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7003347 No.7003347 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst experience you've ever had during your stay at a convention hotel?
Terrible roommates, awful employees, parties gone wrong. I want to hear about it.

>> No.7003370

cleaning crew didnt clean out under the bed, found a dirty wet sports bra.
went to room party with people I just met, one of them was waltzing around without any panties...and she had a goal of trying to suck some guys dick from the host club (he was gay).
friends stunk the room up so bad because some of the guests didnt leave the room, they stayed in there and drank.
someone broke my prop sword and hid it in the closet.
Ive never had an issue with employees though, theyre always really nice.

>> No.7003379

Had a hotel once that would not accept cash. They would not accept actual, physical money presented and counted to them right there. Luckily, my best friend works at the head building that owns the chain of hotels. Heres a recap, they also did not speak much english (america by the way)
>Money es $_____.
>Ok, heres the money.
>No take cash. Need card. $250 safety on hold for breaking of room.
>Count out $250 and put it infront of him with the hotel payment.
>No take money. Card only.
>Fine get me your manager.
>Only women who speaks english. Shes looks 7 months regnant and smells like smoke
>"We dont take cash. We only take cards, for saftey deposite"
>Explain we have enough cash for that and why they wont take cash
>"I dont gotta esplain to yous. No card no room", and begins speaking in spanish to the worker at counter, both laughing
>Best friend had enough, pulls out her identification from the chain owner and has exects shaking down the place for its shit workers the next day.

I understand having a policy, but when they ever came out and started acting like fucking slum trash and insulting us in spanish (speak small bits and know the insults when i hear them directed at me), then I'm done. Apperently they were dealing out of the back and room service hadnt actually been changing the sheets, they were just fucking partying in the back.

>> No.7003442

>Ikkicon ###, I can't remember
>Front desk people are surprisingly eager and excited to see all the con-goers
>General Manager spends the whole weekend on the floor and freaking out at people
>kicks people out of rooms for breaking capacity (even though the people at the door were counting and there weren't even people standing, everyone had a seat)
>wanders through the crowd, shoving people and being generally rude
>some of the housekeeping throws out an attendee's things, including GH controllers and planners

And that's how I met some of my current convention hook-ups. I vowed to never go to Ikkicon again, though I've heard they've really cleaned up.

>> No.7003450

Probably the lack of down pillows. I don't room with social rejects, you see.

>> No.7003471

>Convention and hotel regularly fight
>Last year the hotel randomly pulls out a new policy Thursday night
>Hotel has its own staff controlling the elevators
>Only people with wristbands can get on elevator, 4 wristbands per room
>Everyone else has to go up to floor 10 and take the elevator there, or go up all the stairs
>All this because some jackass was booking entire floors and cramming as many people as possible into rooms to make a profit
>Hotel found out, freaked out
>Guy who tried to buy those floors gets everyone freaked out, people start thinking the stairs will be locked
>The whole weekend there was a rumor going around that the city's fire marshal personally came to the con and demanded the doors unlocked

Goddamnit these people

>> No.7003481

i see you went to youmacon.
supposedly even people who were only there for saturday events and needed wheelchairs were told they couldn't ride elevators to the different floors for panels, but had to be CARRIED on the escalators (for those not familiar, the ren cen mariott in detroit has the stupidest hotel design in the history of anything) lest they, oh no, sneak to a friend's room. they also demanded you had to WEAR the wristbands, you couldn't simply keep them in your pocket, and it was so bad they had kitchen staff, who had better things to do, checking for wrist bands at the elevators.

>> No.7003513

The Marriott's design is stupid because it's not meant to really be hosting a convention this big. The speaking rooms and hotel are really just for GM.

But I remember the hotel staff basically stopped caring somewhere between Friday night and Saturday afternoon. I do remember a room key worked if your wristband didn't and my friends brought tape and scissors, while also putting on their wrist bands really wide. They're really paranoid about this year since the hotel supposedly checked everyone's room for room stuffing. I thought that was bullshit since that'd be something really impractical to do since they could only check so many rooms and often it'd be really hard to tell if there were a lot of guests or just a few people with a LOT of luggage

>> No.7003546

To be fair, my horror story has more to do with the con's shitty management and friends drama.
>arrive at hotel for check-in, told there are no more double bed rooms (what we reserved) and that we would be given a roll-away as comp.
>finally get to room, no roll-away
>call the front desk, they have no more roll-aways
>don't really want to complain/cause a stink because we don't want to get caught for room stuffing.
>spend 4 nights on the floor with my boyfriend, with only 2 pillows and a tiny blanket because my friend, lets call her Sarah, has "back problems" and needs the bed. By the end of the weekend my entire right side is bruised.
>Also in the hotel room is Jay, Sarah's ex-boyfriend
>Because I am the mutual friend, I have to deal with hearing both Sarah and Jay bitch about each other over the entire weekend, yay me.
> One day of the con, Sarah goes back to the hotel room to sleep, but she apparently "can't sleep" without locking the deadbolt.
>Jay and a few others go up to the room to change, can't get in because of deadbolt, and Sarah doesn't wake up
>Jay's group ends up having to go down to the front desk, getting the keys switched and going back only to finally have Sarah wake up and let them in.
>Later on, Jay's group locks the deadbolt when Sarah and her friend try to get in, as revenge
>Extensive bitching from Sarah
>A few days after con, Sarah texts me and Jay, ranting that the weekend was ruined by Jay, and that I'm a terrible friend because I always side with Jay yadda yadda yadda
>Go to confront Jay, talk problems out
>Find out that during the weekend, at some point Sarah and her friend had some random guys they met at the con inside of our room
>never told me, never asked me or anyone else if that was okay
>Find out they were looking through other friends stuff

>> No.7003550

>Ohayocon whatthefuckever
>Reserve room in May for January con at the Hyatt
> My fav hotel and perfect because it's connected
>People start getting emails saying they're being moved because the Hyatt is under rennovation
>Don't get one, must have registered early enough!
>Get up on Friday to drive to con
>Check email
>Email dated in body as September, but sent day of check in
>Sorry we have to move you across town to a different Hyatt
>But we're offering a shuttle!
>Get there and its full of a business conference
>Go upstairs, change into cosplay, come downstairs, businesswomen laugh and make fun of cosplayers in the lobby
>Wait for shuttle.
>30 minute wait in freezing weather
>Dressed as a sailor senshi
>Get on bus, it smells of BO and has loud KH yaoi 13 year old girls in the back
>They yell about yaoi and how it's so kawaii there
>Somehow they're there every time I want to ride the shuttle
>shuttle takes 30 minutes one way
>shuttle stops at midnight
>have to be back to hotel room before midnight or no ride
>If we drive there we have to pay $20 for our parking and $20 for con parking

>> No.7003590

>vending at steampunk con
>somewhat badly run, room we are in is not marked on map and has no signage
>tables were the advertised 6 feet long, but only 1 foot wide, wtf
>no AC, halfway through second day someone drags in an ac unit and fan in because room is literally getting steamy
>Saturday night about 9, a hotelworker comes in, tells us we have to leave the room so it can be locked up
>but we have until 10! It says in the contract and brochure
>threatens to kick us out of hotel if we don't comply so we grab stuff and get out
>tablemates things still in room, several other vendors weren't even there and need to get their things so we have to go find a manager
>manager and a con staff guy both confused because neither ordered room closed
>neither have key to room
>guy who made us leave does not have key
>he fucking handed it to some random person who said they were a vendor, can't even give a description so we can find them
>luckily person shows up and really was a vendor so we all get in finally

Same con, same night
>con was split between two neighboring hotels, my group is staying at second and much nicer hotel
>double booked with teenage girl swim meet
>obnoxious 13 year olds hanging over balcony, throwing things and yelling extremely stupid insults at steampunkers
>no idea where their parents were, probably bar or hiding in rooms
>around 2 am that night, finally quiet and everyone sleeping
>wake up and see flashing lights
>faintly hear weird noise and shouting
>open door to look out and fucking assaulted with loud fire alarm
>get group up, we all have to run out in pjs and stand outside for a goddamn hour while hotel is investigated
>just a fire alarm pull prank
>coincidentally is alarm nearest the swim meets rooms

Also brilliant idea to have hotel rooms soundproofed and all the alarms outside in the main hotel.

>> No.7003615
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>ACen 2013, staying at a hotel down the road
>Free shuttle but the driver is horrid
>Constantly late, smacking on food while driving, lies to riders about going straight to the convention center, takes them on detours to pick up people from the airport
>One ride back to the hotel she begins arguing with a rider about why he looks so feminine (he was pretty androgynous but specifically said he was male)
>finally says he's FtM
>"He, she, it, thing, whatever you is"
>Everyone is silent for the rest of the ride
>Sunday, my friend and I had been waiting for the shuttle bus for 2 hours
>Everytime we call the hotel they said the driver said she had headed out a while ago and they didn't know why she wasn't there.
>Bus finally gets there and everyone who had only been waiting 10 minutes flood the bus while I hobble over in restrictive cosplay while carrying a 50lbs case of Magic cards
>Trip and wipe-out on the pavement, FtM guy is the only one to come help me
>Try to get on the bus and she tells me and my friend to get off
>"We've been waiting 2 hours"
>Shuts the door on my face and drives off
I honestly thought my ovaries were going to burst from being so enraged

>> No.7003641

>Have confirmation email
>hotel claimed room was cancelled
>end up in room on the top floor, not a double, king and pull away
>douchebag dating friends steal the king, won't let a third person in (it was huge and we're all small)
>pull out the worst bed I've ever slept on, floor would have been better
>oh well

>Saturday morning
>shower doesn't work
>"the pipe burst"
>no water all weekend.

Had to shower in a friend's room 15 floors closer to the ground level. No shower AND no toilet

Fuck you radisson.

>> No.7003663

Just a few short little things:

>Friends or acquaintances getting drunk and vomiting on cosplayers' things, almost collapsing on top of sleeping people, bringing in assholes/sluts to the room.
>Fire alarm con: The alarm went off 4 separate times in the same night, half of us said fuck it and stayed in the room prepared to burn versus climbing down and up 20 flights.
>Flood con: one of my last A-kon's the sprinkler system on our floor went off. Before we went to line up for masquerade we had to put all our luggage on the beds in case the water got to our door before we were back. It was steadily rising.

>> No.7003676 [DELETED] 

Christ, that sounds horrible.

>Has back problems, must take bed.
Have a friend that says the same thing. Only reason I got a bed at Kumo was because I booked the room, and drove everyone up there.
>Has to lock the deadbolt.
That'd be my girlfriend... She has anxiety issues, and thinks someone's going to come in and kill her.
>At Newcon 2012
>First-year con, lots of partying
>At 18+ maid cafe
>Hotel has staff in room to make sure things don't get out of hand
>Cafe ends up with guy on table, shirt lifted up
>Syrup poured on his stomach, another guy licking it off him
>Everyone in panel is crowded around table, cheering them on
>Look around for hotel chaperone-dude
>See him in the middle of the crowd, fist in the air, cheering just as loud as everyone else
>Total bro, EverythingWentBetterThanExpected.png

>> No.7003682

>At Newcon 2012
>First-year con, lots of partying
>At 18+ maid cafe
>Hotel has staff in room to make sure things don't get out of hand
>Cafe ends up with guy on table, shirt lifted up
>Syrup poured on his stomach, another guy licking it off him
>Everyone in panel is crowded around table, cheering them on
>Look around for hotel chaperone-dude
>See him in the middle of the crowd, fist in the air, cheering just as loud as everyone else
>Total bro, EverythingWentBetterThanExpected.png

Christ, that sounds horrible.

>Has back problems, must take bed.
Have a friend that says the same thing. Only reason I got a bed at Kumo was because I booked the room, and drove everyone up there.
>Has to lock the deadbolt.
That'd be my girlfriend... She has anxiety issues, and thinks someone's going to come in and kill her.

>> No.7003725

Right, don't normally post on this board, but here we go. An experience from about 7 years ago.

>Get tickets to a con a bit late
>All my friends have already got their accom
>An "aqquaintance" said he'll go halves on a double room with me.
>Get there... turns out I'm not the only one he offered this deal to.
>There are 6 of us in the same room.
>Some of these people are the biggest emotional retards I've ever met.
>Turns out, the guy who sorted out the room, was actually BANNED from attending the con.
>Room is cramped, smells a bit, gave up the bed so that a naive girl who never met any of us before could sleep on it. She was suffering enough as it was.
>Later I found out that another girl that was with us tried to molest said naive girl that night.
>Come back after the first day of the con, the room has been trashed by the deal offerer. His arms are covered in completely clean bandages.
>He claims that he had just stop a break in at a local estate agents by a knife wielding man.
>His arms are covered in 0.5mm thick cuts.
>There's a broken pen wit a sharp point in the bin.
>Escape so he can explain what happened to the room to the hotel owner.


On the plus side, that naive girl, is now my wife. :3

>> No.7003742

>First time staying at a hotel for a convention
>Packed up 10am Sunday morning
>Carrying 30lb of luggage to elevator
>Every single one that goes by is either full or going up
>My friends and I decide to just take the stairs down despite being on the 60th floor
>My brother has 50lb of cosplay with him decides to stay and wait for an elevator
>After about an hour we finally get down to the main floor
>My brother is there waiting for us
>"Oh some staff guy came up with an elevator, let me on and after 5 floors just locked the thing"

Oh how naive I was

>> No.7003760

I had something similar happen to me.

>We (friend's sister, friend's (now ex-)girlfriend, and myself) were contemplating going to another set of elevators and switching elevators at a certain floor.
>start walking that way when a guy appears and begins to race us
>friend's ex takes off, but sister and I happen to see a hotel worker who offers to take us up on the staff elevator
>ride up the elevator with super cute worker and chat her up about what at the con she should go see while on her break (staff apparently gets a free pass if they work during that weekend)

>> No.7003768

That was one of the best "how i met my spouse" stories ive ever heard, props to you anon

>> No.7003780

This thread got me to call my hotel sooner to double check my reservations I made back in April for August. Had a minor scare when they said they couldn't find my reservation, but it's all good now. Found it and it should be all okay... Unless there are last minute changes? I'll call again closer to the date to confirm that there should be no troubles for my friends and I.

>> No.7003890

Aren't you not allowed to not take cash as a payment?

>> No.7003896

Even if you're legally not obligated to take cash, that sort of conduct is definitely enough to get you in hot water.

>> No.7003899

PAX East 2012 at the westin

>Screwed up our room
>5 of us
>Gave us one bed
>No roll away
>No couch
>No extra pillows or blankets
>No kitchonette
>Had to pay for wifi
>No breakfast or anything

Is it just me, or do less classy hotels offer you more? I was astounded that we payed so fucking much to stay there and got NOTHING.
The hotel we stayed at this year was a few miles away but on the shuttle path at least and was a million times nicer.

>> No.7003910

The one bed thing was a problem because we requested a double and the 'overbooked'. The entire hotel was packed and they seemed quie ill prepared for it.

>> No.7003918

Yeah, I've noticed that cheaper hotels have a lot more to them. Like when I went to comic con we stayed at a cheap Holiday Inn a few miles away that had free Wifi and free breakfasts

>> No.7003934

I've had good experience with room-mates fortunately.

However, one time, we unfolded one of the spare blankets provided and there was an enormous bloodstain on it. I don't even understand how anyone could have missed it, it was huge.

>> No.7003939

I think it's just rediculous that we spent around $800 for the weekend and then had almost nothing!
The kitchonette pissed me off personally because I bring food to cons so that I can save money and not buy the over priced convention center food.

>> No.7003942

>Book room, only one left is a king size
>Friends all say that I definitely will be sleeping on the bed no matter what
>Oh cool, no sleeping on the floor again! Yay!
>Nope, the three girls rooming with me take the bed because "EW ANON IM SORRY BUT I DONT WANT TO WAKE UP TO A BONER THEY'RE GROSS"
>Wind up on the floor anyways
>the other two people rooming with me snore really loudly
>Can't get pissy because one had to lend me some money when the hotel hit me with a hidden fee, one of the guys snoring is my 21 year old brother who still tells on his younger brother

>> No.7003958


The Westin is a piece of shit; they're the only option besides the intercontinental and shit half a mile away so they can dick over whoever they want. I can't wait for the extra two hotels they're zoning for right there get put up

>> No.7003963

The dollar is legal tender in america and you cannot refuse it as payment because some people have money, but not cards since you have to have customer loyalty to a bank, which (while sometimes it dosnt seem like it in america), is not required to get things. If the hotel had the policy before marriot bought them out, then they had hid it from them and were using the process of no cash secretly from the company.

The reason why we pushed it was because my friend worked at the parent company and she had never heard of this cash ban. Like >>7003896
said, it was the piss poor service and outright harassment that made us call in the corporate hit squad. By the end of it all, she demanded, even as an employee, that we get comped. Paid $50 a night for a $300 a night room.

>> No.7004008

I agree, there has been nice hotels a bit further away but if you don't mind walking or taking transit, it's worth it.

Such as around Seattle. So far I've been at Queen Anne Inn (vacation), Max Hotel (vacation, Priceline express deal), First Hill Apartments (PAX), Silver Cloud Hotel Broadway (vacation, P.E. deal again), and Renaissance Hotel (Sakuracon), and soon the Baroness Hotel for PAX.

I really enjoyed Queen Anne Inn and First Hill Apartments for the kitchenettes and free breakfast (it's not much but it's free at least), and I'm looking forward to using the Baroness Hotel. It will be a lot closer than First Hill, like a 10-min walk instead of 25~40min transit. Silver Cloud Hotel is pricier (thus P.E. deal) and very nice, complementary shuttle drop-off at Convention Center and other places, and pick-up too till 10:30pm or something.

>> No.7004030

We stayed at the Renaissance Mariott near the library in down town Seattle because an entire hotel got canceled for Sakura-con. Hotel staff...Fucking amazing group of people parking and wifi were free for the entire weekend because of us having to be shifted. Restaurant and bar staff were quite nice as well.

A smidge farther away than most hotels but you could take a shortcut to the convention center easy.

>> No.7004087
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My country has a lot of hostels, so whenever I go to a con outside of town I stay at a hostel. Few weeks ago had my first horror story...

>Book for me and my friend a cheap hostel (10€ per night) near the con
>Since I like to change in peace in my own room, book an all female room
>When friend gets there and she discovers it's a female room, she starts bitching because "girls are messy"
>All the other girls are korean tourists that are really quiet
>She bitches all weekend about how "messy" they are
>She wanted to stay at a mixed room...
>There is only one toilet and one shower per floor and there are around 50 people per floor
>Have to camp in the corridor to go to the toilet and to have a shower
>Really dirty shower with no place to put stuff, have to leave towel on the floor
>Constant fear of getting some kind of disease
>Friend keeps bitching about the girls in the room and how it would have been so much better to be in a guy's room

If she had told me first I would have booked her on the guy's room, ffs

>> No.7004118

This also happened over the weekend:
>Brother introduces himself to the people we're staying with by only saying "hi, I'm Anon's brother"
>Apparently he assumed everyone staying with us would know his name due to being a facebook group chat a few weeks prior (even though a few people in it dropped out)
>The whole weekend, no one but me and another person rooming with us knows my brother's name
>"He didn't tell me his name! Fuck, what was it? All he said was 'hi I'm anon's brother'"
>Proceed to refer to him as "Anon's brother" the whole weekend
>he gets upset by this
>As a joke, I get the voice of Duke Nukem, Jon St John, to poke fun at him for that
>Send the video I took to him
>My brother is pissy for the rest of the con, tells my mother

He's still a little upset but is slowly beginning to be ok with it

>> No.7004137
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>decide to save money and stay at a hotel away from the con
>has two star reviews but figure it can't be that bad
>discover it's a Red Roof Inn that has lost its franchise and turned into the "Red Rock Inn" (the sign had the ck in a different font)
>get in, see this sign on the counter
>elevator drops a foot and shakes all the way up
>Room is clearly a smoking room turned into 'non smoking'
>carpet is vaguely wet
>shower leaves me standing in 5 inches of water (a big pet peeve of mine)
>go to check out the next morning

I sincerely hope that wasn't actual blood but like. I have no idea what else it could have been and I don't want to know. I have a really shitty blurry picture but irl it was clearly a handprint (fingerprints and all)

>> No.7004164

I only go to hotels to the biggest con in my country since I have friends almost all over the place and they offer to take me for free. First year I went everything was ok, but it was a bit far. For the next year, I decided to stay with 6 friends and my boyfriend at an inn which was only 10 minutes by foot, and a bit cheaper.
>employee was an old man who almost kicks us out for making noise after 10PM the first night
>hot water was out if only one person went to the shower ( cold water showers in November )
>bathroom was outside the room
>sewer pipes noises all the fucking night
>employee almost kicks us out 3rd night because noise when we weren't making a sound
>boyfriend and I asked for a double room, they gave us a small room with 2 beds, each one at the other side on the room, couldn't even put them together
>no cellphone signal
>had to clean out own rooms
>no fucking towels ( they charged us for them )
Since then I always go to hotels even if I have to pay more. I only want a hot shower and a good sleep, goddamnit.

>> No.7004173

>Ignores rest of post where she and friends bring guys over and rummage through stuff
>And gets mad when OTHERS lock the deadbolt

Wake the fuck up Anon and realize your gf is a crazy bitch (if this is her)

>> No.7004189

>shitty little hotel in paris
>male staff catcalls everything female
>two small bathrooms for every floor
>many holes in the woman's bathroom stalls and showers
>we think it's funny at first, but fill the holes with paper and glue
>every morning the holes are uncovered/emptied
>tell staff
>they laugh and don't care
>one of my friends, who is the first to use the shower, gets nervous and wears a bathing suit
>sees "an old man's" eye looking through the hole
>get staff
>make a huge scene, staff suddenly pretends that they don't speak english
>threaten to call the police; get money back, GTFO as fast as we can

>> No.7004192

You can totally refuse cash payments at a hotel. It's a private business.

It's not like they're saying "your money's no good here cause you're black", they're saying "we need a credit card because people like to trash our rooms and skip out and we need to cover our asses."

Join 2013 and get a debit card that functions as a credit card, put the money in your account, and deal with it.

>> No.7004207

Motaku in KC a few years ago (I think it was '10 or '11) the whole con floor smelled like a sewer.

Anyone else remember how bad it smelled?

>> No.7004213

Actually, no establishment is legally required to take the dollar as currency.

>> No.7004216
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>Kitacon 2012
>Hotel has 'fire alarm tests' at 6am every Monday
Come the fuck on, 6 in the morning after a fucking weekend? I think everyone's figured out it's just to get everyone up and out of the hotel before they pass the check-out time.

>> No.7004221

Big brand hotels that have the locations the closest to the con centres usually skimp out on extra stuff like free WiFi, couches, no breakfast etc. because they know people will stay there just because it's so close

>> No.7004231

>roommate gets super drunk and pretty much begs to fuck me
>old food in the bathroom sink
>roommates drinking my liquor while I'm asleep
>bringing strangers into hotel room, onto my bed while I'm trying to sleep
>sleep anyway, with strangers drinking next to me on my bed

I don't party hard enough for my roommates. Will be looking at different ones this year.

>> No.7004235

different anon, but isn't it kinda wrong just to spring something like that on paying customers without any sort of warning? It's one thing to have it listed on a website or mentioned in a confirmation email, but to just suddenly make up a rule like that can be an inconvenience, especially to people who may be far away from the bank they use.

>> No.7004239
File: 18 KB, 295x205, pretty-woman-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best friend is artist and gets invited to con
>her publisher gets her two tickets, we share a room in a VERY expensive hotel
>okay, this is a noble upperclass hotel, let's be extra nice, and let's not dress like weeaboos, we want to give a good impression
>at two times when we enter the front doors the concierge blocks our way and tells us to get lost
>hotel staff repeatedly tells us not to bring anyone in our room especially no "crazy halloween people" and "NO OLD MEN!"
>ask staff member about breakfast times
>she turns around and walks away
>ask someone else
>he does the same
>get repeatedly told not to "bother the real guests"
>maids enter the room all the fucking time without knocking and stare at us as if we would mess up the room and steal everything, leave without cleaning
>in general, everyone is horribly rude and treats us like garbage

Pretty Woman screenshot somewhat related?

>> No.7004246

John Fucking Wetzel aka omegagamer

That's the guy who caused all this shit. And later tried to cause a massive stink about how hotels are abusing attendees' 'rights' for not letting them room stuff etc.

Fucking hate that guy.

>> No.7004254

Didn't he try that shit again with Colossalcon this year? I remember someone posting about that a few months back

>> No.7004255
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I'll just leave it at this,

If you're going to throw a party with alcohol, make sure the executive director of the convention isn't in the room next to you.
Even if everyone is over 21. Fuck you Ikkicon 6.

>MFW very pissed off director at door.

>> No.7004262

It might have been a co-director/chairman... Can't remember.

>> No.7004271


Staff was aware and he didn't book any rooms, at least not under his own name.

>> No.7004273

>Con is near my friend's university, so I stay at her dorm
>Head back Friday night around 11pm
>Bus back to campus is filled with rowdy college kids all singing "happy birthday", all are likely drunk
>get back, go to sleep
>woken up by friend's roommate coming back at 1am, futon is in clear view of the door
>rise up, make rape face at the roommate, say "HOWDY"
>See someone else shambling in, laughing
>Roommate was having loud sex with a guy

heh, according to my friend, I missed out on this convo while I was asleep:
>"Uhhhhggg... yeahh.... Peter.... you're so fucking hot" (or some shit like that)
>"my name is Greg..."

Her roommates were the stereotypical college party girls who only seem to talk about booze and banging boys. My friend hates them so much to the point that she would come home every weekend just to not deal with their bullshit.

>> No.7004276


I doubt it was made up on the spot. I'm pretty sure you have to have a card to reserve a room nowadays--I have had to for every hotel I've stayed at, even if I was paying cash.

>> No.7004288

I just booked a room for a con few weeks back, and I had to give them a card. I'm pretty sure that's more to charge you for no-shows/damages but last year we paid in cash there.

>> No.7004294
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>>"my name is Greg..."

>> No.7004310

Does it count if I was probably someone elses' terrible hotel story? Oh well. Story time.

>Staying with a few friends of mine at the hotel even though I only live an hour away because they needed help paying for the room and I didn't mind
>The pair is an "on again, off again" couple and this particular weekend they were off again
>The girl brings another guy with her back to the room with us
>Suuuuper awkward
>Once we're all back in the room I decide to combat how awkward this is by drinking
>A lot
>A few hours later and I'm completely smashed in one of the party rooms, never been this drunk before or since and wearing a cosplay I didn't bring (Tifa)
>Stumble back to my room after knocking on the wrong door consistently for about a half hour only to have a girl angrily come out and shoo me.
>Can't go in the room because the couple is now on again and having sex loudly in the room
>This hotel had a deal where if like you had forgotten toiletries or something (like a toothbrush) they'd give you a cheap-o one and decide to use this to try and ask for toast so I could sober up while waiting for the friends to stop banging in the hotel
>The guy working the counter is very confused by my request for toast and goes to ask another employee what to do while I belligerently demand they meet my request
>Another employee comes over and says he likes my costume and that he'll see what he can do
>Gets me bread (no toaster) and I am appeased
>Stumble back into room and crawl into my bed even though they're still going at it
>Throw up on the floor out of protest and they stop
>I clean up everything in the morning but still get charged a ridiculous amount in fees because the guy didn't get his spray paint for his costume off the tub and neither pay me back for that
>I still have that Tifa costume and never found out who it belonged to
>I'm getting married to the hotel worker that gave me bread in 3 weeks so I guess it turned out okay

>> No.7004384
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i have one interesting story but its not about how terrible the hotel was or anything
>mtac 2010
>first day of the con fine, nice weather havin fun, meeting people
>second day its raining all day, super hard
>third day almost don't go because we can't see the road its raining so hard
>entire city of nashville gets flooded but me and my friend are still partying at this con
>get a week off school also, literally the most fun i've had in my life

>> No.7004425

>youth hostel in berlin
>first thing i do is get in shower
>turn it on, hardly any pressure
>finish shower
>the tiny bathroom is flooded 2 inches deep and there is no drainage
>me and the 4 other people in my party soak up the water with our towels
>spend rest of the week at hotel with a mouldy towel
>glad to return home
>a month passes
>fucking bedbug infestation

>> No.7004466

What the hell are you spouting about? I'd hate to deal with someone who has no idea about what they're talking about. Most hotels NEED a credit or debit card out of necessity. A $300 deposit is nowhere near enough to cover the damages in a nice room which can run up into the low to mid 1000's and cash leaves no trail for finding responsible parties. Also private businesses aren't obligated to do almost SHIT. They can straight up refuse to service you. Most of the times hotel accommodations or any "comps" are out of customer service rather than any real legal obligation. Common sense bro

>> No.7004479

This. Only rat infested shit holes take cash without a card, because it's usually deadbeats, crack whores, or people trying to "stay under the radar" refusing to use a credit card.

>> No.7004480

>at a con in early july this year
>too many people for one hotel
>takes forever to catch an elevator
>kids decide that it'd be fun to go jumping in the elevators
>they break 2 elevators
>congoers can't go more than 6 on the two working elevators again
>had to take stairs each day in cosplay

>> No.7004484

What an asshole. Really sorry you had to deal with that, anon. Bad bus/shuttle-drivers are the worst.

>> No.7004491

All anon said was that their girlfriend always has to lock the door. Stop projecting.

>> No.7004522

That was another Anon.
Mine may be crazy, but she's never really pulled shit at cons.

>> No.7004543

maybe it was some kind of local swinger club thing. sounds like glory holes

>> No.7004549

>cleaner than girls
she just wanted the dick.

>> No.7004552

Jesus you sound like a dumb bitch. Its completely standard for hotels to only take cards. If someone fucks up a room, they need a way of keeping track of them.

I feel genuinely bad for anyone in retail that has to ever deal with you.

>> No.7004561

I can only think of one story right now and it's a good one, not a bad one:
>Wake up really early Sunday
>Good around in the game room before going back to pack
>Get kinda hungry, head towards the food court
>Drunk guy starts talking to me on the way there
>"You know what, kid? You're alright. I'm gonna buy you breakfast"

All he wanted was my hash browns and a sip of my coffee. He was awfully nice.

>> No.7004574

> Book a hotel room with three other girls, lets call them L, K, and A.
> Week Before Con A asks if he two guy friends (we'll call them C and G) and her boyfriend J can come.
>Me: "Yeah sure more people are great for price."
> Day of Con K invites her boyfriend whom we'll refer to as R along. Whatever I like R he's cool people.
> So have a room with 8 people, bit crowded but cool.
>Getting ourselves ready for bed the first night.
> J: "Well A and I get to have a bed because A paid first."
>Me: "It's my room. and you didn't pay until today, so you're on the floor since the arrangements were A and Me in one and L and K in the other."
>Everyone else was totally ok with this.. he continues to bitch to the point where we were just like "fuck it".

Day 2:
> A is cosplaying something skimpy J decides he hates all men because his girlfriend is being looked at by them.
> Doesn't go to convention at all and instead invites his brother and his brother's girlfriend to the room without my permission.
>return to hotel with beer soaked into carpet and two strangers there. So naturally I am like "wtf?"
> Say something get called a cunt.
> Proceed to just leave because fuck that.
> L texts me and mentions J's bitchiness. I agree and we both decide to just not mention it to A until he's not around.
>L meets a hot guy and he invites her to stay in his room for the night. It's sketch but she agrees if I can come along too.
>Go to other guy's room since J was such a douche.

Day 3:
> J invited more people over the night before and they damage the hotel room.
> Throws a fit when I say that he needs to give me money for the damages
> Everyone else is totally reasonable about it and hands the cash over no problem.

And when A finally dumped J for being a mega douche there is much rejoicing on facbook. But because I said her knew guy can't stay with us she backed out of our hotel room for Otakon literally today. Oh well looks like I won't have spending money at the con now.

>> No.7004583

Not that anon but you just sound ignorant as fuck. They weren't upset about not being able to use cash as much as they were with how they were treated. Plus if their friend was that high up on the food chain with the company, they probably knew that the hotel should have accepted cash, but was upset because for some reason that specific hotel in the chain didn't.

As someone who works retail I'd be more pissed off having to work with you. I prefer my employees and coworkers to handle any and all situation with a certain level of professionalism. You sound like a whiney teenager flaunting their knowledge around. Christ is summer almost over

>> No.7004586

Shit, please pardon my poor grammar English is not my main language

>> No.7004607

I don't know why, but I found this story hilarious.

>> No.7004611

I've had bad luck with roommates, with the two worst incidents taking place when I was in high school. Some fellow students/acquaintances offered to let me room at conventions with them and I said yes, since it'd be cheap and I would be able to do my own thing or whatever.

First time:
>Girl roommate and her bf (both landwhale weeaboos) had sex a few times in room despite having three others room with them
>Roommates left their dirty clothing all over the floors
>Bought tons of fast food like pizza and left it out
>All previous items placed where I was supposed to sleep
>Me and another roomy they brought get stuck sleeping on the floor with no blankets or pillows (I got the closet, he took the bathtub)
>Leave me and this guy to pick everything up after them, and help them out with their terrible artist alley table throughout the entire weekend
>Girl roomy that invited me disappears for half the con, leaving me by myself in a hotel room with three guys
>Can't complain for shit because their parents brought me there (and also received a good scolding from friends about trusting these people to room with them in the first place)

Second time:
>roommates leave all lights on at nighttime
>also leave on television at near-max volume
>leave wet towels all over the bathroom/didn't clean the sink
>leave their cosplay and artist alley materials all over the floor
>leave chinese food out for over a day without refrigerating it (that fucking smell)

On the positive I've gotten way better when it comes to choosing people I go to cons with, it's something I should have looked into when I was younger. I probably could've avoided a lot of trouble. Maybe I'm too high-maintenance but I cannot stand staying with slobs who just trash the rooms.

>> No.7004644

man, that sounds familiar. was it conbust con this past year?

>> No.7004663
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Literally just happened, and the con hasn't even happened yet. I mad.

>I'm in charge of Otakon hotel room.
>7 people in the room, me, my two friends, my best friend, her bf, his 2 friends
>All is fine and dandy for about a month after they're all on board
>suddenly two days ago, one of the people (best friend's boyfriend's friend) asks if his girlfriend can come in the room.
>No, 7 is max capacity
>she throws a shit fit wanting to come, because she can't stand to be away from him for a weekend and has waited until now to throw a tantrum
>guy says he'll drop if he can't get his girlfriend in the room with us, bringing us down to 6
>at this point I'm more pissed by the princess attitude than the extra person
>I tell him that I have to see what the other roommates want; if they prefer less money per person (if the gf rooms with us) or more space for the weekend (if the guy drops if we say no to his gf)
>Other roommates can't afford to have someone drop
>I'm told guy's other friend rooming with us may drop too if I kick the guy out.
>I have no choice but to allow ms. princess to stay

>they say they're 'soo apologetic' over backing me into a corner like this

Fuck I'm still pissed over it. I told her straight though, if I get any complaints or princess attitude from either of them at Otakon, their shit's out the door. I don't even know how you could be "omg so sorry for the stress!" and yet continue to insist to be a bitch.

I said she doesn't get a bed or an air mattress, etiher. They promise they'll be no drama, and I plan to be nice just so it doesn't bring my weekend down, but god damn it.

>> No.7004675

You are aware this is an online forum, not a professional setting, right?

>> No.7004679

Keep firm, don't let them force the bed. If they try to "go to sleep early" and get on the bed, you wake their asses up and create the shit storm.

People like that thrive on people who don't want to create drama, times like this it's okay to be a cunt and tell them where to shove it. I would literally shove them right onto the floor and share a screaming match if someone tried that shit with me.

And get the money before they step foot in the room. No money, they can sleep in the parking garage.

>> No.7004688

>They promise they'll be no drama,

They'll be drama. I wish you luck fellow Anon.

>> No.7004697

So much this!

Or better yet start looking for 2 other people that can take over for them in case the boyfriend and the other guy drops out because no sense in risking getting kicked out of the hotel for room stuffing.

>> No.7004700

>going to cons age 16-19
>state law requires hotel room booked by someone 21+
>hotel rules require the booker to be the one to check in
>basically have to take my mother or my friend's mother
>both are massive cunts
>friend's mom takes all the room's complimentary waterpark passes and gives them to her friends

>> No.7004706

Oh yeah. I'm going to be really firm about it. I've had dramacons in the past and I'm pretty determined to nip any kind of conflict in the bud.

They already know I'm extremely firm and extremely blunt - I made it very clear how absolutely disappointed, disgusted, and pissed off I was with her behavior.

Thanks. If there's another thread like this around the time the con ends, maybe I'll relay what happens, if anything.

>> No.7004738

I remembered this one just now:

>Ikkicon, again
>take some friends, including lady!friend2
>lady!friend2 happens to be dating a guy who is at summer camp or someshit
>both the summer camp and the convention are in shitty reception zones for our phones
>none of us manage to receive texts for hours, if at all
>I go off to have fun at a panel, get a message from lady!friend2 asking me to find her in the cafe
>find her in a sobbing mess, literally crying her makeup off
>bf can't receive her messages/getting them at awkward interval, so he floods her phone with berating messages about how she "doesn't love [him]" and "is choosing [her] hobbies over [him]"
>ironic because our hobby took up three days, while his summer camp shit took up three weeks
>demand lady!friend2 give up her phone for the weekend and fix her makeup (she was competing in a few hours)
>lady!friend2 keeps the phone, keeps moping, doesn't place in the cosplay contest, stresses me out for hours

>> No.7004745

Guess that really wasn't about the hotel, but I'm very glad that hotels have very rarely given me trouble.

>> No.7004754

>A-Kon 2010
>Saturday night/Sunday morning there is an electrical fire in one of the rooms on the 4th or 6th floor
>evacuate entire hotel
>fire alarms malfunction and go off every half hour to hour from 3am to 6am
>last alarm is accompanied by a message from the hotel manager apologizing for the malfunction
>hear him cursing at the staff as he hangs up the phone

>> No.7004773

>Oni-con of same year
>going to con with college anime club because weeb
>3 rooms booked and a group of friends booked a double bed separate from the club rooms
>invited to stay in friend room with 4 people rather than 6
>get there and find out one of the guys gave his sister and her friend a ride because they were going to a concert that weekend
>neglected to tell us they would be sleeping in the room as well
>now have 7 people in one room that turned out to only have one bed
>sister and friend OF COURSE get one of the beds since they're only staying one night
>ask anime club if i can stay in one of their rooms instead
>have to sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor next to the FORTRESS of cup ramen boxes they brought with them

>> No.7004776

ooo i'm very interested to see how this turns out, keep us updated!

>> No.7004779

I remember that. Shit was annoying as fuck.

>> No.7004812

>SDCC 2013
>Staying with friends who always book the room
>It's about 15min away from convention, not bad, only $67 per person for a 4 night stay
>Get there, have to dodge a waterfall coming from the second floor because they have a hose running up there?
>Room obviously used to be a smoking room, carpet is damp, place smells like must and smoke
>Neighbors think that 5am is a good time to yell at each other
>Bugs of all sorts
>By the end of the trip, I was good at kill and/or capturing them
>Ended up having a lot of fun pretending to be an entomologist whenever I'd need to take care of the bugs, trying to figure out what they were, why they were in the room, and how they got there

But it was only $67 a person, we all had ample bed space, and there was free wifi, so in the end I guess it wasn't so bad?

I… sorta want to see that handprint. And wow, no cake whatsoever, eh?

>> No.7004830

>go to con as brock samson
>buy some fake blood at magic store because why the fuck not its brock after all
>crimson from the elbows down
>have no idea how to put it on right so there is little flecks all over the bathroom and some stains on a towel i was using to clean up
>head out to con without cleaning it up because i am already late
>forget cuff watch, shit, head back up to room
>door is open, cleaning cart outside
>burst in anyway like an idiot covered in blood with what looks like a real bowie knife on my belt
>scare the shit out of the cleaning lady who doesn't understand english very well, try to explain myself but she starts reaching for her phone
>grab watch and get the fuck out before staff/police show up
>expect police to be waiting at my room when i get back from con
>nobody in the room, bed is made and bathroom spotless.
>not a word is said and i unclench my anus for the first time in a day

>> No.7004849

lol stop defending yourself okay

If you were really upset about being treated rudely, maybe the majority of the post shouldn't have been bitching about not accepting cash.

>> No.7004853

My friend Joanna arranged a hotel room for us but since we weren't 18 at the time and couldn't check in ourselves, our friend Emily's dad came and got a seperate hotel room. Joanna invited our kind-of-but-not-really friend Kathy to save money on the room. On the first day, Emily's dad brought us to check in while Joanna left on her own in her car but ended up stuck in the parking garage cause they only accepted credit cards as payment. Emily and her dad left me at the hotel with Kathy to get J. As soon as Emily leaves, Kathy starts telling me her life story, about her supposed depression and anxiety issues stemming from her abusive ex-boyfriend. I have no idea what to say because I barely fucking know this girl so I make a few comments now and then but try to drop a hint that I'm not quite interested in this conversation by going on my phone and playing with my DS.
After 30 minutes of this she tells me that I'm "such a great listener!" and pulled me in for a big hug. After that, Joanna came and once we were all settled in, Emily asks for the room money. It was only $50, but Kathy says she is unable to pay because of a lolita dress she bought. She only had about $50-70 left and Emily didn't want to take all her money for the weekend. I wouldn't have been so annoyed if the dress wasn't ugly and ita as shit - it was made out of like, latex and had this terrible lace all over it with a maxipad headpiece. Later Emily's dad offered to get us dinner so when it was delivered, 3 of us left to go to her dad's room to get the food. We specifically told Kathy to keep her ass in the room so we can get back in. What does she do? Walks right out of the room without a hotel key as the door slams behind her. We ended up having to get all new room keys. The entire weekend she just kept doing stupid shit like that. Not exactly a horror story but I remember dealing with her was just so goddamn annoying.

>> No.7004856

Hilarious, glad you didn't get into too deep of trouble. Did you get charged extra for the mess? I'd be surprised they got the red stuff out of the towels, which I assume are white.

>> No.7004857
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>not a word is said and i unclench my anus for the first time in a day

>> No.7004867

Nope, not a cent was taken out of my security deposit. I think she just thought it was less hassle to clean up the room move on with her life and never think about it again.

>> No.7004891

Maybe there wasn't enough or it was easy enough to clean that the hotel wouldn't give a fuck.
Reminds of this past AX. Went to a room party, a few of thd guys were wrestling and one got his nose busted(think it was an elbow to the nose) He was at the bottom of a dogpile so blood on the comforter and shhets which were all white. Thankfully a friend and I got the blood out for them with just some cold water and vodka.

>> No.7004902

I'm actually genuinely mad on your behalf. That's such bullshit

>> No.7004904

>Go with friends to ALA despite being broke as fuck
>Can barely pay them back for the room, sleep on the floor the entire time because i don't want to ask for a bed after my friends were nice enough to even let me come along
>Barely eat for the first day
>Cool Lelouch cosplayer gives me a slice of pizza in the elevator as he goes to his room
>Nice old lady at Denny's buys me a sandwich
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.7004905

But I'm not the person who posted the story?

>> No.7004917

>get a non-smoking room, share with 2 schoolmates
>am gone whole day, out doing con things
>come back, room smells like cigs and weed
>neither one owns up to doing it, have to pay fee to get the room cleaned
definitely not rooming with them again.

>> No.7004923

I have never had an issue except once when we booked 6 months in advance and they put us on the second floor of a 30 floor place. It was one of those shitty rooms they usually keep aside for budget guests or booked out by flights in case a plane is late and people miss there connector flight and they have to put them up somewhere for the night. My beta friends were content with just dealing with the shitty accommodations but I wasn't pleased seeing we stay at that fancy apartment company at least once or twice a year and we are charged the same amount as when we stay on the 20+ floor.

Went back downstairs right away and saw the lady at the front desk who booked us in. Put on my polite distinguished gentleman act before I got off the elevator. Explained that we were dissatisfied with the accommodations especially as we had booked well in advance, that we stay at an oaks at least a few times a year and have become accustomed (yes i actually said accustomed) to a certain standard of accommodations from previous stays at other oaks apartments. She apologies and said our original rooms were currently unserviceable due to a flood on one of the upper floors. I told her how unfortunate that was and I completely understand but we had driven for about 8 hours straight and we were so hoping to stay in a nice apartment and how it would put such a damper on the rest of our stay if we had to keep our current accommodations. If there was anything that could be done we would be so grateful to her. She said she would see what could be done, called upstairs, put down the phone and said if we could gather our bags and meet her downstairs she had organized for us to stay in the penthouse apartments at no extra cost for the inconvenience. I thanked her, said my friends would be so pleased and went off to grab my friends and luggage.

They couldn't believe me when I told them what I did, to this day they haven't let me hear the end of it. I was just surprised it worked.

>> No.7004927
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How professional and calm, good job anon!

>> No.7004930

>It's a private business.
What part of "legal tender for ALL debts" do you not fucking understand? You can choose to refuse plastic, I've been to plenty of businesses that do it, but NO, you cannot refuse cash. It's the official fucking currency of the fucking country.

>> No.7004948

How long do con hotels usually keep the deposit? I've never been to a hotel where they keep a deposit, so this is a bit new to me..Also, what to expect 1st time staying at con hotel? It will be just me and my boyfriend staying together, but I guess it's unusual to just have two people in a room during conventions?

>> No.7004952

Do you shitheads realize that you could just google "can businesses refuse cash" and all your fucking questions would be answered? Seriously, can we just have one fucking thread that doesnt end up getting derailed by completely pointless bullshit for once? I for one am actually really enjoying this.

>> No.7004956

I was also at MTAC when the flood hit. That was probably the best MTAC moment imo.

>> No.7004965

So far for me, around Washington (stayed at Seattle and Spokane), they take a deposit and when you check out they refund it. It's just a safety measure for them in case we screw up the room some how.
>By the way, it's a good idea to take pictures TIMESTAMPED of before and after your stay to show the condition of the room just as you had and left it.
>I have heard from experience of people getting screwed over by some hotel who charged them for the mess they left, but they had pictures to prove they did not leave that mess.
I clean up before we leave to check out, so I never had any troubles of getting back the deposit. Also it's fine to have just yourselves to the room, less trouble and worry over having strangers unless you can trust them enough. Often it's nicer to have the room with less people than more.

>> No.7004970

This is also good practice for renting apartments. Taking pictures and getting them notarized or something of existing damages so that you don't get suited for what was already there.

>> No.7004978

Thanks for the camera tip, I didn't even think of that!

>> No.7005042

This was a few years ago at Sakura Con, it was myself, my mother, a girl named Y and a girl named D.

>I’m dating girl named S. Break up with S.
>Y breaks up with boyfriend M.
>M and S hook up and start dating.
>S goes with girl named P to same con different hotel.
>Hear whispers from Y's friend that P and S are gonna be there.
>D is just friend there to spend time with her girlfriend N who is at another hotel.
>Everything good Thursday and Friday and most of Saturday.
>And then.
>S calls me at 11 at night during panel.
>S is drunk, barefoot and under age.
>Everyone but mom is underage.
I>’m still in love with S and decide to take her to hotel and hope everything is okay.
>P was in her hotel room inviting both men and women to hotel room and drinking/ sleeping with them.
>P is only 18 and got booze from her boyfriend whom she stole from her sister.
>S is actually here to attack Y for stealing back M.
>M broke up with S and M and Y are working it out.
>S calls P and M to come to hotel and say we’re holding her against her will.
>She sought safety at the hotel beforehand.
>P comes and Y is finally told what is happening.
>Mom calls S’s mom and tells her everything that happened.
>Cops come and get S out of our room and they take her back to their hotel.
>S’s mom picks her up from the hotel.
>Y decides to fuck everything and go to sleep early.
>Me and D hang out with people at the convention from 2-6 am Sunday.
>Y and me makeup after big heart to heart and we all leave happy as a clam.
>TFW we have to deal with P and S on Monday.

P is fatter than ever in college. Her sister pretty much disowned her after she found out she was sleeping with her boyfriend.

S has been having a lot of drama with Y and M and has been really stalker like.

>> No.7005052

>Dad used to work in a convention center as a celebratred chef
>Somewhat conservative and old world, but sweet and understanding (usually)
> weekend before big con, people/vendors arriving
> Pops comes home bewildered
>"Those freaky people with the cat ears and grown men in wigs? Ay Anon, they look like the ugly [anime] cartoons!"
> Daddy, I like those shows too..

>> No.7005076
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Holy - what the fuck?
Have any more pictures from that hotel?

>> No.7005081

Fuckin' Hyatt at fuckin' Ohayocon

>The bar is always crowded. Most of these kids look under 21.
>The elevators are always overcrowded, making you almost consider taking the stairs. Almost.
>Speaking of, someone always punches a hole in the wall on the stairwell.

>> No.7005085

If there isn't, start one. I'm expecting a good finale to this story.

>> No.7005093

FFS, use fake names instead of letters if you have a fuckton of people involved. I'm here to read stories, not do fucking algebra.

>> No.7005107

I thought we all agreed to not use letters for names anymore... it tuns stories into an instant "tl;dr."

>> No.7005111
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Colossalcon 2013
>Due to last minute planning, we decide to book down the street since the Kalahari is full.
>See Maui Sands Resort, good reviews, had friends that had stayed before, no problem.
>Get to room, notice it's a bit hot in there but we turn the A/C on, and leave for the con.
>Come back, it's a bit cooler so we all decide to go to sleep.
>Friday morning it's like a sauna in the room, hotter inside than it is outside. Obviously the AC was not working
>Maintenance comes by, and they say it's fixed.
>Come back that night, room is definitely colder so we all think it's okay.
>Nope. Not even.
>Saturday morning a friend decides to get into very nice cosplay, but their props are literally sticking together due to the heat. Paint job ruined, some pieces are warped.
>Complain at front desk, demand a discount and a room change, management doesn't even try to disagree.
>We get moved to another room, and get a 300 dollar discount, but it's not over yet.
>The water heater in the shower doesn't work, and the toilet is broken.
>Seriously upset by this point, luckily our room was close enough to the hotel toilets that we didn't have to go too far.
>The same maintenance guys say that they basically can't do anything.
At least I got to relieve my stress in the lovely swim up bar at the Kalahari, though.

>> No.7005114

Well fine, M is Mae, Y is Yvonne, D is Diana, S is Sara, P is Paige.

>> No.7005145

It doesn't work after the fact.

>> No.7005151 [DELETED] 

>harassing trans people
but why

>> No.7005173 [DELETED] 

Men's bathrooms are a good deal cleaner than women's, actually

>> No.7005179

Because they're different, and being different is wrong. Also see the .gif posted with it.

>> No.7005190 [DELETED] 


>> No.7005203
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I have a funny 'whatever' story

>be 17 [this was quite a few years ago]
>go to notorious kink/steampunk con in NJ
>room with fellow cosplayers I knew from meetups
>everybody is clean, nice, and pays their way
>one woman works as a domme to pay her rent
>go to sleep that night
>wake up the next day
>man in a leather dog mask and latex maid skirt is asleep in a dog cage right next to my face/bed.

nice dude, though. cleaned our room and helped us with our costumes as a thank you to his mistress

>> No.7005209

In this story, I was kind of the ass.

>be younger me
>sharing room with 1 other guy
>meet fun girl
>get back to my room
>i quickly text friend Girl in room sleep elsewhere
>No longer virgin
Friend ended up at the hentai showing and slept in a random room with people he met. I owed him big time and got him some stuff from the dealers room.

>> No.7005215


>> No.7005222

i lead a weird life.

>> No.7005231 [DELETED] 
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>wake up the next day
>man in a leather dog mask and latex maid skirt is asleep in a dog cage right next to my face/bed.
I would have probably flipped the fuck out

>> No.7005233

i honestly was more surprised that he wasn't dying from being in that tiny cage.

>> No.7005240
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>man in a leather dog mask and latex maid skirt is asleep in a dog cage right next to my face/bed.

>> No.7005241

this girl i stayed with once was a horror story of her own, i hope i can kind of do it justice
> go to con with best friend, other friend, and other friend's hambeast best friend
> hambeast, we came to find out later. never bathes. wears wigs to cover her greasy as fuck rats nest. she smells like vomit and shit. yellowing teeth. 300 pounds. the whole deal.
> prior to going, spent a night in their apartment finishing up last minute things for their artist tables.
> hambeast garbage sews for hours, not having anything done, but she had months to get her shit together before hand.
> keeps me and other friend up all night.
> brags that she got 27 little crappy toys done. theyre mostly basic shapes like stars, squares, "marshmellows". she plans to sell them for 15-20 dollars.
> i nap for a few hours before we head out.
> wake up to find out hambeast still hadn't finished actually anything so we miss the ferry we needed to take in order to get to the hotel several times in favor of her sewing.
>dont know why she couldnt have done it in the hotel. but i picked my battles.
> eventually get to hotel where my best friend had been waiting 8+ hours for us in the lobby alone because she can't check in.
> cant check in because hambeast booked hotel under her name, with friend's credit card. they dont let anyone in unless your name is on the reservation. she only put her name.
> stressed. mad. tired. get into the room, go to sleep.
> wake up next day. hambeast, even though she had all this fucking prep time, she never sewed in the eyes on her plush bullshit.
> go to con, she sits at an empty table "scouting out" the other tables because she has nothing to sell.
>aka wasting a whole fucking day and my friend's money who payed for her table
> not really my problem, bum around con meet people have fun ect


>> No.7005242
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I... Honestly don't know how I'd react.

>> No.7005243


> that night find out hambeast snores like a fucking wild pig.
>non stop all night. im not being dramatic it was fucking disgusting and annoying and loud.
>next day of con.
>tired. cranky.
>wake up, hambeast starts sewing the eyes into her things. whatever. me and best friend get into cosplay and do our thing.
>time to leave. friend has a suitcase of her things to sell, we have to bus it for 30-40 minutes, rather then waste money on a cab.
>no big deal, we understood that when we booked the hotel.
> hambeast says shes going to wait behind and finish up her sewing.
> standing at bus stop, hambeast calls and says shes calling a cab for herself
>pissed as fuck because friend had this huge suitcase, and we expected her to be longer then 10 minutes finish her shit?
> we have to drag everything to con while her princess ass sits in a cab with her bag of plushies to sell
> get to con and avoid her at all costs pretty much
>cool day go home
>more snoring and being disgusting
>find out she used every towel in the hotel to wash her nasty hair in the sink rather then just taking a shower like a normal person
>she hangs "do not disturb" sign on door because shes scared cleaners will steal her shit
>dont know why anyone would want her nasty anything or shitty crafts
> we dont realize it until the next day when we still have no fucking towels
>blow up at her because im done dealing with her being a slob and keeping us up all night with her snoring.

after that con i never saw her again. my friend dropped her after she fucked her out of a bunch of rent money and never payed utilities to the point my friend almost lost her gas and electricity. she had been lying the whole time she was a fucking disaster.

>> No.7005312

Not my horror story but I'm sure I made other people mad.
>room through friend's anime club every awa
>find out they booked a long-term stay hotel that is impossible to walk to and we only brought one car. Fuck
>guy who booked said he put us with 3 men
>for some fucking reason we can't get into our room even though it was 4 pm
>really wanted to save the bed for us and avoid the pull out
>wait an hour
>say fuck it we're missing the con and drive to the con, guy who booked it said he will make sure we get the bed
>friend with car didn't want to leave till midnight
>come back drunk, the random men we're rooming with "stole" the bed
>I raise hell and be as loud as possible to let them know I as a woman am displeased
>friends shut me up after 20 minutes and we pull out couch.
>not big enough for all us so one friend is forced to sleep on the coffee table
>next morning find out it was actually 2 girls and 2 boys who stole our bed
>set my breakfast on fire somehow making the room reek
>get body paint all over the bathroom
>steal their bed and make them sleep on the couch the next night
I'm actually surprised these people didn't tell me off. I deserved it. I was upset at the amount I paid to get a room far from the con and stuffed with people. Poor people. Hope I never see them again.

>> No.7005338

I would have guessed KumoriCon since the exact same thing happened right down to the guys who booked a whole floor and the rumors of locked stairs.

>> No.7005345

I wandered into a party that I did not realize was a diaper party. There were about ten people, all in pretty impeccable lolita or dandy. Everyone was acting weird and giggling, and I slowly started to notice an increasingly foul feces scent. I finally said something, and everyone laughed heartily and explained to me what a diaper party was.
I got the heck out of that hotel room after that.

>> No.7005355

haha, sounds like she just wanted the d

>> No.7005361

AX 2013 was a good con for me but oh dear lord almighty I cannot stand the people I was dealing with.
>Going to AX with my boyfriend, and on the first night in LA, 2 of my friends are going to stay in the hotel with us
>4 days before we leave, a girl I was mutual friends with comes to me asking me for a ride to LA.
>"Yeah if you can pitch in gas money. That would be bueno."
>2 days before we leave, she calls us and asks us to pick her up. She lives 30 minutes away from us, and if we got her we would have to drive up, and then back down towards LA.
>"Look sorry man, but I'm not gonna chaperone you. Please get here on your own."
>She comes to the house the night before we leave
>brings a fucking huge suitcase, a big bag, and a backpack
>we are sharing trunk space among 5 people total
>wow ok this blows but whatever it's fine
>she comes in and she sees our living room, which is decorated with my boyfriend and my figurine collection. fyi we have been collecting for a long time, and our figurine collection's worth about $5000 and sits at about 450-500 figures
>ride moocher girl decides to tell me that she sees this shit all the time, how she has all these friends in japan, and how some of them are hikkimori and that they own 1:1 scale figures of kamen rider and this collection is no big deal
> ok.jpg
>she is also one of THOSE girls that needs to constantly remind you that she's lesbian and that she is not into the dicks
> spent 2 hours (not kidding) talking about the TONS of loser guys that try to add her on facebook and reads out loud their proclaimed "sad" love letters. Oh and how LOL I LIKE GIRLS SO NO TOO BAD
>also constantly reminds me about how I was drunk off my ass at a party half a year ago and i tried to cuddle/kiss her and how she would date me so hard if i didn't have a boyfriend
>oh yeah she's lesbian did you know

Continuing in another post

>> No.7005366

>otakon 2012
>luggage bag didnt protect against rain so luggage is wet, feel sick, with 2 other people, already miserable
>go into hotel to check in
>booked room back in January
>they dont have a room for us
>they blame priceline, said that priceline never confirmed the room with them, refuses to take blame or responsibility for anything
>hour long argument between me, hotel manager and priceline via speakerphone
>luckily one of my roommates had the priceline hotel confirmation to show evidence that we did indeed have a room booked
>we are waiting for two hours
>lady finally says we have a room but its a one bedder
>for three people
>room is gross, bathtub unwashed
>complain again, finally get a two bedder room at a reduced rate

>> No.7005368

holy shit, I live a couple hours east of Nashville. That was so crazy! The entire mall and Opryland Hotel was friggin' underwater!! They're just now getting everything back open...

>> No.7005369

Last bit sounds like my bf's ex, needed to remind everyone how bi she is and ask everything with tits to be in a threesome with whatever poor bastard she's roped in.

>> No.7005370

Nope, Shutocon

>> No.7005378


>wake up next morning to discover she has taken fucking panoramas, shelf photos, you name it of our living room and posted them to her facebook
>get ready to go and she drags her shit out, and we deal with her the whole car ride down
>she continues to tell my two friends in the back seat about the loser guys that ask her out on facebook and that she's a lesbian and that she doesn't like the dicks
>I ask her for gas money and she says "lol sorry i can't do it, i only have enough money for food"
>are you fucking kidding me
>get to hotel at 3-4 AM because of shitty construction clogging the road
>log onto facebook and see that she's whoring out my figure collection for Facebook likes/comments
>oh yeah she had to remind me before i go to bed that she thinks i'm hot/sexy and that whoops she's lesbian and i'm taken
>I find out later that she also borrowed cosplays throughout AX and i'm thanking the gods that it wasn't us that had to bring the rest of her goddamned wardrobe.

She stayed out of my hair after that but honestly she just made me want to strangle her and I have a very bad impression of her now.

>> No.7005382

Uh nothing too note worthy i guess, except a few light problems with the Westin at AX not waiting to take our room money IN CASH! they always put up a fight on taking cash from our con mom. She likes to pay everything cash since she doesn't trust banks too much. She still offers her CC for their insurance and hold policy, but she only lets them charge a min of $100.
As she states, "I AM GIVING THEM CASH, WHY WONT THEY TAKE IT! ITS CASH!" Although I think its her job as a CHP that makes her paranoid about banks and CCs sometimes.
I haven't been to many hotels with them over the years, we tend to stick to the same hotel, the only others I been to are The Maya when AX was in long beach that one year and I think it was the Sheraton at Anaheim in 2006 was it?

>> No.7005400

There is no federal law, nor any state laws (currently) requiring that businesses take payment in cash. All major airlines operate this way. Go and try to plonk down $600-700 in cash for a long distance flight, you'll have a great time.

>> No.7005410

In fact, wouldn't paying for things in large sums of cash immediately cause them to be suspicious of you being some sort of felon?

>> No.7005415

anon, where are you staying for otakon?

what a couple of shit heads. please stay true to your word and kick them out if they don't do as promised!

>> No.7005417

not con related but
>book an apartment for gothic festival
>pay 500€ 6 months in advance and casually mention the festival
>two days later my friend and I get the money back
>email them about it
>they tell us that the new rule is "only christian customers over that specific date!" and send us a pdf with some christian pamphlet
>mfw my friend and I are well-mannered oldfags and dress and act like completely normal human beings
>mfw people still buy into this "gothic people are satanists" thing in 2013 and we had to take our dirty heathen money elsewhere

>> No.7005461

wow, two different cons pulled this shit?

>> No.7005474

hahahahah what the fuck?

>> No.7005522
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>Small conventions from a couple years ago
>Rooming with people I've been friends with for years and years
>One friend has developed a huge crush on me
>Super awkward
>Like lots as a friend, but have said I'm not interested in a sexual way, besides, I'm already in a relationship
>We all take turns sleeping on the bed
>It's my night to have half of the bed, Crusher's eyes get this strange glint.
>That night, everyone except Crusher is back in the room as we start getting ready to sleep
>That glint in Crusher's eyes still bothers me, I offer the bed to another couple staying with us and they happily accept
>Sleep well
>Next morning am woken with a shout, turns out Crusher cuddled up to them in the middle of the night, thinking I was sleeping there
>Awkwardness extreme edition
>Feel bad for friends who I gave the bed to, but so thankful I wasn't in that bed

>> No.7005632

Details vague for vagueness' sake.

>Con a few years ago.
>managed to shove in with some con-friend-people, good number of people but not bad.
>Didn't get a key.
>Spends a majority of con not with the people in the room, that happens a lot with me.
>Can I have a key?
>You can go down and ask the desk for one.
>Goes down, it's late. They refuse to give me one.
>And... everyone in the room is asleep. I wait until one of the partiers in the room comes back to be let in.

That night actually ended better than it was going, but.

>Having a shitty saturday at the con.
>Friend from room tries to help cheer me up, I met some people, it helps a little.
>Decide to head back to room.
>There are twentyfuckingpeople in the room
>Some of these people have large props
>Some of these people are painted different colors
>They forgot to inform the, like, one person in the room who wasn't involved that it was Panel Rehearsal Central

I think I ended up with someone else that night by mistake.

>> No.7005634

You probably could've sued. Having the pamphlet would guarantee a win, too.

>> No.7005702

Well these happened last year, when i went to the conv with a couple of friends:

>Make reservation for a small hotel

>1 week before the hotel close to make some repairs

>Get reservation in another hotel, bigger but is not as near as i would like

>Try my cosplay with my friends to be sure they are ready for the conv

>We go down to eat -still on cosplay-

>A group of douchebags start making fun of us

>After a while one girl of the group come to us and start talking shit

>then she comes back later and say she was kidding, she's using a slutty pikachu cosplay...

>Start flirting with me (i'm gay)

>Try to tell her in an indirect way that i'm not interested

>Her BF comes and start insulting me because i was flirting with her

>Insults me because i like to cosplay and that i should have stayed in my parents house...

>Start trying to pick a fight saying "Do you think you're a man!? do you think you can come and take my GF while using kids clothes! NERD!"

>Point out the fact that his GF is using a pikachu cosplay

>He says: "She's hot!, oohhh do you want to use a pikachu cosplay?! You fag!"

>Got really irritated, I kiss him and then say "Asshole don't come talking shit because your GF want to sleep with whoever she finds!, also you're the want that would like to use that pikachu cosplay!"

>All my friends are like "OHHHHHHHH!!" -childish but funny-

>Latter that night, someone rings the door of my room

>The same asshole, he's wearing a big jacket that covers him completely

>He's using his GF pikachu cosplay....

>Now he's my BF


>He says: "Yes... i want to be Pikachu"... take out the jacket

>> No.7005710

The mixture of made-up and English-not-as-first-language is strong in this one.

>> No.7005706

The day was pretty shitty but it had the best end XD

>> No.7005730

Hahaha, yeah english is not my first language, and i'm happy to say is not made up

>> No.7005746

I decided last minute to go to ACEN a couple years back. (only decided to go the week before)

The main hotel had a couple open rooms.

Gobbled one up right quick and went by myself.

Room was really nice.

Although it was kind of expensive to go alone.

But having a king size bed to myself was magical.

>> No.7005750
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>> No.7005770

If you were fairly close to the con hotel then it was probably stage blood from a careless zombie cosplayer or dumb kids trying to 'freak the mundanes'.

>> No.7005786

well this is not so much a horror story but

>Friends and I want to go to a con in Lisbon
>Everything is left for me to arrange, location and traveling
>Week before half of the people dropped out, ended up being me and 4 more people
>One of the boys suggests hostel, pretty cheap 12 euros a night
>Go to first day of convention, me plus one girl and three boys
>after we go to hotel and girl ditches our group to go sleep in a fat kids house
>End up sharing a room with the boys watching videos and funny shit on the internet thanks to free wifi
>everything went better than expected

>> No.7005798

>first time going to a convention and actually staying at a hotel
>friend's like yeah we got an awesome place and you only need to pay like $50 the whole weekend. wow sweet
>Know there will be room stuffing and figure there will be like 6 or 8 people there
>Get to the con with two other girls i know are also rooming and realize our friend isn't there, instead she's still at home working on her prop so we can't check in. "hehe sorry! I'll be there soon!"
>spend the next 4-5 hours wandering the con but put luggage in a holding area(thank god)
>walk over to hotel which is like a 20 minute walk down the road...hmm okay that kinda far but hey it looks like a really nice place can't be too bad right
>Room is really big and when the rest of the group arrive I suddenly realize why we only have to pay $50 each for such a nice place.
>11 fucking people....really...seriously?!
>Eh okay whatever. no one is really weird, everyone seems nice and there is a lot of space. me and my two gal pals get one of the beds one night too so aight whatever I just wanna have fun
>Fairly drama-free...going better than expected, have a blast regardless.

all in all not too bad all thing considering. everyone was pretty chill and nice actually. half the people took showers at night and the other half in the morning so getting ready wasn't bad either. it was just a shock with the number at first.

>> No.7005808

oh but there was one person that ticked me off that weekend

>One girl who dressed like Kakashi and was called by name as such (I never did learn her real name) give the sob story of "oh...I don't have money to pay..."
>friend's like "wat...pay me back later I guess" and then she comes back with a bunch of merch from the dealers hall. no money my ass. donno if she ever paid her back
>same person also took one of our i think 3 room keys even though they always went off on their own and my mini group was like "hey we should prolly have one since we'll be out late or come back early...." agh...

at one point we had like 13 people in the room because some's friends had no place to stay that night. cyberpunk raver girls but they were quiet and slept on the floor. we were a little irritated though...but it was okay

>> No.7005842

i would have thrown a bitch fit if the mom didnt pay for anything.
I NEVER let that kind of thing happen. Not in my town, not ever.

>> No.7005869

Wicked Faire? Has to be a Jeff Mach con, its the only things Jersey has.

>> No.7005876


haven't been to one since I was 19 but geez, is he still going?

>> No.7005892
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>> No.7005906

Never been to Wicked but went to SPWF last year and he was there, hung around to talk to our group for a bit because we were unhappy with our booth (I'm >>7003590 and for real that was the shittiest room)

>> No.7005911

did you go to the last mtac? i met someone briefly who said they lived east of nashville but still go every year

>> No.7006011
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>> No.7006020
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hahahahahah! that's so awesome!!

>> No.7006124 [DELETED] 

>borrowed cosplays throughout AX
People do this?

>> No.7006216

My boyfriend wanted to book a room of one of those hotels for the next con. Good lord I stopped him on time. He's from a rich family and he's used to them, but there's no way I'm going inside one of those hotels in cosplay.

>> No.7006275

It didn't rain last year, how was everything wet?

>> No.7006293

Ugh this reminds me so much of this girl I know. She has a boyfriend but constantly talks about how she's a lesbian and hits on me a lot along with everything that moves. It's fucking awkward, plus i pay for all her shit.

>> No.7006455

This one stars like a a horror story, but turns out well.
>Anime North ##?
>Booking for the radisson, only a short walk away and some of the events are held there anyway
>feel super luck for booking it
>Split 6 ways, not bad
>a day before the con, someone backs out and another wants two more people brought in
>Someone has drama at home and can't pay their share but still wants to go. I end up spotting for them
>Someone else arrives in our room with their things? I was not informed of this. It's one of their girlfriends. At least she has cash to pay for it on the spot
>End up crowded as fuck in hotel room, but secure a relatively comfortable place under a chair (I'm a small person and I turn into a ball in my sleep anyway) Only problem is a leg is digging into my neck. Ah well.
>Trying hard to be chill about it, no one can ruin my con. Worked hard on my cosplay.
>Return the first night, why do I hear loud moaning? Oh.
>Chill at a Tims for a couple of hours exhausted with the rest of roommates before returning
>Mysterious wet mark on the jacket of my cosplay? Washed it furiously of course.
>Last day of con, wake up under my chair with a sticky note on my face. It said: "We're sorry"
>Bags of my favourite weeaboo snacks and the Aigis figma I was looking to buy but used that money to help pay for the other person in the room surround me on the floor. Roommates grinning at me.
>Roommates felt bad for stressing me out so they pooled for it

Way better than expected.

>> No.7006554
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Decide to go to fanime this year the week of the con. The only hotel with openings is a Sheraton four points. Think nbd I don't think it will be bad. We got a king suite for like $140 and it was just me and my mom and that bed was so blissfull.
The only downside were the weird guys from the bar I had to pass to get to the elevator that asked the usual questions. The story gets much worse from there and involves marshmallow fray boy Cupid and a koala. I'm about to take off from Boston to go back to LA but if people are curious I'll post later.
Pic related: it's the huge bed. For reference I'm 5'10"

>> No.7006580 [DELETED] 

Your friends care about you

>> No.7006643

oh cool your friend goes to MSU then? wewt wewt go spartans!

>> No.7006776

Yup. It was about that time Friday night that I remembered how MSU is a somewhat notorious party school. They're getting an apartment next semester so at least we won't have to deal with their shitty roommates again if they let me stay again come next Shuto.

>> No.7006815
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>> No.7006986

Yeah. She's a foul one. She's known for being a moocher and usually gets her cosplays commissioned cheaply or for free. I know she made one but it looks very subpar. I'm still super bitter-- my friend made a beautiful Star Driver school uniform and she borrowed it. It's been over a year and she still hasn't given it back.

>> No.7006991

Yeah. It's amazing how close we are considering how we almost never talked in high school. Now we make time every week to meet at least once.

>> No.7007004
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Fucking hell do I remember that. Shit was awful, but I felt pretty bad for the staff too, considering it wasn't really their fault.

>> No.7007030

I'm at the Holiday Inn; looking forward to it.

I've dealt with lots of "dramacons" before and bad roommates, and I'm like so past that part in my life that I have pretty much a zero tolerance policy of it.

>> No.7007192

>somewhat notorious
>the same school that rioted and lit shit on fire when they WON
msu does not fuck around with partying.

>> No.7007231

I read this in Brock's voice.

>> No.7007317

I dont really have many hotel horror stories, i usually room with three of my best friends and weve never had problems. Except for the last con i went to when the four of us stayed in a suite with five other people that we barely/didnt know (i knew the one guy from another con and he brought us into the room since everything in the hotel was booked out). I really dont feel like typing it all out on mobile, but heres the highlights:
>On thursday night (it was a 4 day con) a guy and his GF (who werent even staying in the room) got a girl (who ALSO wasnt staying in the room) drunk for the first time, and she proceded to throw up and literally shit herself in our bathroom. She laid practiacally comatose in our tub for 4 hours until her friends drug her out.
>a guy who looked like jesus let me borrow his belt (which was really fucking awesome actually)
>on friday one the one girl in the room brought back some guy from the rave to our room and they fucked in our tub for (i shit you not) 6 hours straight.
>there was a freaky ass gorilla mural on the wall that came really close to keeping me up at night.
>later friday night the same girl and the guy who i knew (the one who organized the room) had what was described to me by one of the other roommates as "either really rough sex with clawing and shit, or the girls first experience with anal." I later saw that guy cleaning up a pile of bloody sheets.

>> No.7007323

>saturday night the same girl again brought some random guy from the rave back to our room at about 4am. All of us were in bed by this time, and my friend the organizer got really pissed and wouldnt let them in the room. He then burst out into the hallway and beat the living shit out of the guy she brought. He got free and they were thankfully able to talk it out and everything was resolved without legal action.
>we had to hide a crate of everclear in the oven.
>i made friends with a guy who i later discovered was actually an MDMA dealer. I still have his business card, hes actually a pretty cool dude.
>i had to sleep on a bumpy ass chair and the one other guy (who was by far the coolest guy in the room, was the only responsible one, picked up and cleaned all his friends shit, really awesome guy) ended up sleeping in a ball at the foot of the bed where his friends we sleeping and almost getting hypothermia for all three nights.
The rooming situation was complete shit, but in the end i got to meet some really awesome people (mainly the cool guy in our room), i had a great time at the actual con, and by some miracle, none of my cosplay stuff was damaged or stolen. So all in all, id say it was still a really great con. Plus now i have my share of ridiculous stories to show for it!

>> No.7007336

Stayed with 3 people from /cgl/. Two were awesome roommates and total bros, but the third....
>clogged the shower
>complained and gossiped about everyone/everything
>superficial and desperate for attention
>got offended when I wouldn't give them said attention and started to spread rumors here
Every other roommate in my con experience has been awesome. Just small things like maybe making a mess or inviting one too many people to stay but nothing that couldn't be talked over.

>> No.7007337

It poured and was quite the thunderstorm Thursday night; bf at the time and I were caught in it and had to sprint back to the hotel in full cosplay.

>> No.7007338

it rained on the drive to baltimore and we stored our luggage on top of the car, thinking the "Waterpoof luggage protector" would work

>> No.7007420

>Guy who booked room is Room Guardian
>Had 10 people including me in big room, 2 to a bed.
>Early on he explained about his rules and made us sign contracts
>Contract has deposits and advanced payment of hotel fee share. Break rule, no return deposit and refund of hotel fee
>Contract has 2 strikes and out you go in LARGE CAPS
>first day number 8 roomie spend 1 hour in bathroom, told first trike warning
>first night roomie 8 and roomie 7 bring in strangers to party, told first strike to roomie 7 and 2nd strike for roomie 8, told to pack and leave
>roomie 8 complains and asks for forgiveness, roomie 7 backs 8 up, demand money back and threatens physical violence because drunk
>Room Guardian 6'5 football jock and closet cosplayer, takes no shit, throws both 7 and 8 out with their things.
>Former roomie 7 and 8 complain to concierge manager, go up to room.
>Room Guardian and C. Manager talk and contract papers were viewed, Call to C Manager call hotel security regarding closed circuit cameras in hallways
>Former 7 and 8 escorted out of hotel premises, Former roomie 7 has his refunded hotel fee without deposit.
>At con former roomie 7 and 8 are avoided, they tried to get Room Guardian framed for stealing but was caught by Halo Booth Girl
>Don't see 7 and 8 for rest of con.
>That night Room Guardian catches roomies 5 and 6 about to smoke weed, told first strike and to take it somewhere else, they run out, don't see them till around 4 am crawling to bed, never made it and passed out smelling of alcohol.
>Last night of hotel stay, Room Guardian uses forfeited deposit to buy pizzas and other party food and drinks and has 50 dollars leftover for roomie burp contest, twister and charades
>Last week I get news Room Guardian is dating Halo Booth Girl

>> No.7007454

This is some of the gayest shit I have ever heard.

>> No.7007468

Am female. And no, am not crushing on the guy. looking back on it, it was the best room share stay i had in 3 years. All those that followed had so many similarities to the other stories posted.

>> No.7007472

>roomie 8 spend 1 hour in bathroom, told first trike warning
"What's that? You have the runs? Well fuck you, there's 9 other people in this room, find a public bathroom and shit there."
I'd love to see these contracts, I bet they reek of autism.

>> No.7007491
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Hm, I like the contract idea for that many people, firm and fair it sounds like. 1 hour shower is insane.

>> No.7007519

>During the Rave on Saturday Night
>Friend Hinata and I don't feel like going to rave
>Get back to hotel and start to relax
>Barefoot, down to boxers/sleep pants, no bras
>Shit, microwave doesn't work
>Have the brilliant idea to go microwave shitty heat up chef boyarde in the room next to us
>Not so brilliantly (this was me, I'm a dumbass) shut the door behind us without room keys
>Girl next to us Twitchy is super cool
>Don't realize till we have to get back in
>Luckily we have phone
>Call other friend Malcolm who is at the rave to come bring us a key because we're locked out
>They're really whiny about it, telling us we need to go get it
>Try to explain neither of us has shoes on and that we're undressed
>Doesn't care
>We would go down to get a key from the front desk but we're not sure if we're on the official list because we're room stuffing
>We're sitting outside the room trying to figure out what we need to do
>Realize we have no forks to eat the still warmed up Chef Boyarde
>Twitchy to the fucking rescue with plastic utensils and also slices of pizza her room got
>Finally Hinata decides fuck it after we're done eating outside in the hallway
>Walks barefoot in underwear across the hotel/convention center walkway into the rave to get the key
>Turns into a story we tell because it ended up not as bad as it could have been
>Malcolm always gets angry that when we tell it it puts him in a bad light
>whatever.jpg suck it up
>Still think about Twitchy and what she's up to sometimes

>> No.7007526

Yeah, I'm sure if it were a reasonable issue like >>7007472 it'd be acceptable. The bathroom can be shared for putting on make-up, too, so.

>> No.7007576

So when I was at AFO when I was still underage (17) like two years ago, I decided I would room with some people I knew but had never roomed with before. They're all pretty responsible adult types with jobs and stuff. They assured me and our other friend there'd be no alcohol since we were both underage. Everything was nice and organized. I was kind of nervous just because I had never roomed with any dudes before, let alone adult dudes. But I was like "they're all responsible, we're fine" Like they even warned us "hey this one guy has like a criminal record, so we thought you should know before hand, just in case" even though he turned out to be a total sweetheart and not at all a problem.

So when we get there, there's already some sort of purple alcohol being passed around by the bottles, and most people are buzzed going on drunk. Whatever. I can deal. I'm not gonna be a fucking baby about it. So I'm ironing my crisp, clean, white apron for the next day when this guy who's staying with us (a huge, muscle-bound, ex-military guy) starts poking his nose in my business and talking to me. He's got his purple drink perched precariously in his hand, about to spill on my apron. Plus he's up in my face and I'm a really tiny, underage girl at this point. And he's making jokes about how tiny I am, and I tell him to back off because I don't like people whose muscles are bigger than my head. So this asshole fucking flexes his bicep next to my head and I can see clearly his bicep is bigger than my head and I am FREAKED. So I finish as quickly as possible and get the fuck out of there.


>> No.7007586

One of the girls in the room had her ex-boyfriend stalk her to the convention and try and force his way into the room several points during the weekend. To the point where we had to call hotel security (which was some old skinny white guy) to come tell him off because he was banging on the door and loitering. I think at one point he stole my badge because I had left it in the room when he was there, and we couldn't find it even after everything was packed up.

So Buff Guy at some point in the day decides he's going to be the girl's "protector" so in the middle of the night he and the ex-boyfriend get into some sort of drunken fist-fight in the parking lot. He comes back in the room drunk and ranting about how he always has to be "Superman" and save everybody (he cosplayed Superboy) but he'll gladly protect everyone because he's that nice of a dude.

Meanwhile, my friend Alli, the other underage one is like, quivering next to me because she hates fighting and this dude is going nuts. And I'm trying to be as still as possible and not draw any attention towards us. When the guy like... PUNCHES the wall, and we just heard "FUCK! AND NOW I'M BLEEDING!"

>no shit Sherlock you punched the fucking wall

So he starts ranting about that on top of everything. So Alli and I's mutual friend Jessi, ever the pragmatist, goes "I have some Iron Man band-aids"



>> No.7007587

I'll try to remember them since I lost my copy
>Bathroom limit 30 minutes
>No drugs used in room
>No inviting strangers to party
>Props will stay in one area
>baggage always under bed (if room for it)
>Take out food containers trashed (if full, call housekeeping)
>must confess sleeping habits (i.e. sleepwalking, snoring, night terrors) with possible useful solutions(turn snorer on side)
>Bath at least once a day
>deposit is 2 days of hotel stay (a bit high but we got it back as contracted at end of stay, it was a 3 bed room with 2 roll outs)
>Advance payment of hotel fee (I suppose the guy did not want to worry for "I used up all my money buying crap, I'll get you next time)
>no rummaging of other peoples things (not phrased like this but It's the best I could remember))
>Glue is for everyone
>bed partners and assignment must be agreed upon, changes will be voted upon
>Bathroom can be shared only if the first person in it agree (i.e. in shower and friend needs to poop bad, anyway never happened)
>no leching allowed
>no glomphing
>disposable underwear and feminine napkins will be properly wrapped and trashed
>person who damages to other peoples costumes will be repaired or compensated by said destroyer
>do not disturb sleepers unless important (fire, death)
>music is allowed within reason
>no bashing of ideals or religion

If I remember more I'll post (this is the reason I stopped meth, clean for 7 months now)

He was in the bathroom for 1 hour trying to get his eyeliner right shape and shade, and he bolted the door. Multiple times knocking will get, "am not done".

>> No.7007590

Worst roommate story?
>Be 19, first time getting hotel room by self.
>Met girl, J, at college. Also 19. She is pretty, friendly, and all-around enjoyable if a little dumb. She tells me she likes anime, and we become friends.
>We begin talking about Ohayocon, it's her first year, she wants to go.
>I help her buy registration, we discuss. we talk about cosplaying.
>"Oh, you're going to be Sailor Saturn?? I want to do a sailor moon cosplay!"
>Day before the con she calls me, leaves voicemail saying it's super important/urgent/she needs help
>I called to get a room in the hotel for tomorrow and it's booked! OMG I had no idea the con would sell out!! can my cousin G and I pleeeasse stay with you?
>relent, because she seems nice and she's been looking forward to it, and my other roommates would like the money off.
>Get to the con, she meets us there, calls and says she's at the front desk
>Go to front desk, she's not there.
>She went to the wrong hotel. She is across town, and was dropped off. Have to drive across town to bring them back to the hotel.
>Drop them off with other roommates, have to go meet my dad for dinner, as it's his first anime con and he just got there.
>Eat nice meal, come back, 30 people in my room.
>What the hell is going on here?? My room is suddenly a haven of underage drinking. J has changed into her Sailor Moon cosplay (pic related) and is chugging straight from a bottle of vodka
>Rave pre-gaming!!!
>Turns out, J and G have no interest in anime, they were there for the rave. They invited all their friends to get drunk in my room. There are hundreds of dollars worth of alcohol all over my room, someone is using my Saturn glaive to hit someone else, room is trashed, cans all over.
god this is a long one but a hellish nightmare.

>> No.7007597


10 people to a room? If 7 and 8 did their homework and checked the hotel website to see the max occupancy of the rooms. If 10 people was too many they could screw Room Guardian over by threatening to inform the hotel and expose the room stuffing

>> No.7007607


So our friend, Eren, who had been saying she was tipsy the whole night, but we found out later was black out drunk. Just kind of raises her head from being face-planted into the bed and goes

>Youuure not Superman
>You're'the KNIGHT
>Everyone laughs at comic joke
>Diffuses the whole situation pretty much

Now my underage friend Alli and I are freaking out because she doesn't like fighting and I'm like "what the hell is going on" So I eventually just pull her out of the room and Jessi follows and we go around the hotel ranting about Superboy, thinking maybe we'll crash in other friends' room for the night.

Get back to the room. Friend who organized the room Jeff is out in the parking lot with Superboy and he's arranged to get a separate room with the hotel for just them to make up for it

>Crazy nice guy
>Everything goes better than expected
>Get to sleep in bunkbed and feel like Amy/Rory Pond
>Have story to tell forever

>> No.7007608
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One roommate, A, is there and now drunk, and he insists it's fine because they'll share their alcohol. Gives me and B, age 20 a shot of vodka.
>One guy, who supplied the alcohol, seems to be OK. He apologizes and cleans up the alcohol, puts it into one bag (still tons of unopened bottles) and hides it under the bed, trashes cans, etc, apologizes again. Think everything is ok, he promises to watch the girl.
>A goes to rave with them. B and our two guy friends and I get ready for bed, since it's an early morning of cosplay and panels. It's about 12pm.
>Laying in bed
>Desperate knock on the door
>Open door to find A carrying J, who is unconscious. They bring her in and try to wake her up.
>She begins projectile vomiting everywhere
>Begins to scream about being in pain, vomits for probably an hour.
>Try to call her cousin, or that guy, or anyone who knows her. No answer. A is holding her above a trashcan and trying to calm her, she is just screaming "it hurts!" and sobbing
>Am now 19 with a hotel in my name, a 19 year old with potential alcohol poisoning throwing up, 3 underage drinkers and 2 21 year olds in the room... and countless bottles of alcohol under my bed.
>not even fucking drunk
>21 year olds afraid of being in trouble even though they didn't supply. Toss the alcohol.
>Finally, guys come back... not looking for J but because they are sobering up.
>Tell them they have to get her help or out of my room.
>They call me a buzz kill.
>"You're not doing anything right? You were going to sleep. So I don't see why you can't watch her and let us have fun."
>She is now throwing up ON MY BED and on someone's sleeping bag
>"Get out."
>"But we have no where to go!"
>"I don't care."
>They make A carry her downstairs to the hotel lobby. G proceeds to use room. Assumes since she's gone, he can stay.
>Have to call hotel security on him. Didn't get money upfront.
>next day J texts "y r u mad at me?"

>> No.7007611

>>Former roomie 7 and 8 complain to concierge manager, go up to room.
>>Room Guardian and C. Manager talk and contract papers were viewed, Call to C Manager call hotel security regarding closed circuit cameras in hallways
does this help?

>> No.7007623

It was a 3 bed room with 2 roll outs. And they had a concierge manager go up there. Usually hotel management dont care unless you party and trash the place. And some hotels charge room rates and additional person rates.

congratulations on being clean for 7 months

>> No.7007628

Huh, pretty fair and reasonable, my friends and I do this just without the written contract, so I like it.

And goodness that's terrible. I think it's a good thing to pack a spare mirror.

>> No.7007636

>a girl named Y
>using letters instead of names

done bye

>> No.7007641

He still does this contract thing when he attends cons. Too bad he doesn't cosplay anymore. He discovered the wonders of photography. I tried 6 months ago to sign up but was beaten by his 10 people rule. I'd rather have the contract thing. For security reasons.

>> No.7007642
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> first night at the hotel
> friends and i are hanging in the hotel room, no one is really talking, we're doing our thing
> front desk calls us
> apparently there is a pregnant woman in the next room over and she can't sleep, asks us to quiet down
> uh okay no problem, we all head to bed

> saturday
> myself and two other friends head to convention, and one stays behind because she's not feeling well
> enjoying the con a whole lot
> suddenly, frantic call from friend
> apparently she caught the pregnant woman trying to enter our hotel room
> literally swiping her room card at our door, fiddling with the lock
> friend wakes up and confronts her
> "i just got confused!" but then says "whatever, we need to talk about LAST NIGHT"
> drags friend down to the hotel manager, goes on a rant about how terrible and disrespectful we all are
> friend explains that we went to bed after being told to quiet down
> pregnant woman continues bitching about being pregnant and how no one is listening to her needs
> this went on for almost two hours
> eventually management caves and moves her room

> sunday, getting ready to check out
> we all hear someone outside the door
> figure it's the cleaning lady, go and open it
> it's her
> trying to enter the room again
> she stands in the doorway and bitches us out, we're all standing there like wtf
> as soon as she leaves we book it pronto

the hotel was great though, free breakfast and close to the convention center. the guests... not so much

>> No.7007645
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another story...

> staying a spooky hotel that could be straight out of a slasher movie
> terrible rooms, peeling paint, gross carpet, smells like smoke, you name it
> but it's cheap so whatever
> coming back from the con one night
> end up finding a bag of weed on the ground near my room
> "hmm, i don't know if anything else is mixed in this, i probably shouldn't"
> mfw i smoked it anyway

>> No.7007646

Can we start using stupid weeb names like yuki and kira and hikari and sora and riku and kairi for this shit? It be so much easier and probably funny.

>> No.7007660

First time is the roughest experience. Especially when your friends told you about crazy stories about how loose some of the girls are...only to learn it's a half truth and you become burned out for a while.

>Got one of my friends told me about some of the room mates and hoped to for an one night stand with one of the girls
> Buy Liquor for everyone. No one chip in at all. Spent the entire con acting as a runner.
> Nearly was forced onto the couch because there wasn't enough rooms for all of us
>A combination of poor social skills and bad intel leads to being cockblocked in a rather humiliating manner.
> For the same cost in booze I could have gotten a session with a girl at a nice parlor.

>> No.7007666

>Staying in the Holiday Inn for con
>never had any issues before
>getting ready when alarm goes off and hotel security knocks on door tells us we have to leave the room immediately
>Figure it'll take five minutes
>Go outside half in cosplay and wait
>thirty minutes of standing in the blazing sun in the middle of May with no shade hotel staff comes up and offers us bottles of water and apologizes
>Cops and fire called to investigate "strange chemical agent" and ask us if we know anything about the stuff strewn on the floor which we've just all walked through and is apparently the 'dangerous chemical agent'
>It's fucking potting soil
>Cops determine after awhile it's potting soil and are pissed but compliment our costumes and make small talk until we're allowed to go back inside
>stood outside in hot costume in direct sunlight for an hour because potting soil.
Luckily the rest of the con went great but fucking potting soil, man. Apparently someone fainted because of it but then immediately recovered once the paramedics got there.

>> No.7007694

OSU is the same way. The outcome of the Michigan game does not determine whether or not there is a riot, only how heavy the rioting will be. It's the difference between a burning couch and a burning car.

>> No.7007698

I could go with a contract.
I'll put in one of the rules that the room sharer cannot bring in a "surprise additional room sharer"

>> No.7007727
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>Get pretty drunk with some homestuck cosplayes because I'm trying to get in the pants of one of them
>Head to the jacuzzi, not thinking about it
>Their paint stuff clogs the jacuzzi
>End up having to pay for it
>At least I fugged her

>> No.7007785

Imagined karkat as your friend screaming

>> No.7007872

That is so fucking horrifying. I am so sorry for you anon. How some of these retards lived to be as old as they have without dying because of their own stupidity is amazing, that girl could have needed medical help and they were just not giving a shit. How can people be so callous...? If I saw that shit I would report it right away, it's hard because of the position you were in so I don't blame you for not doing it but they should have known better.

>> No.7007875

>I raise hell and be as loud as possible to let them know I as a woman am displeased
>being a woman makes you any special

>> No.7007925
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>Anime Boston 2010
>decided to stay in a hotel for the first time with an old friend of mine
>the room has old friend, her boyfriend, her cousin, two of her friends and two of her bf's friends (8 people total)
>get back to hotel Friday night to find old friend and her cousin completely shitfaced
>find out the next morning they basically destroyed the bathroom
>vomit everywhere, old friend decided to piss in the sink somehow, cousin had to shit in the bathroom trash basket 'cause he was too busy vomiting in the toilet
>too disgusted to go in, have to bum a shower off of another friend's hotel
>find out old friend and her bf broke up after the bathroom disaster, had to deal with that drama for the rest of the con
>ignore them and enjoy myself Saturday
>come back to hotel room, ex-bf's friends are shitfaced and trying to fuck in the room while I'm there
>fall asleep
>wake up to find one of ex-bf's friends groping me in my sleep while the other one watches from the other side of the room
>freak the fuck out
>Sunday comes, decided to never room with those fucks again

The con was a blast, but my roommates were so fucking gross I couldn't deal with it.

>> No.7007932

Hey! I remember this guy! He's cool! He left us to our own devices really. Doesn't barge in on conversations. He didn't try to speak wapanese. He did like stories. All he bought last comicon were a couple Armored Core models. Was waiting for him to build one in the room. He didn't.

>> No.7007938

>First big con ACen 2011
>be underage (16)
>going with friends I've known for years
>didn't realize how crazy they were at cons
>wasn't cosplaying so of course I had to help them with every little piece of their cosplays, didn't even know what cosplay was
>mfw I get yelled at for being upset that they took 3 hours to get ready when I just wanted to go see the con
>mfw i got yelled at everyday for not wanting to help with their cosplays or for not wanting to be with them
>tfw they got no pictures and people didn't even recognize their cosplays at all

Thought I would never room with them again, but I constantly have to and I hate it every single time.

>> No.7007946

Well that's good to know now that I'm trying to talk a friend into letting me stay at their dorm for Ohayocon if I pay for their badge and everything

>> No.7007950

That's understandable. You'd just said "in the bathroom," so I had to draw my own conclusions.

Still would love to see the actual contract. If nothing else, I bet there's some funny shit in there that's in there for a purpose.

It's like when you read a "funny laws" website and read shit like "It's illegal to get a moose drunk in Alaska" and realize that the law exists for a reason. Like somebody got a moose drunk and it destroyed public property or was wandering around downtown and being belligerent or something.

>> No.7007954

I'm somewhat thinking about trying that next time, or since my usual roommates and I are friends, just all coming up with an agreed-upon set of rules and then printing them out so everyone has a copy and posting it to the back of the hotel door

>> No.7007958

I lold and Id like to hear your story anon-chan

>> No.7007987

I think I'll make copies of the contract available before meeting at the hotel. So everyone is warned beforehand. Twice I've encountered the "Surprise Additional room sharer" and even though they cough up their share of the room, I'd rather part with the extra 60 for room to stretch. Can I suggest before you pull the contract on your friends or regular roomates? Don't do it if you are all used to each other. springing this on them might put a strain on your friendship, I think. Pop the contract only on rooming with new people.

>> No.7007992

>Youmacon 2010
>Rooming with sibling, friend and guy I somewhat knew from the previous year and was in desperate need of a room
>We only see him once or twice all weekend, every time it's in the middle of the night
>We all start wondering if we're imagining shit

Anyone else have one of those types of roomies?

>> No.7008160

This is hilarious to me for some reason. Fucking potting soil!

>> No.7008394

My group likes to make the rule that makeup must be done outside bathroom. Most decent hotels have a large mirror somewhere else in the room so we just use those, or bring one of those folding light up vanity mirrors (mine had two sides so two of us would do our makeup at once)

>> No.7008424

Not really a horror story but just a lesson in picking hotels.

>first con, non-anime friend decides she is coming too and books us a room last minute
>she picks cheap Motel 6 because its "right across the street" from con
>get there and street is a six lane highway with no crossing lane
>have to get taxi or bum a ride to even get across since we didn't drive there ourselves
>find a few other cosplayers who are staying in same hallway so we stick together for rides, taxi
>hang out in their room for a bit that night
>forget something so go down hall back to my room
>oh hey is that another cosplayer down hall?
>middle aged man in vinyl maid dress, pink wig, stilettos
>realize there is no way I didn't spot this guy at the very small con already
>he looks at me (KH cosplay, pink wig and leather)
>gives me dirty look and goes into room, hear lock click behind
>scurry back to my friends
>lets never stay here again

>> No.7008512

>Anime North
>2 bed room with 7 other people in it; 3 friends and 4 friends of friends.
>Two of them snore. Very loud. Earplugs do nothing to help so most of us are tired and groggy all weekend.
>Snoring Guy B tries hitting on the lady friend of one of the roomies, gets shot down.
>Spends the rest of the con pouting. Avoided him as much as possible.
>Same guy I had to give a ride to the con. Spent the 8-hour trip asking every 20 minutes to stop for food even though we had plenty in the car and called the border crossing guy an asshole even though he asked few questions, wasn't confrontational and didn't search the car at all.
>Have another person staying in the room the last night because he missed his bus. Snoring roommate count: 3.
>Get an hour of sleep after dragging a sleeping bag, pillow, an mp3 player and headphones into the bathroom.
>Have to drive 8 hours to get home while Snoring Guy B, one of the few guys who got any rest, sleeps in the passenger seat.

>> No.7008521

vampires make the best roommates.

>> No.7008547

I believe the rules were explained ahead of checking in. I sometime find myself reminding room share people about the rules. It's usually the weebs who think they are alpha that break them and test your limits. Imagine on the first day you have to constantly remind them not to prop their feet on your luggage! (went to a count on nine before I sat on his Nabiki pillow, that got him to stop)

>> No.7008566

samefag here
I think I might do as the others do and make a contract. They probably got better sleep arrangements.

>> No.7008580

Haha, drunk moose. There's horses out the back of my work, I ought to spike the trough on my last day!

Not my story:
>UK Web & Mini-Comix Thing 2006
>Not really a con, more like a one-day dealer's hall for nothing but small press.
>First time having a table at a con, me and the girl I'm sharing with both make comics on the same theme, except she can actually draw and got them professionally printed
>But anyway, She came a long way, so had to stay in the con's "official hotel"
>It's miles away, on the other side of the Thames
>You know what London cabs are like
>Oh, and while they were having breakfast the FUCKING CEILING COLLAPSED.
>Decide to use the name of the hotel as a swear word it future.

Anyway, I've only stayed in hotels at cons 3 times. Two were good, one was, okay but a bit annoying

>Bristol 2006
>Meeting girl from UK blah blah Thing
>Get a hotel the day before. It's not the official one, so will "probably be miles away"
>It's closer to the con than the official one
>First night alright, and I'm on my own, no weeby roomies.
>A cute girl is staying there too, see her around the con, want to find her and chat her up
>Find her on Livejournal later. She's a needy, selfish "pagan". Dodged a bullet there.
>Second night, something loud is bleeping every 10 minutes, like a mobile phone with a low battery
>Don't sleep a wink. Have to force myself to stay awake on the train, for 6 boiling hot hours.
>The girl I originally went to see (not in that way, she's a genuine lesbian and married) thought the con was the weekend after, and was off camping.

>> No.7008587

I mean, you expect to share a room with 5 other people and when you get to the hotel, you actually share a room with 5 people! You plan to sleep on a roll out and you actually do. You're tired and you actually get to sleep for at least 6 hours!

Sorry but sleep and space is big on me.

>> No.7008604


>Bristol 2007
>Book a hotel the day before, again!
>Just assume it's the hotel I stayed in the previous year, but it isn't, find the actual one.
>That friend is having a party, get super drunk. They offer to let me stay at the house (taxi drivers can never find it), but I paid for the hotel so I go back.
>Free porn on the TV!
>The next day it pisses it down all day. Only cheapo 'wash n go' shampoo in the room. My hair is long and soft, it puffs up like an 80's "telephone" haircut, oh well.
>The room has air-con! Air con is really rare in the UK. Shame it's freezing outside. The heating doesn't work.
>Later on have some bullshit arguement with that friend and we're not speaking. Oh well.

>> No.7008613

One of my friends has a "No purple bunnies" allowed rule when he hosts rooms because once he came back to someone fucking a furry in his hotel bed.

>> No.7008627

Oh great, forgot the longest story XD

>MCM May 2013
>Plan to get there 'fairly late on Friday after work'
>Oh look, somebody's got a flat tyre on the woefully inadequate single-lane carriageway between a city full of employers and a growing residential city. I guess I can forget about moving then.
>Blah, finally reach London, it's pouring with rain. Misread instructions and get on the DLR for the whole length of it
>Hear splashing as it pulls out of the station, is that a leak in the roof? Oh, no, some tramp has thrown up all over the floor and it stinks.
>The hotel is near Woolwich, now why is that name familiar. Oh yeah, some guy got FUCKING BEHEADED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT HERE LAST WEEK. Keep my head down and hope there's no rioting EDL'ers
>Get to the hotel, it's just a bunch of cheap bunk beds in a room, but whatever, it's like £20 each. Everybody's pretty cool and all paid up on time.
>The showers barely dribble. Great. Wash body with loads of baby wipes. Just like a rock festival!
>Just before checking out some of the members get, er, exuberant, and jokingly try to throw a bottle out of the window, it actually goes out. I decide that is a good time for a shit.
>"We've just had security up here" when I get back to the room.
>The guy who booked the room is pretty pissed off too. Packing up to check out, realise the bin has not been touched all weekend. Take several bags of rubbish down to the skip myself.
>In October we think we'll spend a little more.

>> No.7008643

I just fucking remembered. Early this year, one of the conditions from one room sharer who agreed to pay 1/4 more is that no one will, play, sing or hum Gangnam Style. If she hears that song in the room, she retracts her fee share and we have to pay for her stay. We agreed to that and to her box of cookies.

>> No.7008657

At ConnectiCon this year I was at the Hilton, one of those places that are connected to the con center. I enjoyed staying there, but I found the whole experience kind of weird.

It was my second time booking a hotel. I registered my friend's name on there, and he had to go to the desk himself to get the keycard after he put in some payment. I just assumed when I put my card's information that the hotel would have charged me already, but I was stupid and didn't check my bank account for it when I signed up in like January.

So first night there my friend's brother broke his leg and he had to go to the hospital that night then drove back. He got his keycard and his card got declined since he didn't have enough money on there, but he said he was in a hurry so they let him have his card.

The next night at 11, hotel staff came up to say my room was locked because my card got declined. They must have charged everything onto mine after my friend's card got declined so it didn't split half and half like the staff assumed. To this day I have no idea why it declined since I had more than enough money. I think it was because I wasn't there to authorize the transaction. I went to the ATM, got the cash, gave it to the desk, was paranoid the rest of the next day.

>> No.7008668

>Get trapped at MTAC (floodcon)
>Officially started dating current boyfriend
>Get a shitload of free pocky from a Link cosplayer
>Friend toting around angry lolita mad at her angry boyfriend
>Didn't matter, house was ten feet underwater, we were trapped and I got pocky

>> No.7008686

I want to shake that persons hand

>> No.7008710

You would want her cookies!

>> No.7008714

I don't understand how you put up with this? 5 star hotels are supposed to give you top notch service regardless of your person, as long as it's not illegal. I could be a goddamned Satanist with a choking and dog fetish, with a male prostitute in a female dog outfit in a cage with a choke collar on and a huge ejaculating Kakashi tattoo in my room, and they would still have to be polite and serve me because I fucking paid for their service and the room. Not to mention you guys sounded like you hid your powerlevel, and that comment about old men or cosplayers was completely out of line. I would've called up the hotel manager or regional director for the chain to officially lodge a complaint, and ask for my stay to be comped or a free dinner or something.

>mfw luxury hotel stays have always been wonderful
>mfw only get this sort of behavior from a fucking inn or something

Once I ordered room service at a Hyatt, and the skewer in the burger was splintered. I politely called and lodged a complaint, and I was offered another free meal as well as the price of the burger waived. Was pretty full already as I'd finished most of the burger and all the sides, so just went for a free fruit platter and some soda water. Are all hotels in the US like this? Hotels in Asia tend to be pretty top notch. Once room stuffed in a 3 star hotel with a bunch of people and ended up spray painting the carpet by accident, hotel was still super polite about it and we paid the damages accordingly.

>> No.7008718

Your stories suck.

>> No.7008736

Agreed, hotels are supposed to serve you. I had a dirty sports bra under my bed, the tub was a bit dirty, and when I was checking out I let the woman at the desk know and she waved a purchase I had made off the bill.

>> No.7008764

I'm pretty sure that Posters story was made up. Reference to pretty woman was to much of a coincidence. I would have gone with the movie with Tim Curry as the hotel concierge.

>> No.7008771

This is proof not all europeans are cool.

>> No.7008789


>> No.7008794

**I guess I should point out that there's a reason the UK doesn't consider themselves European.
That's the point I was making. ;;

>> No.7008791

home alone 2?
most con stays make me think of the one with tim olyphant as the bellhop...

>> No.7008816
File: 25 KB, 531x181, United Kingdom is in Europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you're coming from or why you responded to me but UK is in Europe.

>> No.7008818

Honestly they'll probably be drama. I'd just cut them loose and deal with it. People who throw shitfits like that generally don't have consideration about others or let what other people think influence how they behave. Speaking from experience and from what I've seen on /cgl/ before people are very two-faced. If you still go through with it don't let yourself get walked all over. That's the second mistake a lot of people make

>> No.7008822

>>Katsucon '10
>>Friend books hotel months ahead
>>Texts everyone planning to stay in the room a week before saying that he won't be able to attend because he gave his bitch sister all his con-savings.
>>Convince friend to transfer reservation to someone else while everyone else frantically searches for someone else to room with us.
>>Friend texts everyone 3 days later. Can suddenly go to con again.
>>Keeps whining about how we should take a plane instead of a bus or train to the con (from Philly).
>>Stupid people of group take a plane, everyone else takes a bus.
>>Friend keeps trying to drag everyone to events he wants to go to.
>>Kept whining the whole weekend.
>>Going home, people that flew in missed their flight because said friend took his sweet ass time in the bathroom.

>> No.7008829

No home alone 2. I forgot that other movie title where Tim Curry played the antagonist.

My friend is born and raised in UK and they consider themselves Europeans.

>> No.7008881


>> No.7008961

>Have a room at the Hyatt connected to the con
>People fuck around with the elevators
>Always waiting for an elevator
>30+ min waiting for an elevator Sunday morning
I wish I could be lucky enough to have a hotel on one of the lowest floors so it wouldn't be awful taking the stairs up. Also:
> recent Ohayocon years
>Pretty much all in the hotel portion and not the actual convention center
>Have to jam panels into the fucking hotel next door where no one can find you
I guess it's because they always double book the place with some other big event like with America's Got Talent this year.

>> No.7009155

>Tim Curry played the antagonist
Yeah that narrows it down a lot.

>> No.7009178

> MCM May '11
> first ever con, 16 and poorfag so keep it clean
> going with two best friends, both social retards and only semi-functional members of society, leave it to me to organize hotel room, travel, etc
> book room about 1 1/2 months in advance, Euro Queens hotel in Crystal Palace
> only one place within 10 miles we can afford, has 2 stars, £60/night for a triple room
> couple of days before, meet at friend's house to discuss plans
> his parents are there, they look up hotel reviews
> hear them laughing in the corner
> they show us reviews "poor service, shit stains on floors, etc"
> ohgodwhathaveidone.jpg
> go to con, have good time first day, dreading hotel. have to walk uphill for 20 minutes in disgusting heat to get there.
> get to hotel; it's lovely, clean, quiet and the free cooked breakfast is awesome
> turns out the reviews were for the Queens hotel next door
> everything went better than expected


> MCM May '12
> stay in Youth Hostel closer to con
> oh, a Youth Hostel, it'll be basic and cheap
> go to room
> no towels
> go to desk, ask for towels
> "yes, that'll be £7 per towel, please"
> allofmywhat.jpg

>> No.7009634

Think this will be my 10th year at Ohayocon, and probably the 4th straight year of hating it. Not saying this works, but it did for me and my friends 5/5 times. However you book your room, call the hotel and then request the reservation to be on the lowest floor possible. Could just be a coincidence but every time we did that we ended up with a room on floors 5-8.

>> No.7009905

Hey! sorry! Watched it back in the 90s. Don't remember much.

>> No.7010143

Hyatt sux, stay at Drury Inn instead. Only time I stayed down at Ohayocon was there, and it was great.

>> No.7010255

I had gotten a room at a 'nearby' sister hotel of the hotel the con took place in. The information of the convention provided said that there would be a bus going to that hotel every 15 minutes at the train station, and they had a deal with a taxi service for cheap trips. When I was at the train station my friend and I found out that there was no bus going to our hotel. When we called the taxi service we found out there was no taxi driving that night. We had to walk for hours with our luggage till we finally arrived at our hotel at 2AM. We had the same problem the next night, despite the convention calling the taxi service and complaining.

>> No.7010301
File: 65 KB, 195x156, god dammit people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not terrible but still put a damper on my experience
This year for con
>meeting codename Naruto for con.
>Naruto cosplays the first day but doesn't the second because part of his costume is uncomfortable
>Friend Sakura and I cosplay every year, usually wearing weather inappropriate costumes, long wigs, and high heels but don't complain to other people about it
>both of our faces when he then wishes he could cosplay and refuses to take any advice we give him about making the costume 'wearable'
>Naruto basically mopes entire con for various reasons but I have no fucks to give
>ends weekend by hitting on Sakura who he knows is in a relationship while I'm not there
>spent weeks up to the con proving he was a nice guy
>entire weekend is just an excuse to get close Sakura and hit on her
>God dammit Naruto
Haven't spoken to him since. Never rooming with someone from out of town unless I'm good friends with them again, believe it.

>> No.7010389
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I read that in Dooleys voice from king of the Hill

>> No.7010407

Oh hai roomie
Forgot to mention that there were 13 people in the room that was supposed to fit an upwards of 8. It would have been fine originally, but with everything that happened it was kind of a huge clusterfuck.
I didn't end up sleeping on Friday night because it was so goddamn hot/ I was finishing up a costume last minute and refused to sew in a sauna.

>> No.7010590
File: 9 KB, 500x264, tumblr_lqki6iDOEb1qcpy38o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muppet treasure island?

>> No.7010592
File: 20 KB, 300x330, 6a00d8341c2c8b53ef0105369d3e64970c-300wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok real guess, maybe the three musketeers?

>> No.7010648

I'm sorry. Am being stupid. I no longer think it was Tim Curry. I last watch that movie around 1990 - 93 if that helps.

>> No.7010848

Well I found DC Douglas (Albert Wesker) passed out drunk in my floors lounge. Kinda regret not taking a pic with him

>> No.7010921

in theaters or on VHS?

>> No.7010932

Was it Jingle All The Way?

>> No.7011106

This is why I stay in a nice room with 3 people max. I would never go past 4 people. Yay for money.

>> No.7011588
File: 780 KB, 256x256, 1367452093805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young stupid highschool girl, first con hotel experience, want only girls in the room
>get school friends together for expensive room

>Bitchtits: my best friend at the time, high-strung severe girl who snaps into ragemode easily
>Tree: awkward really tall girl who saved up forever to be able to afford the room, really poor but nice
>Mouse: little tiny girl I only kinda know but she's the oldest and pretty cool
>and Hotpants: fucking crazy type of girl whose closet contains nothing but cat sweaters and shiny hotpants. She got in on it last and doesn't really know what a con is but wants in on the fun.

>Bitchtits' dad puts the room on his card and makes sure she's going to pay him back Monday.
>We all get our stuff up to the room and Bitchtits asks for money.
>Mouse, Tree and I fork it over immediately
>Hotpants stares at Bitchtits and the usual crazy in her eyes is suddenly replaced with bewilderment
>"oh... I'm only going to stay one night, can't I just pay half?"
>First we've heard of this idea
>Bitchtits snaps on her, Hotpants acts like she's being victimized, gives Bitchtits half the money and leaves to hang with creepy older guy
>Bitchtits starts crying about how she doesn't have the money to cover the difference and how her dad is going to kill her, Mouse and I manage to come up with the rest of Hotpants' portion out of our spending money
>An hour later, Hotpants comes back in a latex nurse outfit and gets all her stuff, says she "doesn't feel welcome" in the room anymore and goes to stay in creepy older guy's room instead.
>Tree later invites a horde of people we don't know into the room when none of us are there, they DEMOLISH all the food Bitchtits and I brought, go through my sketchbook and draw in it, leave a huge mess
>We don't see Hotpants for the rest of the con
>Hotpants never speaks to Bitchtits again

I now only room with my guy best friend and we tell dick jokes and watch bad scifi the whole time. Never ever rooming with psycho bitches again.

>> No.7011599

>those nicknames instead of letters
Now we're getting somewhere!

>> No.7011600

The girl-hate is strong with this one. You had shitty friends--it has nothing to do with gender.

>> No.7011602

Hence "psycho bitches" and not just "bitches". Mouse is pretty cool but the other three are crazy.

>> No.7011607

>>An hour later, Hotpants comes back in a latex nurse outfit and gets all her stuff, says she "doesn't feel welcome" in the room anymore and goes to stay in creepy older guy's room instead.
>in a latex nurse outfit
>latex nurse outfit
I don't have an appropriate reaction face for this.

>> No.7011612

I dunno, Bitchtits seemed fine with only that story to go on. Her dad actually paid for the thing, ad as far as she knew she was going to be able to pay him back. Then suddenly she couldn't because someone else decided to pull shit on her after it was too late to change anything. I don't blame her for freaking out.

The girl coming back in a fetish outfit to grab her stuff and go spend the weekend with some creepy older guy certainly doesn't help the situation.

>> No.7011613

Don't go to the Ibis, whatever the fuck you do. First time they overbooked and basically told me to GTFO making me go all the way back home for nothing, the second time we could hear angry french women yelling at each other due to paper thin walls and not to mention they have no wi-fi yet claim they do on the website. They give you a shitty little ethernet cable which won't do if you have more than one laptop. Avoid at all costs, gonna try the one across the road next time.

>> No.7011617

This girl was just like that. Her personality was completely erratic. Creepy older guy was a friend of her brother's, she always complained about him making unwanted advances on her. She went trick-or-treating in the same outfit later that year, separated herself from us to be alone with him. She did this shit constantly.
Honestly, we were worried about Tree being able to afford her portion, she basically lived on $1 frozen meals, and then Hotpants hit us with a whole bucket of crazy instead.

>> No.7011621

This story isn't the reason for her nickname, I should probably have picked a different one. She snapped on Hotpants a lot harder than she needed to, though. She was totally justified for how bothered she was, and Mouse and I made sure we took care of it.

>> No.7011635

I only know whenever there's a home game, everyone is on that side of town and all the roads you want to take get blocked off.
Just don't be near OSU during game nights

>> No.7011642

Well, at least she knew him before deciding to spend a weekend with him and dress up in a fetish outfit presumably for his enjoyment.

It sounded like this guy was a complete stranger she'd just met.

>> No.7011647

>She snapped on Hotpants a lot harder than she needed to, though.
I just assume she was terrified of fucking this up with her dad after assuring him she'd be responsible for the money. That sort of anxiety can make people act like assholes as they're trying to protect themselves.

>> No.7012751

If I do stay at my friend's dorm, I am really tempted to wear a U of M sweatshirt or something just to see what happens. I don't even go there, I'm just from Michigan.

>> No.7012855

Different Ohioanon than the ones you responded to (there's a lot of us apparently). You'll get dirty looks. Last Michigan game, some students went around and covered every M they could find on campus with red tape. A good amount of that tape is still there. The rivalry's pretty serious.
Also confirming what they said about staying the hell away from campus during home games, the area can't cope with the massive traffic influx.

>> No.7012871

I wonder how my friend copes with that since she's from Michigan too. Probably gets a lot of jokes about it.

And oh cool, looks like she's probably going to be living in an off-campus apartment around Ohayocon, so maybe traffic will be less annoying?

>> No.7012885

Just because it's legal to take something doesn't mean it's illegal not to. I could choose to demand tokens in exchange for goods if I wanted to, and nobody would be able to force me to accept cash.

>> No.7012900

My niggas.

sage for irrelevance

>> No.7012934

Bitch I'm from Michigan. Don't associate me with those corn-growers

>> No.7012947


Slut, she should have fucked him and ate his poop.

>> No.7012995
File: 48 KB, 573x524, 1347667663009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened at the most recent AX to me.
>Go to dance on night 1
>Take a drink from the water cooler
>10 minutes later, start to feel light headed
>Someone must have spiked the water cooler
>Head back to hotel room
>Get in and see everyone I'm staying with is in there
>Go to sleep right away
>Wake up around 4 am to go to bathroom
>Suddenly, a daki of my waifu (pic related) is laying right next to me
>"uhhh...cool..someone got me a Kanade daki
>suddenly see about 6 condoms with white liquid in them
>Friend tells me I fucked the daki last night when I was sleeping
>"what, NO I DIDN'T"
>"trust me, you said the water cooler was spiked and this happened"
>suddenly think to myself "Oh god did I really somehow get a daki and fuck it with everyone watching"
>They all go back to sleep
>I'm freaking out for the next couple hours
>friends start laughing their asses off
>tell me it was all a prank
>get really pissed at them
>hours later we all just have a good laugh about it.
>sell the daki to me for $40

They said they had been planning this for months

>> No.7013000

forgot to say that the white liquid was just lube. They put the condoms around me while I was sleeping

>> No.7013009

Your friends DRUGGED you???

>> No.7013018

nah, They didn't (at least I don't think they did) the water cooler just happened to be spiked and that was the perfect opportunity for them.

>> No.7013224

Katsucon '11 -
This guy was riding up and down the elevator in the main hotel rubbing his flaccid man parts on the buttons.

>> No.7013632

>SDCC last year
>have rooms booked for $160 a night. two queen beds, fridge, microwave
>"pipes burst" in the hotel a couple of weeks before the convention
>hotel kicks us out because we're not paying enough even though we've had the reservation for more than six months
>end up paying $250/night elsewhere

>> No.7015880
File: 85 KB, 300x439, fuckthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming one.

>book hotel room at marriott for otakon
>tell people 9 months in advance what the price is
>six people "guaranteed"
>One dude gets new job, is denied time off, is entirely honest about this
>One girl gets fucked by her credit card company a week before convention, paid for badge but no longer can afford con

but this motherfucker.

>insists he can go
>insists hes 100% on board
>wants to bring his cousin
>1 month before con, goes dead fucking dark, refuses to answer facebook or text messages
>finally get a hold of him week before convention
>"Oh, I was only asking for someone else, I've been booked with a friend of mine literally since last year!"
>desperately search for fill-ins
>everyone I know either already has a room or cant afford it

so, yeah, I have to pay an extra $250 for my hotel room this year because some asshole decided to lie to my fucking face. That's basically my entire merch budget, fucking gone.

Oh, and the best part? I have a friend of a friend who organizes large groups in multiple rooms who could have probably fit me and my remaining roomies easily, but this asshole pulled this shit so late that I can't cancel the room without paying $200+tax for the first night.

>> No.7015894

So your friend of a friend is a scalper

>> No.7015899

Dude.... That's totally me. (Not literally) LOL. I'm like never in the room during a con, only to sleep!

>> No.7016408

Bumping for read. The horror, the horror, the horror!

>> No.7016416


I wouldn't really call him a scalper since its mostly people he knows personally.

>> No.7016425

How come there is never a happy hotel con story threads?

>> No.7016465

When in a showering situation like that just wrap your head in a towel turban and wash your body.

When your body is clean, wrap your body with the towel and wash your hair.

Takes a little practice, but it's not impossible.

Also, learn to give yourself a whores bath. Half a bottle of water and a little soap. A sink, if you've got that luxury. If not, just use a towel or a bucket of some sort. Get the soap a little wet, rub some water on yourself, scrub as best as possible, then use a little more water to wipe off.

Babywipes are amazing.

Source: Experiences innaIraq

>> No.7016527

We roomstuffed in Custom House (which I think is now owned by Ibis) last October, and it was a nightmare. The room was fine, but my friend thought 10 people in 19 sqm was a good idea. I'm moving to Docklands soon, though, so I'm just gonna be staying at home for future Expos (once I've worked out the night bus routes).

>> No.7016666
File: 415 KB, 500x281, 1328338415864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon the best I got

>Hotel room is a corner room
>Windows line half the room and into the bathroom
>Can look out and down into the streets while on the toilet!

>> No.7016806

happy hotel stories are RAAAAARE because hotels hardly ever go out of their way to make your stay more than what you expect.

You get to see the room before you go, you know what you're paying for, and you know if you're getting breakfast or not, so it's kind of hard to surprise you.

Then again, when its your friends who are the cause of the bad stories, it's easy for them to do things you don't expect :D

It's important to take note that very few (if any, i don't quite recall) of these stories are due to the hotel/hotel staff and not due to other guests or roommates for the weekend.

food for thought

>> No.7016976

The weird part was that the guy was fucking huge. It'd be hard not to notice him, but somehow we never saw him inside or outside of the room.

>> No.7018377

Try telling that to car rental places. All the big names refuse to take cash or check, it's only debit or credit, and half of them don't even take debit.

>> No.7018438

Why don't people sleep on the fucking floor? I'm so tired of these martyrs going, "Oh, no beds, I guess I'll sleep in the closet/bathtub/on the table/in the mini-fridge/standing up in a corner." Just grab a blanket, a few soft shirts for a pillow, and find a spot of floor that you can lay on. If there's no room, shit can, ya know, be stored in the closet or on the table. Fuck.

>> No.7021144

Ongoing con "drama" story.

>C-minus 5 months, Sakura moves out, leaves town
>Move in with friend Nami in new place
>C-minus 45 days, Sakura moans and whines about not being able to afford hotel and con
>Nami doesn't really want to let Sakura with us because she gets ultra-downer when she realizes she has to go home
>C-minus 1 month, Sakura can suddenly go to con, we're wondering how, since she's supposedly broke
>C-minus 2 weeks, Sakura informs Nami that they're going to be a cosplay pair, has
>C-minus ten days, "So, Sakura, you're going to have to tell me how to make the props"
>She's also really mad that myself and Nami are fa/tg/uys and we're playing our campaign finale on friday, instead of Nami hanging out with Sakura at the con

I have no idea how much drama had happened that I'm not privvy to, though.

Sorry for not being hotel related. I just need to vent.