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7032942 No.7032942 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to be well-known for wearing Lolita, like an idol? Does it literally involve posting coords with rare dresses and just waiting?
Any tips?

>> No.7032956

You have three options, anon: be rich, be incredibly pretty, or be both. That's it.

>> No.7033228

>make awesome coords
>take HD pictures of you in coords

>> No.7033248

don't forget "be a black person that coords well"
tumblr goes crazy for that shit.
>omg so rare black loli must reblog or else I'm racist!

>> No.7033255

Do you always have to bring this shit up? No wonder everyone always gives you a hard time.

>> No.7033266

You don't even need rare dresses, just good coords/styling, HQ photos, and regular posting.
Being conventionally pretty isn't even all that important (though it will give you an advantage), so long as you have good styling and makeup.

>> No.7033300
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dude what?
its no secret that you get more attention on tumblr purely for being black. If I didn't say it, someone else would have. or at least thought it.

>> No.7033326

It's just that you always have to say it. It always has to be you.

Have you ever thought of maybe doing some yoga? Take some deep cleansing breaths at least.

>> No.7033356

I'm a pretty calm person, overly sarcastic, but calm. and I don't recall saying such things before. I'm sorry that my prescense offends you. maybe we can take yoga classes and mellow out together.

>> No.7033366

Yoga makes me queef, you wouldn't want to take yoga with me.

>> No.7033393

shhh, its only natural.
those queefs are your soul letting out a deep, calming sigh.
that means its working.
I saw a cute yoga mat while I was out shopping today, we should do this

>> No.7033404

Post a lot of coords in a specific style. It helps if you're skinny and fit into the smaller standard size OPs and jsks since you can find them for cheap on mbok as long as you know how to coord. Be pretty and take time to do makeup. Don't look ridiculously old in your face. Learn how to pose and take good pictures in natural light. Post on daily_lolita and have a Tumblr/blog that you often update with lolita related things along with your coords. Be social, like join your comm and go to events and local cons. >>7033266 has the basic advice. I would love for a person to be known for some rarer coord color combos nowadays: red, purple, green, navy, etc.

>> No.7033437

Lol, I tried doing this yoga class at this hippy music festival once. Got up at 8 in the morning after being wasted the night before. Turned out the class that was marketed towards beginners was all super advanced poses. I didn't want to deal with the embarrassment of leaving, so half way through I just got into child's pose and stayed that way for the next half hour.

You're nice enough to make me want to give it a second chance, though. Sorry I was a bitch.

>> No.7033496

Being lolita famous used to be easy -- post nice coords to DL and that's about it. Now you have to post on DL, tumblr, make your own fan page on FB, post tutorials and videos on youtube, make a blog... ain't nobody but high school dropouts got time fo dat

>> No.7033503

more on topic, photoshop, or if you're a cheap bastard, meitu xiuxiu. if someone confronts you about using photoshop to touch up your photos, don't deny it. actually, if someone confronts you about anything, fess up and admit it/apologize) if wearing sweet, brighten your print dresses so they pop out more. do not let any info about your personal issues out on your fashion blogs. use a personal blog for that but do not give people your personal (unless you are confident)
make friends, youtube videos, and have a new outfit shot at least once a week to keep people interested. make sure your photographer/boyfriend takes pictures correctly too. and accessorize! no one cares for a boring lolita (like me) that rarely accessorizes. craft some god-teir accessories and wow everyone!
its ok anon. thank you for apologizing, and I can't blame you for disliking me right off the bat. I've done some things in the past but I'll apologize for them no problem. I'm used to angry anons by now, but it does kind of creep me out when people search for my trip in the catologue to start drama. I did yoga once. hot yoga (they turn the heat on unbearably high). I was sweating balls and was the least flexible person in a room filled with middleaged women. never again

>> No.7033521

Go back. No one is flexible when they start. Just keep at it. Stretch a little bit each day and keep doing the classes. Next thing you know, you'll catch up to the rest of them.

>> No.7033540

>read this from someone who runs a tumblr solely dedicated to featuring black lolitas
this explains everything.
so how's that quest for e-fame working out for you? I always wondered why you bothered to trip.

>> No.7033546

>people search for my trip in the catologue to start drama.
I didn't even do that, for what's it worth. Just recognized your name and remembered the drama.

But if you apologized, that's good enough for me. Good luck in your future yoga pursuits!

>> No.7033606

don't care abou e-fame, just doing the things I enjoy.
I started that tumblr purely because I when I looked up "lolita" I could never find any black girls that dressed in it. This made me feel like a sad sorry sack (waah I can't be a pretty lolita because of my skintone baww) so to boost my confidence I started that tumblr.
Its inspired many other people, which I'm glad. I don't reblog people just *because* they're black, I reblog them because they can coord pretty well and know how to rock it.
I do have a personal, which I reblog other lolitas to. I actually feel kind of obligated to run this blog now, because its given so many people hope.
even though I blog black lolitas and am mixed myself, it does urk me that tumblr puts mediocre girls on a pedestal because they are black. its downright stupid. I've seen some gorgeous girls who coord extremely well who don't get half as much attention as mediocre poc do.

as for my trip, my boyfriend was like "hurr durr you should trip its awesome" when I first started 4chan, and I never really took it off. I get too attatched to people that do like my trip, and you can call it attentionwhoring but I like getting credit for all the things I say and do.

>> No.7033622
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Being noticeably Asian is still a plus because lolita fits more "naturally" as I always see tons of Asian lolita pictures reposted.

Also I wouldn't say you need to be rich but at least buying something lolita related on a constant basis would probably get you noticed or doing crafts for lolita and stuff. Also sticking to one or maybe two styles would be the best so that you have a niche.

I have no idea why you'd wanna be famous/idol in lolita but just try not to change the person you are.

>> No.7034130

What kind of videos would you make for a personnal fashion blog ? And for a general help fashion blog ?

>> No.7034134

Hauls, reviews, tutorials, dances. Just make sure you look kawaii as fuck

>> No.7034137

But I'm into gothic, I don't want to look kawaii as fuck, I want to look elegant. No dances.
What about wardrobe and room (if it nicely decorated) tour ?

>> No.7034189

How did Peachie get well-known?
inb4 x amount of hate, I just want to know how she's well known as she never posts many great coords.

>> No.7034235

She posts a lot, and she's pretty cute. Her outfits are maybe on the plain or basic side compared to other girls, but they're not bad at all. Plus she's disabled, which I guess people on Tumblr go nuts over. Not to mention that she is just genuinely a nice person.

>> No.7034352

Murder and/or you competition. Therefore their Lolita essence will be adsorbed by you. But be careful to only do this ritual on the third frill day of the ruffle months.

>> No.7034353

*or eat