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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 137 KB, 637x438, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7021710 No.7021710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She wants to thank you guys for treating her like a human being!

>> No.7021723

She will always be fake to me, no matter how much she preaches she isn't!

>> No.7021726
File: 65 KB, 960x429, 975830_10151599678648966_2033530895_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7021727

> I know I dress like a tart
>but thank you those of you who like me anyway
I thought it was nice. I thought it was bound to happen, but I thought it was kinda nice that she noticed that being primarily a fan service cosplayer isnt going to be well received by everyone and she does pay attention to critics.
I still like her.
>look at comments
>notice how almost 90% of her fans are men (shut up, I just noticed) and a few of her fans are guys I know that are all about dem' meat balloons.
..hm. I know I shouldn't even be remotely surprised but...how can you even find comfort in these comments when most of your fanbase is there to just stare at your tits ?

>> No.7021728

>or Ill really reveal some shit
oh god, my sides. why do so many anons do shit like this and never deliver? So many fake ass fedora threats.

>> No.7021732

I know right? Its like saying: "hey you want this? LOL NOPE!"

Although to be fair Jnig is pretty good when it comes to covering up lies since she got a whole team to do so.

>> No.7021735

>how can you even find comfort in these comments when most of your fanbase is there to just stare at your tits ?
Because attention whore. There are people out there who will cling to whatever attention they can get, doesn't matter if it's a reason as shallow as your cup size.

All I see is fishing. Whatever floats her boat.

>> No.7021738
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>half a million likes

>> No.7021740

that was actually a well thought out and balanced message. she acknowledges how she "sluts up" (for want of a better, but succinct, word) her costumes without trying to make up some bullshit to shame people for thinking so, and at the same modestly says there are better cosplayers out there. The bit saying it gets hard seems a little like whining for attention, but that's the cynic in me.

it just goes to show JNig is quite down to earth, is somewhat self-aware, and is a lovely person. I've always thought her to be a "genuine" nerd girl, and a little obsessed by large breasts (ZZ implants for 2016 I hope). She started out on 4chan anyway.

that ass creed cosplay was a load of shit though. if you gonna cosplay sluttily, cosplay a slutty character.

>> No.7021753

If you actually think she is saying something profound or heartfelt here, you're an idiot. After reading this, I'm amazed at just how egocentric she actually is.

>> No.7021756

or, what if- (no really bare with me here anon) what if...you're just a churlish person? Maybe.
Just maybe.

>> No.7021767

I personally don't like her because she seems like that one cosplayer who got a ton of attention for wearing something skimpy to a con and let it go to her con. Does she even do stuff at cons or just parade herself around?

>> No.7021772

So basically what I meant by "parade herself around"

>> No.7021771

She and her friends sometimes have panels, about various things, has autograph signing booths, and I think she sells merch there?

>> No.7021781

>its hard putting some clothes on

You don't say, Jnigs

>> No.7021814

>im so unorthodox and unique

>> No.7021828

I'm trying to be all neutral with this but something screams that I shouldn't trust her.

>> No.7021832

>begins by admitting she's a tart and other cosplayers deserve her spotlight
>then says all the "negative shit" she gets from people is "bullshit"

... make up your mind bitch. are you a humble slut or someone that doesn't understand why people say such hurtful , meanie things ?

>> No.7021835
File: 41 KB, 500x498, eba1a661860cf006c968eea9fb8bf027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Down to earth
>> Shows off tits for attention

>> No.7021851

You are all jelly

>> No.7021854

So she's a hypocrite now too?

>> No.7021855

I think anon meant her personality- actually talking to her. unless youre just being facetious.

>> No.7021863
File: 9 KB, 244x84, do you try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica never even watched Pokémon.

I don't even like her, but that's damn near impossible to believe.

>> No.7021864
File: 92 KB, 919x613, jnmag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little unorthodox

>> No.7021865

I dunno, she did say her favorite pokemon was 'mitochan'

>> No.7021866

>hivemind cgl at work again
how the hell do you all have so much energy to hate so damn much?

>> No.7021870
File: 544 KB, 380x214, 1299503673805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no fan of the JNig, but she's not truly fake.
Maybe not as big a fan of the series she cosplays as some of us are, but that's not something we can truly judge her on because that's not really what we accuse her of. Nor is it something that we ourselves don't do. How many of you have done a Pokemon cosplay, yet don't watch the current series, or even play the current games? No, I don't expect to go up to JNig and expect her to be able to tell me why Hippowdon is the better choice over Tyranitar for a sandstorm teams full of special sweepers. But how many of you Pokemon cosplayers could?

We accuse her of being fake and "using" the convention scene for attention, because she uses her tits and face for fame.
But she admits this, and wouldn't do what she was doing if she didn't enjoy it.
Is she a whore? Yes, she is. But so are pretty much all of us.
Is she fake? No, go pick on Yaya.

>> No.7021875

>we do this
>you do this
Who made you queen of /cgl/?

>> No.7021876
File: 97 KB, 720x960, jngow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she makes her own costumes.

>> No.7021878

You forgot your sarcasm tags.

>> No.7021881

She wants to be an actress. So I have no doubt she's faking it. Her friendliness has always come off as extremely fake.

I saw her at NYCC disgusted at guys of how gross they were after they met her and walked off. Seen her do it on multiple occasions every time someone met her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's that two faced.

>> No.7021885
File: 39 KB, 393x524, diesel-ss2010-sex-sells-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that message wasn't all that bad.
At least she knows there are people more deserving of attention than her. It's an understatement, but she knows it.

Thought the saucy fur girl part was funny.

Still do not understand how anyone can be ok with themselves knowing they are a blatant lowest common denominator sex sell out. I guess they don't think about it in depth at all. Not that people have to have a puritan idea of shame, just that why would you actually aim for the most basic of all behaviors?

>> No.7021886

>because she uses her tits and face for fame.
>and face

Stopped reading there. We all know Jnig's least attractive feature is her butterface. She had to get implants to distract from it.

>> No.7021890

what the hell is with everyone saying she has implants? She got better with boob magic- jesus.
Even if she ever did get implants- why would that matter? why is that even an insult?
I ... I dont get it. Is it the same anon saying the same thing over and over, hoping people will believe it ? Or..what?

>> No.7021896

Have you not seen the new pictures of her in a bikini?

>> No.7021897

Yo, genuine question here.

Why is it that whenever someone doesn't like Yaya or JNig, they're automatically jealous and nothing more? What happened to the concept that someone maybe doesn't like a person because of their personality or their behavior? It's as if nobody is allowed to be bothered by narcissism or two faced actions when it comes to these two. Anyone who doesn't orgasm over them is deemed a jealous, fat hater and its really starting to seem like a cop out rebuttal for white knights who don't have a legitimate argument as to why someone else can't have an opinion yet they can.

>> No.7021899

I feel like people stop caring about things like implants the moment you admit you got them. I know some other cosplayers with implants. They admit it: bitching stops.

People purchase likes on their page, then admit it: bitching stops.

If she'd just admit it, people would stop all but a few comments.

>> No.7021903

Nah, she boob magic-ed for a while, now she has implants and boob magics.

>> No.7021902

>She got better with boob magic- jesus.

That's what she wants her fans to think. She didn't realize that there are people out there that actually know anatomy.


>> No.7021906

you do know that push up bikinis exist right? Victoria secret sells 'em.
As far as that gold bikini top she has- theres clearly padding under that. It looks like its the same with >>7021864

I imagine its the same reason no one can like her without being considered a crazy obsessed fanboy or whiteknight. No matter what you say, the opposing side already has an opinion of you, whether its right or wrong.

>> No.7021910

Imagine an athlete who wins things not because he actually trained hard, but because he took steroids.

>> No.7021909

you forgot to even answer why it would even be considered an insult if she did.

I feel this is the time that anons crazy "LOOKHERTITSCHANGEDOVERTIME.jpeg" is supposed to get posted.

>> No.7021918

If she told the truth about things we would probably only be able to criticize her for her butterface. Literally every single point of contention we have with her is born from the fact that she lies about things that the community finds important, like claiming to make your costumes when you didn't. She's at least giving some credit where it's due now, but it took her about 3 years to do it.

If Jessica Nigri would tell the truth about the following things I think we'd have a lot less of a problem with her:
- getting implants
- not making her own costumes
- buying likes on facebook
- selfposting and samefagging on 4chan

No one likes to be lied to. When you're in a position of notoriety and lots of people are paying attention to what you do? Lying is probably the worst thing you can do. The truth always comes out and when it does she's going to have to deal with a lot of upset fans.

>> No.7021925

why does seagulls hate yaya

>> No.7021942

Yaya has actually done a lot of crazy shit, compared to Jessica's annoying shit. I personally remember the shit storm when she decided that she had a copyright/patent (?) on cat ears and went around the dealer's room at a con handing out cease and desists to anyone selling cat ears.

I've heard that she lies about making certain costumes and is really crazy, but I can't verify that. Someone with a longer memory than me can probably give you the whole story.

>> No.7021950

>guys im more than my boobs
>boob centered costumes
>gets upset when people comment about it or look at them?

while I understand its gross to have strangers do nothing but fap/drool on your comment section, she should atleast expect it elsewhere. Titty costums generally come with onlookers and shes surprised that people do this I believe its okay look but don't touch or let them know youre looking..

>> No.7021959

I've been trying to see if anyone knew her personally to get a firsthand account of how she acts. I've only seen her from afar at cons and she tends to look pissed off, at least to me. I don't know. She always comes off as constantly pissy. I've also heard the 'she's crazy' thing, but wanted to find a real story. I don't doubt what she is, but I was curious about specifics.

I know that she makes her costumes, but I also know that she doesn't credit those she gets commissions from and claims that she helped or made the entire thing herself. And, I can't help but to wonder why those artists allow her to get away with doing that. Isn't that a form of plagiarism? Loosely, but still the general idea of the term?

>> No.7021966

most of her props get done by volpin (I thought. most of the props its pretty obvious if you follow volpin too). She has stated shes learning to sew and I believe the commissioners state that they made it (kari...kairi? some chick made a lot of the costumes) and she does help with props when she can.

Thats all I know.

>> No.7021993
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1205632384219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of those are true though

the only one i think is true though is the implants

>> No.7021990

Yes, I know. I used to work at Victoria Secret. That's also how I know what fake boobs look like. Push up bikinis give you cleavage, they don't make your boobs look spherical.

>> No.7022000

It does seem obvious. I've just been curious because a lot of drama surrounds her and I've been wondering what caused it all, aside from boobs and lawlsuits.

>> No.7022001

Someday it'll all come out. At that point she'll be really happy that rule #2 exists.

>> No.7022005

That image is hilarious.

>> No.7022009

>And, I can't help but to wonder why those artists allow her to get away with doing that.
IIRC, her fans go nuts when someone "attacks" her. Like that photographer she was stealing shots from a few months ago, they don't care what actually happened, but if it paints her in a bad light, they attack.