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File: 94 KB, 500x346, tumblr_ms6sqoeX8C1s5bliio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7066405 No.7066405 [Reply] [Original]

Did Chokelate models for JetJ or is that a person who happens to look like her?

>> No.7066406

It really looks like her. Didn't she say the modelling world goodbye though?

>> No.7066411

Yeah, it's her. I've seen something on her facebook.
Looks cute. JetJ suits her.

>> No.7066417
File: 152 KB, 450x660, top2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mostly retired from modelling, I think, but she does love lolita fashion and wants to promote her own indie brand, plus she modeled for JetJ at the London fashion show & GLB last year. I'm not surprised she would say yes if they asked her.

>> No.7066419

She's in the most recent (released on Saturday) G&LB, along with another white girl I didn't recognize. They have a multiple page JetJ spread.

>> No.7066422
File: 45 KB, 405x720, 565024_10153181405070615_2146855264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some photos someone else took.
The other girl's name is apparently Marie.

>> No.7066445

"retiring" from modeling= cant find anyone to hire them anymore.

>> No.7066453

Did she go to Japan or did they shoot the pictures in her country?

>> No.7066455

She looks lovely in JetJ, very elegant.
The other girl is super cute!

>> No.7066456

oh sweet jealousy

>> No.7066475

>mfw Chokelate samefags in threads about herself when she's feeling attention-starved

>> No.7066542


>mfw when some moron thinks we are all samefags because we disagree.
>Still jealous.

>> No.7066570

I think it looks good on her.

>> No.7067056

She said on Tumblr that she went to Germany.
She isn't a official model for them, maybe in the future..

I would really like it if she became a model for JetJ. ^_^

>> No.7067096

>2 people

>> No.7067163

She looks nice. They actually make those funky ass dresses look kind of good. And free wig advertising, everybody wins.

>> No.7067387

At least 3

>> No.7067448

Why couldnt I be born pretty enough to model for a Lolita brand? !_!

>> No.7067877

Yeah, the crazy length JetJ makes their dresses at looks quite good on her, and it's no shock JetJ would ask her to model for them since they prefer to use very European-looking girls.

I don't like Choke's personality at all but I'm not going to deny she makes a good model- especially in clothing that fits her and in a fashion she has experience in.

>> No.7068916

I think she meant fashion modeling where you have an agency and such and work all the time and not lolita related stuff. Being a model working for an agency and booking things, flying around the world all the time can get really tiring after awhile, I can understand why she'd want to quit and focus on her shop because it's a lot less tiring.

>> No.7068925

>Yeah, the crazy length JetJ makes their dresses at looks quite good on her
Whenever I see her lolita pictures I always thought most of the dresses she wore were too short, and it didn't help that for some reason she always picked the chunkiest, tallest shoes to go with them. I like her in JetJ a lot more, TBH.

>> No.7068958

Essentially. From what I remember, she got into the whole wig business partly because her own hair started falling out from all the bleaching/dyejobs she had to go through as a model?

>> No.7068973

Wow, I guess that makes sense. I know models' skin go through hell because of how much make-up they put on and take off of them, especially if they're doing multiple shoots or whatever. And plus it also means never having the hairstyle you want for yourself.

>> No.7069019

It could explain why she cut her hair so short.

>> No.7069043

She cut it off because of how bad the condition of it was like the other anon said

>> No.7069079

So her hair broke off and she started a wig store? That's pretty ironic.

>> No.7069083

I don't think you know what irony is. What you're describing is cause and effect.

>> No.7069098

Which is literally what has just been said. So much attention whoring.

>> No.7069333

She still models outside Lolita too, she is on Wehkamp.nl (Dutch online warehouse) quite regularly.

>> No.7069751

No. It can be due to any reason from too ill to work due to eating disorders to just sick of the industry to cannot find work. Modelling is not an easy job even for those who have the naturally low weight and tall height. Designers talk about how big your thighs are and how your hips might be too big in front of you. The industry is not fun.

>> No.7069766
File: 12 KB, 200x219, get a load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chokelate not able to find a modeling job?


Now you're just spouting nonsense.

>> No.7069767

Nope. Four.

>> No.7069800

If that's who I think it is then her name is Maria iirc and she modelled at the JetJ meet in London last year too

>> No.7069815

If I didn't hate her angular skeleton face aso much i'd be happy for her. but i hate it so I wish they'd chosen someone else. She's got a hard, edgy face that is completely unsuitable for JetJ's image.

>> No.7069817

She looks really similar to their other western models.

>> No.7069822
File: 50 KB, 750x563, 1371593865586 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People being jealous of chokelate

She looks elegant as fuck and I think she suits the brand's image perfectly.

>> No.7069826

This. Plus if you google search her real name you can find a few topless nudie shots she did.
I found them more than a few months ago but I didn't save them because I just don't care.

>> No.7069859

Different anon but I have those pictures saved, I'm just trying to be nice and not post them. Besides I think they were from 08/09, and her last big modeling gig was in 2011.

But tbh, I think it's kind of obvious that she couldn't make it big in the modeling world and switched to lolita because it's a smaller scene with less competitive, picturesque women to go up against.

>> No.7069866

Err, you guys know there is a difference between artistic nudeness and slutty, trashy nudeness? I don't see anything wrong with those topless pictures at all.

>> No.7069871 [DELETED] 
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Nobody said they were trashy or that there was anything wrong with them. Besides, the girls here with their pro-ana bullshit would probably go gaga for them since she has a 23 inch waist reported on her 2008 model profile.

>> No.7069874
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>> No.7069872
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>> No.7069875 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7069877
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And this weird hair thing...

>> No.7069879

Oh shit. I thought you people were trolling.

>> No.7071299

Her last big modeling gig was in 2012 for the Dutch Vogue. At least, in generally Vogue is considered big.

>> No.7071318

They're hardly trashy, I don't think posting them is mean. I've seen better fashion shots from her(there's one in particular I liked that looked like it was for a 2 page spread but I never saved it)
Like I'm sure she wouldn't want these to be sent to her grandma or something, but they aren't embarrassing.

tbh I think American Apparel are trashy with a slight ebo/pedo tone

>> No.7071352

Yeah, she said herself that she was one of those people with hips/thighs that were too big...because 34" hips are too big in the modelling world. You pretty much have to look like a coathanger with stick legs which is very difficult to achieve even if you are naturally tall and skinny, and different designers prefer different looks so some will say you're too thin, others too fat, others that your waist/hips/thighs are not small enough or the wrong shape...it's bloody brutal and the pay isn't that high for what you have to do. I'm not surprised she gave it up in favour of making money in other ways.

>> No.7071414
File: 214 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_mme9w1DpDn1qe8515o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is seriously gorgeous and I hope JetJ will continue to use her as a model. I feel like a lot of people rag on western lolita models, like the last two from Innocent World. Chokelate is/was a professional high fashion model so it makes sense as to why they'd want to use her. I also like a lot of Q-Pot's models who are also Caucasian and styled very sweet and whimsical.

>> No.7071425

Is the other girl also a lolita? Either way, it's pretty cool that they've reached out to the Western lolita community like this.

>> No.7071427
File: 93 KB, 280x516, Noel_Fielding_460058a437952007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see now chokelates freaks me out and i just realized its because from the front it looks like she and Noel Fielding could be distantly related

>> No.7071492

wot is u?

>> No.7071493

I would want to be related to Noel Fielding

>> No.7071496

Too big for high fashion and runway which is what she did, especially high fashion in Europe. Commercial in the west is much more Antillean

>> No.7071522

Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic. 34" is fine for commercial, but for runway/high fashion unless you're an "it model" you have to be a coathanger, plus European fashion shows seem to favour skinny and skinnier. People like Lily Cole can get away with having 35" hips, but if you don't have the look of the week they just want you to be as close to the fit mannequin as possible.

>> No.7071525


It's horrible that they think that someone as skinny as her is still too big.

>> No.7071528


I love Noel :(

>> No.7071567

i think you guys got me all wrong
noels one of my idols ive sketched him numerous times in the past
so every time i saw choklts something in the back of my head nagged "where the fuck have i seen a similiar structure before" then it hit me
it freaks me out because noel's facial structure is so radically uncommon-looking
(it actually didn't hit me till i saw her BJD inspired makeup with the dark wig because i am captain obvious today)

>> No.7071605

In the regular modelling world she's not too big at all. In fact the move now is away from that image and to more reasonable proportions. If anything, she's now too skinny in the face and arms but her hips and legs are just right.

The problem you get is there are different standards for different types of modellig and different fashions within that. Choke is too big for some brands in some regions and too small for other brands in other regions. On /average/ her top half is too skinny and her lower half is too big. But people like to think and talk in extremes and absolutes, hence why you hear things like she is too big period or too small period.

>> No.7071636

I remember assisting on a small fashion shoot and the model was from Premier models, I accidentally looked at her while she was changing and she way too skinny. You could see all her ribs while she was standing straight, her arms looked too thin and she looked close to anorexia. It's a sad world where when you're already slender enough you're pressed to be thinner. I think editorial/advertising isn't as bad as catwalk modelling though.

>> No.7071743

Yeah no