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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7010715 No.7010715 [Reply] [Original]

For lolita and cosplay.
I've had my photo taken a lot, but I seem to always make the dorkiest, most awkward faces. I look fine in the mirror but I get self-conscious in front of a camera and want to end this habit stat. Any suggestions?

>> No.7010727

sounds like you're going to need a friend to pose in front of or even use as a helper when at cons to tell you when you've got the derp face. you seem to be fine alone but not when actually out there.

>> No.7010765

Get a camera on auto timer or have a friend who is willing and take lots and lots of pictures from various angles to get an idea of what expressions and poses work best. If I have anyone take pictures of me at a convention, I usually have them take a ton that way I can at least have a few to post publicly. Meetups are a little different though, I find it's harder to do a mini photoshoot at a meetup outside of random pictures.

>> No.7010897
File: 112 KB, 427x640, 047kera magazine febre2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sit in front of a mirror, practice faces, settle on a face that looks neutrally good. Notice how it feels to make that face. Now look away and try to make it/feel it until you can look back and it looks good. Do that face for stupid quick street snaps.

Everything else, look through magazines with people wearing the style you're wearing and practice their poses. See how it feels and do that same feeling/pose away from the mirror.

Wash rinse repeat. Lolita is the easiest thing to pose for because you don't even have to try (just like everything else in lolita)

>> No.7011079

Practice in a mirror then self timer and practice. I derped for the first 21 years of my life before doing that, still get derpy pics but way less in comparison.

>> No.7011098

What's the yellow dress in that picture called?

>> No.7011141


>> No.7011321
File: 73 KB, 647x400, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
