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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 279 KB, 1024x1546, just_another_notch__dangan_ronpa__by_nameoftheyear-d6dguev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7007397 No.7007397 [Reply] [Original]

The bitching and whiteknighting in the last thread was pure cancer, so I nuked it.

Let's try again. This time, let's put a focus on posting quality cosplays, helping each other out, and, if needed, giving helpful and constructive criticism, not bitchy, foaming-at-the-mouth teardowns. This fandom is shitty enough without the people in this thread at each others' throats.

I'll start by posting some stuff.

>> No.7007398
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x1906, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting these.

>> No.7007400
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1873, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007401
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>> No.7007403
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1827, tumblr_mqqnxsRnVH1rrep1ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007405
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>> No.7007411
File: 298 KB, 666x1000, tumblr_mlguionNN61qatksso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007412
File: 81 KB, 900x604, kirigiri_kyouko_by_nymstark-d6bv2wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007413
File: 549 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mq2942WfbB1qdvaiko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007424
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>> No.7007428
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>> No.7007432
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>> No.7007438
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>> No.7007440
File: 66 KB, 352x600, tumblr_mok9ix7bZo1qeoynjo2_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007443
File: 306 KB, 1024x1536, super_dangan_ronpa_cosplay__ibuki_by_bluekoifish-d6fucl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that she used dark blue instead of black for the base.

>> No.7007446
File: 828 KB, 960x720, for_the_ishimaru_pride_____by_impossiblypossible-d6fsyoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the photoshoot i didn't know i was waiting for

>> No.7007449
File: 1.02 MB, 615x820, can_t_you_guys_forgive_me__by_marionetterose-d6fbi6r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007453
File: 494 KB, 399x600, tumblr_mqkqcoyVoL1qkkp9ko1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007457
File: 748 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mqrdgs4kqU1qcognzo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Tsumiki is the only character where a wrinkly costume looks perfectly in character.

>> No.7007481
File: 909 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_mqcmlzcffN1r1yfkgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007515

Anybody got the reference pages from last thread?

I wanted some of those but when I went to save the thread 404'd

>> No.7007520


Name your character and I'll post them.

>> No.7007532
File: 507 KB, 1200x1651, 1375184998829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007535
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>> No.7007533
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>> No.7007536
File: 490 KB, 1200x1651, 1375064012392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007541
File: 480 KB, 1200x1651, 1375187300405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's all the ones i saved from the last thread, though i know at least sonia was posted too

>> No.7007545
File: 682 KB, 1200x1651, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have Sonia saved, but here you go!

>> No.7007560

Thank you anons for posting those!

so glad there's more reference out there!

>> No.7007595

>>7007520 think you could post nidais ref?

>> No.7007610
File: 183 KB, 512x512, char_nidai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007616

I didn't get a chance to properly thank the anons in the last thread for feeback for my Junko wig choices from ebay (was going to now but yeah new thread), but I really appreciated it!

>> No.7007634

Hey yo, I was the one posting references in the last thread. I finally got off my ass and compressed them into a zip and I'm uploading them now so I'll post a link to that when its done.
The zip file contains both art books (SDR2's book is like twice as long as DR )

>> No.7007656

Thanks, I'm planning to do Ibuki and was wondering about the best way to do her wig. Does anyone know a good store for buying wefts in a large volume, preferably with a large color variety?

Also, does anyone have an idea of how to do the piercings on her ear? I was thinking of attaching the spikes to a strip of plastic or cardboard, attaching that to the back of my ear with a wire, and then just sticking some 'bases' to the visible side of my ear with some spirit gum. Does this sound feasible?

>> No.7007676
File: 324 KB, 1200x1708, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here you go.
Includes both books. SDR2's books actually has about 5 or so pages on each character, including their character art, references sheet, game sprite, and another weird page that breaks down certain points of their appearance but its all in Japanese and fuck if I can read it that well

>> No.7007740


Thank you, kind anon.

I'm already liking this thread so much more than the last one. Crossing my fingers nobody fucks it up. It'd be great if the DR thread was always like this.

>> No.7007741

what happened in the last one anyway? I was only around until a bit after I posted my kimono progress.

>> No.7007744

Pretty decent Souda, and the Chiaki in the background is very cute.

>> No.7007749

You don't want to know, let's put it behind us. Repost your progress or whatever.

>> No.7007750


People in the thread were being shitty and nitpicky and whiteknighty as usual, so I deleted it. This is why we can't have nice things, etc. Won't hesitate to do it again in this thread if it becomes cancerous too.

>> No.7007752


References seem to be a thing in this thread so I thought I'd share that the Chiaki there wrote a FAQ for that costume (and her Kirigiri one too) that seems pretty helpful.


>> No.7007758


Arda for the wefts, maybe?

As for the earring, even with spirit gum I'd be worried about the wig knocking it right off your ear. Do they make the magnetic or spring loaded fake piercings in the right shape for her?

>> No.7007761
File: 44 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I reeeeeally love how she did her Kirigiri wig. I want to try something like this too but I'd be scared of fucking up.

>> No.7007776
File: 243 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mqsmqkSYp71qkiqkzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you delete a thread?

I would usually take this suggestion and gladly repost my progress but I want to hold myself back so I can be more annoying later on with future progress posts.

>> No.7007781


Same way as you would delete a reply. If you're the OP of a thread you can always delete it. I was the OP of the last thread, so I was able to delete it. It got unbearably shitty and so I figured we should start from scratch.

>> No.7007790
File: 1.50 MB, 1060x1600, just_a_literary_girl__dangan_ronpa__by_nameoftheyear-d6dgwrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I request some good Touko cosplays?

>> No.7007793

Is there a link to the set? I'd like to see more pictures of her Touko.

>> No.7008350

im laughing that face is so airbrushed and shopped it looks bad

>> No.7008406

Thank you so much. It was painful and sad to read all of the meanness from the last thread.

Even the captcha agrees: was awfulto

>> No.7008413

Here's hoping!

>> No.7008423

Can any of you recommend some DR/SDR2 cosplayers to follow on tumblr? None of that HSG chart shit, I just want to follow some nice, sane, and decent cosplayers in this fandom.

>> No.7008448
File: 257 KB, 930x1280, 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonianon here.

I downloaded the reference and I'm still trying to figure out what the HECK is on the bottom of her neck ribbon! There's obviously something on the right (our right) ribbon tail, but I'm not sure which of the designs it is!

>> No.7008451
File: 485 KB, 1200x1651, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure whether both the emblem on the dress and the socks is the crest and that "INUTEROHS" design goes on the ribbon (ha, In Utero, more Nirvana), or whether it's some other combination.

Does anybody know what the kanji on that "INUTEROHS" design says? I really want to put the right designs on the right place on this costume!

>> No.7008453
File: 192 KB, 480x272, event_174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon from the last thread who was helping you examine the logos here. I think that would be the INUTEROHS thing!

>> No.7008461

Thank you!

I managed to use some OCR software to figure out that it's labelled as being "校章", school badge according to Google Translate, whereas the crest is "emblem"... Now I'm second-guessing EVERYTHING, because that text makes the most sense as "In Utero High School" but where DOES it go...

This is driving me up a wall! And I still can't figure out what the fuck is on her ribbon.

>> No.7008468
File: 325 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_mqnbpdjKvc1qerjifo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are a bunch of cosplayers with varying skill levels, but all are at least decent. Alphabetized it, because why not.


I'm sure I can think of more if you want.

>> No.7008469


I think in the In Utero High School thing goes on her ribbon- it has the same shape as the image I posted in >>7008453.

>> No.7008475

Oh, perfect!

That'd make the most sense, especially since the sock seems to be the same shape as the crest on the dress itself.


>> No.7008494

Seriously now, the first full translation patch for the first game is just out for a few weeks and now everybody is focusing on the second game that is far from being translated? Are these people trying so hard to be first?

>> No.7008501


for me, it's not trying to be first, it's that i like the second game a LOT more. i honestly didn't enjoy the first DR that much, but the second game's plot and characters held huge appeal for me.

>> No.7008517

Okay, I might have been a little upset.
I just think it's strange how everything I saw was DR cosplay some months ago, but since I actually played the game (I didn't want to read through it), all I see are DR2 cosplays, like everybody left the game as soon as it was accessible for "casuals".
That being said, does the second game in any way relate to the big relevations at the end of the first game?

>> No.7008531


i started cosplaying from sdr2 in april, but i see your point.

if you haven't read the second game yet, i suggest that you suspend your judgement for now before you do. i don't want to spoil you, but all i can say is that there are many connections to the ending of the first game, and the second game holds a lot of twists and turns and reveals a lot about the state of the world the characters live in. it's very well-written, and i imagine it's been gaining traction from cosplayers because a full translation is now available in various sources (orenronen's, kuzuhiko's, and birdmanronpa's)- plus the designs are a lot of fun on top of the characters being very compelling.

hope that clears it up. maybe for some people it's about being 'first', but for me, personally (and for many others, i'm sure), it's about genuinely favoring the second game over the first.

>> No.7008568

Sonianon from upthread here. I really did also fall in love with the 2 characters. I'm also working on Celes from 1, but that's going to be a much trickier and more expensive project. So obviously even though I'm doing both concurrently, I'm going to finish Sonia first...

>> No.7008636
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 569098765367890-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make asahina's hair clip? I have already used a normal white hair clip and I didn't like how it turned out.

>> No.7008641
File: 321 KB, 419x569, tumblr_inline_mq1lhtpIt41qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey! >>7008453/>>7008469 anon here again! Look what I found!

>> No.7008716
File: 771 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mqt5qranqR1r3zn81o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7008721
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>> No.7008723
File: 788 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mqt4hyqFuO1r3zn81o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7008737

Yesssssssss you're awesome!!! Thank you!

>> No.7008745

Wigs decent colour but I think the bangs are pretty shitty and it could use more flips in total.

I hate her face though. Maybe will be better when she finishes or at a different angle.

>> No.7008750

That's not too bad but I wish she didn't pull up her skirt like that. Ruins the image of the pleats.

>> No.7008754


but... that's what happens when you pull up a pleated skirt. they come free from the accordion shape.

>> No.7008761

I think Cifera had a little tutorial? Basically you get a clip on pony, and then flip the clip upside down so the wefts go up, the gingerly spray and gel/wax.

>> No.7008767

That's my point. I know that's what happens when you pull up a pleated skirt like that, which is why I wish she didn't do it, and instead grabbed at the hem and held it up or something just different that what she did.

>> No.7008833

I think they meant the paper clip looking thing in her hair?

>> No.7008892

Oh hey, that's me! It's actually my first time cutting bangs, and yeah, that picture is not the best angle to show the wig so you can't see any of the flips at all.

They've actually deflated overnight, so I was thinking of maybe cutting the top layers shorter and recurling it all with smaller curlers, do you think that would make it flippier?

Also, any advice for the bangs would be great!

>> No.7008904


different anon here but put a few layers into the top, but don't take any length off. use curlers on the bottom and use hot water poured over them. wait for it to completely dry then take them off- it should give you the look you want.

as for the bangs, they unfortunately look pretty short... trying to fix them might make them too short to cover your forehead. maybe see if you can razor them a tiny bit so they're not so blunt? it looks like you just chopped straight across right now.

>> No.7008922

ceres and cifera are my personal favourites so far, they've both pulled off several characters well.

>> No.7008955

Alright, thanks so much! I used the straightener-curler-blow dryer method before, but I think hot water might work better.

And yeah, I'll fix the bangs too. Thanks for your advice! I'll post another picture when I'm done.

>> No.7008953


also a different anon, but pretty much seconding what >>7008904 said about the extra layers and curlers.

i don't think the bangs are too short yet, so razoring the tips to make them look more natural shouldn't hurt anything and would look a lot better.

i think you're off to a pretty good start and could look really good as her if you get these things fixed!

>> No.7008970

Wow you're right.

That's a tough but try maybe metal, craft foam, or poster board cut in that shape then glued to a dark bobby pin. I think poster board might be the best material though? Just thinking out loud here.

>> No.7008973

Honestly I think the bangs are so short you kinda botched it and there's nothing you can do. Look up tutorials next time before you starting cutting and for the love of all that is good cosplay do NOT cut straight horizontally across.

>> No.7008997

Actually you can cut horizontally across then trim up into them after(makes a bunch of tiny hairs but tends to be far more accurate)

>> No.7009005

Every hair cutting tutorial I have ever read in my years of cosplaying disagrees with you completely.

The only time I would suggest cutting horizontally is if you're taking off a shitton of hair (like 4+ inches) and you're still cutting an inch below target length.

>> No.7009046

If you leave the bottom weft of bangs as as and razor the top layers a tiny bit it should fix it a bit.

>> No.7009057

I'm a hair stylist and that's how they teach you. Cut off the bulk of the length minus about half an inch and either razor or vertical cut into the remainder. Not only makes for a more even cut but it saves a lot of time.

>> No.7009070

Agreeing with this, you need a lot of room to work if you're going to cut vertically into hair or a wig, otherwise it will almost certainly come out too short.

But Nanami anon can still make the wig a bit better by only cutting or razoring the top layers very carefully

>> No.7009091
File: 478 KB, 700x818, 0125_22B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, anons. I, too, am working on a Sonia cosplay, and I'm wondering your opinion on this shade of blonde for her wig? (I'd be buying two and combining them into the appropriate style, so just look at the color.)

The thing is, I have skin that's slightly yellow-toned, so many blonde shades look completely horrible on me, but I know that this neutral, milky kind of shade is really flattering on my skin. Would this be alright for Sonia, though?

>> No.7009094
File: 177 KB, 774x1032, metrocon_2013___37_by_hikikomori_desu-d6g09em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any tips on cosplaying akane without it looking completely mediocre? I'm getting pretty discouraged looking at cosplays of her.

>> No.7009096
File: 75 KB, 225x350, 185541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same anon. It seems to be a similar shade in some of the official art too.

>> No.7009113

It looks a little dark, but I think it's fine.

>> No.7009120

I'd look for something that's more golden and less ever so slightly peachblonde toned, to me this looks like more of a combination of junko and nanamis colours than sonias.
but something close would be nice.

>> No.7009123
File: 303 KB, 720x960, 20130731_165445_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion it's always better to get a blonde that suits your skin tone over being 100% colour accurate! But that one looks pretty good, so go for it!

Also, I trimmed the bangs and I put the wig on properly this time. I was super scared that I cut it too short, but now that I put my hair into proper braids under the wig cap and shit it actually looks okay...?

Thanks for the help, though! I really appreciate it, haha. Now to work on the flips!

>> No.7009126

this is still bad.

>> No.7009132


it's still too blunt, anon. it looks like the kind of haircuts given to barbie dolls. not a flattering look on real people. it's great that you're trying to fix it, though. try to feather it a little more?

>> No.7009143
File: 57 KB, 480x640, sdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, should I go with making the eyebrows look like Kiyotaka's anime eyebrows, or would that be stupid/too cartoony? Should I just make them thicker?

>> No.7009145

one more quick tip for doing the flips; hairspray the fuck out of it when it's dry and still in the rollers then dry the hairspray with the warmest blowdry setting your wig can take, it'll help the fibres stay in place.
i did it when i was at my wits end with my terezi wig and after that it survived horrible wind and also being shoved into a bag on the way back from the con

>> No.7009150


it is really, really weird to see certain characters referred to by their first names. i completely blanked on who 'kiyotaka' was even supposed to be.

sage because no contribution.

>> No.7009154

>sage because no contribution.
>helping each other out, and, if needed, giving helpful and constructive criticism

>> No.7009160


what point are you even trying to make

>> No.7009172

I have a feeling this was meant to be bitchy but I can't even figure out what you're trying to be bitchy about.

>> No.7009179

wrong quote maybe?

>> No.7009243

they saged because their comment wasn't contributing to the point of the thread, not because the thread isn't contributing anything to dr cosplay... i'm not sure you know how sage etiquette works.

>> No.7009287

Yeah you definitely need to feather them more. I've fucked my bangs over before and made them too short, but if you don't mind wearing the wig farther down on your forehead you can fix it.

>> No.7009321
File: 159 KB, 720x960, 20130731_180103_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feathered it a lot more, and yeah, it's starting to look a lot more natural. I'm on the fence about feathering it even more, because I don't want to go overboard... should I?

>> No.7009432
File: 595 KB, 1280x852, tumblr_mqqjsu1V501soc2y6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7009434

I don't think there's much you can do to stand out as Owari, unless you get a very good pushup bra and an AWESOME wig.

>> No.7009448

Hey, they look really nice now! I'm always so nervous cutting blunt bangs. >:

>> No.7009452

I think the eyebrows are a bit part of the look, so I definitely suggest looking up a bunch of anime make up tutorials and doing a bunch of test runs for how to cover and recreate your eyebrows properly.

>> No.7009467
File: 170 KB, 1280x852, tumblr_mqbyeh0uEO1soc2y6o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly jealous of the location they got to use.

Also wow Cifera's contacts look great in that photo. Do you think it was enhanced in photoshop or just the lighting?

>> No.7009468
File: 367 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mqrr5za9eU1sxarhko5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7009509
File: 882 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mq0j5ddt141qcypzno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7009525
File: 663 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_mq48zpxh691r1yfkgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7009528
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mn2malJXHe1qcs6jdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7009545


>> No.7009559

here's some more:

>> No.7009575

Honestly, it might be because many people have already read the first game, or played it by now, and are currently reading or playing the second game now, so it might be fresher in their minds. I don't think people have dropped it because they no longer like it, though that may be the case for some, but I'd like to think that the majority is not included.

>> No.7009595

Seconding or thirding about razoring the bangs to make them less blunt, however, it's understandable if you don't have one or access to one, so another technique would be cutting them with scissors held so you're cutting up into the bangs rather than across them (parallel instead of perpendicular). This shouldn't take off too much length, but it will make the edge softer and much less harsh if you cut all along the fringe.

>> No.7009610

From what I understand, the majority of people simply just prefer SDR2 over DR. I think part of it might be the continued storyline, but most of it seems to be more interest in the characters development and personalities. I've been told by many friends they actually felt emotional with the SDR2 executions, while simply just, amused I guess (or just unaffected), with the DR1 executions.

I'm still working on SDR2, and while at first the characters some like caricatures, I can see the appeal.

It is also substantially longer. Update #50 for DR1 is in chapter 3, while update #50 in SDR2 was pre-trial in chapter 2.

And for those wondering - here's the supposedly orenronen approved mirror http://danganronpa2mirror.tumblr.com/post/55272140983/sdr2-mirror-translation-by-orenronen-and-fedule

Sage for not cosplay related.

>> No.7009624

Now that's more like it! They look way better now. Good job!

>> No.7009642

chiakies is a very cute junko cosplayer

>> No.7009643

She looks like Kari from Mythbusters. It's really odd.

>> No.7009679
File: 296 KB, 667x1279, tumblr_mnr7elr2sd1r9ropno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys! i just wanted to ask some stuff for my aoi cosplay.
first, are my shoes.. okay? they're honestly not as bright as the picture makes it seems, and i wanted to make sure they were close to canon as i could get.
also, i've looked at the aoi reference sheet and noticed that her hair clip is.. quite literally a paper clip, so would covering that in a kind of a better material (maybe a thin layer of clay) be okay?
i still have a few things i'm fixing, like my shorts & jacekt. i'm using a completely different jacket (this was just so i could get the overall look/feel), and also making the pants a little bit tighter, cause they're super loose.

>> No.7009696

your shoes look pretty good! thank you for not just wearing a random pair of tennis shoes. if you can, i'd recommend trying to add the dark detailing around the back of the shoe and the yellow along the front/sides. her shoes are fairly bright so i wouldn't worry too much about that!

the hairclip is kind of weird because more of the 'paper clip' portion shows than it would if you actually used a paper clip, if that makes any sense? if you're going to cover a paper clip with clay, you might as well just get some wire and make the base shape yourself, it'll be easier to get the exact design and size you want.

i'd also suggest trimming or pinning back the side pieces of your wig! they look pretty long and thick and asahina's are actually pretty small.

>> No.7009702

whoops, i was looking at the wrong thing for the hairclip. i guess it does go into her hair just like a paper clip would, so if you can find one big enough that might be worth a try - i'd cover the hidden part with less clay so that it doesn't get bulky. the one thing i'd be concerned about is making sure you're able to secure it into your wig and it won't fall out, so have a plan for that.

>> No.7009727

okay!! thank you. also, i actually trimmed the sides yesterday (this photos a good month old oops haha) and they look a lot better! and i'll try and see what i'll do about her hair clip, thanks!

>> No.7009741
File: 773 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mqovrwAQMS1qiph5zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7009749

Oh man thank you! I've been looking everywhere for a good reference sheet.

>> No.7009766
File: 112 KB, 643x960, 533895_483419748392292_177755100_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to go to her cosplay page for this photo.

Cute, maybe. But I definitely don't consider her worth mentioning.

>> No.7009791

Her nails are pretty much the only accurate part...

>> No.7009823

I would really appreciate it if you guys could maybe help me find a good Sonia wig? I'm not sure if it's a ponytail or what. And I don't wanna do dark blonde but I don't want to have it platinum. :(

>> No.7009826


Wow, you are lazy.

>> No.7009842

maybe she is

>> No.7009903

they sell sonia wigs on ebay you shit wad look up sonia wig

>> No.7009906

this is embarrassing

>> No.7009909

if you want a good Sonia wig, you're going to have to be pretty good at styling and do it yourself. It'll probably take at least two wigs.

Personally I don't think it's a ponytail; I think it's a braided crown Dutch braid that splits at the same place as the part in her bangs. Of course, doing this on a wig is not very easy and will require tons of extra extensions or an entire extra wig.

There's premade wigs but it'd be a lot more accurate if you just make it yourself.

>> No.7009916

i think this junko could do better but that expression just gets me everytime.

>> No.7009967


I don't think that Komaeda did a single piece of their costume correctly. Not even the pants, because they've got no skull-on-a-chain

>> No.7009997

Those sandals are making me cringe.

>> No.7009998

nice flip flops

>> No.7010057


Everyone looks so squat and chubby...
The Togami might be decent, but he's so far back I can't see him.

>> No.7010064

i like this wig colour

>> No.7010081

The Asahina and Celestia aren't too bad. I really can't say much for the others.

>> No.7010102

It looks like it might just be the angle of the photo, I think they lined up by height

>> No.7010341

But the full translation has been around for quite some time. I read pretty much the entire thing back in early May before the paywall went up and finished off the last few updates after the free archive was released.
As for cosplaying the second game, I'm not sure if you're talking about in general or this thread, but at least in my area, cons are still filled with 75% of the DR cosplays being from the first game.

>> No.7010374
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Styled the bangs a bit, and completely recurled the wig to make the flips. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have right now, but something still seems kind of off to me. I've been staring at this for the past 5 hours, is there anything else that I can improve on?

>> No.7010376
File: 1.12 MB, 1836x2448, 20130801_034040_resized_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture of just the wig.

>> No.7010378

I got through the LP of the first game at the beginning of the year and the available translations and summaries of the second in something like early March, and the first time I was actually motivated to work on a cosplay from the series was after the second one. I prefer the plot and setting of the first game, but a lot of the characters in the second game are more fleshed out and sympathetic than most of the ones in the first, and I think it's understandable that a lot of fans would rather cosplay these new characters who they've quickly become more attached to.

Aside from that, on a visual level, the second game has a lot of character designs that could be considered more interesting and more appealing than the first (they're a lot more colorful, too), and I think it's natural to want to wear something that you really like the look of.

That said, I think I still see more Fukawas, Asahinas, and Junkos than anything.

>> No.7010380

It looks to me like it still isn't curled enough.

>> No.7010384
File: 156 KB, 500x440, 1373308663916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute, but I don't think she's a good Junko cosplayer.

>> No.7010390

i was looking through acp event posts on facebook and someone was trying to push this girl's junko as the best they'd seen in a dr post from earlier in the month too. if your friends are going to keep mentioning you as a great junko everywhere, you should probably make sure you actually have a good costume first. it's kind of embarrassing.

>> No.7010435
File: 110 KB, 480x272, 036-nanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I'm having trouble finding pink lenses for Chiaki, could anyone suggest any? I'm super picky (sorry) and can't seem to find circle lenses that are pale pink, have no dark limbal ring and will show up well on light eyes. Right now I'm just considering i.fairy super crystal pink because I love that series

>> No.7010446

Max Pure or New Adult might work? They'd be really subtle, but I think that would work for her. I love Super Crystal Pink, but they're kind of oversaturated for Chiaki.

>> No.7010455
File: 57 KB, 459x740, ecbddf9659b1312cec4a39022512192e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010454
File: 978 KB, 480x270, 1371959770444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a pretty thin limbal ring, but maybe this will do. I think it will work better if you have lighter eyes though.

>> No.7010467

Oh, I think this would look nice too.

>> No.7010508

Hey guys while we're (kinda) on the topic of lenses, I'm looking for regular Pekoyama red lenses but since this is my first time using contacts for cosplay I don't know whats good and what's cheap. Are there any recommended sites or styles?

>> No.7010519

I used Dolly+ red for her, they're nice and opaque and comfortable for me. They have a slightly bigger pupil hole so I thought they'd look bad on my light eyes, but they actually look fine unless you're up in my face with a flash.

>> No.7010520

And pinkyparadise and honeycolor are both good sites I've used. honeycolor had some shipping issues for a while but they seem to be running smoothly now, and I've actually been getting my lenses more quickly from them than from pinkyparadise lately. they have a smaller selection, though.

>> No.7010536

thanks for the suggestions! I think I'll go with the ice pink. The thin limbal ring and seems to suit the art style

>> No.7010686

It needs to flip up more, right now it's just sticking out.
As I said earlier up the thread if you're using rollers spray it to death around the roller and then hairdry set the spray and it'll flip up properly and should hold, you need to wrap twice the amount of hair you think should be around the roller to get it to do it right.

>> No.7010692

If you want to go a bit cheaper than Dolly+ though they are gorgeous contacts these are pretty nice too https://www.pinkyparadise.com/Geo-Super-Size-Nudy-Red-p/wch628.htm

>> No.7010730

Those aren't a good idea unless you have DARK brown eyes.

Super Pinky Red looks a lot like Dangan Ronpa art style and works on almost all eye colors.

>> No.7010734

How opaque are they? I've heard of people having trouble with the various nudy series showing up well.

>> No.7010739

Super Pinky lenses are personally unwearably painful for me, I think they're a little more hit or miss for people than some other lenses are. They look great when people can wear them, though.

>> No.7010958

I definitely suggest checking out honeycolor. They're reliable, fairly cheap, and have a nice selection.

The red lenses I have are iFairy Ruby Red (ruby being the style) and I love them to pieces. 10/10 would definitely recommend.

>> No.7011405

Yeah, that's probably it. I'm going to use narrower curlers and recurl the top layers, I think the bottom layers are fine. Thanks!

>> No.7011729

I know you're worried that your bangs might be too short, but whether it's accurate for the character or not, the bangs in your wig suit your face very well. You might consider curling the bangs under to get a bit more foof when you're curling the rest of the wig too? Not too much, but just to add a little more shape. Best wishes, and it's been really neat to see your progress.

>> No.7011774

I'm going to cosplay Sonia, and I just got some fabric sample is the mail. The fabrics good, I just don't know what color to pick. One is REALLY green, but might work if I give it a navy dye wash. The other is pretty dark, but is the perfect color when the light hits it but still might be too dark? Help?

>> No.7011792

Can you post some comparison pictures of them in different lights?

>> No.7012073

Imo I think the darker one would be better? Makes more sense and she's sometimes drawn in fan art with darker.

>> No.7012171

i don't actually know the girl, i just thought she was cute.

>> No.7012271
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is gonna be as good as it's going to get for now, haha. The con is a week away and I still have to do a few things, so if there are any other suggestions for improvement I'm open to hear them, but I'll probably wait until the next time I wear it to fix it! Thanks for all of the help, everyone!

>> No.7012445

It looks good now! I hope you have a good time at the con.

>> No.7012522

What I did for the wefts is buy a wig in white, take it apart, and sharpie some of it. For the spikes, you can find ear cuffs on ebay!

>> No.7012785

I think it looks good too! Great work, and good job at taking everyone's criticism whether it was harsh or helpful or both. I hope you have a good time at the con as well!

>> No.7012896


Are you not cosplaying Hiyoko any more? If you had this much trouble with Chiaki's hair, how she you faring with Hiyoko's?

>> No.7012919

the hiyoko is someone else

>> No.7013211
File: 579 KB, 720x1280, PhotoGrid_1375486937719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could find the lighter one (I think it might have gotten thrown out), bit here some pics of the darker one. Please pardon the lint on it.

>> No.7013218

this looks black

>> No.7013220

It looks a little too dark. I say go for the lighter one because you can at least dye that to the color you want.

>> No.7013222

Yeah, I think the lighter one would probably be safer.

>> No.7013233

That's what I was afraid of. I mean, next to black, it definitely looks greener, but it's not like Sonia has any black other than her bow and stockings.

>> No.7013236

These look quite dark. Unless the lighter one is REALLY off, I think go with the lighter one.

>> No.7013531

Any advice/recommendations for a Pekoyama wig?
The only "ponytail" wig I've ever worked with is Arda's Jeannie; I originally thought of just getting a base and two ponytail clips for Pekoyama from Arda, but looking at it now, they look huge for her smaller braids.

>> No.7013540

Why not get a Chibi and sew in wefts? Then the part and braids would look more natural

>> No.7013542


Her braids aren't small, though. They're very thick, unrealistically so. Pretty much all of the non-clip on Pekoyama wigs I've seen have never been thick enough.

>> No.7013546

What colour is Pekoyama's top? I have a really hard time differentiating similar colours and I can't tell if it's black or navy blue.

>> No.7013556


It's a deep teal. What I did was buy cotton sateen in navy blue, then I dyed it with a wash of black and alpine green. It turned out pretty much the perfect color, though it does photograph black sometimes.

>> No.7013570

That sounds great, do you have pics?

>> No.7013624

Okay, as an Asahina cosplayer it drives me NUTS when I see people who did their wig like this. I'm sorry, but it 99% of the time looks horrible. For my wig I just pulled the fibers back into a ponytail, used some foamcore to anchor her stupid ahoge ponytail and kept it in place with some floral wire, and then wrapped the fiber around it using got2b spray and gel. It really isn't that hard.

>> No.7013628

For her clip I'd honestly suggest using craftfoam and glueing it onto a barrette. Paper clips look stupid.

>> No.7013631

Picture of your wig then?

>> No.7013637
File: 230 KB, 700x517, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure! Here's a picture of it next to a cotton sateen that's 'true' black. Black fabric on left, my Pekoyama fabric on right. Taken with flash.

>> No.7013645


I should clarify that without flash it looks several shades darker, but the flash helps show the specific hue and the differentiation between actual black fabric.

>> No.7013801


guys, what color would you say her eyes are? i'm going crazy trying to find a good pair of lenses.

>> No.7013809


>> No.7013825


for a moment i was gonna say 'you forgot your actual sage' but then i realized that you actually answered my question. i was also thinking it was a grey-green-- thank you!

>> No.7013992
File: 793 KB, 1000x1504, b97b4039f59223d4ddcb5bbb1f04a880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously mistook this for JNig at first.

>> No.7013999

All I really want in life is a good cosplay of Chihiro that is actually a guy.

>> No.7014008

Unfortunately the Chibi doesn't come in grey or light grey.. Is it possible to dye a white wig grey? I've been finding mixed answers about it.

Arda's clip-ons are pretty thick though, I'm just scared that it'll look like braided "Miku-like" ponytails. Are ebay clip-on wigs any different?

And I'm sorry with all my questions, I really do appreciate and thank you for the advice, anons!

>> No.7014019
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mqthdwnB731r5wbb5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, me too. I like the fit of the top, but not the tartan. Are there any non-Asian Junkos that have done gyaru makeup well?

I remember there being some discussion about skirt pleat direction previously, could someone remind me which have theirs going outwards? And if anyone has those references from the anime, are there any that are different?

>> No.7014023

there's some stuff that needs tweaking but I think that might be the first Chihiro I've ever seen to get the skirt shape right.

seriously if they just hiked the skirt further up their torso and then had a less oversize shirt and jacket, fixed the wig a tiny bit, and added some fake lashes, it'd go from pretty good to WOW.

A lot of these designs have really weird proportioning and I think that's where a lot of the fanbase is falling short. Proportioning to your body correctly for the proper character silhouette is something I'd class as an advanced skill, and a lot of the newbie cosplayers don't get that. And if you're using bought costumes, it's even harder.

>> No.7014028
File: 2.41 MB, 317x501, 1324768795446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like this Junko.
>Great choice of color for the wig
>the top fits her well
>great fabric choice for the top as well
>make up fits in pretty well with the character and such

My only real complaint is the extra accessories, the little bears, the skit pattern and the fact that her wig isn't teased enough.

>> No.7014043

Did you see this article that Arda put up recently?


All these swatches were dyed from pure white. I'm thinking this might also be the answer to several other characters with borderline impossible colors, like Junko or Komaeda or Chiaki or that weird brown-purple for Fukawa.

>> No.7014063

I really like this Chihiro. They need to style their wig better, though.

>> No.7014067
File: 41 KB, 640x960, chihiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pretty good Chihiro. I just wish that their jacket didn't balloon up at the edge and sat flat against their chest instead.

>> No.7014074
File: 267 KB, 500x375, beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to cosplay yamada but youre a tiny little gril

>> No.7014104

do a fem version, I'd love to see that done well

>> No.7014112

I don't really like the colors of everything. The fabric colors are all a bit too dark.

>> No.7014127

I thought I recognized this cosplayer, this is tumblr user solluxcaptor

>> No.7014235


Honestly, they aren't bad, but holy shit, can anyone get Chihiro's wig right, my girlfriend is putting together a Chihiro cosplay now and I swear to the bodacious gods that no one can get his hair right.

>captcha : meme

>> No.7014237

an aoi cosplayer that is fucking good, what a miracle.

>> No.7014240


Push up bra is definitely key, as well is having the accurate skin tone as hers... Another thing I oddly don't see for Owari cosplayers is her proper eyeliner, like she has a specific styling of it.

Also, hit the gyms, son. If you want to look like Owari, then you got to play the part. Know what I'm saying?

Also, key point is styling your wig, keep plenty of references images and have the right hairspray around. Hairspray is the motherfuckin' key.

Good luck.

>> No.7014245

I dyed a white Chibi for my Peko wig, but I had to use FW ink in a spray solution; I've never been able to get Rit dye to make more than a subtle tint on any of their wigs despite following the same steps they have in their tutorial, and only got it to a really pale bluish silver with Pearl Grey Rit.

It really isn't enough hair for her big and really high braids though in my opinion, and after not really liking how it looked at the last con I wore her to and not being able to add the wefts I'd dyed in a way that seemed right, I'm getting some ponytail clips after all and will try to get them to match.

>> No.7014562

If we're talking about wigs...

I'm working on Celes and I'm an EXTREMELY pale white girl. Super crayon black tends to look terribad on me. I was thinking of using Arda for the base... Do you guys think using Natural Black would still work, especially since the anime art has her hair slightly lighter than her clothes? Or should I suck it up and use enough makeup on my face to make it work with the traditional black wig fiber?

>> No.7014600

is that potato rose

>> No.7014604

just use black. Celestia is extremely pale, almost white, so why are you complaining that should be good.

>> No.7014605

I think this is the best Junko I've seen, aside from the unstyled wig and the ring
But DAAAAAANG someone finally got the makeup right, even the nude/light pink lipcolor.

>> No.7014625

do you think this is a good wig to style for owari?? honestly i have to keep my cosplays pretty cheap/simple this year, and i'd probably only do this cosplay once.

>> No.7014627
File: 833 KB, 1416x1000, $(KGrHqEOKpIFGLoI3c9BBRq3KqfG3Q~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my image

>> No.7014643


I don't get why I keep seeing people rec the chibi for her. It's not long enough, it's not thick enough, and it doesn't come in the right colour. Instead of having to heavily modify a wig that isn't even flattering to most face shapes in the first place, why not start with something else entirely? I don't get it. I like styling wigs as much as the next person, but you'd be starting with something that isn't even right for the character in the first place. The chibi would be a hood base wig for Hiyoko if stubbed properly. That's pretty much it.

>> No.7014645

no, her hair is longer.

>> No.7014656
File: 49 KB, 541x960, 100 cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hell of a time with hiyoko's hair! I actually have four blonde wigs at my disposal, in case something goes wrong.

Right now I'm working on the obi and painting the cats on the obi.

>> No.7014659

Though in my opinion she looks so much better when she's not wearing her Rose wig, it's the bangs, they just don't flatter her at all.

>> No.7014674

I have a small head and the mannequin neck looks really long though???

>> No.7014676
File: 284 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mnoyjuz6WO1qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with whatever flatters you best.

>> No.7014679

mannequins are usually always on the smaller side. since her hair does stick out,I'd think that you would need a longer wig than shown so you can style it to stick out and it falls to the desired length

>> No.7014715

How would one go about making a mouth/tongue piece like that? Something that I could put on for pictures and just stuff in a bag.

I was thinking latex or silicon would be a good but having to make a mold and cast it seems like a lot of effort for small mouth piece.

>> No.7014731

What do you suggest starting with then? I wanted a good looking back part and full bangs that wouldn't look weird with the rest of the hair pulled back, and it was the only wig I could find like that. I'd rather dye it and work with some extensions on the braids than do all the rest of that myself. But if you're sitting on some great wig information, then please share with the rest of us.

>> No.7014744


Honestly, I think clips look much better anyway. If you look at her hair >>7007532, they're so thick at the top that clips get the exact same effect anyway- an even better effect than back parted wigs for her get, IMO.

But if you absolutely need a wig that's back-parted, Arda's Leia is longer and I believe it comes in silver, too. I've seen one person use it for her and it looked kind of ragged and sloppy, though, so idk if it's your best bet.

>> No.7014747

why don't you get the chibi, then caulk ad stub the ends, the make a braid to your liking, (maybe you'll need to buy another wig.) and put it on a clip so it\s a clip on?

>> No.7014754

Most Syo cosplayers just buy a Gene Simmons tongue, if that helps.

>> No.7014760

Yeah, the Leia only comes in silver, which is basically the same thing as white, and grey, which is too dark, and it doesn't have the same kind of bangs and can't be easily pulled up into high ponytails. (I don't know why the website calls it "the long version of our Chibi" when it absolutely isn't.) I went through several Peko wig attempts, and using the Chibi as a base is the best option I've found so far. I do plan to stub it and use clips for the braids now though.

>> No.7015004


I don't even think you need to do this whole caulking the chibi thing. My friend's Peko wig is a base wig and clips- she just parted the base wig and tied it back and it looks great, without the weird fitting problems that back-parted wigs have.


I think Akane's hair is supposed to be slightly wavy?

>> No.7015020

for my saionji wig, I plan on backparting it and then caulking, then using the stubs as an anchor to stab my pony tail through the hair covered foam. does anybody here have any methods that could look better / or easier to do, but will still get the backparted effect?

>> No.7015034


With Saionji, I think that's really your only choice, unfortunately. The reason it works for Peko is because her hair isn't such an unrealistic shape. For Saionji, you'll need the support.

>> No.7015046
File: 302 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mqod7eVbZd1rggjaao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015066


Almost every single one of this cosplayer's photos is edited to have a really obvious black vignette around it. Why. Just... why. I know it's a petty complaint, but it's really distracting, and as someone who processes a lot of photos, it just takes so much away from them. Sage because this is minor but the pictures would look so much better without the amateurish editing mistakes.

>> No.7015076 [DELETED] 

do you think it's reasoable to take liberties and make the ponytail things a bit smaller o it's more proportionate to my body? I was thinking that saionji's hair is way too big and it might actually look awful if put into actual size.

>> No.7015120

I despise that wig so much.

>> No.7015123
File: 70 KB, 960x541, catplanet catplanet catplanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my saionji obi is finished! I painted the pattern on and then sewed it over my yukata obi. It's only sewn over a certain part (measurement of my waist circumference), but I'm really happy with the colours.

>> No.7015129

it looks really neat and good!
also, is that chocomimi i see? 10/10 anon

>> No.7015134

chocomimi is the best. some of their outfits are garbage though, haha.

>> No.7015164

THIS IS ME lmfao sorry. it's actually a setting on my camera (toy camera setting on a powershot elph for the record), i know my friend (the sayaka and hinata in some of my other dr pictures) and i overuse the fuck out of it whenever we use that camera for anything, and we joke about that fact a lot. (along with the fact that almost all of our pictures are taken in one of two locations no matter what we're cosplaying.)

we just like what it does with the colors and lighting and how it gives us a halfassed INSTANT ATMOSPHERE even if it's obnoxious hipster crap, and we're less likely to hate how we look in pictures with it. it also does a really good job in low lighting, which is really nice since a ton of our photos were taken in a parking garage at 2 am.

it is definitely partially a cop out to avoid putting time and effort into extra editing, but we like the results ourselves! i totally understand why anyone else might not, though, and you're justified in rolling your eyes at our tastelessness and laziness if you so choose.

>> No.7015270

And her shoes. Her wig looks like cotton candy haha.

>> No.7015286

I just think they might look too big. Pic related from their customer gallery is literally how big they look on my head (I own one).

>> No.7015311
File: 68 KB, 265x217, parting_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since so many people are talking about parting wigs, here's a tutorial I saved for when I'm going to cosplay Junko. Should help all you Peko/Saionji/Junko etc cosplayers out there!


>> No.7015326

you can always put them onto smaller clips, at least, can't you?

>> No.7015340

Jesus I completely forgot about that, half asleep derp.

>> No.7015341

wow, that's really helpful, thanks!

>> No.7015344
File: 354 KB, 654x2000, 1307387840845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another tutorial!

>> No.7015697
File: 55 KB, 522x362, Kuzuryuu_design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no experience with really short wigs, or bald caps. Does anyone know what to do for Fuyuhiko's hair? Most cosplayers for him do really weird stuff for the bald part, like bad photoshop or putting stuff that looks like construction paper for it.

>> No.7015712


I would rather not see the shaved parts done at all than done poorly, and most cosplayers seem to be skipping it for now, or cutting and bleaching their own hair. The actual cutting/bleaching their own hair has looked pretty much terrible every time I've seen it, though.

>> No.7015714

She goes by princeampora on instagram, I met her at MCM in London earlier this year.

>> No.7015716

try doing a lighter color on the areas that are bald to give it that affect.

>> No.7015724

idk if you could actually do this, but what about sewing/putting a bald cap into the wig and then cutting the pattern of his shaved hair out?

>> No.7015730

this is basically what i was thinking too, though yeah, idk how feasible it is either.

>> No.7015733

ugly wig, where are the hair pieces??

>> No.7015738
File: 337 KB, 779x700, T2laSuXhtcXXXXXXXX_!!61496286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched for Kuzuryuu wigs and this was the only thing I could find, would it work? Or should I try to find another blond wig and modify it?

>> No.7015740


barf, that looks horrible holy shit. don't get that.

>> No.7015741

i think it's definitely possible, and i did a little googling and found this


i'm not super into cosplay so i don't know how helpful this tutorial is but!! it looks possible at least.

>> No.7015745

yeah that's... not good

>> No.7015749

also found this:

>Another option would be to cut out wefts/fiber where he has the bald streaks (but don't cut the foundation lace underneath!), then use flesh colored felt to cover the gaps while also linking together the wig lace.

>> No.7015757

What the hell is that fabric? Why don't you people just use something like light wool for these costumes? That's how I always imagine the uniforms.

>> No.7015761
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>> No.7015766
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>> No.7015768
File: 55 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mqxdwiIfJf1stmsbzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wig is so nice

>> No.7015857

the cones look horrible and the bags are slanted were they should be straight,,,

>> No.7015860


>ibuki's bangs

do you even canon. that wig is amazing.

>> No.7015878
File: 92 KB, 480x280, Mioda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015892

sorry, I meant that the slant is not a straight line.

the angles for the bangs and the cones are wrong, as well. I like the wig colour, but let's leave whiteknighting out of this.

Mioda's wig looks hard but in reality it's actually pretty simple if you break up the process. Details are important and while this person got some of it right, there's enough wrong here to make it look not quite right.

>> No.7015897


OP here. Did you or did you not see my memo about leaving idiotic nitpicking out of this thread? It's been going great so far, don't fuck it up with your 'the slant is slightly off' 'this wig is pretty simple if you break up the process' (what are you even talking about) and 'not quite right' shit.

>> No.7015900

The fuck is that skirt and is that RIC RAC ON HER COLLAR?

>> No.7015903

so we can talk about things like finding the exact fabric colour when it's hard to find those colours, but we can't talk about small details of the wig that are important? this thread's been full of shit like this already, I don't know why you're jumping on this post in particular.

>> No.7015904


> we can talk about things like finding the exact fabric colour when it's hard to find those colours

Yes, because it's helpful. It's not retarded nitpicking bullshit that singles out a cosplayer over the most minor fucking details and makes you seem like 14 year old girls on their periods.

>> No.7015907
File: 52 KB, 541x960, 550965_10151492749787371_1102211655_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015909
File: 60 KB, 960x541, 971779_10151492739127371_567177498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't painted the middle part yet but this is my middle bow!

>> No.7015914

wait, does this comment apply to all of the things that have been said about that wig? because I don't think that the cones are minor at all.

>> No.7015917
File: 58 KB, 480x280, rqdkrX5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I guess I'll go with a Rocky from Arda and follow >>7015749
Unfortunately, there are only two colors that they sell for that style, platinum blond(081) and titanium(AR017). My last question is, what color would be best for someone with olive skin?

>> No.7015928
File: 96 KB, 480x640, photo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015929


How about a picture of your wig that isn't blurry and in horrible lighting, from a bad angle? You can barely see the ponytail in that one.

>> No.7015935

Unfortunately, neither of those two colors are really great for Kuzuryuu... his hair is closest to their ash blonde shades, IMO. I'd say if you're set on the Rocky, go with titanium and dye it for better control over the color and to be flattering to your skin tone.

>> No.7015941
File: 477 KB, 720x960, 923385_10151677547167238_72550675_n copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 I don't look tan enough.

>> No.7015942
File: 210 KB, 438x657, c32b7391fdb8e52449492974a3c8dba5f640b73e-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>7015878
The horns are much smaller, spread apart in a certain angle, and look like horns (they actually look pointed). The rest of wig looksreally nice, but it's just the horns that bother me.

It would really nice if the person who did this wig were to make the horns look like the ones in the picture.

>> No.7015944


wait, you're the one-piece booby lady

>> No.7015950

Woooo great Internet reputation. +1 Hope Shard

>> No.7015951

yay i get points!

>> No.7015953

But seriously this is what a wig looks like when you use some foam core, wire, and got2b. It took less than an hour. Don't just use a ponytail extension clip.

>> No.7015956


aw, you're super cute! (unrelated, i really really love your mami cosplay too). i think you follow me on tumblr but i've been too shy to pop in a hello.

>> No.7015968
File: 783 KB, 900x555, tumblr_mq8nphk6yN1qkkp9ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to whiteknight that wig in particular, because the cones could definitely be more conical, but the one thing all the shitty "[Series] General Thread"s seem to have in common is how when a picture is complimented in any way, someone in the thread will try to tell everyone why it is shitty, that the OP is terribly misinformed about the cosplay's quality, and that the cosplayer didn't put any effort into it, why couldn't they do thing x, etc., like it's a huge issue that anyone thinks a cosplay is good.

yes, you can point out things that can be improved, or aren't right, because constructive criticism can sometimes make a very good contribution to the thread (usually when asked for). but when you phrase your criticism deliberately to sound superior and one-up the people in the thread or the cosplayer, or just unhelpfully say that something is dreadful, then it gets shitty. like according to >>7015857 the wig cones are 'horrible', and the fringe is 'wrong', and a few threads back apparently loafers with a small sloped heel were a sin. it's not actually that hard to point something out without everything turning into a pissing contest, and it's not just a cgl thing because threads without a large tumblr fandom don't seem to have as much of a problem with it. there has been a lot of pleasant tutorial dumping, wig and fabric advice in this thread so far, and if you honestly thinking your nitpicking makes a better contribution to it then I hope you enjoy your threads full of shit.

>> No.7015972


fucking this. well-said, anon.

>> No.7016078

Beautifully worded, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you, anon!

>> No.7016445

i like ceres and i know she already posted about this, but her filters are so annoying. also i tend to not like her eye makeup

>> No.7016454
File: 121 KB, 500x750, soniacosplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really good! it looks thick, it's the right shade too. i hope you were planning to relax it with hot water or s/t because her hair isn't cannonically curly. but it will look fine wavy

>> No.7016492


Yes, I forgot to mention that I'll definitely be relaxing it! I already bought the wigs, just waiting for them to arrive now. I think I have a decent idea of how to accomplish her not-quite-a-ponytail hairstyle- would anons be interested in me sharing my process as I go?

>> No.7016494

definitely! I'm still trying to figure mine out, so it'd be nice to see how your ideas and mine differ

>> No.7016526
File: 820 KB, 1000x750, IMG_6303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i'm sorry!! i'll try to cut down on them a little and save it more for shots where i really want that specific look and mood, i just still really like it for some pictures.

what do you suggest for eye makeup? i do tend to do it thicker and more angled for dr costumes than i do with anything else to imitate the art style, and it can be sort of hit or miss in the way it comes out (and i really like the hits and really cringe at the misses). i think this is at least partly because my hands are terribly shaky and one of my eyes is significantly more deeply set than the other, so i probably end up going kind of overboard in my constant attempts to make them look passably even? i know sometimes i'll just give up and say fuck it after redoing it a bunch of times because of my stupid hands, which sometimes produces unfortunate results. i'm open to ideas that might make that easier!

anyway, i cleaned up a shot of that leon pose from up there taken with a normal setting, so here's that for anyone who might have wanted to look at it without being annoyed by the filter!

>> No.7016555


That wig makes your head look so... small. Like it's really tightly against your skull and it makes your head look weirdly tiny?

>> No.7016568

But I don't really see a difference between your wig and most of the asahnia wigs with ponytail clips. Stop trying to make yourself seem so high and mighty just because you styled your wig differently.

>> No.7016576
File: 388 KB, 1000x667, Short Neggi Tall Junks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say I'm one of the people who run that blog you link, and I've really been itching to make a Kuzuryuu wig using the methods mentioned in that post, but am definitely not suited to cosplaying him at all. If anyone is interested Just let me know? Idk, have some Naegi and Junko.

>> No.7016580


This. Not to be nitpicky since I think your Asahina wig looks passable, but it's really not significantly better than the ones styled with clips. Bringing in such a harsh, critical attitude then not having much to back it up doesn't make you look very good.

>> No.7016680

I really don't like this wig for Junko, but I would like to know where the twintails came from or how they were made because they would be perfect for a different wig of mine...

>> No.7016684

That looks really good, and I'm glad you're covering an actual obi, so it will have the appropriate stiffness. Also, your file name makes me smile.

>> No.7016714

Not that anon, but maybe try liquid eyeliner? You'll need some practice, though, but go for more solid, thinner, straighter lines. Like, instead of following the curve of your eye for whatever 2cm, do 1cm and do it straighter to the tip.

Personally I think the problem with the "too much eye make up" is that right now you're just not passing too well. Try more even foundation, since you look a bit red in that photo and it doesn't go well with the red wig. Also, try getting some very subtle bronzer and highlighter to do some countouring, to make your features sharper. This will help with more becoming the drawing style, and looking more male. Also try some mascara? A light coat of darkish brown should be good, since guys tend to have fairly thick eyelashes. (But make sure it's a light coat!!! That's key)

Try looking up some make up tutorials on youtube. As someone who's also white I understand how hard it can be getting that all-angles anime look when most tutorials only work for people with Asian face shapes. It's mostly practice. I think there's a pretty good tutorial for Lightning from Final Fantasy that gets that all-angles pretty well.

>> No.7016765
File: 179 KB, 299x400, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sob yeah i used to use liquid liner and then stopped when my shakiness got worse and started using a gel one instead since that was easier to control, but i'm really not getting lines that are precise enough with this one for whatever reason, so i guess i should probably attempt liquid again...

i actually always have mascara and contouring, i think the latter shows up better in some pictures/angles than others? i guess i don't put a lot of emphasis on it because i really don't like when it looks too sharp and end up erring on the side of too little (in contrast to my eyes...). but yeah, i'll keep working on it and try to find a better balance with everything. thanks!

>> No.7016868

I'm the anon asking about the Kuzuryuu's wigs. I don't have a tumblr, so my email is in the field. Since I have no experience with wigs, I wouldn't mind commissioning one either!

>> No.7016913

This thread hit bump limit; good job everybody!

you might want to try a felt-tip liquid eyeliner; it's a lot easier than the brush types.

>> No.7016916

You could try using dark brown or grey eyeliner instead of black if you're having issues with looking like you've put too much on.
I tend to use brown or grey for males since it doesn't look as sharp but you can still achieve the anime look.
Also if liquid is too unwieldy you could try getting an eyeliner pen instead, dollywink do one and it's a bit pricey but it's really good.

>> No.7016986

I'm pretty sure they're just curly clips from Arda. She messed with them a bit though.

>> No.7017317
File: 237 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mr1f0tDxCH1qm2uhio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7017402

These two are actually pretty cute.

>> No.7017405

do you really need to post pictures of yourself in al your replies.

>> No.7017410


it's called being an attention whore and if you're on this board then you should know all about it already, anon

>> No.7017436

This Sonia is cute but I feel like people are going to forget how inaccurate her cosplay is just because she has a pretty face.

>> No.7017513

>being worried about other cosplays getting attention
Why the fuck would you care?

>> No.7017563

I feel like she's a pretty forgetful cosplayer so whatever issue you have, no need to worry anon.

>> No.7017639

I'm just going to... screenshot this and maybe post it future DR threads get derailed again.

>> No.7017772

just trying to illustrate what I was talking about with contouring in the latter and offer a less offensive version of a picture in the former! i saged when doing so, at least, so bumping myself for asspats or whatever wasn't my intention, and I wouldn't have included pictures if they weren't relevant. I appreciate everyone's advice and will definitely try out the mentioned eyeliner alternatives, so thanks. tips on what people like/dislike and how to improve -- like this and the stuff about skirt pleating -- are the main reasons I check this thread.

>> No.7017926


For some reason a lot of Japanese Sonias make a 'fancy' version of her outfit with crushed velvet, brocade, satin, extra lace etc. I'm really not sure why. I get that she's a princess, but it just looks kind of silly? It reminds me of all the unnecessary extra frills and lace that one Korean Madoka group has.

>> No.7017931

>the main reasons i check this thread

along with all the bitching you do about other cosplayers, amirite?

>> No.7017973

lel she tried to make it look like she had longer boots on by wearing socks

>> No.7018025


idk why she did that because junko's boots are only midcalf anyway

>> No.7018261

i'll definitely criticize things like anyone else here but i don't think i'm unreasonable about it. last thread i kept getting jumped on for whiteknighting when saying that people were being too nitpicky about things that i thought looked fine, so eh. no way to win, welcome to cgl, we all know how it goes.

>> No.7018306


I'm the one who made that Ibuki wig and I actually do appreciate the feedback whether nice or harsh. I thought they looked pretty shitty but this wig was a lot of work so i just decided I'd take a picture of the progress. Anyways, I've reshaped my horns and places them a bit farther apart. I did say in my description I would remake the horns eventually but because of you guys I got off my lazy ass and fixed them last night, haha.

>> No.7018429


Jesus fuck, you are so incredibly obnoxious and defensive.

>> No.7018475

I disagree with you and think you guys are full of bullshit. We're talking about her make up, so she posts pictures of her make up. One anon said her face looked red, so she posted a picture at a different angle where it looked less red and showed contouring. You guys always jump on anyone who self posts for no real reason, it's annoying and pathetic and you should drop it.

Glad to hear you're fixing the horns! Personally they were the only thing I disliked. Got any pics to share?

>> No.7018480

Forgot to mention I think you should straighten the blue side parts a bit. Maybe it's just the angle and being on a wig head, but they look kinda pompom poofy when they should just blend into the rest of her hair.

>> No.7018502


The point is that sometimes you need to just not reply at all instead of defensively jumping in every single time you're brought up. It gets obnoxious and try-hard after a while. It's great to want to improve, but the simpering suck-up desperately-wanting-cgl's-approval attitude is just obnoxious. Sometimes you should just note the critical, nod, and move on. We don't need paragraphs of you trying to defend and explain your choices. No one cares.

>> No.7018504



>> No.7018593

Either way we should drop it and get back to talking about cosplay before OP kills the thread again.

>> No.7018596

It's already been in autosage for a while, I think this one's pretty much over.

>> No.7019144

OP is on it. Get in, losers, we're new threading.


>> No.7021544

Wow, there's a lot of great cosplays in this thread!