli dress, or have my dress smell of nicotine.

>> No.7069901

I understand social drinking, because sometime it' nice to go to a bar with friends and hang out. But not drinking to get drunk. Although to be honest, I really dislike it when people post pictures of themselves like >>7069880 trying to be edgy or something? It seems a bit... I don't know, trashy.

>> No.7069912

you can't smell nicotine
you smell tabacco

>> No.7069997

I drink in Bodyline but social drinking at conventions. I'll get tipsy but not crazy drunk.

>> No.7070739 [DELETED] 

Christ, how many imaginary spoonfuls of imaginary cake does someone need to eat to get that fat?

>> No.7070745

Coming from an ex smoker I can tell you that the smell does indeed linger. As a smoker you get used to the smell.

>> No.7070915

That was a fun meetup.

I declined to be part of the pyramid, but we did some other crazy pictures.

>> No.7070933

oh, fuck off, she looks fine, stop projecting your own body image issues onto others

>> No.7070959

Mini golf would be such a fun meet idea! We went to the science museum once, and there is talk of going to a gem and rock museum. I'm not entirely pumped about the last one as rocks don't fire me up much, but the science museum was very interactive and we got some cute pictures out of it.

>> No.7070982

vendetta much?

>> No.7070987

falling for it much?

>> No.7070989
File: 20 KB, 232x231, great kornheiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If no one's ever had the idea to have a lolita meetup at the gun range, they should do that next time. I think it'd be awesome to teach a bunch of ruffle butts about guns and gun safety :3

>> No.7071016

Well, like I said in my gun post earlier, my gun ranges are not air conditioned, and it was balls the one time I decided to go in lolita. But if they are air conditioned it would be fun (albeit expensive for the ones who don't own their own firearm/ammo) for sure.

>> No.7071031

I live in Texas, everything is air conditioned. Now I just need to find a local lolita group to sponsor for a day on the range. Guns and ammo are of no problem as I live in Texas and I have plenty for everyone to share.

>> No.7071063

I live in Texas, too. What city?

>> No.7071087


>> No.7071101

Dallas anon here

>you will never go to the range with your qtp2t kawaii uguu lolita gf

>> No.7071121
File: 37 KB, 425x608, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually really proud of mine, she called me on the phone and told me about this thread and told me how none of the chicks in the thread had any trigger discipline. I immediately stopped her and made her explain what trigger discipline was to me.

>mfw she was correct

>> No.7071178
File: 39 KB, 474x503, 4059-hulk-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a silly/fun lolita girlfriend. Ain't fair.

>> No.7071228

Do you wanna spend all your money on dresses?

>> No.7071255

Learn to sew?

>> No.7071257

I'm not opposed to the idea if it's a big occasion.

>> No.7071258

>Do you wanna spend all your money on dieseases

>> No.7071260
File: 75 KB, 979x700, 1374391184525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My partner expecting me to fund their hobby unless we're living together and she has to stay home and not work due to children or other reasons

>> No.7071265
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>> No.7071275

Sure is /r9k/ right here.

>all women that won't have sex with me have diseases and they're impure sluts

Try harder next time with your silly insinuations.

>> No.7071286 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 491x468, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we get a thread of lolitas doing 'non-loli' things?

Does working in the sex industry count?

>> No.7071288

I thought that was very loli?

>> No.7071290


Actually, you're right.
Gotta buy dat brand.

>> No.7071302


>> No.7071514
File: 376 KB, 409x304, 1365594187295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071547

Different fetish. Try looking up smoking vids on YouTube.

>> No.7071562

who dat?

>> No.7071563

Oh that sounds really nice, I'm sure the rock museum wouldn't be so bad though? Gems and crystals are so pretty, and you could just skip over the boring volcanic stuff and go to the musuem cafe when you got bored.