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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7065186 No.7065186 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have friends out of the cosplay loop? If so, how much do you hide your power level around them?
I keep the 2 seperate, but I drop in hints every now and then, like putting my cosplays as my profile pics on Facebook.
WHat about you /cgl/? How do you deal with balancing the 2, if you do at all?

>> No.7065196

Semi-related, I post all my lolita pics on Facebook. My profile picture is me in lolita and I openly post about it. I have a mix of relatives, real-life/school friends, and lolitas in my comm on my friends list. I try to just post about it normally so that they're not surprised when they see me in it.

>> No.7065229

Most of my friends even if they're not into cosplay, are into "nerd-culture" one way or another so it's not a big deal, those who aren't think it's cool and creative. If they did look down upon it and make fun of me, I probably wouldn't be close friends with them.

I mostly just post progress, tests and con albums on facebook and leave actual photos to tumblr and dA. I just don't post anything related to crossplay since I have some of extended family on facebook (who live on the other side of the world and don't know me well, but they assume they do by stalking my fb and making up facts based on what they see).

>> No.7065250

My normalfag friends/family know I like anime but not as extremely as they think like keeping up with the broadcasting seasons. I don't talk about anime on my own feed or to them but I'll comment on friends that do if they say stuff about anime. They just know it is an aspect of stuff I like along with other hobbies.

I don't hide my cosplaying since I get tagged in them and don't really care to hide it. I won't post about them though.

>> No.7065255

My normalfag friends all think what I do is really awesome and after seeing my pictures, they all want to dress up too, even the ones who are a far cry from being described as 'nerdy'.
It's like everyone secretly wants to cosplay but they need someone who already does it to let them know it's okay.

>> No.7065280

I'm a Lolita, and I only have it half separated. Most of my lolita stuff either goes only on the comm page or is only broadcast to a custom group of lolita-friendly people.

Some of the photos I get tagged in are viewable by anyone's who added and I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I'm proud of how fun and cute our meets look, but on the other I want to appear professional and smart, not like a big kid.

Facebook groups though, thank God.

>> No.7065769


My only non cosplay friend not at cons doesn't mind but told me that avoid expensive brand name casual cosplay since it makes you a look rich when you are not

>> No.7065796

I dont have a single friend that would even understand. All my friends are metal heads and shit.
They have no concept of 'power level' let alone know mine.

>> No.7065801

I keep the 2 separate as well. I think only 3 non-cosplaying friends know what I do and think it's cool. I'm older so I cannot make it seem like I'm just being a teen/college student.
I live in a conservative, small community where everyone knows each other and word travels fast. I also work in education and while I know some kids would think it's badass that I cosplay, I don't think my bosses would feel that way. Especially since anything out of the norm = you're a freak and freaks are a danger to the students. My district is notorious for cutting jobs so they don't have to fire anyone and a lot of the people who've been cut were the kinds that stuck out enough for the admins to start a running file of reasons to fire them. I'd prefer to skip this entire situation and keep my cosplaying secret. It's not horrible living the "superheroes" life by having a normal day job then disassociating myself with that and cosplaying.

>> No.7065814

Just curious, what is your job in education?

I'm entering the field as a high school teacher and trying to make my facebook weird-proof because of it.

>> No.7065823

I do. I actually just lost some of my best friends because they didn't like cosplay, but sure as hell like social justice.

>> No.7065829

Pretty much everyone I know knows I cosplay, but I keep 2 separate accounts to keep myself organized with the regular people and then cosplay friends

>> No.7065854

I don't generally put it up online, but if someone asks me in person, I'll just tell them. Like if I want to go to a con or something like that. I just started a new job and sometimes coworkers will ask some silly questions about it.

Bottom line for me - roll with the jokes, don't take yourself seriously and nobody will give you shit for it. It also helps that I haven't fucked up at work yet and I'm in better shape than almost everyone in the office.

If you've got other talents that the general populace can recognize, they'll overshadow anything that most people consider too 'nerdy'

>> No.7066592

My close friends know that I like to cosplay and play vidya and watch animu and all that, but I rarely talk about it with anyone else unless I am intoxicated. I do get a bit excited towards con/expo time, though, and I always post pics on facebook because they're cool to have.

I did try to convince my housemates/closest friends to cosplay Tekken characters with me, since that's pretty much the house game, but I doubt they will go through with it.

>> No.7066670

All my friends know what I do and I don't try to hide it. Some of them are interested in attending a con after seeing the photos I post.

>> No.7066674

Most of my friends, if not all, are not cosplayers or into anime. They all know about my hobbies and find them interesting, always asking me how's my next costume going and things like that.

>> No.7066829

I'm whatever about it. I don't introduce everyone I meet to my cosplay hobby, but if it comes up it comes up. Otherwise I'm just an energetic guy who likes good stories and shows, video games, and art. I have a bunch of friends who aren't into the con going scene or cosplay hobby, and we all get along just fine.

I had a talk with a friend about this kind of thing once in regards to poeple who liked cosplay, and people who only lived the cosplay life. And the best part of the convo went something like "Ya know, we like cosplay and going to cons. But that's just one aspect about us amongst many other things. We like TV and movies, we go out to shows, we hit up bars and meet people, we like sports, we exercise, we dance, we sing, we love the arts. We've got a nice collection of things about us besides the anime. Makes it a lot easier to actually step outside and do something ourselves!"

>> No.7066865

I work at a company that has few people (other than me) in on cosplay and nerd culture in general.

Problem? We're based in San Diego's downtown. So once a year I get a lot of comically naive questions. "So you take someone's picture and then what" "that girl, is she a pony?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE NOT DRESSING UP I THOUGHT YOU DID THIS ALL THE TIME"

>> No.7066879

My family and my close friends know about my cosplay hobby. For a while I kept my facebook strictly away from any of my cosplay stuff. I don't care as much now. I'll let people tag me in photos or whatever, but I won't go out of my way to upload anything, I have a separate FB account for my cosplay stuff.

The only time I really keep cosplaying a secret is at work. I really don't want to involve my hobby at work, so I really won't mention it or bring it up there.

>> No.7067161

I have friends that don't cosplay or go to cons but they aren't the majority of people I hang around with most of the time so I don't cater my facebook to them. That being said, I won't talk about cons and cosplay unless someone asks.

>> No.7067183

>I have friends that don't cosplay
Just like you, LOL!

>> No.7067202

Yes I do. And honestly all of my immediate pretty much know I cosplay since I've hinted at it or just blatantly told them. My distant acquaintances don't.
Most people assume I am a decent person because I'm not a weeb nor do I look like I like anime. So it's a surprise when I tell them, but they accept me because I'm not obnoxious about it.
Even my parents know I cosplay.

>> No.7067220


>> No.7067236

Not really anymore, I used to have no friends into anime or that shit. But, now that I switched over to the opposite I don't regret it a bit. Being with people who share my hobbies is fucking great. On FB it's a bit subdued because my facebook is mostly for networking. I post a lot of silly shit, and cosplay stuff occasionally.

>> No.7067248

I have finally found one friend in my city who I can talk about anime and not want to abandon the conversation completely. He does go on /a/, though.

Most people will either tell me something I don't care about or already know, and will likely be the typical weeb/"us nerd" type person. The majority of said people generally don't know what they are talking about anyway. I guess that just annoys me for some reason...

>> No.7067251
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I do. Sometimes.