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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7025230 No.7025230 [Reply] [Original]

What conventions you prefer? The big conventions where all the big people go to that also serve as trade shows (AX, SDCC) or the small homely conventions where the atmosphere is down to earth to the point where the guests know you by name?

>> No.7025237

I like both


>> No.7025243

The homely cons seem much better for not so much drama.

>> No.7025275

I really hate trade show conventions. I find them pretty boring and only alright if you feel like blowing money.

I went to AX for the first time this year and it was pretty much what I expected so I don't really need to go back. FanExpo in Toronto is the same kind of atmosphere. I prefer more fan run cons like Fanime and Anime North. They usually have all night events and a more varied selection of panels and activities.

I mean the bigger cons are good if you love attention, because you can be stuck in a hallway for 10 minutes while people want pics. It's not worth it to me though. It feels like you wasted a whole day doing nothing if you go to a big con in a popular costume.

>> No.7025281

I don't care.

I care more about the guests at the con.

>> No.7025282

Homely conventions are just people going to room parties getting drunk. That shit you can do for free at home so why bother going all the way out to a con

>> No.7025307

How about in the middle? Big, but not overcrowded.

> If I had to pick one, it would be the bigger ones. Small cons are nice, but I can't stand them if I'm not with my best friends (who cause shit and make everything fun no matter where we go).

>> No.7025331

>varied selection of panels and activities
if anything I always thought Fanime had a lack of stuff I wanted to see/do. Which, considering I hang out with people a lot of the time at Fanime, is a good thing.

>> No.7025346

Big cons have more to do, easily. I don't think I've ever been bored at a big con but I definitely can't say that about smaller cons.

Drawbacks are worth it for me, but cons of all sizes, small, medium, and large can all be fun (except very small or poorly organized cons)

>> No.7025387
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smaller, more community-based, friendly cons are the way to go.

I've been going to cons for 11 years, and I was getting pretty jaded.

Went down to the states to a comic con in a suburb of a big city.

Lots of hand-made costumes, high-fives and kudos giving, and nobody was snippy/snooty.

Feels great, man.

>> No.7025450

Because me and a friend of mine are debating on going to AX next year, but Anime LA seems interesting too

>> No.7025614
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I haven't been to a lot of cons as of yet, but they've been pretty small-ish so far I suppose. I really liked them because of the friendly people.

Although I live in outback 'straya currently, so every con is big to me.

>> No.7026946

same goes to vegas

>> No.7027052

Smaller cons seem to be nicer.
I can dress lighter and I dont feel the need to be flashy or use as much make up and such.
Bigger cons are good but, it has made a few of my friends self conscious because of the all the photographers and the constant reassurance that they look fine kinda kills it.

>> No.7027189

I only go to cons for AA anyway, so of course larger cons=more money=yay happy. I'm more willing to throw down and attend a large con, but I tend to actually enjoy smaller cons a bit more. Less pressure, and the AA in particular is a little more closely knit and friendly. Too much shit can and does go wrong at larger cons, but I usually make a profit so it's not that big a deal. Exhausting, though. It's easier to have fun at small cons.

>> No.7027195
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>preferring cons

>> No.7028109


>> No.7028122

Artist's... Alley..?

>> No.7028127

I find small cons so much more fun than big cons or expos.
You get more of a chance to talk to people, there's more drinking, less walking, less getting pushed and squashed, more interesting panels and less rip off merchants.

>> No.7028146

It really depends. If it's a big con with a good game room but guests I could hardly care for, then I would probably choose that. If it's a tiny con with guests I like and I'm going with friends, then I'd pick that. I mean I just went to a really tiny-ass con last Sunday with a girl I'm kinda dating and even though it was slow and tiny, it was still fun as hell.

>> No.7029107

A con, either big or small, isn't fun without your friends.

>> No.7029149

Large cons may equal more money for you, but I've found that I tend to actually make more money at smaller conventions where I'm known by everybody, and have less competition, than being a tiny fish in a huge pond. Maybe one day I'll improve, and that'll change, but for now, not so much. I can't really say I make much more at large cons, after plane ticket, hotel, etc.

>> No.7029153

I like big conventions maybe once or twice a year. They're a good change from my typical smaller conventions.
But I do like the small ones where you know many of the people.

>> No.7029358

I like the cons that aren't poorly run pieces of shit.

>> No.7029362

I know, but the larger the con is, the more likely I'll randomly run into someone I know.

>> No.7029535

I love the intimate atmosphere of smaller cons but at their worst those cons its really noticeable when the groups get cliquish and there are very few "free roamers" you can approach. That and its harder for me to find people my again as everyone is at least 7 to 8 years younger

>> No.7033635

Smaller cons tend to have a lot of teens