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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7029870 No.7029870 [Reply] [Original]


Discuss: What homestuck cosplays do you really want to see done? By any specific cosplayers?

>> No.7029875

I don't really care who does it, as long as it's done well, but I really want to see Horse-Body Rufioh.

>> No.7030125

Same here. Bonus points if it can withstand a Horuss riding it, but just the horse robot body Rufioh alone, again as long as it's done well, will make my life. It's been months, I really want to see it some day.

>> No.7030134
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1002544_484516431639695_1007129007_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't that be a bit like a quadsuit or something?
Man get some fursuiters on this or something, I can see it work out if you did a centaur body but I have no idea how it could translate to actual horse with Rufioh head.

>> No.7030179

I always figured it'd have to be two people. Like, it'd have to be one of those shitty halloween costume style suits and the person in front just doesn't wear the horse head and does Rufioh makeup and stuff instead.

>> No.7030189
File: 652 KB, 640x960, Centaur_Costume_Construction_by_fyuvix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the picture I was thinking of.
Maybe you could adapt it to a horse style? Question is what you'd do of the arms.

>> No.7030275

Maybe add a really long tube to wear over your torso?

If I remember the sprite right, his neck was really weirdly long, so it might work?

>> No.7030308

>"Please stop hosting homestuck monologues you’ve beaten them to death thanks love everyone"
>wahhhh it was only cool when i was in them!!

>> No.7030313

I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. Hosting Homestuck monologues?

>> No.7030314
File: 144 KB, 960x620, 1000208_10200318887126030_102146177_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homestuck monologue?
Don't you mean like, panel or something?

>> No.7030494

The only monologue panel I've seen is that one with the fat meulin who banged on the ground and cried.

The fucking best

>> No.7030511

I thought we were going by MSPA generals now?

>> No.7030513

Guessing anon means this post http://pouncedeleon.tumblr.com/post/58010152818/please-stop-hosting-homestuck-monologues-youve

Pretty conceited coming from someone who'se been in a good number of homestuck panels.

>> No.7030518

She still owns the DM url, and it's just kinda a part of her. When people hear damaramegido, the instantly know who we're talking about. That's also the reason why she won't give the url away.

>> No.7030519

While we were, there main focus was just Homestuck, really. Haven't seen anyone talk about Problem Sleuth or anything.

>> No.7030526

It's a kind of panel. Basically Homestuck characters do kinda like slam-poetry in character in solo or duo.

>> No.7030551
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So how was Otakon? Any cool costumes or juicy gossip to share?

>> No.7030565


drunkroxy was escorted out from the drawmeet for being so drunk she was puking on herself

>> No.7030580


I think there were 3+ of every ancestor on saturday

>> No.7030632

I don't really care for Homestuck.

I just really want to fuck a girl in the ass while she's dressed as a troll, horns and bodypaint and all. Something about it just arouses me.

>> No.7030645

>doesn't care for Homestuck
>yet for some reason wants to fuck a girl cosplaying as a Homestuck character

>> No.7030649

Dude probably has a monster girl fetish and trolls are just the right level of monster or something.

>> No.7030650


make sure she uses PAX or you'll get gray on your dick

>> No.7030682
File: 227 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mreco02K5X1rpov75o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more deets on this? Not surprised this finally happened.

>> No.7030694



she was puking in the main bathroom on the fourth floor until a staffer and bcc security came and took her out

>> No.7030700


Kind of disappointed in the overall quality of cosplay this year. Saw a really great trickster!scratch and a few decent ancestors but nothing mindblowing. Sad considering how many bnfs were there.

>> No.7030701

What's going on with her eyes?

>> No.7030717

fucking fuck fuckers fuck fucking homestuck lolita no FUCK

>> No.7030721

As someone who has struggled with alcoholism, I honestly just feel sorry for her and hope she gets help.
Oh honey, fix that eye makeup.

>> No.7030723

The glasses don't help, kind of makes it look smeared across completely

>> No.7030731

Bottom lashes might haven't been placed well/or were ruined from a night out I'm assuming.

>> No.7030748
File: 645 KB, 1144x1600, gyaru-makeup-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she might have been trying to mimic gyaru makeup
>pic related

>> No.7030754

One drunk passing out does not an alcoholic make.

>> No.7030769

From the stories I've seen posted about this girl, it's a bit more than just one drunk passing out.

>> No.7030783

I thought drunk roxy was the girl that fucks a lot at cons too but that doesn't look like her.

>> No.7030794

no, drunk roxy is the girl that gets... drunk at cons.

>> No.7030800

I thought she did both! Which is the one that is almost thirty and got accused of sleeping with underage guys?
I can't believe I actually care enough to ask.

>> No.7030812

Drunkroxy is 17 or something so definitely two different people.

>> No.7030819

I feel a bit bad for her but at the same time I'm laughing really hard that this has finally happened. I can't tell if she's really nice and just a drunk or full of bullshit.

>> No.7030992

I'm surprised the No Fun brigade didn't throw her out before she could vomit. I remember last year they policed everyone about drinking.

>> No.7031086

Drawmeet was big and loud but I don't think there was really anyone misbehaving or being an arse. Tons of free shit everywhere, it was cool.

>> No.7031141
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>> No.7031143

it begins

>> No.7031149



>> No.7031162

Different anon, but... I feel like we should stick to MSPA. There's been a few PS things posted and I think it invites more cosplay-related discussion to our thread. Not to mention how a lot of his othher comics are just as good as HS or better.

>> No.7031166

Well, Mira's a bitch, so I can see why she'd say that anyway.

>> No.7031180

Seriously who cares if somebody likes to drink alot and/or party.
Drinking's fun, and as long as you don't do it for the wrong reasons, I don't think it's considerded being an alcoholic.

>> No.7031185

Yeah, it was pretty fun. and I don't usually enjoy HS meets.

I think Canadian HS cosplayers really take the cake.

>> No.7031204

what the fuck was up with the mayor? she was having a fucking breakdown about it and she wasn't even relevant

>> No.7031208
File: 727 KB, 400x316, whyyyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone over the age of 12 do this.

>> No.7031213

Do you read the comic

>> No.7031223

Dude, I think it's completely fair to have a break down about The Mayor. He's the true hero and he almost died.

Shit, if he actually bit it, I'd probably drink myself to alcohol poisoning too.

>> No.7031226

no, dumbass, there was a mayor cosplayer that was breaking down about drunkroxy vomitting all over the floor and she didn't even know her

>> No.7031227

it's ironic internet metahumor

which is a major theme of homestuck. I don't think this comic is for you.

>> No.7031229

>Doctor an entire bolt
>Take every precaution to make sure that the seams are covered up down the entire length of the bolt
>Seams end up visible
They're literally invisible unless you're less than a foot away and even then you can only see them if you're looking for them but

>> No.7031233

Was she freaking out over her? or over the fact that she was vomiting? Like, was she worried about her or, I dunno, maybe she was emetophobic?

>> No.7031235


Well, that's entirely different then.

Maybe someone died from alcohol in the cosplayers family or something?

Maybe they were just a bit touched in the head?

>> No.7031238

she was just breaking down and crying, it seemed really attention seeking, and the people who were actually ROOMING with the girl kinda circled around afterwards and were all, "hahaha, yeah... this isn't even about you?"

i know it was scary, i was fucking there the whole time, but she was in the bathroom while the girl was vomiting having a literal freakout, "EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP TALKING AT ONCE!"

the actual girls who were rooming with drunkroxy kinda circled up after it was taken care of and were kinda all, "hahaha... that didn't even concern her..."

>> No.7031239

i'm dumb, i thought i deleted the one bit there but hey, redundancy!

i don't know much about the girl. at first i thought it was totally reasonable if she was like a friend but then i learned that she didn't even know her

>> No.7031240

Just realized.. Is their cape made out of felt?

>> No.7031241

Wow, those are some of the neatest bodysuits I've ever seen. I'm not so keen on the horn textures and accessories on both but dang. Those clean lines.

>> No.7031242

She sounds like some weird girl who just wanted attention then?

>> No.7031249

Great cosplays, I just wish they did some contouring with their makeup. Their faces just look so.. flat.

>> No.7031252

It was super hot that day so everyone's makeup was doing weird shit

>> No.7031263


Nice cosplays. Incredibly disappointing Condesce wig.

>> No.7031299

Really? I guess it's not canon, but...I fucking love the horns. Those and the ones with the black holes in them (and those store-bought Aradia horns some people use). Smooth horns will always look at least a little awkward to me. But yea love the bodysuits, benefit of appliquing and not painting

>> No.7031301

Yuuuup. I've actually used felt myself for god tier Jade but...wow, not for Dave's hood. That just doesn't work.

>> No.7031304

Those aren't appliqués though, unless my eyes fail me. The details are sewn as part of the suits.

Eh, I think the Psiionic's wig is the poorer of the two.

>> No.7031309

Lilly/saccharinesylph apparently feels bad enough about the girl that got sick and the yelling that she feels she didn't do a good job and doesn't want to organize next year's drawmeet. Pity, I think she did as good a job as anyone could with that many fucking people, she was friendly and somehow everywhere at once.

>> No.7031313

Ah, looks like you're right. Not appliqued. I'm even more impressed.

>> No.7031315


That's kind of hilarious coming from one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. Every single one of her Homestuck Monologues performances was cringe-inducingly bad and embarrassingly melodramatic.

>> No.7031325

I don't think she should feel personally responsible, like you said she was quite friendly and nice. But I guess to control a group of that size you need someone tougher/bitchier.

>> No.7031414
File: 871 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mreqjyBoY51qmxbigo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this GHB is so awesome

>> No.7031433

I saw them, they were literally 7 feet tall with their platforms, it was terrifyingly great

>> No.7031494

Why are there always so many drunkroxy whiteknights/apologists in these threads? The girl is constantly disrupting meets and has a dramatastic attitude to boot so what's the point?

>> No.7031532
File: 232 KB, 721x1280, rockseelalonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She extended her eyeliner outside of her eye in an attempt to make her eyes look bigger. It's become pretty popular in Asia even though it usually looks terrible

>> No.7031535
File: 615 KB, 1235x822, tumblr_mdt6ogVXm31qbcfv3o5_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am familiar with that feel.

oh wow what a babe.

>> No.7031587

I feel like they could've done a better job on the wig. Everything (minus the paint on the teeth) looks amazing, the wig just doesn't fit the rest of the costume.

>> No.7031619

you're thinking of macabrekawaii

>> No.7031632

Different anon but it's more we feel bad for her because she has a substance abuse problem. Most dramafags don't have that excuse

>> No.7031634

what a qt

>> No.7031635
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>> No.7031664

She's super petty and full of herself even when she's not drunk though. Just not a pleasant person in general so I don't really see her drinking as an excuse. Same goes for people who try to justify unrelated shitty behavior because they have aspergers or add or some medical issue.

>> No.7031691
File: 222 KB, 1157x800, 1094465_10153105774775459_2025695998_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Canadians

>> No.7031736

that kanaya is a qt

>> No.7031751

i feel really bad saying this but that condesce has a man face

>> No.7031754
File: 142 KB, 800x1154, 1337671276528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a very good kanaya

Wow. Even the worst of them are good-tier
Why, USA

Also, where would you recommend I get lenses for a "blind" effect for characters with white eyes (Dead characters, exiles, etc)

>> No.7031763


>> No.7031765
File: 376 KB, 2048x1375, 1091226_533301493391384_1381069487_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought mine off of honeycolor, I use prescription meshes and they have worked really well for me. Of course you still have to shoop a bit afterwards but...

Also, I don't know if some countries simply are better at cosplays than others or if America just suck in general.
>mfw I attended my first con as a stuck and was expecting a general smudgy grey mess
>mfw everyone was average or above
>mfw the only countries where I have seen this as of yet is Sweden or canada.

requesting non american cosplay group photos just to compare.
>pic related, Swedenstucks.

>> No.7031806

It's probably because of sheer number differences. Same reason Homestuck has so many shit cosplayers vs other fandoms with smaller numbers. I find the countries with smaller cosplay scenes just have better quality in general.

/r/ing more photos from last week's cons.

>> No.7031924
File: 11 KB, 464x414, 1367800102451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redwood won't shut up about his "cosplay" in the /co/ HSG

>> No.7031969


Saw him at Ota, didn't realize it was supposed to be a cosplay

>> No.7032233
File: 757 KB, 665x1000, nice tit sufferer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032274

Alo, quick question, I was planning on using ben nye black for a costume and was wondering if it stains skin. I used to cosplay Gamzee so I mixed it with the grey for defining around the eyes, but I never applied the straight black to skin. The red kind of stains and some shades of blue do, but I'm not familiar with what black does over several hours. I'd test it, but I don't have it on hand just yet.

Any experience?

>> No.7032281


I haven't had a problem but I apply a liberal amount of primer before any makeup

>> No.7032283
File: 85 KB, 960x570, 536678_697980066883932_1917617359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All red colours stain, if you have ever used red hair dye or fake blood you will notice this. I can't imagine black will be as bad, and I haven't experienced any problems with it personally.

>> No.7032285


>That binder

Why not just wear a grey skintight thing

>> No.7032353

why do all dolorosa cosplayers look like the exact same person

>> No.7032357
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, ghb__get_out___by_kiwi_cosplay-d6gw1cn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard Hussie actually hates Homestuck, and the fans and is only continuing on with it because of all the money he's making off of it. Does anyone know anything about this?

Also, here's a shitty GHB

>> No.7032368

if i saw shit like this id hate my own series too

>> No.7032379


That would explain how pointlessly self-indulgent and drawn out the comic has gotten recently

>> No.7032384
File: 452 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mreqjyBoY51qmxbigo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally just made it out of their old Vriska wig though apparentally.

>> No.7032393

Does anyone have the link to her Disciple monologue?

>> No.7032400

I'd like to know where you heard that? I guess it'd make sense, but damn, that's kind of a let down.

>> No.7032398

Do you mean pouncedeleon? Pretty sure saccharinesylph hasn't cosplayed disciple before.

>> No.7032404

Sorry, I mean't to reply to a post about Mira. Yeah, pouncedeleon.

>> No.7032432

sounsd like a rumor just because people arent enjoying hs as much anymore?

>> No.7032436
File: 746 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mrfp22xxJS1rbpxgho9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rumor that Hussie hates/dislikes his fanbase has been around since it started getting big with no proof or sources.

Since he's added on more signings,which means more personal interactions with the fanbase, I doubt it's entirely true.

>> No.7032450



Such a masterpiece that everyone else has to stop doing monologue panels because no one is as amazing as her

>> No.7032526
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>> No.7032570
File: 714 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mrfqaoKEhJ1rbpxgho9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought her disciple outfit was mediocre at best and brought the rest of her group down but that's just something special.

Hats off to that Doc Scratch. Wow.

>> No.7032574

i normally don't like trickster cosplays all that much and find them slightly overdone, but I absolutely adore that Doc Scratch.

>> No.7032579

Mr. Vanilla Milkshake indeed.

>> No.7032580
File: 74 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mr9yre9sYs1qfu6zso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032582

I laughed.

>> No.7032588
File: 272 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mrfruokWSv1r3rizpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032602


His head was really clean and well done, one of the best cosplays at the shoot tbh

>> No.7032603

I think when you compare it to 90% of Condesce cosplayers it's a pretty nice wig. She chose a nice middle ground of length and fullness that wasn't ridiculous to handle.

I agree! I actually got to see he Psiionicc's horns up close and I adore the texture they did.

In some photos it doesn't look like the wig is true black, but I really like the styling of it. It's a bit different from most of what I see (their make up and contact choice was really good too).

>> No.7032608


agree she brings down the group a lot, but most disciples do

>> No.7032619
File: 714 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mrfsinChqQ1qlj2goo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will these fakey fakes ever stop

>> No.7032676

Rose looks like a total qt.

>> No.7032677

Hoooooly shit the left Condesce's horns are on a different planet or something. Aside from that this group looks pretty decent, I especially like the Condesce on the right and how terrifying and tall GHB is.

>> No.7032678

where's the real one with the dave?

>> No.7032681

There's one of a Jane apparently "sneezing" while posing with a cupcake and hit her nose against the cupcake.

Why do people do this

>> No.7032682

The one whose timetables "accidentally broke" when trying to spin them?

>> No.7032701
File: 219 KB, 903x1600, tumblr_mrfpo8HV3u1qmva8qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032709

i dont understand this at all.

>> No.7032726

is her dress pulled down beneath her boobs or are her tits just really low?

>> No.7032729
File: 82 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mrflwqTqwc1qeprsoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem Sleuth characters.

>> No.7032730

r'ing up a nice PM cosplayer? I really want to cosplay her, but I'm not sure on what exactly I'm going to do yet... Any tips?

>> No.7032732

That's Problem Sleuth cosplay son.

>> No.7032737

not sure but I remember someone saying there was a legit surprise gif before the rose spider and all the other fakes came out

>> No.7032741
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>> No.7032745
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>> No.7032749

jesus christ, im glad i didn't go to the meet this year.

>> No.7032748
File: 30 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, right? Man it looks so fake.

>> No.7032752
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>> No.7032753
File: 871 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mrcr4dUeO31rt7ro9o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, here we go.

>> No.7032754


Consider the following. If there were that many ancestors, think of how many of everything else there were. What a madhouse.

>> No.7032760

I think this looks pretty bad. I've seen way better.

>> No.7032768
File: 256 KB, 650x876, 1371024765312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032775

so fucking stupid

>> No.7032778

Friend I talked to on Sunday figured upwards of 600 people. That's just mindboggling.

>> No.7032780


This is absolutely terrible. I cannot fathom why she brags about her acting skills. She's "would get laughed off the stage in an actual production" levels of bad.

>> No.7032783
File: 98 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mrfocbxPLA1r1fitxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping from tag.

When will people learn to stop going in that fountain?

>> No.7032787
File: 186 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mrfofivcLU1r3rizpo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saccharinesylph's fancy trickster was probably one of my favorite cosplays at the con.

>> No.7032789
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>> No.7032793
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>> No.7032795

what a cutie! source?

>> No.7032799
File: 332 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mrfpfnAVP11r3rizpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032800
File: 538 KB, 498x750, i don't really care for fancies but at least her dress looks well made and flatters her figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032804
File: 229 KB, 413x750, tumblr_mrfubiNZh61rgkfuho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032818


found her in the ota tag, would like to know source myself

>> No.7032822


Those proportions. What.

>> No.7032828
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>> No.7032840
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>> No.7032842
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>> No.7032849
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>> No.7032873


>> No.7032880

I like the wig styling and skirt on this one

>> No.7032890

Oh my god she wasn't kidding.

That's terrifying.

>> No.7032921
File: 89 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mref1xZE011r51oalo9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032957


>> No.7033010

A Jadesprite who got her colors right... beautiful. Also I always thought a Jadesprite in all green would look weird but she definitely changed my mind.

>> No.7033024
File: 102 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mrfzefHkFj1qm8qxmo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7033030

She's not all green.

She forgot her hands. Lazy, lazy.

>> No.7033035

Or she chose not to color her hands so that she wouldn't rub off on anything. That pic looks like it might be from AA or the DR

>> No.7033046

Yeah, I have to agree with this. There's been a lot of butthurt circling the HS fandom for a while now.

>> No.7033052

Nitpicky much? Looking at the picture, it looks like she painted the tops of her hands but not the bottom, probably for good reason as >>7033035 said. Otherwise, she looks great to me.

>> No.7033057

Homestuck attracts lazy cosplayers like flies to shit.

T shirt, horns, whatever, done. what's the point?

>> No.7033059

Maybe it's a guy

>> No.7033063

That horn shape though

>> No.7033069

Pics or you're a faggot.

>> No.7033077

I'm confused too, Anon.

>> No.7033073

What the fuck?

>> No.7033076


a good signless who's actually a dude?

>> No.7033079

That's is a good Signless?

>> No.7033085

Not a dude I don't think, and probably just a little better than mediocre imo.
>dem horns

>> No.7033087

The lazy cosplayers I can understand, because they're lazy cosplays. But it's pretty astonishing that people can be lazy to the point where they fuck up the simplest of things. It's like they don't want to put effort into a single thing at all. The only part of most cosplays you even have to try with are the fucking wigs, and most Homestuck cosplayers just throw their wigs on their heads and call it good. I just don't understand.

>> No.7033098
File: 368 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mrfsv1izfL1r3rizpo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a dude and not the best I've seen but definitely one of the better ones. I'm a fan of the makeup.

>> No.7033104

One of hussies close friend said that all hussie does/think/work on is homestuck.

I don't think he hates his fans. His girlfriend maybe but fuck her

>> No.7033123

I think some of you are being super harsh on some of these cosplayers. Homestuck cosplays, and cosplays of any sort, are left to interpretation. Just because something isn't the way you see it in your head, doesn't mean it's bad. (and cosplayers are not professionals, we're just people who like to make cosplays & dress up.)

>> No.7033128


Just... you know what, I'm being sincere here, leave the thread, and the internet, while you can. Preserve what's left of your dignity.

>> No.7033132

Ugh, I was one of the people who got in drama with softowl back in the dim times, what a complete cunt.

>> No.7033140

not the person that you're replying to, but I really think they're raising a good point. People are being overly picky lately, and I've been noticing it more and more lately.

>> No.7033146

Yes, but they seem to imply and act like giving critique is being "super harsh" and we gotta think of "hurr mah feelins". If something is bad, it's bad.

Maybe that's just me, though. Couldn't hurt to hear what other people think, I guess.

>> No.7033147


>making the cancer sign with their hands as the signless

you're funny

>> No.7033164

Legitimate question here, it's been a while since I read the Ancestor arc, the Signless cosplayers should avoid that since well, he's called the SIGNLESS for a reason, right?

>> No.7033165
File: 93 KB, 560x432, lolwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7033166


the cancer symbol originated as a reference to his means of execution and was used by his followers after his death. having a living Signless do it makes no sense and would be like having a picture of Jesus kneeling in front of a cross or something.

>> No.7033171

Oh okay, makes sense.

So if anything it would make more sense for a Disciple to do the sign, right?

>> No.7033175


Right. He's referred to the Signless prior to his death, and the Sufferer after his death.

>> No.7033177

Ah, so that's the differentiation. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

>> No.7033178
File: 21 KB, 250x424, Sacred-Heart-of-Jesus-w-Cross-Custom-Prayer-Card16210lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except there are tons of pictures of living Jesus with crosses. it's not really THAT far from Christian symbolism.

>> No.7033181


Yeah, since she's the Peter in this whole bible allegory

>> No.7033184


If somebody wants to do a really cheesy bible-school style Sufferer portrait making the hands, that'd be cool and all, but for the most part the cosplayers doing it are portraying a living "real life" Signless

>> No.7033237

I thought she was Magdalene.

>> No.7033358

I'm surprised by how ignorant many Homestucks are if their own canon. That's like, basic.

>> No.7033383

Fine, pardon me, then. I have no excuse, it's been almost a year since I read that part.

>> No.7033388
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>> No.7033389
File: 259 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mqxj97CiRT1r35os0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi HSG, does anyone know how to do grey makeup on the shoulders and neck area without it smudging on clothing, such as this terezi cosplayer? I''m fine with face makeup but what about areas where clothing rubs off the makeup, such as the straps of a dress or the coller of a shirt?

before anyone tells me to research it myself I already tried, and sent an ask to the cosplayer as well but did not get a reply.

>> No.7033394

Seconding this. I'm a femquius cosplayer and my tanktop is pretty tight so it rubs off pax. Any tips?

>> No.7033411

Honestly? Just get a slightly looser tank. It can still be form-fitting and feminine without being skin-tight. Finding something that will stay better than PAX is probably a losing battle when you've got an easier solution right there. You could also do an extra layer of PAX in problem areas.

>> No.7033412


she uses PAX


anything that's going to rub off pax is too tight and going to rub off everything with the possible exception of alcohol-based makeups, which you have to apply with an airbrush system. get a new tanktop.

>> No.7033413

I know for a fact that cosplayer uses PAX, a mixture of paint and medical adhesive which will not harm your skin nor rub off easily. However, you need to shave everything in order to do it.

There are tricks you can do with final seal and make up that will help. You can also, of course, photoshop, though I am sure you'd rather not since you are asking here.

>> No.7033417

Only somewhat related, but why doesn't Pyropi ever respond to asks? It's kind of rude to her fans who honestly respect her and want her opinion.

>> No.7033423

Maybe she gets too many asks and doesn't have time?

>> No.7033426

Okay, I will. But I do have another question. Too anyone. What can I do with my armpits? I've tried to put every type of paint (fabric paint, PAX, mehron, etc.) on, but my deodorant just repels it. I tried putting it on before my deodorant, but it doesn't seem to work if I do it that way... What do you guys do?

>> No.7033433


why do so many homestucks think they're entitled to someone's time and assistance? same with the saccharinesylph drama from earlier today. nobody signs a contract promising conversation and cosplay help to strangers when they make a costume that might get popular.

>> No.7033435


shave really well and don't do deoderant. it sounds gross but the pax blocks all the sweat against your skin anyway so you smell fine. unless you're equius tier it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7033436

take a bunch of hand sanitizer and rub it in your armpits. really.

>> No.7033441

Is it entitlement if someone's just asking why someone else doesn't respond to asks? Legitimately confused here.

>> No.7033447

She probably gets the same asks over and over again from people who don't bother to see if she's already answered the same question.

It's the tumblr mentality, everyone thinks they're simultaneously entitled to everything and obligated to go out of their way to help others (read: go on retarded sj crusades)

>> No.7033452

I actually don't own pax, though. The people I roomed withh last con did though, and they shared with me. I use fabric paint myself, will it work in the same way?

Also, does anyone have any tips to prevent peeling/flaking with PAX/fabric paint?

>> No.7033454

The implication is that >>7033417 sent her an ask and is upset that they didn't get a reply. So yeah, they think they're entitled to an answer. Never mind that tumblr eats something like 30% of asks anyway.

>> No.7033459

Oh my god, so go buy some fucking PAX then.

>> No.7033462


fabric paint is going to flake and peel because it isn't designed to stretch as much as your body is moving; get products that are designed for body painting and it'll work better

pax only peels if you skimp on the pros aide or don't shave well.

>> No.7033461

Oh, I see it now, with the Anon calling her rude and all.

Well, that's why FAQ pages exist, although many blogs I see have FAQs and yet still get the same old questions over and over.

>> No.7033465
File: 60 KB, 960x768, 996546_502798276469807_1278175558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was up there for a really long time.

>> No.7033466
File: 382 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mrfqhcR1iB1roeapqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's entitlement when you're calling someone rude for not responding to every menial question. Same with getting butthurt when a BNF doesn't friend you back or drop everything to have a conversation with you in the hall. Unless they're actually mean or rude to you it's really petty to complain about it.

>> No.7033473

Makes sense now. People just have to understand that people like the BNFs or just popular cosplayers in general just can't squander their time, or receive too many repeated questions, right?

>> No.7033471
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>> No.7033477

>Tim Hortons
Was this at a Canadian con? Or do Tim Hortons stores suddenly exist in America?

>> No.7033480

THIS. and seriously, to complain about it with pyropi of all people? at least in person, at meetups and whatnot, she humors her fans like I'd never have patience for.

>> No.7033488

I know that there are some Tim Hortons in America now, but I'm pretty sure this was taken at Animethon in Edmonton.

>> No.7033494

What a good Terezi dress.

>> No.7033498

Yikes that dress construction and that sad little Jake bow.

>> No.7033499 [DELETED] 

Gosh, you're right! bNfs in particular should answer every ask they get because they're magical cosplay gods whose lives revolve around the people who put them up on imaginary pedestals! I mean, geez, the standard of their interactions with the fandom should DEFINITELY be on a whole other level from us normals. If we get an ask we don't want to answer we don't have to answer them, but BNFs man - they fucking owe us for worshipping their every move. I can't believe I didn't realize this before.

Thank you for opening my eyes!

>> No.7033510

i dont like it much personally when people dont try to cover up self-harm marks, even those couple on the jake's leg sqigg me out.

i saw her at the con, and she made several posts about not asking about them or pointing them out, so obviously i didn't, idon't know why anyone would. but can't you get sheer tights or something

>> No.7033512


>> No.7033514

Why wouldn't you point them out

Wouldn't they ruin the cosplay

>> No.7033519
File: 103 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mrg7s3UB331r8q261o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to this, which BNFs are actually nice to talk to or willing to answer questions? All the popular cosplayers in my area come off as elitist snobs.

>> No.7033527

Well they got the noodle limbs right.

>> No.7033528

well, it seems kind of out of line to just walk up to someone and say "hey all your self harm scars are ruining your trickster jake cosplay"

>> No.7033535

Are you in Florida?

>> No.7033534

Well if they're popular they'd probably get a bunch of the same questions over and over again, so it'd make sense for them to get tired of talking to people that they don't really know.

>> No.7033537

I'm pretty sure she had talked about getting tights to cover them and then said she couldn't find any that matched her skin tone, but I'm pretty sure that's bullshit because you can get sheer tights at Wal-Mart, or a Shoppers Drug Mart.

>> No.7033538

Gosh, you're right! bNfs in particular should answer every ask they get because they're magical cosplay gods whose lives revolve around the people who put them up on imaginary pedestals! I mean, geez, the standard of their interactions with the fandom should DEFINITELY be on a whole other level from us normals. If we get an ask we don't want to answer we don't have to answer them, but BNFs man - they fucking owe us for worshipping their every move. I can't believe I didn't realize this before.

Thank you for opening my eyes!

>> No.7033542

Floridastuck has gone to shit.

The Miami and Orlando areas are competing for worst FLstuck group.

>> No.7033545 [DELETED] 

Those look like runs on tights, not self-harm marks. Why would anyone cut themselves like thatm it just seems weird.

>> No.7033547

BNFs shouldn't answer so many asks if they don't want to, and people shouldn't feel entitled to them because being good cosplayers they're most likely very busy and don't want to waste their time with strangers or something.

>> No.7033563

Anon, it's hard to cover up self-harm scars. I have some on my leg, and I try makeup to even the skin tone, but I really hate wearing tights because they're uncomfortable on my stomach (the waistband) because I have organ issues. I was once cosplaying a troll (with paint and all) with my legs exposed with grey makeup over them, and somebody pointed out in the middle of a crowd of cosplayers with us in dead silence, "Are those self-harm scars?" I wanted to vomit. that's just a horrible thing to even mention to anyone imo. I mean I get it, this is /cgl/, but having some compassion for obviously old scars shouldn't be difficult, should it?

>> No.7033568


If I saw those IRL I'd assume they had a cat or were a klutz or something. Do enough people harm in this community that those are supposedly identifiable on sight as self-inflicted?

>> No.7033579

Ceriene is always really nice and humble when I've seen her at cons.

>> No.7033588

What good would showing compassion do? It was a simple question, give a simple answer.

>> No.7033592

Well Homestuck IS full of little kids so

>> No.7033597

Different anon but it's not compassion, it's basic decency. You don't go up to strangers and yell about a health problem that you think they might have. It sucks that you're squicked by these types of scars but don't be a rude asshole.

>> No.7033601

Wow, way to make me lose my fucking faith in humanity. I get this is CGL but come on, man.

>> No.7033604

Get with the times, if THIS is what makes you lose faith in humanity, then I have no idea what to say.

>> No.7033624

Guys, this anon is just a troll. Just let it starve.

>> No.7033636

They could be, but there are people who DO have those mindsets, and they're more common than you think.

>> No.7033722

seriously, i have a number of marks like those on my leg, but theyre all from my cat lmao

>> No.7033736

What a douche. Nobody wants to talk about their personal issues in front of a crowd at a con.

Yeah, I have some straightish scars on the back of my leg that probably look like they're cutting but are from scraping against a scallop rock really badly at the beach.

>> No.7033741

Yeah it's at Animethon. I went there last year so I recognize the location, and the Jake is one of the admins of Calgarystuck.

Fabric paint is very different from PAX. It will peel a lot more. PAX usually only peels if it gets a lot of friction in an area (your fingers tips, palms if you're holding a box, your shoulders if you have a big backpack, etc). If you roommates have PAX it won't be too impossible to get some yourself. Then babypowder it and you're on your way.

I didn't even notice those. You shouldn't point those out anon. Not cool.

I totally agree with this. You shouldn't point them out. A lot of people who self harm are afraid of being found out and being ridiculed, which is a horrible complex that most of them have. It takes a lot of effort to come out to a good friend that you self harm, and to have some random person point it out in a group of people is a horrible thing to do. It will only increase their anxiety and worsen their issues (and probably make them self harm more).

>> No.7033749

If it makes their cosplay looks bad it's something they can cover up to make their cosplay look better. Is going, "Those marks on wherever are pretty noticeable, you should have covered them up" really such a bad thing?

>> No.7033776

so in this cosplay help group im in
>ok starting a female dave strider cosplay so should i do black skirt or shorts?

im pretty sure femdave would still wear pants. just because youre female doesnt mean you just wear skirts and shorts.

>> No.7033780

Why are they even being genderbent Dave in the first place

What's wrong with them that they can't do regular Dave?

>> No.7033837

They might be uncomfortable with binding. They might like the idea of genderbending. They might have really large breasts, or a really bad back, that make binding extra painful for them (I have both and I push through it but goddamn I understand people who don't want to). There's not necessarily anything wrong with them, jeez.

Yeah, because it's drawing attention to something they'd rather not have attention drawn to. It's also insensitive. You don't know whether those are cat claw marks or self harm marks, but there's no reason to bring it up and seriously- unless someone asks for your advice on their skin, don't bring up shit like that! They haven't magically forgotten those scars (or that birthmark, or that one large mole) are there so you're just being a jackass if you bring it up unsolicited, especially in a public place.

>> No.7033891
File: 617 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mrg7s3UB331r8q261o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i love dave's design for magicastuck
also this is the best take ive ever seen on dave's time tables.
not to mention the glowing edges of the costume itself

>> No.7033897

See >>7033519

>> No.7033901

oh woops i didnt even see that sorry pf

>> No.7033906

Homestuck is basically responsible for reigniting my desire to Cosplay. I used to really love it, but I just kinda lost my spark. But threads like these really get my super inspired.

Now I'll get back to painting my crappy model magic horns

>> No.7033931

good to see other people being motivated by other peoples shittiness

>> No.7033937


Its nice to see a baseline, you know? Be like "Okay, I can probably do better than THAT"

>> No.7033946

I totally agree with you thank you for backing me up. People pointing it out is just unnecessary.

Some people it's just. Not a skirt jfc. She (Dave) is a fucking Texan swordsman. If she has a skirt she would need legging, but it's probably be pants or shorts.
If they mention their wig in that group it better be short or in a ponytail i s2fg

>> No.7033994

Not to sound like a tumblrfag, but hey, asking somebody to cover up their body because they have old self-harm scars /is/ actually pretty bad. You wouldn't tell somebody to cover up their face if they had horrible acne because it would "make their cosplay look better", would you? Somebody else's body really doesn't concern you and people can only cover up scars so much with using makeup. (Leg scars and tights suck, I know some friends of mine just cannot find skin-colored tights to match their skin at all, etc.) Like the other anons said, really, have some compassion for other people. Try just not even mentioning it. What does it matter to you what someone else looks like

>> No.7033998

Do you mean that mayor who was trying to take over all the events?

There was this bitch of a WV cosplayer screaming at people at the photoshoots and the draw party, I overheard the photoshoot runners talking in between shots about how they tried to get her to go away because she was being so awful and she wouldn't. Who was she?

>> No.7034010

I'm glad, anon! Keep on doin' what you love.

>> No.7034016

If someone had horrible acne, unless the character had horrible acne as well, would affect their cosplay.

>> No.7034040


Actually, no cover your acne scars. Learning how to apply basic make up is an important step in cosplay, even if it's just foundation. Bitching at someone to cover their self harm scars is a bitch move because of the implied emotional trama behind them.

>> No.7034061
File: 47 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mrgihiYPMr1r25m9co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to cosplay.
Here's a random Canadian Equius.

>> No.7034067

If you're gonna cover acne scars, might as well cover all scars. They're both scars. Just cover it up for the sake of cosplay.

>> No.7034068

Unimpressive and fat. Next?

>> No.7034069

I have a friend who stayed with him for a while, and she assures me that he's just as addicted to his own story as all the little tumblr stuckaboos.

>> No.7034070

Next one I see on my dash, I'll post for you again, your sandy vaginaness.

>> No.7034071

You canm't cover up really deep self-harm scars because they leave bumps, and makeup can only cover it so much. My skin is naturally really oily (even on my legs) so my makeup fades really fast too. Thank god I don't have self-harm scars or anything.

>> No.7034088
File: 898 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mrel1uukXC1qkzzquo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we back the fuck off from talking about how body scars and acne affect the quality of cosplay (which they fucking don't because we as onlookers have no right to comment on that kind of personal shit) and back to talking about important things. Construction of cosplay, posing, make up, wig styling, and helping each other out with wips.

>> No.7034089
File: 193 KB, 1024x701, god_tier_kids_by_lillithcosplay-d6hvdu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's actually really awesome.

>> No.7034098
File: 25 KB, 650x450, 06375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Dirk's godtier hood actually a pink tiara?

>> No.7034107

The tiara is separate, I think.

>> No.7034111

Since when did people help each other out here?

>> No.7034151
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 2013-08-13-001528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued WIP of Itchy, this time without the mask because I'm still figuring out how to get believable mouth patterns on it.

Come to think about it, if they're basically puppets then I should be able to get away with just sticking a mouth pattern on, but it's lazy enough from me that I've drawn most of the outfit from my non-cosplay wardrobe.

>> No.7034212

Woah, seriously?
I do stuff in the South FLstuck and I think we're fine and haven't really noticed any problems except for the outrageous number of BNF "elitists" everywhere.
Also a shitton of snobs left and right but other than that it seems just fine. What details am I missing here?

>> No.7034240
File: 182 KB, 1280x854, 1354250810557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In either case they're probably aware of it and has most likely tried to do things about it especially if they acknowledge that yes, they do have acne, and they have tried this or this and maybe it didn't work.
I mean shit, this is so basic. There is no need to point it out because there's a 90% chance they are already aware of it and has tried to do something about it. And even if they're in that 10% who aren't aware is it really worth risking to be a massive jerkass and bring peoples body issues up?

I don't think you've ever tried cover up deeper scars.


>> No.7034320

getting all tumblr up in here. so what else happened at Otakon any other juicy drama?

>> No.7034494


I'm pretty sure the Tiara's attached to the hood.

>> No.7034499

Why is the Otastuck tag so dead? Did nobody do any private shoots?

>> No.7034501

Yes it's worth risking, because it could make their cosplay look worse. So why not critique and point it out. And somehow pointing out flaws in a cosplay is being a jackass? I thought we went over this before.

>> No.7034509
File: 76 KB, 640x960, 1001574_10200401596313708_344117449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe but like I said, nine out of ten times they are already aware and also if we're talking things such as scars from selfharm or abuse then wow that is most likely not something you want to be reminded of.
I thought we went over this before.

>> No.7034514

If you're showing it then it can be talked about

You can't avoid the fact that people could do so and you should be prepared for it

>> No.7034522

Anyone have good shots from the Sunday shoot at Otakon? The only ones I've seen were blurry messes.

>> No.7034524
File: 188 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mrfhgvpnau1rjyntlo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people wait until they're back home and have wound down before they sit down and go through pictures editing and the like.
It is only the day after the con, after all.

Even in the general tag, the only private shoot I've seen up and edited is someone's from shooting in the fountain so far

>> No.7034525

Doesn't mean that you have to be the douche to point it out.

>> No.7034530

So from what I understand nothing really happened at otakon and there were only a handful of nicee looking costumes. Sounds boring as fuck. I thought you guys were a major fandom or something.

>> No.7034534
File: 204 KB, 475x750, tumblr_mrg2clMs3m1qe3hsio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem horns

>> No.7034538

We're dying.

>> No.7034545
File: 9 KB, 386x378, hugputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god.

>> No.7034548

what a contrast

>> No.7034556

yeah i know her irl, she does this stupid attention seeking shit all the time.

>> No.7034555

Enjoy all the Attack on Titan, Free!, Dangan Ronpa, and Night Vale that everyone's switching to.

>> No.7034561

is that skirt not hemmed at all?

>> No.7034567

All preferable to the sea of grey.

>> No.7034565

Pretty much.

>> No.7034568
File: 184 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mrd0m39aNL1qlfi4oo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only for so long.

>> No.7034586

John and Dave both don't have wigs.
Just because your hair is a similar color, doesn't mean it's the correct style.

>> No.7034595
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>> No.7034616
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>> No.7034619

Jesus Dick there is so many wrong things with this

What's wrong with the Rose, Dave and Jade? Land whale galore in one fucking picture.
Also is the fucking Dirk is wearing green crocs?

>> No.7034623
File: 1.27 MB, 250x141, tumblr_mrgecmnbj51rt2jwgo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I mean really... just why.

>> No.7034643

I personally know 4 or 5 groups or duos that did some private shoots, a couple of Ancestor sets for sure, I did a Horrorcuties shoot that I'm waiting on, and my photog friend did some godtiers. Photoediting takes time.

>> No.7034644

Would you harass someone who had to use a cane to walk around because it didn't make their cosplay?

Learn to be less douchy.

>> No.7034645


Nasty. Even worse when you consider the cosplayer's probably like 17

>> No.7034669
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>> No.7034678


that cheap pearl trim and cheap lace, ugh. the only thing i really like about this is the wig.

>> No.7034699

cheap wings too

>> No.7034705

i dont understand why people are even cosplaying from night vale when theres no actual physical representation of any of the characters.
sage for off topic

>> No.7034707


tumblr headcanons

>> No.7034717

Probably more like 15

>> No.7034724

Cheap fabric that doesn't lay right, cheap lace, their arm socks are pretty darn noticeably purple/blue tinted. Cheap wings, long horse face.
The wig is messy. Kanaya has a curl that goes across her forehead but you can barely see it on her wig.

>> No.7034728

some of the cosplays are cute but it just encourages lots of really shitty crossplay...

>> No.7034776
File: 613 KB, 1280x1716, tumblr_mrg5daalLl1qhvh8so2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there was a 36 troll photoshoot that happened. No idea how that went or what the quality was though.

>> No.7034844

He's said he hates the internet rather than his fanbase.

>> No.7034874


Well there were certainly enough of every troll.

>> No.7034907
File: 293 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mrfi9pCDGH1rjyntlo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7035078

Most of the BNFs I saw or ran into either had lackluster cosplays or just weren't cosplaying at all.

>> No.7035094

Not impressed by this at all. Craft foam armor and a baggy cod piece. The hair is also far too short for this character and seems like a major cop out. If they were going to do the cosplay it would have been better for them to put the slightest bit of effort into the wig as opposed to half assing it with a recycled wig. Also the horns are pretty tiny considering.

>> No.7035115

Ceriene was kinda disappointing this year. The more I look at her outfits the less I like them.

>> No.7035124

really? I thought she looked great, she's one of the few BNFs who are consistent in my own opinion.

>> No.7035148



She's never bothered to style her wig for years. The wigs and robot arm are okay but not great. The dress is a poor fit with a small symbol and I think there's a stain on the front.

Her spidermama needs work on. I saw it but too lazy to find a picture. The arms are neat and the horns were a nice addition. But the dress is awful. Cheep fabic, the arms of the dress don't fit. Doesn't look very spidery at all, more renfair.

>> No.7035149


I didn't see that many BNFs. Maybe because they weren't cosplaying? Agree that most costumes were pretty "meh" overall.

Anyone stand out good this weekend?

>> No.7035160


who was this and did they seriously do that?

>> No.7035189


The kid who attacked the cops at the AB rave was one of those rave-only attendees, not a homestuck cosplayer. Typical slander and bullshit.

>> No.7035200

I get that the fandom has some pretty shitty people in it, but I'm still so tired of all the hate.

I honestly think that the Anti-Homestuck fandom might be worse than the actual fandom is at this point.

>> No.7035212
File: 881 KB, 1280x1707, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F6b7a44f49488b15772aabad82487d27f%2Ftumblr_mrftuazDUS1rzhnwfo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pic I can find

>> No.7035271

Which BNFs were actually at Otakon in homestuck cosplays? I know Pyropi was that fancy Sollux in the last thread and Ceriene was there but who was she actually cosplaying? Spidermom?

>> No.7035345

cowbutt crunchies and yaexrae were there. a few people from mid and pretty tier were also there. but I feel like there weren't a lot

>> No.7035585

>Let’s see, I have Roxy’s shirt to redo, Kanaya’s god tier in progress, Armin’s jacket and Porrim’s short black coat dress.

oh my god urchintier will never stop

>> No.7035594

How so? This fandom IS pretty fucking awful.

>> No.7035604

I think it might just be that, despite how bad the HS fandom is, they usually don't seem to go out of their way to be bad. Like, the screw-ups seem like maybe they just don't know better?

As opposed to that, the people who are so vehemently against HS in it's entirety seem to actively try to be complete douchebags. It'd be one thing if they had a reason for the vendetta, but most of the time I see people talking about hating and hurting homestucks just because they are homestuck.

>> No.7035617

Didn't JJ and MF date for a while?
Or am I thinking about two different people

>> No.7035618

Ceri did spidermom, vriska and something else. Over all wasn't really wowed this year by anyone. I did like the mix of fandoms though.

>> No.7035688

For about a year back in 2008, I believe.

>> No.7035698

wait really!!!!??? oh wow ok i know some people in HSG don't like MF but i really like both of them, wow they must have been a very pretty couple uwu

>> No.7035710

Get that shit out of here

>> No.7035712

Are you a friend of MFs or something

>> No.7035714

i'm pretty neutral on both of them and i still don't understand where you're coming from here
they're regular people
who the fuck cares

>> No.7035719

I think any friend of MF's would know that that debacle of a relationship was far from pretty.

>> No.7035726

I don't think most BNFs really take otakon seriously or make new costumes for it. It's more of an excuse for them all to hang out.

>> No.7035778

also it seems like a lot of people skipped out on otakon this year

>> No.7035781

I think she also did tavrisprite

>> No.7035797

According to their precon post cowbutt crunchies did a lusus costume, a fancy feferi and eridan, and a beforus karkat. I haven't seen any pictures though. Saccharinesylph was there with her fancy trickster cosplay (>>7032787)

>> No.7036024
File: 57 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mrhtyeRDTd1qjql3po5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the appeal behind throwing up black goo

>> No.7036068

I don't think the crossplay is that huge of an issue. Unless you're talking about the gals who don't bind, then find tons of excuses not to bind or whatever. I think most Homestuck cosplayers are just awful in general, no matter what their gender is.

>> No.7036075 [DELETED] 
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Jesus Christ how people can come up with those thing

>> No.7036146
File: 437 KB, 500x500, 1376331675539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would mesh contacts be okay for an exile/dead troll cosplay due to other contacts literally making you blind

>> No.7036163

She also did her Beforus Fef and was running around with cowbutt crunchies. Other than the one shot I've not seen any of Karkat.

>> No.7036198

Yes, they're fine. They're what most people use, anyway.

>> No.7036226

Alright, just double checking
Also, what looks better in person- round or square mesh? Do they interfere with vision much?

>> No.7036253

I didn't know there were different kinds. I just got a pair today, actually. I got the ones from foureyez. It's kind of like looking at a blurry photo. Irritating, but you can definitely see!

>> No.7036257
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>> No.7036264
File: 503 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mlzyreSafl1rmelc2o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036273

I normally really enjoy her cosplays, but when I saw pictures from Ota she seemed like she just didn't really care anymore? Which is disappointing.

>> No.7036277


her teeth are literally the color of mustard, ewwww

>> No.7036830

> http://beholdmyrobes.tumblr.com/post/58210717936
Oh boy

So much butthurt

>> No.7036874

Anon, everyone here is already sick of your trolling. Stop fishing for more even attention. If you need more reminders as to why this is a dickhole thing to do, just scroll up.

>> No.7036891

Get the fuck out anon. You're just as bad as the one who sent that anon message to the cosplayer. There is literally no fucking reason to point that out. We've been over this.

Yeah, what's up with that? Makes me think it was an accidental edit or something. It's a shame.

>> No.7036950

I wonder if they're actually that yellow, or if it's because of the white body paint. I'm going to assume they look more yellow because of the white body paint.

>> No.7037034

Paint would be my guess, since I think it's come up before how teeth appear more yellow when people grey up to cosplay trolls too.

>> No.7037122

Yeah, I know what you're talking about, anon. It's a shame they didn't touch them up in photoshop or something.

>> No.7037144
File: 242 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_mri84hvlRs1qe1lg6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These eyelashes though

Also that Psii in the back

>> No.7037194

New: >>7037192

>> No.7037203

That's basically what they're talking about. The bnfs in Florida all suck ass.

>> No.7037216

Good troll, or shitty person? You're probably both.