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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7044580 No.7044580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going to Japan Expo in Santa Clara, CA? Semi-decent guests and a good convention pedigree but so far I've been unimpressed with what the con has to offer. Opinions?

>> No.7045048

I'm going! We had a thread last week too and it seemed like quite a few from /cgl/ were also attending

>> No.7045081

I wanted to. But my friend who reserved the room suddenly cancelled and I have no money for my own.

>> No.7046145

Schedule's out. Hoooowww does this work. I have no idea how early I should get in line, if it's better to do FCFS or draw for the autographs...

>> No.7046152

I'm gonna try to go FCFS, but Friday with Kozaki's panel so early in the day will make my schedule a little tight since I'm just about arriving into Santa Clara at around the time the panel is suppose to start...

>> No.7046796

I'm confused about how the draws are supposed to work? Do you get in line and then draw or is there two separate lines - one for FCFS and one for draws?

>> No.7046800

I found this link from one of their other cons. No idea if it'll be the same policies but it seems similar.


>> No.7046815

So I have a premium ticket.

>Premium Ticket owners already have a Premium passport where marks are set.

The fuck does this even mean? Maybe I'll just e-mail them and ask

>> No.7046819

if i see a single dr.who or homestuck panel at fucking JAPAN expo i am going to shit everywhere on the convention floor

>> No.7046830 [DELETED] 

I'm still cosplaying Akashi/Miria/Benten. I wish I could have made a Maya Fey cosplay or something I could meet up with other people in. The cosplay gather groups sound fun! Unfortunately, I have a feeling that I won't be recognized in any of my costumes and it makes me a little sad when I think of the work I put into them, but they're all characters I love and this is my first convention so I guess there's always next time. My costumes aren't very well made either considering they were all first sewing projects, haha so maybe it was for the best

>> No.7047069

I really hope it's as big as fanime ish

>> No.7048483

I doubt it, at best it would be half the size of famine. New cons are new cons, they have to build up a name. Realistically I bet Japan Expo USA would get around 8,000 unique and 13,000 turnstile. With that said, it should beat Anime Boston's record for largest opening first year for an Anime Con.

>> No.7048836

Considering going, though the only reason I want to go is a bit ridiculous. Haven't yet decided if it's worth it to drive two hours and get tickets for the soul purpose of buying a $40 simple print sweater by this one artist, instead of waiting a couple of weeks to order one online.
I don't know what to expect from this con, but I really fucking want one of those sweaters.

>> No.7048847

Which artist? Which sweater?

>> No.7048861
File: 482 KB, 1012x492, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omocat. I've been drooling over these since the mockups were posted.
I'm selling some of my lolita in the buy/sell/trade thread so I can get both. I don't know why I want them so badly.

>> No.7048864

There's a chance these won't even be at their stand, though, if the stock doesn't arrive by then.

>> No.7048995

Oh holy shit those are really cool! Now I want them too

>> No.7049010

Fuck me those are bitchen...

>> No.7049149

going, this will be very fun

>> No.7049173

Going for two days, hoping to get an autograph by Sadamoto, but I don't have anything on hand for him to sign...any ideas?
Awesome info, thanks!

>> No.7049653

I'll be going to check the event out just to see how it will end up. Mainly I'm motivated by all the Phoenix Wright buzz and I even went as far as to help out with the ACP event.

>> No.7052697

I want to go this for the gainax co-founder and stuff but no place to stay outside a buddy who doesn't really wanna go. But The guests just seem really awesome, but I also wanna attend sac anime which is a week after and my buddy who is in sac is being a bit grumpy so debating on going to any at all which would be very unfortunate because Raj is going to sac and raj is amazing

>> No.7052859

Anyone going to the concerts? I'm kind of interested in going to see Dempagumi.inc.

>> No.7052881

Same reasons I'm going. Maybe waste a bit of money on interesting junk.

>> No.7052980

Raj from DAC?

>> No.7054177
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Pic made for fb, so yeah.
It's my birthday weekend, so I'll probably be out of it if you happen to see me flopping about.

>> No.7054462

There isn't much to eat in the area

>> No.7054747

Will be attending, mostly as Press. Not telling you which site I'm working for though.

>> No.7054749

Any homestuck meetups?

>> No.7054760

Nope, and thank god too.

>> No.7055557

Yeah, I noticed a Carl's Jr. about 1/2 a mile away.

>> No.7055570

It's going to be different going to a convention that basically shuts down early

oh shit I kind of want them and I'm a guy
wish they were on white or something else neutral though
yellow and blue aren't really the best colors...

cue employees of Carl's Jr being swamped and not knowing why

>> No.7055659

I think I'm going to order pizza for all 2 days

Is there anywhere else to eat?

>> No.7055695

If you go a little bit down the road there is an IHOP. There are also more places to eat like In 'n Out if you head towards the college/movie theaters. There are more places to eat, but you just have to drive for like a few minutes.

>> No.7055725

I scoped google maps and there's a Togo's and a pho restaurant within walking distance as well. And there's a pretty reasonably priced sushi place in the Hyatt.

>> No.7055921

Is anyone going to ditch the con for Great America?

I mean it's literally right there

>> No.7055936

Had to look that up, never heard of it before.
Might possibly go there instead.. I'm kind of dragging my boyfriend to Japan Expo last minute just because, and he'd probably enjoy going to a theme park way more.
But then again, we've got a ton of other options if we do decide against the con, so this just adds to the list.

>> No.7055938

There's a quizmo's within walking distance. It's where I went during CAX

>> No.7056004

Watch out, those faggots running this show won't refund you if you back out even if it's out of your control.

Also, the hotel is booking rooms that is less then the con rate.

>> No.7056163

Faggots running the show? Why the animosity?

>> No.7056167

No con does. this is nothing weird.

>> No.7056714

I got an email response saying that there are no refunds and now I'm out of $100. I can't go due to a last second change.

>Buying a Premium Ticket

>> No.7056967


Sorry you can't go, but that's your problem, not the con's. Most conventions don't give refunds after you've bought the badge. If you're lucky, they might give you credit for the following year. In Japan Expo's case, who knows if they'll hold the event again next year.

>> No.7057043

>transfering to next year

Same person here, I forgot to also mention that they wont even transfer to next year.

>> No.7057247
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This anon here

Found some food

>> No.7057769

in so cal debating heading up if anyone is down to split a hotel, im just some anon but I like anime.Don't care if i have to sleep on floor

email in email line
Email if interested timeline is 8 oclock

>> No.7057827
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I love how they have to scan your badge in order for you to leave then come back in
>The City of Japan Expo
>European Conventions in America

>> No.7057828

are you a girl or boy

>> No.7057879

I wanna check out raj/ Eva char/manga designer

>> No.7057902

wow this is rude but, race?

>> No.7057905


>> No.7057917

well shit just found out raj is for sac anime but I still am interested in going to this one seeing as its the debut

>> No.7057966

hey bucko you left your sage on, might wanna turn it off

>> No.7057967

you're stupid

>> No.7058002

Looks like I'll be there tomorrow. Hope it's good, I honestly don't know what to expect.

>> No.7058154

Probably a dumb question, but do you have to buy the tickets online? Can you buy them upfront at the con and will it cost more than buying them online?
I can't make heads or tails of it on the website, and the only conventions I've been to were small, local ones where there is no option to pay online and you pay upfront as you enter.

>> No.7058166

typically, buying tickets upfront is more expensive than buying tickets online at an earlier date.

>> No.7058209


If on site means upfront it looks like it's regular price but you get in an hour later than presale which I'm guessing means online.

But I'm assuming you live in CA so it looks like the pre-sale deadline ended an hour ago so I guess you can't buy tickets online anyway?

>> No.7058402

Wow fuck European systems, you can pay more to get in early but wow that's really inconvenient on vendors/artists.

>> No.7058766

just think of it as a 9am start time since there's going to be a bunch of people able to get in at then anyway. other conventions have exhibit hall start times around then too. heck, at least with JX you know that there's a larger pool of potential customers. with AX's early entry (premium badge) there's like what, 250 of them?

>> No.7059982

I wasn't able to attend day 1 today. How did it go for you guys?

>> No.7059995

First thing I've heard so far is that someone in the AA is selling bootlegged original AND official art.


>> No.7060000

>Japan Ex
It's quiet. This may have something to do with the fact I arrived at five PM, so the panels were winding down. Pretty much all the Fanime art regulars are here.

From the con staff I've talked to, it sounds like at-con reg was way less crazy than Fanime. It seems to be pretty low-key, so far.

Saturday might change things, I dunno. Everyone's going up to their rooms or discussing dinner plans atm.

>> No.7060010

If you are taking light rail, get your ass off at Lick Mill, there is a Carl's Jr. Otherwise, get something from home. The Hyatt usually has a microwave (they had one for California Extreme), but it's not up, and I doubt it will be for the weekend.

For the love of christ, either get something from home or make yourself suffer at a McDonald's before hand!

>> No.7060014

Nowhere as huge. This is literally 1/4th the size of Fanime, not helped by the con center itself being 1/4th as big as McEnery.

I can't wait until Japan Expo USA probably moves to San Jose proper and the shitstorm between both constaff.

>> No.7060017

cry more weeaboo fuckbitch. Or don't, there's just weeaboo shit here.

Actually, wait, there's a Western comic book artist who managed to get a manga published in Japan and he makes fun of weeaboos, so shit on that floor retard

>> No.7060197

They've been hitting every con this past summer. They need to fucking stop.

>> No.7060200

day 1, where da ppl at

>> No.7060294

From what I'm assuming Friday seemed to be like a slow day. Is it worth going tomorrow since it's a Saturday?

>> No.7060309

It was super deserted today. Hoping it picks up tomorrow...

>> No.7060316

I had a fun time and a couple of people recognized me. I'm hoping tomorrow will have more people though.

>> No.7060320

Anyone get any decent pictures? My camera's memory card became corrupted so I lost everything ugh

>> No.7060380

I'm not going to say who I am or what I'm working for, but the French don't give a fuck about anyone here that isn't Japanese. Expect shit to explode tomorrow.

>> No.7060386

That is if the dealers don't band together and set the French on fire first.

>> No.7060391

Why would shit explode tomorrow? Did something happen?

>> No.7060407

Staff implosion.

>> No.7060457

It seems okay on the surface, just lacking in attendees. Of course AX seems okay on the surface too and we all know how bad it is

I'm hoping more people show up Saturday since it's the weekend but since school just started that means less of that particular group of people. No out of towners on a last final trip and maybe not even the locals.

>> No.7060487

Most cons under the surface are pretty ugly. There's a lot of egos and a lot at stake. I personally don't know of any con where there isn't at least some stupid staff conflict. What matters is how invested everyone is in keeping the outside looking fine to attendees, because that affects how the con runs.

>> No.7060514

I thought that the higher-ups for this con had experience running Otakon and other high-profile cons

>> No.7060516

A few had French accents and sounded like they came directly from the main con.

The few staff I talked to were cool, or at least tolerant and not like the AX folk. If anything, I doubt the JEU folk are freaking out, it's a test con.

What's up with the huge buttload of Japanese guys who came in after the Expo itself closed? I was in the lobby and I see LOTS of Japanese come in. They're not constaff or roadies for the idols, as far as I can tell.

>> No.7060520

How was that Felipe dude, anyway? I'm actually surprised he came down, because he has a comic book whose main character is a gigantic mockery of weeaboo shitlords. He's about the only non-Japanese dude around, and he got in because he's actually published in Japan.

>> No.7060522

Yeah, people were coming in and going up to their rooms on Friday. tbh santa clara's con center is really low key, it's a tiny building, like, 1/4th the size of fanime

>> No.7060529

why the fuck would they start a con the weekend before classes start for college students is beyond me

>> No.7060531

joke's on you de anza students start a month from now

>> No.7060539

I think he's been getting pretty big recently. I remember him from Rising Stars of Manga, then he kinda disappeared, and now he's back on the radar.

Is he selling Peepo Choo at the con? I've been wanting to read it for ages.

>> No.7060558

They probably didn't realize it.

They probably didn't figure Kcon into the equation.

Just imagine if AM2 was still around because their dates are at the same time. Three events in California, all sharing an overlapping segment of fans.

>> No.7060560

I didn't see him on the market list. He's on for all three days, though, and I'm definitely going to pick up a copy if he has issues, MBQ was fucking great.

>> No.7060563

Five bucks says JEU sets it mid-summer. At this point, JEU is basically for SFBA folk and AM2's for the Socal folk, and no one is going to go batshit crazy over either one (as cool as AM2 looks).

Given how little advertising JE did and how it really seems more like a testbed for future stuff...

>> No.7060919
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friday was a absolutely pleasant experience. lots of interesting guest to keep the day busy along with the decent panels. fast wide open walkaways through the exhibit/event dealer hall area and not any homestruck as far as the eyes can see. was a bit over priced compared to other cons I've went to this year but didn't care too much for getting more shopping done.

>> No.7060928

I really wanted to go to the FE gathering but I just couldn't attend day 1 ;_;

>> No.7060956
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here is Yusuke Kozak with the male cosplayers. With how deserted the place looked in the early hours the cosplayer turnout for the fe gathering was great to see.

>> No.7060959

Early/mid August might work. July 4th is AX, SDCC is late July next year. J-Pop Summit is a floating date, late July this year, August (both early and late) in other years. That leaves sometime in August. Now they could put it around SDCC's period since the two don't really overlap much anymore and it's not like a lot of people in our demographic get to go anyway (although it'd make me sad since I go to SDCC every year) but I'd like some time earlier in August just so they avoid the start of school.

>> No.7061339

Much better turn out today.

>> No.7061795 [DELETED] 

Actually, my boyfriend and I from out of town (Oklahoma). We missed the first week of classes to be here! Friday was deserted but today was much better.

>> No.7061895


I was going to suggest mid-July, but then I remembered SDCC. June might work, but I'm guessing everyone is either gearing for AX or suffering from post-Fanime.

Early August would be better.

>> No.7061897
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>mfw when the masquerade presenter accidentally said "Anime Expo" at closing

I felt really sorry for him when he had to read "yolo #swag"

>> No.7061999

So how much does Homestuck, video game, K-pop, My little Pony, and western stuff infest >*![JAPAN]!*< expo?

>> No.7062022

Plenty, faggot weeaboo. There's only three Nepetas and one troll who I don't know the name of, but there was a bitching Alex Mercer and Captain America.

>> No.7062028

>Captain America at Japan Expo


>> No.7062039

>troll who I don't know the name of
Yea those faggot homestucks would make their own original trolls.
>Captain America
But seriously though you'd have to be a huge fucking douchebag to be Captain America at Japan Expo.

>> No.7062091

Homestuck: I didn't see a single one. Maybe I got lucky?
Video games: enough
K-pop: none
MLP: a couple
Other western: some

I enjoy the 501st being at everythingeverheld.

French convention about Japanese culture held on American soil. We can probably further complicate it somehow.

>> No.7062096 [DELETED] 

French contention about Japanese culture held on American soil about western internet culture.
We just did.

>> No.7062100

French convention about Japanese culture held on American soil about western internet culture.
We just did.

>> No.7062140

I didn't see MLP dudes, but I saw at least five trolls. There's also the Master Chief and the Edward Scissorhands from Fanime.

I'm incredibly surprised the guys from Fanime who go as Imperial Japanese from WW2 didn't show up.

>> No.7062177

Stuff I watched in the last two days:

1000say: good show. Recommend going to it tomorrow morning.
denpagumi (twice): inexplicably fun. Then again I used to do otagei so it's kind of in me to begin with.
Iwadare and band: even though I'm not a huge fan of the games he's done work for I liked the show.
Gamushara Ouedan: first time I've seen one of any sort and kind of entertaining.

>> No.7062205

Ouedan were getting random people at the main hall and just doing cheers around them as they got frightened, it was fucking amusing

I can't believe i missed denpagumi's sabotage :(

>> No.7062218

I watched it twice
It was glorious

>> No.7062231

Japan Expo should move during Spring Break

Yeah, but not too many people from Nor Cal would head south and would wait for their show instead

>Anime Conji
LOL, what a shit con.

>> No.7062278
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>calling someone who wants a convention focused on Japanese culture to be focused on Japanese culture a faggot weeb

>> No.7062282

You all should go to the crunchyroll livestream camera so I can type insults at you.

>> No.7062283

Did anyone get actual video? I saw them doing discussion on Friday and didn't know they'd fucking cover the Beastie Boys. :(

ot but they had a replacement con at SF, they were advertising it at jeu. I forget the name.

>> No.7062287

I passed by a couple of times and got confused for a female Santa a bunch (as opposed to Miria from Baccano)
Is there a way to see the stream after the con? I'm kind of interested to see what was going on, there were a lot of people crowding it.

>> No.7062313

Same, I want to see how sad day 1 was.

>> No.7062363

Oh, that was you? I was wondering why Santa was at the con @_@ I really need to go watch Baccano, now.

>> No.7062374

How was everyone's day 2? I actually enjoyed myself quite a bit. Lots of booths with free candy and my tiny bag was filled with fliers and other things at the end of the day. Highlights for me were getting Sadamoto's autograph (although I saw lots of people upset that they didn't win the draw/lottery, especially in the morning) and seeing Gamushara Oendan cheering everywhere.

>> No.7062378

yeah, that was me! And no worries. A lot of people thought I was just some random Santa haha. I had an Isaac with me but we ended up getting separated a few times.

I enjoyed it a lot too. Gamushara Oendan has actually been the highlight of the con for me, hahaha.

>> No.7062424

It was pretty cool. The drawing battle was amusing, Masquerade was alright (but alright is HELL of a lot better than this year's Fanime masquerade), the concerts before that were cool, and constaff were friendly (or at least professional). The random Japanese performances going on throughout the hall was really nice, too.
Oh, no wonder. I mostly saw you during Masquerade.

Wondering if tomorrow's Masq will be better.

>> No.7062487

>Did anyone get actual video? I saw them doing discussion on Friday and didn't know they'd fucking cover the Beastie Boys. :(

currently uploading it, will be at ready in about 10 minutes

>> No.7063425

Sounds like Japan expo is covering their ass for overpricing their tables or something

>> No.7063576

Sitting at the Sadamoto panel now. It's so fucking awkward. Short video, short Q&A, now he's inking something he already drew "live on stage" while 2 other guys try to stretch out the time. The French guy is trying to make some kind of point but he doesn't understand Englih enough. He's also translating (poorly) for Sadamoto because I guess the French staff can do everything SOOOO much better even though this place is a ghost town today.

>> No.7063621

The french translator is a huge fucking dickwad too. Seriously, FUCK that guy.

>> No.7063623

How so?

>> No.7063673

Oh, dear god. I'm now glad I lost my badge. The Sadamoto panel was the only thing I was looking forward to, today.

I think I'll just hang out in the lobby and watch people go by.

>> No.7063690

My girlfriend walked out so I just kind of sat there getting progressively more irritated with the French 'interpreter' (who was a dick when I ran into him earlier, too). Especially when they started talking about how Gainax is 'above' crowdfunding. I stayed for the 'surprises' which were just..some predone drawings.

Do you think this explains why he was ~40mins late for his autograph session? He was fucking drawing the stuff for tonight? Because holy shit that was annoying.

Iwadare was incredible today and every other guest's panels were all amazing, so...whatever! I had fun! I feel bad for everyone who came to get Sadamoto's autograph and got totally fucked over by the combination of their stupid "first come first serve" (aka Premium/Presell Customers Get First Dibs) / "Draw" system. We had premium tickets and we didn't even have to use our stupid 'draw again' tickets because we were there before anyone else anyway. So they went to waste, because of fucking course I can't just give them to someone else.

Honestly these guys are lucky their guests were so adorable or I'd probably be pissed

>> No.7063746

you probably could have just waltz in badge or no badge. They only check at the outer doors, or such was the case for Friday/Saturday

>> No.7063752

i had an overall good time this weekend

>> No.7063767

Same. It's kind of small but I was okay with that for a first year.

>> No.7063768

I showed up an hour before closing, because some drunk whacko was touching a girl at a VTA station and got tackled and beaten for his troubles.

I was actually able to get in yesterday, because someone left a door open into the concert hall.

oh my god seriously? No wonder Trigger split away from Gainax. Who said it, Sadamoto or that French dude?

>> No.7063774

I heard artist alley signup was Kafkaesque, but not overpriced. Way better than Fanime, at least :V

Yeah, same here. Saturday was alright to hang out, the concerts were cool, and Masquerade was WAY more organized than Fanime, even if the costumes were alright.

Think it was a bit better than Fanime.

Everyone attending should go to Big Wow Comicfest, it's a week before Fanime and lowkey as well. No concerts, though, amerikanskis hate concerts

>> No.7063780

Wait, how was he a dick? And why did the French only come out on Sunday? The only French dude I ran into was a girl manning the at-con register on Friday, and she was cool.

>> No.7063789

heard it was $200 for a table
considering the fact they were in the back corner and the number of people who came, a bit high

one table thanked me for spending $20 profusely

>> No.7063792

also fuck that shit, I love concerts
#1 reason for me to go to anime conventions

>> No.7063839

It was the French interpreter. While Sadamoto was inking his sketch he didn't speak at all. It was the interpreter and I believe the US editor for whoever holds the rights to the Evangelion manga over here just trying to chit-chat to kill time.
No mention of Kick-Heart or Yuasa being the first ones on Kickstarter, but whatever. There was so much pretentious wankery in the air that I could hardly breath - the French guy said that "Gainax likes to create something THEMSELVES and THEN present it to the fans, not involve the fans in the creative process" as if that somehow dilutes creativity.

I really didn't get any bad vibes from Sadamoto. He was just quiet. I wish he could have answered more questions. The panel felt way more like it was about the French dude's opinions than anything else.

He was just an arrogant pos. He was cutting people off and being super strict about everything, and just generally being a dick to the really passionate people who waited not only ~an hour for a CHANCE at an autograph this morning but ~2hours for a fucking autograph when he and Sadamoto finally showed up "fashionably late." Meanwhile the staff were looking for excuses to kick people out of the autograph line at this point, since they were so far behind their schedule.

The French girl running the desk was super nice. In fact, a lot of people on staff were super nice. There were just a few dickheads that kind of left a sour taste in my mouth for the whole thing.

>> No.7063855

The concerts were great
The game shows were fun
The drawing battle was really funny

Very chill con

>> No.7063911

The table I went to seemed really tired and unexcited, the ones manned by two Asian girls from Canada. They did good work, but they seemed so wiped out and disappointed.

This is a really terrible year for con artists, wasn't it

>> No.7063916

ahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa holy shit. I hope the board of directors or whoever is in charge of handling conshit at JE gets Studio Trigger next year, just to piss this shitwad off.

Sadamoto is a pretty quiet person, from all accounts, he sounds like Anno, but somehow shyer.

>> No.7063919

They do have a live horror show, which is pretty chill.

>> No.7063920

he's 10x the shy. You know why they didn't have a photo of him on the site? Because he didn't want one. His main event was also supposed to be "no photos"

>> No.7063948

oh god i feel sorry for the fucker.

>> No.7063961


He's definitely shy. He showed up briefly at the Sadamoto works cosplay gathering today but didn't announce his presence. He and his manager just quietly took a photo of the cosplayers and left.

>> No.7063966

haha wow
all the other guests with gatherings got up onstage and took some shots

>> No.7063979

They also suddenly put up "NO PHOTOS" signs and started barking at people with cameras when he finally showed up for his autograph session.

Hearing you guys talk about how shy he is makes me feel slightly bad about being as annoyed as I was at his interpreter. Maybe he needs a douchebag like that to keep him comfortable.

>> No.7063995

>Do you think this explains why he was ~40mins late for his autograph session? He was fucking drawing the stuff for tonight? Because holy shit that was annoying.

atleast that sea lion sadamoto drew was super kawaii <3

>> No.7063996


Yeah, he didn't come up at all. I was slightly saddened since I brought along my Sadamoto-designed-character costume to this con specifically in hopes for a photo with him, but I understand if he was just shy. I'm just happy he even showed up.

>> No.7064008

very true ;;

>> No.7064009

you know what you do then? telephoto from across the room!

>> No.7064167

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he was aggressive to keep the nerds at bay. I DO wonder how the Japanese feel about overseas conventions, at least.

>> No.7064171 [DELETED] 

This is seriously the most surprisingly fun con in a long time. The rest of the cons around the Cali area are really run by the cosplay to enjoy, this one you can stick around main stage in normal clothes the entire day all days and be completely entertained by what they bring up.

1000Say: got late Saturday and morning Sunday. The monring sunday one obviously had a less turn out, these guys still rocked the hell out, 'get out your seats, come near the stage, this is a rock concert!' All of them took turns fiving everyone, male singer would run around the audience while still singing, they sound iffish on radio but they're solid performers.

Ouendan: thes glorious bastards are the most personable people there. Rather than waiting to show their shit on stage, they go to an empty corner near the entrance, wave their huge as 2 story tall bright orange flag, and cheer the shit out of everyone. Hour later they're on stage doing more stuff, give a motivational speech about how the creator made it because he missed out on doing Ouendan in high school, and then during signing, they moved their fucking table so its right next to the autograph booth. Everyone that got a signature from they they gave a personal cheer to, took a photo, and a signature. Floor staff of the con made the snap decision to let them pull this off and took pictures themselves, awesome shit.

Con was a bit of mish mash as far as market floor goes. Center was a bundle of tourist booths, around them was Japanese cultural booths, then surrounding them were the sellers, and on the far corner was the artist alley which at least was in the same building. Artist alley got the shaft again, seriously unless its Comic Con its been a tough artist alley year.

Worst part really was like everyone was saying: French guy at end translating Sadamoto. Still, Sadamoto being there and doing final inking on a pic was cool enough.

tl;dr: Finally a fucking con where cosplaying isn't a requirement to enjoy.

>> No.7064176

>unless its Comic Con its been a tough artist alley year.

That's the second comment about Artist's having it tough this year. Are you saying the entire year was filled with cons giving them the shaft?

>> No.7064183

I don't know about any of the other California expos, but Fanime's artist alley was separate from the con proper, thanks to construction and dealer/food sponsors getting the best space. The food court was just LOADS of fucking empty space.

Given how I've heard plenty of AX's staff attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked their artists over, too.

>> No.7064206

Its generally a problem between location and pricing and all the cons as far as what I've been hearing from friends in staff had problems with one or the other. The smaller cons around west coast I can't speak for, and as for AX the layout of the place is just hard to do anything with in general.

Japan Expo was a bit strict about who they let in to showcase in general - the fanmade panels were dropped as to what I heard and anyone that set up got a free full pass instead, which isn't bad as staff people were restricted from getting autographs from the guests. Artist alley for Japan Expo specifically was just overpriced and stuck in a corner: due to the size of the con and thankfully all being in one building, no one really missed it. Some of the booth were literally unmanned with all their stock still present: it was really unfortunate.

Deleted earlier post as didn't want this con to sound like anti-cosplay: its just nice to go to a con that doesn't require it. Wherever its hosted next year, this is seriously a really good con that deserves more attendees. The guests were awesome and while upper management can be questionable the floor people are really good sports.

>> No.7064220

Yeah, floor staff, even if you could tell they were having a bad day or were petered out from dealing with concrap, kept professional. I saw a few cops and security shooting the shit with random congoers. When staff were moving people out of the main hall, they were pretty friendly.

>> No.7064224

On Saturday I waited in line for an hour and half for Sadamoto's autograph. I was fist in line in fact. I did this cause I heard about people being turned away who had won "tickets" for his autograph. And yeah, instantly some snotty French fag was being a dick to everyone. Set a bad tone. I was disappointed to see him usurp the whole Sadamoto panel just so he could try to speak English while he babbled about Macross and French animation, and talk down to fans like you'd expect some French fuck would. But it was worth it when Sadamoto sketched Shinji and gave his autograph in my Der Mond art book.

Yeah that was pretty terrible.


Iwadare was such a delight! He came into Sadamoto's panel at the end and sat near me. When the panel was over I got a photo with him. Iwadare was the highlight of the con for me. Saw his show & his panel, got him to autograph my soundtrack to Lunar SSC, and then the photo at the end. He had a big smile on his face where ever I saw him too. He made my con.

Me too. I actually quite liked this con, despite the flaws it had. I especially liked that there weren't massive crowds. But had I not won the lottery twice (for Sadamoto and Iwadare's autograph) I would have felt differently.

>> No.7064232


I didn't bother going this year due to the fact I had plans for Sac-Anime but from the feedback from the other people outside of 4chan was pretty positive. There were a few minor complaints though, with the most noticeable one that the convention was nearly vacant and for vendors/artists there, it didn't go too well for them.

The reason why it had low attendees was due to the fact that many people have already spent their money with Anime Expo/SDCC or are planning to attend another Anime con. Japan Expo happened to arrive at the wrong time of the year, especially when California already has too many Anime cons.

>> No.7064239

Sac Anime also has the benefit of taking place during a holiday If the con was held during the Fall then things could have gotten better

>> No.7064243

Don't forget that they had little advertising, even at Fanime and AX, and first-time cons, even if the organizers have worked on other cons, are always a gamble.

I'm fairly certain vendors and artists always have terrible times at cons. :(

>> No.7064248

OT, but how do the anime cons that take place during winter work out? I know there's a small one in LA that takes place in January, and I think the replacement for Wondercon in SF is in March, or something like that?

>> No.7064255

Were you waiting in line at the autograph desk or at the autograph stage? I waited for 40 minutes at the autograph desk on Saturday for first come first serve but when I got to the front it was already into the draw system and the chances were quite slim. Later my friend showed up and asked if I wanted to try her ticket for the lottery. This was a few hours later, the line was only around 10 people. The success rate was a lot higher at this point, and I only waited a few minutes for my ticket. While I am happy I got an autograph, I feel pretty bad for the people who waited for more than an hour only to lose the draw.

>> No.7064256


Also, I'm very doubtful of the Japan Expo's success. The reason being is because the con's name already alienates some people thinking its a con for Japanophiles(and we all know being a japanophile is apparently taboo because some 4chan /a/b/tards/Youtube said so).

It may have surpassed Comic-Con in attendance in France but than again, the French have always been fascinated with Jpop so its no surprise. I hear they even had Anime far more earlier than we did in America(Speed Racer does not count as it was localized and hardly distinguishable as an Anime). The French grew up with Anime in the 70's and eventually manga in the early 90's. Hence the con's success.

>> No.7064267

On Saturday I waited for the doors to open. Went directly to the autograph booth (3 lines being run by only 2 people). Waited for my turn. FCFS ran out. Was lucky enough to win the lottery. Went to his 3:00 signing. Also won the lottery for Iwadare.

>> No.7064269

SacAnime Winter and Otakon Vegas are on the same weekend (the 1st weekend of the new year) followed by ALA the week after then AOD a couplf of weeks after that

>> No.7064272

ALA does well in January but its overall costs are way lower than JX as they don't get a con center or big name guests.

Sac Winter does well too

>> No.7064289

Iwadare is the best ever aaaaaa. I can't even handle it. I ran into him and Yuka while eating and they took a picture with me and my girlfriend and gave us a card for their band. They introduced each other as husband and wife!!

Despite some problems with a few of the higher ups, I do think this was a good con. They could change a few things, but maybe if they do it next year they'll read some feedback and things will be better.

>> No.7064294

Highlights for me were the game shows, the Iwadare concerts, the Iwamoto drawing panel, and the sale at the uniqlo booth on sunday.

The vidya room was being very iffy with how they wanted the lighting, it changed every time I went. A lot of the space in the middle for the art gallery went unused, I felt they could have switched those with the artist alley. The theater was fine, but the screen was a bit small for how many seats were available.

I appreciated the smaller con feel, though it was weird not having things to do in between panels, concerts, etc.

>> No.7064295

Anyone that went to the con would agree with you, but its not to its detriment.

Like what others said, the con's center was Japanese tourism and culture, there was a mini gallery for fine art works and live performance with traditional instruments.

That said, cosplaying was just as normal as any other anime con and wasn't to anyone's detriment. Saturday night was still masq night, rooms were still devoted to anime film, people were still doing photo meets, and all the general con stuff you'd expect in any other con around the state is still the same.

Its the first con they had here, yes is geared for more about Japan in general but its still heavily anime and game influenced, and by Japan in general, it also means their music venue which is part of the con and not something that you have to get another ticket for. The survey staff was also out in full force so come next time they'll at least havve firsthand numbers as to what to expand on.

>> No.7064312

I could buy this, except he was probably way worse than most eva nerds himself. Just the sheer aura of pretension around that guy, ugh. "Oh you poor, poor American bastards and your 'Robotech.'" Take it elsewhere, man. After the incredible positivity of literally every other panel, he was such a downer.

>> No.7064319

The music performances from the various booths were really good, and I'm kinda weirded out they didn't put on a concert for traditional Japanese music.

Oh, great, don't tell me, the sort of snooty fuck who likes anime but goes on and on about how anything that isn't weird Gainax stuff or Miyazaki is otaku trash made for racist sexists.

>> No.7064322
File: 647 KB, 2322x4128, Iwadare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Herro, I m Noriyuki Iwadare and I come to you frm Japan to play keytar Lunar and Grandia tunes. Enjoy.

>> No.7064327

We did very much enjoy. That keytar shit was bitching

>> No.7064328

I'm slightly off camera to the right :( Fuck that guy who made us back away from the stage

>> No.7064336

Traditional music weren't on the main stage, but if you roamed the con floors they were performing on both, microphone, filming camera, and all.

Aside from Iwadare all the main stage performances were people that had some sort of major label contract/support. 1000Say I know for certain sold out their music and advertised their itunes album for anyone that missed out, Yu Kozaki was being promoted near the bluray booth smack dab at the front of the entrance, and dempagumi had ads and merchandise in the Kinokuniya booth. It would be nice if they had more traditional music presence, at least on the con floor stage like what Ouendan did, still they did perform, and those that were next to that con floor stage were playing throughout every session so everyone heard it anyway.

>> No.7064342
File: 637 KB, 1927x3426, plug suites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also recorded all the Lunar songs. I'ma upload em to YouTube this week so be on the look out.

Yeah that guy was (french) fag.

Also, without a doubt my favorite cosplayers of the con were Asuka and Mari who made their own plug suites, which looked amazing. Asuka told me they had been sewing for 10 years. Sorry for another shitty cell phone picture; snagged this while waiting for Sadamoto's autograph.

>> No.7064345

Oh, I know, I saw a bunch of them walking the main floor.

Ouendan were freaking hilarious, I saw them ambush a Barnaby and he was so freaked out.

>> No.7064361
File: 835 KB, 2800x440, PANO_20130825_145952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty panorama - hall stage featuring Ouendan group with artist alley to the right, autograph registration to the left, and rest of con behind camera. blurry woman in white dress near the cafeteria, slightly covered by Asian woman in glasses in the foreground, that's Kyoko Hikami and right next to her is Iwadare. All the guests were super chill with the con goers.

>> No.7064362

It all makes sense now.

>> No.7064364

I didn't see that Mari. I saw both that Asuka and the one from Saturday's masquerade walking around, though.

How was Sunday's masq, anyway?

>> No.7064371
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20130825_152411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouendan signing booth - they asked the floor staff to give them a table and some random backing that wasn't being used, and covered one of the entrances the autographers used to get to their tables. They had the center line and floor staff just kept it as is, ran smoothly and everyone waiting in line for autographs had these guys as entertainment to their side.

Best part was when a bunch of cosplayers went up to them with light sticks and gave them a cheer.

>> No.7064389

seriously that ouendan group was the best thing ever, it's something I never thought would be so fucking cool just watching live. and their huge flag was ridiculous. I was cosplaying an oldschool gainax work on sunday and they recognized me and I got a photo and cheer with them, almost made up for not winning a Sadamoto autograph.

Also agreed on Sadamoto's translator.. It also took me a second to realize they were pronouncing "Homminaise" so fast in Japanese accent I was lost for a bit... and when he started talking about French animation influencing Miyazaki or how he was with Kawamori at Japan Expo in France, I wasn't surprised at all. Sad that not too many people got to ask questions, but I did love seeing the sketches at the end

Of course Sadamoto won't do a live drawing from pencil work and up, he's not a speed artist at all nor would I ever want/expect him to. Doing the black inking and watching him pen was still really amazing though and I loved the finished works!


>> No.7064401

I might have been one of the few people who really enjoyed seeing the art gallery and traditional culture stuff alongside all the pop culture booths. I dont get to see that kind of mixed media and there were some really unique displays and exhibits. My favorites was the painting that used pressed flowers in the figure's dress and sakura in the sky/frame. the hand sewn quilt with all the theater faces.. and that upcycled fashion accessory booth.

I didn't really do the tourism/travel/consulate booths, did anyone go through those? anything particularly interesting in there?

>> No.7064434

Aw man, I saw them walking around and I asked for a picture, and they got SO excited about our costumes, and after they posed with us, they asked us all our names and gave us each an individual cheer. It was amazing.

>> No.7064503

I love culture booths and displays. Shit, the culture stuff is part of why I love the Cherry Blossom Festival so much. I'm glad Japan Expo has culture because most conventions don't.

He wasn't too bad as long as there was a one-person lane (basically the width of his body) around the stage and an area clear for the cameramen nearest the stage so he could move around . Yeah, if you did keep going too close he'd keep coming around but if not he'd just sit there and watch. Friday him and the rest of the staff were kind of a stickler for keeping the aisles clear but Saturday on he was a lot more laid back and those areas in front of the seats were okay.

It was better than the AX staff killing all wotagei during Aya Ikeda's concert, that's for sure.

>> No.7064609

After they find out your name there's no escaping them. They will scream at you and expect you to scream back every time they see you. It's fucking amazing and I love them.
It just sucks to be called up to cheer next to an artist at a show and have administration go 'nuh uh thats a hazard' but maybe that kind of wet blanket bullshit is common in CA? I'm from far away so I don't have an AX experience to compare it to. Also I'm referring to the Sunday Iwadare concert during the encore :(

>> No.7064677

This con was such a disappointment, and it was all because of stupid shit that was easily fixable. Why stick registration in a hidden room in the hotel, then make people walk outside around the hotel and 2 sides of the convention center before they can get in? Never mind that there was a hallway connecting the hotel directly to the con that we "couldn't" use. Or that the bridge that connects the parking lot directly to the con center was also "off limits". Why? They had enough people at the main doors, they could've spared a few at the other doors. The whole ticket vs badge thing was so inefficient I can't even.

The autograph thing was so shitty - VIP, press, staff all were not allowed get autographs. My friend chose to volunteer because she didn't have the money to spare for a regular badge, and wasn't allowed to even try for the autograph "lottery". Way to reward the volunteers who sacrificed their time to make your con go smoother.

My buddy in Artist Alley was in despair because he dropped the money for a table and got almost no sales all weekend. There was good art all over the place but no one was buying anything.

The culture booths seemed pretty desperate too - on Sunday I had people almost throwing brochures at me cause hey guess what - most weeaboos aren't super interested in traditional art, martial arts or music. I felt bad, I wonder if Japan Expo told them they'd reach a whole new audience. Too bad con goers would rather photograph cosplayers than sit for a lecture on traditional shit.

>> No.7064703
File: 731 KB, 2322x4128, so_creative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the Wabi-Sabi section. There was some beautiful art. My favorite was the ink painting of the flying wing. I also bought a ring for $35 from one of those vendors, as well as a pot holder that looks wicker (not sure since nobody spoke English, it was hard to find somebody to even pay for the thing). Also, the people selling purses made from recycled materials for $300 made me feel bad. I looked at one, asked the price, and then walked away. They guy said, "please don't go" all sad like. So much stuff in the Wabi-Sabi section was extremely expensive; artwork that pushed close to $20,000, creepy baby dolls that were like $700, etc. I'm sure most of those vendors sold nothing. Did they really expect anime con goers to drop that kind of cash for those kinds of products?

Expensive crap aside, it was a nice addition to the con and I greatly enjoyed the art works.

I was a little surprised too to see this element at the con, as well as all the travel agencies (I really enjoyed both though). It's as if the French said, "hey Japanese people, you can make lots of money on these Californians by getting them to buy very expensive art and then travel packages to your country." I had one staff ask me if, "Is your wallet getting light? Are you spending lots of money?" And then I took his survey which basically kept asking about how much I'm spending and on what.

Yeah, many of the vendors appeared very desperate. You know that many probably didn't make a single dollar. I'm sorry, but US anime con goers don't go to cons to drop $15,000 on traditional art. I spoke to one of the "normal" anime junk vendors and she was not happy with how the con was being run, said that they weren't making any money either.

Here are fetish hooker versions of Asuka and Rei.

>> No.7064709
File: 730 KB, 4128x2322, Iwadare Band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So happy to see all you Iwadare fans here! Here is the last Lunar song he played. Would somebody be so kind as to tell me the name of the song and I'll add that to the title.

I'll upload the other two today or tomorrow.


>> No.7064712

Friday they let you use the attached structure and the bridge. Saturday they locked it down period and made you use the parking next to the 49ers stadium. I can only assume that was because it was easy to slip into the convention without paying via those routes and had multiple friends do that. Initially on Friday I had declared the free attached structure as being one of the best parking situations for a convention I've ever seen.

For the culture stuff I thought they were just for display purposes/exhibition and not for actual sales. Ridiculous price tags and all like you see at art galleries. If they were here to sell their stuff... They came to the wrong venue. I hadn't even thought about buying anything minus the art from ninja arts.

>> No.7064713

Did anyone go on Saturday to his concert? Anyone know what the second to last song was? I think it was a theme of some sort from Grandia 2 and I want to hear it again...

>> No.7064749

In order for this con to survive it needs a few things

>More panels/events for fans to get involved in
The main stage and autographs are great but there just needs more stuff to do in between big events where people can get involved in.

>Late night programing
Closing at 7 is way too early.

>> No.7064756

Which artist is this so I can avoid buying anything in the future

>> No.7064802

>For the culture stuff I thought they were just for display purposes/exhibition and not for actual sales. Ridiculous price tags and all like you see at art galleries. If they were here to sell their stuff... They came to the wrong venue. I hadn't even thought about buying anything minus the art from ninja arts

This, I was there to see/appreciate the art and I spoke with a few of the artists. For sure I never asked about prices or anything, i know all those items are upwards of $300+ and I just tried to be polite and ask the exhibitors about the process and took some printed brochures etc. Engaging the actual artist is something I rarely get to do at a gallery or online. It's a good experience, but I can see why most people wouldn't know what to make of that WabiSabi section.

tl'dr, I'm also fairly certain they were there to exhibit rather than to sell anything. so I tried to just really verbally and visually appreciate the works (easily done, I love that stuff) because wow the creators are like.. right there.

>> No.7064892

I feel bad, because this is the sort of shit "normal" people bitch about, nerds only caring about pop culture instead of art and music, but we're all a bunch of high schoolers and college students who can't drop more than a hundred dollars and running around panels and concerts. I really wish I'd have seen more of the Wabi-Sabi, my dumb ass kept thinking it was off limits to certain people.

The travel advertisers seemed kinda... I don't know. They were advertising colleges and studying abroad, which, though it would appeal to any weeaboo, wouldn't get any packages out of them, because, as I said... high schoolers and college students who, if they're lucky, work double jobs JUST to go see a convention.

If they set up an honest to god expo that solely focuses on art and music, I would definitely go and it'd be more successful. Most people get scared away by their fear of nerds (which may or may not be justified), and nerds get scared away by the fear of "normal" people being elitist twats (which may or may not be justified).
I swear it was another Lunar song.

>> No.7064909

It wasn't so much as hidden as just a really bad location. If they had ANYWHERE the attendees they were expecting, it would have been more obvious, because that line was built for something like Fanime's population, but I come in and it's dead quiet. It helps I was there for California Extreme a while back.

I'm sort of not surprised they didn't allow staff/press to get autographs, because they already have special privileges (well, SOME, since you do get to go to the con for free).... but it's still sort of lame, and that system was lame in the first place.

>> No.7064917

Yeah, I agree. It's alright for people like me, who have to take light rail or bike, but for those staying at the Hyatt, seven PM is too early. Hell, I'd be fine if it closed at nine or ten.

I really wish they'd put up more traditional panels, I saw the Ikebana demonstration and it was interesting.

>> No.7064953

7pm end time really encourages the local people to just bounce when its over so if you're staying at the hotel there's nothing much to do besides drink up and go to parties. Since the concenter closed you couldn't really roam around the place and had to stay at your hotel and with the low attendee count , there were a lot of non con people on the main floor lobby parties were out of the question.

>> No.7065076

Sure wishing this thread had more pictures of cosplayers...

>> No.7065079

There was also a wedding, wasnt there. Most people I know who partied went to friends's houses away from the concenter.

Though I heard some guests were drinking in the hyatt lobby, like how it usually goes at SDCC. Anyone spot any?

My biggest "woah what" is the exhibitors and professionals attending not being eligible for autographs. Also Staff. What a really odd system that closes opportunities off to people who create content and keep the show going!

>> No.7065095

I didn't see them in the lobby, but coming back to the Hyatt Sunday morning we passed by Kozaki and Iwamoto just chilling right outside the doors.

>> No.7065146

definitely needs more content both during the day and an evening section

you actually got very little benefits besides saving $50. in the main events they let you in early/had a seating area but honestly the press/vip seating was empty as fuck (i had rows to myself, and half the time i was moving around for different angles for shots). there were no restrictions like "press only" for photos/video. you also have access to guests if you had a dying wish to interview them or take a photo with them. seriously it would have been fine to just pay the $50 and you would be able to get autographs.

>> No.7065149

Sounds like you'd enjoy a visit to the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival in April. Ikebana, folk dance, taiko, geisha performance. Don't know if that's feasible for you or not but I enjoy going every year for the two weekends.

>> No.7065176


Technically, we weren't cosplaying, we're just a bunch of wotas there primarily for Dempagumi.inc and You Kikkawa. But we did convince the stormtrooper to join us because what's more awesome than a stormtrooper with a glowstick cheering on a cheering squad?

>> No.7065181

And yeah, this felt like a really bad con for exhibitors/artists. I spent a lot of money, but it was all on the Japanese guests' merchandise. I mean, I go to a lot of cons, and I see the same exhibitors/artists basically every con. The guest merchandise in comparison are pretty exclusive. They just need to pick a time that's not squeezed in by all the other cons in the area or even the same state.

>> No.7065199

I dropped $200 for a table, some dropped $900.

I'm still so fucking pissed I wasn't allowed to get autographs, that is BULLSHIT.

>> No.7065209

$900? what the shit?

>> No.7065304

Oh, I completely forgot about that. LA has one as well, doesn't it?

If anything, Japantown does host Spirit of Japantown and a Buddhist festival where they have taiko and music demonstrations. A few people on cgl bitch about Japantown being infiltrated by dirty Koreans, but whatever.

You've never heard of spending sprees at SDCC, have you.

>> No.7065314

"For a table" means the price for the artist to get his spot, correct? I can understand SDCC's booth prices because it's SDCC but this is nowhere near that level. $900 for a first-year convention is bizarre. Unless you meant they spent $900 buying items from a table?

>> No.7065318

>I'm still so fucking pissed I wasn't allowed to get autographs, that is BULLSHIT.

I'm guessing it wasn't disclosed in the fine print when you signed up for an exhibitor spot???

I mean it may have been, but if it wasn't then yes, that is real bullshit. Many people who were non "run of the mill" attendees were denied autograph, or I think had to jump through hoops to attempt one. Sux man. There one of the WabiSabi women in line with (I think) her son right in front of me during the Sadamoto ticket draw on Sunday morning, but they were escorted out of line by a JX staff who spoke Japanese (I couldn't understand what they had said but it was explaining something about not being able to do the draw) it was RIGHT when they approached the computer, aka after they had been been standing in line a good deal of time like many of us.

which is bullshit, because staff can see their bright orange lanyards/badges very easily.. why didn't they notify them they couldn't do the draw earlier??? What a waste of their time... felt so bad for them but maybe they were able to get an autograph another way. I never knew.

>> No.7065328

certainly makes you want to buy a badge, doesn't it? or maybe that was the point

>> No.7065377

I talked with one vendor (Niche cel/poster/vintage anime merchandise) at SDCC and he said he bought a simple attendee badge for JX because the prices for booths were ridiculous, he wanted to just enjoy the convention. He really wanted to see Sadamoto. Not sure if he knew about the not eligible for autographs part, but there is at least one potential dealer who nope'ed out of exhibiting even before the con..

just so weird that those who are more involved (press, professionals, exhibitors, staff, volunteers) etc have a much MUCH harder time getting autographs by guests (if able at all) than normal attendees. without these people. there is no show at all....

>> No.7065408

No, 900 for a table. NOT in spending money

>> No.7065412


I saw a group of people playing beer pong in the area near the on-site registration on Saturday night as I was walking out to my car to get food. I came back an hour later and they were still there playing beer pong and blasting music.

>> No.7065425

Not sure how SDCC exhibitor spaces run but at least for that money and commitmet you DO get extra perks like being in the hall early for exclusives and, if you have a good team, possible to go to an event/guest signing you really want.

Blanket default exclusion for exhibitors, even if the booths were cheap, is still a huge downside

>> No.7065438

I spotted Iwadare and Yuka Hoshio in the hotel lobby! They saw me staring at them, waved, walked over and Iwadare took my picture. I nearly fainted.

>> No.7065486

The draw system was fucking stupid and I don't think I could be convinced otherwise.
As a premium badge holder, you get 15 'redraw' tickets. This allows you to draw up to 6 times (with your initial draw) for one autograph. Most of the time this meant if you used 5 tickets you were guaranteed an autograph. However, premium holders were also on the floor much earlier than anyone else - so we were getting First Come First Serve tickets. Couple this with their policy that you only get to visit each guest once...Those 'redraw' tickets were useless unless you overslept. I tried giving my tickets to a really nice person who wanted Sadamoto's autograph and they told her she couldn't fucking use them because they weren't hers?? So I ended up having to throw the fucking things away. Really great. Couple this with Sadamoto's interpreter being a complete dick to everybody and man just fuck that shit, the autograph system was a goddamn mess and I don't think it made the artists happy either. Fucking Felipe Smith told me they were like rushing the artists to 'draw faster' and its just like man maybe they actually want to see their fucking fans?

The Bones president was the sweetest of sweethearts.

>> No.7065499

The whole draw thing was just dumb. The autographs for Dempagumi.inc were great though, they really spent their time talking to you, not just signing a picture and waving goodbye. So cute aghhhh

>> No.7065529

I missed them and I feel bad. The ouendan autograph was incredible, Kozaki drew me a bunch of shit (and I didn't even have a ticket but I was told to shhhh!), Iwamoto is fucking adorable and signed a bunch of my Okami stuff, Iwadare signed a AA cd for me and I thanked him for Langrisser as I left (which seemed to surprise him), I didn't even go through Felipe's line but when I bought all three volumes of Peepo Choo from him he signed them all on the spot and spent like a half hour talking to me about just whatever (what a cool guy aaa). Only really Sadamoto's line on Sunday was irritating, thanks to a combination of the lateness and what a dick the interpreter was.

>> No.7065562
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>> No.7065621

>there was a Nyaruko
>and I missed her

also I took too many concert photos

>> No.7065626
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>> No.7065631


wwwwwow those titans are special

>> No.7065630
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>> No.7065655
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>that zipper tab

Shouldn't it be at her neck?

>> No.7065661
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>> No.7065664
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>> No.7065666

if I could only know who this Madoka is...she's super cute (minus the skirt)

>> No.7065663

i feel like it's one of those with two zippers....if that's the case....fetish catsuit....

>> No.7065669
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>> No.7065671
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>> No.7065678


>> No.7065680
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>> No.7065684

that's a guy?! EVEN BETTER! Another person to be my idoru-sama

>> No.7065686
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>> No.7065688
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>> No.7065693
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>> No.7065696
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>> No.7065699
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>> No.7065708
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>> No.7065712

oh god she is perf!

>> No.7065716
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>> No.7065719
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>> No.7066551

I had a really great time. It was small, but lots of my friends were there so I always had someone to hang out with, and I kept streetpassing the same people, so they were good levels for Find Mii. Loooooved the drawing battle between Kozaki and Felipe, probably the most fun I've had in a panel in a long time.

I actually really liked the autograph system… at least the first come first serve, because I could get my tickets in the morning and not have to worry about being in line all day for a signature with no guarantee I'd get one. But the draw system was… weird? I think things depended on who you got for the line keeper person. My premium badge friend gave me his redraw tickets in case I couldn't get the Sadamoto one (was like 6th in line for regular pass holders and they were already on the draw system when I got to the line), and they said I could definitely use them if I didn't get it, so…? I think there was a lot of general autograph confusion among the staff. I thought I could only get one autograph from each guest, but it turned out I could get as many as I wanted, provided I could get the tickets.

As for the guests:
-Sadamoto seemed… sad? And his handler/translator was kinda harsh?
-Iwamoto seemed awesome, loved his sketches. I think on the last day most of his sketches were more SD-ish and sooooo adorable. Plus he'd take pretty crazy requests.
-Kozaki was awesome, he signed two things for me at the first session because I wanted to let him decide which one he wanted to sign and then I couldn't decide which I wanted a signature on more. He had his 3DS with him too, so I kept streetpassing him and it made me feel awesome.
-Felipe Smith was AMAZING and his autograph/sketches were incredible. And he was really easy to talk to, very kind and interesting.
-Finally, totally agreeing with >>7065486, the Bones president was the sweetest of sweethearts.

>> No.7066629

>My premium badge friend gave me his redraw tickets in case I couldn't get the Sadamoto one (was like 6th in line for regular pass holders and they were already on the draw system when I got to the line), and they said I could definitely use them if I didn't get it, so…? I think there was a lot of general autograph confusion among the staff. I thought I could only get one autograph from each guest, but it turned out I could get as many as I wanted, provided I could get the tickets.
Yeah, this was my problem, too. I'm pretty sure the staff wasn't clear on their own rules. I gave my tickets to someone who waited in line to use them and was told she couldn't because she wasn't premium (sorry for wasting your time strangerperson :() and I also waited in line with another friend to try to use my premium tickets to redraw for her and was told, again, she couldn't use them unless she had a premium badge herself. Seems like the people running it just weren't consistent at all - kinda like how, depending on what time of the day you tried, you could get in and out easily through the connected hotel lobby with your ticket/wristband or you'd have to go all the way around.
I think the system sounds good in theory and I agree with you about getting the tickets early and stuff, but I just think it's dumb that premium holders both used up the FCFS autographs AND had redraw tickets.
Maybe Sadamoto had fewer autograph tickets available idk
The sign very clearly said 'one visit per guest,' but maybe it was just confusing language? In that case, I wish I had visited Kozaki again. On Friday the guests were autographing 2-3 things for like everyone! But then the most popular guests (Iwadare and Sadamoto) seemed really strict about one autograph per person. Not so bad, but if it's true that you could get multiple tickets for one person, I feel kinda bad about not visiting Sadamoto again for a second autograph or Kozaki again after I bought the FE artbook.
Well, live and learn.

>> No.7066691

what do you guys think of the entrace/exit practice of the con? (ignoring where the staff members were)

For those who didn't attend JX had a designated entrance and exit area where your badge was scanned in and out. as to prevent badge sharing. The staff was also present at all entrances of the con center so you could not even walk through the hallways without a badge.

>> No.7066708

I thought it was fucking stupid that I had to go ALL THE WAY AROUND as a premium member with a wristband to come back into the con after eating in the hotel lobby. Like dude, they aren't even going to scan me. I guess a little fresh air doesn't hurt.

For non-premium members, I can only imagine it was a hassle, but it'd be a bigger deal if food hadn't been so far away.

>> No.7066718

Oh dang. Photog anon noticed me. Gracias for the photos.
What >>7065663 said. I got the suit from a mostly sex-related site. I'll find a way to cover the damn thing in the future though.
These guys were amazing.

I swear I couldn't understand the purpose of that. I thought it was for keeping track of how many people were in the convention for next year attendance list or something. It was kinda lame, but for this, it made getting those tickets 10x easier then any convention I've ever been to. I walked in, paid my money and they handed me my 3-day all in about 1 minute. The opposite of Fanime.

>> No.7066806

Friday you could just waltz in without a badge because of the numerous entrances. Saturday not so much. Would have been nice if they had let Premium/VIP just walk in without having to use specific entrances and/or use the Hyatt/Convention Center parking lot like on Friday.

>> No.7066845

how were the masquerades? There as one each day, wasn't there?

>> No.7066944


Due to local noise ordnance laws in San Jose Swap Meet couldn't be located in South Hall as originally planned, unfortunately Artist's Alley which closed much earlier was the only other option. It all stemmed from one of the Exhibit Halls not being available Fanime weekend, but with the expansion set to open in September hopefully everything will be centralized again as before.

>> No.7067313

>Sadamoto seemed sad

If I recall, he's depressed like Anno, just a bit more bitter.

Yeah, I wound up just spending all my time in the con. Food wasn't as huge of an issue, since I was on light rail and just got food downtown.

I got in on Saturday, because someone left a door into the concert hall propped open. Sunday was like Friday - deserted, no people manning anything.

The first one was decent - a majority of the costumes were alright, GODDAMN THAT WOMAN IN THE ANIME MASK WAS CREEPY and the MC had to read "yolo #swag". However, decent is lightyears away from the trainwreck of Fanime's. I didn't see Sunday's, though.

The MC managed to accidentally say "Anime Expo" at the very end, instead of Japan Expo USA.

Jesus, if it was fire ordinance, I'd understand, but /noise ordinance/? Dealer's hall was way more crowded.

I'm just hoping the expansion's finished before next Fanime, because it still looks about 50% done - they still need to finish the rooms and get the fountain up.

>> No.7067319

Complimenting the videos and photos done so far (thanks, photo anon!), a guy from the local magazine was there. It's not all cosplay, but still:


How the FUCK did that Space Marine move around?

>> No.7067334
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>> No.7067341
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>> No.7067357

Where should I upload my photos so people can see? I have some pics that can't be upload due to the limit on this site.

>> No.7067416

That's a sign that they should be resized

>> No.7067926

Hard limit is 3 MB, resize 'em, as anon said.

>> No.7068119


thanks for this link!

>> No.7068653

Yeah, the shame is that Metro didn't advertise it until, like, the week before. I remember when Fanime used to put out print ads in Metro.

>> No.7070598


Full page ads at that! And the one time they had a brief TV commercial run during adultswim the week of.

>> No.7070697

I am here to post that the French guy with Sadamoto was a dick. That is my contribution.

>> No.7070774

...Was it anything like GIRUGAMESH guy?

Also, was it last year or 2011 when they ran an article on Fanime?

>> No.7071055

I am here to post that every French guy I met that con was a dick. There was a French photographer that wouldn't leave the female cosplayers alone. I saw him following one of them through the con for over 15 minutes, even when it was obvious she was just looping back and forth through the lobby over and over.

>> No.7071075

People underestimate the extreme weeaboo neckbeardness of the average french nerd.

They are way further into their nerd culture than we americans are. You'd have to live there to understand.

>> No.7071114

the dude at the help desk was, fittingly, helpful

well, the only thing I asked him was "how do I get back to the parking garage?"

>> No.7071161

Nah, it was more done like an adultswim-style bumper. I'm having trouble finding it on Youtube, I'll ask a friend what his channel is for the link.

Was this the article you meant? http://www.metroactive.com/metro-santa-cruz/05.26.10/FanimeCon-1021.html

>> No.7071520

Yeah, that one. Damn, that was the year I wanted to go, but at that point, it was already happening.

>> No.7071521

For non-guys, the French girl at at-con reg was nice and professional.

>> No.7071750


And here is the FanimeCon TV commercial, it aired as a local cable commercial on adultswim. I can verify that it legit aired as I was at the producer's house waiting for it to pop up after so many commercials for that Poseidon remake:


>> No.7071786

They look amazing! hnnng.

>> No.7072053

Who was that artist for most of the bumper images? Oh, and thanks for the link!

>> No.7074463


Hmm good question, I'll ask the producer and see if he can recall. Incidentally my favorite is the one of Ultraman and his kid, yours?

>> No.7078098
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Alright finally uploading some pictures. These two were fucking amazing and adorable. The Owain just ran up to this Lissa cosplayer as I was taking a picture and screamed "MOTHER! I HAVE TRAVELED ACROSS TIME AND SPACE TO SEE YOU!" and they hugged and it was brilliant.

>> No.7078101
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>> No.7078103
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best Redline cosplayers

>> No.7078104
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itty bitty babby Yotsuba made me smile

>> No.7078107
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I'm like 89% sure this Yuki browses /cgl/ and they were also cosplaying Maou one day of the con. Their Tsuritama group was amazing (one of my favorite shows) and the Yuki/Maou was also very kind - I think they recognized me because I was taking their picture the day I was wandering around as Miria, hahaha. The apron was a nice touch to Yuki and the Coco cosplayer is really cute too!! I wish I hadn't been such a spaz because they seemed like a cool group.

>> No.7078112
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I don't even like this character that much but this cosplayer did a great job!

>> No.7078116
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group of Ghiblis

>> No.7078119


Someday I will find a Calvin cosplayer and a Yotsuba cosplayer and get them to pose together.

>> No.7078122
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Here's Maou

>> No.7078124
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Dat Kozue

>> No.7078135
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And some Shingeki no Maids

>> No.7078138
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Does anyone have some more Evangelion pics from the weekend?

>> No.7078145

I do, but all the cosplayers I caught were already posted in this thread so

>> No.7078669


Found out that the artist is SNK character designer Tatsuhiko Kanaoka aka FALCOON, you can find more of his works at the following:


>> No.7079606

there's a ton posted from >>7067319
and also the ACP gallery has lots of photos form the sadamoto gathering

>> No.7081127

Awwww, yeah, these are me, thanks for taking them!! It was nice to meet you at con, and I don't think you weren't being a spaz (if anyone was, it was me!)!