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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 563 KB, 1341x1158, 1377132369686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059446 No.7059446 [Reply] [Original]

I really like this thread before, why can't we have another one? I want to see more lolita timelines.

Example is a random picture from /cgl/

>> No.7060609

Bumping for timelines!

>> No.7060615
File: 589 KB, 1534x1136, 2012-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is over the course of like, a year, so I don't know how much improvement there actually is, but self post anyway, I guess. I guess from putting these together I can see that I re-use the same accessories a lot?

Also, I just bought two pairs of new shoes, don't worry.

>> No.7060650

love all of it, very simple yet elegant!
source on top right dress and bottom right skirt please?

>> No.7060652

Beautiful kuro coordinates! The bottom middle coords are my favourite.

>> No.7060654

I love your coordinates! It's nice to see so many kuro coords. ^^

>> No.7060660
File: 2.77 MB, 1718x1940, lolitatimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008-2013. Starting from super ita gosurori and experimenting with sweet before settling into something a bit classic.

I really want to try to incorporate more jewel tones and different coloured blouses (bordeaux, brown, pink and navy?). Sad seeing my old favourite brown oxfords and knee highs which broke ages ago...

>> No.7060662

The bottom row, second from the right one is my favourite! So beautiful! But the dress in the bottom left is really lovely, where is that one from?

>> No.7060663

Oh my god that improvement! You're so well dressed now.

>> No.7060664

What's wrong with your draw/why is your neck so short and stubby?

>> No.7060666

I like seeing improvements where the girl starts off ita but in brand, and then improves. Or she improves but still wears offbrand. A lot of these have the main improvement as "bought burando"

>> No.7060673

Your very gorgeous and it's actually quite refreshing to see that you haven't always looked absolutely perfect. You are a very inspirational classic lolita, on the Australian and international scale.

>> No.7060674

All of your co-ords are so beautiful. You definetly rock kuro, and look so elegant.

>> No.7060677

Wow you improved a lot! You look beautiful and you are so stylish!

>> No.7060716

Top right is VM, bottom right is JetJ. There is an auction right now on Y! Japan in the olive colourway, if you're interested (only a day left!).

Bottom left is an old JetJ that I don't have any info/stock photos of. But I did see a skirt version of it later on auction, so it's not like it's not around (I hope). The stripes are actually of velveteen and twill!

Wow, thanks everyone! You're all so sweet.

>> No.7060852
File: 519 KB, 942x1029, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to do one of these but I haven't really had the nerve to look back at my old pics. I see that I've had some pretty bad outfits but it looks like I decided to nuke the worst ones from the face of the earth.

First meetup outfit. Meta blouse, handmade skirt bought from egl and no petticoat.

One of my better outfits from that year.

Same as above. Everything else was super shitty.

Discovered wigs and Angelic Pretty.

Improved on makeup a fair bit.

Quite a few pics from this year. I found I wore lolita a lot and by doing that gave me a chance to try out different things. Embracing my natural hair a little more.

I dunno. I'm quite pleased with my most recent outfit though.

You've inspired me to post my own after looking at these timeline threads for a year, haha. It's so funny seeing a lot of lolitas in 2007-2009 go through an Anna House phase. It's a shame I can't find my own Anna House pic.

>> No.7060860
File: 408 KB, 160x160, tumblr_mb8z7yRkWs1rcm80po5_r1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to post myself because I feel like I've improved a lot over time, but I'm afraid to because I'm still nowhere near the level that you girls are at ;_; I'm getting there though, I hope.

Pic related, how I feel compared to everyone in this therad

>> No.7060863

I swear I know you
Damn, all japs really do look the same

>> No.7060868

Haha, I've been meaning to do one for ages, only got around to it because I'm putting off my assignments.

You're right about the AH phase! I had two full outfits from them back then, but all I've got left now are the bloomers.

You started out pretty classical! Your makeup has definitely improved a lot, so gorgeous! Your outfits always have some element that I always find really interesting/refreshing. Is that your new hair or a wig in the last pic?

>> No.7060878

No Anna House left in my wardrobe but I still have an In the Starlight head bow and petticoat, haha.

And nope, not a wig! Though the blonde isn't so new any more ;) I love it but it's so high fucking maintenance.

>> No.7060891


>> No.7061258

Haha, it's okay. I have difficulty telling Asians apart, too. But I'm Chinese, so.... should I feel flattered?

>> No.7061261

I didn't realize you were HSP, haha. I've always really admired your coords!

Do it!

>> No.7061466
File: 633 KB, 1376x1284, lolita timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My timeline! I supposed to show it when I start a thread like this.

I want to cry because of everything before 2012. I was an awful ita, looking at these pictures does hurt my eyes, haha. I started in 2008 with lolita and something happened in 2012, maybe there is hope for me. And I guess I will be always stuck in between gothic and sweet.

And now I'm nervous, first time showing my face on cgl.

>> No.7061510

You've really improved since 2011! I enjoy all of your outfits from 2012 and this year.
May I ask how old you are?

>> No.7061514

Am I spotting a Dutch seagull here?
I love your gothic coords.

>> No.7061516

Thank you very much! ^^
I'm 19 years old, I was quite young when I started to wear lolita.

>> No.7061519

That's true, all those Dutch people here. I'm kind of new to cgl, I never thought there were so many Dutch seagulls.

Thanks you!

>> No.7061521

*Thank you
Typing words is so difficult! -_-
It would be nice to see your timeline.

>> No.7061522

I wouldn't even say you were an awful ita. It's not good, but it's not the worst. There's even worse pics in this thread alone.

>> No.7061523
File: 706 KB, 700x631, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own a lot of stuff yet so I'm fairly new at coording still. Got I hate October...The skirt looked so much longer on the site.

>> No.7061532

I don't have one, actually. I hate getting my picture taking and can proudly announce I've managed to avoid any lurking cameras since mid 2010.

I love the coord with the antlers, it's so unique.

>> No.7061540

Pls be in London

>> No.7061545

> antlers coord

I second the praise.

> inb4 stop samefaggging!

>> No.7061546

*having my picture taken
huh, I don't know how those mistakes happened

>> No.7061580

i love your 2010 coords

>> No.7061586

what did you guys use to make these

>> No.7061590


>> No.7061596

like literally are you guys opening each picture, making it a uniform pixel height/width and then pasting them all into one master picture?

>> No.7061602

It's not that hard

>> No.7061614

Thanks! Everyone has to start somewhere :)

??? Lolita covers the neck a lot, combined with certain angles (or wide angle lenses) and bad posture probably...?

>> No.7061653

I personally hate the antlers, but I think I've been bombarded by tumblr.
Would have liked to see little wings like on your shoes.

>> No.7061762

just do it
you'll feel better, m8-e-o

>> No.7061820

I think you should just do it. I only had four coords to post that spanned a short amount of time, but there was still improvement. Even if you're not on the level of some of these girls, improvement is always nice to see.

>> No.7061863


Ooh girl, I need to know where you got those tights you're wearing with the VW wing shoes in March 2013. Or what they're called so I can ebay them.

>> No.7061888

I don't really self-post here so the link with my other usernames aren't really obvious! Thanks for the kind words, anon!

Your improvement is great! I'm jealous of your 4 o'clock dress!

I love your Aug 2012 and Mar 2013 outfits! I wish I made this much progress in 2 years.

I used Photoshop. Didn't take too long to cobble together. It probably took just as long to find and pick all the photos :)

>> No.7061912

where's that two-tone wig in 2011 from?

>> No.7061947

Your most recent coord is absolutely gorgeous.

>> No.7061980

I love these threads. They're such a nice reminder that anyone can be a great lolita with enough money and time. I feel like most people without stellar coords (myself included) simply lack the resources at the moment.

Unless you have absolutely no fashion sense, then I suppose you're doomed to be an ita forever.

>> No.7062069
File: 962 KB, 865x644, the saga of how i got worse the musical adaptation to the bestselling book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't plan for this to span a year but look how nicely this worked out

>> No.7062108

I just wanted to say, everyone here looks (or became) stunning.

And please please don't take it the wrong way, but even though no one here has the "perfect" stick thin body, somehow it makes everyone looks even more beautiful. Sat here and realized how stupid I am for beating myself up, you guys are stunning.

Anyways, y'all are gorgeous.

>> No.7062115

being stick thin and wearing lolita looks really awkward due to everything being so oversized - being around an average healthy weight is the best for lolita imo

>> No.7062136

I personally think February was your best look. You pull off salopettes well

>> No.7062147

This. There's a healthy weight range for your height, as long as you're within that range and feel comfortable with it, you're good.

Stick thin really does look awkward with this style.

>> No.7062153

that coord was just the salo + matching socks, nothing special. it didn't look good irl, in fact i sold the salopette a few months ago.

>> No.7062154

I agree with this to some extent (a 'healthy' weight or size is different for everyone)- while I never have to worry about dresses and legwear being too small, I've had to alter a lot of brand along the front princess and side seams to fit (but that got old after a while, now I just added wadding to some shapewear in the next size up and wear that with all my unaltered pieces). Whenever I hear people talking about brand being made for tiny asian people it kind of makes me angry.

That said, I love everyone's transformations in this thread! It's interesting to see how tastes change, and especially when old pieces get reworked into new outfits.

>> No.7062163

In any case, less is more I think. You rocked simple leggings in Nov and Feb, whereas May and Aug just look too busy

>> No.7062164

You really like that sweater.

>> No.7062173


tbf may was for a convention but ok

>> No.7062187

Girl, you are way too cute! And with the October skirt.. it happens. I hate it, but it's a hit or miss when buying online. You never know how it's REALLY going to look. Again, you are so precious!

>> No.7062256
File: 505 KB, 496x750, meh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find them but they were on the F+F site sorry! I actually layered them over some black tights. Here's a better pic of them, hopefully you can find them!

>> No.7062268

Wow, such lovely improvement. The 2013 cords are absolutely beautiful! I'm in love with the second to last coord. Good job anon, you have a great sense of style.

>> No.7062276
File: 1.85 MB, 952x1644, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok wow
ive definitely improved and it feels nice to see this all laid out
sorry most of the pictures are shit and all different sizes. i didnt get a full length mirror and a phone with a decent camera until a little while ago so im going to be taking a lot more coord pics from now on.

>> No.7062317

As a fellow busty-chan, may I suggest losing the puffed sleeves, and perhaps investing in a minimizing bra. No offense, but this really does look like a woman stuffed in children's clothes.

That being said, I really enjoy your summer '13 coords. You did a nice job accessorizing. Except maybe the last one, although your hair looks the best there.

>> No.7062318

also, more poof in that petticoat to balance the boobs.

>> No.7062323

Oooh shit, you're the one with the 4 o' clock dress! It's so beautiful.

I love your use of hair accessories and your proportions are gorgeous!

>> No.7062325

thanks for the tip. in my sugar hearts coord i'm wearing a minimzer but it's not always the most help. i think losing a little more weight will take off some of the excess boobage. my arms though, i see what you mean. my search for better fitting blouses will begin once i get my next paycheck. :)

and lol that august picture was taken while i was bloated from my period, which is shitty because when i tried it on at a swap meet a month ago and it looked 238053693x better. thank you though, i think i need a few more bracelets that work in more elegant coords, as my ott accessories are easiest for me to use. i take a lot of pride in my ott sweet accessories so thank you! next on my list to buy besides a new blouse is a necklace to match the white jsk.

>> No.7062329
File: 189 KB, 720x540, Slide10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another busty girl here. Puffed sleeves can actually be okay, but only if the shirt keeps the attention away from your breasts / uses tricks to make them look smaller.

Pic related has some good stuff to keep in mind.

>> No.7062333

oh i have a chiffon blouse with a more open neck like that. last time i wore it i got tons of compliments. time to break it out more. this is very helpful! thanks!

>> No.7062455

>i was a bad ita at the beginning

Hell no you weren't

>> No.7062479

What was the antidepressant? polite sage

>> No.7062524
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1022, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh <3 I was always envious of how perfect you look in kuro/gothic!! The second outfit (from ILD last year?) is still one of my favorites.

Classic suits you so well but your latest sweet coords are super adorable!

You're one of my favorite lolitas and your style has been so spot on in EVERYTHING you wear

I love everything in this.

And here's a self-post! I dress really plainly

2012 - Bought a whole bunch of dresses that didn't fit/suit me, so I sold them all off. Fell in love with sweet, then tried to go classic, and then back to sweet again.
2013 - Discovered my love for AP and narrowed down my purchases to cuts that I loved (all the bold prints + partial shirring). Ditched the wigs and stuck with my natural hair

I don't think I've improved all that much since I prefer toned down outfits on myself... but I think they are a bit more cohesive! I'm focusing on purchasing more off-pieces so I don't use the same 3-4 items in all of my coordinates haha

>> No.7062540

Ahh you're one of my favourite people to see in our comm, even though I don't get to go to meets much! I love your use of mixing colour with your coords, too.

>> No.7062556

I don't know if it's just me but I see plenty people on here that I would definitely call skinny (in a good way).

>Ditched the wigs and stuck with my natural hair
I wish more people would do that. I hate wigs.

>> No.7062560

Do you have the full image of the one in 2913 that you are wearing a rabbit bonnet? i feel like i've seen it before and its driving me crazy. Also what's the name of the dress you are wearing in 2013 second from the right? it looks amazing.
What petticoat are you wearing in the angelic pretty melty chocolate and body line clock dress? cos mauum, that's some great poof.
Your December 2012 looks really great.

>> No.7062570
File: 445 KB, 844x563, tumblr_m97pw0hWx11qcmjsdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have the full image of the one in 2913 that you are wearing a rabbit bonnet? i feel like i've seen it before and its driving me crazy. Also what's the name of the dress you are wearing in 2013 second from the right? it looks amazing.

Not >>7060660
but I can help out. Full pic is attached. Hope you don't mind vysanthe, but at 800+ reblogs it's hardly a sacred pic :P

The dress is called Antoinette Fleur by Mary Magdalene and is from the 2012 re-release.

>> No.7062572

It isn't, it's made for chubby asian people.

seconding that minimiser. the front seams on most of those bodices look uncomfortable, I think more due to cup size in some instances than overall measurements being too small.

loving that far right honey cake coord with the tights and the bag!

>> No.7062575

Forgot to say thanks!

I'm glad you like it! One of my better coordinates with that dress, I think!

Well, shucks! Your style is pretty spot on as well. It looks like you don't have to improve much at all because you obviously know how to dress well. I'm sure your personal style will continue to flourish as you buy more pieces :)

>> No.7062577

Anyone have a link to the last thread? Can't find,

>> No.7062581

Ahh I love seeing how everyone has improved! I swear I'll throw one of these together eventually, I just need to actually track down some of the older pics of me. (Facebook don't fail me now...)

>> No.7062603

Try turning on the flash when the outdoor light is very bright. It balances out the light so there are less shadows upon your person. And also try standing behind the light source.

>> No.7062614

The last thread is gone, that's why I made a new one. Maybe you can check the cgl archive?

>> No.7062666

Lovely! You don't have that much room to improve anyway, you looked pretty fantastic from the start. Love all that color

>> No.7062695
File: 1.13 MB, 1278x1229, Timeline yoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, here is my timeline. From the very first photographic evidence of me wearing lolita (a girl I was friends with at the time wanted to do a ~kawaii forest shoot~ when I got my stuff), right up to three days ago.

Quick note, I didn't go to a meetup until Dec 10, which is why there are no photos between January and December, and it's just as well really! I know for a fact that there are pictures of a really dodgy MC replica coord from early 11, but I can't find them, which is also a blessing.

I think I started getting the hang of things around September '11, I still really like that Ouji coord, I should get more wear out of that little suit.
I like the direction my style's been going in over the last year. Heaps of tartan dresses that I don't have many coord pics of (even though I wear them all the time!), but I'm getting better at putting together nice sweet coords, and I'm dabbling in old school/classic.

>> No.7062789

What shoes is the girl in the pink wearing? I need them.

>> No.7062795

You're one my favorite lolitas.
You are actually the person who inspired me to tone down my lolita and wear it out. I'm nowhere near as cute as you, though.

>> No.7062870
File: 332 KB, 624x499, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. I made one for the last thread but it was cosplay/lolita and I wanted to update with an Otakon coord and make it a little shorter.

Top row I blotted out my face because I was a lot heavier and my face looked really wonky in every picture, you know, double chins and everything.

Biggest improvement I think it just having more stuff to work with and more variety. The weight loss has also helped my confidence.

Also excuse my deflated petti in the last picture. I had my giant one with me, but let a friend borrow it for her cosplay.

>> No.7062896

Try styling your hair/buy a wig? It always makes the coords look more polished.

>> No.7062909

Oh wow, your coords are great. They just look like they started off good and just got better from there.

>> No.7062917

I love your last two coords and the one with the lady sloth skirt. And I'm always a bit unsure whether to comment on things like these, but may I applaud your successful weight loss?

>> No.7062926

I want to do a timeline but all my pictures from before 2010 kapoofed when my hard drive failed.

>> No.7062943

I like the ouji coord too :3
You don't necessarily need a wig but maybe try some updos to look more polished and change things up

>> No.7062952


what's with all these gaiafags today

>> No.7063007

I've noticed this a lot lately.
It's summer.

>> No.7063018

aww shucks. haha I still have that pinky brown jsk from the second pic in summer 2012, not sure how I should wear it these days but I was thinking brown and white. and the black and white IW jsk is really beautiful, planning on wearing it all through the winter since it's thick. i really need to figure out how to do old school pieces justice.

it was celexa, generic name citalopram. its an SSRI. the antidepressant i'm on now is an NDRI and it's much better. one of the side effects is appetite suppression and weight loss so it's helping me get back to normal.

>> No.7063062

Funny you should say, I got two wigs just recently that I intend to wear. I'm quite lazy with my hair, as it dries into a neat enough style that I don't like to play around with too much, so I'm going to do something about that now.

>> No.7063178

What is the name of the NDRI?

>> No.7063182

Wear a wig.

>> No.7063222


I just started on Citalopram. How long did it take for you to gain the weight? I've been on it for about a month and a half and haven't experienced any weight gain. I really hope I don't.

>> No.7063242

Not same anon, but the side effects of an antidepressant are different for everyone. I'm on effexor and while it makes most people gain weight my appetite actually decreased. Don't worry about it too much, if you end up gaining you can always ask to be put on something else.

>> No.7063245

Citalopram doesn't make you put on weight it just gives you insane munchies and THAT makes you put on weight. However not everyone gets the munchies from it and if you've been on it for a month and a half and you're still fine then don't worry because you would know by now if it was going to affect you

>> No.7063431

I know. I looked in the archive and don't see it. Was hoping someone is better at looking than I.

>> No.7063434


Thank you guys.
I've been pretty worried because I've only recently started getting away from my ED and I was so scared I'd put weight on and it'd all start over again/

>> No.7063455

Oh my you were so cute right from the start

>> No.7063456
File: 118 KB, 960x568, 998078_10151621101178883_978568691_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063479

Not much improvement - still a disgusting hambeast.

>> No.7063489

Not the girl you're talking about, but I was unaware this was a weight loss thread. Her cords have definitely improved!

>> No.7063492

Putting glitter on a turd can only improve it so much - it's still a piece of shit.

>> No.7063496

Sorry if this is too personal, but were you bulimic? I was put on Lexapro/Escitalopram (sister drug of citalopram) after a stint in the hospital for severe anorexia with bulimic tendencies and again recently. If you're bulimic (especially if you're bulimic with any hint of depression), it should only help you avoid binge eating and purging, as it helps you "feel good" and whatnot.
I hope you're doing better, anon. I know how tough dealing with that sort of thing can be.

sage for going so far off topic.

>> No.7063503
File: 35 KB, 644x685, 5442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are doing this?

>> No.7063520


>> No.7063532

I'm digging those heels with the bows on them on the bottom row. sauce?

>> No.7063536

You've definitely improved. JSKs seem to flatter your body shape more than the skirt+blouse combo, as do the thicker framed glasses.
Out of curiosity, do you use shapewear? If so what kind? And have you considered wearing heels rather than flats?
(PS, mint x white 2013 coord is my favorite!)

>> No.7063541

moss badger
i-is that you
I love you

>> No.7063574

We could almost make a thread for this kind of thing since in half of the threads there's whole conversations on the subject anyway.

>> No.7063589

Every time a thread is made for that kind of stuff, the janitor just deletes it, even if it's positive and about getting better.
Genuinely sorry if we're annoying in threads, it's just nice to be able to talk about it on anon.

>> No.7063594

I didn't mean it that way, I'm actually the effexor anon. I was just wondering if some kind of general would be easier/less bothering to other seagulls.

>> No.7063598

to be honest I don't think it's a good idea, it seldom leads to positive behaviour and will just incite a shit storm
once or twice in a thread is one thing but a whole thread dedicated to it won't end well

>> No.7063612

You're probably right, sometimes I forget this is 4chan we're talking about.

>> No.7063635


Nah, anorexic.
Thanks anon, I hope you're doing better too.
I shall depart so as to avoid totally derailing the thread.

>> No.7063693

This girl could use some anorexia.

>> No.7063701

>Gosh why is everyone giving this post such shi-ohhhh, she's plus size
Figures. Heh. Anyway I like everything post 2011, whoever said there's no improvement is clearly blind.

>> No.7063711

original citalopram anon here, it basically made me go into hibernation mode, i napped all the time, lost all my energy, and my appetite doubled. so if your appetite and energy levels haven't changed maybe it will work better for you. it just wrecked my metabolism and my drive to do anything. if you're not experiencing any of that by month 2 of taking it, you should be in the clear.

>> No.7063716

oh sorry I missed this, it's wellbutrin. I love it but you have to make sure you're not taking too much because it raises your blood pressure and gives you a small increase in your chance of siezures. but your risk of having one is still only 2% for most people. just have regular checkups with your gp or a psychiatrist. it's brought my energy and my drive back, and basically saved my ass during finals so i actually had the motivation to study and do well. it's also helped me have the energy to work out and be healthier this summer, so my weight loss is slow but steady, my appetite is much smaller so i get full faster, and i'm very happy.

>> No.7063731

I can't remember what I was on before it, but prior to wellbutrin I was on an antidepressant that made my appetite insane and eventually built up a tolerance and it stopped working. But wellbutrin didn't make my appetite go down AND I suddenly gained like 30 lbs over the course of a few months, without changing my diet/exercise at all. It works wonders on my depression but at the price that I can't fit any of my dresses anymore.

>> No.7063790
File: 683 KB, 544x1300, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First meetup outfit

Just wearing lucky pack stuff and stuff in my closet

Getting more brand and discovering makeup

Establishing a more solid lolita closet (still fail at posing)

Stabilizing my style and practicing posing

If anyone has posing tips, I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.7063797

gdi I want your doughnut dress
keep rolling and being cool

>> No.7063838

All the asian lolitas being cutie pies~ I feel like the floral headdress in 2013 is a bit too much but the one in 2012 looks gorgeous~ I'd suggest looking in GLB scans for types of poses.
>pidgeon toed
>3/4 pose
>elegant crossed leg pose
>japanese tourist

>> No.7063932

>>7062524 here. Thank you all for the kind comments!

Oh wow, thank you!! I don't get to go to meets all that much either, although I really wish I did (damn my job rarely giving me weekends off).

I'm glad you think so! Hopefully by next year my wardrobe will be much more versatile.

Oh nooo I didn't think I looked all that polished in the beginning. Red goes great with a lot of the pieces I own, which I'm happy about

Omg this means a lot to me. I'm really honored I was able to help you wear lolita out in public - I know it was incredibly difficult for me at first. Stay confident, anon, and don't think you're never cute enough!

Love love love the coordinates with the IW royal crown bag. All of the outfits in the bottom row look fantastic

You make me want to buy powder rose..... And I disagree with the anon above, I think both flower headpieces look lovely!

>> No.7063993
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Okay so this is probably overly big but it's mainly for myself to see my progress as a lolita so nerrr I'm sorry in advance for a lot of my face.

The photos range from 2009 till now and include OTT to casual. I don't really stick to one style of lolita but I can definitely see the phases I've been through aka. the massive bonnet phase in the middle and sweet phase at the start.

Anyway I just thought I would share with you guys ^^!

>> No.7064007
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>not using this picture

>> No.7064011

Oh I've always wanted to ask someone about that Meal Time OP by Vierge Vampur! Can I ask you a couple questions about it? How did you order it and do you know if she can do custom measurements (for a fee of course)?

>> No.7064016

Most beautifurrrr picture evarrrrr.

Of course man! I did a group order with the girl twinning with me in the photo, and from memory custom measurements were free because she makes the dress after you pay and send them off to her. Before I tried it on it looked way too small, but when on it's a perfect fit. I love that dress to death!

>> No.7064021

Awesome. It looks great on you too. So do you assume the person who did the group order used some sort of shopping service? I was thinking of ordering alone because I'm not aware of any upcoming group orders for it.

>> No.7064029

I'm honestly not too sure, I think you can order straight from them without problems, but I will ask her now and triple check for you!
I know it did take three months to get it though so I guess that's something to keep in mind too.

++ Also asking another friend who is ordering the dress at the moment how they are going about it.

>> No.7064032

You're so helpful. Thank you so much!

>> No.7064040

All of your coords are so beautiful!
I love the Vierge Vampur OP and your shoes from Tokyo Bopper (if I'm not mistaken).

>> No.7064043

What's sad about this is there's no way it's a selfpost. Some freak keeps posting her hear just to insult her. She has improved where her vendettachan clearly has not, if they are still doing this shit after all this time.

>> No.7064103

Okay! So they accept overseas orders through email ^^! Communication wise they're good and the only problem people have had with their orders is the three month time period. If you can find people to do a group order I guess it would be cheaper for you shipping wise, but otherwise if you don't mind paying shipping it's a-okay to go ahead and order!
You're more than welcomeeee! It's such a nice dress and the construction of it is really good too.

Ahhh thank you! I think I started out a bit terrible but eventually I got the gist of it *A*! The Mealtime OP is definitely one of my favourite dresses aside from Chess Chocolate and HNS which I've worn too many times because AP whore right here.
They're actually the replicas of boppers, but I do have a real pair which cost me almost $400 T___T they're the black ones with the spider-y pattern on the top. Surprisingly the most comfortable shoes evarrrrr.

>> No.7064130

Here is the email my friend got:

"If you would like to purchase the dress, you can directly e-mail me at viergevampur@gmail.com (Please DO NOT USE shopping cart via website.) Your e-mail have to contain all information below.
"Your Name"
"Your Address (postal code is needed)"
In addition, please make the payment by Paypal. If you have any other question, do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Meal Time OP(22,900yen)+shipping cost(2,800yen)=Total 25,700yen
Sending it plans three months later from two and a half months after I have transfer (sorry to keep you waiting very much) I contact me again if I can confirm your transfer!Thank you for ordering it!"

So she speaks in very broken English and my friend advised to either translate it to her, or speak very very simply. But other than that it has been super smooth for her.
I hope I've helped even if it's a little bit ^^!

>> No.7064136

This was very helpful. Thank you again!

>> No.7064139

What's the dress in your first coord? It's so cute.
And you look great in every single one of your coords.

>> No.7064166

It's an Oojia whimiscal vanilla-chan replica (print by AP). I own the real version in mint now, but didn't add it to my timeline. It's one of my favorite prints, because cats.

>> No.7064411

Irregular Choice, I've seen them called Tea and Cake heels, as well as Windsor heels.

>> No.7064417

Accessorize. Don't let the clothes wear you.

>> No.7064422

Wow, love how you can pull off all those different styles! It's like effortless.

>> No.7064425

How can you spend so long wearing it and still have beginner coords?

The way you part your wigs is annoying, try actually cutting the bangs, or using your real hair now and then.

Mediocre, but good, I guess.

>> No.7064430

You do realize... side bangs are a real thing. And sometimes that look more flattering on some face shapes than blunt bangs.

>> No.7064442

>Mediocre, but good
>but good

>> No.7064465

I think you're really pretty and wear the clothes nicely, however I don't think the make-up really suits you. You wear quite heavy eye make-up with falsies (and lenses), which leaves the rest of your face looking washed out. You might want to try adding some color to your lips and cheeks, or tone down the false lashes!

>> No.7064472

the (and lenses) misses a "?" it was meant to be a question, sorry!

>> No.7064490

I have noticed after putting them all together that I don't really put many accessories on - mainly because I leave everything to the last minute and run out of the house forgetting to put things on. But thank you! I definitely agree.

I wear lenses occasionally, usually at conventions when cosplaying or for lolita photoshoots and stuff (when they're not irritating the hell out of my sensitive eyes) but I'm a bit of a sucker for false eyelashes. Recently I've switched to brown liner and eyelashes because it's a lot softer on my pale faceeeee.
I do put quite a pink blush on but I've never tried bronzer or contouring or the like because it scares me, maybe I should do it a bit more so it comes out in photos? I tend to stick to pink lipstick too but idk man I'm not the best when it comes to my face T___T
Thank you for the critique though! I really do appreciate it ^^!

>> No.7064495
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>should only help you avoid binge eating and purging, as it helps you "feel good
>helps you "feel good
isn't this the goal of all ADs regardless of the disease/disorder behind it?

>> No.7064496
File: 139 KB, 322x367, wee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it! you look great :)

>> No.7064506

Thanks! I've sold both of those since then though!

Bodyline from a while ago, only $12! Not sure if they still have it. Cyperous had one for about 8900yen at that time when split bobs were the rage...

Thank you! MM Antoinette is one of my dream dresses, so I'm glad to finally have got it!

Thanks, I love classic but it's always fun to do other styles :) I really like your French Cafe + red cardi + biscuit bag + brown oxfords coordinate, I've always wanted to coord French Cafe that way!

Thanks HSP for replying :P I always wish we got better photos of our quadrupleting macarons that day ;_;

>> No.7064509

Haha, I have the same problem - that or I just wear the same damn accessories. >>7063993 is interesting because I've never seen your earlier coordinates! You look just like IW's Model-chan in the Rottenburg coord <3

>> No.7064559

Man I am terrible T___T I notice I tend to use the same bag for everything too (massive Rilakkuma one) because I like to carry my ipad and stuff around. Or I'll take two bags like a retard.

Ahhh really!? I had to dig through my computer to get some of the really earlier ones, I have more on a blog somewhere but I couldn't find them.
I've actually been told before a few times that I look like her! It's a bit weird but I like it hahahaha.

>> No.7064567

Well, at least you've got video footage and gifs!

>> No.7064831

>The way you part your wigs is annoying, try actually cutting the bangs, or using your real hair now and then.

Real hair is fluffy, fine and has very little volume. I also have a thinning part. Also, blunt bangs look terrible on me. Sideswept is far more flattering. I do trim my bangs, but leaving them blunt across my forehead looks far worse than a little sideswept part. Sorry to annoy you anon, but I'm not changing that to please your tastes on what may look good on you personally.

>> No.7065122

Thanks! Im still learning and finding my style.

It's so hard to wear different accessories and so easy to fall back on the same ones. I'm not much of an accessories person, but I'd like to try.

Any tips or suggestions? Maybe some photos of other outfits that you think are exceptional?

Powder rose is really nice, but I feel like the chiffon isn't as nice as newer chiffon pieces.

Will do! Thank goodness I have tons if magazines to look at.

>> No.7065155

Not that anon but there is a way that you cut bangs to make them sit better sideswept.

>> No.7065163

Stop with the emotes already

>> No.7065672

I do know how to do that, as that's how I cut my natural bangs. But I typically change the direction I wear them from time to time depending on how I want to balance something out on my outfit. There are two wigs I haven't cut (the brown split one, and the milk tea one). But I also wanted to lose a little more weight and get a new pair of glasses to see how that style of bang would look on me before doing anything. I didn't think it was *that* big a deal, and not some onholy crime against lolita fashion. I'll just be sure list it with bad lace and leg warmers next time.