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6998708 No.6998708 [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular lolita opinions? Last thread is gone.

-I don't like wristcuffs; I think they're a stupid idea for an accessory and almost always look off somehow.
-Except for the hilariously bad ones, I don't care much about the wardrobe theme/posts because aside from the few with extensive vintage/indie compilations it's just a pile of dresses I can look at anytime and in greater detail on Hello Lace.
-I know everyone else thinks he's boring and tiresome but I'm still morbidly fascinated by Brolita Jenny

>> No.6998711

You know I've never heard the full story of Brolita Jenny but I'm still curious.

My two cents in this is:

> Lolitas who do so and so Lolita
We don't need more Loki in Lokita or that shit, no. Just no.

> Bad wigs.
We spend a lot for our dresses and accessories, why top a pretty frilly cake with a bad coat of tangled frosting?

>> No.6998713

I think cat prints are the stupidest, tackiest thing you could ever wear. Funny little fake print idea? Sure. That's cute. On an actual piece of clothing? Absolutely terrible.

>> No.6998714

>Sweet can fuck right off
>Angelic Pretty is borderline Ageplay
>cardis and boleros>blouses

>> No.6998721

fucking hate that word.
it's a cardigan, damn it

>> No.6998722

brolita jenny is great.
he's like a trainwreck that never stops.

>> No.6998728

>resin/plastic jewelry

>> No.6998732

>Sweet can fuck right off
>Angelic Pretty is borderline Ageplay

It's an unpopular opinion thread, you twat.

>> No.6998734

He's having the biggest meltdown tonight and won't stop posting about it. Here's the best:

>"I get people telling me to “move on." Where the fuck do you want me to “move on" to? I don’t have a fucking life. If you want to pass judgment and say it’s my own fault, fuck you! You don’t know shit about me. What I’ve been through this past year. You people think you’re the big shit, right? You’re just a bunch of hipsters. Fuck you! You obviously don’t understand that all I wanted from you was nothing more than your opinion on “brolitas," But no,you always think that I’m some sick ass pedo, trying to pick up girls. the only thing I’m interested from any of you was nothing more than your dress sense and your opinions on “brolitas." Let me make one thing clear right now. I would not want to date any of you hipsters, especially if you’re so God-damned shallow and judgmental. Even if you’re over 18. Fuck you, EGL! FUCK YOU!"

>I was so in love with the fashion, but now I can see that the majority of the people that wear it or are enthusiastic about it are very hostile to people like me. Where will it end? After i’m dead? Will my death or termination of my accounts appease the community?

>"I was so in love with the fashion, but now I can see that the majority of the people that wear it or are enthusiastic about it are very hostile to people like me. Where will it end? After i’m dead? Will my death or termination of my accounts appease the community?"

I think it's hilarious how much he thinks (or wants to think) people want him dead. I seriously think he beats off to it, especially because that was a trope in his fetlife story.

>> No.6998738

I forgot about that creep. I went to his tumblr just now. He's more pathetic than I remembered.

And wow, he calls lolitas 'hipsters' as an insult. Um, ok.

>> No.6998740

also, trope you say?

>> No.6998743

I don't think guys should wear JSKs and skirts. Those were made to wear for girls only.

>> No.6998746


But they can wear OPs?

>> No.6998749

Even better, he uses "I would not want to date any of you" as an insult.

>> No.6998764

>Even if you're over 18.
>even if

>> No.6998797

Salopettes are the fugliest things ever. Angelic Pretty is the worst brand imo

>> No.6998804

i think tea parties look like baby clown shoes.
i suspect this opinion is not wildly unpopular.

>> No.6998811

Unless they're MtF transgenders that are very convincing, I think brolitas should just stop trying to lolita. They almost always just look like pathetic men in dresses, and at best pass as very ugly women.
I know if I said this irl I'd get called a bitch, or have someone say I'm trying to discriminate against someone's choice to wear a particular style of clothes. And god forbid if I got called homophobic because half of the time these brolitas are gay or bisexual as hell too. It's not that at all, I just think particular people look better in particular things when it comes to fashion. I don't say it to be cruel at all.

>> No.6998816

i agree.
not to be a bitch, but if you bear any nagging resemblance to man faye pls dont

>> No.6998849

To me the whole thing with him is starting to be like those moms that post every little thing their kid does on FB. I don't care if he makes a new post or said a new but boring dumb thing. When he actually shows up to a meet or someone has screenshots of him begging a loli for some bloody period sex in brand, then I will be all over that.

>> No.6998850

Sweet is the only nice-looking Lolita, and I'm not even a Lolita.

>> No.6998857

Are you saying classic isn't nice-looking or anything like that...? Honestly, sweet is the messiest looking to me. But that's just how I see it. I hate sweet.

>> No.6998861

As much as I'm into LGBT* activism, I feel like this is a fair opinion. I mean, you'd be an obnoxious dick if you actually said it to a brolita, but still... what's the point of dressing in lolita if you look neither feminine nor elegant? It kind of defeats the whole purpose of the fashion.

>> No.6998875

My pet peeve is girls who insist on sewing their own dresses but use either shit material or terrible patterns. The pattern one gets me especially as anyone can download Gosurori or GLB patterns and draft them to their own measurements.

>> No.6998885

i'm not offended that my boyfriend finds lolita sexy.
watching him try to hide his boners in public is hilarious.

>> No.6998887

There was a brolita in my old comm who was 1, a middle aged largeish man and 2, had pretty lackluster coords and satin dresses and stripper heels. But no one ever called him on it because he's ~so brave~ Wasn't even trans or gay, just a weekend drag queen.

>> No.6998900

I think your boyfriend might be a pedo.

>> No.6998902
File: 120 KB, 520x520, 1366858501299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that sweet is looked down upon and anyone that likes it is expected to eventually grow out of it and get into classical as the end all be all.
don't they know that classical lolita is ageplay with their grandma clothes wearing gmilf fetishes? (yes I am joking)

>> No.6998903

Mine is that I love the look of OPs and JSKs without a blouse. I feel like blouses ruin Lolita dresses and make everything look so frumpy.

>> No.6998907

Classic is fugly and makes you look like a granny. Sweet and gothic are the only acceptable styles.

>> No.6998911


It's like Chris-Chan took Tomboy-ing to a new level.

>> No.6998913


>> No.6998918

nah, i wear gothic.

>> No.6998919
File: 151 KB, 432x320, 1369243466354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine seems to really like petticoats. He's fine if I'm wearing a skirt without a petti, but you get the petti and the boners arrive.

I guess you could call him a... pettiphile.

>> No.6998921

Oh my god.

>> No.6998942

I've been into super sweet(and some classic and gothic too) for seven years now. I have accumulated so much knowledge about the fashion, hunted down old dress sets, doubles of my favorite prints, worked so hard for so long to create pretty coordinates. And now I have ~classic master race~ bitches one year into the fashion claiming to be superior. It really grinds my gears. Bitch, I've had the balls to dress as as a frilly pink cupcake explosion for the past seven years, and here comes your mamsy pamsy little ass trying to tone down neutral colored clothing to the point where it no longer resembles the lolita style at all because you're too scared about what other people think.

Lolita is not about toning shit down to make other people more comfortable with it! It's about going balls to the wall without a thought to what others might say!

Ahhh I feel better after letting that out.

>> No.6998950

>love the look of some plastic jewelery from AP but think this shit should be 5-10$ tops and paying close to 40$ for a plastic bracelet is fucking retarded

>> No.6998959

I hate the cult party hybrid. Everytime I see tumblr "famous" Lolitas wear it (lovely lor, pastel bat, kawaii goods) I can't help but feel second hand embarrassment

>> No.6998971

Painting dresses look fucking stupid
I really hope the photorealistic trend dies in all clothing soon.

>> No.6998973

I'm sorry, but what? You can't just wear a cardigan or bolero with nothing underneath, there's got to be a blouse or shirt of some sort at least, so I don't understand why one would be better than the other.

>> No.6998974

>Painting dresses
I've never heard of this, what is it?

And to stay on topic:
I don't think I have ever seen a JnJ dress that I've actually liked/considered getting.
Specially with the painting print ones.

>> No.6998976

I hate cotton shirts in lolita, I always use chiffon ones or cutsews instead. Even if you're tiny, those huge peter pan collars and puffy sleeves make you look stubby and frumpy. Stark white frilly ones are the worst, they make lolita look like a little girl's church dress.

>> No.6998975

Maybe we should en masse tell him to commit suicide?

>> No.6998977

No, dude. That's really awful.

I know this is /cgl/, but give him a break.

>> No.6998980

You've never seen coords of a cardigan or bolero over a JSK without a blouse? Really?

>> No.6998978

...You just answered your own question.

>> No.6998979

In my comm, we have one really good brolita, and the other one is Melissa. I agree, he needs to stop.

>> No.6998982

You win

>> No.6998984

I don't get the "classic master race" thing. I wear classic and I completely admire sweet lolis. I think they are cute and it really does take balls to go all out cupcake frill.
Just because sweet doesn't suit me doesn't mean I look down on those who wear it. All the classics in my comm feel the same.
I wonder if it is a regional thing.
I also own things from nearly every brand and Angelic Pretty is the nicest and best constructed of all if them. Better than JetJ, Mary Magdalene, IW, VM, Moitie, Meta, BABY...

>> No.6998985

That's... that's exactly what you wrote about. Painting dresses are dresses with paintings print on them.

>> No.6998986
File: 54 KB, 1058x798, Jillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....Oh my fucking god. Just....wow, I have never felt so stupid.

>> No.6998987

I get second hand embarrassment from everything Lovely Lor does

>> No.6998991

Oh, with a JSK. Yeah, haha, I guess I was only thinking in terms of skirts.

>> No.6998989

It's not like he would do it, he'd just get off on it.

>> No.6998990

we should have someone pose as a little girl who likes dresses instead and infiltrate+expose his pedophilia from the inside.
we could be like loli chris hansens.

>> No.6998993

Same, and Peachie. Some efamous lolis are bearable, but these two just.. ugh.

>> No.6998998

I feel like there's too much of this style vs style mentality thing, anyway. I agree, as a classic/goth, I seriously admire the balls of anyone who chooses to wear sweet, and I think that they're adorable and appreciate the style. Just because I don't wear it doesn't mean I can't like it.

>> No.6998999

This, AP is the best made lolita I own, yet bitches snarl about it being just basic dresses with fancy prints.
Their Baby can suck it with those unlined bodices and skirts lacking in support.

>> No.6999000

I wish every brand would put pockets in like AP does.

>> No.6999002

i love peachie in a weird sort of way.
like a really sweet but little bit retarded cousin

>> No.6999008

I was soooo happy to find pockets the first time! It's like duh, with those tiny bags and pochettes brands make this should be an obvious thing.

>> No.6999009

And prints that run if someone sneezes on you. I'll take my AP any day, thank you very much.

>> No.6999017
File: 260 KB, 500x365, tumblr_mm1ql5k0Yz1r44vxmo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is not lolita to me. It seems like this type of style is getting really popular with classic lolis, but to me it doesn't fit with lolita at all. The whole Juliette et Justine OTT classic aesthetic seems quite empathetically un-loli. It's pretty, it's just a different style.

>> No.6999020

I agree, and I'm a classic lolita. It's more going over the line with otome than lolita, at this point, with the use of bright clashy colors and a more retro styling.

>> No.6999024

Yeah, as someone who really like JetJ, I really dislike that dress. It's so garish.

>> No.6999026

As a classic/gothic lolita, I agree. I'm jealous of sweet lolitas who can go all out, even if I may have some mixed feelings about ott sweet as someone who has been involved in lolita for as long as >6998998 has.

I've tried to get into sweet and have been able to easily put together a good sweet wardrobe, but then I realized that I do NOT look good in pastels.

>> No.6999034
File: 26 KB, 480x321, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Peachie (or any lolita who feels the need to use supa kawaii voices), but that's a pretty good descriptions. It makes folks like her seem a little endearing than they make out to be.

Speaking of, I don't usually enjoy watching lolita videos/videos with lolitas just because a majority of them seem to play supa kawaii j-pop music with someone singing/borderline screeching. And because it's playing in the background, I can't just turn the music off with my own preference while the person is talking.

>> No.6999036


She doesn't use a fake voice, she actually sounds like that in real life.

>> No.6999037

There's probably a way to dress in sweet styles without the pastels... Dustier pinks and blues, and use of bright white instead of off white to make it look brighter and not as classic, and the same kinds of sweet accessories, maybe?

>> No.6999043

I vote Jane Marple and Angelic Pretty for best construction/quality.

>> No.6999049


But what if the thinking is

"Oh wow, that's so cool, I want to dress that way"?


And it's not like people can just change their bone structure.
(Fat people can, and should do something about it though.)

>> No.6999048

I agree, JetJ doesn't seem very lolita to me, but maybe we're stuck in old school mindsets and this is the future.

>> No.6999059

I think lolita videos that aren't about some sort of product review are really forced and cheesy.
I find that the majority of content in 'tutorial' videos are either easily found online in a simple google search, just a matter of applying common sense, or done in such a way that it's not flexible for everyone (ie. 'kawaii' makeup tutorials). The only other kind of tutorial I like are wig tutorials, but even after awhile those are overdone since there's only so many ways you can style a twintail or hime wig.

I find lolita parody or singing videos tacky and cringeworthy. A lot of my friends freaked out about MC Melody Doll, and while she was a pretty chill person irl, her music videos are grating and obnoxious to me.
I also can't really stand dancing videos either.

I know it sounds like I can't have fun or don't know how to take a few jokes, the videos just rub me the wrong way. Making parodies and dancing and makeovers would be fun in my circle of friends. But I think the second you start to mass-package that and try to get worldwide attention from it is when it comes off as garish to me.

>> No.6999063

diff anon- then ok, they can, but that doesn't mean they'll look good in it.

it isn't about whether they can, it's about whether they should/it works for them.

>> No.6999065


>> No.6999069

Well, I learned something new. Still bothers me though.

>> No.6999067

Someone actually suggested to me a while ago that I should stick with jewel tones and bright colors, regardless of wearing sweet or classic.
I've found my preferred style now. It's just a matter of obtaining what I need to wear it often.

On a side note, another thing that bothers me with sweet lolita are the prints. I do find some designs cute, but I would not be brave enough to wear anything remotely infantile looking, and even if I were, as a po' college student, I prefer to have something without prints for versatility's sake. I really love AP's non-printed items. I just wish that more came in reds and blues (not sax).

>> No.6999075

What the fuck?
Someone link me to BJ's fetlife account.

>> No.6999078

i fucking hate those clip on ponytail wig sets

>> No.6999082

I remember when I used to have to search for a base wig and two ponytail extensions(all bought separately) and hope they'd match. Surprisingly, they usually turned out better looking than the pre packaged sets you can buy now.

>> No.6999088

LovelyLor's nonsense tumblr posts. I love seeing her coords but her simply posting a photo of a random object or building and it getting over 20 likes is ridiculous.

>> No.6999090

and nobody really seams to try to do anything with the packaged set, they all end up being this super same looking sort of dome of hair
hardly any of them even bother trimming the damn bangs
they're everywhere now, too! one of the goth stores in my city has started carrying them, as has a sewing/costume supply store. i really hope they don't become a thing

>> No.6999094


I hate seeing this for any tumblr famous person and I hate it so much I just wish there was a dislike button or something.

sage for no contribution

>> No.6999101

I think its kind of sad that some Lolitas don't let their pets into their room at all because of their wardrobe. There are other ways to preserve and keep your clothes in good shape without banishing your dog or cat. I imagine snobby, uptight girls slamming the door on the poor thing or yelling at the animal if it dare at all even brush against their brand. It makes me question the values of some people.

>> No.6999102

>I used to have sceencaps of his fetlife back when he was at hit prime
>my computer crashed
>I lost everything

Plz tell me one of ya'll kept them they were gold

>> No.6999104
File: 438 KB, 500x281, smashingg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people assume since you didn't make a straight cut on the bangs on your wig that you haven't properly 'styled' it.
Taking it out of the package and slapping it on with a hideous center part is one thing. But some of us genuinely DO NOT LOOK GOOD with straight cut bangs. I'm going to side sweep until the day I die and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me.

>> No.6999108

I think it's more that when people do that they don't style the bangs to go to the side. The bangs as is when you get the wig should atleast be trimmed into a side bang. It's not as simple as just moving it to the side, they're not suited for it out of the box.

>> No.6999113

>The bangs as is when you get the wig should atleast be trimmed into a side bang.
I do very minimal trimming with mine. I've had no criticism. The main thing I require is hairspray to get it to stay there but that's about it.

>> No.6999121

I don't really let my cats in my room because I'm allergic and wouldn't want them clawing my brand either. Woke up one morning with one of my cats lying on a petticoat, shit was so damn cute, I couldn't be mad. Explained the strange vibrating under my bed though.

>> No.6999122

Honestly it depends on your face. If it looks good straight from the bag, then cool don't fuck with it.

>> No.6999123

I just kind of assumed that when they say "my pet isn't allowed in my wardrobe," they mean they have something with a door that they can keep their pets out of. Personally, I don't mind if my cat rolls all over my shit, I can just lint roll it, anyway.

>> No.6999126

See, that's fine. I just personally see a lot of girls who get the wig and derp how do I haircutting, and just shove it over unflatteringly. If it flatters you then it's fine. The bangs are long so you can style them how you like, not just trim them to straight across bangs.

>> No.6999139

I understand if your pet is a little shit who shreds clothes. My cat is my fur baby so I quite happily pick her up and cuddle her in whatever I'm wearing. I'm sure I'd feel differently if she was a cat that scratched a lot

>> No.6999156

>not wanting your expensive items to be ruined by a pet by not allowing them in a room of the house


>> No.6999165

this this this
I only use chiffon blouses. I wear gothic, and I think white cotton blouses is the worst thing that could ever happen to a gothic outfit. They look okay in aristocrat/men's outfits though. Chiffon blouses are superior in every way, flowy, elegant and for more breathable than cotton. They also make your arms appear slimmer.

>> No.6999196

Start there and you'll find all of the screencaps of that story.

>> No.6999259

This is one of those huge reasons I hesitated to wear wigs, since most people talk all about "cut the bangs cut the bangs!". I tried to with one wig and oh man that was a bad decision. Teeny tiny forehead problems...to be honest the wigs look best straight from the package and clipped to the side but its nice to know that's acceptable sometimes...

> Still hate flat teaparties. Doubtfully an unpopular opinion though.

I really hate split wigs...twintail or not. Possible exception (but only tolerance) for ones where the two colors are very similar.
But I love blended wigs. I wiah I saw them more, especially in sweet lolita. They're very cute.

>> No.6999270

I totally agree with that. There is a difference between a harmless animal and a destructive one. I'll happily touch and play with my hamster in Lolita, but my pup is rambunctious and likes to use her paws, so I know to avoid her when dolled up. I don't want to believe so many Lolitas have destructive pets though! If they have the money to buy frills, they have the money to invest in training lessons.

Hey, sorry if my post angered you, didn't intend to piss anyone off :( In my experience and observance, animals are not often the perpetrators of damage. Contact to water and heat, human error, food, make up, and ink stains are all things that can be just as bad and yet more common. And I'm not saying its all-or-nothing, you can keep your pets AND protect your clothes at the same time. Cover clothing with plastic or invest in an armoire, use a lint roller, etc. I'm saying that if a person doesn't understand that there are hundreds of ways clothes can get damaged, and yet only focuses on one way, they have their priorities mixed up. I understand that Lolita is expensive, but personally, at the end of the day, they're clothes. Clothes that people will go outside in, eat in, get caught in the rain in, and go to the bathroom in. And unless you never wear it, have it preserved and framed on the wall, clothes aren't going to stay perfect forever.

>> No.6999389
File: 223 KB, 1002x748, Arya on wicker chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I mean when I mention it in sales posts. All my lolita is kept in a closet that my cat isn't allowed into; she spends half the day sleeping on my bed. (And the other half on "her bed," pic related.)

>> No.6999410

I don't know why people don't just hang their clothing up in a closet where the pet can't reach it, or cover each garment with the plastic they give you at the drycleaners. To each their own I guess but I'd think there'd be nicer and easier ways to keep your clothing and your pets separate than banning them from your room.

>> No.6999415

A lot of those plastic covers that come from the dry cleaners can actually damage your clothes as the material decomposes. They're only really meant to be for temporary protection, not long term.

>> No.6999428
File: 23 KB, 449x623, DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat chests <<<<<<< small tits
I mean, look at Misako's chest.
It looks so sad.
I hate wigs, most of lolitas can't choose good wig for theirs co-ordinate.

>> No.6999454

Probably not unpopular in general, but unpopular based on /cgl/

I don't give two fucks about what style you prefer to wear and for what reasons. I don't give two fucks whether or not you're 20 or 30 and choose to wear whichever style for whatever reason. I don't care if your face is too mature for sweet. I don't give a fuck if you think a style is more superior or you couldn't touch an "infantile" print with a ten foot parasol. I really just don't give a fuck about what other people do. Everyone has their preferences and it don't bother me either way.

While I like classic, it's not the same. It can be quite beautiful but it feels almost like a cop-out. For me, it's either all or nothing 90% of the time. Crazy pastel prints, huge wigs, silly shaped bags, shoes with cute bows, big lashes, and bows everywhere. I don't care if it looks like a costume. I don't care if I'm fucking 30. I feel kawaii as fuck in sweet, and classic makes me feel like a librarian. Not that there's anything wrong with librarians but the feeling isn't the same.

>> No.6999465

Take your rage faces and go back to le reddit.

>> No.6999470

Go for a more doll-like look with classic if you feel not kawaii in it. Add more laces, pearls, roses, chains, bonnets, vanities and extravagant headwear. I actually feel kawaii as fuck in classic !

>> No.6999472

I lived with my sister who had 2 young cats and I didn't like to let them in my room because they would chew on wires (that were plugged into the wall) and even destroyed a $200 textbook, among other things. They didn't really bother clothes, but I mostly wear dark colors and all that light fur, well, I'm sure you can imagine. I kept my lolita items hung up in my closet so they were the least of my problems concerning things they could destroy.
I guess I'm trying to say there might be a stack other reasons some people don't like their pets in their rooms, not just because of brand.

>> No.6999477
File: 70 KB, 480x720, 1292173737645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like itaqueen. She's basically a Chokelate wannabe who comes up short.

>> No.6999480

I don't care if people think I'm wearing a costume, or am in a play, or am a "squaredancer," or even if I'm an ageplayer most of the time. I don't wear lolita to please anybody but myself, so I don't know why it's such a big deal if people don't quite get it, or why anybody reacts to those sorts of questions and accusations with anything other than "thanks, but it's just my style." I don't feel the need to explain lolita to anyone unless they specifically ask and don't know why people make such a big deal over explaining the name to others when they likely never asked beyond general curiosity. It's painful to hear people in my comm try to extensively explain lolita and its origins and its namesake when a perfectly proper response would be "we enjoy getting together and dressing this way" and wait for the other person to ask more before delving into an actual explanation.

>> No.6999481

I fucking hate the word "kawaii." Just because the word is mainstream doesn't make you sound any less like a weeaboo. In fact, now it makes you sound like a trendhopping weeaboo.

They seem pretty different?

>> No.6999495
File: 1.04 MB, 1227x1920, tumblr_mjelmcKr3h1rhuzmgo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share the believe on that theory. Kera editorials are also following that trend, I guess (pic related). Mismatched prints, less dollish asthetic and so on...

I like the "new lolita" just as much as the "old lolita". Mainly because I can wear it anywhere and people will give me the "what an exotic well dressed girl" look instead of "omg, what a freak".

>> No.6999520

Kera has always done this though

>> No.6999538
File: 37 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate, HATE super curly hair/wigs and i think they look dreadful. even with OTT they look ridiculous. super curly hair can ruin a coord for me. i think sweet looks a lot better with waves/loose curls rather than mega-giant-curls. huge amounts of curls just makes you look like a raggedy ann doll or some shit.

and clip-on pigtails make super curly wigs look even worse. ugh, pls don't.

tight ringlets are really gross too.

>> No.6999548


I always thought that two tails in particular made people's faces chubbier. It really tends to not look flattering on chubby people IMO (but then again I'm hard pressed to say who this stuff actually looks good on).

>> No.6999549

I agree, and I only ever see chubby girls wearing them and stretching them out worse than dresses and just ugh, no, no more salopettes, they looked ok when kids wore them in the 80's/90's but slapping a print on them and calling them lolita is retarded.

>> No.6999550


*twin not two tails

>> No.6999570

Its less about damage and more about that fur. Fur gets everywhere and is annoying to get out. Lint rollers dont catch all the stuff.

Besides that, who cares if they dont want their pet in their room? They get annoying and having my dog wake me up at 8 am to say hi isnt cute. It isnt weird to have places that your pets cant go into. Mine is the basement because my dog will eat shit so I ended up taking all my shoes down there. My dog also has eaten underwear (not mind but..), which is probably grosser than being on lolita clothes.

>> No.6999578

lol okay

I feel like sweet is the first thing some people see and get drawn into, and then mature onto other styles later

>classic is godtier


dead and gone

seriously someone was trying to sell like earrings and a necklace from baby for like $97 and I was like lol in your dreams idgaf if you paid that much for plastic burando

>> No.6999588

I hate pastel bat

>> No.6999607

Then they should actually work at looking good in it. Learn some damn contouring or something.

>> No.6999610

Dude there's a sex shop here that carries em now, along with surprisingly decent organza pettis and chunky stripper versions of tea parties.

>> No.6999613
File: 49 KB, 250x333, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too many busy prints in all Lolita sub-styles.
>Severe lack of "good" simple, toned down, and classic pieces except for a small select brands.
>Exposing bare feet in any traditional style.
>Wearing flats all the time.

and probably the most heretical of all.
>99% of dresses being the same silhouette.

I would love to see some more classical shapes other than fairy princess pannier-ed to the nines. Even an A-line cut is pretty rare, or anything full length. I love when IW decides to experiment with something new and unique, even if it doesn't sell too well.

>> No.6999614

If I think of a JSK as a sundress instead of a jumperskirt, I'm a little less bothered by it. Accompany it with a wide-brimmed sunhat and sandals. Boom. You can go back into society without being stared at as much. ... Cept you'd look like something straight out of the 50s. Though I have to admit. I have a load of dress prints from the 50s, and a lot are ugly and I completely forgot what I was talking about. OH WELL. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6999620

Yeah its a terrible lack of values that make me keep them out so I never have to deal with ribbons dangling out their butts again.

>> No.6999621

what, seriously?! where/which?

>> No.6999624

Yes, because choosing to keep an animal out of a room because said animal is prone to finding clothes and fucking with them means that someone doesn't try to keep make-up off the clothing or food off their clothing or ink off their clothing


where is it

>> No.6999635

Oregon, but can't remember the name of it. There's like four in this town and they have nearly identical names.

>> No.6999637

daamn, wonder when that stuff is going to start turning up in vancouver

>> No.6999641

This is usually what I do. I tend to lean more toward sweet/classic when I wear it. I really enjoy pearls, floral hair corsages/clips, and big headwear. But to go out in a plain or floral dress with simple hair ornamentation and what have you, I sort of feel like I'm just wearing my stuff out to go shopping without too much anxiety over standing out just for the sake of getting my money's worth. This as opposed to wearing my stuff at some sort of event. I usually end up wearing my things for meetups and conventions and I always feel the urge to go all out, because well, I spent the money on it, let's do this shit. It's all or nothing for me most of the time when I wear my stuff. But 9 times out of 10, I'll probably reach for my AP or wear sweet most days of a convention.

The attitude of "it's too costumey", or "I'm 21 and anyone my age or older had better like what I like or gtfo." is just extremely silly in my opinion. Maybe it's the whole hitting 30 and no fucks given thing. Or fuck it, I have x number of years before I start to look my age, better rock it while I've still got it. I don't know... Sometimes I just kind of roll my eyes at some youngin's here. It's like... girl the sky is your limit. Stop it.

>> No.6999653

I dunno but I was really surprised to see actual lolita and cosplay quality wigs there at all. The petticoat (and some surprisingly cute not-costumey goth dresses) were sandwiched in with the usual vinyl and Halloween quality sexy nurse costumes. I have the feeling that the nice stuff came from one of the local thrift stores because it looks like pricier goth brands.

>> No.6999737

I get that you don't like her and that I can accept, but I see no similarity between the two besides being tall and slim. Choke coords boring as fuck and ItaQueen tends toward OTT pirate/ hime looks.

>> No.6999753

>unpopular lolita opinions thread
>filled with tons of popular opinions
Whatever, it's still fun to read.
Mah nigga
Mah nigga for the first statement. Seriously, the vast, vast majority of them are not lolita suitable at all. I wish people would stop it with this "if a brand releases it, clearly it's lolita even though it isn't!" mentality.
Yeah, it's not unpopular at all. I, along with many, agree.
I don't really see how obvious men in lolita is any worse than unattractive girls in lolita. Saying "lolita looks better on some than others" is totally true and I completely agree that as far as men are concerned only convincing traps can really pull it off, however saying they should just stop makes you sound like a bitch, no matter how much you try to sugar coat your statement. There are tons of things people say one shouldn't wear lolita over, including things that probably apply to you, such as being a grown woman (assuming you're not underage b&). Hell, there are people who think lolita shouldn't be a fashion at all because of how ridiculous it looks. So yeah, this is not the fashion to say "they should just stop" for any reason, seeing as if you really think about it, it's the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm strictly goth and classic, but I fucking love the way OTT sweet looks on others and will never understand the hate.
Someone obviously hasn't seen much classic past 2006.
Are all the fantastic lolita puns I've been seeing the past few days by the same person or is this just a new board trend or something?
Seriously? I've only owned MMM, JetJ, AatP, and AP, but of those four, AP was without a doubt the worst quality. Not that it wasn't good quality, just not as great as the others. Granted I've only owned one MMM and JetJ dress, but I've had enough AatP and AP to fairly compare the two, though, at least their quality in recent years.
This so hard.

>> No.6999760
File: 188 KB, 512x384, 1373833315306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think lolita outfits look like oversized nappies.

I'm pretty sure that's unpopular.

>> No.6999763
File: 427 KB, 500x373, 1365432020887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really see how obvious men in lolita is any worse than unattractive girls in lolita.
Because the difference is ugly girls can still wear a dress and still be considered relatively normal people in the room, while an obvious male can wear a dress but people will question his mental sanity and be extremely uncomfortable.
If that other anon is 'sugarcoating' things then fine, I'll be the outright bitch and say it because it's true. At least 'grown ass women' look like they belong in feminine looking dresses.

>> No.6999776

>I feel like sweet is the first thing some people see and get drawn into, and then mature onto other styles later

>classic is god tier

This is the shit I hate. Classic is for noobs who disguise their lack of coordination and accessorizing skills as 'toned down and simple maser race guise'

>> No.6999780

..I like most FEMALE tripfags..

>> No.6999830

I don't understand why lolita has a place at anime cons. General Japanese pop culture cons, okay, but where does anime=lolita?
I think that cons in general are a stupid place to wear one's best outfits. Cons are crowded and dirty, filled with sticky people and dirty seats. Why is this the place to wear a $500 dress?
I also think that if someone wears this fashion ONLY to cons that they are wearing a costume. I don't care how well coordinated they are or how much brand they are wearing; if one ONLY wears it to cons then they are in a lolita costume.

>> No.6999835

Explain to me exactly how it breaks from lolita guidelines. Just because it's incredibly different and new doesn't mean it's not lolita.
I love and spoil the fuck out of my pets and literally value their lives more than those of the vast majority of people I know, but only things that reside in cages are allowed at all in my bedroom. My cat and two dog's hair gets absolutely everywhere and my pitbull is incredibly hyper and has damaged my clothes before (not lolita, luckily) by just playing around. Plus, there's more in my bedroom than lolita I'm afraid of them getting into. As someone who used to work at the Humane Society, I can tell you that training lessons only go so far depending on age and their past. I've trained countless dogs, and while lots of progress was made with almost all of them, there are still certain traits you just can't completely quell depending on the dog's circumstances. My pitbull was rescued at about age three or four from a very abusive situation. Training helped her to a degree, but she's still hyper as fuck and a bit destructive.
I don't see how they're alike enough to call her a wannabe anymore than any other lolitas into similar substyles.
>I fucking hate the word "kawaii".
This is perhaps the least unpopular opinion in this whole thread.

Even though I love it, I have a hard time considering most newer AP dresses lolita because of how short the skirts are.

I hate mini top hats so much they instantly ruin a coord for me entirely.

(probably not that unpopular) I can't help but judge all the girls who had Sugary Carnival and Milky Planet as dream dresses only to totally abandon them once pretty much every sweet lolita and their grandma ended up with one. Rarity should not determine your dream dress at all, if it does it's clear you don't actually care about the dress as much as impressing other lolitas.

>> No.6999883

>Because the difference is ugly girls can still wear a dress and still be considered relatively normal people in the room, while an obvious male can wear a dress but people will question his mental sanity and be extremely uncomfortable.
>still be considered relatively normal people
>At least 'grown ass women' look like they belong in feminine looking dresses.
Are you forgetting that to the rest of the world lolita (or at least sweet) seriously does look like ageplay? You think other people don't get uncomfortable in a room with a grown woman dressed in something only a little girl would be expected to wear? To the rest of the world, we do not look like we belong in these dresses for the exact reason that we are 'grown ass women'.

Regardless of gender, if the person wearing the clothing is acting totally fine then it's the other people's problem if they're uncomfortable. You have a problem with guys wearing frilly dresses? That's on you. They have every bit as much of a right to wear them as you do. Don't like it, don't attend meet-ups and avoid any websites where there will be pictures of them. It's not their problem that you're uncomfortable over something that isn't hurting anyone.

Because most lolitas discovered it through anime and have it as another major hobby. Since so many lolitas attend anime cons, it's a good place to wear it since you might end up making friends. It's really not as dangerous to wear as you think, I always wear lolita to cons and have never had anything bad happen to a dress. The only bad things are the rare occasions when some over-zealous fan of whatever print I'm wearing gets a bit grabby with the dress, but that's only happened to me twice.
>I also think that if someone wears this fashion ONLY to cons that they are wearing a costume. costume.
I agree with this.

Every substyle does this. Look at how many newbs just buy an entire AP set and consider themselves coordination goddesses.

>> No.6999918

Toned down is code for "I have no confidence and rely on other people's opinions of me to form my idea of self worth"

>> No.6999955

>Just because it's incredibly different and new doesn't mean it's not lolita.

Be careful how you use that.

>> No.7000062

>implying OTT Classic is lazy

>> No.7000068

>To the rest of the world
I'm pretty sure "the rest of the world" would make more sense of a woman in an "ageplay" dress than some weirdo dude trying to pass himself off as a woman in an "ageplay" dress. Sorry, you really can't win this one.

>> No.7000107

i'm nowhere near as tall has her. only 5'6"

>> No.7000271

>I can't help but judge all the girls who had Sugary Carnival and Milky Planet as dream dresses only to totally abandon them once pretty much every sweet lolita and their grandma ended up with one

I get this, though. You can absolutely become desensitized to something you once loved through repeated exposure, especially if the thing itself doesn't change or evolve. Have you ever tired of a favorite food or outfit?

>> No.7000308

It still makes lots of people uncomfortable, even if less so. Either way, the point still stands that men still have every much of a right to wear it as you and it's your problem if you want to be a dick about their clothing choices. Since that's literally the only hole you poked in my argument, I don't really think you can call yourself the winner.

>> No.7000403

I'm sorry, but sometimes some people are just too fat for anything to look good. I try hard to be like "Yeah that is coorded really nicely" but the fact that they are like 300+ lbs or more just ruins it for me, but I keep my mouth shut because I know that's rude.

>> No.7000408


>> No.7000413

Split wigs are awful

>> No.7000428

I don't think that is an unpopular opinion as you might feel it is.
I'm probably bad at hiding it, not weighing anything near that and always saying I'm too fat for lolita.

>> No.7000437

>more like popular opinion
If you don't fit in maxed out fully shirred brand, then maybe lolita isn't for you. Because fully shirred brand can be pretty generous, although if you're maxed out, you probably won't look good. At that point, get something commissioned so you'll look better.

>> No.7000438

Some how thats worse. I wanted to like her but damn i can't watch more than a few seconds of her videos: Too cringe inducing.

>> No.7000441

I have never let my pets in my room, unless they're just following me in while I grab something. It's just the way I do things and have done them that way since I was a child. There are rooms where they can be and rooms where they can't. I don;t think this makes me a bad person.

I don't know whether liking RHS is a popular or unpopular opinion at this point, but I like them...not with everything though.
I think MMM comes out with some ugly shit sometimes.

>> No.7000442


Out of curiosity, what bothers you? The accent, or the natural pitch?

Also, I think she has to sometimes whisper or try to speak very quietly in her videos as I know she sometimes films at night and I'm fairly sure she lives in an apartment and doesn't want to disturb her neighbours.

>> No.7000463

She just sounds so squeaky? It might be her real voice but i hate it when little kids do the "Widdle girly" voice too and to me thats what it sounds like. I live in an apt and i can tell you that you don't have to whisper. Unless its her room mates you are talking about?

The accent sounds pretty normal to me but that could be because i have family from Scotland.

>> No.7000568

Most of the 4chan character dealies I've seen depict /cgl clinging to /fa.
but i think that depiction is stupid because I go to /fa to laugh at them. most of them are swag faggots who appear to shop at kohl's and look like shit.
is this even an opinion
i just wanted to get it off my chest

>> No.7000632

Sage for irrelevance but oh god /fa/ cannot dress themselves at all and it actually makes me mad that they can't even change out their fucking shoelaces without asking the whole board, think North Faces are a fashion object, and cream themselves over garments that are stylized to look like they don't fit.

>> No.7000676

20 likes is hardly fucking efamous

>> No.7000724

i think this counts as lolita though becayse i saw some girl in a "wywt" or whatever the fuck thread in a plain-bodiced brown sundress with three wide dark brown and black stripes, NO accessories, shit hair, and she got compliments left and right. I also bothered to correct someone who didn't identify himekaji right and "lol weeaboo"
what a bunch of faggots i mean come on
sage for ranting

>> No.7000728

i got so ranty i forgot to say why it's lolita related
i still dont remember

>> No.7000750

I agree so much jfc. The amount of money these kids spend on the things they wear is side rippingly hilarious. I understand we fork out hundos on dream dresses, but at least they have, oh, I don't know, colors? Details? Design? Their WYWT thread is a monochromatic illustration of swaggoty mediocrity.

>> No.7000754

I actually came up with that one a while ago, I've just been waiting for the right opportunity to use it.

>> No.7000781


I love gothic and classic and don't get why people assume they are more boring.

Then again, I've always been big on shape, texture, and stuff like that, less on bright colors or prints.

That's my other unpopular lolita opinion- I think nonprinted dresses are cuter and have more potential. If you want to dis modern JetJ go look at the older stuff they used to make- still crazy OTT classic but with a more edwardian vibe.

Also, unpopular Jfash opinion is that I like dolly kei better than mori- I feel like most people like mori better because they think it looks easier to pull off but I love how dolly kei reminds me of voodoo shops in old films.

>> No.7000790

Agree that this isn't an unpopular opinion, but I definitely think overweight girls should commission more and stuff themselves into premade items less.

Body shape is more important to me than weight. I hate skinny girls with cankles or those super skinny thighs that aren't bigger around than their calves. I hate women who are carrying a beach ball under their shirt and think they have "curves" because another woman with the same height and weight on TV is sexy looking when she's an hourglass. I hate lolitas who have double chins and face fat who don't into contouring.

>> No.7000795

"Oh-so-famous" rori bloggers that have been in the fashion for years and only put together sub par coords at meets but play it off like they are a freaking hot shit.

>> No.7000821

Speaking of unpopular lolita opinions. Anyone catching this clusterfuck taking place right now?


>> No.7000826

getting irrelevant, -_-

>> No.7000830

Are they seriously having this massive argument over whether or not her bloomer ends are acceptable?

Because the answer is that even in 2006 or so when I first got interested in lolita, no one fucking knew and opinions differed wildly.

>> No.7000849

I thought her bloomers were showing because she was twirling, kinda looks like that to me.

>> No.7000854

She was twirling. The OP of that post said so herself but this stupid bitch is attacking her and everyone correcting her ~expert rori advisu~ and then blaming it on her depression and such. I smell a speshul snowflake~*~*

>> No.7000878

>silk or polyester more breathable than cotton


>> No.7000883

Where did I say anything about "ott classic"? Oh yeah, I didn't.

>> No.7000894

I think cat prints are the best and should be on everything, ever.

Curious, though, do you feel this way about other animals or just cats? I don't get what makes cats more tacky than like, deer or jellies or poodles.

>> No.7000895

Your cat is adorbs. 10/10 would pet

>> No.7000898

diff anon but this reminds me of tiferet's extreme, virulent hatred of teddiebears

>> No.7000902

Hahaaa now I want to have a teddy bear themed meet to piss her off

>> No.7000906

When the new IW teddybear print was revealed all I could imagine was tif being surrounded by girls in that print and the bear, and having a meltdown

>> No.7000907

>I also think that if someone wears this fashion ONLY to cons that they are wearing a costume. I don't care how well coordinated they are or how much brand they are wearing; if one ONLY wears it to cons then they are in a lolita costume.

This, so hard. I actually feel this way to some extent about people who only wear it to meetups of any kind, con or not. If you don't wear lolita at all as just part of your normal life, I assume you consider it like a special dress-up costume like prom, and not an actual fashion.

>> No.7000917

>I assume you consider it like a special dress-up costume like prom
I do this but I view it in this way rather than calling it an outright costume. To me costumes imply cheapness and insincerity. When I dress in lolita I'm throwing down a nice hunk of cash for fashion's sake.

>> No.7000966

that's not what costume means

>> No.7000968

Right... which is why I didn't say costume, I said dress-up.

>> No.7000973

>didn't say costume
>special dress-up costume
>dress-up costume

>> No.7000978

Idk, I live in a small city where absolutely no one I know even knows what lolita is (some people think they do, but they don't -- the only people I know who are into J-fashion and the like are considering buying $60 dresses off ebay and probably don't know what a petticoat is for) and I'm not sure if I would ever wear it here if I was going out. When I move to a bigger city I'll wear it more on a daily basis but I'd just hate to go out in public by myself here with nobody who understands. I haven't even bought lolita dresses before now because of this (and I've wanted to for probably 2 or 3 years now), and only am now because I'm visiting my family in a bigger city with a con. I can understand why people would only wear it to meetups, it would suck wearing it by yourself and feeling amazing only to have people heckle you (and they definitely would in a city like mine). I also get stared at a lot already and am really shy. I don't consider it a costume at all. Like you said though, it is more "dressing up," but more in a fancy way than a costume-y way.

>> No.7000982

I thought you meant in terms of cosplay, since the original comment was about that? But by costume in this instance I mean like when little girls play dress-up with mommy's clothes, or when teenagers play dress up for prom. It's not a costume in the sense of portraying a character, but it is costume-like in that it isn't your daily clothes and you still aren't treating it as fashion. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

>> No.7000985

I guess, but this is an unpopular opinions thread and that's my unpopular opinion. It grates on me when lolitas cry that lolita isn't a costume and then the majority (judging by the couple of large comms I've been in) only wear it for special dress up events, that's a double standard to me. I consider it my normal clothing, and I wear it as such when I'm going out in my free time.

>> No.7001006

I randomly wear my lolita clothes like on day trips or hanging out with the family or holidays.

Though I will admit sometimes when I go out, I don't wear the items like in a typical lolita coordination but make it into more street friendly fare, so I get the most out of my money paid.

>> No.7001019

I wear lolita to anime cons on days that I'm not cosplay. I wear it like guys at anime cons wear jeans and t-shirts, as normal clothing. It's part of my daily wear.

>> No.7001041

I treat cons and meetup like an occassion to go all-out with lolita, as in, extremely bold combos or accessory overload.
I wear "regular" loli like a sunday dress, for going out, visiting family or hanging out with friends. And once or twice a week for work, if I have the time in the morning and feel like it.

I think that's how marjority of girls go about it really?
I only have one "life-styler" (loli outfits everyday, often with wigs and circle lenses, no other clothes in the closet) in the comm, and it seems like an enormous hassle.

>> No.7001069

I'm not saying your opinion is necessarily wrong, just that it's good to consider peoples' situations and look at every angle before judging. If it's just like any other fashion then you shouldn't have to wear it every day anyway. I own a ton of both hime and mori/dolly, but I still don't wear it every day and I rarely go all out because normies, normies everywhere. It doesn't mean it's a costume when I do wear it, though.

I guess it also depends on the gap, maybe? I always have elements of J-fashion in my wardrobe, I don't think I really wear anything that's not from Japan at this point. But if a girl only owns a couple co-ords and wears a t-shirt and jeans when she's not at a meet, there's a huge gap there, so maybe it does seem costume-y in that situation. I used to have people come up to me and tell me they love my lolita style when I didn't even own anything lolita because I wear otome and stuff a lot (and like I said people here have no idea what lolita is), so I definitely see it as just dressing up fancy for me, and I'm sure a lot of people are the same. Also people like Fanny Rosie still don't wear it every day, but you wouldn't say it's a costume for her, especially since there are always subtle elements of it in her outfits.

>> No.7001343

>aren't treating it as fashion
How do you know these people wearing it for cons aren't treating it as a fashion? Just because they don't wear it most days out of the year?

>> No.7001348

Does that mean people who wear a nice dress on Sundays for church are wearing a costume?

>> No.7001362

>The term costume can refer to wardrobe and dress in general, or to the distinctive style of dress of a particular people, class, or period.


My unpopular opinion is that comms and meetups are basically only for people who are self conscious about wearing it alone in public. I only ever go to a few meetups and once I've made some good friends I stop going. Nothing against anyone, the activities are fun, but big groups just really aren't my thing.
Not to mention there's always that one person in the comm, you know.

My other unpopular opinion is that I think it's stupid when girls get annoyed that someone wants to take their picture. Tourists are everywhere, and some people really love things that are different.

Honestly, I tend to get less people asking me for photos by myself and more compliments, where as with the comm it's people asking "what are you guys dressed up as?" or asking for photos and giving a generic "you look great" afterwards.

>> No.7001485

> cotton more breathable than silk


>> No.7001489

>I wear "regular" loli like a sunday dress, for going out, visiting family or hanging out with friends. And once or twice a week for work, if I have the time in the morning and feel like it.
See that's fine, that's wearing it as your normal fashion, not as special-occassion-only wear.

If you ONLY wear it to meets though, it's not fashion, it's a dress-up costume. That's what bugs me.

If you take what is said in an Unpopular Opinions thread this personally, maybe you should take a breather... I'm giving my unpopular opinion. That's all.

>My unpopular opinion is that comms and meetups are basically only for people who are self conscious about wearing it alone in public.

Agreed with this too.

>> No.7001503

On days that I am not cosplaying or on days that I'm not wearing cosplay. Fuck, messed up my grammar completely there...

>> No.7001508

Silk is some of the most insulating fibers there is, have you ever tried to wear a silk shirt on a warm day? You sweat like a motherfucker in it compared to cotton.

>> No.7001595

But Fanny Rosie DOES wear it every day.

>> No.7001631

But then there's also people that if they could wear it they would. But they can't for whatever reason. My work schedule is usually long closing shifts in the evening, usually 1-2pm until 10pm 5-6 days a week. What's the point of getting all dolled up for an hour to sit online, craft, go for a jog, eat lunch... then just to put on my work uniform. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I'm able to wear it on my days off. But that isn't always the case. My stuff ends up getting worn more often to meetups and cons. If I worked a job with more earlier hours or worked from home, or had an office job where I could wear toned-down pieces, hell yeah, I'd be wearing it everyday. This is probably also why I own mostly prints.

>> No.7001657

I only have things made of silk chiffon, so maybe that's why. I'd choose silk over cotton any day, though. It just looks so much nicer.

>> No.7002386

>The insane rantings of a fluffy ball of evil~! Aren't you excited? <3
>I am American, 16, submissive, and a lesbian. ^w^

Is this even real right now?

>> No.7002509

>(i.e. a selfish whore)

>> No.7002524

I'm having a blast reading through this blog. It reads like Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Also she lists off her followers and talks about their blog. Here's this gem:

>My 21st follower. I really have nothing nice to say about your blog. There is absolutely nothing on it that I like or that interests me (plus that yaoi picture made me cringe). Plus the fact that you barely have anything on there. Like, what? Why? But thanks for the support I guess.

and her answers to the giant survey are hilarious.

I followed her just to see if she'll talk about my blog.

>> No.7002536

> 30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything?

>Society can burn.

>> No.7002550

>Words cannot describe the extent to which I hate people. I’m already depressed and if my mom hadn’t hidden the scissors from me I’d be bleeding right now. I really don’t need this shit. Some people just make me want to kill myself even more than I already do every fucking day.

Fav from today's bloomer meltdown. Goddamn this bitch is cray, they go nuts younger every year.
>omg i haaaate ppl b/c they don't agree w my rude unwanted opinionz GONNA CUT MYSELF BU MY MOM WONT LET ME <///3

>> No.7002561


People who cut with scissors are stupid. You can't get a decent wound with fucking scissors.
Straight razor master race.

>> No.7002584

> if my mom hadn’t hidden the scissors from me

that's quite a feat considering that she stated her parents were dead (and of course she hates her guardian)

>> No.7002608

And after all that shit about politeness and niceness and bawwww why is everyone mean:

>5 ways to win your heart
>"Be mean and brutally honest. I hate nice people. "

Oh really?

>> No.7002645

Going through her blog, she's '''''helped'''' people with her oh so wise advice even before the bloomer incident blew up. The narcissism on this one.
>15. What color is your hair?

>In the winter, brown. In the summer, a chestnut color.
So it is brown all year round? fascinating.

>> No.7002650

>As some of you may have noticed, for the past bit of time, I’ve been looking around the Gothic Lolita tab and ,usually kindly, letting people know why they are doing it wrong. In some cases I got a bit too upset and flipped off on people, but after seeing such horrors that people labeled as Lolita, I couldn’t help it. All I wanted was to find a few nice cute coords to reblog with a nice “Well done", but instead I found a bunch of bullshit. Pardon my language, but I’m pissed right now. That is not okay. I know I can’t possibly hope to change ALL of the mislabeling, but I hope that I at least changed a few. Really my only intention is to get rid of the ita problem and show people the way to true, beautiful, modest Lolita. That is my goal, and I will not give up on it no matter what.
tldr she thinks she's lolita jesus.

>> No.7002674

She calls all of them sweetie/hun/etc. and says really shitty things but then says "I'm not trying to be mean but..."


>> No.7002703
File: 1010 KB, 500x292, pointing and laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch doesn't even own/wear lolita

>> No.7002711


Someone link her this thread...I can't seem to .

I've been meaning to post about this crazy bitch. Jesus fucking christ she's a cunt.

>> No.7002716
File: 225 KB, 373x327, 2edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>61: What was the last lie I told?
>"I’m okay"

>> No.7002725
File: 142 KB, 422x750, computertaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's not even brown! THIS is the girl who thinks she can school us all on lolita.

>> No.7002731


Wow, what an unfortunate girl. She's got tiny, piggy eyes, a giant nose, a man jaw and terrible skin. She really didn't get any luck in the genetic lottery. Poor thing.

>> No.7002732 [DELETED] 

Do you consider that maybe the fact that I wear lolita as an everyday fashion is why I am wearing it at a con? Anime is first to me and I just happen to like lolita.

>> No.7002743

Christ it just gets better. Someone immortalize our new lolita fashion police on staminarose, she's earned it.

>> No.7002748

Aw, I think she's cute. Too bad about everything else about her.

>> No.7002755

She has nice lips. With some makeup she could be gorgeous.
Doesn't even begin to make up for her brand of crazy though.

>> No.7002774

>My fucking God I hate slow walkers. Like damn why the Hell are you moving like there isn’t 20 people behind you? Bitch move! I don’t give a fuck if you naturally walk slow. I don’t give a fuck if your foot hurts. I don’t give a fuck if you’re sick. If you know you walk slow, you had better not walk in front of me because I will beat your ass. And I swear to God if I step on your your shoe because YOU were walking slow in front of me, and then your bitch ass has the nerve to complain to ME, I will beat you until you bleed. Do not dare think for a second that I won’t. Fuck with me and I will hurt you.

dat crazy

>> No.7002779

>Oh my goodness she said that cosplay is more serious and important than Lolita. She just said that….and meant it…dear God give me the strength to not hurt her. I don’t care if you don’t understand Lolita; you don’t have to. But do NOT disrespect it like that. No, I’ve never worn it. No, I don’t own any Lolita clothes. I may not be able to call myself a Lolita yet; I have a long way to go until I can join that world. But Lolita is wonderful and precious, and I will be damned if I sit here and let you insult something that so many people dedicate their lives to.

It just gets better,

>> No.7002793
File: 562 KB, 798x708, 1372811255437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish we were allowed to be /cgl/ again. I really, really do. This made me REALLY excited, and then really sad because I know we can't do what we used to.

>> No.7002806

what happened to us, anon?
was it the /fit/fags? the buttmad /r9k/? the mods? did everyone who used to post leave?

what has changed?

>> No.7002826

Janitors deciding what is and is not "acceptable" and deleting shit- even on topic non inflammatory shit.
Because apparently they know what the people on this board want to read better than the people who are actually on this board.

>> No.7002827
File: 104 KB, 401x700, slendakota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor. Enough said. I mean really, I asked about what happened to some of our most famous lolcows, and got a three day ban. Dramu is an essential part of /cgl/ and always has been, take away the drama and moot might as well name us /tumblr/

I still remember the day someone changed our banner to /DRAMA/ with the subtitle "I hear she bought 50 dicks off ebay and sucked them all." Most of the older posters are still here, we just aren't allowed to be as mean anymore. Someone recently mentioned they got banned for calling someone fat. This is /cgl/ for christ's sake, we have a reputation for being a bunch of sandy vaginas for a reason. But you know what? Sometimes if you put sand in an oyster, it becomes a pearl, /cgl/ is that pearl.

>> No.7002830


I really don't like poodles. So many nice prints that are ruined by having poodles on them, it just reminds me too much of like a 50's poodle skirt and it doesn't feel very "lolita" to me, I guess. I'd rather have bunnies, cats, bears, etc any day over poodles.

>> No.7002837

I would like to wear it as my normal clothing, but I am way too self conscious to deal with the stares I'd get or any of the other possible stuff that comes with it. I haven't joined my local community yet because I'm pretty shy and awkward and kind of afraid, but I would love to wear it to meets. So sadly for now, the few pieces I have right now I will wear to the few cons I go to. I don't like to hang around the weirder people at cons so I feel less of a risk of fucking my dress up, though.

>> No.7002890

I can get why they cracked down, because things were getting pretty bad, but they've pretty muched destroyed the notion of there being a 'tolerable limit' for the sort of hate and bitching that we're used to.

A lot of boards are having this problem.

>> No.7002891

I've been banned from /vg/ like 8 times now for talking about the game the general was about but complaining about bad things about it. Like what the fuck, this is 4chan, that is the whole appeal to it, that you can come here and complain about shit without having to worry about getting banned about it or having a name/account attached to it.

>> No.7003711

A discussion was started about the kitten girl here http://www.staminarose.org/pt/?do=thread&id=3015#3015

>> No.7003739


WTF this is GOLDEN.

>> No.7005889

You sound like a special little snowflake

>> No.7005897


I'm a sweet lolita and in thinking of getting into gothic as well. I like both, but never classic. Classic is just boring as fuck.

>> No.7005902

I love you.

>> No.7005907

I don't think it's boring or anything, but I hate the expectation that once I hit that magical age of too-old-for-sweet I MUST do classic or aristo.

>> No.7005948

This. I got into lolita at a young age for the classic looks, not sweet. Different people are drawn to different styles, regardless of age. And people complaining about how awful and boring classic is aren't any better than people who constantly complain that sweet is like ageplay.

>> No.7005990

I think it's kind of funny that people almost never criticize gothic. It's not super popular, but it also doesn't get as much flak either

>> No.7006055

The round-robin of the three styles has changed.
It used to be gothic was popular, sweet was second, classic was the ignored bystander.
Then OTT came on the scene and sweet became popular, and bickered with gothic, again while classic was largely ignored.
And nowadays Classic got more popular, bitches with sweet, while gothic goes ignored.

>> No.7006076

Because calling some people calling classic boring is exactly the same as anons going on and on for the past four years calling sweet lolitas disgusting ageplayer fetishists, over use of the word "vomit", hideous, act your age, I AM SUPERIOR!!! Etc, etc, etc,

>> No.7006099

same! i'm a classic loli because i love the classic aesthetic and it suits my look, but i also love sweet and admire sweet lolis who can rock it.

that said, >>6998942 classic isn't always about being mindful of others. i personally prefer classic dresses that make me feel like an aristocrat/lady of high society, which can get pretty elaborate depending on the dress/coord. however, i also like having dresses i can wear in more casual contexts without stealing the spotlight while still being frilly.

though i know there's a lot of classic lolita that's basically really boring so i can get why you'd think that. there's no point in trying to make lolita more "socially acceptable" -- why not embrace the fashion you're spending a ton of cash on? some people are silly. the best you can do is just wear casual lolita, but that seems like such a waste imo.

>> No.7006120

so you wear your prom dresses, sunday clothes, cocktail dresses, suits, whatever, always? not only for special occasions?

tbh i only wear nice clothes for special occasions because those are environments i know they're not likely to get dirty or damaged; it's not just a lolita thing

>> No.7006134

...I've definitely done that with cocktail dresses, there is no point in buying them for just one event. I think of Lolita as something like a cocktail dress rather than a dinner suit or gown, as full length dresses are harder to wear out and about.

>> No.7006135

Most people where I live do this. Go outside and you'll see nice dresses, fur coats, men and teenagers in suits, at the very least I go out in suit trousers and a sweater/jumper... It makes you feel nice to wear nice clothes.

>> No.7006145


Not everyone dresses like a slob (or just boring tshirt+jeans) apart from a few days a year they wear lolita...

I think this goes along with discussion I've seen here before, if you're fashionable out of lolita, chances are you're better at coordination in it. When you only bother to dress nicely a few times a year of course you'll have less of an eye for what looks good.

>> No.7006202

where do you live?
can i move there?
being a houstonian is suffering.

>> No.7006219


oh holy shit

>> No.7006222


This post is flawless.

>> No.7006238

Tell me, too. No one dresses nicely in Michigan save for some rich hipster bitches. It's yoga pants, uggs, and north faces or crappy t-shirt and jeans all around.

>> No.7006274

NYC, bitches.

Granted there's tons and tons of slobs and boring sweats/jeans wear too, but the ratio to people who actually care about how they look is much higher. I've lived in tiny towns on the east coast and west, as well as cities in midwest/west coast, and NY is always the best dressed, even when I've lived in places where the general population was wealthy they dressed much worse.

>> No.7006279

Seriously? Whats wrong with the word "pigtails". I'm getting sick of people calling it twin-tails. And not to forget mentioning it... i hate them, what ever they are called because it makes a person look so fat like a little piggu-chan.

>> No.7006299

I'll probably get banned for saying this, but I heard 7chan is better. Though they don't have a /cgl/ fourm yet, but I bet they would make it. Its not half bad.

>> No.7006302

I wear lolita everyday now, I dont see a point letting my precious clothes sit in my closet without any use.

>> No.7006304

Gotta agree, though I feel like really jew-y areas dress the best out of the entire area. Not even being racist, the jewier the area the more slick everyone looks.
Second best has to be the rich areas of LA though, when you get up onto rodeo drive or more into the coast like Pacific Palisades, bitches be looking fine.

>> No.7006310

I don't think this is unpopular as much as understated, but I dislike the fact that girls feel the need to label themselves with a certain substyle. Like, "That's cute, but I'm a sweet lolita.". Like, why would you limit yourself to just one niche of the style? I love all of the substyles, so I wear all of 'em. I just don't get why some people just stick with one type? Maybe I guess it's in their comfort zone or something.

>> No.7006324

versatility, I think.
Personally I think its difficult to mess up wearing an OP from a different style every once in a while to mix it up.

>> No.7006334

I think the reason stems from what is popular at the moment. From what I see, Sweet Lolita is really popular. It someone said they were Otome, thought, their little internet popularity would fizzle because they dont say they are sweet.
I consider myself a hybrid of mori and dolly -kei. With no masonry society items.

>> No.7006424

I used to go on 7chan all the time when I was underageb& because their /y/ was way better (yeah, I know....) so I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7006429

Because.. someone likes maybe one or two styles and doesn't like another? It's not that hard to understand, and it's not about being boxed in, it's just about personal preferences.

>> No.7006435

And eventually it will come full circle and the Goths will rise up from their ignored positions and take the world by storm.

>> No.7006448

Yup, the beautiful circle of frills.

>> No.7006450

I go on for the same reasoning... but not for /y/. Its a slower place but not as ban happy as here.
We should move over there and return cgl to its former glory because, I need me dramu that isn't deleted by janitors.

>> No.7006457

Not the anon you're replying to, but I kind of have the philosophy that if you think it's cute and it suits you, wear it. I think anon was talking about girls who will look at co-ords from other substyles and like how they look, but say "I could never wear that, I'm a ___ lolita", like that label has become their whole identity as a lolita and they can't branch out.

>> No.7006462

I like looking at Choke. I think she does her makeup well and she has an interesting face that she works well with.

I think classic is really closely related to romantic/Victorian goth, just using a bit more color and florals. Goth to me is more about playing with texture.

Not unpopular, but I think the "substyle wars" are stupid as fuck, and I seriously think that people only engage in that sort of thing because they think everyone else is and create a bitter cycle.

>> No.7006467

- I hate classic maxipad headdresses
- I hate clunky flat shoes
+ I love big hats and corsages
+ I love elegant maryjanes and pumps

painting prints >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dumb shit like carousels and sweets

>> No.7006485

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, that's sort of strange I guess, but usually I assume when I see that, the issue isn't necessarily not being able to step out of the style box but rather an implicit way of saying 'that's cute on other people but I don't think it'd suit me'? At least, when I say something like that, that's more of what I mean...

>> No.7006486

I think tall girls look way better in lolita than girls who look or try to look too young/small/cutesy - shorter lolita skirts look better
it takes away from the ageplay look and makes lolita look more mature and haute couture

>> No.7006502

elegant > cute
The single best thing that ever happened to lolita was: replacing those ridiculous preschooler's knee-high socks with glorious printed thighs
punk lolita needs to make a comeback

>> No.7006512

>A line solids should be worn like retro dresses with as little petti as possible
>Needs more hats
>Sweet lolitas are embarrassing to be seen with when out in classic or gothic
Look like little sisters tagging along. I've had this confirmed by pedestrians who complimented my outfit then looked like a Mack truck was going to hit me when they saw my sweet loli friend behind me

>> No.7006561

This makes no sense to me. Girls wearing skirts that are too short for them makes it look LESS like ageplay?

>> No.7006582

> unpopular opinions

>> No.7006589


>> No.7006586

I think anon is trying to say that shorter girls actually seem childish/more like children whereas taller girls come off as more model-esque, thus shorter girls come off more ageplay-ey.

>> No.7006687

Also maybe that because it's shorter it looks less like a kids cut, because who in their right mind would let a little kid out in a short skirt?

>> No.7006712

> who in their right mind would let a little kid out in a short skirt?

You've obviously never been to a public park on a Friday night. Drunk 12 year olds in miniskirts e'rrywhere.

>> No.7006718

I actually like all the bitchy, mean girl spirit attached to Lolita, even as an occasional victim of it.

>> No.7006759

you sort of have to be a thick-skinned bitch to be able to brush off the backlash you're bound to get when you wear this kind of stuff.

>> No.7006789

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7006854

Yeah, but some people cannot wear lolita to work especially if its like scrubs so meetups are a time when they can wear their true style. In comparison with some jfashions, it generally takes more time to put everything on and get ready?

>> No.7006862

>OTT classic
You should be more specific insted of just making a generalization.

>> No.7006870

This. So much this, I wear a uniform to work, and casual lolita afterwords, but according to some people's logic, it's still a costume because I'm wearing the uniform more than lolita.

>> No.7006878

I hate brolitas.

Yes - You're a man in a dress.
Stop making huge deals out of it and realize people don't fucking like that in public.

>> No.7006881

Why are you embarrassed because of what some random strangers on the street think? Really?

>> No.7006890

My unpopular opinion is that I get so irritated by people who are obsessed with making sure no one thinks they're wearing a costume, obsess over whether so etching is costumey, talk non stop about how to make things not look costumey, having main reasons for not liking stuff because its "too costumy omg"

Fuck I just want them to stfu. Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck if people think lolita is costumey, or doesn't treat the word costumey(ok it's not really a word but...) like a cover all blanket insult?

>> No.7006895


>> No.7006903

How the hell am I supposed to be more specific? What, you want me to say "classic, just regular classic, not ott or anything just classic lolita" because that's ridiculous. Excuse me for assuming classic means classic these days. If I wanted to get more specific, I would have said ott classic. An no, I was implicitly not implying anything.

>> No.7006910

Where does that comment say anything about wearing it at work...?

>> No.7006911

Lol really? You get irritated about using the term twin tails(the Asian way of saying pigtails) and then in the same paragraph use the phrase piggu chan? If i looked up hypocrisy on wikipedia right now, i think I might find a link to your Facebook profile

>> No.7006931

I was commenting on the idea that some people have where they think "if you don't wear it EVERY DAY, it's a costume not a fashion." which is pants on head retarded.

>> No.7006943

But it doesn't say that either... From what I see it's just talking about what I've seen a lot called "con/meet up lolitas"? I think you're getting really personally offended about something that isn't being said, that's all. And the original comment isn't even condemning wearing occasional lolita, to me it's just saying it's hypocritical to cry about it being called a costume and then only wear it one or two times a year, with which I agree.

>> No.7006963

Okay, maybe I was being too picky, my bad.

>> No.7007055

Maybe not so much an 'unpopular' opinion, but I have to rant. Lollis with nasty, stringy greasy hair drive me up the fucking wall. If you like natural hair, fine. But if you're going to wear $500+ outfit, do your goddamn hair! Otherwise just wear fucking American Apparel and do blow.

>> No.7007118
File: 189 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mkzz3t8wgv1s8dlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007302

This is OT, but who is everyone in that photo supposed to be? I find it funny. From left to right I'd say: ???, ???, Jnig, PT.

>> No.7007304

Luvmonkies and Kooter

>> No.7007389

Hey and I'm sorry for sounding irritated, I'm kind of cranky today.

>> No.7007806

Fatties/uglies can't be lolitas. They look disgusting.

>> No.7007812

They don't like lolitas either. Just saying.

>> No.7008560

I've never been a fan of wrist cuffs either personally.

>> No.7009220
File: 187 KB, 758x1024, 654397429_1393187217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate lolita blouses. I find them so tacky.
I prefer delicated offbrand ones that allow my dresses to be the main stars.
Pic related. A loliable, elegant offbrand blouse.

>> No.7009230
File: 41 KB, 258x352, ap4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one of AP's monsters.

>> No.7009294

...I like you anon, I really do.

>> No.7009326

Me too, anon. The only blouses I've EVER found I've liked are a few IW and VM blouses, but even then they seem a little overly-detailed and imposing.

>> No.7009383
File: 177 KB, 720x960, 1362376974053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because it's definitely a self-steem problem. It couldn't possibly be just a taste matter, right?
Toned down lolita still means going out overdressed in a petticoat, you silly. People still give us funny looks.

>> No.7009408

Wow, are you me anon? Down to the same brands, that's pretty much exactly how I feel about blouses.

>> No.7009655

Eh goth is still about the colour, or at least the print. A pastel dress is not going to be gothic. A white dress can be gothic, but super happy and colourful items not so much

>> No.7010683

lovely lor is mistaking 'cult party hybrid' for adding a pejnoir to a coord that doesn't need one