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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 80 KB, 600x800, yaya-han-as-chun-li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7055716 No.7055716 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure people have posted about this before, but I've been under a rock. What are you're reactions.

>> No.7055718

Just torrented and am starting episode 2 now.
It's like a train wreck, I just can't look away...

>> No.7055717

I like Chloe.

>> No.7055723

If you're into cosplay, it's basically The Room.

>> No.7055762

I have to wonder what Yaya's response will be to this show. Will she back it up 100% pretend like it never happened or back peddle? Either way she'll get shit for it. Honestly I think some cons should consider banning her with all the damage she's done to this community's image.

>> No.7055769

she really strikes me as the type who just wants attention regardless of if it is positive or negative

>> No.7055774

Meanwhile on Yaya's twitter.

>anyone of any size can and should cosplay. I've been saying this for 10+ years. Cosplay is an artform, not modeling.
>Lila, they will always judge. I was judged for Jessica Rabbit because the figure was "too perfect". Do not focus on that.

I'm a bit appalled that a lot of the feed is people sucking her proverbial dick and saying how much of an inspiration she is for them to start cosplay. What show are they watching?

>> No.7055783

So far she's supported and hyped it frantically and backpedaled whenever she said/did something stupid or offensive. Right now she's still trying to cover her ass for basically saying that people need to "stick to their body-type", while also trying to backpedal on referring to herself as the "Cosplay Ambassador"

>> No.7055791

I like Chloe a lot. I wish she wasnt on the show.

I absolutely cannot believe what Yaya said about Jessica. She's doing SO much better than Yaya is in my opinion. I also think it was stupid of her to say Chloe doesnt know what shes getting in to? Chloe has her own TV show thats leagues above this shitfest.

>> No.7055810

I have to agree with what anon said in another thread that at least Yaya picks slutty costumes where the characters already look slutty. Jessica takes things that are popular and adds her own "sexy spin."

>> No.7055830

But that's exactly what Yaya was giving her "protige" crap for. Poison Ivy is supposed to be sensual.

>> No.7055840

>Excellent Tier
Jinyo, Chloe

>Acceptable Tier
Riki, Jesse

>Meh Tier

>Pants on Head Retarded Tier
Victoria, Yaya

>> No.7055846

>not in Throw On Goggles And Call It Steampunk Tier

>> No.7055852

idk I thought he was pretty good. I really loved the way his weapon hooked up to a power source on the back.

>> No.7055857

I think Holly is Excellent Tier as well. She seems like she actually has a brain between her ears. And her Mass Effect sculpts were amazing. Yes also I realize she had help.

>> No.7055860

I liked that he didn't seem as catty or asinine as everyone else, but I'm really hoping that the problem with the vacuum-forming was fake drama since he'd probably know not to do that by now.

>> No.7055859

Handcrafted out of leather.

Made helmet himself.

Lightning globe on the gun, hooked up to lit power source.

>Throw on goggles and call it steampunk.

>> No.7055862

It's a joke bub. The goggles on the stormtrooper just seemed really redundant. Cosplay looked nice though.

>> No.7055867

If we're doing episode 1 too, then Becky is definitely in pants on head retarded tier.
>mfw starting to work out a week before the con

>> No.7055874



What a terrible world you must live in Yaya

>> No.7055900

But she was far from perfect on her Jessica Rabbit outfit. She looked like a drag queen.

>> No.7055907

>Check out Heroes of Cosplay Facebook page
>Literally nothing but Yaya photos and ads for her prints and worbla

>> No.7055911

See, this fucking show should've been called Yayas of yaya.

>> No.7055914

>"Hahaha oh honey! You finished it LAST week!"
>"Teehee, I should call myself the Ambassador of Silly!"
>Audience laughs, applauds
>"The Yaya Han Show was filmed before a live studio audience"

>> No.7055915

Hahaha, that's great.

>> No.7055923

Kind of hard not to in a jessica rabit cosume...

>> No.7055925

That abomination looked nothing like poison ivy, it looked more like the chick from borderlands

>> No.7055960

anyone know where i can watch the first episode
i checked youtube and cant find the full episode.

>> No.7055966
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>> No.7055991

It was really the make-up that made her look like a drag queen though. I've seen plenty of Jessica Rabbit's that looked the part without globs and globs of make-up

>> No.7056055


Holly and Jessica said on the reddit AMA that they're very good friends with Chloe, and they either were all going to do the show, or none of them were. Packaged deal

>> No.7056057

any links for ep2 yet? I just want to watch it in the browser, not download it

>> No.7056069

I seriously hate victoria and feel sorry for jinyo

>> No.7056070


I'm watching it here right now, from australia, dont think theres any of that not allowed in ur country thing

>> No.7056073

>Space.ca has it for streaming, probably on syfy's website as well.

For those that want to download, it's up on TPB

>> No.7056100

thats basically her gimmick
Yaya uses too much makeup just like Jnig always does boob magic

>> No.7056417

You guys see the petition to get rid of it or show cosplayers how they really are?

>Tinyurl = mzz5ssh

>> No.7056425

It's wrong I hope everyone on this show never recovers from this shit and leaves the rest of us to enjoy the hobby without them.

That said yes to this and that makes this part of the problem.

>> No.7056429


>> No.7056433

For those who watched 2nd episode yaya is fucking blind. That batman was AWESOME and she gives 1st award to a foam armour that didn't even look that good. WHY? Because it lights up : DD
now you know. Want to win? Make some light shit

>> No.7056439

>Check out Heroes of Cosplay Facebook page
>Literally nothing but Yaya photos and ads for her prints and worbla

Actually I see a lot of other shit too, and didn't see any worbla (besides her fiora costume), my facebook must be special

>> No.7056472


>> No.7056478

Hey! I already said dat! Glad to know I wasn't the only one.

>> No.7056511

im not surprised

>> No.7056523

>hug of understanding, Let's have a beer

I mean, I like to put some light electric shit in my cosplays sometimes too. That doesn't mean win.
yaya was blinded by the lights, and that's something that seems to happen very often, specially with her searching for the fama diva famous light.

Overall, Bring the costumes, I'll judge the fuckin' costumes. Promise not to chose some shitty armour.

>> No.7056552

>Raucously and squint-eyedly toasts you with mug of ale
Aye, to non-shitty actually primed and finished armor!

>> No.7056553

>toasts were had

>> No.7056555

Fuck, I don't fucking know.

>> No.7056558

And right in two! (It is "hear, hear")

>> No.7056559

OH. My bad.

>> No.7056596

Chloe seems like a really nice girl.

>> No.7056599


Am I the only one who is noticing how fucking terribad the episode synopses are on the Heros of Cosplay website? They sound like they were written by a high school-age valley girl. As if the show wasn't a dramafest already, these synopses... ugh.

>" -- and in any case, none of our "heroes" wins anything, which is sad for Jesse and justified for everyone else, especially Jinyo, who needs to "win" himself a girlfriend who doesn't treat him like a sweatshop worker."

>"They're working on a Dungeons & Dragons-based pair costume, and arguing over whether Holly should show cleavage (she's against), in a makeup store while the counterperson makes "ohhhh-kay" faces at them."

>CAPTCHA: unhappy sonmend

>> No.7056620
File: 303 KB, 1600x1200, yayajnigfanmade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7056623

Know not to do what?
I'd just assumed that the circuit tripped because he hadn't accounted for having the extra lighting that a television show is going to need.

>> No.7056624
File: 90 KB, 500x409, tumblr_lkle7pzkCY1qch7fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try to be a hero. Yaya is older and should be wiser.
That my friend is no excuse

>> No.7056625

I sorta figured the crew used their own power source for that stuff since I've heard that's pretty common... but then again, that's typically for outdoor sets.

I dunno, the show just seems to have a lot of "pros" making really amateurish mistakes for fake drama.

>> No.7056629

That would make sense, but I know that even for a well established show like No Reservations, lights and things like that are often run off in-building power. There are a few episodes where they show what a hassle it is to set everything up (for them, and the locals.)
You're right about things conveniently going wrong and looking like fake drama for the sake of fake drama. It's one of those train-wreck shows I enjoy watching-- and I don't feel guilty about it either, since I'm not a Nielson Family.

>> No.7056646

Why did Yaya get her boobs done

>> No.7056648

While I have yet to hear from someone with credible evidence for anything, it's pretty likely she got them done to give herself an edge in cosplay. That, or according to some people on here, to support a "dancing" career. But then again, /cgl/.

>> No.7056664

Honestly, even there I think Jnigs comes off better.

Jessica does change costumes to be 'sexier' but at least she's up front about that and has fun with it. When someone asks Jessica what her favourite thing is she pretty much always just shouts BOOBS with a big smile on her face. That may not be to everyone's taste but you can't knock her for being true to herself. She's a bleach blonde in a push-up bra and she's totally okay with that and that's fine. Not my cup of tea, but it's fine.

Yaya is a hypocritical bullshitter. She started off as a non-physical escort and would turn up to D*C in nothing but see-through underwear and school girl and nurse fetish outfits. Then she realised she could scrape a living from this, had her breasts inflated to hilarious proportions and began exclusively making costumes that she can show her tits off with. Sure, some of the costumes were designed to be that way from the begining, but she's also done a lot of 'original creations' which have the same features, she's done 'costumes' where she's totally topless with just body paint on and she's posed in her underwear and topless for the Philippino FHM.
At the same time she throws gigantic tantrums about how people shouldn't treat her like just a pair of walking breasts and how people shouldn't do 'sexy' cosplays and how she's this great ambassador promoting craftsmanship.

Jessica was and would be nothing if it weren't for her cleavage and skimpy costumes and she's embraced that.
Yaya was and would be nothing if it weren't for her cleavage and skimpy costumes and she speaks out against that.

People can post about Jessica Rabbit and sexy Ash Ketchum all they want. Fact is Jessica is shit but she's honest shit. Yaya is lying shit.

>> No.7056671
File: 685 KB, 671x496, potkettle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have to say is this

>> No.7056672

Most of ep2 is pretty much just Yaya being butthurt that her slave labour wants to go play with other people now. She should get fucked for thinking she is in any position to lecture anybody, let alone the hobby as a whole, on what cosplay should or shouldn't be.

>> No.7056673

You picked a bad example with JNig since that costume is the current design right now.

>> No.7056674

I don't think this is a good choice of pictures, because Yaya's costume is a gijinka, which is just a design she's done. Also Jessica's Supergirl costume is more covering than a lot of Supergirl's actual costumes.

>> No.7056675

That's the point he's making, mate.
Yaya's is doing a sexualized pony thing and Jnig is just doing Supergirl's actual horrible N52 costume.

>> No.7056676 [DELETED] 

Uh, thats the joke.
>implies Yaya doesn't redesigns costumes for sex appeal
>implies Jnig doesn't cosplay natural sex appeal

>> No.7056679

Well then I am the fool here. Sorry, I'm still not all woken up yet.

>> No.7056680

Ummm I assumed the poster was pointing lit yayas hypocrisy. They were being sarcastic?

>> No.7056683
File: 47 KB, 194x194, 1365417958748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold Yaya and Jnig in the same regard more or less. One is just making a bigger ass of themselves at the moment. All that shade, Yayaboo.

The protege thing was laugable; Yaya is no Miyagi. That girl's Ivy was garbage however.

The Beetlejuice girl is adorable and I can only hope she's not television-nice.

It was bitchy but I enjoyed watching Icky Vicky weasel out of Yaya's questioning. Poor Jinyo.

Jesse needs to calm his yayas about not winning shit. His stuff looks incomplete.

Still waiting to see actual construction or a neat technique instead of a shitty spin and some boring "sketches" but I guess that would mean using costumes made in this year.

>> No.7056689

It is making me dislike the cosplay phenomenon all together. I see great cosply from people who expects nothing from it. Versus the sad and pathetic people that "want to quit their day job" for it. They should stay in their basements.

Now you have guys in the industry for 20 years plus making special effects and practically starving at the moment they made their relevant pieces. They get out shined by a little girl selling pictures saying that they do it for the fandom....then hands you a business card....

>> No.7056692

The second episode was on and I decided to test out an idea of mine. Welp, Yaya was mentioned or talked about on at least 7 different occasions within the show's first 10 minutes.

>> No.7056693

what's with the shitty heavy make-up?

>> No.7056695

I have a question in mind. Would it count for the ratings if you watch the show on demand and not on the premiere day?

>> No.7056696

Aside from cosplay, you yaya fans can say whatever you want but I think jessica is way more cuter. And i mean not just in the photos, in the show for me when she was casual she looked pretty cute and normal. yaya just looks weird no matter how I look at her.
Jessica may be whatever she is, I would rather have her than yaya

>> No.7056700

cosplay is becoming a beauty pageant.

Just getting a glimpse of the fans that "adore" them. The images itself has brought me to question why I associate myself with this crowd. Through the looking glass per say.

>> No.7056702

Well duh, it's her show.

>> No.7056703

>YFW this shit gets a second season.

>> No.7056713

Seeing that one girl get shot down by Jose Fernando made me realize that I should stop watching and start working, and still not quit my day job.

It looks and sounds pathetic that this grown man kissing Yaya's tail....on camera no less.

>> No.7056754

The only ratings they keep an eye on and which matter are those from nielsen households. If you're not a nielsen house they don't care what you watch or when. Internet views are still treated as a whole different thing to television.

>> No.7056772

Ew...I think we can both agree they have poor makeup judgement...

>> No.7056779

I can't stand this show, but dear god tell me there are pics somewhere of Victoria from behind in that Jean Grey costume. Her curves are the only thing that redeem that face and attitude.

>> No.7056854

Cable & Sat views are still counted in the non-Nielson counts. That's why GoT puts up such huge numbers.

>> No.7056865

>those curves
As much as she irritates me I have to agree with you anon.
After all, there has to be some reason Jinyo's still with her, and it's definitely not her sterling personality.

>> No.7056868

Chloe would get it

>> No.7056912
File: 55 KB, 419x346, 1333143217660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Its just glued together craft foam.
No sealant, No paint, Hell not even heat sealed from the looks of it.
Im Pretty buttmad, That Batman was way better.

Also The Monica Chick, The Ivy cosplayer, I feel terrible for her after YaYa had to say shit to her before she went up, Totally killed her confidence.

I hate that Snooty bitch so much. Even blocked me For calling her out on her Damage Control. HEY YAYA, DON'T HIDE BEHIND THE SHOWS EDITING OR YOUR DELETE BUTTON ON YOUR FACEBOOK. OWN UP TO YOUR SHIT.

>> No.7056935

Mopvideo has it, I'm fairly sure.

>> No.7057012

Eh I like Jnig. I don't really mind that she sexes shit up, you go Glen Cocoa do whatever you want

>> No.7057018

pssstttt the joke's in the file name

>> No.7057019

Everyone killed her confidence on it. I bet if everyone said "you're going to rock this!" she'd have a much better attitude going on stage. It was fairly covered for an ivy design anyway.

>> No.7057051

so im not the only one who thought this. everyone on the show was losing their shit about how slutty the design was and i did not understand that. she was more covered than hellgirl.

captcha: Heathens qaketi

>> No.7057057

Its also worth pointing out that Jessica has fun with it. You dont see her making posts like Yayas, saying FUCK FUN, THIS IS MY LIFE. You dont see her getting angry that people only care about her boobs. She rolls with it, she knows what gets her popular, and shes a genuinely nice person.

I've heard tons of complaints about the way Yaya acts at cons and the drama she starts, yet ive heard nothing but positivity when people meet or have booths near Jessica.

>> No.7057067
File: 1.30 MB, 245x245, tumblr_mkl5s9o3af1rssclxo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calm his yayas
I like you

>> No.7057076

they *are* starting to count internet views from the next day through sites like hulu and the broadcasting companies' sites if they host videos. nielsen is a really poor and outdated way to meter a show's popularity, so it'd be nice if they improved it or took next-day internet watches a little more seriously.

>> No.7057146

How old was the Monica girl? I didn't really care for the cosplay but she was acting extremely bratty

>> No.7057196

I've heard something like 21. Basically: old enough to know better.

In general, I sorta hate explaining this show to people who don't do cosplay since it makes me feel like a gossipy 15 year old girl.

>> No.7057208

Every fiber of my being is wishing that Chloe is as genki and nice IRL as she is on TV. It feels like they're pushing her to play up being the "newcomer," but I'm still charmed? I'm annoyed that I'm so charmed.


>> No.7057210

Yeah; nah, you're a cunt. "Honest shit?" She doesn't even make her own costumes. Yaya and nigs represent tigetger all the worst things about this hobby.

>> No.7057216

This. Comparing Yaya to JNig is like comparing shit to piss.

They are both terrible for different reasons.

>> No.7057218

holy shit I thought she was 15 oh my god

>> No.7057220

Together* jesus, autocorrect, what in fuck were you doing

>> No.7057229

I like Yaya's boobs and I am good with the fact she is always more than willing to share them with us

>> No.7057246

"they look badass"

and to be fair, they did

>> No.7057254

they way i see it, jinyo is either the most beta of beta males and this is just his lot in line, or victoria is actually giving up the puss and he gets to tap a hot young white woman in return for costumes

>> No.7057276

Chloe comes across as a better ambassador for cosplay than Yaya.

>> No.7057304


>> No.7057311

any place with 1080p versions of the show? tpb isn't offering 1080p versions

>> No.7057318

If you guys want ot check out more on Chloe check out her podcast "Just Cos" I haven't cheked it out yet but I've heard her on the Nerdist and she's cool.

>> No.7057431
File: 37 KB, 609x239, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what do you do when you have been trashing the show nonstop on FB, especially Holly for what a psycho cunt she is, and then you end up getting this?

I don't know what to do right now
I think she is going to flip the fuck out on me for explaining her psycho craziness over all of her N7 shit and how she thinks she is the official femshep and shit.

> tl;dr WHAT DO I DO?!

>> No.7057463

tell her no thanks, fuck off

>> No.7057465

I'm wondering why the fuck she is even adding me in the first place.

She wouldn't be so psycho as to add someone just because they called her psycho, would she?

>> No.7057469

She wants your deets.

>> No.7057473

She's adding you for the only reason why facebook exists: To spy on you and probably try to chew you out for making her look like a fool. Obviously just let that request rot.

>> No.7057478

I'm half-tempted to just accept
Since if she yells at me, it could be extremely lulzy and something I could show you guys so you can lul too.

>> No.7057479


This is the same woman who said Commander Shepard was based on her before that official red head version was released....

Let that sink in...

>> No.7057481


say no.

Is right. If your profile is locked down for friends only then she wants your details.

>> No.7057485

Nope everything is public

>> No.7057491

so her friends can also see what you say and die in a flood of hate mail

>> No.7057501

Do it or don't anon, I'm telling ya the only reason she's trying to 'friend' you is to keep an eye on the shit you do/say and possibly send her knights after you. If you feel like dealing with all that then go ahead, do it for teh lelz.

>> No.7057503

Who says whether making your own costumes or not has anything to do with it? We're not talking about who deserves to win first place in the costume contest. We're talking about which one of them is the more obnoxious, vile little shit.

If you think making costumes by yourself is so important that you value it above things like having fun and being a nice person, get the fuck out right now.

For that matter, Yaya has always had help with her costumes, too. She has friends who supply her with wigs for free, her fiance does most of her painting and she never goes to a con without an assistant.

Nobody is saying that either Jessica or Yaya is some patron saint. In fact everybody is acknowledging that they are both shitty. But there are different levels of shitty. If "she didn't make the costume herself" is the biggest complaint you can level at Jessica vs the endless complaints everyone can level at Yaya, you know Jessica is at least a step above Yaya even if she's still shit.

After this show and the way she's reacted to it, anybody who defends Yaya in any way needs to gtfo of cosplay.

>> No.7057511

Wait what?

That's not saying much, but definitely.

>> No.7057514

Yeah she's psycho.

I told that story to some inquiring friends minds on Facebook

>> No.7057518


I don't know the exact full story on it so someone else here will have to fill you in.

I do remember her having a twitter hissy fit over not having a panel at PAX when Volpin was invited to be a part of one though.

>> No.7057526

How is she psycho? I highly doubt she actually said she was the official femshep. That sounds like a "taken out of context/she was saying it jokingly" kind of accusation.

>> No.7057529


>> No.7057532

Yeah, nah, you're retarded.
They're both just as bad as the other, for differing (and some of the same) reasons.

>> No.7057535

Pardon? Are you saying Jessica and Chloe are better cosplayers than Yaya?
What. The. Fuck.

>> No.7057542

I don't think better cosplayers, just better people.

>> No.7057546

Where are the gloves? Why is her wig red?

>> No.7057557

hi samefag. wait at least 30 minutes before answering to yourself.

>> No.7057560

Oh man please stop embarrasing us talking to yourself!

>> No.7057564

Jesus Christ. You must be completely alone to talk to yourself here.

>> No.7057568

I don't fucking care about how nice they are. We are talking about good cosplay and good cosplayers.

>> No.7057570

lol, as much as you may not believe it one of those people is me and the other is definitely not.

>> No.7057577


One is me.

>> No.7057586

Different anon, but yes, she is a better cosplayer because she actually gets the point of cosplay: dressing up as something you like and having a good time with yourself. While everyone else at the end was moping about not winning the costume contest, she was sitting there saying "OH BOY THAT WAS FUN I CAN'T WAIT TO DO THAT AGAIN!"

>> No.7057589

Chloe that is

>> No.7057764

I love watching Chloe. She's a breath of fresh air. And she reminds me why u started in the first place

>> No.7057767

*why I started.

>> No.7057800

I know you're probably not in this thread anymore but that is the perfect comparison.

>> No.7057808
File: 20 KB, 600x371, theroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This moment needs to happen

>> No.7057814

Fun shit about Holly. Holly was commissioned by the face model of Samara to make a Samara costume for her. At the last minute something happened, she backed out, the costume wasn't finished, and Holly kept her money.

Nothing was said about it because of Holly's involvement and Jessica working for Bioware and the woman who modeled for Samara not wanting to make a giant fucking scene about it.

I swear to god I am not making this shit up.

Holly Conrad fucking steals money from cancer survivors.

>> No.7057820

Also anybody who would fucking willingly be involved with the steaming pile of shit that is Bioware has to be a fucking psychopath.

>> No.7057854


I imagine Bioware doesn't pay her too much money to begin with and she's too much of a fangirl to not give a shit.

>> No.7057858

Oh but I am, and why thank you.

>> No.7057886

But she has nice feet: http://www.wikifeet.com/Holly_Conrad

>> No.7057893

I couldn't stop thinking of Tommy Wiseau whenever they all kept talking about Yaya throughout the whole show. As I pointed out earlier, they literally mention/talk about her at least 7 different times within the show's first ten minutes in the second episode.

It also made me laugh when I remembered that both have scenes where they're trying to come off as wise, caring and insightful mentors towards their "protege." So does this mean Monika is Denny?

>> No.7057897

>that website
>the fact that Holly Conrad is on it
what the shit

>> No.7057906

for real. she is wife material. [spoiler] too bad shes dating that shit head Chris Hardwick

>> No.7057916

Goddamn will people ever learn that that doesn't work on here?

>> No.7057928


....you have given me an idea on how to make a parody version of heroes of cosplay.

Thanks! -writes down-

>> No.7057931

its not just you anon, previous anon is being a dumbass

>> No.7057943
File: 26 KB, 720x404, Tommy+Wiseau+_29b30778da15d0a9ab0332355d7ccdeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha any time, Mindork! You must have the GREEEEAT ideaa to make a show aboht meeee cohspplaying! Good thinking!

>> No.7057960


>> No.7058167

Horseface is wife material? Really?

>> No.7058169

that would literally be the only way for someone to put up with her.

i know they say "never stick your dick in crazy", but they also say that crazy chicks are the best in bed. maybe Jinyo solved that mystery for men everywhere.

>> No.7058186

Oh! We can have Victoria as Lisa, Jessica Nigri as Either mark or that drug dealer dude. Or maybe Jinyo as Mark. For Lisa's mom it would be That pinkie pie girl.

>> No.7058203

This. Forever and ever.

>> No.7058233

So just finished the second episode and thank god for Chloe. I'm really happy they actually have a cosplayer on that show with the 'its about having fun' attitude. I was really happy at the end how she wasn't all upset for not winning but proud of herself for going on stage! Can't wait to see more of her.

>> No.7058238

How is he a shithead? He's pretty funny (held his own pretty well in the company of actual famous people in his bowling competition) and he's mildly cute. I smell jelly.

>> No.7058243

And I mean held his own conversationally, not at bowling lol. He's like semi-pro because of his dad or w/e.

>> No.7058259

And there ain't a damn thing wrong with either of these ways of cosplaying.

>> No.7058345
File: 119 KB, 734x522, Yaya's torn apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you made me do. Not my best work since this is only a quick sketch but hell this gave me a quick idea. Might do color version if I remember what she was wearing in that coffee scene, also I was gonna add victoria to it but I messed up her pose.

>> No.7058351
File: 138 KB, 500x289, PERFECTION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look what you made me do

>> No.7058368

Thank you! Although there might be things I need to fix before coloring it. Also its part of a mini comic I'm making up

>> No.7058392 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 286x200, +_cb1d6aeaaaa92c431ffe98079131c9a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that justifies her for being slutty

>> No.7058395
File: 8 KB, 286x200, +_cb1d6aeaaaa92c431ffe98079131c9a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that justifies her for being slutty

>> No.7058399

So what have the people said (like Victoria) about reusing costumes AGAIN for ep 2? Tron dress was reused from a long time ago right? And the Hellgrrl I saw like 4 years ago at D*con

>> No.7058409


yup, both of those costumes were made in 2011 i believe

>> No.7058478

the foam was not painted or sealed. all my rage. you could see the seams on his face.

ps were there really only like 8 people in the comp?

>> No.7058483

this is why I like jnig and don't really like yaya. sure yaya's craftsmanship is great, but her personality is gross.

>> No.7058498

I think originally the rumor here goes that her doctor told her that she was "forced" to get them for some bullshit reason.

>> No.7058500
File: 87 KB, 650x387, your_effort_puppet_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They get out shined by a little girl selling pictures saying that they do it for the fandom....then hands you a business card....

please see my post here >>7054785
I feel the same way you do.

>> No.7058502
File: 16 KB, 640x480, ego.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay is becoming a beauty pageant.

There will be backlash for that eventually I think.

It's gonna get so Toddlers in Tiaras up in this hobby people are gonna swing around to fuck your 2 lbs of make up and selling prints. Be a real fan and add to the fandom for the sake of the fandom and not your ego.

>> No.7058503

>monika gets questioned about whether she was in character or just being an attentionwhore
>shes just an attention whore
>gets mad that someone dare question that and jnig also does not like the person who asked the q

Cmon now.

>> No.7058514


I don't think that female judge was in the wrong either, I though her critique was perfectly valid. It's up to a cosplayer whether or not they want to be in FULL character when wearing a costume. But really, if you're going to enter a contest and do a walk on, even if you aren't the best character actor, you should at least try to strongly represent who you're dressed up as.

Monica didn't even try, she just walked on stage and waited for them to shower her with praise.

>> No.7058591

I'm just pissed that they have all this b-roll footage of AX that they try to pass off as other conventions
Which I wonder: will the finale episode be at AX? Everyone keeps saying that all the Masq participants signed wavers and that the Aloida giving her award to the Pinkie Pie was for the show

>> No.7058618


This makes me incredibly anxious since I've signed up for my first cosplay competition. It's a craftsmanship comp with mandatory walk-on. I'm so awkward and shy and my character is kinda sweet and bubbly and I suck my god

>> No.7058642

>I suck my god

>> No.7058651


Don't sweat it. The effort is what counts. In Monica's case, she literally just planted herself on the stage and waited for a reaction.

>> No.7058655

So I'm watching the first episode and maybe they should have named the show "Beta Boyfriends"

>> No.7058658

Honestly, wearing the costume will probably give you a lot more confidence. Typically if you see someone in a costume, you don't think "Hey! There's somebody cosplaying as XXX!", you think "Hey! There's XXX!".

>> No.7058686

Do not fear. Take it easy, deep breathes and really just get into that character's mind set and own it! Also, my favorite piece of advice has always been "When you're on stage, whatever you do, only you know that you'll be doing it. Even if it's a mistake, no one else knows but you. Own everything and go for broke."

I'm sure you'll do just fine, anon :3

>> No.7058693

And all of those betas are getting cuckold all day every day.

>> No.7058694
File: 175 KB, 370x334, 1364169150584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just rewatched ep 2 with a friend tonight because he hadn't seen it, & I chose to pay very close attention to the whole dinner party chat since there's been a lot of controversy over it. We start with Yaya saying "Let's talk about Cosplay Pet Peeves." And Riki starts talking about big muscular guys should go be super man. Chloe responds saying something along the lines of "But what if you wanna do what you want, regardless of how you look." Everyone just stares at her and Riki tries to explain the whole "If you're 300 lbs and you wanna be superman, then your photos get on the net, what good is that for them?" And when Chloe tries to say that it should be all about fun there's comments of her being new and that she's naive. Victoria clearly says "Cosplay is Srs Bzness" and Yaya goes on her little talk about how you should look in the mirror and cosplay to your body type (Yaya you should take your own advice and not cosplay chii from fucking Chobits then.)

>> No.7058696

>>7058694 (cont)
So we have all this shit taking place which makes everyone else who jumps into this conversation (Yaya, Riki, and Victoria) look like it's all about your look & if you don't have the look for something you should skip it and go for what suits you, not what will be fun for you. That shit irks me to no end and even worse between Riki diverting hate away from Yaya for the situation, that the dinner was 2.5 hours long and it was edited, and Yaya trying to convince people that it's all about doing what you want and having fun is If you don't want people to think you're a horrid person, don't talk like that on television! Plus, the whole conversation is started with PET PEEVES. Are you fucking kidding me?! If that shit bothers you so much? Stop going to cons & stop having fun (except Yaya, there is no fun, only her mortgage)

tl;dr Shut yo' mouf, this is a hobby. The only Heroes I see are Chloe and Monika for doing what they want because they wanted to do it for themselves.

>> No.7058701

wait, has anyone posted this on tumblr or the facebook or something?

>late to the party

>> No.7058739

The show is probably asking them to go with something old so they can actually have something regardless of the fake drama.

>> No.7058743

I heard about that as well. Apparently Alodia gave 'unrelated to AX' award to Pinkie Pie, which made people believe she was planted there.

Can someone confirm if that pony was plant?

Not even Yaya will be able to show her face at anime con after this, she'll get booed to no end. Comic convention would be less brutal though, most won't give a fuck. Though I have heard some people in /co/ hated the show as well.

>> No.7058758

>cosplay to your body-type
>cosplay isn't just about fun
but those are both opinions espoused on /cgl/? I daresay the way cosplay has become more about costuming and less about expressing your love of a character or series contributes to this idea, and I don't want to say this is a bad thing either as making fancy costumes is a perfectly valid hobby. Also, its easy for some pretty, skinny bitch to say "cosplay is all about fun, dress how you like!", but jealous fatties such as myself don't have that fucking option.

Seagulls hating on the above greentext, and liking JNig, seems really different to normal, but I suppose that's the schizophrenic nature of a board with no hivemind.

>> No.7058761

stop trying to cosplay skinny girls, fatty.

>> No.7058765

>those are both opinions espoused on /cgl/?
>espoused on /cgl/?

This place is a cesspool. It shouldn't be a standard for anyone to follow.

>> No.7058784

Yes, it's an opinion that a lot of people express on /cgl/ but what sane person would use 4chan to gauge the views of a community?

More importantly, it's such a big deal because it shows Yaya being hypocritical. As we all know, Yaya is a self-dubbed "Cosplay Ambassador" who claims to have the goal of getting cosplay out there to as many people as possible. To turn right around and tell people what they can and can't do, while also getting the main point of cosplay wrong shows that she's really more interested in fame and status, not cosplay.

>> No.7058804

Speaking of Jinyo, why doesn't he just enter the contests himself? I mean, he is actually good at making costumes and seems level headed enough to remember it's for fun and not be bitter if he doesn't win.

>> No.7058807

Just remember that it's a hobby you do for enjoyment. Relax and have fun with the character, don't get caught up on the judging part. As long as you smile it should be ok.

>> No.7058810

It pisses me off that they call Chloe naive. So wanting to have fun in a hobby where you dress up as fucking CARTOON CHARACTERS is naive? She has the right idea and I hope she doesn't let the pettiness get her down. Her reaction after the contest made me happy, everyone else is butthurt and she's just happy that she went on stage, now that's the best way to enjoy cosplay.

>> No.7058819

>I like Yaya's boobs and I am good with the fact she is always more than willing to share them with us

same for Jnig
ITT angry jelly loli hambeasts QQing

>> No.7058822

I don't know what you call a muffin top when it's just under your arms, but man oh man, has she got those in spades.

>> No.7058833


/cgl/ has a lot of varied opinions and I think the focus here is on the apparent hypocrisy of Yaya and co's statements.

Though, personally, I don't think the idea of cosplaying to your body-type and cosplaying for fun are mutually exclusive concepts. I don't compete and I don't give a fuck about e-fame, but I think I'd have a lot less fun in costume if I was wearing something really unflattering. I think that's true for a lot of people––it's nice to feel like you've got a great costume and it looks great on you vs. feeling paranoid that someone's going to ask you for a photo just so they can ridicule the fat girl in the bikini online (regardless of whether that's actually going to happen or not).

>> No.7058854

He has a penis. Apparently to be a cosplay 'hero' you must have a vagina and breasts.

>> No.7058857

I doubt this will stop Yaya going to cons but there is sure no way she will ever be a judge or guest at a con again. Her only hope now is to milk it like Speidi and the Kardashians and be one of those people who is Z-list famous for being Z-list famous.

>> No.7058859

No tits, no sex appeal, no air time

>> No.7058882

/co/ is also one of the worst boards on 4chan because it really isn't even 4chan anymore. It's just an extension of tumblr, which explains why so many people on /cgl/ like it.

>> No.7058898

Jesse confirmed for pre op?

>> No.7058901


muh dick...

>> No.7058935


the difference is jnig isn't a massive fucking cunt and was ASKED to do the lolipop chainsaw job.

yaya looks like a 90 year old transvestite and is basically doing the equivalent of someone going on t.v. and saying they are the "ambassador of d&d because they dm'd a few times."

one is hot and accentuates the fact that she's hot and gets work because she is hot.

the other tirelessly whores herself to get as famous as possible while stepping on literally the entire community's collective corpse to do what? get more pictures of her shit on the chive?

does yaya really think that the "ambassador of cosplay" thing is going to stick?

i'm going to start calling myself "the god of vaginas" and see if that gets me out of anything. brb

>> No.7058941

Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck because I feel like personality has nothing to do with how well you do your job? There are a bunch of movie stars who are massive cunts but they still get work because they are good at what they do.

I fucking still listen to Kayne West despite the fact that he is a massive douchebag. How much he sucks doesn't affect my enjoyment of the end product. It's not like we know Yaya is a horrible racist or anything like that. She's just a bitch, and that's okay. That's not going to stop me from liking her work.

>> No.7058947
File: 24 KB, 400x384, worrieedgdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga, have you ever seen supergirl?

not sure if troll or epic fucktard.

>> No.7058952


yet she asks her fans on her facebook page to attempt to shut down anyone else who says what cosplay should or shouldn't be.

>> No.7058968
File: 228 KB, 1020x784, supergirl_new_dc_52_by_battle810-d5v5gg3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that's N52 Super girl right?

>> No.7058970


i...i fucking missed you bro...

what happened to the days of maguma and maryjane threads mang? feeling awfully oldfaggy in here...

>> No.7058980
File: 69 KB, 580x508, raid-rx-shaman-costume-contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find funny is that costume is four years old, he wore it in Blizzcon 2009's costume contest. I wonder if he's even made any other costumes since, because I keep seeing him wear it over and over.

>> No.7058986


bingo wings

>> No.7058992


yeah i know, i just fucking woke up and i'm raging so hard at urrthang. i thought it was someone praising brony gijinka garbage.

it's not the best n52 i've seen, but jnig does make a convincing supergirl

>> No.7058993

He really seems like the kind of cosplayer who just doesn't give a shit about competing. He seems to really enjoy puzzling out a costume. And the fact he wore a mascot suit also tells me he doesn't want to put his face out there really, just wants to make something cool and wear something neat. Of course I don't know what other costumes he's worn to cons heh

Just really insults anyone with any cosplaying know how.

>look at me `make` this costume I already made and debuted three years ago!

How is Victoria going to talk her way out of this one? Since her Lulu story was "oh this isn't the SAME Lulu costume duh! Just the same exact embroidery that we obviously had to remake exactly!'

>> No.7059012

There's less reason to post since most of cgl lost it's passion and flavor for being angry about costume making and then in response posting good advice or at least being a bitch about saying "GAWD DAMMIT! FUCKING DO IT THIS WAY" and then helping everyone around them while still being mad at them. I miss that shit man. I miss it a lot.


>> No.7059015
File: 401 KB, 843x541, bestsytorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059090

Difference is being a rapper or being in movies is a legit career to take seriously and the ends justify the means.

Dressing up as cartoon characters and selling photos of your tits so you can pretend to scrape a living from it when you're actually working another job isn't a career to take seriously and the ends don't justify the means.

>> No.7059111
File: 281 KB, 725x640, 1364355045980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying!

>> No.7059114

oh my god it's literally the exact dress holy shit.

You mean on top of lying about how much Jinyo was involved in the process of making it. She flat out lied about her making the fabric parts (aside from the removable bit) too? Jesus fucking christ. How desperate are you to win that you can't even be asked to really make anything yourself.

I didn't agree with who won overall, but the fact that she expected to win best in show for doing nothing except making a tulle slip is beyond me.

>> No.7059117

Hi Ayabi

>> No.7059126
File: 14 KB, 300x309, 1369720699000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file name is potkettle
>same text over same people
>Yaya is wearing a slutty Rarity costume
>Jnig is wearing an accurate Super Girl costume

I don't think the joke could be any more obvious.

>> No.7059130

And the fact the costume is two years old

>> No.7059134

>>how much of the costume did you make?

>>err.... *talks about the slip*

>> No.7059142

I've met Chloe a couple times because of mutual friends and she was always pretty nice. When stressed, she's a bit snappy, but that's understandable.

>> No.7059158

Well, shit the bed

>> No.7059160


i know that feel mang. the fire died. i don't even go to cons anymore. everything is different now.

>> No.7059169

am i the only really annoyed at how that girl in the "Tron" dress treated her bf? i mean he does all the work and she says that she'll punch him if the lights dont work properly.

>> No.7059181 [DELETED] 

Your not the only one....

>> No.7059184

Your not the only one..sadly

>> No.7059185

She is very nice Irl but she is definitely playing up her role because she's a decent actress and is smart enough to have an actual grasp on how TV works. She's obviously being careful about what she says which is admirable. She's doing so much better than everyone else

Everyone on this show is doing some level of acting/conforming to a role. Keep that in mind y'all

>> No.7059200

Except Yaya and Victoria, because nobody would choose to portray those characters.

>> No.7059285

Cgl helped me grow as a costumer ;A; don't stop /cgl/ arise like the phoenix!

>> No.7059308

Where can I watch episode 2?

>> No.7059323
File: 885 KB, 400x300, 1345316216674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059324

god it looks even fucking worse close up. What the fuck were they thinking.

>> No.7059336

Somebody put this on Facebok, it should spread like wildfire. I can't wait to hear the excuse from her about this shit.

>> No.7059346

OMG this.
And then that Monika girl is like
>well I guess next time I'll take it to the next level by making it LIGHT UP
Because apparently, this pleases Yaya

>> No.7059351

Someone PLEASE post this on facebook or tumblr or somewhere

>> No.7059352

Yeah she's a massive bitch.
Maybe it's the editing, maybe it's just her acting, but she really comes across is a bad light and it's not doing her any favors.

Jinyo's the shit though.

>> No.7059363

Rarity would never wear that slut suit, 0/10 Yaya

>> No.7059369

It's called
>>Betsey Johnson - Evening Dahlia Strapless Dress


>> No.7059370

lots of pictures here

>> No.7059373

>Betsey Johnson Evening Prom Dress
>"If it doesn't light up it just going to look like a prom dress" -Victoria

Suddenly it makes so much sense why she said that. I was kind of like why the fuck would people think it's a prom dress? But now I see why, because the person who actually made it advertises it as one.

>> No.7059375


>Victoria owns a Betsey Johnson dress, and if money were no object, I would definitely be buying her more.

>> No.7059378

Her con persona is one of professional / diva-esqe

I will not watch the show as I have more than enough things to be mad about. But using SCI-FI as a gauge is probably NOT a good plan really.

>> No.7059396
File: 51 KB, 400x410, 446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wore it better?
Lil mama?
Or Jessica?

>> No.7059402

oh lord.

>> No.7059401
File: 19 KB, 380x456, file_39_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also comes in long version

(LOL same wig too)

>> No.7059410
File: 230 KB, 639x611, bestsytorn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059413
File: 117 KB, 360x502, 1_799a988f933f9b6893bc602e5bd2608f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Capcha: journyo success

>> No.7059436
File: 339 KB, 960x1280, 1223835057819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7059439
File: 116 KB, 576x650, 1306355206560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7059442
File: 776 KB, 918x768, tronprom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059444
File: 403 KB, 725x548, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just keep digging that liars grave, honey. Just keep digging.

>> No.7059443

Chole used to get mad shit from 4chan/ED so she hates us...it's kind of funny to see her getting so much love now.

>> No.7059452


what the fuck are you even doing? it helps to put words to pictures. also my life goal is to smash that ivy cosplayer with all of my dick. for serious.

>> No.7059460


Doesn't this also prove how scripted (already knew but still) the show really is?

>When we were approched about doing “Heroes Of Cosplay,” the producers expressed an interest in putting the Tron Dress in the show.

Granted they went along with it.....

>> No.7059463

>designed by Jinyo
You mean modified by Jinyo, surely.

>> No.7059473

Hair is wrong
Doesn't even have an approximate body-type to pull it off
Didn't even get the costume right


>> No.7059489

That was Riki. Monika didn't really have anything to say about the results of the contest as far as I remember.

Riki was a dissappointment in that episode if only for the fact that she says "I'm gonna give it that 10-15% and doesn't pull out all the stops to show it. The hand of doom is cool, and the horn stubs and tail look nice, but the rest of that outfit doesn't say anything towards going for that extra mile :/

>> No.7059503


Fugging lol

>> No.7059512

"I'm going to go the extra 10-15%... LIKE MY BODY SUIT. LOL HOPE NO 1 THINKS IM LAZY BCUZ I DIDNT PAINT ;;"

>> No.7059536


>> No.7059543

Oh yeah my bad.
I don't know why but I've gotten their names mixed up like 4 times now.

>> No.7059559


>> No.7059580
File: 9 KB, 285x249, 1359174343563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Jinyo makes the cool stuff while the hysterical bitch just shouts in the background she need it done

Oh and yea this show will just create a bigger shitstorm everytime a new episode airs. Yaya is so full of bullshit.

>> No.7059589

Some people really just want to make things, not necessarily get the attention for wearing them. See: that one dude in the "Crafting a Secret Identity" documentary.
lol okay...no one's even specifically "targeting" her boobs except to call out her hypocrisy re: Jnig. Talk about being intentionally disingenuous in order to justify inane ad hominem attacks. gbt /b/ etc. etc.
Not sure if idiot who can't recognize sarcasm if it slaps them upside the head with one of Yaya's implants or...well, that exact thing
Also this, I been fucking saying this. So damn infuriating. I wonder how many low-to-mid-tier conventions that guy's won prizes at with that mediocre pile of shit.
It's actually not identical, as you can see from the number of "ruffles" (in store bought dress, there are 4 to each side. On hers, there are 3.)
She never denies she didn't make it. She says very clearly on her fb in the original photos that Jinyo made it for her. Jinyo is a pretty damn good draftsman/seamst(er?), so I actually don't doubt that he made it, just following very closely to the design of the Betsey dress.

>> No.7059590

>Jinyo does the work while Victorio yells
Pretty much this.
It's hilarious when they show her doing "work", i.e. moving some fabric around, sewing a straight line across ONE piece of tulle, sitting on the couch with a needle and some trim, etc...
Meanwhile everyone else is pouring resin into molds, cutting leather, making head casts (however needless), etc...
Victoria is by far the worst person on HoC. I even find Yaya more tolerable than her.

>> No.7059617

Does anyone else feel that this show is a way for Yaya to show the world the bad truth about her friends? This is her show after all, it's like she's trying to bring everyone down while still making her look like the Queen of Cosplay.

Victoria - let the world know that Jinyo is really the one who makes her costumes

Monica - show that she really just wants attention like Jnig

Chloe - show that she's too dumb to be a cosplayer and doesn't understand how it works

Becky - show that she can be full of herself


>> No.7059621

Riki's crosseyedness was fucking disturbing.

>> No.7059628

What if she doesn't really know?? What if, Jinyo bought the dress and she thought he made it all this time?

I don't know, but he does make everything for her and he did surprise her with this dress out of nowhere on the show.

>> No.7059633


So what if Jinyo is also a massive liar?

>> No.7059631

or that she's still riding on photos from years ago now for her portfolio.

>> No.7059717

but all the show did was make Chloe look like a sane person surrounded by lunatics with ego problems.

>> No.7059825

:/ for all her talent and skill, it would not have been hard to paint herself red and have someone help her with the detailing of the shadows and what not.

>> No.7059860

>in store bought dress, there are 4 to each side. On hers, there are 3
The LED wires make the ruffles stand out more so you would only be able to see some of them from that picture.

>> No.7059865
File: 149 KB, 500x313, 183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Riki pulled out that strap-on harness for her tail

>> No.7059926

>too dumb
you mean not a catty fucking bitch?
If that was Yaya's goal then she failed miserably because all I got from episode 2 is that Chloe is the only cool person surrounded by a bunch of twats.
Not trying to rage at you directly, I just can't stand Yaya. Actually went and unliked her FB page yesterday, don't know what possessed me to like it in the first place. Ignorance I suppose.

>> No.7059931

I could think of two reasons

>> No.7059978

lol trust me anon, it wasn't for the titties. Straight woman reporting in.
I guess I used to admire her success and the quality level of her costumes, but that was before I knew anything about her as a person.
After watching HoC it's become very apparent that she isn't the sort of person anyone should be looking up to.

>> No.7059984

Late to the party. Watched both episodes yesterday, here's my gut reaction:

The editing on this show is infuriating. Most of what the girls say on this show has obviously been edited out of context, ie the body type conversation was probably a full on debate.

Yaya needs to fuck off: she's not a good role model at all. She's self-serving, arrogant, gossipy, everything I've come to loathe about cosplay and the community. Worst still, the show goes along with it just because she has a strong personality. Right after Yaya's little bitchfit about Jnigs, Jnigs suddenly gets a ton of out of focus candid shots, cuts to her with subtitled dialog implying she's gossiping, just classic reality TV methods of painting someone as the villain. Yaya does have a point about the blatant sexualization of characters that don't need to be sexualized (Jnig's Connor costume made me angry) but you shouldn't shame someone on national TV if you wish to be the "ambassador of cosplay" (typing that out makes me sick, I don't want or need a fucking ambassador of cosplay) I'm not a fan of either of them but at least Jnigs doesn't publicly denounce anyone on national television. I would actually watch this show on a regular basis if Yaya went fucked off out of sight.

The other girls aren't even that bad compared to Yaya. Yeah sure, Victoria is annoying but we've all known/been that person who gets too competitive, gets too ambitious, lies about construction, takes something that should be fun too seriously, etc. I've been in that place before and it's not a healthy mindset to be in for this hobby, so I appreciate that some attention is being given to how shitty it can get for some people. I feel she's a necessary evil, her attitude illustrates the dark side of cosplay that the average person is not aware of.

>> No.7059992

In short, the show right now is basically an excuse for Yaya to jerk herself off. For someone claiming to represent the community/hobby she's certainly done a fuckton of damage to it in a short two hours. Everyone else is a somewhat interesting character and they're all surprisingly relateable, even Victoria but in a different way.

To improve, this show needs to be less about catty "cosplay celebrity" shit and more about the construction, though that's probably too much to ask of reality TV. There's plenty of interesting content and drama during the construction of cosplays, we all know this from our own experiences. Just look at Mythbusters: you feel the team's excitement when they manage to get some crazy contraption working and you want to see how they solve problems when something doesn't go as planned. Seeing someone else figure out an integral part of a costume would be really entertaining, seeing how exactly a piece of armour is put together would be really interesting. For instance, the construction of the strapon tail thing would've been a funny side story, same with Jesse's armour pieces and Jinyo's wiring. Unfortunately, they're not gossipy bitches so SyFy isn't going to give a shit about them.

tl;dr: less Yaya and more Jinyo.

>> No.7060012

Honestly I keep her liked only for her "cosplay ambassador" speeches and the other dumb fake shit she says on a daily basis

>> No.7060031

The only reason she calls herself the "cosplay ambassador" is because she knows people wouldn't let her get away with calling herself "the queen of cosplay"

>> No.7060033

But being called a Goddess is fine~

>> No.7060042

I agree with this.
I respect Jessica so much more than Yaya. I'm not totally a Jessica fan but Yaya is just delusional. Her life is cosplay and she tries to pass of dressing up as fictional characters and going to conventions as a "career" - the only thing even remotely career-like about what she does is the cat ears and it seems Brian does all that. Yaya is little more than an unemployed attention whore with a huge ego who spends all her time overcompensating for her shortcomings.

Jessica on the other hand has had much more, and more legitimate, modeling work than Yaya in the short time she's been in the game. Jessica is beating Yaya at her own game, and on top of that she turned down HoC which was a really smart decision. I'm not particularly fond of either of them, but in my opinion Jessica is leagues better than Yaya.

>> No.7060189

can i just ignore both of them? it's worked well so far

>> No.7060428

4chan will never ignore Yaya and Jessica. It is a proven fact.
You can't even have a sexy cosplay or boob thread without it turning into being about one or both of them.

>> No.7060482

Jesse you're shit and so is your armor

>> No.7060506

that's what I'm doing.

I try not to give either of them a moment's thought. They both represent the worst cosplay has to offer so why let then bring it down by letting them be part of my cosplay world?

I want to see ingenious ways to use foam, amazing paint jobs, crazy ass metal work, using fabric as sculpture, movie level detail made in someone's basement...
Beautiful photography, use of lighting, wonderful settings...

Not tits ass, tits tits tits, ass, vag, 1 lb of make up, ass, tits.
I can see that every damn where. Why would I look for it at a con too. It's nothing special.

>> No.7060556

She said on the show that if it doesn't light up it's "just a prom dress". Clearly she knows what's up.

Correction. Yaya hoped this show would be an excuse for her to jerk off.
What it actually is is her being made to look like a total prick on an international stage and now she's working herself sick trying to do damage control.

>> No.7060668

I definitely wish more time was devoted to the technique of creating the costumes and specific problems they try to overcome.

By the way, was I the only one who found it a bit funny when after all the hype none of the cosplayers placed?

>> No.7060672

I hope it's like that episode and none of them ever place

>> No.7060680

Cosplayers make inaccurate costumes, /cgl gives them shit about it.

Jinyo makes an accurate reproduction of a Betsey Johnson dress, then makes it awesome with Tron lights, /cgl gives him shit about it.

Why doesn't someone here just ask him? Or ask for a pic of the inside of the dress? I've never seen something home made that looked as clean as a factory made. It should be pretty obvious if it's home made or factory.

Excuses why we can't be bothered to ask him! Let them flow!

>> No.7060686

My number one peeve, fucking Sexy this, genderbent that, STAY ACCURATE YOU WHORE CUNTS

>> No.7060689
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1373628072102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060696

Everyone knows the cameras are following them. As if Yaya wouldn't want to appear even stricter then and downgrading them just because she can.

>> No.7060704

someone post the side-by-side that conclusively proves it's a store bought dress with fucking lights on it
I want to see this fucker cry and bitch and make up more excuses

>> No.7060706

>especially Jinyo, who needs to "win" himself a girlfriend who doesn't treat him like a sweatshop worker.
This is true, though. Jinyo seems like a cool dude who's too much of a pussy to tell his girlfriend to fuck off when she's being a complete bitch.

Everyone on this show other than him and that chick who did the Beetle Juice cosplay sucks.

>> No.7060709

So do these girls put out?

>> No.7060718

They ask them to say nasty or overly dramatic things and then edit things a certain way.
These girls obviously are attention whores, yes, but I can't imagine they'd treat their bfs in such a horrible way if the cameras weren't there.
Maybe that's just me believing in the good of human beings (in cosplay out of all places as well) but I can't imagine anyone continuing to be in a relationship where they just get bossed around and used.

>> No.7060745

...just... wow. I'm in awe for some reason and yet, in the past she has contacted me for a commission so I really shouldn't be surprised... yet I am. Thank god I turned her down.

How did you know how to find that Betsy Johnson dress though?

>> No.7060751

Someone in one of the threads actually owned the thing

>> No.7060755

Ohs. That makes sense then.

>> No.7060760

Right? It's actually quite surprising that no one in the show stopped to thing, "Hey, using a popular dress by a popular designer might get recognized. Maybe we shouldn't claim that they designed and made the goddamn thing, because someone is bound to recognize it."

>> No.7060775

This show is such bullshit. I feel bad for the people involved, because I feel like the syfy producers were always directing these conversations, staging fake drama and scenes and blatantly editing interviews out of context.

This is not the Cosplay documentary that we were told it would be. This is a mean-spirited and dishearting view of cosplay.

For a naive time I was hopeful that this would be a good experience and exposure for the cosplay community. I was hoping that it would be something like KenAD's mini-documentary he did a while back

Instead we have this embarrassing display of bitchiness and false-ego boosting from the cast. It's sad that none of the cast members, these so-called "heroes of cosplay" have won best in show yet. And as such, if the reports are true, the syfy producers are forced to rig the Megacon contest so that one of their cast member can FINALLY win a contest.

I feel bad for Jesse and Jinyo, though. Jesse is not a great costume maker but he really loves what he is doing and I have a feeling the producers are pushing that "i wanna be famous" angle to the point where it makes him very unlikable.
Then Jinyo literally does all the work and without him, his bitchy girlfriend literally falls apart, yet she will whine and complain to him that he isn't working fast enough. So fuck her.

Anyways, I will keep watching this train wreck and keeping my fingers crossed for more Chloe.

>> No.7060780

I raged over last week's episode but this one? I laughed so much. The narrator really made the show with quotes such as:

>"Rikki hits a snag that can undermine her reputation as a top-notch fabricator."
It doesn't work like that...

>"Still feeling the sting of humiliation in Portland, Victoria has Jingyo to help salvage her damaged reputation--"
Again... it doesn't work like that. ...but then again, this show let the cosplay community know that she's a lazy, complaining, sniveling princess.

Man. This episode was too stupid to get angry over. I still hate all the people on this show but I do like Chloe. Chloe at least seems like a real human being.

>> No.7060832

I can vouch that this show is really screwing up the whole "image of cosplay", or rather the idea of it. I had some friends over last night for a HoC drinking game, and they don't cosplay, so showing this to them made them question a bunch of stuff. Case in point:

Friend: So anon, why don't you enter contests?

Me: Cause I can't sow and our friend makes all my costumes for me.

Friend: Then why do you do it?

Me: Cause I love not being me for 24 hours and being a dork with other dorks and having fun.

Friend: So? That Tron girl didn't do anything either and entered.

Me: That, my dear is friend, is what you call a dirtbag.

Friend: Ooooo. Don't you want the money?

Me: I have a job, I don't need their little 500$ cash prizes (not knocking it or anything or boosting, but I'm lucky enough to make that in 2 days, I PERSONALLY don't care). It's called a hobby, not a lifetime commitment. That's why cons are once a year.

Friend: That Yaya girl does it, right?

Me: ..soooorta. She makes little ears and wings that people buy. And she's got a husband. And she sells prints of herself in tight leather costumes. So...I guess.

Friend: That doesn't sound fun.

Me: Daaaaaaaar yeah go.

But seriously, I don't even think I would want to have Yaya's so-called "professional" life. Sounds like the biggest stress jerker ever. Can you imagine being in "day before con panic mode" 24/7? Sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen to me. But to each his own I guess.

>> No.7060936

>alexa poletti

Idk check her out. Im using my tablet so i can't post her pic

>> No.7060980

the girl who did the beetlejuice cosplay was cute as fuck. Would cuddle. Those old whores need to get a job tho. espescially the lady that makes her husband do all the work.

>> No.7061035

How about the statement about Chloe and her credibility to be on The Nerdist if she doesn't win something in the contest~
That was a kicker!

>> No.7061075

That reminds me.
When does that "My Other Me" documentary come out?
I've been waiting to see that shit for 2 years

>> No.7061348

Someone posted the picture on fb. Jinyo keeps copy pasting the same response to everyone

>I made the dress from scratch, inspired by pictured of this Betsey Johnson dress.
More details here: http://jinyo.net/?p=58

>If you watch the show, you can see some of the subtle modifications I made to the design, such as the corset back instead of the zipper, the shoulder straps, the inset side panels, and a lot of the seam design. I also made the overlapping skirt "petals" separate, so they would poof out more when she moved. I also made the white fluffy part shorter, so it would stick out less.

>I WISH I could afford a Betsey Johnson dress to rip holes in for wiring! Or three dresses, as it turned out (read my blog post if you want to know what I'm talking about). But if I spent hundreds of dollars on a dress, I wouldn't dare damage it, even for cosplay!

>> No.7061720

I don't blame him for not wanting to modify a Betsey dress! I remember shopping for that dress back in 2011, and it was about $500 on sale!

I wish I had the skill to look at a picture of a Betsey Jhnson dress and make my own. I'd be rich!

>> No.7063227

Ok such BS! did Jinyo just buy this BJ dress and just add the lights on to it?!? LAME!!!

Talk about adding fuel to the fire on top of the fact Victoria's TRON dress was already made in 2011!

>> No.7064151

what's lazy about a bodysuit? it's not messy, looks uniform, and if you fit it properly it can look really good.

>> No.7064380

Because it's lazy and is uniform. Bodies aren't uniform. Proper airbrushing creates the illusion of flesh. A bodysuit creates no illusion, and simply looks like skin-tight shiny fabric.

>> No.7064796

You have no idea how badly I want the cosplay community to implode so we can finally be rid of this beauty pageant/popularity contest bullshit that's overrun the community. Maybe this show is the proverbial Seventh Seal.

>> No.7064838

You mean it can finally be about craftsmanship and fun again?

>> No.7065005


Did the Heroes of Cosplay Facebook page just remove the ability to show "recent comments" so they could hide the links about the copyright infringement?

>> No.7065024

New episode tomorrow guys. It's Megacon. Wasn't that the one where they rigged it?

>> No.7065067

Scary thought, right? Call me a nostalgic oldfag, but I remember a time when not every snapshot/progress pic/costume in general had to translate to Facebook fan page likes or tumblr reblogs; it seemed more like "Hey you're dressed as the thing I like from that other thing I like, and I like that". So get off my lawn you damn kids.