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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7000577 No.7000577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Adella got married and has a kid on the way?!

Can we get an old school cosplayer "where are they now" thread?

>> No.7000581

oh jesus
what the FUCK did she just marry

>> No.7000588

I don't think its Kyle from coscom because he's too tall.

>> No.7000591

Is he super rich/has the most amazing personality of all time or something? Adella, please...

>> No.7000597

>that dude


>> No.7000610

Someone tell me who that guy is.

>> No.7000612

Does that look like the suit of a rich man to you?

>> No.7000630

This. Adella's whole getup is just as cheap to match. She married him because she was pregnant though.

>> No.7000637

Yup. Props to them.

>> No.7000642

No it's not Kyle. That guy is better looking than Kyle.

>> No.7000666 [DELETED] 

Seems she finally got a job, this paragraph is hilarious though


>> No.7000667

Seems she finally got a job, this paragraph is hilarious though


>> No.7000670

I saw you fuck up. Don't think deleting your post that quickly can fool me.

>> No.7000711

Ginny McQueen (G chan) is recently divorced. Husband left her and cheated on her which is sad. She now is constantly begging for rent money from her fans and did an indie go go for money to make an audiobook and alice in wonderland cosplay. She refuses to even get a real job and is constantly fly to international conventions as guests. She recently went to England where she got a new tattoo then went on twitter and complained she didn't have enough menu for rent. Priorities people.

>> No.7000722

>because she was pregnant though.
why on earth would she nail him in the first place though

>> No.7000732

Bitch theory:
She was banging for roof? This isn't something new for her. When she first started cosplaying she was living with admin of cosplay.com and he wasnt pretty. Then she went and had a couple of average to attractive boyfriends but they couldn't take her brand of crazy/they weren't as financially stable so she went back to bagging for roof.

Nice theory:
She loves him?

>> No.7000736

Look; most 'attractive' or popular looking girls are true bitches at heart. That's why they end up with the only guys that will take them. Desperate fat losers

>> No.7000739

They look happy. I wish them and their new family the best.

>> No.7000758

The happy is only on the surface.
Deep down its pretty black

>> No.7000774
File: 69 KB, 250x369, The_Simpsons-Jeff_Albertson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best wedding ever.

>> No.7000779
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Dakota is a cosplayer now.
Wait, I'm doing it wrong. . .

>> No.7000782

A guy who obviously makes her happy. Next!

>> No.7000785

Sooo... anyone think she got pregnant just so the rich dude would marry her and be set for life? This is Adella we're talking about.

>> No.7000789

>Husband left her and cheated on her which is sad

She's been the other woman in at least one situation. She cheated with another cosplayer's boyfriend years ago and bragged about it on Livejournal with some Harlequin novel-esque purple prose. No sympathy here.

>> No.7000791

>That hair

>> No.7000812
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>> No.7000813

Anyone know how far along Adella is?

>> No.7000837

Seems she was quite far along in the wedding photo and apparently it's twins?

>> No.7001082

What happened to her Link x Malon fantasy?

>> No.7001085
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______ got married and pumped out a kid.

There, I did your thread for you. No need to thank me.

>> No.7001086

Big fat guy reminded her of daddy.

>> No.7001087

Except for Pikmin Link. She married a woman.

>> No.7001090
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That is every marriage. True love is temporary and fleeting, like all good things. It is why you should always be ready to move onto the next thing and travel light.

>> No.7001092

What is it about cosplay that only makes it seem appealing to trailer trash and no one else?

>> No.7001095

"I get to dress up and pretend I'm someone else and that my life is a lot better than it is, I can forget all my problems when I dress up!"

That's how trailor trash think.

>> No.7001099


Yep deep down every human relationship that has ever lasted for longer than 18 months when the lust fades is just fake.

Do you realize how childish you sound?

>> No.7001107
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every human relationship lasting more than 18 months is one that exists out of necessity.

you need that significant other to look good in front of your co-workers. you need this person for monetary use, to qualify for this insurance discount or that tax bracket.

you had a child and don't want to look bad in whatever social circle you are in, so you stick together and save face.

The long-term relationship is and will always be one of necessity.


>> No.7001118

Yes, most people are idiots and are in relationships for no reason (or just for sex or appearances), most people don't actually have much in common with their partner or actually tell their partner everything, etc. But sometimes it's real. The trick is to not be desperate and to not think that physical intimacy = relationship.

>> No.7001123

I agree with this.

>> No.7001150

Holy shit, how pessimistic are you guys?

>> No.7001163

Uh, what exactly is the divorce rate? How many people have you met who are desperate for boy/girlfriends or think their self-worth relies on people liking them? How many books and movies exist where the characters fall in love just because they're the opposite gender, even though they're nothing alike, don't understand each other, and "solve problems" with each other in all the wrong ways? How many people have lots of problems in their relationships (which doesn't happen at all if you have a proper one)? It's shitty and depressing, but it's definitely out there.

>> No.7001171

That isn't pessimism. Pessimism is "we are all going to die so why do anything". Life is more than fucking relationships and marriage. Life is more than cranking out kids. There are an infinite amount of things to do and yet so many focus on that one thing.

>> No.7001173

i never want kids because they're ugly little carbon copies who -surprise- aren't actually you
plus i just watched my 80 year old next door neighbor get screwed out of her own home by her kids and has to live with them now
no thanks

>> No.7001179

I know what you're getting at here but just because that how it works doesn't mean you're just with that one person for those above reasons. Unfortunately i DO know people who are only in relationships because they knocked someone up or only married since they figured they wouldnt find anyone else. There is truth to that statement but that's a pretty shitty view on relationships if that's all you see. I've been with my husband 5 years, lived together 1 year and married 3. We had our disagreements as any couple does but it all comes down to communication. People don't want to work shit out anymore. Divorce is such an easy way out. I know this isnt the case for everyone, though.
"most people don't actually have much in common with their partner or actually tell their partner everything, etc. But sometimes it's real. The trick is to not be desperate and to not think that physical intimacy = relationship." Agreed. I've fallen into the physical intimacy = relationship trip a couple times and learned from it the hard way. I was young and dumb. I'll admit it lol. Happens.

>> No.7001183

While the lust stage is over relatively quickly, the long-lasting relationships are those built on deep friendship, peppered with sex. I just lost my grandmother in law, and she and her husband were still in love, just not the fiery passionate love that everyone seems to expect out of life.

One of my favorite psychologists, Dr. John Gottman, makes a career out of studying love and successful relationships. It's pretty cool and I think everybody should check him out, especially before they get married.

>> No.7001184

Can we do lolitas too? I really want to talk about faunkegin, especially since she was brought up in secrets this week.

>> No.7001188

Exactly this is so true. I've been with my wife around 6 years now. Had a looong engagement and sex albiet important, is not everything. You have to be your SO's best friend. Either-wise it doesn't work.

>> No.7001193

Another big mistake people make is kids, especially too early. Kids put a MASSIVE strain on a relationship and cut marriage satisfaction about in half, and without that friendship, a lot of couples just can't pull through.

>> No.7001201

This can be true. The big mistake people make is having kids before they actually have figured out if they can handle it. Our first kid was born 2 and a half years into the marriage, our second, 17 months later. Our children have brought us even closer because our kids are everything.

>> No.7001202

Not saying it can't pan out that way, but that's the result people expect and most of the time the opposite happens. I'm really glad you guys ended up that way and met the ideal though, that's awesome!

>> No.7001206

Probably because the only thing left she can gain attention with since she got replaced as image character for Ufufufu by some actual western loli.

>> No.7001207

Of course. But a lot of people think marriage is a fairytale of passion and never ending passion. Love can exist forever, but when it comes down to it, you have to comfortable with whoever it is you're with.

>> No.7001209

>travel a lot between the US and Germany
>tfw every American couple marry and have kids in their early twenties
>oh no we're broke I wonder why
>oh crap I'm actually gay
>oh shit we grew up and our personalities changed
>damn I just realized I never wanted kids


>> No.7001213

Actually most American couples get married in their 30s. They get divorced for a myriad of reasons. Hören Sie bitte auf, uns zu stereotypieren mein Deutscher Freund.

>> No.7001217

Because marriage fags are fucking stupid. Getting settled down at any age before 40 is a sign of a boring stagnant person.

>> No.7001218

This thread is full of so many deplorable, lonesome individuals. I feel bad for all of you if this is actually the way you think, more or less.

>> No.7001219

Have fun reproducing.

>> No.7001220

>don't get married
>obviously you are lonely

And so enters the average housewife. Some people have goals outside of "designated baby factory". There is nothing wrong with what you do, but getting into a legal agreement is not an achievement.

>> No.7001221

Not a goal since I am not a Haredi, Muslim or Mormon.

>> No.7001224

Has nothing to do with faith. It's what we were built to do.

>> No.7001225

Sorry, honey. You have your priorities, I have mine. Being pregs isn't one of them. I support your life pursuits though.

>> No.7001227

Fair enough.

>> No.7001235 [DELETED] 

What's your goal outside of being a cumdump for men at cons?

You're retarded. Literally all the average woman does with her 20s and 30s when she's

Yes, part of the reason for the uptick in autism is because the whores are having kids when they're in their late 30s or even 40s.

>> No.7001238
File: 40 KB, 335x440, Dreadmistnerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front shot, for anyone interested.

>> No.7001239 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 641x522, 20130325_Fairytale3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your goal outside of being a cumdump for men at cons?

You're retarded. Literally all the average woman does with her 20s and 30s when she's single is chase men, fuck men, have shit tier retail and HR jobs, spend her paychecks from such jobs burning it away on rent and clothes/perfume/makeup to attract men and not manage to save a penny.

Yes, part of the reason for the uptick in autism is because the whores are having kids when they're in their late 30s or even 40s.

There's a lot of slutty girls on /cgl/ who hate kids and want to have sex with different men for the rest of their lives.

Ever met a happy, slutty SATC-tier cunt in her 30s? I haven't.

Rape cosplayers and lolitas into submission.

>> No.7001245

My family line has always had kids young. And they always married fairly young and had kids shortly after. My grandparents have been together 54 years. Great grandparents were celebrated their 60th anniversary before they passed. Being young, getting married, and having kids has helped my career because it makes me want to work harder for my kids.

>> No.7001267

lol we are feeling very edgy today i see

>> No.7001271

Women should know that we men find them unattractive when they go on long rants about how much they hate children.

>> No.7001276

Nigga please troll harder.

>implying that some men aren't afraid of commitment/responsibility/kids

>> No.7001275

Because the only thing that makes a person interesting is sex.
2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.7001278

This- at the basis, most relationships that last are actually deeply loyal friendships. There will come a time where you can't have sex, or will not be attracted to your partner physically. I think part of the problem is that many people are unwilling to compromise. The combination of selfishness and lack of respect for your partner makes argument hard to deal with, so many people get divorced.

I feel bad for those who dislike the thought of live-in partners or marriage. It's hard living comfortably on a one-person income. Forget saving or affording a house on your own, too. And bless your soul if you ever decide you want children (which many people do when they hit 30 or 40, btw.) Children are crazy expensive, and adoption is barely an option as a single person.

Without children or a partner, aging by yourself is a scary thought. There will be a time where you have trouble doing daily tasks. What happens if you fall on the floor and no one is there to help? What happens if you have a surgery and need someone to feed you and help you to the bathroom? Most Americans can't afford at-home nursing care after the hospital expenses.

My thoughts- The people ragging on relationships in this thread are young and haven't had the experience of a committed, supportive, and loving relationship based on respect and communication. Sure, some people are fuckwads, but when you find the right person living with someone is very rewarding.

>> No.7001280

You should look into ideas of hypergamy. The idea that most women fuck a small portion of the men. This is why women tend to get cheated on so much, it's because they sort of... implicitly accept that's the price to pay for having a top-tier man, if only for a year at most.

The problem with this is that average girls get fucked by alpha males, and end up desiring an alpha male, and thinking it's within their reach to marry one for the rest of their lives when it simply isn't.

In short: Pay more attention to the advice your fathers told you.

Oh wait, this is /cgl/.

>Girls on /cgl/
>Having dads

>> No.7001281

If you're not Athens, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If you are Athens, how the fuck are you doing, man.

>> No.7001282

Why? People are different and have different priorities. What works for you and your lifestyle and preferences may be different for someone else. They don't deserve for sorrow and you don't deserve theirs.

>> No.7001283

Not Athens, sorry. Do wish he was still around though.

>> No.7001286

Everything you said was correct. Could not have said it better.

>> No.7001290

You jezebel.com whores are the ones always insulting women who want to have kids you know, you're always using disgusting language and rambling about how you'd never have them because they're disgusting and parasites etc.

Enjoy dying alone. Literally.

>> No.7001307

What are you even going on about?

>> No.7001352

>Reading Jezebel.com
That's your first problem.

Yes, there's whores that hate children but then turn super Christian van mom at 35.
Yes, there's men that do the same thing.
Are you so stupid that you think they're mutually exclusive?

>> No.7001367

I think maybe he/she is referring to the con scene in general. A scene which has adopted the SJW neo feminist culture into itself. I don't think that it is so black and white however.

>> No.7001383

Regular rape is the best cure for feminism.

>> No.7001422

Back to the OP

Can we get an old school cosplayer "where are they now" thread?

I want to know who got married.

>> No.7001430

>so edgy
that's what pretty much sparked it, honey

>> No.7001462

I agree. Because the general consensus of people that think monogamy is an ancient evil invention designed to make people miserable, are often the same people that have had multiple relationships with people that abused them physically or mentally, to the point that they're so jaded they rob themselves of anything that might make them look less independent.

TL;DR Wow, people so edgy.

>> No.7001470

so adella was always a chubby chaser?

>> No.7001474
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This is what I heard over the years:

Jacqueline used to head a group of lesbian cosplayers. She was one of those who thought she was a particular character (Michiru). Then she met a dude...
Assassins Inc got married and stopped cosplaying. A few years later they decided to stay married but see other people.

Charlene (Tristen Citrine) was a stripper. She got implants. She got married in a RoseBride-esque dress with a bunch of cosplayer bridesmaids. They got a divorce a couple years later. She worked for Funamation in marketing. Later moved to California for another job.

>> No.7001480

Nobody can deny there is a pattern. All signs point towards this being legit.

No other famous cosplayers have amounted to anything. Francesca and Alisa still try to make a low-tier living from stripping off. Tristen Citrine and Giorgia grew up and got on with their lives. Lillyxandra is marrying that guy Ai-Honey was banging. Yaya is still pretending to be 25. G-Chan is being a gigantic slut. Usagi Kou is still crazy.

>> No.7001484

getting married =/= having kids 1/10 for mkaing me reply

It's okay I thought this way when I was 14 too