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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 208x208, 1360798153728s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015353 No.7015353 [Reply] [Original]

image limit was reached in last one

>> No.7015356
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>> No.7015358
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>> No.7015362
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pretty girl modeling for a shitty indie brand

>> No.7015380

Waloli cannot be this hard to pull off.

>> No.7015385

looks like she's bloated with gas
She's too pretty to be modeling that trainwreck.

>> No.7015659
File: 32 KB, 480x640, sntoojia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015780

she's a bit big but not ita.

>> No.7015787

replicas to me are automatic ita.

try again.

>> No.7015795

Ita is supposed to be terribad shit, not this.
good for fucking you

>> No.7015817
File: 80 KB, 500x439, tumblr_mk5ewdNi8n1s4ggu6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ita" doesn't mean "things other lolitas do that I don't like", it means "jesus fuck what a trainwreck". She obviously understands the basics of the fashion, as well as personal grooming and color coordination, which are not things you can say about someone who is legitimately "ita".

Go be fatmad somewhere else, this isn't the thread for it.

>> No.7015824

that dress looks horrible on her, we arent gonna see all out lace monsters now adays, you guys need to update your definition of ita.

>> No.7015842

It doesn't matter that it's a replica, it's still not god awful eye bleeding shit. Ita is the worst of the worst.

>> No.7015854

I know you're a troll, but if there's anyone out there who genuinely believes this I'm going to kindly direct them to the last thread.
"updating your definition of 'ita'" would literally mean "start shitting on things that don't look bad just because they're not great" because as long as places like ebay and milanoo exist, there will ALWAYS be delicious lace monsters.

>> No.7015888

The dress might make her look bigger, but she's not ita bad.

>> No.7015901
File: 998 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mebmqyCJeK1qfvytg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you guys don't even know this girl, but you're going to defend her being called an ita. Kick ass.

>> No.7015925 [DELETED] 

I'm just going by what I see in the pic. In the picture she doesn't look bad to me. Now if you're one of those folks who think that being fat automatically makes you ita, go for it. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

>> No.7015931

It means 'ouch' like ick that looks bad. It doesn't have to look like total garbage.

>> No.7015934


>being this new

>> No.7015940

No, it does have to look like total garbage. It always has. Lurk moar.

>> No.7015948

I wasn't saying the word literally meant "jesus fuck what a trainwreck".
You realize that you people arguing for a broader definition of the word are just trying to open the door for more boring coords to crawl into these threads for people to nitpick every post and say "this isn't ita!" or "take your vendetta somewhere else, she looks fine!". Is that really what you guys want? Because seriously, we nitpick the little shit in pretty much every other thread..."her reds don't match", "that wig is crooked", "I don't like this style of blouse". These threads are supposed to be a grim reminder of what happens when you jump into something with the wrong attitude about it and/or not doing your research first, and how ridiculous you look when you fail miserably.

>> No.7015962

>thinks the dress looks like shit
>stop trolling

What? I'll stop trolling when you stop samefagging to defend a hidious dress and coord

>> No.7015965

You are so ridiculously mad over an average coord, wow. It's okay that you have an unpopular opinion but you don't have to call samefag and get hostile about it.

Oh wait, I forgot where we were for a second. Carry on, my angry anon.

>> No.7015966

Are you seriously saying you'd rather have ita threads full of outfits that 'look bad' as opposed to total garbage?

>> No.7016028
File: 47 KB, 426x640, s640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the red isn't supposed to look neon and pinky orange...

>> No.7016031

she looks like yaya-han

>> No.7016034
File: 105 KB, 560x409, 1817370_IMG_1999_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell was this chick thinking?
Also, lookbook is a fucking goldmine for ita shit.

>> No.7016035

That looks like shitty otome, not lolita.

>> No.7016056

It looks like she wanted to combine mori, otome and lolita into one. What a trainwreck of an outfit.

>> No.7016058
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>> No.7016059
File: 101 KB, 509x1023, S6300818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kodona. I fucking hate this mexican turd.

>> No.7016060
File: 107 KB, 567x1023, S6300816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016062
File: 601 KB, 620x822, ryheryzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolia is not flattering on certain types of people. Get over it and wear something that suits you, fat retard.

>> No.7016068


Looks like the pro-ana retard is back again.
Fuck off and go vomit or something.

>> No.7016070

Wow yeah because thinking that something doesn't suit landwhales obviously means that I'm pro-ana.
Fuck off and go eat everything then. Just don't bitch and whine when you can't fit into brand.

>> No.7016071
File: 108 KB, 334x500, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some fat tumblr slut is back for more "body shaming". Look, if you're fat and ugly, all you do is make us look bad. To avoid being ita, you need to look good. If you look bad, you are ita. Picture related, it's an ita.

>> No.7016074

Lolita are is based of dolls with same proportions as the girl in your pic.

>> No.7016080

I don't think Lolita is based off cabbage patch kids

>> No.7016091
File: 7 KB, 195x145, 1362139509001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016099

I have a feeling you look like complete and utter shit and cannot dress yourself properly.
Pics to prove otherwise?

>> No.7016100

Her tiny baby face, then those massive calves are seriously throwing me off.

>> No.7016101

Actually per definition an ita is someone who doesn't get the gist of the fashion and can't throw a coord together using similar lolita dynamics.

>> No.7016102

This isn't lolita, but I think it looks fine for mori girl. It's just that, I really hate ugg boots. I wish she chose something else other than those shoes. That fawn collar might need to go too..

>> No.7016112

Ita=ugly=you. Stop defending uglies, we don't want them in our fashion.

>> No.7016119

good one anon

>> No.7016124
File: 111 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mqzvo7bXsp1sobgdbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon let's use your logic. This was tagged as lolita. Since this girl isn't ugly, your logic implies that she is not an ita in spite of the actual definition of ita. This means that you are actually an ita, since you can't pick apart an actual lolita coord from one that isn't and instead, judge it entirely on a person's physical appearance. Get out.

>> No.7016131

It has lolita elements, but no, that's not lolita. However, it isn't ita, because she is dressed very nice and looks cute. And yes, pretty girls can be ita is they are dressed ugly.

>> No.7016134

no, it is ita. It is ita, because it isn't lolita at all whatsoever.
I have a feeling you are just ugly as shit and are trying to hide behind your insecurities. Prove me wrong and post a pic, anon? Let me see your best coord.

>> No.7016133

I love her wig, where can I get one?

>> No.7016135

It's probably tagged lolita because the salopette is from a lolita brand.
But that's creepy cute/pastel goth, influenced by Lolita in this instance, but not trying to be Lolita, so not ita.
0/10 no marks for trying

>> No.7016137

She was referring to herself as a lolita, so?
You're telling me I could wear a similar silhouette and call myself lolita and I wouldn't be ita at all whatsoever?

>> No.7016141



>> No.7016142

Did she say, in that photo, "Hey, this is the lolita outfit I wore today!" Pastelbat knows what lolita is; she was likely tagging it as lolita, because like the previous anon said, the salopette is from a lolita brand.

>> No.7016145

Ita is derived from the word itai which translates as something like 'ouch', so ita in terms of the fashion means that something is painful to look at.
Lolita brands make salopettes. You could probably wear one, dress it up well and call yourself Lolita, and you wouldn't be criticised as long as you actually looked nice, but it's not really Lolita. However, just because something isn't Lolita doesn't mean it's ita.

Can we move on now?

>> No.7016147

Idk I didn't research it that intensely because I honestly don't give a fuck, I was just using an example. Say she didn't know what she was talking about and WAS referring to herself as a lolita? And I'm just using this as an example, so don't get your petticoats in a tizzy.
Anon already admit that pretty people can be ita though, they just need to realize that lolita fashion is it's own thing entirely and you can't just wear whatever you want just because you're pretty and not expect to be called ita. Creepycute/=/Lolita
Anyways, let's just get back to the thread. People have been trying to tell you what's right and what isn't throughout this entire thread and you're too stuck in your ass to change your opinion. Fine with me, shit up the community, /cgl/ doesn't mind pointing fingers and laughing at people like you.

>> No.7016150

Pastelbat is ita 24/7 in her own way

>> No.7016155

Uh, I think you have me confused, anon. I'm saying that wasn't ita because it wasn't lolita.

>> No.7016174

And yet you're still trying to claim that fat people can wear the fashion without being ita. By wearing lolita, you are ruining the dynamics of the dress. The designer intended for it to look a certain way, and you're fucking it up with your bulging belly.

>> No.7016186

>By wearing lolita, you are ruining the dynamics of the dress.
Have you fucking never heard of indie designers who purposefully make dresses plus size, not to mention actual brands, and therefore are accommodating the dynamic by offering plus size patterns? Sorry, but you're objectively wrong about that and I think you should stop.

One fattie wearing a badly constructed replica doesn't prove anything.

>> No.7016190

ita threads are over, you cunts ruined everything

>> No.7016192

Fuck you. I'll ruin the dynamics of the dress I paid for with my hard-earned money. Don't like it? Should've gotten to it faster. GTFO or post some real itas.

>> No.7016195

Sometimes I can't tell if antireplicafags are strongly against fat people at their root or just so far up their own ass as to care what other people are spending their money on, but thanks for showing me it's actually both! :)

>> No.7016196

So much samefag going on in here.

>> No.7016197
File: 54 KB, 846x758, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>plus size patterns
What. The dresses are basically the same design as brand dresses, except larger. Regardless of the size of the dress, you are still ruining it's intended look with your nasty figure. The silhouette of a lolita is intended to look like the picture on the left. When you fat cunts wear it, you make it look like the picture on the right.

>> No.7016199

Thanks for shitting up another ita thread
These threads would be so much better if you people who argue over pointless nothings would just post pictures. ita is subjective. some people have different opinions. shut up and contribute. I still don't understand how people who have presumably been on 4chan for more than a week still get roped into pointless arguments, troll or not.

sage for off topic

>> No.7016200

Get out of my fashion before I kick your ass. I bet you're English or some shit. All you do is besmirch the reputation of western lolitas, cow.
I'm not against replicas, I just hate fatties.

>> No.7016201

Hehe that drawing

>> No.7016204
File: 86 KB, 480x1024, 106_1002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of debate on this board is what ruined it in the first place. This whole "no drama, only pictures" thing took away half the population of /cgl/. I can go anywhere for pictures, where is the discussion? That's what people to to chan boards for.

>> No.7016206

Was intended for

>> No.7016207

Yeah, le edgy I hate fat people xD fags are the worst.

>> No.7016208

Amerifat detected

>> No.7016209

How am I fat when I thin and yelling at fatties? I'm American, yes. I'm also not a british piggie. Oink oink. The reason our fat rates are higher is because black people are really fucking fat, and we have a lot of them. Being a predominately white society, you have no excuse. I'm 5 foot 9 and 110lb. You? Prolly 200lbs overweight. Piggie.

>> No.7016214

Neither of you are being funny.

>> No.7016219

Actually, I'm American and I lift. I work out. I also regularly lift 50+lbs at work like it's nothing. I've lost a fuckton of weight and have a small amount to go until my goal. I'm working toward a fit body. But due to my measurements, I'm still considered plus, although just barely. I'm also kawaii as fuck. If I can lift my weight, I'm pretty sure if you even came near me and my brand, I'd pick you up over my head and toss your little spindly ass across the room faster than you can scream for Mana-sama to rescue you.

>> No.7016221

>>implying /pol/ and /rk9/ aren't fat
>>implying that hating fat people isn't distinctive of /cgl/

>> No.7016230

Doesn't it feel weird to be that tall and be that weight? Legit question I'm 5'6 and 110 but Im boney as fuck.

>> No.7016234

Nah, it feels good. I have a tiny little belly.

>> No.7016237

I have a small belly also, but when I look at people who are even more bone thin than I am or anorexic it makes me feel physcially uncomfortable. Like seeing the bones poke out of the skin like they're just going to pop out randomly one day.

>> No.7016313

I'm not bony at all. Guess I have a small bone structure.

>> No.7016344

stop feeding the troll you gullible bunch of idiots

>> No.7016375
File: 139 KB, 600x763, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well see the thing is those are child dolls and this woman is most certainly not a child.

>> No.7016380
File: 30 KB, 400x219, italoli3-844299625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look theyre skinny they must b doing it right guise!!!

>> No.7016381
File: 751 KB, 464x616, sweet_lolita_by_lunaticcosplay-d6glmcu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as 'sweet lolita.'

I love the idea of somehow incorporating octopi into a coord, but this just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.7016383


So rori!!!11!

>> No.7016384

omg so rori!1111
They're so pretty too!!! But they're still not ita because it's their own take on the fashun!11

>> No.7016390
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 31400808208395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post skinny itas

>> No.7016392
File: 120 KB, 500x753, Lolita__Full_Body__by_Ryo_Says_Meow_large-446142707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016396
File: 176 KB, 346x600, ita1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but she's so pretty... how can she be ita if she's pretty?!?
see the old lace "ita" dresses are a mix of OLD SCHOOl and have LOLITA ELEMENTS so they're not ita. xDDD

>> No.7016397
File: 37 KB, 240x320, ita+lolita-592887576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016403
File: 690 KB, 500x734, tumblr_mr0easeqgT1sam7bto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagged as lolita
clearly not ita though since it has LOLITA ELEMENTS

>> No.7016404

execution needs work, and not lolita, but I find the concept of this really cute. Sorry, I know some people hate it when people make comments like this, but I would genuinely would like to see more stuff like this done well.

>> No.7016405
File: 56 KB, 480x640, l002-1468632237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we have the lovely aoki misako of BTSSB, modeling Bodyline. she was young and she needed the money

>> No.7016407



>> No.7016409
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>> No.7016412
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>> No.7016413
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>> No.7016417
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>> No.7016421

She didn't tag it as lolita on her own Tumblr so it was probably a report by sume dumb fuck.

>> No.7016456
File: 74 KB, 394x600, 186282_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you wearing that skirt with a t-shirt???

>> No.7016461
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>> No.7016537
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 954670_10152101301404815_404303960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milanoo victim

>> No.7016540


This so fucking much.

>> No.7016557
File: 94 KB, 449x750, 1372764164806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...can we just drop the fat pride thing?

Yeah the first girl wasnt that bad, but now its just getting really annoying.

>> No.7016565

Hot coral and colors similar to this are some of my favorites, but I don't know if it could ever pass in a coord. That said, I'm not a big fan of that dress even in that color.

>> No.7016566


>> No.7016569

This might actually be a cosplay based off some fan art or a figure. It just /might/ be purposefully ita. Maybe.

>> No.7016577

oh man, the top part actually has potential to be really cute, but what is that lace tower spewing out underneath

>> No.7016581
File: 80 KB, 450x592, 1361141522245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016618

uggs are so rori desu

>> No.7016619


Not good, but not bad enough for ita.

>> No.7016620

Looks like she's going for a hike.

>> No.7016624

sorry that some of us can eat all we want and still fit into brand without worry. go project somewhere else.

>> No.7016631

the girl herself didn't tag it though.. this is obviously a street snapshot that someone scanned and mistagged.

>> No.7016632

>calling pastelbat in creepycute ita
you know nothing jon snow

>> No.7016633

Someone bought the DollDelight monstrosity? Someone cute?

>> No.7016635


Everyone one of her pictures is the same. Hunched over, holding out her skirt or hunched over, holding onto a bag. Aghhh, drives me INSANE. Not to mention all the face shooping.

>> No.7016858

>>implying anyone was suggesting that
To b e a good lolita, you have to be thin and well dressed, you stupid pig.

>> No.7016865
File: 211 KB, 791x960, 1374786553077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the top itas are boring. I don't care about some weeb in a lace monster. I want to see some from daily egl who might be someone I know, but fat cunt just wants to shame thin girls rather then post some quality.

>> No.7016870 [DELETED] 

She branded herself so others will know to avoid her retarded ass.

>> No.7016875

She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks,
Is that a basket on her head?

>> No.7016878
File: 120 KB, 633x628, 1372479176157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016879

nigger I am 105 pounds.

>> No.7016881
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1339132325865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016882

Did she put her duvet under her dress to be a petticoat?

>> No.7016884

And is she even wearing a bra? Eugch..

>> No.7016889 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 500x500, 1358464218790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why an I not surprised that you're a disgusting black girl? You have to look elegant and classy to look good in lolita. You sows are just former slaves trying to emulate their whit masters. Put that bone back in your nose, you ain't fooling anyone. Oook oook, eeek eeek.

>> No.7016893

also, as someone with 4 years of therapy for anorexia behind them you can stop acting like such a pro-ana little cunt.

>> No.7016895

Post a picture of yourself.
since you're apparently so perfect.

>> No.7016905

I'm swedish.
nice try.

>> No.7016911


I'd love to see what you look like :)

>> No.7016910

Stupid nigger can't defend her stupid whore race. Feral monkeys should be euthanized. Planning to post my picture on tumblr with a "dat sheet be's raysist" sob story? Your race is so terrible, the government literally has to ban criticism of nigs in order to make you look good. Chimpout all you want, everyone secretly hates niggers anyways. JUSTICE FOO TREYBOON!

>> No.7016914

>whit masters

Lolita is a Japanese fashion. Fail troll is fail.

>> No.7016912

i'm still swedish.

>> No.7016917
File: 2.87 MB, 3428x2436, 1359087326001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden is fucking gay. I hate Swedish pieces of shit, I hope you get culturally enriched up the ass by a 300lb nigger.

>> No.7016919

she also just called a swedish girl black because she used the word nigger
>on 4chan

>> No.7016921

sorry that you can't be pale and beautiful like me!
have fun, racist piece of shit!

>> No.7016926

Who said anything about the Japanese? Niggers are still former slaves who can't produce a standard of living above a toilet bowl. (Without stealing from whites, that is.)

>> No.7016931

you're just a basic bitch armchair lolita.
i ain't even mad.

>> No.7016928

Hahahahaha, oh my god.

>> No.7016935
File: 145 KB, 838x982, 1359843293004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Sweden views the world. I hope the mudslimes burn your faggot country to the ground. Keep deluding yourselves, faggots. You have to be fucking retarded if you can't see what niggers are at this point.

>> No.7016936
File: 134 KB, 720x960, omfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this whole thread is killing me.

>> No.7016938
File: 169 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mr14k0WsH81r0a0pso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016945
File: 41 KB, 401x750, tumblr_mr0wuw2M1R1r75wj8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016947


Swedish person who moved to the US saying that this anon is right.

>> No.7016948

Is that a fucking beanie baby.

>> No.7016951
File: 143 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mr0oaiukNd1qhgf8bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016956

How to not prepare for jellyfish print.
That beanie baby though. I have one. Did someone seriously attach this to a headband, glue on flower bedazzles as eyes, and wear this?

>> No.7016960
File: 274 KB, 500x708, tumblr_mr0v4lSJNj1qhhjllo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7016958

Oh god I saved this earlier, was going to post it.

>> No.7016963
File: 119 KB, 408x750, tumblr_mp8rz1q9xm1rnoe66o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god they wore it. That picture makes me laugh every time I see it.

>> No.7016973

Damn, you guys sure know how to shit up a thread.
Next time I make an ita thread I'm going to make it at 5:30 in the morning and quickly fill it to image limit in one sitting with actual itas to cut down on the shitfits and trolling.

Or maybe I should just make a blog.

>> No.7016979

are you shitting me, this outfit looks like a drunk clown ate its outfit and puked it up on this chick

>> No.7016983

idk man i just grab some popcorn and roll w/it

>> No.7017037

>implying walolita can ever be "pulled off".
>besides removed from the wearer by force

>> No.7017039

I hate to sound like a speshul snowflake but I honestly don't understand why so many people gravitate towards it?

I understand different likes/dislikes and such, but is there just something I'm missing?

>> No.7017040

wait why is she carrying salt

>> No.7017044

Because it's just so nihongese desu.

>> No.7017049

basically this. my theory is that itas love it because they come to lolita through loving japanese pop culture, which includes things like SO SUGOI KIMONO. so lolita fashion is japanese. kimono are japanese. the hideous bastard child of kimono and lolita is SUPAAA JAPANESE!!!1! add a rectangle headdress and legwarmers(which i think maybe these come from the ULTRA JAPANESE trend of wearing loose socks?) from the same fabric, and boom, the weeby ita circle is complete in this abomination.

>> No.7017050

is that rocking horse designs?

>> No.7017051

It combines multiple aspects of weebishness all into one outfit. Even better if you can do a punk or ero wa Lolita. So much bang for your buck.

>> No.7017153

those icp tattoos

juggalette uguu rori 4 lyf desu nya

>> No.7017157

i actually saw some legwarmers in a GLB i downloaded.
i dont remember which though.

>> No.7017175

Looking at this just makes me feel constipated.

>> No.7017188
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>> No.7017232

she looks like a midget

>> No.7017349
File: 142 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mr1e7y76yY1s07oh5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7017357

I think that you can blame companies like Putumayo and Marble for the legwarmers, actually. Companies that make both lolita (though questionably so at times) and punk items tend to blend them together ni shoots. So you get girls going "Oh, that's lolita! Cool" when it's really ... not.

>> No.7017388

I love this, sorry anon.

>> No.7017423

This makes me sad because I've always kind of liked this print.
It goes with the theme of the dress...you use salt in casting magic circles to keep things in or out.

>> No.7017452
File: 93 KB, 960x720, ita mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From LolitaDesu's outfit contest. By the way, this is one of three entries and I'm sure that a seagull could win easy.

>> No.7017457

That sailorearth girl annoys the hell out of me, she's just so stupid.

>> No.7017460

shes like that awkward quiet weeb we all knew in higschool. except she never grew up.

>> No.7017520
File: 69 KB, 600x600, lacyleatherfacechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the girl on the left looks creepy as fuck

pic related, ita as fuck dress

>> No.7017524

I am so glad I'm not the only one. Something about her just grates on my nerves and I thought maybe I was being unreasonably bitchy.

>> No.7017527

Shit son, already know what I'm doing. This shit's in the bag.

>> No.7017529

Honestly, that's fine and all but people need to grasp the concept of what is and isn't lolita.

>> No.7017530

She looks so dead here, more so than usual.

>> No.7017534

Actually ita isn't derived from any word. The word ita on it's own means aching or painful.

>> No.7017537
File: 100 KB, 720x960, fugtacular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but like, she's totes so def not ita guise!

>> No.7017542

I'm pretty sure painful in Japanese is "itai" not ita. So yes, ita was derived from something.
lolITA, ITAi is where it came from.

>> No.7017548

she died a little on the inside that day.

>> No.7017779

Honestly, no, it's not. Itai is the interjection version of the word ita "痛", ita is a stand alone word which does mean aching or painful. Itai itself means ouch, but the root word can also be used in situations where using an interjection isn't called for. Also, why not just say itai then? I speak Japanese fluently just so you're aware.

>> No.7017782

>black people are really fucking fat

>> No.7017785

ugh, marble is the worst.

>> No.7017794

Her theme was the show Supernatural I believe.

>> No.7017800
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mnuo8zDoQQ1r7c456o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people are really fucking fat

>> No.7017865

I thought she was missing an arm at first...

>> No.7017970
File: 159 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mr1i87S4wN1so0ewxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7017994

>implying obesity is a problem of race and not a problem of inadequate nutrition due to socioeconomic status, quality in education, and racism

>> No.7018004

>dat makeup

Man, it's like she skimmed through a gyaru mag for 5 seconds, "oh if I put white eyeliner on the inner corners of my eyes and then contour the front of my nose I don't need to do anything else right?" She seriously looks downsy.

>> No.7018066

Because it was not meant to be Lolita at all ? She described it as "harajuku inspired" on her blog.

>> No.7018073

no youre just delusional and disgusting

>> No.7018074

Well, listen to me little piece of shit. My father is a top ten lawyer in my country and I'm a well known lolita, and guess what ? He is black, and I'm half. You wouldn't even get it if you saw me at first, and praise me like the other for being such a cutie with a flawless pale skin and Asian eyes. So GTFO

>> No.7018081

stay on your contaminant board.

>> No.7018107

i've always heard that it comes from the word 'ouch', but it ita on its own is only a relevant term within the lolita subculture.
I feel like ita refers specifically to the outfit worn, whereas the anon who was pushing the term earlier wanted to use it to describe someone's full physical appearance including things like weight and attractiveness. That anon should've just used a term like 'eyesore'--because there are people who don't conform to someone's standards of 'attractive', but that doesn't mean that they're clueless about how to dress themselves.
and honestly, if I was hideous, I would dress impeccably fabulous all the time in order to pretend that people were staring at my outfit instead of my face.

>> No.7018166


Why respond to a troll?
It's no use, they won't listen any way.

>> No.7018436

I wasn't wearing my glasses when I opened this and thought the girl on the left's petti was part of the foliage. Freaked me out for a minute.
Also I hope those twin tail wigs die out soon.

>> No.7018485
File: 237 KB, 761x1600, 394002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bampu desu~

>> No.7018555
File: 92 KB, 363x600, 28wc84z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7018604

try again.

>> No.7018632

do you have any doubt that post in lolita valentines was a selfpost? also, can someone please please tell her that change the headbow and accesories, cause if I see another time the same ones im gonna die.

>> No.7018646
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>> No.7018642
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>> No.7018647
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>> No.7018649
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>> No.7018650

only the shoes, hat and bolero thingie look dodgy to me, which is a fair few things to be wrong with an outfit admittedly but other that it's decent enough, or have I missed something?

>> No.7018666


I think that looks pretty good

>> No.7018671
File: 40 KB, 240x240, samp7065ff30abe9c918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7018674

I remember these and Misako as basically THE bodyline model, does no one realise this or am I that much of an oldfag(?).

>> No.7018676

No I remember. To me it's like 'doing something you're not proud of" in the lolita world. She's been around the block, ita block.

>> No.7018707
File: 350 KB, 800x1200, clockdressstock_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've only ever see itas wear this dress

>> No.7018710
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>> No.7018712
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>> No.7018718

You're not looking very hard. Plenty of acceptable coords out there with that dress.

>> No.7018738
File: 82 KB, 400x534, tumblr_mo71joGq7k1rb18nko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only co-ord so far that I've liked with that print

>> No.7018740

*Minus the boots, they put me off a little

>> No.7018743

Yeah the OP isn't flattering

>> No.7018742

not with the OP.

>> No.7018768

It looks like she is birthing that cherub jfc

>> No.7018788
File: 74 KB, 480x640, 393020249292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh no. Just because you don't personally like the look of the fully shirred bodice does not make the coords ita.

>> No.7018789
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>> No.7018793
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>> No.7018796
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>> No.7018794
File: 20 KB, 181x400, 392932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these coords are super amazing, but they're also not terribad to be considered ita.

>> No.7018801
File: 88 KB, 732x430, 1350363141199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7018805

Probably because it has clocks and that's obviously a great dress to be Alice in Wonderland.

I honestly don't think it's that bad in the blue colorway, but since itas ruined the dress, it's kinda hard to look at it and admit that it can be used for a good coord.

>> No.7018808
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>> No.7018809
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>> No.7018813
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>> No.7018811
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>> No.7018818

I was just about to say this. And Nombee zombie, too.

>> No.7018819

I have that headdress! Never got a chance to wear it, though.

>> No.7018825
File: 119 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mqvruwkHFq1suqudmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus-size "hello kitty" lolita

>> No.7018828

The bitch on the right's wig and shoes would be awesome in a VK outfit.

>> No.7018830

That's Shadow666x's friend, right?

>> No.7018832

More boystyle/kodona disasters, please.

>> No.7018841

Yep, sure is.

>> No.7018848

Did she make that? I'm really not into the Hello Kitty print, but overall I think it's really cute (or at least what I can see from this photo)!

I would totally wear this in a solid colour- but maybe for more of a magical girl type look rather than lolita.

>> No.7018850
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>> No.7018851
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>> No.7018855
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>> No.7018858
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>> No.7018859

That bow, is it upside down or something?

>> No.7018863
File: 125 KB, 570x1132, 1371349205842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End dump. I love these threads.

>> No.7018873
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>> No.7018891

Is this that... person.... who was at the AP San Fran picnic wearing that cherry dress?

>> No.7018957

is this supposed to be shironuri or are they just super fucking white

>> No.7018962


god... i know both these girls, they're in my local comm... and honestly i'm pretty sure they're both mentally.... off.

>> No.7018965

oh yeah, they're both just that white. the one on the right has some kind of late-stage cancer that she almost died from recently, i'd be more sympathetic if she didn't want to talk about the details of her gaping stomach wound all the time and how it needs to be wet packed and periodically flushed.

>> No.7019075
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>> No.7020364
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>> No.7020372
File: 66 KB, 560x515, 3198236_DSC008922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many reposts
>I decided since I'd just gone blonde again to do an outfit inspired by Alice, from Alice in wonderland. I know the pink rhs don't really go, black would have been better, but it was all in good fun <3

>> No.7020385

Oh honey it's not the shoes that kill this outfit, it's the fat old grandma.

>> No.7020399

I feel for that girl so much she is so pretty. Model's never get a choice in what they wear.

Was this even meant to be lolita? I thought it was burlesque? She's a cosplayer too right?

Apart from the bow this outfit looks pretty average simply use a small bow and it would look fine. Agree with the self crit, the pink RHS would be better white or black.

How is this ita?

Pretty average.

I never seen someone look so bad in MMM. Was this real or replica?

She looks so tiered. Not a flattering photo at all.

Oh god age players. GTFO.

This is mori.

>> No.7020414
File: 2.34 MB, 946x1092, 2a9ceiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7020415
File: 23 KB, 300x400, 00001e83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Brand don't mean quality.

>> No.7020418
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>> No.7020420
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>>"My first loli meet up!"

>> No.7020422
File: 90 KB, 480x640, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7020425
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>> No.7020427

I'm pretty sure this was a joke "ita meetup".

>> No.7020428
File: 226 KB, 636x891, picture10obx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Love ita timelines.

>> No.7020434


>> No.7020436
File: 33 KB, 300x400, Red-Short-Sleeves-Cross-strap-Bow-Ruffle-Lace-Cotton-Lolita-Dress-30709-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7020443
File: 218 KB, 500x188, tumblr_lxctltskGu1qad55j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It drives my nut when you hear people saying you can never look bad in brand. I really want to see more photos of people looking ita whilst wearing brand like these


>> No.7020448

Yeah, I remember the post on EGL, they admitted it was a joke after a while. If I'm not mistaken, that's the SF community, they're usually dressed quite well.

>> No.7020453

Do you have the link at all fellow anon?

>> No.7020463

>see left girl, ok could be polished up a bit but it's honestly not THAT bad
>eyes wander to right side

>> No.7020469

Found it!

>> No.7020473

You are my new Jesus. Thanks anon!

>> No.7020475

Fuck you that post was funny

>> No.7020478

Fuck you read here ass wipe


>> No.7020491

Is that that SF brolita in the background because it's honestly the nicest I've ever seen them look

>> No.7020489


Are you the one that posted the picture shitwad?
I'm on mobile and that little convo thete wasn't loaded when I posted, faglord.

I must be old if there are people that don't recognise Janitors.

>> No.7020493

oh come on, I'm pretty sure she's going for a mor cusual/otome look and she's doing pretty well

>> No.7020494

Yeah, it is. I only just noticed him, his makeup is much better there than it usually is, weirdly.

>> No.7020505

Fuck your attitude bitch. If you had bothered to read the thread it would inform you that I was not aware it was a joke until a kind anon delivered it to me.

Get off your ita loving high horse bitch and go pussy off in another thread.

>> No.7020510
File: 240 KB, 540x888, 20130806163200749375144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor little girl.
thankfully she looks pretty cute.

>> No.7020512

I'm dying at sweet/goth girl's hair bulge

>> No.7020516

This is not ita and that girl is so cute

>> No.7020533


>> No.7020534
File: 28 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mr4h1fowIu1r806upo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, what the hell is going on with the girl on the end?

>> No.7020539

That bitch started it!

>> No.7020542

I am that bitch, if you don't recognise that meetup, you are a newfag.

You also appear to be quite made, so you should probably leave /drama/

>> No.7020552

Nigga you don't even KNOW what I KNOW! SO back the fuck up before you get yourself in a world of hurt.

Also I'm not even "made"

>> No.7020554

Why two hats???

>> No.7020556

I never even realized. Why two hats?!

>> No.7020558


>> No.7020559

I feel like this should be its own subcategory of ita. Hot Topicita

>> No.7020564

What? Is that all you got to say? Punk ass bitch.

>> No.7020570

God I had dresses like that as a kid in the 80s. Anyone else remember Daisy

>> No.7020572

Its somehow the most upsetting part to me.

>> No.7020577

Its okay we can cry together under a hat each.

>> No.7020579

50% of cgl is mexican isn't?

>> No.7020589

What? I'm German...

>> No.7020604

sorry, just asking.

>> No.7020614


>> No.7020617
File: 34 KB, 420x294, 1329536683249_5521957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7020618

>The lack of debate on this board is what ruined it in the first place. This whole "no drama, only pictures" thing took away half the population of /cgl/. I can go anywhere for pictures, where is the discussion? That's what people to to chan boards for.

>> No.7020624

Goatmyer stop samefagging.

>> No.7020629

If you mean because I said Hot Topicita.... Hot Topic + ita. Thought it'd be obvious.

>> No.7020635


Could someone post an ita outfit to this and see if they actually accept it?

>> No.7020633

yes, it was because of that, plus the mexican drama from last week.

>> No.7020640

So, since this is the ita thread, I have a question.

I went ahead and posted one of my latest coords on facebook, and got a lot of positive response, surprisingly (I've never done this before). One friend commented saying how much she loved "Lolita stuff" and that we should talk about it sometime. So I send her a pm, discover she has one dress that was given to her by a friend because it didn't fit said friend. It's a "simple brown" dress that is "sadly" not super frilly. She currently spends her money on ball joint dolls, likes unicorn stuff, and pink wigs. I'm concerned that this translates into a weeby ita taste. I want to coach her, but I'm afraid of coming across as bitchy. Any tips on how to approach this?

>> No.7020647

I'm afraid to say she may be stupid but even I know she's not that stupid.

Give it a rest Scones, haven't you had enough of the UK crowd ATM? Stop trying to create fake drama up for your own entertainment.

>> No.7020651

Any pics or caps?
Why not let her enjoy her ita phase? After all it is just a fashion, its not that big a deal. If it really does bother you sit/chat with her and tell her your feelings honesty.

OR say to her you want to twin and make her gain a really good co-ord, that way she can see how amazing she could look without ever having to tell her shes an ita

>> No.7020653

I've heard a lot about this Scones being a shitstirrer. What does he/she actually look like?

>> No.7020658
File: 366 KB, 323x600, tumblr_mq9amaTaS51ql6fc4o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying she is ita but I do think she's the only good Muslim lolita out there.

>> No.7020676

He was on BTB once with this god awful ita outfit after slagging Alice/Bonbon. He was at Whitby Goth Weekend in England taking the piss out of other lolita's and claiming he was an amazing first time lolita. He has been pissed off with the UK lolita/cosplay scene ever since Bonbon became an amazing brolita (Bonbon is now transgender and prefers to be referred to as female) and keeps trying to stir shit with a few of his cosplay buddies by pretending to be other people on 4chan threads and BTB's, you should have seen the bitch slag match he had with Bonbon on the last "bad wigs" thread. It was extremely immature and I am sure Scones or someone like him was playing both parts to create drama.

jealously in other words.

>> No.7020821

Her other outfits are actually really nice. This one is just a bit of a hit and miss.

>> No.7020861

Its that shiro something style that is popular with Minori..mixed with lolita? I think the white face stuff is better suited to gothic if anything.

>> No.7020933
File: 351 KB, 511x700, pleasedont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7021639

It looks like she threw a dress over her regular clothing. God, why is she so disgusting and retarded? I want this creature to burn.

>> No.7021839

I don't think she looks good either bro but you might want to get that anger problem checked out.

>> No.7021884


If that was a thing, then we wouldn't have ita threads.

ana anon, pls go

>> No.7021979

I think they were being sarcastic, bro.

>> No.7022454
File: 300 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mr2lgadt9c1rpyuq7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7023580

Just looks like shironuri mixed with some lolita stuff. And I saw the post on tumblr and she didn't tag this as lolita anyways

>> No.7024000

Are you a native speaker? If not, I understand your confusion on the last part. Just like people exclaim "ouch!" in English without really thinking, most people exclaim "Ita!" They often leaving out the last part, not because there's a particular reason but simply because that's how most people do it. Just like people who speak different languages even sneeze in different sounds.


>> No.7024027

Double the cake for fatty piggu-chan, obviously

>> No.7024035
File: 313 KB, 500x728, tumblr_mqrjskr8Fc1sn7n23o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAAAH. Thank you for this.

>> No.7024544
File: 170 KB, 500x646, tumblr_mly1jowHDo1rg44ryo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um um um

>> No.7024558
File: 180 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ma4z8uCU2a1qd951uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they just absolutely not allowed to wear tights or something?