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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 50 KB, 720x405, 8872_464377376979143_185134128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7001252 No.7001252 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone thinking of cosplaying from RWBY?
I'm thinking of doing Weiss, but finding lace like hers and boots are proving to be a real pain in the ass. On the bright side, I'm kind of pumped to try and make myrtenaster, since this is the first time I'll be attempting to make something light up ohboy

>> No.7001254

No, but I enjoy their designs.

The first episode was disappointing.

>> No.7001265

BR have weeby designs(b's would have been better if the thing was an actual dress or jacket instead of some tailcoated top thing. r should have gotten rid of the "totz lolita" hottopic vibe from the look)
Y's is the most interesting
W is ok. but there is no need for her outfit to have both red(jacket lining) and black. It bothers me more than it should
but that production value and writing is just terrible. Let's not even talk about the voice work.

>> No.7001332

I get the feeling Monty's gonna be weeaboo version of Michael Bay

>> No.7001402

>Anyone thinking of cosplaying from RWBY?
Already completed and debuted my Blake cosplay at RoosterTeeth Expo earlier in the month. It was a pretty big hit and great to meet other RWBY cosplayers there.

I'm really hoping the episodes get better over time though. The preview videos for each respective girl were good, and then when the episode was premiered at RTX, everyone was kinda like disappointed because it seemed like it would be a bang from the beginning. I'm not losing hope though, but so far the other girls all seem like catty bitches except for Ruby.

Also sorta related but not. Is there anyone else out there then the few I've talked to that also hate pronouncing "RWBY" as "Ruby/Rhoo-bee"? I know it's supposed to be said that way, but I prefer to just say each word rather than say out the acronym. I dunno, it just makes me feel like "lol it's all about Ruby Rose" (even though so far the first two episodes show it is), when I feel like it's kinda revolving the main four girls, not just R.

>> No.7001435

I just pronounce it 'rawby'

>> No.7001451

Oh god, I'm dying for some reason over here after reading that.

>captcha his msplan

>> No.7001632
File: 503 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_0788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it for SDCC! I made boot covers with plain wedge heels as a base. As for her lace, if you want to be accurate youll have to make it yourself.

>> No.7001655

You preach accuracy yet get the colors completely wrong. Also, learn how to put on a wigcap.

>> No.7001677

so fucking asspained, she looks great. It looks perfect imo.
The gradient dye job looks really good. Great job.

>> No.7001686

Not at all, just calling out gross inaccuracy where I see it.

>> No.7001717

I don't see any.
Get off her ass man

>> No.7001725
File: 201 KB, 400x489, keep it coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gross inaccuracy

Relax honey.

>> No.7001748

One thing that bothers me is that you added gradient in the top of the dress where there isn't any, it's supposed to be shadows not color. Also the blues are way too dark.

>> No.7001763

Y has the best char and weapon design.

>> No.7001766

>It looks perfect imo.

S> Eye of Detail 5k

>> No.7001786

I went for artwork version where its more blue/less white and yeah, I admit I made it a bit too blue (especially the jacket) but Im happy with it otherwise. Also, in the high res references I was given, her top did have a slight gradient. I also made it more blue so the jacket wouldnt stand out as much. Tldr; color is too bright may remake later but Rooster Teeth loved it so who cur

>> No.7001793

Fucking artwork. It always makes shit look too different depending on the lighting and shit. Construction is nice regardless.

>> No.7001804

that's lovely!

>> No.7001834
File: 98 KB, 710x960, 1000986_685483184798897_468459062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your blake cosplay was hilarious.

>> No.7001841

I want to watch rwby but I've been skeptical. Is it worth watching?

>> No.7001861


>> No.7001881

It's terrible.

Monty should've stuck just with Dead Fantasy.

>> No.7002076
File: 282 KB, 500x371, tumblr_mgfnviciCy1qjkedbo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm glad you liked it, anon. I'm sorry I decided to make it a couple hours before wearing it at the con.

>> No.7002506

was this fanime made with mmd cause it looks like shit

>> No.7002512

I'm disappointed with Rooster Teeth.

>> No.7002514

It's like a weeaboo version of BRS

>> No.7002523

I've only seen the trailers for the four of them. But I love the character designs. And kind wanna cosplay as one.
But if the episodes are as bad as I'm getting the impression they are, maybe not...

>> No.7002575

Definitely will be cosplaying Y because she's a total badass.

>> No.7002580

Do any of you actually like RWBY? Its deviantart fanshit tier.

>> No.7002581

Why don't you try forming your own opinion instead of letting strangers dictate what you watch. The first two episodes are like 17 mins total ffs.

>> No.7002586

I like it, I think it's adorable and the action is entertaining. I'm curious to see where it goes.

>> No.7002647

The previews were cool up till Y.

Then it all turned to shit.

>> No.7002690

I think the animation is solid for the episodes. The action sequences are pretty dang neat. At first I was iffy about the voices but they grew on me etc etc it's hard to form an impression when it's only been a few episodes.

>> No.7002713

First two episodes did not leave a good impression at all. Choppy animations, terrible voice acting, typical shounen hogwart plot, unlikable characters, etc. If this doesn't get better within half-point of season, I think RWBY's better off DEAD.

>> No.7002736

I'm planning on cosplaying Yang for Katsucon, but I was kind of disappointed in the most recent episode. The pacing was horrible. I love Yang's design and I fit her the best, but I'm afraid she's the one that's going to be cosplayed the most, so I'm not that excited about making it anymore. I generally avoid making costumes you're likely to see everywhere. It doesn't help that I posted about making Yang and two days later a friend announced she was as well and started working on it already. I'll still probably end up making it if I like the rest of the series, regardless, but I'm just kind of bummed even though I know it's dumb of me.

>> No.7002744
File: 45 KB, 640x960, brack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's my Blake. I'm not happy with bits and pieces of it [like the hair bow get out of my life]

>> No.7002765
File: 496 KB, 320x240, 21czc0i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly have no idea how or why or its so popular, and why everyones rushing to cosplay it. Reds trailer was great, but they got progressively worse until the mess that was yellows. First episode was underwhelming. Glad I jumped off that bandwagon when I did.

>> No.7002776

i went to see the fuss after seeing this thread and the first i saw was yellow. holy fuck, people are into this? that bioware tier myfacedoesnotemotewithmyvoice effect: age the second was cringeworthy.

>> No.7002782

What in the world are you doing in this picture...

Although you do look cute and your tights are nice.

>> No.7002791
File: 220 KB, 1273x1600, RWBY_Concept_Art_Ruby_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept art dump

>> No.7002792
File: 165 KB, 1200x1067, RWBY_Concept_Art_Ruby_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002795
File: 192 KB, 1189x1600, RWBY_Concept_Art_Weiss_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002796
File: 289 KB, 1500x1052, RWBY_Concept_Art_Weiss_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002797

Thanks Anon. I was going for action shot but since my weapon is still being made I look strange but it's okay.

>> No.7002803
File: 154 KB, 1370x855, RWBY_Concept_Art_Weiss_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002804
File: 164 KB, 1263x1600, RWBY_Concept_Art_Blake_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002805
File: 150 KB, 1099x849, RWBY_Concept_Art_Blake_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002807
File: 225 KB, 1045x1600, RWBY_Concept_Art_Yang_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002811
File: 290 KB, 1100x1162, RWBY_Concept_Art_Yang_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002813
File: 260 KB, 1000x927, RWBY_Concept_Art_Yang_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002817

I was thinking of cosplaying Adam from Blake's preview. Now I'm kind of glad I decided to wait for the actual series to come out. It doesn't seem like RWBY its going to involve Adam till much later, so I'm relatively bummed.

I don't like vomit boy. So unless the green guy in the Op ends up being interesting... I'm probably not going to cosplay RWBY.

>> No.7002917

> Shit-tier animation quality
> Awful writing
> Garish, ugly, terrible character designs
> Every girl is unlikable
> Voice acting is cringe-inducing
> Weeaboo as all hell

My god I hope that this "series" flounders about in it's godawful debut episodes and gets killed off early.

I don't want to insult the actual people who have cosplayed it, all the photos posted in this thread look nice, but oh my god. Get out while you can, this whole damn thing is an embarrassing mess.

>> No.7003255

The previews were actually incredibly well-done. The problem is that they hired shit-tier nobody VAs who even the amateur VA community had never heard of, and Monty had the actual episodes ghosted by other animators; he only gave input on the final product and 'directed.'

And yeah, none of the characters are likable at all, and there's so much weeaboo shit it's not funny.

Animation-wise, this is proof that if you want something done right, you oughta do it yourself. I'd be embarrassed to put my name on this if I were Monty.

>> No.7003257
File: 32 KB, 346x461, youwon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was asking a question. Still probably gonna watch it regardless when I have time.

>> No.7003296

When Red first debuted, I fell in love with her. After Dead Fantasy had been dead for so long, I was happy to see Monty making something.

The other girls are terrible. But Yang - man, I'm starting to like her more and more. But the series itself?

God. I don't even know what to say about it. Like most people, I guess I feel really disappointed. I was expexting so much. . . But we get a school drama.

I'll still go for a Yang, because fuck, she's way cooler than her sister!

>captcha: arytwo connection

>> No.7003309

>they hired shit-tier nobody VAs who even the amateur VA community had never heard of
Of course no one knew who they were in the amateur VA community; most of the voice work was done by people who happened to work at Roosterteeth when they were looking for voice actors for this show.

>> No.7003315

See that's what confuses me. RVB has some solid voice acting work and with how popular the company is they could have just hired a few outside VAs for their project like Rinachan or the Skullgirl people for some cheap talent that don't suck ass

>> No.7003321

I guess they figured because RVB has good voice work that this would be the same.

>> No.7006482

i just call it R-Weeby

like some sort of rapper alias

>> No.7006531

I'm actually surprised that it's being received so negatively by so many people here. I think it's pretty cool, just hoping the animation gets better with time.

>> No.7007380

I think it may have potential. It's hard to judge the writing when it's so early, but the voice acting isn't THAT bad. Not great, but not vomit-inducing. As far as character designs go, I like Weiss and Yang. Ruby is... Kind of dumb looking, but what 15 year old geek-type isn't?
I would like to cosplay a character later on if it blossoms into a decent show.

>> No.7007402

>but the voice acting isn't THAT bad.
It's pretty bad. Every time a man spoke it was grating as hell.

>> No.7008491
