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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 480x380, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6997423 No.6997423 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see a help thread up and lord knows I need it.

I'm looking for a good dragon scale like fabric that isnt garbage. I can find plenty of snakeskin stuff, but its all vinyl and from what I hear, vinyl isnt breathable at all and I'll probably die.

So does anyone know a good, breathable scale-like fabric? I know I could make my own, but that would leave very little time for the rest.

>> No.6997545

I'm a fucking autist and I've had a can of resin sitting in a shady part of my room upopened for almost a year.

I've finally been able to crack it open for this project and I've never used resin before so I wasn't sure what to expect. But what i got was the resin was thick and lumpy like cottage cheese and jello mixed together.

To say the least, it was useable, but my results look terrible. More wondering as to why it came out like this? Was it just age?
I'm sanding forever but is there anything else I can do to make it better?

>> No.6999458
File: 195 KB, 640x480, toothless_head_progress_3_by_monoyasha-d38os7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should ask some of the people who've made Toothless and other dragon suits what they used.

>> No.6999488

I'd get a new can of resin. Over a period of time it'll turn into lumpy goop, and there's really nothing you can do about it.

The same thing happened to me. I mean, you could try sanding it down but it probably won't work.

>> No.6999587

i need help with crafting armor out of craft foam. it's 3 weeks till con and i've got the bare minimum done (1/3 of the chest, knees, thighs, details on helm)

how do i craft a helmet to fit my head without the foam bumping up if i curve it?
should i paint my boots gold and use foam for decals or just cover it in foam and paint that?
how to i make "shoulder armour"

any armor tutorials that could be posted will be a big help too

>> No.7000101


>> No.7000103

What the fuck are you cosplaying? Please specify so we can maybe help you.

>> No.7000108

tumblr baby's first dark souls cosplay

>> No.7000122
File: 15 KB, 300x300, krotchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends. I'm thinking of doing a Krotchy cosplay. I already know to use a morphsuit and yellow gloves and shoes (probably some Mickey Mouse gloves and shoes), but I mostly need help with the actual mascot part. How would I go about this?

>> No.7000164

This is a longshot, but is it possible to widen the heels of heeled boots or high heels? I've seen a really good pair of boots for a cosplay, but the heel on them is a bit too thin.

>> No.7000379

Why not just make boot covers?

>> No.7000569
File: 314 KB, 419x615, Screen Shot 2013-07-27 at 7.52.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to sew a cut out into spandex? I need to do a lightning bolt which is so difficuult because of the corners. I have no idea how to keep them down and looking nice. I tried putting it on, drawing the design, then cutting it out and folding the edges with a tight zigzag but that did nothing, it stretched out of proportion, same with a straight stitch.

Pic semi related, it popping up on my news feed reminded me I need to redo this.

>> No.7000575
File: 18 KB, 385x256, UpholsteryFoam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few stores I was looking at myself but I thought it might be good to get a second opinion.

Where do you guys like to shop for cheap upholstery foam?

>> No.7000587

Walmart sells a huge ass roll for less than 20 bucks. 24x72x1 all in inches. They ship to store for free if your walmart doesn't stock it on shelves.

>> No.7000596

Google heart keyhole sewing tutorial. It's pretty much the same thing you'll need to do but with a lightning bolt shape.

>> No.7000599 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 500x334, 4677334382_d1851927c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what is the fabric used for the Beast boy's costume is called?

>> No.7000601

The top tutorial is a facebook one for madoka.. which is useful, but im only doing single layer spandex :( Every other tutorial is just a plane circle on non stretch fabric..

>> No.7000603
File: 339 KB, 1176x1477, Madoka Heart Keyhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this'll help with spandex, but here's a semi tut on the heart keyhole on Madoka's back

>> No.7000605

I might end up having to do this. I was only wanting to do 1 layer since a second layer really adds bulk to a suit thats suppose to be skin tight.

>> No.7000606

Oops, sorry to be useless

>> No.7000609
File: 32 KB, 292x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any sort of suggestion for doing Marth's boots? Ive got the rest of the outfit taken care of, but im totally clueless on these boots for some reason.

>> No.7000840

Make them go past your knees and then have them slouch down.

>> No.7000845


>> No.7000850

Is there any way to make breasts smaller but still shaped like breasts? As in: no sports bra, no binding?

I'm cosplaying Erio from Denpa Onna and while I AM going to lose weight for it (I'm a bit fat at 54kgs for 1,65m, planning on getting down to 51 or 50kgs) my breasts are still gonna be too fucking big for her. I'm a 30DD now. ;_;

All I can think is to bind it all then stuff a bra but it seems like so much work...

>> No.7000858

Could you do open-shirt binding maybe? Where the binds go vertically so the boobs are still separate from eachother vs being a rectange lump. Just keep it looser than normally so they're not flat?

>> No.7000869

Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, I'll try and see if this works.

>> No.7000880

Any help on what to do for this part of the demon-warding hood from Phoenix Wright? I have the rest of the outfit more or less planned out except for this. An early idea was to make it out of yarn but I'm afraid it'll look like it was made by a six-year-old if I do that.

>> No.7000882
File: 143 KB, 291x272, Bikini_OA (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dropped my pic.

>> No.7000884 [DELETED] 

I'm a C cup and when I use a chest binder, it shrinks them down to an A cup. You could try that?

>> No.7000891
File: 71 KB, 429x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some velvet cord maybe?

>> No.7000918
File: 49 KB, 418x388, Tassel_cord_color_cord_1_tassel_cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thin trim or tassel cord?

>> No.7000920

Nice, I'll have to look into that. Thanks anon.

>> No.7001015
File: 313 KB, 632x1200, _MG_0871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi seagulls, really could use some feedback here.
Doing a Homura crossplay, never done any cosplays prior to this. Just finished altering my store bought costume so it fits better, wig still needs a little bit more work though.

So, couple of questions:
1. Since I've never put any form of make-up on before, I'm absolutely clueless, what is very basic that I should go with?

2. Does my fit looks alright? (A-am I ita?)

3. Any crossplay tips perhaps?

>> No.7001077

Who are you cosplaying?

>> No.7001081

I think the costume fits you just fine!
He said it in his post: Homura.
It's a character from Puella magi Madoka magica!

>> No.7001083

>He said it in his post: Homura
Oh. Didn't see it.

God damn I am too tired to be on the internet.

>> No.7001084

>Lieutenant Pink

>> No.7001108

The basics are "foundation", which is skin-coloured cream-like stuff (alternatively there are things like lipstick that are foundation too) that you use to even out your skin tone. You can use coloured eyeshadow (it's powder that you brush on) to change the appearance of your face shape, by making spots that look like shadows and so on. There are some tutorials for that on youtube but I forgot the name of the one I'm thinking of. I think you would have to experiment a bit for that.

But honestly, just foundation is probably fine for you. You should carefully check the contents of any makeup before you buy, since some will cause you to have acne or will dry out your skin (which causes problems like redness, skin flakes everywhere, and acne) due to weird shit being in them.

I don't know much myself, but I hope that helped a little. Makeup seems to be expensive so I'd stick to the minimum needed.

>> No.7001324
File: 72 KB, 339x310, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Lupin III specifically from A Woman Called Fujiko Mine but I'm having trouble finding any sort of shoes for him less than $70. He wears brown slip-on ankle boots. I found these for $25 on amazon, do they work or should I keep looking for a better shoe?

>> No.7001366

It's going to be an interesting experience buying make up from the mall.. I hope the eye make-up isn't as difficult as it seems!

You might have some luck finding one on ASOS:

>> No.7001405

You don't have to make the second layer the whole size of the top layer, just make sure it's interfaced and then slip stitch it in place once you turn it inside out. It might take some trials since you're working with spandex and I'm not sure where the shape is laying.

>> No.7001575
File: 143 KB, 1282x674, azlt30_1__77961.1352173191.1230.1230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I bought a kirugumi for a cosplay, but it's waaaaay too light. The seller said it was the color I needed it to be, and in the right design, but when I got it, the fur was a tanish color, and it wasn't in the right pattern. Is there anyway I can alter the color without fucking all of it up? Pic related.

>> No.7001580

How did you think those two colors would ever be the same.

>> No.7001584

You deserve it for not even asking for a photo.

>> No.7001610

The color isn't the only problem, design isn't even close. The only thing similar is that they are bears...

>> No.7001644
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_m9qt2iHifV1ql5pvno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about making the suit for beast boy?

>> No.7001660

Anon, you ordered a Rilakkuma kigu. Rilakkuma is pretty light-coloured.

>> No.7001678


The seller said that the product would look be just like the one from the show, and since I trusted her, I didn't ask for pictures. She has done costumes before, but mostly just for friends. I've known her for about a year or so, and once I gave her the money, she instantly stopped responding to me, and I haven't been able to contact her. She has a rule that if she's doing a commission, you pay in advanced because once she starts, she already cut in the fabric and doesn't want it going to waste or some shit. The actual Kirugumi in the picture was the one that I got. Supposedly everything she makes is made by her, but it's apparent that this was store bought.

>> No.7001684

You pretty much got scammed, love.
Give her negative feedback and move on.

I'd say use the Kigu you have as a pattern and make it yourself.

>> No.7001696

please don't tell me you believed you were getting a custom-made kigu with only taobao/ebay photos for reference

that just screams scam and/or straight-up reseller

>> No.7001702

Well, I've actually seen a lot of her custom work before, and it seemed pretty legit. For the most part, it would feature her in the pictures, and over a year or so, I began to trust her as we began talking as if friends. She'd tell me beforehand that her camera messed up a lot, so if I ever got a comish from her, she wouldn't be able to take pictures. I thought it was a bit fishy, but I went along with it anyways. After I payed, she took me off just about everything, and sent me this shit store bought Kigu. My question was though, if this Kigu can be made into the way I want.

Yeah, I guess that's the best thing to do I guess. Wanted to know if I could alter the one I got though to look more like how I wanted it though.

>> No.7001723
File: 393 KB, 880x326, kisamecontacts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(asked in the last thread but got nothing) I'm working on a Kisame cosplay and while looking at others, I've seen people have gotten contacts but I can't tell if they look stupid or not. Are they really necessary? I'm trying to make mine look as nice as I can and I don't want to ruin it by adding or leaving out contacts. If I should get them, should I get the kind with a black outline or ones that are just all white?

>> No.7001756

Let this be a lesson to you. As much as it may suck, this world is full of assholes who are really good at convincing people to give them money in exchange for bullshit. And its not just "commissioners" thatll get you, ive had some very close calls the other way around. I do armor/prop commissionsons the side to make a bit of extra cash since school keeps me too busy for an actual hourly job (plus i love doing it anyway). Anyway, a while ago i got contacted by some guy on facebook about how he wanted me to make a certain prop for him. So i checked out his page, everything seemed legit, and so i agreed to do it. I started working on it, but before i could finish some totally unexpected family stuff came up that i had to deal with, and i was unable to get in contact with the guy for several weeks to tell him there would be a bit of a delay on the project. Then i find out that this guys page has been totally changed (different pics, bios, contact info, etc.), and hes now talking to some orther commissioner and not responding to any form of contact from me. So i let the other guy know about him, and pretty soon the account was deactivated, not a trace of this guy left.
Its a long story i know, but you get the point. Always gotta be on your toes when you buy and sell stuff online, and not just in cosplay, it happens everywhere. Also sage for life lessons from a broke college student.

>> No.7001823

PayPal question here. I don't know if this is the right thread but you seagulls are online shopping experts so I figured I'd try.

I kind of really really want the Naja Jada pumps here : http://www.gobashoes.info/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=44_53&products_id=7281.. But they cost a lot of money on eBay (like, $69 + $49 shipping to Europe), and they're sold out everywhere else.

They're only $42.50 on this website, and shipping is free. But the website is only a month old, and I couldn't find any reviews (negative or positive).

As they only accept PayPal, I'd pay with it, and make a claim if I never receive them, or receive damaged goods or shitty replicas.

If you were me, would you try and get them from this website ? Are there any risks I didn't think about ?

Also, which size should I get ? I'm a 24.5 in Japanese sizing and 38.5 in European but I have no idea which American size I am.

Thanks a lot !

>> No.7001836

Its really up to you. Personally I would get white contacts to mimick his tiny pupils. The make or breaks with Kisame is really the body paint, wig, sword, and cloak. I would focus on those before worrying over contacts.

>> No.7001855

Does anyone know where to find completely matte, black opera gloves?
Every pair I've purchased so far has the icky shine so they look off with the rest of my outfit.

>> No.7002416

I want to get into lolita and this will be my first dress. I want the blue one, but it's only available in a large. A Medium will fit me perfectly, but it is only available in black. I know a properly fitting dress is important, so should I go ahead and just buy the medium in black? Or should I buy the blue in large and have it taken in? How much money will it cost to get the dress taken in?
Thank you, I'm sorry if these are silly questions.

>> No.7002421

is this a help thread for anyone?

I'm from /fit/ so I don't know anything about this outside of wanting to try a cosplay event once to see if I get into it and I was just in that "ITA," thread and read the entire thread.

What's a good I guess entry level cosplay outfit for someone /fit/?

>> No.7002454

Suggestions thread:

>> No.7002543


Says they're matte spandex.

>> No.7002548

are your measurements just under the measurements for the M size? if they're very close I'd size up because it can be kind of tight if you're too close to the actual garment measurements.

>> No.7002567

The size medium is at least a little bigger than my measurements especially in the chest and just a bit in the waist. I guess I can size up, I hope I won't look silly though, I really don't wanna look like a tent in it!

>> No.7002635

yeah, I understand! it's probably better to have to take it in a little than have major boobloaf though. not that I care most of the time but it looks bad with that dress. it's a great dress for bustier lolis, too, if you get the right size. I'm planning on buying it soon to wear as a cute winter coord.

isn't it funny that one of bodyline's best sailor dresses is in the costume section?

>> No.7002900
File: 13 KB, 500x500, matryohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost the reference I was going to use, and can't remember the important details such as how far to extend the zipper or how to stop the waist turning into a blob. Help in either matter would be greatly appreciated.
The reference had her wearing something like this with a pair of ankle boots and black socks.

>> No.7004108

What's the actual name for that kind of flexible plastic that makes the cover of plastic binders and notebooks? I need to buy a big sheet of it.

>> No.7004157
File: 75 KB, 480x640, 180black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find a good black feather boa? I need one thats mostly actual feathers and doesnt look cheap, the less 'fluff" the better.

>> No.7004182

Google is your friend.

>> No.7004187

Ive tried that. Everything I find looks very cheap.. Or just doesnt come in black.

>> No.7004195
File: 214 KB, 596x874, Liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying Lissa from FE at AN next year. Her outfit is simple enough, just wondering about two things if you guys have ideas about how to help me
1. I'll be travelling overseas to AN, so I was wondering if any of you had any ideas about how I'd make a collapsible hoop skirt?
2. I'm pretty decent with props, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to the top part of her staff. I've thought about carving expanding foam, but then I realised you need actual skill for that. Does any one have any ideas or am I just going to have to deal with not making her staff?

Much appreciated guys, pic related, Lissa's outfig

>> No.7004226

Get one that looks good and dye it maybe?

>> No.7004259
File: 20 KB, 200x323, oxy-tanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im thinking of doing something with tanks for my next cosplay they would have to be on my back sort of like a jetpack.
they are somewhat expensive. is there anyway i can get empty ones for cheap or recreate them like with some foam or somethign

>> No.7004272

Soda Bottles,bro. 2 liter ones.

>> No.7004274

cylindrical foam and craft foam.

>> No.7004277

Other than the heel being a little too thin, these boots are practically perfect for the cosplay. It would be a lot less effort to do a bit of editing to the boots than to make bootcovers.

>> No.7004280

thought about that, they would be abit small unless i ducktaped a bunch together
ok ill check it out

>> No.7004532

So cgl I have these vinyl appliques and I was wondering if it was possible to be able to stick these on a shirt with some kind of glue perhaps? And preferably with a product that won't permanently fuck the shirt over in case I ever want to take them off?
Even if it's temporary...

>> No.7004551
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 11222-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, /cgl/, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I decided to play around with EL panels for the first time and I got one panel (bit-ly/1aTPEpP) and an Inverter Battery Pack (bit-ly/17cC117 also pic related). So I put the batteries in, and the panel lights up for two seconds and then goes out and the Battery Pack starts making a weird smell, so I guess I've shorted it out?

Now I have to order another and hope it comes before Otakon and I'm wondering, did I do something wrong? Or was the equipment faulty?

>> No.7004650
File: 27 KB, 500x375, sadonigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plais respond QQ

>> No.7004770

Since there isn't any technical specifications for the battery pack on the site, I'm going to make a guess that either the batteries isn't compatible or the EL panel overloaded the pack.

>> No.7004781

Well that is just pleather and puffy paint

>> No.7004785

Oh, shorted out one of those too. Because I attached two EL panels to the inverter instead of one. One at a time though and it worked good. What dimension is your panel and where did you get it?

>> No.7004840
File: 85 KB, 400x600, DC Direct Mini-Bust - Blackest Night Star Sapphire 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the heck do I build tights into a leotard? I want the tights to attach the leg holes to the boot covers, and also fill the spots that are open around the symbol.

but i have... no idea how to do it without it ripping or anything. What kind of stitch would I use? Do I just sew it all in and pray it doesnt get runs?

>> No.7004844

Don't use shitty nylons for one. Get high quality dance tights, or make your own. As for the stitch to use, as with any stretch fabrics you'll want to use a zig-zag stitch.

>> No.7004848

How would I do it? I dont have much experience stretch fabric. Put the tights and leotard on and mark where to sew them in?

>> No.7004881

It's exactly what I linked. 10 cm x 10 cm and from Sparkfun.

>> No.7004944

Dressform. Make a duct tape one if you're poor.

>> No.7004961


I have the same one. Perhaps the batteries weren't compatible then? Mine worked when attached one on one.

>> No.7005026
File: 12 KB, 449x335, pravdaflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I can print a custom made flag for really cheap while having it pretty good quality? I want it at least 4'x6' and have it be double-sided. Also, would I get in trouble with staff (AX) for carrying this around?

>> No.7005029
File: 114 KB, 679x605, red-or-blue-halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on making the Blanca cosplay, and I thought while the head dries from primer, paint, what have you, I can start sewing.

I'm concerned for the dress because I want that nice smooth look with minimal rippling if say I use some petticoat. Other pictures of the girl's cosplay confirms she includes a hoop into the bottom of the dress, so what sort of material would I use for the hoop part?

Also, it's been a while since I made a pattern but I just want some second thoughts on this. Pardon that the drawing is rough. I'm not sure if I'm better off going with the red or blue route.

>> No.7005037

A hula hoop? And maybe satin?

>> No.7005261

good effin' luck. The cheapest I found a custom printed flag for is $70, and it was one sided 3x5. (I'm talking about printing though, not screened.)

With that design, why don't you get a large piece of fabric and applique the design on? Or screenprint it?

>> No.7005269
File: 853 KB, 936x1471, pravdrecuitment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have clarified a little better. I'm looking for something below $120, and I really don't have any skills when it comes to making stuff like this. I'm looking for the cheapest option possible, but still meeting those requirements.

>> No.7005428
File: 962 KB, 896x1755, KungLao_Cutout_001_copia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a way to make resistant big hats?
I want to make the Razor-Rimmed Hat the one the guy wear in the pic.

>> No.7005441

I want to print a large pçicture at a polyester fabric. Asked around printing shops and they say they can only print on fabrics resistant to high temperatures and I don't think it's the case. How do I do this?

>> No.7005652

Thanks for your input but I think the hula hoop will be too thick for my liking, and I have the fabric covered. I was asking about the pattern choices, though after sleeping it off, I may just go with the blue route, and alter the pattern from there.

Anyway, I would like to hear more suggestions for hoop part.

>> No.7005828
File: 948 KB, 1920x1080, arya-and-gendry-arya-stark-34187582-1920-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wig suggestions for Arya? I've been considering getting a lacefront, but I'd have to get a long one and cut it in that case, I think. It'd be ideal if I could spend less than 50$ really, but I'll def cash out more if I need to.

Also any advice on how to make stuff look authentically dirty without smelling so would be appreciated.

>> No.7005860
File: 134 KB, 774x1032, the blue prints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ First time posting on this board but this seems like a good time.
I'm cosplaying for the first time as dallas from payday the heist and I wanna ask what the best way to make pic related would be

>> No.7005872

Best method would be clay sculpting it then molding and casting off that, but if youre a beginner thats going to be pretty tough, not to mention fairly expensive. Your best bet is probably to (and i cant believe im saying this) sacrifice a bit of accuracy and just browse some costume shops/ebay for a mask with a similar design and then paint over it.

>> No.7005891

I've done abit of clay sculting before and my mother is very good at crafting so I'll probably go with option A and get her help or go for option B.
Thanks very much for the advice.

>> No.7006065 [DELETED] 

Cool, but just make sure you study up on molding and casting as well if you go with option A. Also i cant stress this enough, if you do try molding, DO NOT SKIMP ON MATERIALS. cheap little molding and casting kits you find at craft stores will give you shitty results. Order through a legitimate supplier for that sprt of stuff. Oh, and dont order through smooth-on, those bastards jack up prices like youd never believe. You can get far better products at far cheaper prices if you go through an industrial supplier. My personal favorite is Industrial Polymers, check them out if youre looking to buy that stuff.

>> No.7006069

>>7005891 #
Cool, but just make sure you study up on molding and casting as well if you go with option A. Also i cant stress this enough, if you do try molding, DO NOT SKIMP ON MATERIALS. cheap little molding and casting kits you find at craft stores will give you shitty results. Order through a legitimate supplier for that sprt of stuff. Oh, and dont order through smooth-on, those bastards jack up prices like youd never believe. You can get far better products at far cheaper prices if you go through an industrial supplier. My personal favorite is Industrial Polymers, check them out if youre looking to buy that stuff.

>> No.7006113

Arda sells a short lacefront for $55, but they take some working with due to the large cap size and huge amounts of poofy wefts in front.

Sandpaper and wet coffee grounds are my default weathering tools

>> No.7006177
File: 63 KB, 378x500, Beastplan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy two zentai suits, remove the zippers and cut them into approx the shapes shown (obviously you'll need to make a better pattern because this is 5 minutes of paint)
then sew together and put the zipper back in.

>> No.7006192

So what? It looks good.

>> No.7006303
File: 241 KB, 199x182, tumblr_lzvb7aJYEf1qctrto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god thank you anon
you are my savior

>> No.7006521
File: 41 KB, 1280x697, CyborgNoodleTakeAim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplay Cyborg Noodle and I'm having trouble picking out a wig..
Sometimes Noodles hair is purple, but in the video with the best reference for CyNoodle- her hair is more of a blue.
Of course it might just be the lighting and stuff but it's making me go crazy.

>> No.7006606
File: 283 KB, 399x614, i stg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me if I'm right with thinking this dress needs an a-line petticoat? I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous and don't want to mess up with my first dress, ehehe.

>> No.7006618

I'd say go with a very blueish purple, but make sure it is on the darker side and a bit more ashy in color, I am no wig expert so I regretfully have no brands or wigs to cite in this instance.

>> No.7006652
File: 885 KB, 1196x1600, Art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for patterns I can modify into these shirts. Any suggestions? I'm sort of a beginner so tutorials on adding high collars or parting the bottom like that would be great if not. Thanks.

yes a-line for that, for sure. It won't handle anything too puffy; if you're buying straight from Bodyline, pick up one of theirs for starters.

>> No.7006843
File: 2.01 MB, 3500x1500, crimsonbebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning the Crimson Typhoon design in this line-up. I'm waffling between using EVA foam or the pep and resin route.
I think the EVA route wouldn't be the best because of the texture, but I can't work the pepakura program on this computer and thus cannot make it.


>> No.7006846

Fuck why do these exist

>mfw kind of cute

>> No.7006853

You really do suck at lolita. That dress is hardly lolita...

>> No.7006869


Curious to know why can't you use pepakura on the computer? Don't have the required specs to run it?

Anyway, if the texture of EVA foam bothers you you could coat it in plastic and sand to make it smooth.


>> No.7006972
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20130730_220016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone know how to paint boots of this material? they're like ugg suede material.

>> No.7007926
File: 438 KB, 449x460, Skärmavbild 2013-07-31 kl. 16.37.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a long-sleeve cardigan that's thick/wide at the buttons, like this. Only it needs to be a V-neck and in light grey.

Also looking for a place that sells the typical anime V-neck sleeveless vest without buttons, available in many colours, for future reference. Currently browsing Taobao but it's slow going.

>> No.7007963
File: 313 KB, 926x1000, Kidou.Keisatsu.Patlabor.full.938302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of doing the Division 2 uniform from Patlabor and I have some questions about it.

First of all, what's up with that blue jacket? I don't quite understand what it's supposed to be like, since it blends so seamlessly under the vest.

Also, what material would be good for the vest? A friend said enstex would work, but I don't like how it shines. I think the vest is supposed to be matte.

One last thing, anyone happen to have useful patterns for this?

I think that about covers it all, the sleeve badges I think I'll get from eBay.

>> No.7007986

It looks to me like it's in three parts actually. If you look at the woman, there's a bit of a gap between the sleeve and vest at the armhole, and there's also the white of the office shirt showing past the black sleeves. The vest also doesn't line up exactly with the armhole of the black shirt, if you look at the guy.

I wonder if the black is a sort of jumpsuit, with the white shirt underneath and the yellow vest overtop?

But I don't think anyone could fault you if you made it as a vest+black sleeves combo, like a jacket.

>> No.7008177

I'd rather keep then as 3 separate parts, I'm just confused about how to do it.