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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1338834129146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7055494 No.7055494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sexy, revealing cosplay

>> No.7055497
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>> No.7055500
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>> No.7055502
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>> No.7055509
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>> No.7055515
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>> No.7055510
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>> No.7055517
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>> No.7055538

Does this setback the feminist movement by 100 years? Or, is this the product of the Patriarchy brainwashing innocent women? Dun Dun Dunnnnnn

>> No.7055604

Her outfit looks like it's made of fruit roll-ups.

>> No.7055608
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>> No.7055641

she is only wearing a collar

>> No.7056229


>> No.7056230

>mfw hoes like that give the rest of us females a bad name

>> No.7056236


>mfw intelligent people don't generalize an entier gender based on the actions of individuals within that group

>> No.7056240


>mfw you're an incredible human being

>> No.7056248

Her fishnets are under her panties omg that must be uncomfortable

>> No.7056257

technically it's pro-feminism but of course not even feminist will see it that way because *cough*patriarchy *cough*

honestly, women dressing "slutty" is such a huge controversy in the feminist community. because on one hand women should be able to dress in whatever kind of clothing, or lack there of, that they want.
but on the other hand, the reason women feel compelled to dress that way is because men want them too.
so it's very very hard. like my mother and i got in this conversation because i like to be fully shaved, all the time, not just my genital area but my legs, arms, stomach, i even shave my back when i'm not being lazy. i like no body hair at all. however she says it worries her because of my job, because it makes me look more immature and young. which is dangerous. and it is. feeding men that women are attractive when hairless is dangerous. but it's what i like. but do i like it because i like it or because that's what society tells me to like?
oh feminism, stahp.

>> No.7056259

>mfw you're wonderful and respectful, thank you. Are you the same anon from A who commented on the Kaworu x Shinji thread? .

>> No.7056265

ITT revealing cosplay that is in now way sexy. Most of these girls are honestly disgusting.

>> No.7056266


>mfw why are we having a conversation in green text and mfw's and no pictures

nope, not me anon

>> No.7056267

The latter. Feminism was also a social engineering by men so it's a checkmate.

>> No.7056269 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 340x340, kyoseesurpenes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All positive views of feminine sexuality are because of the patriarchy subjugating women into a sex slave gender role.

All negative views of feminine are because of the patriarchy belittling women and restricting their freedom of expression.

Come on it's 2013 you ought to know by now that modern feminism is just a psuedo-intellectual way for girls with shitty personalities to justify their victim complex.

>> No.7056275
File: 248 KB, 1087x1081, Feminism6156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All positive views of feminine sexuality are because of the patriarchy subjugating women into a sex slave gender role.

All negative views of feminine sexuality are because of the patriarchy belittling women and restricting their freedom of expression.

Come on it's 2013 you ought to know by now that modern feminism is just a psuedo-intellectual way for girls with shitty personalities to justify their victim complex.

>> No.7056289


don't take dat b8 m8s

>> No.7056300

Go back to >>>/r9k/ you fucking MRA neckbeard virgin.

>> No.7056299

solid attempt. 8/10

>> No.7056304

except he's totally right
I get asked why I hate women because I have 2d waifus on my Facebook timeline. But anytime you suggest a girl should cover up, you get called a prude and a slut-shamer.

>> No.7056305

Are fucking shitting me? Being against feminism *is* misogyny. It's like you're saying you're against women having the same rights as men, being able to work, and have control over their own bodies.

>2d waifus
Yep, virgin misogynist alright. >>>/a/ >>>/r9k/ If I could nuke those two boards the world would be a better place.

>> No.7056307

There's a point where it just gets weird/gross and these people have clearly crossed it

>> No.7056310

witness true b8 m8s

>> No.7056314

The fuck...? You fucking entitled piece of shit think this is a joke? Let me make it clear to you then : NO ONE and I mean NO ONE fucking likes you or ever will. This is a cosplay board, go spew your misogynistic bullcrap elsewhere, Athens.

>> No.7056317

>Implying feminism and MRAs are different things.

"The belief that gender quality issues can be fixed by focusing on the problems faced by one of them"

>> No.7056319

>Being against feminism *is* misogyny.
This statement would only be true if feminism == gender equality, which it does not.

>> No.7056321

No, feminism *is* gender equality. You'd know that if you bothered to listen for once and not judge women by your prejudice. MRAs are well-known to be misogynists, racist and xenophobic assholes who are just bitter about not being able to get the "10/10 q t 3.14 girl" that they think society owes them.

>> No.7056323
File: 60 KB, 230x270, huehuaY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feminism in action folks.

>> No.7056325


Feminism stopped being about gender equality decades ago.

>> No.7056326

can we skip to the part where both of you realize that neither of you are serious

>> No.7056324
File: 346 KB, 500x611, Douche-English Dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, nah, get fucked

<- this is what you're saying


>> No.7056327

As you'd know, patriarchy is for the pleasure of other women just as much as for men. By personalising patriarchy theory you're stripping it of any useful analytical content. You're an enforcer of patriarchy because you've internalised the content of the rule by a father.

(This is the least relevant section of patriarchy theory, wage equality and wages for housework are far more important topics. Particularly given that slutculture is just another form of sex-work, despite being unwaged.)

>> No.7056328

>This is what feminists actually believe

>> No.7056329

/r9k/ might be women-hating and anti-feminism but it damn well isn't that MRA bullshit. /r9k/ is pathetic but not that pathetic.

>> No.7056331

I love how every time that picture is posted all those MRA neckbeards can do is cry like little manbabies they are.

>> No.7056332

>MRAs are well-known to be misogynists, racist and xenophobic assholes
it's funny because feminists are "well-known" to be every bit as hateful and deceitful

>> No.7056333

Nah, don't try to win me over by hating on your brethren. You're both equally pathetic to me, all misogynists are on the same level of patheticness.

>> No.7056334

people need to stop saying homophones are just secretly in the closet and unwilling to admit it. it's offensive to gay people, like horrifically so.

>> No.7056335

MRA and feminism are both pathetic. Any intelligent person will look at what both sides are saying and realize they are full of hypocrisy. You want to know the best part? Feminists and MRA both consider the term "Egalitarianism" to be sexist.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.7056341

Love it, thanks for posting that!

>trying to drag down a noble movement that factually and objectively changed to society to better by a huge deal, in a very short amount of time, with a reactionary movement that only exist due to male tears and their incapability of accepting women having their own rights and independence


>> No.7056342
File: 36 KB, 255x502, topleleY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, there are still people who haven't realized that third wave feminism is full of hypocrisy?

They actually exist?

>> No.7056350


>Implying feminism back then is the same movement we have today.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah no.


>> No.7056346

Yes. They're called normal sane people as opposed to misogynistic little pricks.

>> No.7056347

>noble movement

>> No.7056351

>everyone who disagrees with me is a misogynist

>> No.7056352

Well, the
>I'm a Hopeless Romantic = I can in no way handle adult relationships
part is really true, I'll give them that much.

>> No.7056356

>look at my maymay arrows trying to be funny since I can't argue with that and I'm just getting gold sweat between my hairy buttcheeks

Do women have the same rights as men? No they don't. They still have to fight against male misogyny and patriarchy all over the world. And the moment you stop fighting you're letting men get their privileges back.

>> No.7056358

>Implying women in western first world countries aren't the most privileged group on the planet.

Confirmed for victim complex. Move along. Nothing to see here.

>> No.7056366


I salute you friend, you won.

>> No.7056364

>this thread

God, I'm so happy I'm 2D-sexual. You know our society is amazing when dying alone is the best option.

>> No.7056368

the women of the feminist movements in the 60's are fucking disturbed at what feminism has turned into
the women of the feminist movements in the 20's are rolling over in their fucking graves

>> No.7056369

That's not how you spell "white cisgendered male who spends all his days on 4chan crying about '>tfw no gf'".

Face it, you guys are the most pathetic beings on Earth. It's funny that all that privilege you had in your life and yet you lose at life so hard.

>> No.7056376

I'm a girl you dumb shit lol.

>> No.7056377

That's because they lived in a society where misogyny was the accepted ideology. They are shocked at how much positive progress there was and how it doesn't look like their own societies did.

>> No.7056378

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls... etc.

>> No.7056381


Ok, you HAVE to be trolling now. There is no way anyone can be this fervent of a defender for feminism and yet clearly know so little about it.

>> No.7056384

No you're not. Girls don't say bullshit like "Oh god, look at me, I am so privileged! God I wish I didn't have all these rights! God I want to just become a housewife and a fucktoy for neckbeard misogynists on /r9k/!". At least they don't say it seriously. You're just a troll anyway, but that "MRA heroine" called girlwriteswhat on YouTube, she is just saying what her husband writes for her to say, and they just do it to get subscribers and make money of YT.

>> No.7056385


The best part is when a female posts something against feminism and gets accused of being a male virgin.

>> No.7056387

this girl too


she's so fucking pathetic, you can hear her voice shaking when she spews all her misogynistic bullshit

>> No.7056388


>you must be 18 to use this site

>> No.7056389

>free drinks
>free dates
>never accused of being a pedophile
>get off with significantly less punishment for the same crime

yeah we are totally not privileged.

>> No.7056390

I hate to break it to you but there are no girls arguing for your /r9k/ ass ITT. They're all hiding this thread and posting in cosplay relevant threads instead.

Keep dreaming though that one day you will find a woman that hates herself with a passion, wants to be your slave, and likes you the way you are (disgusting and moronic).

>> No.7056394

Looks like the male losers just went from desperate to so desperate it's sad to watch.

>> No.7056396
File: 1.28 MB, 500x281, HYMF5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am >>7056275
>come back an hour later
>see this

>> No.7056398

It's all male tears so if anything you trolled your own self.

>> No.7056400

You have such a sweet personality I'm sure you will one day meet a man who loves you for who you are.

>> No.7056403
File: 5 KB, 259x194, Ichtlau6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I care which side trolled which


>> No.7056407

Is this thread the Ruse Cruise that I've unwillingly become a passenger of?

>> No.7056408


I used to think men and women were equal until I was talking to a guy. He had asked me a question about biology, which is my field of study. I started answering his question and about a few sentences in, he says to me, "Stop your rattling, I'm not even listening."
Of course I was mad. Devaluing the explanation HE asked for as 'rattling'-- like I'm some ditsy girl talking boys on the phone with her girlfriends. I said "Excuse me? That was so damn rude." And he rolled his eyes at me and said "Why so touchy? What is it, that time of the month for you?"

Because men have this myth that women on their periods are just soo crazy. And that in itself has turned into a way to devalue an entire gender at any time, invalidating your anger or emotions solely based on your gender.

not privileged. Just because some things are easier sometime for an oppressed group doesn't mean they are at an advantage. I bet you think that blacks are sooo privileged because they get so many scholarships, too, right?

>> No.7056413
File: 1.52 MB, 4000x3000, trollrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one guy in biology was rude to me so therefore I have no privileges

>> No.7056421


Because these are things that only happen one time ever. No other woman has ever been dismissed as 'rattling' or 'blabbering' and there aren't a slew of demeaning words used almost exclusively for when women talk.

"Are you on your period?" isn't a staple of arguments with men across the country, even portrayed in modern media.

>> No.7056418

Yeah. I mean, shit. No one really agrees with me anyways. I despise /r9k/ and /pol/ misogyny and I also think tumblr feminism is pretty crazy.

Everyone's so god damn extreme and takes everything so seriously. Ugh. I support feminism in the sense that women should be able to vote, get equal pay for equal work, get an abortion, etc. but I think there's a lot of social constructs that can't simply be legislated away that favor both men and women in ways that are unfair to someone who wants complete equality. Both >>7056408 and >>7056389 make good points.

>> No.7056423

fucking loser men complaining about female privileges you were privileged for thousands of years its only fair we get our turn to be privileged. If you don't like that you shouldn't have been born in the 21st century. Deal with it virgins.

>> No.7056424

>and I also think tumblr feminism is pretty crazy.

Then you are pretty much anti feminism because these days the tumblr fucks outnumber the feminists that actually still care about equality.

>> No.7056426

Two of those four things are because of "chivalry" bullshit. Which yes, sorry to use the phrase, is part of patriarchy.

>> No.7056431

Flâneurs gonna Flân.

>> No.7056435
File: 85 KB, 720x767, feminismtruthtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Types of Psuedo-Feminists.

Feminism. What was once a respectful movement about giving women equal rights has been slowly hijacked over the decades by people who, quite simply, either hate men and responsibility or just want something to complain about. These psuedo-feminists are a bigger insult to the intelligence of the average women than even the most disgusting misogynist. Here are some common tropes with real life examples to help you spot them.

>> No.7056436
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The Conspiracy theorist

Everything is a sign that women are going to be enslaved by the patriarchy to her. When Texas tried to pass a law to limit abortion clinics, all the rational people in the world saw this as an addition to the ever-going abortion debate on whether the mothers rights or the unborn childs rights matter more. Conspiracy theorist type psuedo-feminists on the other hand saw this as an attack on women by the 'rape culture' trying to turn women into mindless babymakers. These women tend to believe that there is actual organized group secretly controlling the government that eventually aims to make rape legal.

>> No.7056437
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The Victim

While all psuedo-feminists have a victim complex, the victim type psuedo-feminist takes her persecutory delusions to a whole new level. Everything is an insult to women. Everything is sexist. A video game displays a female character in trouble? Clearly this is a ploy by the patriarchy to instill gender programming and brainwash us all to believe that women are weak incompetent objects to be traded like commodities. An advertisement shows a sexy female model? Clearly the patriarchy is trying to promote rape culture somehow. A female antagonist in a work of fiction? Blasphemy! If the medium displays women in any sort of role, victim type psuedo-feminists will find something misogynistic about it.

>> No.7056440
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The Banshee

SQUWAAAAAAAAWK! PATRIARCHY! PATRIARCHY! PATRIARCHY! PATRIARCHY! PATRIARCHY! SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK! RAPE CULTURE! RAPE CULTURE! SQUAAAAAAWK SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK PATRIARCHY! PATRIARCHY! RAPE CULTURE! PATRIARCHY! RAPE CULTURE! …You get the idea. The Banshee is incapable of any kind of intellectual debate or fair discussion, so she simply screams her ideals as loud as she can while interrupting anyone who disagrees with her.

>> No.7056442
File: 843 KB, 3264x1952, slutsau6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prosecutor

The prosecutor defends all the other psuedo-feminists not by civilized discussion, but by accusing anyone who disagrees with them of being a misogynist. Do you disagree that rape culture exists? You are a misogynist. Do you disagree that the popular video game, “The legend of Zelda”, teaches men to hate women? You are clearly a misogynist. Do you disagree with anything any of the psuedo-feminists say? Misogynist. Similar to people who play the race card, the prosecutor aims to silence the opposition by shouting “SEXIST!” at anyone who says anything contrary to their opinions. It is also very common for the prosecutor to also be the apologist, ( see above ). A favorite weapon of prosecutor-apologist hybrids is the phrase “Feminism is the radical belief that women are people.” as it both solidifies the false claim that psuedo-feminism is the same as classic feminism while implying that anyone who disagrees with their nonsense does not view women as people. Don't fall for it.

>> No.7056443
File: 993 KB, 500x4505, Strawfeminists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Apologist

The apologist is a “true feminist” that tries to defend psuedo-feminism by claiming that it does not actually exist. Apologist type psuedo-feminists use the term “Straw feminist” as an accusation that the arguments against the modern day hijack against feminism are in fact straw man arguments. The apologists goal is to try and make people believe that modern psuedo-feminism is the same thing as classic feminism as it was in the 1950's. The apologists claim is completely ridiculous due to the simple fact that classic feminism was a successful movement. Classic feminism fought for equality and achieved it, so just what exactly are the so called “feminists” of today fighting for? If the apologists accusations that these are all a straw man arguments is true, why is it so easy to find examples of these tropes that fit like a glove?

>> No.7056444
File: 786 KB, 3432x2008, feminismbullkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Statistician

The statistician works by generating statistics that “prove” women are being persecuted by an organized patriarchy. These statistics range from half truths to flat out lies. The most common false statistic is that women are still being paid less than men for the same work even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While it is true women still earn less than men on average, it is not true at all that it is for the same work. In fact, studies by Warren Farrel in his book “Why Men Earn More” discovered that the main reason men earn more is because men work more overtime since women still expect men to be providers. This is surprising since most people would assume that the statisticians would account for something as obvious as overtime...yet, they did not. Statistician type psuedo-feminists conveniently leave out any information that disagrees with their world view. An easy way to expose statistician psuedo-feminist lies is to ask them for specific examples. When asked to provide an example of a company whose policy is to pay women less just for being women, statistician psuedo-feminists are unable to do so and quickly morph into either the prosecutor or the banshee.

>> No.7056446
File: 563 KB, 1196x1599, feminism_ignores_science_as_much_as_creationists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Peon

The peon doesn't really hate men and is more of a victim of misinformation. Peons are mostly young women between the ages of 15-25. Peons have been led to believe that the lies propagated by other psuedo-feminist types, most often the statistician, are true. The main difference between a peon and any other psuedo-feminist is that they are capable of holding a rational discussion and are therefore capable of being “deconverted” from psuedo-feminist indoctrination. The longer a peon stays a psuedo-feminist, the more likely she is to become one of the other psuedo-feminist types.

>> No.7056447

...sorry but everythings already equal, I might even say a little unequal towards to the men[don't throw a bitchfit at me, I can agree its their own fault for being so easily swayed by women]. Some ladies want shit handed on a silver platter to them. For example, I had a new girl at work, and she had the gall to have a bitch about how one of my male co-workers who had worked there for six years be paid more than her. And she was throwing all those tumblr words around, woah lady, pls stahp.
Or another example, one of my female co-workers just talks all day and doesn't really do much but gets paid the same as the people who actually do do their jobs.

Some things will just be there, just deal with it instead of crying all the time and maybe, just maybe hold responsibility for your own actions. We have a victim culture going on, where people will never take responsibility for their actions, its ridiculous(see: yukapon).

Men and women ARE different, theres no way around that, I sure hope people can realize that fact.

>> No.7056451

Fuck you, I'm never gonna settle down for a man.

>> No.7056455

>I bet you think that blacks are sooo privileged because they get so many scholarships, too, right?

I hope you fucking die. That's racism at work you dumb cunt.

>> No.7056457

what an amusing regurgitation of absolutely inane and strawdog statistics. Both sides do this, though, but it never ceases to make me facepalm.

>> No.7056458

>Warren "taking a woman out to dinner and then not getting sex is just like getting date raped" Farrell

Sweet bait mate

>> No.7056465

Finally, SRS cavalry to the rescue! Please do something about all these misogynists for us, we girls are starting to lose our patience.

>> No.7056470
File: 116 KB, 400x536, 1297125386128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't even imagine the butthurt you need to hope someone on the internet 'fucking dies'.

Most of my upper-middle class friends at college bitch all the time about how there's 'no scholarships for white people' and shit like that. Ask them how many they applied for- none. While I'd be willing to say there is a bit of a disparity in funding, leaving those between poverty and upper-middle class out to dry, these people are also on full parent-paid rides.

Scholarships meant for a certain ethnicity is no different than a charity with a particular goal. It's no different than a shelter that only helps battered women or a program that helps the mentally disabled get jobs. A charity is allowed to specialize.

I do hope my 'poor' 'underfunded' white friends on their parents full-ride plans go on to offer scholarships to white kids only. They won't though, because that takes way too much altruism.

>MFW I have a near-full ride thanks to a Negro Business Scholarship and an AA family who are generous enough to provide for others regardless of race or situation.
>MFW I'm a white biology major

>> No.7056477

>I can't even imagine the butthurt you need to hope someone on the internet 'fucking dies'.
About none, you summer cancer. Didn't even bother to read the rest. Since I can see your tears have flown.

>> No.7056474
File: 111 KB, 1058x705, neverstop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the anti feminist posts in this thread are by seagulls who are tired of being associated with tumblr feminist idiots

>All the pro feminist posts in this thread are by some guy from /pol/ pretending to be SRS.

>> No.7056482

It's going to blow your mind when you realize all this shitposting is some guy arguing with himself.

>> No.7056483

no, they aren't

I'm sick and tired of males coming to our board just to spew their misogynistic bullshit

I really wish every single male who posted in this thread would just die, no loss for the world

>> No.7056485

Shit. That really wouldn't surprise me.

It'd be interesting if a mod could come in and confirm that their IP's are the same.

>> No.7056486

Why is it that this stupid MRA-toting shit has shitted up all my favorite boards this week? I didn't know people actually believed this shit.

>> No.7056488


>> No.7056493
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are the same person