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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7056020 No.7056020 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/, so how old were you when you started cosplaying? How old are you now? I've never cosplayed in my life and I've always admired from afar but I really want to start cosplaying myself. I'm going to be 19 in two months and I keep feeling like it's too late. Please share your thoughts and experiences!

>> No.7056023

First time I ever cosplayed was at 19, for what it's worth.

>> No.7056024

I started when I was 15 or 16. I'm 24 now. It's never too late anon.

>> No.7056035

I started when I was 20. It's never too late.

>> No.7056037

I made my first costume when I was 13. I'm 23 right now.

>> No.7056047
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I was 16 when I started and 21 now, don't let your age get you down anon. It's not too late by any means.

>> No.7056065

Started just after I was 18

I regret not getting into it earlier...

>> No.7056104

started cosplaying at 15 now 25 - Never to late - what costume did you have in mind~?

>> No.7056106

I'll probably cosplay for the first time when i'm 30+
Currently 28, never had cash or equity to invest in it or go to cons. Should be alleviated with new (normal hours) job and inheritance soon.
+ Australia + male

>> No.7056122 [DELETED] 

17 and cosplaying to my first con next month. It's never too late friend!

>> No.7056136

It's definitely not too late. I started dabbling when I was 15, really got into it when I was 23 and now I'm 27. I keep worrying that I'm getting too old and that I should be better at sewing and making armour, but I really enjoy it and would be sad if a year passed without a new cosplay.

>> No.7056138

I started when I was 15 and I am 24 now. I have a bunch of friends older than me that still cosplay too.

>> No.7056141

Started when I was 16 and I'm 20 now. I felt that even at 16 I got into it late but a lot of my cosplay friends are older than me, and a lot are younger. There is no real age for when you should or shouldn't be cosplaying. If you want to do it then go for it!

>> No.7056162

Started when I was 15, I'm 21 now. Honestly, it's not too late at all. For me cosplay's way more fun now that I have more social skills and income than I did as a teenager.

>> No.7056168

I am 20 and I'm going to be wearing my first cosplay to PAX this year. I'm super nervous too because I'm older and it's also my first experience sewing.

Although I did make one when I was 14. It was Cortana from Halo and right as I was going up the escalator to wait in line for it to start this kid started singing "I'm Blue" at me and I noped it straight to the bathroom and changed.

>> No.7056170

Didn't start cosplaying til 19 and didn't make my own til i was in my 20s
23 now and still doing lolita and smaller stuff. Less anime more cartoons/video games/D&D

>> No.7056238

Started when I was 16 and I am still going at age 30. At 19 I started getting more involved with conventions and cosplay and actually had the best times at conventions that year. I say right now is a great time to start!

>> No.7056252

Started at 14, currently 23.

Just made the one costume at first, and there were years of breaks till I felt like going back to the con and cosplaying. Only cosplayed about 3 years straight so not counting the cosplay at 14.

Few of my friends started cosplaying out of interest last year (now 23/24), and look forward to doing more. They feel it helps add to the con experience. Never too late to cosplay!

>> No.7056256

I started when I was 16. I'm still doing it at 25. It's never too late, anon. My friend just started at 24.

>> No.7056263

I fucking hate it when barely 18 year olds think they're too old for cosplaying/anime/video games/anything because at that age you're still a complete brat. 18 and 19 isn't some magical age limit when you automatically stop being a kid and mature immediately. I'm 24 and I still don't feel like an adult and at 19 I was immature as fuck like most of my friends at that age.

>> No.7056716

Nigga I was 19 when I first cosplayed.

I do sometimes feel like I was too late to the punch (mostly when people glorify the "older/golden days"), but I still have fun years later.

>> No.7056723

Also, I continue to try and convince more of my friends to go and/or cosplay with me to places.

>> No.7056725

My first cosplay was really shitty, but I was like 15. I'm 23 now and doing significantly better. I don't have plans of stopping any time soon, either. As long as the hobby is fun for me, I'll keep doing it.

>> No.7056727

I was 19, and I'll be 26 next month

>> No.7056736

Started when I was 14, 25 now...yeah. Still having fun! Although it's hard to find characters with more mature faces who aren't super slutty. *sigh*

>> No.7056739

OP here, thanks guys, you've reassured me a lot! I suppose it is silly to feel too old to do most anything really, but you can't help but have that feeling. I hope this thread made other people feel better as well!

>> No.7056740

I doubt Halloween costumes count, but I remember dressing up as Ash from Pokemon when I was really little. The first costume I wore to a con was Mario when I was 14 or 15.

>> No.7056848

I started cosplaying when I was 19.

>> No.7056853

I was 16 or 17, I think.. and I'm 19 now.

I'd say you're too old when all the characters you want to cosplay look younger than you.

>> No.7056893

Started when I was 15-16, 25 now. Still fulfilling. As opposed to what many seagulls might say, you're only too old for cosplay when you feel you are.

>> No.7056908
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I started when I was 17, and now I'm 20. I honestly think it gets better with age, because I'm overall much more knowledgeable about make up and materials and there are more tutorials on the web now than ever before. You won't need to go thru all the pitfalls people who started earlier had to, miracle of the internet etc. You'll do fine, op! Give it a go!

>> No.7056942

I did my first (super shitty) Evangelion cosplay when I was 14, did more shitty cosplay a couple times after that then took a break. I'm 21 now and getting back into cosplay, honestly I think it's better when you're older because you have a lot more money to spend. You actually have the money to redo things if you mess up, or to commission something or buy stuff from Taobao etc. Not to mention, you probably know for sure that you're going to the convention so you don't have to find out a week before the con and frantically rush to figure out a cosplay. You also don't have your parents bothering you about "what are you wearing?" and "you're wasting so much money!".

The bad thing though is that as the years go on, everyone is posting photos to the net and /cgl/ and now these tumblr sites, and photos of you will float around forever. If you do a shitty cosplay in this day and age it'll never disappear, but when I did mine I was pretty safe.

>> No.7056963

Started at 13, am now 25.

I think I had the most fun in college and my early 20s, but even now I don't plan on giving up until it stops being fun. You just have to adjust your character choices, because after a certain point it starts looking really pathetic to cosplay as Sailor Chibi Moon.

I've also been moving more to doing tutorials and judging contests lately. As I get older, I find that contributing to the cosplay community is more rewarding than screaming LOOK AT ME. I guess I just matured a bit.

I'm actually excited to get a bit older in this hobby. I'm appearance wise right at the border between looking stupid as younger teen characters and looking mature enough to convincingly portray older characters. Badass MILFs here I come!

>> No.7056987

I'm 22, started at 18 or 19. Personally, I look pretty young but my plan is for when I get older to drop the bishies (my usual) and go for older types. Personally, I've been wanting to do grittier older characters but due to looking about 17 it's hard. I'd love to cosplay a half decent Kazuya Mishima but with a young look and manlet body I'm s.o.l.

>> No.7056998

First time was when I was 16 (it wasn't very good). Cosplayed for a couple of years, and then dropped out of the scene for most of college. Got back into the beginning of this year at 24, it's way better now that I have more experience sewing and a lot more disposable income.