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File: 75 KB, 335x640, lens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7004383 No.7004383 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see one so...
To start, I'm looking at i.Fairy circle lenses because they have a high water base (55%) and most lenses I wear seem to dry out quickly (within 3 hours).
My only issue with i.Fairy lenses is that some reviews say you should only wear them for 1-3 months and then get rid of them? Can anyone confirm that before I spend $70 on their current 4 for $70 free shipping deal?

>> No.7004387

I only wear circle lenses maybe once every 2 weeks, so getting rid of them after 1-3 months seems like a waste. I've had my GEO and EOS lenses all year long with no problem (other than they dry easily)

>> No.7004726

The usual rule is that you can wear the lenses for the stated amount of time in either consecutive days OR that number of times up to the final lens expiration date on the vials.

E.g. if you have "30 day lenses" with a 6/2015 expiry, you can wear them 30 days consecutively or 30 times up until 6/2015.

As with anything, you can sometimes extend the wear with lenses if you take excellent care of them but it's advisable not to push the limits too far.

>> No.7004736

Well circle lenses are 1 year long, but I'm not sure why people would say it's best to get rid of them after 1-3 months. Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.7004747

The high water percentage isn't a guarantee that the lenses will dry out any less than a lens with a smaller water percentage. Depends on individual eye chemistry and the environment. If you live in a dry place or are in heavy air conditioning, your lenses will dry out quicker. Also allergy medications and beta blockers will cause the tear film on your eyes to get thinner, making your eyes dry. Invest in some eye drops and limit the lens wear on the brands that cause the most dryness. Also use an eye lubricant ointment that you apply at night so the next day you can extend the lens wear if you need to.

>> No.7004753

I would say 7 to 9 months is the best for circle lenses with a one year expiration. Anything after 9 months starts to degenerate and feels like sandpaper on my eye balls.

>> No.7004871

Anon you replied to:
I think it depends on personal preference. If those people feel better and safer wearing their yearly lenses for 3 months and getting new ones, by all means, it's their wallet after all.
Likewise, if you still find your lenses comfortable and they're in fine condition, you can wear them for the year.

I personally wear my circle lenses a few times a month and keep them for 1 year and have not had any trouble before, but everyone is different and has a different "still feels safe to wear these" threshold too. Also, some people don't know lenses exist that can be worn for more than 1 month too. I wish I were joking, but on another forum, I had some kid call me a liar for saying my custom lenses are made to last 3 years because all they had used before were 1 month disposables so obviously that is the only kind of lens that can exist. It's possible those people who blogged/reviewed were of that ilk or that they wore their lenses daily for that period of time and actually "wore them out" much quicker because of their wear schedule.

>> No.7004883

Do you think it's okay for guys to wear colored circle lenses? I don't really know how enlargening they'll be, but I do need a significantly different color for my cosplay, but I'm worried about looking too feminine.

>> No.7004900

Just look for lenses with a smaller diameter of say 14 to 14.2mm if you want to avoid the enlarging look. No reason guys can't wear circle lenses, there are a few series made and modeled for guys. Also, since you're doing a complete color change, just look for opaque color lenses that will cover your natural eye color and double check google and tumblr and sometimes youtube for actual photos/reviews since so many lenses are shooped in seller stock photos.

>> No.7004906

I must be magic with contacts, I can wear them for a couple of years no problem. But I've been wearing year-long contacts for 15 years now so I basically wear contacts until I judge they feel ready to go. You just get a sense for it.

>> No.7004922
File: 73 KB, 150x240, feelslikeimwearingnothingatall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got EOS Fairy Violet and Blue and they're the most comfortable lenses I've ever tried. I have ridiculously sensitive eyes and I can't even feel them. I haven't tried i.Fairys though.

>> No.7005102

This is my experience personally, but yes. I did buy a bunch of i.fairy lens. They are supperr comfortable the first few times and then they wear out really quickly and become painful, and that is even with clear care. Its a shame because they really have some pretty colors/designs.

>> No.7005169
File: 3 KB, 150x150, Jitterbug-Fish-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so my eyes/skin/body are not sensitive whatsoever, never have been. I've had 3 pairs of circle lenses since around March of this year. (Only 1 pair is prescription, but still circle lens.) Since the beginning of summer, whenever I put them (any of them) on my eyes, it feels like sandpaper. Like, I know they aren't inside/dirty/etc., I'm decently adept at lenses, but they sting SO badly after just a minute or so. I've switched solutions, etc etc., but they still burn like hell? Is there something wrong with my eyes? Or did they expire or something early? They are all 1-year, and I've probably worn one pair like 60-90 times or something. The other two pairs I've literally only worn like 5 times each, though. If it matters, I do not have astygmatism or any weird shit with my eyes, and I have never used/bought a "lens cleaner" thing from pinkyparadise/honeycolor. I've just cleaned them with solution+Q-tip/finger thoroughly. Does that matter? Is it because my place is dusty or something? It isn't, but I don't vaccum every week like some people do... I don't know. Anyone know what the problem is? I just want to wear my circle lenses again. Should I invest in one of those circle lenses cleaners? Would it help? Pic related.

>> No.7005171

Sorry for that weird typo.

>> No.7005177

Why the fuck are you using q tips on contact lenses?

>> No.7005185

People/websites/tutorials have told me to do it that way, so I used them occasionally. I won't anymore though, thanks for the tip. Just curious, why do you seem so offended by damped Q-tips on circle lenses? I'm not sure what harm they could do. I trust your judgement, but would like to know why it's a bad idea please.

Would still appreciate help, also.

>> No.7005188

the fibers of the q-tip can scratch the lens and irritate your eye

>> No.7005198

Thanks, I didn't know that! I will definitley stop using them.
Also, another question to add onto my post >>7005169 , does anyone own one of those circle lenses cleaners?

>> No.7005201

That anon is offended? Because you are ruining your lenses scratching them up with cotton? And that can make you blind?
Oh honey.

>> No.7005210

Different anon, but seriously?
"Offended: To be displeased or disagree: Onions offend my sense of smell."

>> No.7005249

Do they diameter even mean anything? Most say 14.8mm or 14.2mm but they don't even feel any smaller/larger than the ones I have that are 17.5mm.
I just think they throw out a number as the diameter.

>> No.7005253


If you've already used q-tip on all 3 pairs then I'm sorry but I think you should throw them out and invest in new ones, using the lens cleaner won't save them now. The lens cleaner is definitely not a necessity for contacts, I'm a regular contact wearer and as long as you probably "wash" and store your contacts then they should be fine.

For those who are having problems with contacts drying out in the case it's mostly likely not the contacts problem but the case. I've tried using both the cases that come with contact solution from reputable companies and the cases that they give you with your circle lens purchase (all those cute and colorful ones) and my contacts have never dried out in the cases that come with the contact solution. So if you're not someone who is wearing or refilling your contact case daily then I would recommend getting some cases from contact solution companies. You could probably even score a free one at an eyewear store if you come up with a good enough reason.

>> No.7005259


It's literally the diameter of the lens, depending on your eyes the difference may vary but 17.5mm are huge and not normal circle lenses, special fx lenses maybe? The larger it is the more space it is blocking and the less oxygen that can get in.

>> No.7005275

Another eye-burning story. I have two pairs of Super Pinky lenses, I've only opened one pair to try on so far. I wear prescription lenses anyway and never have a problem with those, so I can't understand why these burn after a couple of minutes. I don't have any eye infections or any funky stuff going on, I'm just short sighted. I clean the lenses carefully with fairly good solution, the stuff from the chemist that I normally use for my clear lenses, but they still sting after a short while.
I'm pretty sure they're geniune, too, as they have the sticker on the side, and I got them from Honeycolor who have generally good reviews. Is there anything I can do to make my lenses more comfortable? I really want to wear them because they look lovely.

>> No.7005279


Did you soak them for 6+ hours before trying them on? Sorry if this is a dumb sounding question but you didn't really specify and I'm not sure if these are your first pair of circle lenses. With my normal lenses I can wear it straight out of the packaging but with circle lenses you have to soak them in your contact solution for at least 6 hours before wearing.

>> No.7005282

Pick lenses with as subtle as possible a limbal ring (no huge black circles. Unless you want black eyes, of course). The diameter is actually slightly less important, but stick to low diameters. For instance, this (https://www.pinkyparadise.com/A21-Brown-p/c23-a21-br.htm)) would be a bad pick, because even though it's 14mm there's a very thick limbal ring.

The best thing to do is to image-google for pictures of the lenses in action. Most official photographs are photoshopped to hell, but you can quite easily see what they look like on ordinary people with google.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your own eye anatomy. If you naturally have really tiny eyes, circle lenses will probably always look strange. If you naturally have big eyes, you can probably get away with wearing larger lenses. Oh, and if you screw it up, it won't make you look too feminine - you'll just look kind of alien-like and odd.

By the way, the most natural looking coloured lenses I know of are an Italian brand called Adore. They have a real depth to them, which is amazing since the design is so simple - it must be to do with the transparency of the inks used, or something. They aren't circle lenses, either. The only thing is that the most unnatural colour they do is yellow, so if you need red or purple you're SOL, and they're so natural looking that they aren't very striking.

Try EOS Crystal and Adult/New Adult series, G&G DB31 and Shinny series, Vassen Rainbow Eye and Dueba MX21. These are just for starters, so do your own homework too.

>> No.7005286

I did, sorry I meant to say that! I assumed they'd need to be soaked first so I just gave them a rinse and put them into their case with solution.

>> No.7005295
File: 86 KB, 640x640, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo from a blog post by an idiot 'testing her lens for fakes'. She put her lens in rubbing alcohol and then 'rubbed it vigorously with a qtip for 30 seconds'. Her argument is that it proves the design is printed on top of the lens and not inside, like it should be, but qtips are really abrasive, and what she's actually doing is carving so deep she's scratching through the membrane and damaging the ink. She has more photos of contact lens carnage on her blog, but I can't be bothered to save them and post them here.

>> No.7005302

Crazy big diameters like 17 or 18 are generated in one of several ways -

1) They measure the 'pushed diameter'. This requires the lens to be very gently flattened, then measured. Obviously, this is false.

2) They are based on how the lens 'appears' to be. Again, this is not the same thing as an actual diameter.

15mm is actually the normal diameter for contact lenses. Lenses under 15mm are usually just not printed right to the edge. 15mm lenses are printed right to the edge. Lenses purporting to be bigger than 15mm are almost always 15mm unless you're buying special effects lenses.

>> No.7005301


I want to be optimistic and say that maybe your eye just wasn't use to the new lenses or possibly bigger lenses than you have worn before? And that it might get better with wear...but idk if you'd want to risk it and I also don't know how bad the burning was. ngl the first time I wore 14.5mm (I'm use to 14mm & 14.2mm, and I wear regular contacts on a daily basis) lenses my eyes basically stung for the whole con day with some down time here and there but I would get these random sting attacks or from the wind and end up tearing like crazy but the second day I was already much better with them and the stinging only lasted for the first little bit after I put them in and I was good for the rest of the day and I didn't end up taking them off until I got home.

>> No.7005304

Try soaking them again. It's possible you didn't get all the sterile crud out of them for whatever reason.

Also, have you been using the computer more often than normal? Your eyes can dry out really badly from that.

>> No.7005306


Ugh, is this the same girl who literally went and basically broke all her lenses? I remember reading comments like ":O! omg I need to try this to see if it happens to my lenses too!"

I also remember there was a pair that ended up not having any color rub off but was obviously no longer usable after "testing it".

>> No.7005321

I guess my post wasn't worded well enough. I don't understand why someone wouldn't worry that they were ruining their vision? And they were more concerned with what that person though instead of their vision jfc

>> No.7005392

For the 'effect size' companies fold the circle lens and measure the length of curvy top part actually, this has nothing to do with making the circle lens flat or taking some random number.

>> No.7005393

The higher the water content the faster eyes dry out, just saying

>> No.7005491

>The higher the water content the faster eyes dry out, just saying

Not exactly for everyone. Higher water content = more oxygen to the eyes. It's only a problem if you have dry eyes to begin with.

>> No.7005506
File: 588 KB, 1000x4222, FlapJacq-How-Not-To-Handle-Colored-Lenses1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh are you talking about this girl (pic related)? Honestly, kids do crazy shit all the time so I wasn't too shocked to see her blog about ruining them by aggressively scrubbing them with q-tips and admitting she bought all her lenses for $3/pair (in the comments section). I love saving money as much as the next person but $3 lenses seems sketchy and dangerous as fuck.

>> No.7005508
File: 483 KB, 1000x3030, FlapJacq-How-Not-To-Handle-Colored-Lenses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And part 2

>> No.7005531

I just kinda briefly scrolled through, so I apologize if this was already asked.

Anyone have any recommendations for those of us with cursed with the dreaded astigmatism? I know that they make prescription circle lenses, but I've only been able to find one vendor which had a very limited selection for the astigmatism correction. I have googled it a bit, but I'd rather get opinions from people here to make my search easier.

Or should I just say fuck it get a sugar daddy to pay for some laser eye surgery?

>> No.7005535

>Or should I just say fuck it get a sugar daddy to pay for some laser eye surgery?

Eye surgery is probably the best option if you want to eliminate the need for vision correction permanently (either by using sugar daddy money or your own haha)

Unfortunately, if you have an astigmatism that has to be accounted for (cyl measurements worse than -1.00, it gets harder to do the spherical lens prescription conversion and have clear vision. Pinky Paradise just started carrying some toric lenses but as you said, it's the same shit everyone carries and the choices aren't very broad. It sucks to have a moderate-to-severe astigmatism. I get plano lenses in the largest base curve available and wear glasses for navigation. Not the perfect option but I didn't think spending $400 on custom torics from places like 9mm was a great investment either. I'm working on saving up for some lasik myself to correct my nasty astigmatism.

>> No.7005538

My base curve for regular contacts is 9.0. Tried out the +/- .2 rule with a 8.8 lens but it ended up bothering my eyes and left a red ring around my iris for a day after I took them out. Are there any lens that I can wear then?

>> No.7005540

I had the same problem...But then I got laser surgery.
Totally worth every penny.
I can't wear contacts for the next six months though.
Sage for uselessness

>> No.7005543

Yeah, I've been looking in to the eye surgery. It's just such a pain to have to worry about corrective lenses and glasses in general, not just on the cosmetic side. Surgery is cheaper as far as long-term money saving goes considering the fact that I really want to wear cosmetic lenses, and paying $400 a pair is crazy. Oh well. Thanks for your input btw. BRB finding rich Vietnam vet to get my eyes fixed.

>> No.7005545

Totally not useless, I'm actually glad you said that bit about not being able to wear contacts for 6 months. That way I won't fuck around and ruin a coord/cosplay without proper eyewear.

Thanks anon.

>> No.7005546

e-circlelens.com has torics

>> No.7005549


lol thanks though, that's MUCH better than what I've seen them go for, decent selection as well.

>> No.7005553

I pay like x2 that for my regular prescription contacts. $70 isn't bad for something that's going in your eyes

>> No.7005572

Oh I know it's really not that expensive at all, I'm just saying that there's a huge price increase in toric/astigmatism lenses than other prescription lenses. Not to mention the fact that the color/style options are REALLY limited and I haven't found just the right pair that I need in that selection anyway. Just makes the price seem really steep, I'll probably just hold off and get the surgery.

My regular prescription contacts are ~300 dollars, I get it.

>> No.7005577

One thing that's useful about PinkyParadise is that they link worn photos to some of the lenses. Doesn't help with the less popular ones but it is a start.

>> No.7005582

If the astigmatism is mild enough, the doctor can do some kind of calculation and then just increase the distance prescriptions to make up for it.

If it's any worse than that though, torics would be necessary.

Overall though lasik is awesome if you're a good candidate. If you were thinking about it for a while then I would recommend it.

>> No.7005611

I'm considered 'legally blind' through some technicalities, and I've spoken to the doc about compensating in other areas to help me not be so limited with toric lenses. I'm way too fucked in the eyes for that unfortunately.

But yeah, I have heard nothing but great things about lasik, and I think it's time to really get more invested in that path.

>> No.7005754

God I wish I could get toric circle lenses. I posted my cyl measurement on here before, -5.00 both eyes. I am totally envious of the people who can buy the toric circle lenses or had a minor enough astigmatism that they can use a spherical lens. Oh well, I'm also saving up for Lasik and at least I can wear my regular prescription torics.

>> No.7006821

you think 11 year old can wear circle lenses?

>> No.7006875

I would say no, not unless they have REALLY good self control. Circle lenses can be really damaging if you don't wear them correctly.

>> No.7006915

Depends on how mature they are. I mean, if they can wear usual contacts, they can wear circle lenses.

> And some people shouldn't wear contacts at all, regardless of age
> Looking at you, gonna-cut-up-plastic-bottles dude

>> No.7006925

Probably not a good idea, young people's eyes are growing and changing and they need to have a good flow of oxygen to the eye. Lenses that aren't good gas-permeable would really restrict the oxygen flow and might harm the eyes

>> No.7006975

The reason your contacts hurt like hell is because they're DEAD. I wont begin listing the reasons everyone else already stated about lens decay, but the reason they burn is because of the microscopic scratches, cracks, tears that come from casual use. You can't see it, but your contacts are fucked. Get a new pair. And don't use q-tips.

>> No.7007008

>Not exactly for everyone. Higher water content = more oxygen to the eyes
OP here and this is exactly why I'm getting the I.fairy ones - because they're 55%.
My GEO and EOS are only 38% and they dry my eyes and the lenses stick to my eyeball after 2 hours.

>> No.7007010

You know in countries like Malaysia, everything is DIRT cheap.

>> No.7007011

What site can I find the cheapest toric circle lenses?

>> No.7007016

All the sugar daddies I know are wealthy white men from LA or NY...

>> No.7007023

Thanks, guys. I didn't use Q-tips on one of my pairs, but I'll throw them all out anyway. I'm kind of confused why they'd all be like that, but maybe I just need to restart my collection or something. Again, I appreciate it!

>> No.7007026

Try PinkyParadise, I believe they just got new toric lenses?

>> No.7007028

What brand of toric lenses (regular contacts) do you guys use? Also, can you find regular toric lenses in a drug/department store or do you actually need a prescription for them and you have to go to the pharmacy to pick them up with your prescription in hand?
Sorry to sound stupid but I've never done anything like this before but I was recently informed I have astigmatism.

Also, any particular brand? Or does it all depend on what your eye measurements are?

>> No.7007032

I hate that they say "Worn pictures for light eyes" but none for dark eyes. I have really dark shit colored eyes and obviously a blue or a green won't look nice on my eyes compared to someone with light eyes...

>> No.7007045

For the record, Anon said Vietnam vet, not Vietnamese. But I would agree with you that sugar daddies tend to congregate in large metropolitan areas.

>> No.7007054

Not the anons you're replying to but, I have astigmatism and I use Soflens. I've never seen lenses in a drug store/pharmacy, but if you do happen to see them, you need to have your prescription with you if you're in the U.S.

>> No.7007070

I wear Durasoft Optifit 3 because my astigmatism is pretty bad. Drugstores don't carry this so I just have my optometrist order them. Since they are custom made, it takes a few weeks and costs about $275.

What you get depends on what your optometrist prescribes and certain brands cater to certain ends of spectrum or specifications.

>> No.7007069

So then where do you get them if they're not at a drug-store or pharmacy?
What about "Pro-clear" it's a brand?

>> No.7007113 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 245x265, 1344497223142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna-cut-up-plastic-bottles dude
Please tell me that this doesn't mean what I think it does

>> No.7007123

You can get them at most optical stores. My family owns one in Manhattan so I get all my lenses free. I believe pro-clear is a good brand. Talk to an optometrist about what would work best with your prescription if you're really worried.

>> No.7007135

Do you need a prescription to get them? I mean can you just pick them up on a shelf and buy them or do you have to go to the pharmacy section and pick it up there?

>> No.7007160

It's funny because I have the opposite problem: I was looking at lenses the other day and I wanted ones that would have as little of my iris to be visible as possible, and I could only find worn pictures on dark eyes. lol.

>> No.7007163

I dunno where you live, but in Canada you need a valid prescription (as in, the measurements of your eyes on a piece of paper, not like a prescription for medication, just to clear up the confusion) before anyone will sell you contact lenses.

>> No.7007212

I think they mean Vietnam vet, as in veteran.

>> No.7007226 [DELETED] 

How does one obtain a sugar daddy

>> No.7007247

Basically this. You have to have your written eye prescription on you in order for them to sell them to you. I dont think they're sold in pharmacies, so what you'd do is walk in to an eyewear store and ask about contact lenses. Most places you'd have to ask for them as they're not just out on display or whatever.

>> No.7007288

I'm interested as well.

>> No.7007306

Here's how: You fucking have sex with older men. Escorting is a step up from prostitution but equally as disrespectful. No one is just going to give you money for free.

>> No.7007334

There's websites for this, just look it up.

>> No.7007354

Those guys won't give you money unless you fuck them. I know because I've been an escort for three years now. I'm almost done with college, but it took a lot of sex with a lot of men to get there debt-free.

>> No.7007355

Also, you have to be willing to travel. Unless you live in LA or Brooklyn, NY, hardly any sugar daddies are available locally. Yeah, they go on a lot of business trips - but they won't be going to some shithole like Detroit. You have to go to them.

>> No.7007582

guys I've had a pair of circle lenses for about a year and a half

When I wear them they feel the same as they did they day I bought them (no discomfort at all, I cant even feel them)

am I going to go blind?

For reference they are geo nudy pinks

>> No.7007620

I've been able to wear the same pair for 3 years. I don't wear them that often, but I have no vision problems when I wear them. I haven't gone blind, so I',m sure you won't.

>> No.7008049
File: 193 KB, 385x443, mithos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you guys recommend some lenses for me? I am looking for light blue lenses that will show well on dark eyes. I'm Asian, so for all intensive purposes, assume the colors have to show over black. I already own the Princess Pinky Twilight blue lenses but was looking for something a bit different in design and I have plenty of lenses that look royal blue on my eyes too but was truly looking for something light blue/sky blue. I just need planos.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

>> No.7008054

>"for all intensive purposes"

Should be "all intents and purposes"

>> No.7008085

Mobile autocorrect strikes again. I take it you have no actual suggestions though.

>> No.7008113

Autocorrect might have changed intent to intensive, but it certainly didn't delete the 'and', you lying bitch

>> No.7008198

Have you ever used Swype? I just got this phone and have never used this program before but it does change wording and phrasing and dumps in whatever it thinks you want so chill. I will apologize to the grammar gods for my phone's wrongdoing.

>> No.7008304 [DELETED] 


No, you stupid cunt. You definitely meant to type "intents and" because that is a super common idiot misconception of that phrase. Why do you insist on bullshitting? It would have been easier to just be like "thanks, now I know!" I *only* use Swype for typing on my phone and there is no fucking way.

>> No.7008391

Soak them overnight. Also they're not very comfortable to begin with. They're the driest lenses I've ever worn. Don't believe the hype

>> No.7008664
File: 495 KB, 2415x434, Contacts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anybody has used these specific contacts brand before and how conformable they were?

Also I was debating about buyinh from Pinky Paradise and Honey Color...I have bought from PP before but there shipping is super high and it takes FOREVER to get them..Any personal thoughts?

>> No.7011290

I have some super pinky lenses, they're pretty nice. I don't find them to be uncomfortable, even after wearing for 8 hours. Can't say anything about the other lenses though.

>> No.7011316

I also have super pinky. They're nice especially from a few feet back, but the pupil hole is pretty small so they look a bit creepy up close if your pupils are dilated any amount. I tend to prefer ones that let a little bit of your natural colour peek through the center.

>> No.7011480
File: 601 KB, 500x320, 135500460530596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good recommendation for some yellow contacts for a Mami cosplay?

I was looking at this, but it seems to have bad reviews, so I'm not very sure.

>> No.7011487

The Princess Pinky brown or DollyEye Brown are probably the most bold and popular "gold" contacts people use for cosplay. Since both are so pigmented, a lot of people find that they make their eyes drier than other lenses but if you want noticeable color, those are the most popular choices.

>> No.7011515
File: 120 KB, 750x450, 97390341959801732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone worn Kilala contacts before? I'm pretty sure there's another name they go by too, but I can't think of it right now.

I'm interested in getting these in grey, but there is really no review information on the color. Any idea?

>> No.7011521

I would go for Princess Pinky or Neo Sunflower Brown. Dolly Eye dries my eyes and has a small eyehole

>> No.7011550
File: 68 KB, 775x250, princess-pinky-twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used these for an entirely different cosplay than Mami and I think they looked really good, far better than Dollyeye Brown.

Sorry about all the grain, because it's a super-closeup of a shot where the ISO was fucked, but this is with absolutely zero alterations other than to lighting, over blue eyes, and it's not even as vibrant as they looked IRL.

These are my light-eyes golden-eye-contact holy grail lenses.

>> No.7011578
File: 49 KB, 350x300, 1365051097439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm going to end up getting Pinky Princess based on what you guys said. I'll just soak them overnight and hope that they aren't as uncomfortable as people make them out to be.
Thank you so much for the pic and details. I'm a little worried on how they will look on darker eyes (I have really dark brown eyes) But if they're vibrant, I guess they'll be just fine.

>> No.7011682

anon in the picture there: they'll actually be MORE vibrant.

Gold lenses actually show up more faded over blue, green, or purple eyes than over brown.

>> No.7011783

You might want to look into some of these.

Venus Eye Aqua, really nice light turquoise

GBT Sky, look at the worn photos they look like totally what you want

>> No.7011813

Doesn't matter if they feel "ok." They are past the one year expiration date and wearing them will put you in risk of infection. GET NEW LENSES

You are playing russian roulette with your eyes. For the love of god get new lenses

>> No.7011913

Now I'm worried because I am waiting on a PP shipment for an upcoming con. How long did it take to arrive?

> mfw I live in Canada and chose DHL

>> No.7012036

I think when I ordered mine a few months back it took a little over a week? I think it was well within the low range of the estimated delivery time. I was nervous about it but I got them with lots of time to spare.

I live in Ontario btw.

>> No.7012516

Quick question
Can you wear circle lenses over prescription contacts? or is it just a really bad idea.
I want to cosplay a character that has blue eyes, but I don't want to buy a whole pack of prescription coloured contacts that I will never use again.
I'm blind without my contacts/glasses. Should I just wear my glasses over circle lenses even though the character doesn't wear glasses?

>> No.7012532

Buy them in your prescription/ power, friend.
Never layer contacts ever.

>> No.7012533

Glasses over circle lenses, remove glasses for photos. Never stick one lens on top of the other.

>> No.7012536



Seriously it's not worth it. Just bring your glasses, and take them off when someone wants to take a photo

>> No.7012538

Perhaps you can try to find circle lenses in your prescription. You're only buying one pair at a time that way, plus, you'll look more kawaii, even if you're a guy.
Chances are, you'll be cosplaying another character with blue eyes at some point, so they might be useful.
Yeah, never layer, you couldn't even get them in, probably.

>> No.7012576

Actually it depends on your prescription contacts. There are certain specialty lenses and certain situations where it is Okay to layer lenses but you have to verify this with your optometrist and tell them what lenses you want to use. E.g. gas perm lenses which once can wear a clear lens over for additional comfort. But again, check it with your optometrist.

However, if you wear cheaper disposables for your regular lenses, as other Anons said, you can find your prescription in circle lenses pretty damn easily.

>> No.7012607

I have a strong prescription that's different in each eye. I've never ordered presciption contacts that wasn't through my doctor so I'm kind of wary about ordering something like that online.
I also saw the website above in this thread and those were pretty expensive for just one pair that I would only wear once.
If I was to ever need them again they would probably be too old to use by then.
I'll probably just end up wearing and removing my glasses.
Thanks anons~

>> No.7013155
File: 2.60 MB, 1359x3213, KARACON Koumi Beware of FAKE CIRCLE LENSES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upsettingly, no. This is a different woman. There's more than one person like that.

>> No.7013159

Just wear your normal contacts. Eye colour is a nice touch, but really isn't that important. Glasses make you look less like the character, anyway.

>> No.7013216

Whoa, now who the hell came up with this brilliant idea to take the "Swab the shit out of your lenses" test one step further by soaking them in rubbing alcohol first. These bitches are so stupid! Any lens, legit or fake, is going to "lose color" when soaked in alcohol and swabbed with a q-tip. I want to know if someone didn't manage to "get color off the lens" and wore their pair again. It must've happened somewhere in this world.

>> No.7013299

Any tips for a first time lens wearer? I have mine, got them from Pinky Paradise, and I read about how you have to soak them for quite a few hours before putting them in and such. Other than that though I haven't really seen any special instructions. I'm a glasses wearer, not a contact lens person so if anyone has any tips/dos/don'ts I'd be eternally grateful.

>> No.7013375

Thank you for your suggestions - I especially like the GBT Sky Blue lenses!

>> No.7013418

This may possibly be a really stupid question, but is there such a thing as prescription circle lenses or colored lenses?

>> No.7013423


Yeah. I'm a -3.75 in both eyes and I buy prescription circle lenses. (I assume by prescription, you mean non-plano.)

>> No.7013424

There is a huge selection of prescription lenses. I have -8.5 vision and I can get lenses. Places like Pinky Paradise has an option to sort by strength so I'd suggest trying that out!

>> No.7013426



>> No.7014268

I'm always so scared to order another brand that isn't GEO since they appear to be the only one to have an antifake system. Am I the only one?

I hear that EOS, Dueba and Vassen are a lot more comfortable for most people, but I'm still chicken.

Also, how many pair of circle lenses does everyone have?

>> No.7015249

Currently I have 5 pairs, the most I have had at the same time~

You're not the only one anon. Geo has always been the most comfortable for me. I have tried lenses for other brands and they never are as comfortable as Geo (though 1-2 pairs have been near).

The worst case I had was with the puffy three tones. They felt dry and uncomfortable the first time I tried them so I thought I just needed to adjust to them and wore them again the next day for like 4 hours. Fucked up my eyes, now I need to use glasses.
Now I just don't bother and go with Geo, I'm scared of fakes that can fuck up my eyes more.

>> No.7015278

Umn... The higher the water content, the easier it is for that water to be evaporated from the lens causing the lens to become uncomfortable and less clear.

>> No.7015306
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never ordered circle lenses before but is the "D -2.25" part supposed to be entered in both the left and right prescription parts when you're ordering? i've tried looking it up but i didn't see anything too clear about it.

>> No.7015436

I.fairy lenses have anti-fake stickers now with a special foil hologram like on a passport or ID. If the sticker is torn off, the hologram gets distorted.

>> No.7015438

What does it say directly on the blister packs, not the box?

>> No.7015442


>> No.7015466

How often should I change my eye contact solution? I change them every time I wear them, but should I do it more often?

>> No.7015477
File: 396 KB, 1280x960, 20130514_152543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Kimchi Maki in yellow, they are huge, have a higher water content and look pretty good over my blue eyes, though they appear to look just as bright over brown.


>> No.7015480

Bausch and Lomb monthlies. Cost about $250 for a year's supply. In Canada, you need your prescription to be able to buy them, not sure about where you live though.

>> No.7015524

it's the same info

>> No.7015612

If you're getting colored cons anyways then they tend to be the same price whether plano or prescription.

Change after every wear is fine, maybe add more solution or change the solution if you notice the solution easily evaporates from the lens case in between wears.

>> No.7015628

What would a good purple lens be for greenish-hazel eyes?
I have been looking forever, but haven't found anything that is dark enough, or covers my entire iris.

>> No.7015699

Ok then both eyes should be entered in as -2.25 on the website

>> No.7015705

What's some really huge circle lenses? I've worn iFairy, but they don't seem that huge to me. Normal 14.5 contacts are smaller than my iris, so the biggest without being a full scelera lens would be nice. For reference, my eyes are hazel/green.

>> No.7015720

>inb4 people tell you they don't make them bigger.

Barbie Eye diamond are really big.

>> No.7015736

jfc, she's going to blind herself and any idiot who thinks her "advice" is sound.

>> No.7015765

alright, thanks for the help!

>> No.7015918


-4.75 and -4.95 cyl here, I used to use proclear but they dried out pretty fast for me. I use coopervision's biofinity now. They're pretty decent, but for some reason near the end of the day my contacts start rotating so my vision goes wonkers. Optometrist said it's a special case with my eyes though, and we're looking into getting lasik.

Depending on where you live, you'll need a prescription from an optometrist. Then, you can order lenses through your doctor, through a pharmacy, or through on online company.

To avoid worsening your astigmatism, avoid reading or focusing on stationary objects while you're traveling (e.g., don't read books or play video games in the train), or really, don't focus on anything that's vibrating. Disclaimer: this is on word from my very superstitious asian doctor.

>> No.7015949


They make 15.0mm circle lenses, never tried any myself though so none to recommend but I'm pretty sure a good couple popular brands have them like GEO.

>> No.7015952

You need to check that they list actual diameter rather than "appearance diameter"as some places list that they have appearance of 15mm but are actually only 14.5mm lenses, plus some measure the full diameter but the coloured part may not extend to the edge of the lens.

>> No.7015984

Why are you people so catty? There's no reason to call someone a bitch just because she's trying to save face after being called out for being stupid. Jesus.

>> No.7015985

What are some sites with circle lenses under 20USD? Or offer discounts on bulk orders?

>> No.7016090

I like to shop at kiwiberry because they usually have a 50% off code and all lenses are $20 to start with. They usually stick coupon codes in their page banner. They don't haves as huge a selection as pinky or hc, but they do have many of the same lenses. With a look.

>> No.7016092

Sorry, meant to say, 'worth a look'. And you can Google for the 50% coupons.

>> No.7017269

Can anyone help a complete newbie to contacts and circle lenses? I've been wanting to start for a while but I want to make sure I know about them enough to actually use them before buying and then letting them expire on my shelf. For the record, my eyes are fine and I've never used glasses.

>> No.7017389


> inb4 go to the optometrist

You'll need to know your BC before getting contacts, and this applies even if you have perfect vision. When you go, the guys there will probably show you how to get them in, clean them, and stuff.

>> No.7019544

So, the gas station next to my campus (which is conveniently next to a high school and a middle school) started selling CHEAP circle lenses a few days ago.
This store doesn't sell anything that anyone under 18 can't buy due to it's close proximity to the schools.

I can't help but feel like they are about to ruin everything. I don't know how. But they will.

>> No.7019553

I guess this is a good place to ask.
How important do you think contacts are for cosplay?
I have astigmatism and I know I can't wear sclera contacts or probably circle lenses but I can't get any type of contacts in at all.
The last time I went to the optometrist to get new glasses he spent 60 minutes or so trying to fit me for contacts, just trying to physically get them in my eyes and they wouldn't go in. He got so pissed off he had his nurse try to do it and she couldn't either.

I feel like my stuff will never look really great because I can't wear contacts.

>> No.7019562

I think colored contacts are only really important when you've got weird eye colors like red or something. For the rest if you're in the right overall lightness/darkness level it's all good. Nobody used to obsess over color contacts.

>> No.7019804
File: 67 KB, 500x500, yellow-cats-eye-contact-lenses-pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a general contact lens question but I didn't want to make a thread for it since it's related. The character I am building a cosplay for has yellow/greenish cat eyes. I looked at what most stores are offering and the lenses just look derp like plain yellow with the black pupil and no other detailing [pic related]. I know that costume-grade lenses are not prism balanced to prevent spinning either. 9mmsfx lenses are gorgeous but over what I want to spend on 1 costume. Should I just get some gold/yellow circle lenses or are there better looking lenses I have not seen?

>> No.7020679

On a similair note, what is a reputable contact brand? I need red contacts for a cosplay but have never worn any before so it would be greatly appreciated if I could have a recommendation :)

>> No.7020681

Anyone have reviews of Super Pinky Hazel or Brown on top of green eyes?

>> No.7020741

Does anyone know of circle (and general theatrical) lens sites with different base curve options? My BC is 8.4 and the majority of contacts seem to be 8.5 and up. I assumed it would be a minor inconvenience with my first pair but they slid around like crazy.

>> No.7023868

Would anyone happen to have a recommendation on black lenses for medium brown eyes?

Right now I'm looking at Geo Magic Black but wanted to know if anyone had a better rec. before I commit.

>> No.7023876

I wear most of mine for around 2 years or so as well. They start feeling different after a while (harder to put on, dry faster, feel like something in your eye more often/easily, photofobia gets bad etc), and you just know you gotta throw them away. It's really not hard to know whether they're still ok or not.

>> No.7023914

e-circlelens sells lenses with 8.4 base curves.

>> No.7023917

http://silencedrowns.tumblr.com/post/52238513641/super-pinky-brown-contacts-over-light-blue I found Super Pinky Brown on blue, does this help?

>> No.7024359

Where is this store located?