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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7045469 No.7045469 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you still in school age? I just entered collage and I do have to wear uniform, I wanted to loli-fy it so I came to you guys for advice. Here are some questions:
>Do you still wear/wore uniform while being interested in lolita/cosplay? Did you modified it? How so?
>Do you wear wigs to school? What kind?
>What style of make up do you do to attend to class?
>Personal experiences, tips and tricks are very much apreciated as well as cosplayers' point of view.

>> No.7045471

High school, fair enough, but you're wearing uniforms in college?
What the hell kind of college are you in?

>> No.7045482

Religious private collage, it's like a boarding school, so yeah.

>> No.7045526

If you're allowed hair accessories, maybe wear some small ones to match the uniform? Don't go accessive with like the hats or headbands. Maybe frilly bow clips or style your hair in a casual lolita way?

>> No.7045534

If you're really in college, at least learn how to spell it.

>> No.7045537

I just graduated from a catholic school with strict uniform protocol but unfortunately there is no way to lolify the monstrosity they made us wear.

>> No.7045541

just what i was thinking, anon.

>> No.7045546

What, not even lacy frilly ankle socks?

>> No.7045558
File: 350 KB, 571x445, armor_yourselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if your uniform skirt were roomy enough to fit a petticoat and have it not look like a sausage, I'm not sure if it would look professional. (If the skirt is based on vintage 1950s skirt, it might actually be constructed to fit thin-to-medium poofy petticoats like Malco Mode 582. But even if that's the case, it may be pushing it.)

No wigs or OTT accessories. They will make you stand out. Standing out is not bad thing in itself, except for the fact that the whole POINT of the uniform is to raise a standard and bring equality between all students who are wearing it.

You can try to wear small accessories if they allow a certain number, and maybe military or sailor lolita socks if they fit the color scheme of the uniform and you're short enough to pull them off. (If you're of medium high or tall, tights will flatter your legs better.) If they don't have school-specific bags, then maybe you could even get a pleather lolita bag in black or brown.

But overall, loli-fy only sparingly. I understand the want to make things cute, but the purpose of a uniform is to set a standard, and you get a heightened level of respect from both teachers and strangers just by donning it. Wearing a uniform helps one focus and play the role one needs to take at school/the military/the police/[insert whatever establishment or job here]. Clad your armor, and don't have it overwhelmed by too much lolita. You can always go full OTT on your off days.

>> No.7045611
File: 292 KB, 466x524, school coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This JSK reminds me so much of my HS uniform makes me wish I knew about lolita back then so I could lolify my attire with cute shoes, socks, school bag, and a cute beret

>> No.7045613

My high school actually had really bad uniforms too. There was a really strict uniform policy too. They even banned the skirts because guys were being perverts and girls were being sluts. So everyone wore the same grey pants and nacy blue or white polo shirts. They even had a policy on the type of socks we were allowed to wear....had to be navy blue only

>> No.7045616

Back in high school, I would actually wear my cosplay wigs to school. I really didn't care if I got weird stares from teachers or other students. I wasn't cosplaying, but I actually just reaaaally like cosplay wigs

>> No.7045657

Sorry, english is not my first language.
I asked about that and they're fine with almost anything but I can't change the lenght of the skirt (I guess they are concerned about me getting it shorter) also I have to wear black closed shoes, but that's about it.

>> No.7045667

Any tips I give depends on the leniency of your uniform dress code. Some you can't do anything, some you just have to wear the items they give you and can mix and match or add things

>> No.7045710


>> No.7046018

My school used to have a cute uniform with skirts and blazers but then the skirts got banned because ~ooo gurls are 2 slutty~ when only maybe a handful wore them too short. Then they changed the uniform to black shoes, black socks, beige pants and some disgusting rugby shirt with mismatched colours. No one looked attractive in those uniforms.

>> No.7046862

College typically only means university in America. For the rest of the world it means year 11 and 12. You guys are classic examples of stupid Americans.

>> No.7047177

So underage b&?

>> No.7047183

no, it means education in America is stunted. Education is not the priority in America, our military complex is.

>> No.7047200

No, in grade 12 most people are 18.

>> No.7047494

... you mean 12 & 13?

>> No.7047512
File: 956 KB, 599x361, 1374205834474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, we gotta law inforcer here.

>> No.7047544

I am so glad I went to a US private school that had a rep for being"too hard" on their students. To the rest of the 1st world my education would be considered sufficient.

>> No.7047589


>Call grades 11 and 12 different things
>Ameriica education!!!!11 so far behind!111

I mean look there are some ways American education doesn't add up. This is not one.

>> No.7047621

What? Most people in Grade 12 are 17.

>> No.7047625

No, in the South most people are 18 because they start later.
Up north they're all 17.
Or it just depends on the school system. A couple months/1 year difference isn't a big deal.

>> No.7049426

that pic is not actually your school uniform, right?

do you maybe have a pic of yours?

>> No.7049433

She'd be pretty fucking lucky to have Meta's clothes as her uniform.

>> No.7049439

It's not just grades eleven and twelve though, anon explained badly. It's a completely different thing to high school. Some high schools have colleges/sixth forms in them so they simplify things by calling them that, but you don't have to attend the one in your high school and there are places that are just colleges/sixth forms.

>> No.7049453

>No, in the South most people are 18 because they start later.

Nope. Southerner here; most of us were 17 in 12th grade. I graduated last year, 2012, and the majority of my class was born in '94. Most people turned 18 towards the end of the year, or right after graduation. The only people that were 18 at the beginning of 12th were born in '93, with late birthdays. (And then, of course, the people that failed.)

>> No.7051843

back on topic instead of whatever creep shit happened here,

I think this is a really cute idea, and I would love to see more coords and items for sale under $50

>> No.7052715
File: 72 KB, 240x320, 1149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thank you. Also, what do you guys carry on your schoolbags? What can't you miss for the everyday?

>> No.7052984

I'm in the South (born up North) too and I'm graduating this year, 18. 17 year olds are pretty rare where I am. When I was up North, 18 year olds were pretty rare.

>> No.7053000

I'm also in the north and we have mostly 17 year olds with a fair chunk of 16 year olds (though they're almost 17 by graduation). The 18+ students are all previous failures or the guys with the tailored education plans.