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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 261 KB, 480x640, scary-4917520901_3ac43d9371_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7006129 No.7006129 [Reply] [Original]

On cgl, we often like to give unwarranted criticism and a common complaint I often see here is "The outfit is too boring" or "The outfit isn't creative enough."

What do you consider a good, creative outfit?

>> No.7006184

i really want cgl thinks is a good outfit too.

>> No.7006231

everything cadney

>> No.7006284
File: 189 KB, 557x493, 136798800704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a good example of a slightly 'different' co-ord that works really well

>> No.7006288


I'm serious, I've never understood why some people love her coords so much. To me they look very standard. And I really like good sweet coords, so it's not a 'hurdur sweet hate' thing.

>> No.7006289

Isn't it more otome than lolita? Not to say it isn't cute, I love Fairy Emily in Mozarabic chant.

>> No.7006297

I think this works very well because even if the browns are not the exact same, they're all within the same tone family, all a warm orangey/golden brown.

This is one aspect of what I personally think makes a good, but also interesting coord- when you use varied shades of a central color tone. For example, different shades of blue that all have the same amount of green-ness to them. Yet if you suddenly added a more purpley blue in there, it could throw the whole thing off.

This is why pinks can look wrong used together. If your pinks are different shades of a warmer/yellower pink, your coord can look very interesting. However the minute you start to add cooler blue-toned pinks, it throws it off.

>> No.7006965

Good coordinate but it is still what cgl would call boring. I have seen better and more elaborate coordinates that were called boring. When I think of good coordinates, I would agree with your example, but cgl would disagree.

>> No.7007133

Cgl will criticize any out fit that isn't their own. Bitter bitches.

>> No.7007230

I think that those bitter seagulls are just stirring up shit. When there were outfit threads here, several anons would pull the "not creative enough" card and when other anons asked them to post a creative coordinate, there would be no responses.

>> No.7007376
File: 131 KB, 1023x474, jpop2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious, when people say creativity, do they mean how elaborate an outfit is? Or unique items used? Because I feel like that's great for certain events, it's not something you'd do in every day life.

>> No.7007385

I second this, I know how to put together a good outfit and whatever, but I have zero idea what people mean when they bring creativity into this.
What is a creative outfit and how do you put one together?
Do you make the accessories or something?

>> No.7007391

Well, what I meant was kind of that in the picture I posted, all the outfits are really creative since yes, the lots of the accessories are handmade and the coords and make-up are more elaborate. But even though they're really creative, no one would dress like this on a normal basis, this was for a themed fashion contest. So when people criticize someone for "not being creative enough", they can't possibly expect that one would dress like this every day?! Or are they just not allowed to post outfit pictures unless they are this fancy? Those are some really high expectations.

>> No.7007585

A lot of my personal lolita friends make amazing outfits that are very creative but don't necessarily translate well to photos. They use really nice details and accessories that can only be appreciated up close. The tumblrtastic eyecandy that everyone seems to love so much often looks horrible in real life.

>> No.7007816

Creative doesn't necessarily mean over the top. Creative could be an interesting use of motif, or co-ordinating unusual colours. It's just anything that takes a bit more thought than "red dress, black tights, red shoes, black blouse, red bow" etc. That's what I think, anyway.

>> No.7007821

Creativity doesn't matter in the end. It's all about how pretty you can make yourself look.

>> No.7007828

love all of these coords, especially the girl in the black and white karami jsk. sage for no contribution.

>> No.7007852

all those deer horns...

>> No.7007855

They are so fucking overused. Those and fawn fur collars. Like the new chocomint stars or twintail wigs.

>> No.7007863

>elf ears
>deer horns
>flower crowns
so remind me how lolita isn't a costume?

>> No.7007869

but this picture is themed though. hopefully no lolitas wear this with their regular daily coords

>> No.7007906

Meh, it could be both. Sometimes the lines blur between fashions

>> No.7007927

I'm with this. If I feel I look really pretty in an otherwise basic coordinate or something that everyone uses I'm fine. I don't feel the urge to make every single coordinate creative and amazing. I just try to do different things with it each time and strive for my own personal improvement.

Creativity can also be hugely hindered by what you have. If you're fairly new, it can be really hard to break out of the basic color scheme, The game is all about building up your wardrobe, adding more color options and accessories and for someone with a lower income it can be pretty hard. I'm just now getting to the point where I can experiment after a year, and I have a pretty large disposable income each month, even so, I still end up making a lot of my own accessories.

>> No.7008038
File: 36 KB, 395x526, Chanel%20Runway%20Last%20Look[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creative lolita is sort of like avant-garde fashion, it looks amazing in photos and we can really appreciate the effort and creativity put into it, but it's not versatile for everyday wear. Just like runway v.s. retail, stuff like McQueen and Chanel make exquisite runway pieces, but they're never sold as-is and always redesigned/toned down for mass production. In the same way this applies to lolita, faun make-up and deer antlers and wicker baskets are gorgeous in concept, but don't translate well to day to day wear. I would save the truly outrageous and creative styling for an event, where people within the fashion can appreciate it, and wear simpler looks regularly. Also sometimes creative ideas come from small places, a pair of tights coorded with a dress in a color that isn't dominant, but surprisingly works; for example.

>pic very much related

>> No.7008073

Well, it was a forest theme, so I guess it's kind of understandable that so many people did them. But I fucking love the girl with the feathers on her face, they're like made of fake flowers or some shit.

>> No.7008077

Why are people obsessed with coordinates being elaborate or unique? Lots of very simple coords look much better than a lot of the ~creative~ stuff that gets praised left and right.

>> No.7008083

Yeah I'd hope this was just for the con, in any case it would be a costume then because it's themed as well as for a specific event.

>> No.7008361

I also have to agree with a couple of earlier Amina. There are a lot of amazing beautiful coords that just don't translate we'll to pictures. CGL is often more impressed by a good photo than a good outfit and mistakes the one for the other.
I also agree that what often looks amazing in a picture is tacky as fuck and overdone in real life.

>> No.7008367

Earlier anons* I fucking hate my spell check