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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7002908 No.7002908 [Reply] [Original]

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) how does your local community rank in the following areas

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

>> No.7002924

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

Don't move to Norway.

>> No.7002934

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

San Antonio, Texas...

>> No.7002937

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

Chicago isn't great but not terrible

>> No.7002956

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

yay Regina

>> No.7002959

Oh come on, it's no where near that bad, we have San Japan and mizuumi con, those are both really fun. That's already heads and shoulders above some unfortunate places.

>> No.7002965


>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

I really like Seattle..

>> No.7002968

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

Christchurch, NZ

>> No.7002970

>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials

>> No.7002971

oh shit forgot to add

Honolulu, HI

>> No.7002975

>Conventions Offered
Could be worse, could be better but it's always enjoyable
>Gatherings and Festivals
Used to be great, then there was a shit load of community drama and people don't host events anymore
>Photoshoot Locations
If you've got a car or can carpool badlands, mountain areas, and natural parks are awesome for pictures and a day trip
>Overall Cosplay Community
Some people are a bad mix of snobby, bratty, and stupid in varying ratios but there are plenty of great people and depending on where you are the community is pretty tight knit
>Buying Materials


>> No.7002978

I agree Seattle is pretty great all around - nothing really to complain about

>> No.7003153

Ok, I guess 3/10 then!
San Japan is alright because of friends, but it happens in the middle of august! Yes, let's pick the hottest month for cosplay. orz

>> No.7003200

Midlands, England

>Conventions Offered
A couple of decent ones, but it's also very easy to travel around the country from where I live
>Gatherings and Festivals
Not sure if I can really comment because I've never been to any, but I've seen some advertised
>Photoshoot Locations
9/10 lots of urban and rural areas, both great. Historical sites too, like castles, manor houses etc. only downside is the time/cost of getting there really
>Overall Cosplay Community
4/10, I know a few cool people but most of the groups kind of annoy me and aren't my thing.
>Buying Materials
7/10 not a huge variety of shops, but I've pretty much always been able to find what I need there or at markets

>> No.7003202

They had little choice in the matter actually, but it'll be in July next year and the following!

>> No.7003203
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Toronto, Canada area.

>>Conventions Offered

Lots of cons in the summer.

>>Gatherings and Festivals

There are cosplay gatherings all the time. Me and the cgl people meet up like once a month at least.

>>Photoshoot Locations

Not sure. I don't take pictures.

>>Overall Cosplay Community

It's good. There are some dramas.

>>Buying Materials

Not sure. I don't cosplay. My friends seem to have a hard time buying stuff though.

>> No.7003204

agreed with all of this

>> No.7003205

I would go there to take photos.

>> No.7003206
File: 192 KB, 465x700, facilierwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving my location a range of 50 miles or all of these would be zeros. Southeast Louisiana.

>Conventions Offered
1/10 an hour away and I still would rather drive 7-8 hours to a decent con in Texas.
>Gatherings and Festivals
1/10 There is one tiny Japanese festival but it's crawling with weeaboos each year.
>Photoshoot Locations
3/10 If you're willing to possibly get stabbed in New Orleans.
>Overall Cosplay Community
0/10 I don't know of there being any sort of organized community, aside from anime clubs at specific schools.
>Buying Materials
5/10 Baton Rouge and New Orleans have a decent selection, not great, but fabric stores as needed.

>> No.7003234

>Map of Bay Area
>No Bay area responses

Just moved here and need some heads up. Whats the deal with Japan Expo is it a first in the US this year?

>> No.7003250

Dallas here

>Conventions Offered
8/10 we have 2 anime cons, and several comic/sci-fi cons. Texas in general has enough cons you could almost go to one a month without leaving the state.

>Gatherings and Festivals
Not too many gatherings happen, but we do get stuff like anime movie premiers and there is a Japanese festival in Ft. Worth

>Photoshoot Locations
5/10 pretty average offerings. Nothing amazing like mountains or beaches

>Overall Cosplay Community
5/10 some really cool people and some really 2 faces bitches

>Buying Materials
8/10 harry hines baby, 4-6 fabric warehouses, several bead stores. We also have a Reynolds plastic plus plenty of the craft stores and lowes/home depots everywhere.

>> No.7003286

How the hell does Hawaii rank so slow for photo shoot locations?

>> No.7003293

I'm from the chicago area too and I have to say, I think the conventions offered should be upped and the community taken down a few notches. There are two major comic conventions, one over 20k anime convention, and about 4-5 small to mid sized anime cons. ( unless OP is asking the quality of said conventions. Which in that case you were spot on) There are a few cosplayers though that are just full of themselves despite being shit tier.

>> No.7003294

>Conventions Offered 2/10 There are some, but they're all pretty awful.
>Gatherings and Festivals 0/10 There literally aren't any.
>Photoshoot Locations 6/10
>Overall Cosplay Community 1/10 It's terrible.
>Buying Materials 6/10

>> No.7003300

Shit I forgot.
Pensacola Florida

>> No.7003310

Japan Expo is branching out with 2013 being its debut year here.

>Conventions Offered
9/10 Fanime and Japan Expo are the big con here however there are plenty of medium and small size cons here such as AoD, Sac Anime among others. Wondercon and Yaoi con are slated to return and while not cosplay related California Extreme is mandatory to go to if you love playing in arcades.

>Gatherings and Festivals
9/10 We have two cosplay communities that regularly scheduled picnics and outings that are both well organized. SF Japan Town also hosts cosplay and Jpop influenced events.

>Photoshoot Locations
7/10 San Francisco has great urban areas to shoot in and a coastline. There are also many museums, landmarks and parks that make great backdrops. The biggest downside is dealing with all the people around you.

>Overall Cosplay Community
8/10 Gatherings are well attended and while you will get the crazy weebs there are good amount of older people who are rather chill.

>Buying Materials
7/10 We have Joans and Michaels and SF has several thrift stores. I don't know what else is offered

>> No.7003334

Just north of Washington DC.

>Conventions Offered
Oh, definitely 9/10. Maryland/DC alone has AUSA, Katsu, and Ota, then we have two smaller school-run cons which are surprisingly fun, and Farpoint, Balticon, and Shoreleave, and Baltimore Comic Con, a filk convention, and Awesome con which is new but pretty good. I think the only con I do that MD/DC doesn't have is historical wargaming, and those are less than a four-hour drive into VA or PA. It's a great area for fandom.

>Gatherings and Festivals
5/10 Matsuri is pretty good though I generally don't cosplay to it(it's fun to watch the contest) but the only meets I know of are Homestuck, which... aren't terrible? I help run MDstuck for administrative duties. But yanno, they're Homestuck.

>Photoshoot Locations
6/10. DC has picturesque spots but you have to threaten the tourists away during half the year. I like Patapsco state park, and graffiti alley in B-more.

>Overall Cosplay Community
8/10 It seems just peachy but can be a little thin on the ground for non-Homestuck, it seems. I am not a huge participator.

>Buying Materials
7/10. Fabric and notions are usually pretty good, other materials can be harder to find.

>> No.7003453

>Conventions Offered
1, but it's made up of no-names and that furry who was on that Superhero competition show from a thousand years ago.

>Gatherings and Festivals
1, We have Artwalk every first Thursday of the month, but I've only gone for school stuff and it's a little too Tex-Mex tinged for my taste.

>Photoshoot Locations
3, if you only do Western, Steampunk, or Dystopian Future type cosplays. This place is desolate and ugly as sin.

>Overall Cosplay Community
5, I know almost everyone that cosplays here and I'm cool with all of them except one. I just don't make an effort to talk to her. Ever.

>Buying Materials
1-3? I usually only shop for things here when I'm in a time-crunch. I avoid being disappointed in my local shops by going straight to the internets.

>> No.7003455

Oop. This is Abilene, TX.

>> No.7003485

Denver, CO.

>conventions offered
5/10 (since DCC)
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall cosplay community
>Buying materials

I wouldn't know too much on buying materials since I buy most of my stuff online but the nearest professional craft/sewing stores are a minimum hour away from where I live. Friends of mine who do manage to make the drive get some quality stuff.

>> No.7003508

Middle Vancouver Island, BC.

>Conventions Offered
A nice selection between big and small cons (that I know of) but its dead in the winter and my location is far from most cons (see: a day's drive or more if you want to get to Vancouver) Getting to farther cons is a little sketchy due to Ferries and the weather, and the price of ferries doesnt help your wallet much.
>Gatherings and Festivals
begrudgingly giving it a 1 for vanstuck being a thing that exists. I've had some bad experiences with Vanstuck, and seeing that I wont be touching homestuck with a 50 foot pole, its off the list. Aside from that, I dont know of any other festivals that dont take place on the mainland/vancouver city.
>Photoshoot Locations
10/10, an hour into the forest, by the beach, or up a mountain and you have stunning scenery. Need a metropolis setting? Theres always Vancouver.
>Overall Cosplay Community
Just joined, so I'm unsure. I've heard of unfair as shit judges, people who are popular for seemingly no reason whatsoever, shitty cosplays being hailed as SOGOODOMG?? but in all honesty I dont know much.
>Buying Materials
We have a fabric land, home depot, a plethora of dollar stores, thrift shops, foam/upholstery stores, and an assload of places to look for base clothing. You're pretty fucked if you're looking for any uncommon fabrics, latex, or faux furs, though.

>> No.7003661


>Buying Materials
7/10 We have Joans and Michaels and SF has several thrift stores. I don't know what else is offered
we also have fabric outlet, discount fabrics, britex (if you need something high end and nothing else will do) and tons of flea markets. So i'd up that to 9/10

>> No.7003715

Vancouver, BC

>Conventions Offered
8/10, there's a variety (Anime Evolution, Anime Revolution, Cos & Effect, FanExpo, etc.) and an easy car/bus/train ride to Washington for more cons.

>Gatherings and Festivals
6/10, good festivals or 1-day events (ie. MiniComi, SummerFest, etc.). Not familiar with the recent gatherings around here though I have occasionally seen people in cosplay at Metrotown. Usually get shit for that when things get out of hand. Otherwise plenty of places to hang out.

>Photoshoot Locations
10/10, abundance of parks, city scenery, the sea, etc.

>Overall Cosplay Community
Not that close to the community so just from observations, 6/10, a mix of good well-mannered people and obnoxious loud people. Though I guess there's random drama people bring up.

>Buying Materials
10/10, having access to Dressew, Michaels, Opus, Fabricland, Home Depot, Rona, Foam store, dollar stores and more. I love it here.

>> No.7007566

How about city/urban photos?

>> No.7007677

There isn't much variety of photoshoot locations, unless you pay the $$ to visit the neighbor islands. Even then it's the same deal. If you're cosplaying from a series that has a old japanese backdrop outside, a forest backdrop, or of course a beach backdrop. Hawaii is wonderful, but your fucked if you try to get anything else.

I tend to cosplay from series from a more modern backdrop, so the only place that works well is at the University.

>> No.7007691

anyone in the socal comm?

the fb group seems like a ghost town

>> No.7007716

ugh not really, LA's garment district is like 10/10- San Francisco doesn't really come close. Also Britex is hella over priced. I'd say 7/10 is pretty accurate

>> No.7007739

>Conventions Offered
2/10 With a little community, we have, like, one really good con, one okay con, and like seven shitty little ones.

>Gatherings and Festivals
2/10 We have a free Pokefest, pretty aight since the convention heads get together to do it. Depending on what fandom you're in, you got meet ups. There's this asshole running around doing terrible events, he runs like three of the shitty cons.

>Photoshoot Locations
2/10 It's hot as balls all the time and really hard to find good locations, but the parks in various towns are nice and all.

>Overall Cosplay Community
5/10 Everyone is a bro and most of the teenagers aren't annoying. However, the skill is seriously lacking but again, everyone is just great to hang out with. Except for the larger groups, those tend to be full of pretentious assholes.

>Buying Materials
8/10 Every town has a little Mexican shopping district and at least three thrift shops. Most malls have wig places to buy from, but those are only if you're in a pinch. Coming from a mostly Hispanic community, you get lots of bridal stores with cheap prices on dresses. Also, there's an abundant of fabric stores everywhere along with seamstresses willing to do quality work for cheap.

Coming from the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

>> No.7007754

>Conventions Offered
0/10 - There are none in my area.
>Gatherings and Festivals
0/10 - There are none in my area.
>Photoshoot Locations
3/10 - There are few places.
>Overall Cosplay Community
0.01/10 - I know one other cosplayer here.
>Buying Materials
2/10 - Can find some things but nowhere near everything I want want and need.

~ New Zealand ~

>> No.7007760

We have tap plastics and douglass and sturgess as well as discount fabrics, and in the south bay there's fabrics r us. If you have wheels you can get almost anything you can get in the fabric district, plus there's some better suppliers for prop making stuff

>> No.7007765

Bay Area represent
Fuck yeah

>> No.7008615


>> No.7008631

Oh, you!

>> No.7008646
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>Conventions Offered
9/10. Need a good winter con.
>Gatherings and Festivals
8/10. There's two, one in spring and fall, and I don't really care for others.
>Photoshoot Locations
7/10, I don't have a car, but I'm sure there's a ton if you're willing to drive for 1 hour tops.
>Overall Cosplay Community
3/10. I always see the same annoying people in the same ugly cosplays at every con.
>Buying Materials
8/10. I'm still mad at JoAnn's for not restocking that trim I needed, but haven't had any issues otherwise.


>> No.7011731

>Conventions Offered
2/10 2 cons that I know of within 1 1/2 hour driving distance
>Gatherings and Festivals
not sure
>Photoshoot Locations
2/10 good for woods and farm shoots but thats about it
>Overall Cosplay Community
1/10 The only ones I've seen have been horrible
>Buying Materials
1/10 at least theres 1 store that sells some fabrics in town
Fucking rural northeast PA.

>> No.7011760

>Conventions Offered
0/10 Nothing within 4-5 hour drive.
>Gatherings and Festivals
0/10 Same as above
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
7/10 Small and benign
>Buying Materials

Southern Oregon

>> No.7011815

Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

>Conventions Offered
7/10, they are only two in the island, but they are pretty good.

>Gatherings and Festivals

>Photoshoot Locations
9/10, Ushuaia is amazing, it has a lot of impressive locations, and a beautiful landscape.

>Overall Cosplay Community
8/10, it's a very little community, but it's pretty cool, there's no drama and most of the people are well-mannered.
>Buying Materials
5/10, it's hard to find most of the materials and there's no specialized shops.

>> No.7011840
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>Conventions Offered
None in my immediate area. Two cheaply run ones about an hour drive away. A slightly bigger, more organized one two hours away. And another shitty one three hours away.
Everything else is a 3+ hour drive and doesn't count. I find the cheaper conventions are barely worth my gas money.
>Gatherings and Festivals
Two annual picnics that's a two hour drive away. Not worth it, but I've done it just to see my con friends before. No cosplay-related festivals that I know of.
>Photoshoot Locations
I'm being generous with my rating. Lots of forest I guess. I also live next to a great lake so if you don't mind the heinous pollution, a photoshoot on the shale cliffs might be cool.
No remarkable landmarks nor architecture though. Thank urban renewal for that.
>Overall Cosplay Community
Non-existant. The only people I know of who cosplay are the same types of people who like to dress in closet cosplays and roam around in Wal-Mart with them. There's one tumblrite Homestuck cosplayer here that hams herself up a bit, but that's all to note. I'm nothing special either.
>Buying Materials
I have a Wal-Mart and a Home Depot. No real fabric store, no building surplus, no nothing else within a one hour drive radius. Sadly enough this could be worse.

Welcome to southwestern NY, nothing amazing happens here.

>> No.7011866
File: 67 KB, 800x600, Stlouis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conventions Offered
We got Anime St. Louis, Kawa-Kon, Natsucon, Wizard World, and Archon. Typical Midwestern size convetion but lmost all those cons expect for Archon seem to be going downhill (excluding Wizard World)

>Gatherings and Festivals

Implying St. Louis is culturally incline for festivals (The Japanese Festival is amazing but have been invaded by fuckin' weeabos who think Anime = Japanese culture) and implying the community isn't full of autistic drama-causing retards who know how to organize events.

>Photoshoot Locations

Saint Louis is fuckin' beautiful once you get pass some of the bullshit. Seriously, there many great places for photoshoots.

>Overall Cosplay Community
Typical cliques, two-faced mofos, manchildren who never been beat with a belt, HOMESTUCK, and drama causers. You're typical midwest anime comunnity.

>Buying Materials
St. Louis is a large city (not massive, but large enough) so you're gonna have your Michael s, Hobby Lobby, Joannes, etc.
Saint Fuckin' Louis, Misery

>> No.7011914



>Conventions Offered 4/10
SacAnime (big enough to be regional convention), SacCon, Kintoki-Con
>Gatherings and Festivals 0/10
None here, most of the NorCal Gatherings are in the Bay Area
>Photoshoot Locations 7/10
Old Sacramento and minutes from a number of locales
>Overall Cosplay Community 5/10
Too many underage, but some decent people out there
>Buying Materials 7/10
Couple of costume shops, usual fabric stores

>> No.7011967

>Conventions Offered
1/10. have to drive 3 hours to get to a good con.
>Gatherings and Festivals
8/10. mostly renaissance faires though.
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials
2/10. nothing but hobby lobby.

Saint Augustine, Florida. Nothing but conservatives, the elderly, and tourists...

>> No.7012016

>Conventions Offered
Two huge conventions, a couple of smaller ones all within 4 hours or so. A bunch of ones that are further driving distance, but not within my budget.
>Gatherings and Festivals
Eh. Most of them are just groups of friends, which lucky I have a few of.
>Photoshoot Locations
it is absolutely beautiful where I live
>Overall Cosplay Community
Very few people I can be friends with in driving distance. Immediate area is full of stuck up self involved cunts, jealous jerks and bullies. Some good people just very hard to find.
>Buying Materials
Ehhhhhh not much better than friends. The closest fabric store is 2 1/2 hrs. Craft store in town with not very much in the way of fabric variety.

>> No.7012018

I went to boot camp in Misery but man St. Louis is pretty.

>> No.7012103

>Conventions Offered
4/10. Here's generally small so there's not much conventions. We do have cons tho, such as
Anime Festival Asia and STGCC.
>Gatherings and Festivals:
Don't really know any other gatherings besides mass photoshoots created by some cosplayers.
>Photoshoot Locations
5/10. There are good places to 'shoot here, but you have to do some research/ask around/find it yourself beforehand.
>Overall Cosplay Community
There's often drama over something stupid over here, but I don't really like getting involved. Also, someone created a Cosplay Confession Page for our cosplay community. You won't believe how much shit that started.
>Buying Materials
Chinatown to buy fabric and Art Friend to buy materials for props. We have Daiso, too.

>> No.7012125

I don't know what >>7002934 was talking about

>Conventions Offered
San Japan is usually great, and there's Ikkicon, A-Kon, and some other smaller conventions as well as comic conventions. The best thing about Texas is we have so many big cities within driving distance.
>Gatherings and Festivals
For me at least, since I don't really go to gatherings or festivals. Asian culture isn't really prevalent in San Antonio, either.
>Photoshoot Locations
The hill country north of San Antonio is beautiful, but it's not really a great place for photoshoots. Also it's really hot.
>Overall Cosplay Community
I've made a lot of friends just from frequenting conventions. Everyone is generally really welcoming, but since they come from all over Texas there's not many opportunities to see people outside of cons. When I lived in Las Vegas, the anime community seemed pretty tight-knit since we all lived in the same general area. The cosplayers aren't consistently amazing, but a lot of them are decent, but I'm a little jaded since I also visit Anime Expo every year. I don't usually see too many weebs.
>Buying Materials
I can usually find most of what I need from Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Home Depot, and Joanne's. I haven't really looked for places outside of that though.

>> No.7012172

>Conventions Offered
6/10, two major events yearly and both within a month of each other (this year at least)
>Gatherings and Festivals
4/10 Gatherings depends on what comms you're active in, and as for festivals... eh.
>Photoshoot Locations
8/10 Urban decay and, uh, green stuff, all in one area. Incredible.
>Overall Cosplay Community
10/10 --In my own experience at least, I've never heard anything but niceness out of it.
>Buying Materials

Auckland, New Zealand. Could be better, but it's decent. No major complaints.

>> No.7012233
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>Conventions Offered
>Gatherings and Festivals
>Photoshoot Locations
>Overall Cosplay Community
>Buying Materials
AZ AKA dramu state

>> No.7012612

Where are the fabric outlet and disvount fabrics?