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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 192 KB, 500x357, 1371056634031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7014255 No.7014255 [Reply] [Original]

Btb's getting early on us all.
Not too many secrets this week so I guess it was easy for them to get through it.

>> No.7014263
File: 397 KB, 497x495, hedgie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much Lor hate, it's just constant.
She's easy to ignore as long as you don't follow her and the girl's what, 19? Nose jobs for 19 year olds?
Jeez louise

>> No.7014269

I tend to post them early when I'm up on the rotation, a pretty tame week indeed

>> No.7014290

yea, i dont understand. Why all the lor hate? you can just ignore her and she wont show up on your dash.

>> No.7014291


We all have a dumbfuck who reblogs her shit.

>> No.7014292

Fuck your secrets and fuck you too. Gossipmongering is destroying the cosplay community.

>> No.7014301


What are you bitching about?
This isn't about your stupid cosplay.

>> No.7014302

did just scroll past it? thats how i feel about Princess Peachie, i just scroll on past

>> No.7014306

>having a tumblr in the first place
Secret makers like this bring their frustrations upon themselves. It does give us onlookers some excellent dram dram entertainment though.

>> No.7014331
File: 399 KB, 361x631, YNUshuG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in the SF Comm?

>> No.7014332

I don't know but I think that Snorlax just destroyed the tanner's place from Full House.

>> No.7014348
File: 21 KB, 493x370, 205yu7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drama Earfquake


>> No.7014364

Thanks for the hard work, we appreciate it.

>> No.7014366

Lor and Peachie both politely tag their stuff, use TumblrSaviour and you'll never have to see a single post again.

I keep Animal Crossing off my dash this way.

>> No.7014372

Woah she's 19? I thought she was much older.
I find her cute though.

>> No.7014422

probably Melissa throwing a bitch fit at JPop Summit

>> No.7014449

He really needs to GTFO of the Comm, forever. I don't know why there hasn't been a getoffegl post about him yet about this bitch fit at the JPop Summit last weekend. He never improves and he doesn't fit into brand that would fit him. He doesn't do it for the fashion.

San Francisco, I wished you had the guts to ban Melissa. It's only going to get worse from here.

>> No.7014512

She looks really old then. No forever young Asian genes for her!

>> No.7014534

She's 23
Regardless, a lot of this Lor witch hunt is infounded. She's nothing but helpful when newcomers to lolita ask for help and while her act can be tedious, she's just having fun.

>> No.7014536

I was shocked to read 19 too. I thought she was 25 or around there.

And I agree with the other anon who said you can easily ignore Lor. I don't follow her and I have rarely come across any of her stuff on my dashboard. I think just once or twice and they were gifs from her shit lolitas say videos.

>> No.7014567


Need sauce on this please.

>> No.7014577
File: 660 KB, 781x524, 1375177624364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the brolita thread from earlier this week...
"After the fashion show, he attempted to high-five some of the participating girls as they left, and they ignored him. Another girl, who was walking right behind, accidentally bumped into him, and he yelled, "Fuck off, you whore!" at her. So yeah, he was on my creepy meter before, but now I have a good reason to definitely avoid him."

Pic related. It's Melissa at the JPop Summit.

>> No.7014581


Woah that's horrible.
He sounds like a piece of work.

>> No.7014589

He wrote a long and incredibly creepy Facebook post about a lolita. He even threatened her with something like 'I hope her face doesn't run into my fist.' It was really fucked up. Apparently he's angry at her because she didn't want to talk to him?

Folks, I welcome you to Brolitajenny 2.0

>> No.7014590

He sure looks like one too

>> No.7014593

I met Melissa a couple of times but from what I've heard, she is not all that bad - quiet, but nice. A lot more vocal online than anything. I wish she would just get someone else to do her makeup because every time it's smeared liner and/or some neon eyeshadow blotch.

>> No.7014614
File: 37 KB, 515x186, RYQGz55[1].j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what idiot thinks a 7 inch dick... oops I mean difference, between waist and hips is oh so big that you wouldn't need a petticoat?

oh, right, idiyot in pic related does

>> No.7014624
File: 19 KB, 346x300, 1374104296186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is that thing.

I'm not even in Lolita and even I know that's disgusting.

>> No.7014632
File: 90 KB, 640x479, sMkJCAf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.7014635

Some shitty transvestite who's only into "lolita" so he can feel like a kawaii uguu little girl and hide gerbils in his bloomers.

>> No.7014660
File: 103 KB, 372x474, 8rm2Gt0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7014669


I don't get it??

>> No.7014673

i dunno either, but i think it's attack on titan?
anon please explain

>> No.7014682


If I remember right, it's a reply to last week's secret or something. Someone wrote that there should be a shingeki no kyojin-themed lolita outfit, because the city/wall badges have like, roses, and unicorns and Maria and stuff.


>> No.7014778
File: 414 KB, 640x531, 5TBTC7o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Details on 14 and 17?

>> No.7014779

yes, he vocal online. he's full of conspiracy derp. he thinks that vaccines causes autism. he's right cause those vaccines gave him lolita autism.

>> No.7014916

This is coming from the person who drew it and it's a play on his height (he's 5'3) and yeah as other anon said the desire for an snk print.

Eren Jaeger is 5'7, so knees would show if he wore 99% of AP dresses.

>> No.7014928
File: 65 KB, 574x640, U7ffYh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

secret for reference. i feel like this is something that might come out of AatP or something.

>> No.7014959

Huh. You'd think Alice Cooper would be more into Moite.

>> No.7014972

I instantly thought this too.

>> No.7015105 [DELETED] 


I really wished you could all use correct pronouns next time. Melissa is a she you transphobic bitches. Some lolitas are MtF or FtM.

>> No.7015115


Fuck off back to Tumblr.

>> No.7015117

take your trans privilege back to to /lgbt/

>> No.7015124

I've met Melissa too and never has he ever said that he was trans, or even to refer to him as a different pronoun. Not all crossdressers are trans. As far as I know, he's just some dude who gets his jollies wearing women's clothes, which seems more likely the case given how fucking creepy he is. Go find yourself another cause, this one's not worth defending.

>> No.7015132

Dumb question.
What's wrong with getting your jollies off to wearing women's clothes?

>> No.7015144

It's not getting his jollies from dressing as a in woman's clothing, it's the fact he acts like a complete as and creeping out people is the problems. Nobody would give a fuck if he was just another brolita or trans. It's his attitude and behavior that's got to go.

>> No.7015147

Ok. I don't know anything about the guy and I have to confess that I've had thoughts about wearing women's clothing before and thought, "that seems like fun."

Just figured I'd ask;
Any examples?

>> No.7015149

Wearing Lolita makes you happy= awesome
Wearing Lolita makes you sexually happy = fuck off

>> No.7015151

Not the latter.
Or if it was the latter, I wouldn't do it in public.
I've never done it before but it just seems like...
Fun? I can't really explain it. It just sounds like it might be enjoyable. Clothes are for the enjoyment of the wearer and it seems like I might enjoy it personally.
But as I've never tried it and I might never get to, I'll never know.

But hey, some people are into that stuff, and some people like to do it in public, and if that's their thing, hey, I don't really mind. That's their business, even if I don't care for it personally.

>> No.7015152

Dude, Melissa isn't trans, he's a crossdresser. He tells everyone to call him a he.

>> No.7015153

There's nothing wrong with it, just don't ask creepy comments to girls about panties or tell them it makes you hard or something.

>> No.7015154

>going around telling people you've got an erection.

Well that's just rude.
>creepy comments.
Mind if I ask for something specifically?

Reiterated: I'm completely in the dark.

>> No.7015156

valkyrie_ryu came in to defend herself

"but but it's totes not rori at all(even tho it's in my lolita coords folder desu~)

>> No.7015159

Just things like "oh what sort of underwear do you guys wear, but in a more sexually interested manner and not just curiosity.

I guess basically just don't act any differently than you would normally. And if someone asks your fascination with women's clothing then just give a polite and appropriate answer.

>> No.7015160

>"oh what sort of underwear do you guys wear,"
Good lord.

Some people have absolutely no manners at all, that's not a question you ask a stranger.

>> No.7015195


>> No.7015285

i was confused because i saw a brolita at j-pop summit who was super well-dressed (pink and white coord, looked like mostly btssb stuff. had a parasol and hair in two neat pigtails) and thought it was melissa. totally didn't understand the drama this week, but this picture clears it up.

anyone know who the nicely dressed brolita might've been?

>> No.7015289

valkyrie_ryu's thread:

comment thread for the secret itself:

>> No.7015324

was this on saturday? The brolita I saw fits the description but was wearing a bodyline skirt (pink with white trim). If we're thinking of the same person, then it's Melissa.

>> No.7015400


>> No.7015398
File: 86 KB, 640x640, pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of collars with lolita? Maybe a little less obviously bdsm by taking out the Dring

>> No.7015406

Who made this?

>> No.7015416
File: 252 KB, 417x631, tumblr_mg2xflMXsF1s1cu57o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Moite sells collars once a while, so...

>> No.7015424

Why you lolis gotta be so catty?

>> No.7015430


>> No.7015441

Wearing Lolita makes you happy= awesome
Wearing Lolita makes you sexually happy = awesome
Wearing Lolita makes you sexually happy and you're fucking annoying about it by creeping people out and harassing them = fuck off

>> No.7015447

is it bad that I want to also know what cute underwear lolitas wear? (`・ω・`)
i just bet it's super cute...

>> No.7015451

if it's out of curiosity, and you're not being creepy about it, I don't think anyone would care. Hell, I think we even had a "lolita/cute/what underwear do you wear" type thread a while back.

>> No.7015454

I believe bloomers may or may not be involved.

>> No.7015455
File: 16 KB, 360x360, Adult-Diaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015476
File: 1.04 MB, 1338x987, pet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about for sweet? Would any of these work?

>> No.7015489

yeah it was saturday. the skirt could've been bodyline, it was really very simple. and i guess he changed to blackxwhite for sunday, hence the picture?

but honestly, i actually think he was pretty decently dressed on saturday. hair was very neat, if not the most flattering hairstyle, and coord was simple enough to look alright. it wasn't amazing, but it really wasn't ita-tastic either. and (painfully enough) there were some lolitas there who looked worse.

i don't know, i'm starting to not understand the hate so much. i did see him at the very beginning of the day, though, so maybe things fell apart as the day went on?

>> No.7015498


If they're not on their period and someone is going to see them, cute ones.
If they're not on their period and no one is going to see them, possibly cute ones that are comfortable.
If they are on their period, gross stained ones that are comfy.

There, now you know how all women's underwear looks.

>> No.7015501

This is not true. Stop making generalizations. I wear cute panties all the time since I use a menstrual cup (no leaks!).

>> No.7015503


>> No.7015508

Do those work for people with really heavy flows? I have endometriosis so my period usually guts the first 3 days and I have to watch it closely even with strong tampons.

>> No.7015514

You do realize you're in a minority right? There are worse things to get offended over. Like anyone's seeing your cute panties anyway.

>> No.7015520

Speaking of periods, I think >>7015514 is on hers.

>> No.7015521

Girl pls, don't tell me you don't have comfy days where you just slap some comfy panties on and sit around the house doing whatever.

>> No.7015528

I don't think a collar with even a hint of BDSM look to it would work with sweet* though you might be able to get away with it in goth. Because the fashion is already misconstrued by some as either ageplay or pedo-bait, anything suggesting alternative sexuality like a collar is going to be distracting, I think.

*You might be able to get away with it in a cult party/lolita or fairy/lolita fusion since garters and collars and such are sometimes seen with those styles.

This is assuming of course that you are talking about wearing it with sweet in a normal lolita context (meetup/con, etc.) but if you mean for clubwear or fetishwear then just do whatever I guess.

>> No.7015529

Yes, because a cup that holds period blood and is emptied periodically is so much more gross than a wad of cotton soaking up period blood.

Also, no risk of TSS with menstrual cups.

If you're squeamish about menstrual blood, grow up, please. It's fucking natural and happens to a healthy woman when she of childbearing age and doesn't get pregnant for a cycle. Expressing your disgust makes you look like an immature 5th grader.

>> No.7015531

Yes, it works. You would just have to empty it out more often with a heavier flow (but that's the same with changing tampons).

>> No.7015532

fairy-kei that is

>> No.7015537

Do you throw it away when you go to empty it though? That is why I could never use one, I use tampons that you just flush down the toilet and put a new one in. Also that sounds really uncomfortable. How well does it mold to your uh, lady bits? I use OB tampons and they are the most comfortable tampons I've ever used and barely leak, I just have designated period panties just in case because I don't want to ruin my nice ones.

>> No.7015545

>flushing tampons
stop pls wut r u doin

>> No.7015547

Menstrual cup sizes may actually work better for you than tampons. Tampons have a capacity of holding 6ml to 18ml, while menstrual cups can hold between 10ml to 26ml, depending on the brand.

If you're not sure what size to get, here's a chart with brands and their sizes.


>> No.7015554


>> No.7015556

No, you wash it out and put it back in. They're made of silicon, or rubber, and they soften with your body heat, I can't even feel it.

They do have disposable ones though, I'm not sure I see the purpose in them.

>> No.7015567

No, you can wipe the edge of the cup (or rinse in the sink if you're at home), fold, then re-insert.

Like learning how to put in tampons, it can be a bitch and/or hurt during the first tries of inserting a menstrual cup. You're freaked out and it looks big.

But the vagina is stretchy. Heck, the vagina is designed to take in an erect penis. A menstrual cup's width is about the same (or more narrow) than a penis head. For insertion, one folds the cup so that it's more narrow, put it in while still pinching it, and then letting it go. It will expand inside the vagina.

One way to practice is to try the cup on the LAST days of a period, just to see what it's like.

If it hurts, chances are it's not deep enough (just like how tampons can hurt if it's not deep enough). Because the cup is made from rubber or silicone, it molds well. For me I still wear pantiliner as an extra barrier to protect my panties, but little to no leaks happen.

The only discomfort is that you might feel yourself needing to go to the bathroom more frequently while wearing a menstrual cup. It can push a little on the bladder and make you feel like you need to go more often. But if your flow is heavy, you may already be going frequently to the bathroom anyway to change tampons...

>> No.7015571

OB tampons are the greatest gift to life.

>> No.7015576

You can flush OB tampons.

>> No.7015592

Man, remember that shortage a year or so ago? I was so scared.

>> No.7015594

Not in a septic tank. It'll build up and make you have to get a guy to come in and pump it, since they don't decompose nearly as quickly as your regular business.

And in pipes, there's always the chance that it'll get stuck somewhere and it'll expand and then you flush more down and make a bigger blockage, leading to needing a plumber.

>> No.7015680

No lie.
Melissa makes me feel ridiculously unsafe.
I would seriously take a hammer to the face than let him hold my hand.

>> No.7015703

really I just want some links and know where to buy some, the kohls junior section gets old sometimes...I'd hope they would have more "weeb-ish" underwear, I would love to know where to get some some ichigo pantsu or the ones with ties on the side.

>> No.7015723

Any news on Failita or is it still a mystery?

>> No.7015763

That's what I thought, at first. He just seemed to get creepier to me as time went on, because he tried to go to EVERY SINGLE MEET, wanted to friend EVERY SINGLE LOLITA, never talked, never improved, and silently follows people around at meets. Besides being creepy, thought, I didn't have a solid reason to dislike him until J-pop. I was walking near the girl he yelled at and called a whore, on the way to the tea party. Right before that, I asked him if he wanted to sit down for the fashion contest, too. Never talking to him again.

>> No.7015770

A lot of people go to J-pop, not just SF comm, so it really could've been anyone. We do have one really good brolita, he wore boystyle for the fashion contest and won one of the prizes.

>> No.7015781

Bloomers go over underwear, they're mostly just to avoid accidental flashing or creeper upskirts.

>> No.7015789

Upper left corner is not a collar, its a shitty bad quality ribbon choker. The only passable one is the center top one, if you removed the obvious ring on it. Granted I'm talking meetup/daily public wear. Otherwise yeah that rose one is excellent and a cute way to wear a bdsm collar and have it not look out of place in your lolita.

>> No.7015792

I think the point was that in lolita the underthings may just be panties or bloomers as well.

>> No.7015804

"Je suis boulanger"
boulanger = specifically male baker
Unintentionally confessing brolita status?

>> No.7015823

Yes, I think it's supposed to be "je suis boulangère" if you want it to be feminine

>> No.7015875

I really want to like those things. They seem to work for everyone else. Maybe I should just go on the pill.

>> No.7015963

I really kind of want to try it out. But isn't emptying it kind of a mess and a hassle? I mean doesn't it leak and spill everywhere when you take it out?

Sorry if my question is gross

>> No.7015975

OB tampons are biodegradable. I grew up in a house with a septic tank and had no problem flushing them for years.

>> No.7015976

I'm on the pill where you only have a period once every 3 months, and it is seriously a god send.

>> No.7015979

Oh ugh, I tried those types of pills (both Seasonique and SeasoniqueLo actually), and they actually made me have really slow but still very annoying periods FOR three months, instead of once every three months. I popped in a nuvaring and I'm about to take it out for my first "period week", let's hope I don't explode.

>> No.7016022

Thanks so much for the advice! I was planning on getting one, so I love any information about them. :)

>> No.7016043


I'm kinda grossed out by menstrual cups not because I mind the blood, but because every fucking time I have a period it's like a fucking miscarriage and is always gross and "chunky" with huge clots. I'm always in a lot of pain too, thickest pads combined with the strongest tampons are soaked through within an hour or two. It's awful, I don't think I could ever use a cup.

>> No.7016087

No one wears bloomers as underwear.

>> No.7016108

I got one a few months back, wish I had bought one years earlier.

I find I can put it in in the morning and don't need to empty it until I get home after my day at work - meaning I can take it out in the comfort of my own home. Generally I jump in the shower to take it out, then empty it in the toilet. The cup holds about 25 -30ml (which is quite a lot really).

If I need to empty it when I am out, I make sure I have some Wet Ones with me to wipe out the cup and my hands. If you are careful, you won't make a mess. It's not like a can of shaken fizzy drink that will spray everywhere when you remove it.

>> No.7016110

Mine gets pretty chunky too and heavy periods run in my family. The cup is seriously great for this - no leaks (it forms a seal on the outside of the cervix) so all the stuff goes straight in and no where else. The minimal leaks come from whatever is on the vagina below the cervix that is on the way out. It's really good at night time. I don't wake up to a bed that looks like I slaughtered a pig in it anymore.

>> No.7016113

Me too! I actually ran around the city stocking up for myself and a friend, who then decided she didn't need them when the shortage ended. Since I'm on a pill where I only get my period every three months or so, I now have OB supplies for life.

>> No.7016136

Tumblr is that way, bye.

>> No.7016357

I was talking about lolita. Bloomers are part of lolita to prevent flashing. They also protect your legs from itchy pettis a bit.

>> No.7016364

you're not cool

>> No.7016621

So is this the first period thread since dramu got banned?

>> No.7017522

What does this even have to do with tumblr? I was taught this shit growing up because it ruins plumbing and then some poor plumber has to come and remove a bunch of used tampons from your pipes.

>> No.7017556

I'm the one who posted that and I think they're referring to my chatspeak, which is apparently no longer a 4chan-being-ironic thing and is now a tumblr thing? I dunno, I don't even use tumblr.

>> No.7021177

I've never heard of tampons doing this, however sanitary towels, packing for both of these and baby wipes will block toilets.

>> No.7021190


I need to sleep

>> No.7021192

honestly, i would avoid it at least out in public for meetups, as with sweet styles to me it reads either very much a sexual thing or trying to be some sort of edgy cosplay in some way. strangely, with goth i'm okay with it, but i think it's because that style can get away with being a little edgier and racier.
if you're doing it as part of a sex thing though, then that's your prerogative and of course no one else's business.