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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 24 KB, 426x104, aya-con-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7010270 No.7010270 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7010284

Waiting for two items to come in the mail, need to cut the bangs off of 3 wigs and formfit two shirts.

I'd say I'm ready to party soon. Have not been this excited for a con in a loooong time!

>> No.7010335

Should get my big costume finished today but I'm going to have to ditch a remake of an old costume for the sake of my sanity and just wear the old one because I only really have 4 days free between now and the con. It's a pretty simple costume but dear god I do not work well under stress.

>> No.7010346

Not that prepared but then again I never am.

Looking forward to the event. Should be one hell of a party.

>> No.7010360

What panels is everyone thinking of going to? Is anyone else finding there's a lot of clash of interests on all three days?

Anyone else wish it would start sooner on Friday and maybe have something Thursday evening for all those arriving that early?

>> No.7010379

I'm super excited! I'm going by myself but I'm actually more excited than when I go to a con with friends. Having the freedom to do whatever I want and meet new people is gonna be awesome.

It's gonna be a bit stressful getting my costumes done in time, but it's more fun to be stressed out by costuming than by university.

I thought the Norse myth one sounded like it could be interesting. I'm also looking forward to seeing Shonen Knife.

>> No.7010392

As far as I'm aware there should be pre-reg the Thursday night, so that will save time from the Friday morning.
But you're right, I was expecting it to be like amecon with early stating panels, though that may also be a venue thing?

>> No.7010421

Given up on cosplaying this year due to the heat and finances.

Now that the schedule is up I guess it's time to organize the meet. 7pm on Friday good for everyone?

>> No.7010491

Going to all of the photography ones cause me and my dad recently got a DSLR and I have no idea what I'm doing with it. The clashes are killing me though, I'm scared I'll chose one and when I show up it'll be a complete shambles and the other will be wonderful...

>> No.7010690

It looks like I'm going to be loser-coning with no cosplay. Worth it to see everyone, though - right?

>> No.7010699

Are you me?

>> No.7010956

Could be

>> No.7011147 [DELETED] 


As long as you don't pan on getting into any rooms you badge swapping cunt.

>> No.7012124

Almost done with cosplays. Just got some props to finish up and a bit of sewing to do, then it's time to try and pack everything!

I'm seriously hyped for Ayacon. I'm sad it's the last, so I'm going to make the most of it.

>> No.7012235

Thanks to Toko being cancelled, I have time to complete my Aya cosplays. My panel isn't quite complete yet but I think I'm on track.

>> No.7013071


Toko has new dates!

>> No.7014257

Does anyone know who's going in for Eurocosplay this time round? Or will it be like Ame last year and no one has said anything because it's a surprise?

>> No.7014284

I know of no one. Yet, there will probably be quite a few. I hate that everyone is so quiet about it.

>> No.7014448

On one hand, I like seeing people's progress and having the excitement built up so people can't wait to see the finished result. On the other hand, I also like surprises, and if it's an epic cosplay, I get a serious case of the fangirlz.

>> No.7014453

Agreed. I like seeing progress as well but the odd surprise can be great.

I wonder if we'll get some older cosplayers competing what with it being the last Aya

>> No.7014458

I'm hoping Xae will surprise us, but he's been very quiet recently so it's hard to tell!

>> No.7014463

Well, he did try for it last year but didn't get through. I think he is taking a break due to personal reasons but not sure how long a break that is.

>> No.7014481
File: 66 KB, 469x720, 954760_10151519828371491_1010252522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat bastard is going, better watch out ladies, he flirts with every one else's girlfriends.

>> No.7014498
File: 154 KB, 720x960, The biggest creep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least of your worries.

>> No.7014504

Someone posted a link to his Fetlife account in another thread. It's a place of pure horror.

>> No.7014506


Anyone attending the orgy that Chelinka is organising?

>> No.7014523
File: 545 KB, 500x275, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7014530

Yeah, no.

This is the real shit to watch out for.

>> No.7014535


Stories? Reasons?

Anyone know his badge name?

>> No.7014538


He has numerous stories attached to him as well. I'd type them out but I really can't be bothered.

>> No.7014565

General creepiness, usually cosplays Miku Hatsune or Rainbow Dash with horribly matted wigs.

>> No.7014721
File: 54 KB, 749x960, 1016971_295213673956561_1902008006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this guy, what the fuck are sexy cosplay guys thinking....seriously?! Who would buy prints of that?!

>> No.7014727

This fukin guy lol

>> No.7014730

Is that in the on site accommodation? and is that their badge name?

Because that's all the info I need.

Nice work

>> No.7014750


Yeah, she's organising it with her boyfriend - Br0kenPixel and they're both staying in Scarman I believe

I'll be there (Bakeress) and I hope a few others join in

>> No.7014767

SCG (both guys and girls) is the second worst cosplay "organisation" in the country if you count Anime league. Any group like that is fucking shit and pointless. Fuck shit like that. Augh.

>> No.7014772

why would you tell me this?
Seems kinda stupid. There is a box you can tick when you register that hides your real name.

>> No.7014781

I forgot to do this and now my real name is stuck on that list. I hate everything. Why is there not a way to remove it?

>> No.7014786 [DELETED] 


Ah shit - didn't know my real name was up there, thought I ticked that box


We're in the same boat it seems

>> No.7014791

Wouldn't worry, loads of people have their names there. Just they didn't advertise an orgy on a website as big as this.

back on topic, I better get back to preparing my anus.

>> No.7014841

Going to be dressing as a Black Knight - Anybody else going LARPish?

>> No.7014853


Great, that's where I'm stopping. If I'm kept awake by the bellowing of mating landwhales I'm gonna be pissed.

>> No.7014889

Better bring my earplugs just in case...

Your beef with him seems really petty, whatever it may be. There are far worse people in the community to rag on, like the creeper here >>7014498 as mentioned, or people like Kara.

>> No.7014897

eurgh kara
why does she feel the need to kiss every bloke shes on stage with

>> No.7014902

History of kara please.

is she another ham beast?

>> No.7014926
File: 88 KB, 640x960, kara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far from it, some would say she's rather attractive - but she has a terrible case of same-face. I think someone made a collage a while back of each cosplay and she has the same expression in each one.

Also there has been drama involving her buying/commissioning cosplays and then passing them off as her own work and taking part in competitive masquerades. She got called out after one Hyper Japan (before they did ECG/WCS) and then she went on hiatus then came back, and suddenly changed her obsession with FF cosplays to Legend of Zelda, hence the influx of Zelda cosplays she's done.

Here's her most recent one, Ocarina of Time Zelda - on her CI she lists it as a costume she's wanted to make since she started cosplaying, which is amusing since when she started cosplaying her idol was either Tifa, Terra or Aeris.

>> No.7014931

Tiny mouth. But yeah, as far as con goers go. pretty hot.

>> No.7014961


Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.7014964 [DELETED] 

To be honest there's no recent drama. Take everything she says with a pinch of salt and nod and smile if she says she made her cosplay. But otherwise harmless.

>> No.7014966

Typical Briton.

>> No.7014968

To be honest there's no recent drama. Take everything she says with a pinch of salt and nod and smile if she says she made her cosplay. But otherwise harmless.

>> No.7014980

>some would say she's rather attractive
>as far as con goers go. pretty hot.

I'm... not sure what to make of this. She's not terrible but she's pretty ugly.

>> No.7015015

She sucks at applying make up.

>> No.7015040

More attractive British girls I can look out for? Preferably drama free?

>> No.7015049

Could you have made that sound any creepier?

>> No.7015067

I'm mildly stressed. I;ve finished my boyfriend;s cosplay and almost finished my big cosplay, but I still have another cosplay that still needs most of it doing.
I can probably get it done, provided I don;t get sick or injure myself like I did before MCM.

>> No.7015207
File: 23 KB, 498x112, thisfuckinghambeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this girl and her stupid bring and buy questions?

>> No.7015316

I guess she's asking if it's okay to sell drumsticks and gloves at the bring and buy. She may be new to the system so it's not really a stupid question. Actually the assumption that the contents of the bring and buy must some how related to Japanese anime and culture at a Japanese anime and culture convention seems rather logical.

>> No.7015328

Check the page, she's made a metric shit ton of posts about the bring and buy. Quite funny actually.

>> No.7015790

I think this is the same girl who posts a lot on the ayacon forums - if so I know she's disabled and her mum is coming as a carer, so I expect she's a bit autistic. That explains her behaviour, so don't rag on her too much anons, heh

>> No.7015830

Ohh, that explains a lot. I'm done shaking my head over her then.

Haven't seen this being asked yet, what's everyone cosplaying at Ayacon? - And the weekly question, how ready are you?

Just 11 days till my Aya-and-beyond adventure begins, got mostly everything ready. I'm hoping to finish the very last cosplay things tomorrow, so I can pack everything before I go back to work on tuesday.

>> No.7016038

I think she's in a wheelchair but I'm not sure, but I know her mum has to be with her at all times. She's not without mental capacity and the way she writes doesn't seem autistic. She's never done a big con before so that explains her noobness. She seems nice enough though, and we were all stupid once. If I see her I'll be buying her mum a drink at least.

>> No.7016040

I am not ready at all by the by. I've made so many alterations to my costume whilst making it that the chest part no longer fits properly. I'm not sure what to do, but I think I'm going to feel a bit embarassed by this costume as it'll either ride up or it'll show too much boob.

>> No.7016393


Got any pre-aya costume pictures?


>> No.7016452

>There will be a goody bag for the first 24 people through the doors as a thank you for attending
So I'm definitely going to the hentai panel this year. I'm a sucker for goody bags. + The whole panel in itself sounds really ballin'.

I'd post progress pics, but all my costumes are boring schoolgirl outfits, so I'll save it for people that has cool shit to show off.
Cosplaying Madoka from that one anime, Tomie, and Naomi from Corpse Party. No elaborate shit for me this year.

>> No.7016495

Why am I expecting dicks in the goody bag or at least tentacles...

>> No.7016499

Probably a can of pussy and some dick gummies or something.
And a condom, stay safe kids!

>> No.7016548


Don't tell me what to do

>> No.7016564
File: 36 KB, 150x164, 5775677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your BABIES and SEX DISEASES then

>> No.7016571
File: 9 KB, 398x224, 155272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016607 [DELETED] 

Not that it's cooling down, I might be willing to do something. Not sure what yet.

>> No.7016608

Now that it's cooling down, I might be willing to do something, although I'm not sure what.

>> No.7016623
File: 133 KB, 1024x663, IMGP2554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am doing incredibly serious marks & spencers back to school range evangelion with a friend

apparently weve been recruited into an actual group of actual cosplayers
i'm not sure how they're going to take us
we're not very good at behaving in photos

>> No.7016641

Is aya actually any good? I live super close to it but have never been.

>> No.7016642

M&S school uniform is a blessing, I've bought various shirts/trousers/blazers for cosplays over the years from them. And actually I'm planning on re-using one of the shirts for Kaworu myself at some point, though not for Aya since I have way too much on my plate already!

>> No.7016647

i'm so pleased with them, they were £5 each and they iron so easily and they're impossible to stain

i feel so stupid for looking in primark first

>> No.7016650

Best con in the country by far, real shame it's the last one

>> No.7016699

Ame sucked sinces it went to Keele.

Venue is too spread out and there isnt enough air conditioning in the main hall/disco/party rooms.

Plus its been a building site each time

>> No.7016751
File: 17 KB, 237x251, Gemureg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that Ame hosts at Warwick next year, It's one of the best venues in the country.

In other news, here's the current member count for Gemucon.

>> No.7016772

Hoping for the same thing, though I kind of doubt it because of Gemu. Thanks, Gemu.
I do hope that the rumors of a new location are true. I liked Keele, but my feet didn't.

Events descriptions for Aya are up! Reading up on everything, I have a good 8+ things I want to do throughout the weekend which is a new record. Usually a con only has 0 - 1 things that interest me, so I am excite.

>> No.7016781

I actually liked Keele, although I do agree the distance wasn't ideal. But I guess I just enjoyed Keele Hall and the lovely locations there for shoots, it's not often you get such nice places for photos at university cons.

>> No.7016804

What rumours? They relocating?

>> No.7016841


>> No.7017501

Had con buddy drop out on me at the last minute

Staying in Scarman in a double room, anybody want to room with me free of charge Fri-Mon?


>> No.7017613


You just want blowjobs

>> No.7017645


Blowjobs accepted as tender

>> No.7017697

I wasn't considering making my budget stretch to cans of pussy (as well as lugging that up to Warwick) but I'll see if Makro does them...

>> No.7017712

Aya is next week guys, feel the hype yet?

No worries m8, only mentioning Pussy because Kitacon handed them out at their hentai panel when I went a few years ago. I always like the hentai panels, so I'll be there for sure no matter what. Goody bags for the first people in are just a bonus cause I'm a sucker for free stuff, no matter what it is!

>> No.7017715


Blowjobs for all!

Where is the con event schedule located anyway?

>> No.7017719

I'm ok with that
Descriptions are up as well.

Only thing I want to attend but know for sure I can't go to is Anison Armageddon. Way too early for me :< There are a lot of super interesting events though, so I'm sure I'll still get to attend plenty of events that weekend. + I have a lot of friends to catch up with, oh gosh.

>> No.7017723


How To Look Good Nearly Naked

For the average Aya attendee - impossible

>> No.7017724

I hope we don't disappoint then! We'll need audience participation so either get ready or badger your friends into volunteering.

>> No.7017730


I think we should all just get drunk for the hentai panel and then go fuck around for a bit throughout the night.

Any seagulls down for that?

>> No.7017737

/cgl/ meet at the hentai panel - Heck yeah I'm up for that.

>> No.7017740


/cgl/ Meetup - Badge names:

Mr J

>> No.7017780


>> No.7017918

I can think of precisely four UK cosplayers who can ever look good nearly naked.

£5 says the majority of the audience for this panel are severe uggos

>> No.7017956


Can I fuk em anyway?

>> No.7018317
File: 45 KB, 576x353, Yotsno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7018403
File: 87 KB, 514x768, BOOBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7018413

I puke every time I see that watermark.

>> No.7018419


You've got the body of a child

>> No.7018422

Badge name Jestarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

>> No.7018430


How many seagulls are going to aya anyway?

>> No.7018445

Hopefully no more than are on the registered member list.

Carry on.

>> No.7018447

A fair few although some of them don't really go to meets that often anymore if they did at all.

>> No.7018529

Badge name b Denmark, though I'm sure someone will probably have a sign ready for the meet?
And has it definitely been decided that the meet is happening at/before the hentai panel on saturday, or would it be cooler to have a non-panel meet on friday and then chill out saturday evening for those who wanna go watch porn?

Let's get this fucking party started.

Am I mistaking you for someone else or are you going to be cosplaying from Jojo at Aya?

>> No.7018537

I'm looking forward to my favourite event, people getting butt hurt over SNL acts. It's my main source of entertainment everytime Aya runs.

>> No.7018540

Aw fuck yeah

>> No.7018544


Why not both?

>> No.7018554

That's kind of what I was getting at in my post, english is just failing me tonight whoops.

>> No.7018592

So 7pm on Friday by the steps?

>> No.7018691

Anybody still need a room?

£40 and you can bunk with me Fri-Mon in Scarman

>> No.7018739


Any chance we could make it slightly later, quite like the look of the anime dub panel.

>> No.7018748

Hentai or Madstraviganza?

>> No.7018758



>> No.7019067


>> No.7019068

Sounds good.

>> No.7019584

I think both will be fun, but for me it's always Madstravaganza.

>> No.7019700

I've always been thinking of going to that. What exactly is it, like an Amv showcase?

>> No.7019758


It's insanity filtered through a cracked lense of broken dreams.

>> No.7019773

oh, right yeah

>> No.7020586

Seriously though what is Madstraviganza?

>> No.7020742

Sit in a room and watch a bunch of random videos XD.

No but really I've never been so I wouldn't know. Here's the description:
>Feast on these bite-sized chunks of crunchy
video fun. Contains your recommended daily
allowance of parody, music, wrestling, trains,
video games, animation and cats. It’s like having a whole convention fed into your eyeballs’
mouth. Delicious!

>> No.7021754

That's basically it. It's just silly videos, which doesn't sound like much. But there's always a fun atmosphere and lots of laughs. Tends to be a lively crowd.

>> No.7021889

That sounds really fun actually, I like a random playlist of videos to stir things up - I find if I have to sit through a playlist of the same thing I get bored easily, but with all sorts of different things it sounds like a lot of fun!

>> No.7021907

I was cosplayinga Rrrrrrrrrreally bad Richard cosplay ,renji and cid last time round I usally hang about with vincent and the Scottish lot but dont really know many uk cgl folk

>> No.7024012

I am almost done

I can feel the completion

>> No.7026903

Ha wow, do you want to fuck off? I haven't organised anything like that.

>> No.7027312


I heard the same from Zelly and Tohru_Readman. They both say you're dtf

Whether you are, or aren't: someone has leaked you're plans

>> No.7027323
File: 762 KB, 400x225, 77QZCRA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally unknown in the cosplay community and yet people want to start shit by saying me and my girlfriend are starting an orgy.....Someones got a mad case of the butt hurts

>> No.7027355

Well someone must have a serious case of vendetta-chan. We're both literally unknown.

>> No.7027496

They're clearly trying to cover it up. Guilty of lude event planning.

>> No.7027872
File: 482 KB, 250x210, G2vcm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit the cyber Fbi is here cracking the case deny on the internet must be guilty also "lude" wtf are you victorian?

But yeah to the butt hurt anon couldn't stop laughing at this all day, probably made my day I was laughing so hard.

>> No.7028039

Was it a nervous laugh?

>> No.7028050
File: 525 KB, 441x300, sxVsQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah one of those ones where you laugh so hard you start to get like tears n shit.
Nothing to be nervous of friend.

>> No.7028065

But the whole internet knows you planned a cake fart party. Are you that shameless?

>> No.7028078
File: 464 KB, 500x278, mKd3uzK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how little I care what people make up about me. You act like I care. I don't.
I go to Aya con, see friends, drink have fun.

You bore me.

>> No.7028077


You're believing the word of someone who calls themselves "team neko"'and thinks they're press?
It's a fat cunt with a camera. Absolute horrid person

>> No.7028084

If you don't care, why are you replying?

>> No.7028085
File: 259 KB, 300x165, tumblr_lexgjnzD2I1qachxg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic maybe?

>tfw I thought I would be able to finish this costume and two others before aya
>tfw I am still painting fabric

>> No.7028086

Yeah, I have my real name on there. Most people at cons people stay under the radar, no one knows who they are and no one cares who they are so it doesn't really matter if your real name is on the member list.

>> No.7028095
File: 497 KB, 500x250, 0o0gKNY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on cosplay. Glues drying so got nothing better to do than watching youtube and making you think someone gives a shit about you.

Good idea, yeah I'm sorta in panic zone too you always think you have enough time THERE'S NEVER ENOUGH

>> No.7028097

Pretty sure a lot are lurkers.

>> No.7028102


>> No.7028108

You are the worst kind of cunt. I'll see you at your scat fun fest.

>> No.7028111

Dude, tons of people saw your post on the Aya forums. Unless it was someone elses post, that could be the case, /cgl/ does get names wrong quite a bit....
Either way, SOMEONE posted about an orgy on the aya forums.
Wait, just checked, it was Rod_Longshaft who posted. Now, I can only find his post on the hentai thread but I'm really sure he also posted asking about where the orgy was going to be. So that's that I guess...

>> No.7028113

Gotta be more than that surely?

>> No.7028123

Your anger makes my erection stronger.
If your gonna see me at least tell me your name babe can't be part of imaginary scat if we aint on first name basis. Unless there's a reason your not saying it.

Shiiiiit was trying to remember his name ALL day thanks dude, yeah not me but fucking hilarious none the less. Was he not like american or something?

>> No.7028128

You can do it guys! I'm going to join you in the panic zone though as while my biggest cosplays are done, I still have to finish a ballgown and sew panels onto a parasol.

>> No.7028131

I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way, you deviant poop consumer.

>> No.7028133

Oh yeah, he was travelling or something and thought that because big American cons had secret orgies, small British ones would as well...
So weird how easy it is to get people mixed up though. (I mean who could forget a name like Rod_Longshaft)

>> No.7028136

Just some butt hurt no doubt. I find it funny he was asking? if there was like orgies but then someone said my gf was hosting one? So yeah butt hurt anon, don't care we find it hilarious.

Cool look forward to never seeing you.

A ballgown? 0_0 I will never reach your level of mastery

>> No.7028142

Just finished the last parts for my cosplays earlier today.
Should be all packed up and ready to leave wedensday night now. Preettyyyyy excited.

>> No.7028144

It's quite a basic gown. It's mostly one colour with some decorative sashes. I'm excited to get it finished though as it's a cosplay I've wanted to do for quite some time!

>> No.7028150

Could you be any more of a shit eating fagget?

>> No.7028164

I dunno dude seems to me you were the one asking to join a scat party.

Looking forward to seeing it then sounds like there's gonna be a lot of awesome ones at aya.

>> No.7028174

I think you're mistaking me for one of the people attending YOUR orgy. Also, I know this might be hard for you to understand but there's more that one person responding to you.

>> No.7028178

Hahaha a whisper on the wind tells me she sends pics to dudes that own sites of her bishop and two friars so it gets her a spot. DRAMA MOFUCKAS!

>> No.7028181

There is none. Done.

Also yeah don't care.

>> No.7028184

Sure about that?

>> No.7028187


>> No.7028194

That didn't even make sense. Try again.

>> No.7028199

She sends pics of her fanny to guys that have sites for cosplay and the like. So that she can sameface Hambeast all over our URLS

>> No.7028204

That sounds like total bullshit. Unless you have evidence, don't even bother trying to create drama.

>> No.7028207

HAHAHAHAHA We have a fan folks. Halt the drama or its going to be a vaginal sandstorm

>> No.7028215

All hail the white knight of the interwebs, worry not young one for if you defend her enough she may yet let you suck on her succulent teet and open her legs for you.

>> No.7028225

The're not white knighting, they're asking for evidence. There's a difference. Baseless drama belongs in lower schools.

>> No.7028231

>be Amerifag, see this
>imagine chick sending ass pictures to people
>scroll up, see britfags
>oh shit, they mean vag


>> No.7028242

Wow 4chan and baseless drama.........Holy fuck! Its unheard of. Believe what you will but i have seen them and so have a bunch of others. ppsssssssttt The curtains dont match the drapes.......and her vagina has a sameface.

>> No.7028246

I fucked your mum.

>> No.7028248


What he is asking for is wank material, he could give two shits about "evidence".

Also if you think baseless drama belongs in lower schools you have clearly not been around UK conventions that long.

As it is she gets down to her underwear for pictures for her "modeling carrer", however she talks about doing nudes on her profile (how she is unable to due to her day job) but that clerly shows that she has at least thought about it.

For anything else, use google if you really want to know.

>> No.7028250

so where and when is this ayacon orgy

>> No.7028252

Wait..........Who the fuck are we talking about?!

>> No.7028268

Drop the trip and read the thread.

>> No.7028270

Oh shit there's alot of confusion going on.

Someone said Chelinkas holding a orgy at Aya. Shes not, obviously some butt hurt weeb trying to start shit. Think people confusing Kara? With her.

Basically someone made baseless claims my girlfriends starting an orgy, no proof, not happening.

Now people asking for proof but confusing between her and whoever Kara is?

>> No.7028277

Read the thread, the orgy is old news, they were talking about Kara taking her clothes off

>> No.7028305

Guys, I don't think Chelinka and Br0kenpixel are actually arranging an orgy - otherwise they'd admit it to get more people joining in. Seems logical to me, right?

Thanks for linking me here anyway Chelinka, aya is going to be well fun it seems

>> No.7029072

Do... do you guys call butts 'fannies'?

This explains so much

>> No.7029925
File: 308 KB, 1169x553, Seagullmeetaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Details for the meet.

>> No.7029927

Yeah, Amerifag fanny means ass and is actually something a grandma might say.

>> No.7029948


Your going to meet in the place that everyone meets in? The big seated area that is perfect for meeting in.

Glad I'm part of this top secret club.

How will we identify ourselves? Perhaps some kind of elaborate costumes?

Sweet, just getting all the details.

>> No.7029970

There will be a SUPER CRYPTIC sign. I'll take a picture of it when I make it.

>> No.7029977

Is there going to be a picture of a seagull on it?

>> No.7029980
File: 171 KB, 500x491, Stressed dolphin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030032


Any events or whatnot planned for the cgl meet?

>> No.7030046

If the sign doesn't actually say SUPER CRYPTIC I will be most disappointed

>> No.7030051

Depends on how many people turn up and what people want to do. I'll bring a pack of cards and we can play ring of fire if there's not too many people. It's more of just a chance to meet other seagulls and make new friends.

>> No.7030070

It might just say SUPER CRYPTIC because I suck at drawing.

>> No.7030105


Is there a list of all Brit tripfags?

A list including pictures would be preferable

>> No.7030114


>> No.7031287

Only a few days left guuysss

I finished my costumes last week, now I have to pack I guess, but I can draw it out slowly in the next few days.

Who's doing a manic costume rush?

>> No.7031297

Me! But I always do this every year. I should get it all done, or at least I can finish a few things on Thursday and possibly Friday night.
Good god I need to start early next time.

>> No.7031345

Sadly, I am. It's actually the fault of things I ordered online not arriving fast enough, but that's how it goes I guess. Still got 3.5 days, it should be fine!

Good luck everyone else who's still working on stuff!

>> No.7031373

My costumes that I planned to wear have gone badly. One has been stolen, the other has caught fire.

Screw this - I'm going in my knight LARP outfit - any problems with this?

>> No.7031375

Man i am actually disappointed. I was totally up for some fun.

>> No.7031378

>One has been stolen, the other has caught fire.
Wow, that's a cosplay disaster if ever there was one. Sorry to hear that. If I see you at Aya, I'll buy you a drink.

>> No.7031403

Sorry to disappoint.

Yes, that is just awful, you can't do that.

>> No.7031439

Oh man, that sounds like terrible luck, sorry to hear that!

>> No.7031479


Sounds good to me Chap

The pros of chain mail is that it is hard to burn - sure it may get hot, but it generally doesn't catch fire. Which is nice

>> No.7031578


There is an actual one happening, but we are not stupid enough to post info on public boards.

Just be in the Scarman lobby around 8pm on Friday, if you are a man wearing a tricorn hat and a woman dressed as cat woman - say hello

>> No.7031581

See a man, not are a man

>> No.7031585

Awesome, the committee are in scarman

>> No.7031588

What is with all these fucking tripfags?

>> No.7031589 [DELETED] 


The fucking tripfags are just tripfags trying to fuck.

>> No.7031593


They're trying to fuck

>> No.7031613


Can we just all stop talking about fucking for a bit? I just want to cosplay and drink

>> No.7031640

I'd love to hear what everyone's planning on wearing and any photos if they have any.
Although, we already know yours, but you know...

>> No.7031647


Was it you that NickNacks fucked in a bathtub?

>> No.7031650

HAHAHAHAHA oh my god, no. I have heard of that story, but no that isn't me sorry.

>> No.7031656


Eva Braun

>> No.7031657



>> No.7031660

Oh hey, you found me! Cool!

>> No.7031773



>> No.7031830

that 3DMG is looking sweeeeeet

>> No.7031834


It looks pretty good, I'd replace the wooden dowls with something metallic though, just for extra durability as con-scenes are harsh times.

I look forward to seeing the full thing in use - looks badass.

>> No.7032137

You'd make a better <insert soldier that gets eaten straight off> You really don't suit Eren of all people, you've got the face for Reiner but not the build....
Fab job on the 3DMG though!

>> No.7032215
File: 366 KB, 1150x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ham beast who keeps spamming the bring and buy related stuff on Facebook and the forum just posted a selfie in a Spider-Man costume.

>> No.7032232

The passport photo on the wall.

>> No.7032234

He looks likes he is thinking "son I am disappoint" or shamefurr dispray

>> No.7032553



>> No.7032565
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>> No.7032612

I really shouldn't laugh since she has some form of mental deficiency, but oh god does it make me chuckle uncontrollably...

>> No.7034277

3 days left - I'm pretty much 80% packed. Looking forward to seeing mah homies

>> No.7034416

I've found out a couple of people entering Eurocosplay this Aya - Sephnoir, who represented UK the first ever EC, is entering with Loki from Avengers (she has a progress blog and it's looking pretty awesome)
Another is mogwai k, the elder sister of the Atwills who have done cosplays such as the Princess Mononoke group from last October expo (the one with the extending Forest God head), the Lightning and Serah from FFXIII-2 last May, and the Elizabeth and Songbird from Bioshock Infinite May just been.
She's revamped her old Angel of Death cosplay (from Hellboy) and is entering it.

Two rather strong contenders, it'll be interesting to see what the other competition is!

>> No.7034606

Are Sasahara and Snap etc still involved with these cons?

I used to roll with them back in the anime-england days, but i've been out of the con thing for a while - won't mind getting back into it, but i worry that 27 is a little creepyold for these things now.

>> No.7034622

Any other contenders these sound pretty good tbh

>> No.7034624

Snap is a DJ and sash is committee on aya. He mostly mans the bring and buy these days and works for the company that does all the con badges.

As for your age I wouldn't worry. I'm 34 but I go because Im an organizer. With regards to Anime England (and Anime Europe,) I probably know you too and possibly went on London meets with you etc.

>> No.7034628

Well everything has gone to shit. I don't even know why I bother even doing this anymore

>> No.7034662

What's happened anon?

>> No.7034670

Not sure what happened with you, but I had some cosplay disasters today so I kinda feel the same.

Still, I put too much effort in to not wear it. I'll just have to do better next time.

Hope you feel better soon, anon...

>> No.7034687

What happened?

>> No.7034847

Various things going wrong. I've had to drop another cosplay and on the verge of dropping another... It's finished but it makes me look even fatter than I already am. My machine broke down when I still have loads left to do (Thankfully I have a second machine, it's old but I'm hoping it'll survive long enough to finish)

It may not seem like much, but this past year things have just been going wrong and leaving me feeling so useless and like there's no point in me even trying.

Thank you anons, I hope everything is going well for you <3

>Polite sage for emoselfconfidencerantthatshouldbekeptprivate

>> No.7034865

Heh.. since those sites died i have to admit i kind of never really found any active uk communities.

Have to confess. i've never really felt 'pretty' enough for cosplay so i don't hang around /cgl/ much, but /a/ are so anti-social and i want to hang out with filthy weebs again.

>> No.7034895

That sucks balls! It's sods law that these things happen when in a crisis for a con. I hope you feel happier about it soon anon! Even if you cannot get it done for Aya, hopefully you will get inspired to finish for the next con!

>> No.7034939


Fuck feeling pretty enough, you want to cosplay just do it. Bring and buy hambeast cares not for peoples bullshit opinions and cosplays what she loves, you should do the same!

>> No.7034963

Yes, they are strong contenders. I only knew of two other people who were going for it. Zonic and Sephirayne. Sephirayne has now pulled out of Ayacon. I think Zonic is still going for it.

>> No.7034993

That's such a shame anon! Are there any other cosplays that you could possibly wear instead for the dropped ones?
Try not to kill yourself doing what you're doing, or being even more stupid and doing what I did once and brought the bloody machine to the con. Fucknoneveragain.

And btw, like the other anon said, if you want to cosplay, just do it. <3 I bet you'll look fantastic.

>> No.7035183



>> No.7035311



>> No.7037540

what up last minute cosplay club

one of my friends finished sewing her cosplay out of a bedsheet yesterday i am p blown away

i'm gluing these stupid headset thingies the now

i tried pinning one in for a selfie and dropped it into the sink sneezing
and snapped the hairpin off

i guess thats what i get for being vain

>> No.7037594

I know of another, Frederica la Noir, she's making an outfit of Satine's from Moulin Rouge. Not the Black Diamonds one, the one from the play they put on with the massive amount of jewellery and embroidery. She seems like another strong contender as she's handmade the necklace and headpiece herself, and it is looking verrry nice indeed. Will post a pic if people want.

Frederica won a prize at the Sunday COSparade of Hyper Japan this year for her Lulu cosplay, in case people wanted a track record.

So far we have a nice mixture of strong skills and I am not envying the judges. one. bit.

>> No.7037754

Fuck living in the middle of nowhere, my local dance shop has been waiting in on a delivery of dance tights for a week and a half, so I just bought the last pair of tights they had (stupid footless tights) because I figured it wouldn't matter too much since I'm wearing boots. But I get home and the tights are GLITTERY, as well as a really weird bronze colour. Well fuck. So apparently, telling the stupid woman that I needed matte, nude coloured dance tights she figured her last pair was close enough to tell me it was perfect. So that's one costume I can't wear, unless I can somehow find a dancewear shop near Aya.

>> No.7038040

What costume is it anon? I mean, it wouldn't be perfect, but Primark tend to do not too bad coloured tights.You might be able to get something nude and thick like you wanted. Or M&S! If you can spare the time tomorrow.

>> No.7038051

If there is one near you also, I totally didn't take in the "living in the middle of nowhere" part.
It's not great but I do have yellow tights, unworn and...I think a size large that you could have, just give me a few quid for them. I'd hate to see someone not wearing an outfit after all the work we put in!

>> No.7038188

So we know a few of the EuroCosplay contenders, do we know of anymore? Maybe we can have some photos of what's being entered?

>> No.7038621
File: 33 KB, 720x480, 1324758375319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, probably going to have to pull an all nighter to get all this done and pack.

How's everyone else holding out?

>> No.7038690

Cosplay done! Much more last-minute than usual, I should have finished a long time ago but I got super depressed and demotivated. But now its all done, thank god.

Also about 90% packed, but luckily I'm not coming til Friday so I have tomorrow to panic about all the things I'm going to forget.

>> No.7038816

Abandoned all cosplay plans weeks ago. Might bring my totaly-not-worn-to-death Gumshoe cospaly.

>> No.7038820

What is with that Tom Kempson guy who keeps posting on the aya FB page?

>> No.7038869

I can't pull an all nighter because I have work tomorrow but I started at 9 this morning, worked until I left for work at 3, and I'm just trying to gather up the energy for another hour before bed and then again tomorrow... I haven't been this unprepared in years.

>> No.7040293


He seems ridiculously happy/proud at the deadpool costume he has bought.

I'm assuming first timer.
Let's leave him with the Facebook hambeast

>> No.7040540


Facebook Hambeast is 2hr 20 away from home and she's forgot her ID.

The Facebook rage is excellent

>> No.7040554

For the time she's been saying she cant turn back she could be halfway back to her house by now.

>> No.7040560


I want to see her kick up a shit-fit.

All con buddies have dropped out - i'm going to be Aya alone ;_;

>> No.7040562

Dw anon I'm not even going. ;_; I'm just watching the trainwreck on the FB page. GET ME THE CONCHAIR'S NUMBER.

>> No.7040564


If you need a badge - i can try to migrate one across from the dropouts

>> No.7040565

How many more people are going to have to tell her: no ID, no entrance? It's just not hard.

>> No.7040567

Who is this girl?!!

>> No.7040569


Hambeast Autist who may wear a skintight Spiderman Costume

>> No.7040570

Thanks Anon-kun ;w; But I'm not even close to Aya con. Thanks for the kind offer though.

>> No.7040574

How will that help with the I'd issue.

>> No.7040577

Can you imagine if they did it for one idiot person who forgot? Everyone would want to get in without ID. Why can't she grasp that concept?

>> No.7040580


That Anon didn't mention an ID issue - I know there's places spare, so a badge migration may have been possible.


>> No.7040586

I'm clearly more important than any of the other 1000 attendees joining! The chairman should drop everything just for me! Moron.

>> No.7040603


If she does attend - I suggest people stay away from her

>> No.7040606

How come?

>> No.7040612


General air of self-entitlement and crazy. She's the type of lady whom if she doesn't get her way - you will suffer.

Facebook is a goldmine for this stuff though

>> No.7040616

"Charlie shut the fuck up. We have booked into the hotel and besides, how could we make a fucking u-turn on the motorway when from tibshelf services to the hotel, there were no turn offs!?" Wow, just wow.

>> No.7040617


As a man who drives an average of 7,000 miles a month in the UK; I call bullshit.

I know for a fact there are five minimum

>> No.7040619

Now she;s thinking of turning back and yet she posted 2 hours ago She could be back by now.

>> No.7040621

Can't wait for this one to explode tomorrow at registrations, silly little girl.

>> No.7040631
File: 80 KB, 694x713, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixyteriyaki part 2?

>> No.7040649

would anyone care for a Bourbon?

>> No.7040673


>> No.7041355


>> No.7041373


Funniest thing I've read in a while. Bloody moron that girl is.

>> No.7041396

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt beforehand because I knew she needed her mum as a carer, but the attitude she took towards everyone in the thread and her ignorance of the rules just makes me shake my head and pity her and her mum. I anticipate a shit storm at registration tomorrow...

>> No.7041399


aww man, it sucks to be that chubby and really want to do sentai.

I'd use it at a goal to eat more chicken and salad and go on a walk every afternoon.

Dropping 20lbs or so isn't hard when you make a few adjustments.

>> No.7041402

When I first started reading that post I felt really bad for the poor girl. I mean, imagine being in that situation! But as soon as she she started kicking off and being so rude to the people trying to help, the fucks I gave ran out.
Bourbon-con though. Or biscuitcon if you prefer. Glad I bought some malted milks now.

>> No.7041429


I have little sympathy for people who don't bring ID to cons when they've been told they need it to get in. I suppose I'm jaded on the matter. What little sympathy I did have went away as soon as she started acting up.

The bourbon thing though...I laughed as a friend of mine posted on FB asking why there were people running around handing out bourbons.

>> No.7041442

Gemu it was cupcakes, Aya is bourbons/biscuits. I think british cons are slowly becoming all about food.

>> No.7041574

I'm at ayacon right now. It's my first con and I'm here with one other person, it's only the precon but I'm pretty bored so far. Hope it picks up tomorrow.

>> No.7041675

Don't worry, tomorrow the cosplayers will come out and the panels will start.

>> No.7042486

I am so nervous about my cosplays! I'm sure everything will be fine but for some reason I'm just shitting it this time round, which doesn't usually happen.

Well, see you today everyone!

>> No.7042619

Thursday is always dull, my friends convinced me to go to my first con on the thursday and events didn't begin until 5pm Friday. I assume its fun if you have a load of 'con friends' to meet up with. It gets better, though!

>> No.7042680

Yes, get it into your heads. The con doesn't start until Friday. There are no con events on Thursday.

>> No.7043287

Not sure how to feel, I was actually entertained by an opening ceremony.

>> No.7043661

Is that not why you are here? Are you not entertained?

>> No.7046205

Either that orgy is happening somewhere in Arthur Vick or some Weaboos who've never been away from home with their parents before have gotten drunk. Or both I hear screaming and cheering all fucking night.

>> No.7046241

That feel when DJ Snap. Still not quite as good as Kitacon but close. Anyone here staying for the last night?

>> No.7047063

Hentai panel was more awkward than funny. Showed nothing but rape as if it was something to laugh at.

>> No.7047066

Lots of people ended up leaving. It started out funny, but it just turned really uncomfortable. The games weren't even that fun to watch.

>> No.7047071

I hope a new group hosts it next year

>> No.7048175

But.. Aya isn;t running next year

>> No.7048376

Had most fun playing ninja in my kilt this weekend and basicly having fun as deadpool :)

>> No.7049282

Or any other year for that matter! It really is over for good :(

>> No.7049288

So, whats the dirt.

Anyone get raped/laid/pregnant/humiliated?

>> No.7049342

Snap got humilated saturday night. All set up for K-pop, J-pop party and he gets pwned by a girl outside in the piazza on a mobility scooter with home-made speakers and an iPod.

>> No.7049345

Some dudes are adamant they filmed Ai-Honey being spitroasted. But somebody claims that at every con. There is no real dirt other than biscuitgate.

>> No.7049373

If by lots you mean like 1/20 aka people who were standing due to lack of seats and already by the door then sure.

It was pretty average as far as hentai panels go.

Also funfact, the hentai and yaoi panels both featured alcohol enemas with the recipient not dying.
Glass bottle in anus = huge no.
Copious amounts of alcohol in anus = good way to kill yourself fast.

>> No.7049431

Who was the girl Matt Mercer bought along? Is she famous over in LA?

>> No.7049465

I wanted to fucking bash Snap's skull in on Saturday and again around 11.30pm on Sunday for his shit music.

Calling bullshit. She's a horrible person but that seems hella vendettachan there sister. At least we didn't much skimpy shitbox cosplay this con, from anyone really.

>> No.7049466

*At least we didn't SEE much

>> No.7049468


Matt's GF

>> No.7049476

As above - she's Matt Mercer's girlfriend, but additionally she's worked on a lot of stuff - she's in that "Batgirl Spoiled" YouTube series and various other things. Her stories were really good at the Web Series panel; she would have made a great guest regardless of whether Matt Mercer was there.

>> No.7049489


The body of a sexy child.

>> No.7049491

Snap got punched after the party on Sunday for slapping a lass. Said lasses brother wasn't best amused. I have heard the story from at least 6 different witnesses. Made my weekend. Heard he actually cried like a bitch too. But that would need independant verification before i'm convinced.

Only thing that would have made my weekend even better is someone slashing the tires of zimmer frame azns mobility scooter. Cunt kept driving into people.

>> No.7049495

Didn't go but loving these stories! Anyone get banned?!

>> No.7049507

I don't think it was quite as simple as that. There was zero female slapping going on what so ever.

Don't you think that's a bit of an unjustified response to the said mobility scooter user?

>> No.7049515

DJ snap nearly killed the final aya, when con parties play songs people know and like they cant help but have a good time, when they play shit remixes of everything people leave, or push through anyway because its the last fucking night.

I get that some people like his shit, but can't we just have his set earlier in the night when other events are still running then play the crowd pleasing stuff when more people are looking to party at the end of the night

>> No.7049555

So. How is Snap?

Still a hair-to-his-arse goth lite? I've not spoken to him since about.. 2008

>> No.7049560

To be fair, the weather went to shit last weekend, anyone who was planning something skimpy probably decided to toss a cardigan on.

>> No.7049607

>cotton eye joe
>captain jack
>what is love

>> No.7049615

Was he doing an AMVHell set or something?

>> No.7049620

DJ Shenny and Snap both did a piss poor job. Digi out did them by a long shot.

>> No.7049633

DJ Snap has some shitty choices in music. I mean really, who the fuck wants bassed up shit-ass remixes of classic songs? For the love of god, play more cheese!

>> No.7049664


I wasn't keen on a lot of what DJ Snap played but instead of whining online how about someone puts themselves forward to DJ a other events instead.

How do you think any of the DJs got their first sets

>> No.7049685
File: 366 KB, 640x368, 1269473181478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting on steps
>See Fatkraken walking towards me wearing a skirt
>Huh, is something wrong with her legs? They look a bit odd
>She gets closer
>mfw I realise the oddness is in fact massive long leg hairs
>mfw she's parading around bearlegs for all to see

I know it's a pain in the ass to wax/shave all the time, but judging by the state of hers I don't think they've ever been trimmed. And showing them off can only be for attention. Is she rawr-feminism or just being an even bigger furry?

>> No.7049713

She's both, it's not an or situration.

>> No.7049753

Each to their own, it's her personal choice.

>> No.7049936

So are there any pictures? Who won the eurocosplay bit? Were there good cosplays?

>> No.7049996

>Were there good cosplays?
Severely lacking in quality. The ratio of bad to good was no better than your average Expo.

>> No.7050086

It was definitely more than that. There were a ton of empty seats by the time the nipple fisting started.

>> No.7050126

So bitter, Anon. I was impressed by a good few and thought general quality was pretty good.

>> No.7050140

Masquerade video


>> No.7050145

Quite a few people were gone by the second game after the scat and whatever else what going on in that shit. I left when I saw a whole bunch of other people leaving. The panel wasn't fun this time, it was just distasteful and the games were boring.

>> No.7050146

Can someone explain this "Bourbon" thing, I didn't even go, but shit was everywhere!

>> No.7050152

Posting pictures tomorrow. I didn't get many and I haven't seen them on a big screen yet.

>> No.7050227

It was a thing on the Facebook page. Some girl forgot her ID and posted like WHAT DO, so everyone told her to just turn back and get it. She started kicking off, swearing at everyone and demanding the number for a committee member. Eventually one guy suggested that she sit down and think things through rationally over a cup of tea and a bourbon. Shit escalated/went downhill from there.

>> No.7050544

i wasnt expecting an intelligent panel so i quite enjoyed it personally

the people running it really needed a whistle or a bell or something to get everyone to shut the fuck up
not like the chatting through the hentais and the yelling in disgust, that was good

just the 9 drunkest guys in the room who wouldnt stop shouting out dumb memes and bad jokes really put me off, because it wasn't their fucking panel

and i dont think anyone laughed at their jokes at all

and they were just dicks tbh

it wasnt a well run panel but it was p fun

was last years a bit better organised?

>> No.7050663

>dressed as shinji (badly, see previously in thread)
>ftm so terrified as fuck of public gents bathrooms
>spaghettily activate soap dispenser, shooting jet of foam at myself
>jump and yelp, get some on pants leg
>chorus of groaning and voice shouts 'SHINJI FOR FUCKS SAKE'

so what im saying is ayacon people are best people

>> No.7051226

I saw the thread in the group and have to admit it was one of the funniest things I read all week. Also, it made me think "Ladies and Gentlemen, British cons."

Anyone got any decent pics?

>> No.7051523

Best Aya?

>> No.7051525

Great time at aya - fun parties and fun people

Just wished that I could've had time chatting with Denmark; a solid chan poster.

Anybody know when jawa will be posting the pics online?

>> No.7051558
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130816_235112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later today. Have a picture of the ghetto DDR cabinet while you wait.

>> No.7051592

that was the funniest fucking thing i saw all weekend, bless you shinji ikari

>> No.7051598

It may look ghetto but that thing is legendary.

>> No.7051617
File: 96 KB, 960x635, Attack on Ayacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did everyone think of all the Shingeki cosplayers?

>> No.7051624

There were a lot, as expected. They all were cute and they all did in jokes and the moment I laughed hardest was looking over to find the Colossal Titan poking his head over the smallest wall in the universe.

It's a big fandom but for such a large group they were all so good.

>> No.7051641

Bit of a weird request, but does anyone have any photos of the games room?

>> No.7051677

The person who won Eurocosplay this time was the dude in the giant Space Marine - well deserved as he had remade and improved it from last year when he entered Amecon.

>> No.7051697

So did Sameface Hambeast K.Hook get her tits out per usual this year?

>> No.7051714

As expected someone got their kit off. AGAIN.

Pre-tease everyone was informed she worked as a stripper in Glasgow - This should have been our queue to leave.

>> No.7051720

It would have been a crime if anybody else won.

>> No.7051724

Did anyone else see the dude that was dressed in chain maille? Must've been pretty hot

>> No.7051755
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>> No.7051756
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>> No.7051759
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>> No.7051762
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>> No.7051764
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>> No.7051765
File: 2.58 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051767
File: 2.63 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051768
File: 2.89 MB, 2738x1825, Ayacon2013-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051769
File: 2.67 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051775
File: 2.60 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051778
File: 2.14 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051782
File: 2.07 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051786
File: 2.13 MB, 2738x1825, Ayacon2013-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious Nippon beer sold out after the first day.

>> No.7051789

Were there any lolitas there? Alas I couldn't make it but I'd love to see some cute co-ords. Or something itatastic to make me feel better about own co-ords would be good too.

>> No.7051791

Yesss pictures thank you

>> No.7051795
File: 2.43 MB, 1825x2738, Ayacon2013-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to.

>> No.7051803

fuck yeah jesus

>> No.7051806

I have a few shitty blury ones. Might upload them later.

>> No.7051810

Oh god why does she does this act at EVERY omake? She's not even good at burlesque! It just looks crass.

>> No.7051851

anybody get anymore of the shingeki and free cosplayers?

>> No.7051858

Anyone get any pictures of those two judges?

>> No.7051920


There's a lot of butthurt on the forum over it. Someone calls her a stripper and all the white knights jump out.

>> No.7051929


I thought she was absolutely awful. Completely unsexy and crazy awkward.

>> No.7051937

1:37:17 http://youtu.be/C2Xzy9vgnPE

>> No.7051944

I agree, she has been awful at every con she's performed at. Dita Von Teese she is not. She's either a crap stripper or the worlds worst burlesque performer. She can pick which she prefers since she seems adamant she's not a stripper! Judging from some of the tweets when she was on, people really do not like her.

>> No.7051945

my boner turned inside out

>> No.7051959

Personally I'd pay her to put her clothes back on.

>> No.7052163

Just so peeps know, the dude in >>7051697 wasn't talking about the stripper in SNL, but Kara Hook/Tif/Zelda/Whatever (although I do agree the stripper was awkward and I don't swing that way anyway)

As for Kara, I didn't actually see her in anything skimpy, but then I wasn't looking to bump into her, quite the opposite really.

>> No.7052180

HA exactly. No doubt the Tifa would of had tits hanging out i bet

>> No.7052183

Oh btw did anyone ever find out who that really cute Misty was?

Stunner she was as well

>> No.7052210

It was one of the few beers you could get away with drinking in the bar. They were selling Asahi for £2.50 per bottle in the bar, same size as those ones.

>> No.7052381

There was a cute Misty? Damn. Pics?

>> No.7052596

I just found Mark being all over (what is assume is) Matt's american girlfriend on the Sunday night really cringey.

>> No.7052598

I saw a pic of her Wallmarket Tifa a while ago, and yes her tits.

She also has this thing with pink blusher that really doesn't look good at all...

>> No.7052723

Any more pictures? I've mooched around the forum and facebook but more pictures are always good

>> No.7053866

I'm really not happy about the baby situation.

>Couple bring small child to con
>Someone complains about a child at a 18+ con
>Owner of child says he was allowed to as a favour
>Other parents complain that they were told children weren't allowed under any circumstances
>People complain of favouritism
>Get told con wouldn't have been able to be run, despite the guy's wife being there looking after the kid
>One guy blows up and says not allowing kids into adult cons will destroy the con scene

So there you go, con rules are entirely optional if you're a friend of the committee.

>> No.7053960

Thought it was the same guy as the one at Ame. Well done to him.

Which Mark?

Agreed. I hate it when someone who knows the committee gets away with something like that.

>> No.7054210

I thought the guy with the child was actually ON the committee?

>> No.7054243

New thread >>7054241

>> No.7054259

The one who presented SNL with Matt.