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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 375x500, decololi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6995977 No.6995977 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've been wearing Lolita a considerable amount of time (3-4 years)
and I feel my coords are just boring.
I'm absolutely terrified to go "out there with it" and accessorize.

So /cgl/ what is a good way to accessorize?
what Items are a "must have"?
what Items are Dos/Donts?

Posting Lolitas with god-tier accessories works too
thank you!

>> No.6996010
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>> No.6996016

That black girl is so pretty omg.

>> No.6996020

Imo, soft bonnets are an immediate 'dont'. Like, nobody has ever looked good in one in the history of the world. They truly make you look like an adult baby.

>> No.6996021

don't buy cheaper things. They are cheap for a reason most of the time. If it's something small like a ring than okay. If you want a fancy hat or bonnet needs to be more than 10USD

Also keep them where you can see them. So often you think I'll put all my bows in this box and you can often forget what you have because you don't see them often enough to remember.

>> No.6996029
File: 578 KB, 852x585, hair accessory examples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Items in neutral colors are generally good staples: Whites, off whites, non-vibrant primary colors, and earth tones. Also try bringing out complimentary or minor colors in patterns w/ your accessories.
(Personally, I find overlarge headbows to be tacky outside of OTT sweet.)
Hats are a vastly underrated accessory, as are unconventional hair pieces or veils like in pic related.
Hope this helps!

>> No.6996041

I've been looking for those socks with the gold and white harlequin pattern everywhere. I see so many lolitas wearing them, but I can't find them. I've checked most of the brand stores, Taobao, Storenvy, Etsy, just about everywhere that I could think of. Can anyone tell me where to buy them?

>> No.6996048

AATP and Chantilly both make them, but there should be some on taobao as well I think?

>> No.6996054

Figure out what colors predominate your wardrobe, and pick up basics in those colors, or go for something that matches anything like pearls. For every outfit you want at least one of every accessory that matches. That means at least one hair/head accessory, one pair of earrings, one necklace, one set of bracelets or wristcuffs (I say set because you want one on each wrist usually), one handbag, one set of tights and one pair of shoes. That sounds like a lot but put on just one of each and it looks pretty tame!
Until you have all those basics, avoid getting stuff that only matches one dress. A purse shaped like a cookie will look weird with a kitty themed dress, but a purse like a heart will look ok with most anything. Once you have a good mix and match batch of accessories, then start looking for one great statement accessory for each coord.

Also as someone else said, keep your stuff organized! You'll have more ideas if you can see all your things easily. Hairbows are easy to clip to a bit of long ribbon and tack to a wall, and jewelry looks super cute and stays untangled hanging up on hooks or stands. That way you can easily spot what looks good together.

>> No.6996213

Harajuku Hearts has the Chantilly ones in stock according to their website, but their shipping outside the US is ridiculous.

>> No.6996305

What are some ideas for head and arm accessories for somewhat OTT/not OTT sweet? My dress' print is blue and pink and has cakes and stuff on it, but I don't really like those headbands with cupcakes and shit. I'm pretty new, so sorry if this sounds dumb!

>> No.6996319

Thankfully, I'm in the US.
Thank you dear anon for letting me know, I just placed my order for them!

>> No.6996420

They're available in ivory x gold on the Baby/Aatp website: http://www.babyssb.co.jp/shopping/ap/socks/109P820.html

>> No.6996477

maybe a large head eating bow for a more OTT if you don't want to do sweets with cakes.Arms are pretty much bracelets or wrist cuffs

>> No.6997152

thank you!
argh I'm on mobile and can't post photos, but I'd love it if we could all post pictures of lolitas with "wow" accessories!

>> No.6997194
File: 74 KB, 300x827, 1310722474261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have suggestions on where to get not too expensive hats for classic/gothic? I'd love a hat to go with coords but all I seem to be able to find are either way expensive or tacky "steampunk goth" nonsense. I mostly have black, red, and deep purple in my closet.
pic related because cute hats

>> No.6997240

I like a simple pair of wristcuffs. My Dearest Victoria makes some nice ones in custom colors. I own a few pairs of hers. Usually I'll wear a couple of pearl/beaded bracelets with them that match my dresses as well.

For head accessories, I like those two-way brooches with bows and pearls. Or you can just string some pearls to two ends of a bobbypin and affix to your head underneath some flowers or a bow.

>> No.6997276 [DELETED] 
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lolita dos and don'ts

>> No.6997299

antique malls, you might have to add flowers or some more gothic elements to them though.Also http://www.mspurdy.com/ has the cheapest hats I've see that look decent

>> No.6997309
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are my dearest victoria's wristcuffs that great?
I've inspected them in person and I just feel kind of iffy spending over $15 on some simple lace that goes on my wrist when I've gotten lovely dresses for $10 more.
I guess she can price them that high because there's no competition but still..
are they worth it?
or am I just being stingy?
why can't other loli-crafters hop on the wristcuff bandwagon, seems like there's money to be made, and if its $15 or below i'm down.
spending $20 for a couple strips of lace to go around your wrist just seems a bit.. much, don't you think?

>> No.6997316

They're not as nice as brand wristcuffs, no. I own a few pairs of AP wristcuffs and some IW ones and they are nicer. But they're not all too bad. The lace isn't quite as soft, but it's not Bodyline's lace. I also find the seam to be a little on the scratchy side. But otherwise, the ones I have are well made and hold up really well.

>> No.6997320

that's good to hear. I've heard good things about brand wristcuffs, and a long while back an anon took in-detailed pictures of hers and they looked amazing.
>message to loli-crafters out there, people will throw their money at you if you sell wristcuffs for $15 or less, hop on it!

on the subject of accessories, how are AP's accessories? any one have any other places to suggest to get adorable lolita accessories?

>> No.6997321

I feel like I lack a lot of those "basic" accessories and jewellery. I've never been a jewellery girl so I kind of lack all the staples, especially in headwear.
This is probably a really stupid but I'm so clueless in this area.
1. Where can I get small headbows (like sidebows and stuff) that would suit classic-casual-sweet? Second hand? Buying one headbow from the other side of the world second hand doesn't feel worth it with shipping and stuff.
2. I have very skinny fingers and hands/wrists so I can't wear any of the bracelets or rings at stores. Size "S" is always to big. Tips for this?

>> No.6997327

Fucking. great. It's not like I NEEDED dinner money anyway.

>> No.6997339

Forgot to mention but I can sew and craft. Tutorials for making your own headbows? What kind of headbands (I think that's what you call it...?) are good as a base?

>> No.6997351

She hand dyes the lace and wristcuffs are kind of a pain in the ass to make. As someone who sews and has made my own wristcuffs before, I wouldn't want to sell them for less than $15 - not worth my time. So that is probably why there isn't much competition.

>> No.6997363

That's right fatty

(I'm kidding I love you and you're beautiful)

>> No.6997374
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Headbows are SUPER easy to make! Theres like a million ways to do it though so you gotta pick how you want it. Here's one I have, might have another on here somewhere. They only take like a quarter yard of fabric too so you can make tons for cheap.

>> No.6997412

Where are you getting dresses for $25?

>> No.6997418


>> No.6997424

I've found amazing deals on the comm sales, like a btssb handmade replica dress for $30, a skirt for $15, two blouses for $10 each, went thrifting and found a taobao sailor lolita dress for $2 and then there is of course bodyline if that counts. maybe I'm just lucky. I DO own brand, but off-brand stuff is cheap if you know where to look.
I've bought wristcuffs at cons for $5 a pair so I didn't think it was too much to ask for something $15 or less. I don't even care about elastic. as long as I can put that shit on my wrist its fine and I'd give them my money. hand dying, attatchments, blah blah novelties-don't care about those at all.
>nice lace
>doesn't matter how It goes on my wrist-just as long as its on there
>under $15
not a lot to ask.

>> No.6997426
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>implying milanoo wouldn't scam the hell out of you for anything less than $45 for a peice of shit with scratchy lace thrown on top
top kek

>> No.6997533

anyone have any suggestions for lolita accessory/jewlery stores?
etsy, taobao, or other sites are all fine by me.

>> No.6997581

though i will politely point out that if you do decide to go with more "modern" or "exotic" hair items, that they should at least make sense with the coordinate. don't slap in hair sticks if your coordinate doesn't borrow from an eastern aesthetic. if you have a hair net from the ren fest that you've been wanting to use, think about whether or not your outfit has that period feel to it.
if you're looking for a specific color for fake flowers for your hair, shell out a little extra for good-looking flowers, and a bottle of acrylic ink. you can thin the ink with water, then brush over the petals, letting dry between coats, to the desired shade.
quality czech-glass pearls can be found incredibly cheap at most craft stores in a multitude of colors, and can be strung onto some clear jewelry thread (or fishing line) and woven throughout the hair for a tasteful, elegant accessory.

>> No.6997628
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>i bought wristcuffs for $5 once so there's no reason why people should sell them for $20, way too expensive!!

were they these wristcuffs?
because these look like shit.
enjoy your savings, I guess?

>> No.6997677

>nice lace
nice lace is usually pretty expensive, at a minimum $3.50 a yard. and sure, wrists aren't that big, but if it's going to be gathered you need at least 2.5 times the wrist size to gather nicely onto elastic or hand-threading ribbon through. then custom-dyed laces (or custom-made, even!), little charms, crystals, and that they probably would have to be hand-finished? yeah, i can see why someone would charge at least $15, depending on the details. if you want them so cheap, make them yourself.

>> No.6997688

Where do people find silk flowers for their hair? I've been buying ones on stems at crafts stores and then just cutting off the heads, but is there anywhere that sells just the blossoms?

>> No.6997698

i would like to know too; i do the same with buying at craft stores, and the ones i've seen on eBay just... aren't that impressive.

>> No.6997705


I just bought a bunch off of eBay. Just search "silk flowers" and narrow down to crafts if you just want flower heads.

There's also a taobao store with extremely beautiful flowers if you look in the archive. They're still attached to stems though.

>> No.6997709


Eep that lace.

No offense Nia, we all have our bad days, but ahhhhhhh that lace.

>> No.6997717

I'm in the market for wristcuffs for a reason. also, posting photos of me, kind of a bitch move.
I couldn't find my favorite wristcuffs that day, and my friend insisted that I wear the ones that she made me when we went out together. so that happened.
I look cute there, that was a fun day.

>> No.6997721

its my money jfc
get the sand out of your dusty cunts

>> No.6997736

sounds like you're the one with the dusty cunt. all i did was explain why your complaint about prices was unfounded.

>> No.6997737

Oh my god....I think I just might have lost all my spending money for the week and I'm not even a lolita.

>> No.6997742

Uh oh, she's getting ghetto.

>> No.6997747

didn't mean to respond to you, my apologies.
argh, this troll from the memphis community is quite annoying, I shouldn't let her bring this thread down.

>> No.6997769

Whoa, all I meant was "exotic" in the sense of out of the ordinary/unexpected. I'm certainly not encouraging people to shove their lunch chopsticks into their wigs, just to consider hair accessories that aren't usually used.

>> No.6997783

You know Nia. They do have a valid point. There's no need to insult them.Especially the anon giving the price breakdown.

Even I can perfectly understand why something like a pair of wristcuffs can cost more then $15.

>> No.6997831

I don't really see a valid point in posting someone's photo just to make fun of them.
If I buy the $20 wristcuffs will everyone just leave me alone?

>> No.6997834


Bleh! You have poor taste, now I can't take your opinion seriously anymore. That lace is really bad!

>> No.6997845


and wow some anon on the internets opinion holy shit woah that means so much to me

>> No.6997853
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I think you look great wearing those wrist cuffs. ;)

>> No.6997857

Who gives a shit what kinda wrist cuffs she's wearing, get back on topic and stop being a drama mongering bitch.

>> No.6997865
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Lets get back on track, Dolly house has some cute accessories, has anyone bought from them before?

>> No.6997866


I came to this thread to learn some places to get some accessories.
will you stop harrassing Nia and kindly shut the fuck up?
Lets get this thread back on track.

>> No.6997870

I was only complimenting her. I can't pull off a salopette cause I'm a guy.

>> No.6997881

you can never tell, people can be crazy here (as you can tell)
I've seen guys look great in salopettes.

>> No.6997908
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Yeah, everyone that dislikes you sure must be one random chick from your comm or whatever.

Couldn't possibly be your annoying attitude on cgl has gotten you any dislike, nope.

>> No.6997922
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alright everyone.
since I'm actually interested in this thread, lets continue this!
yes? good?
this store looks cute!
anyone have any other store recommendations?

>> No.6997926

You guys are worrying about the fucking lace? Her outfit, makeup, and hair are a disaster, but I guess that's expected.

>> No.6997933

tfw one time I semi-vendetta'd Nia because I thought she was Wonderfinch

>> No.6997935
File: 64 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mpjka6nKaN1qbhoiro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These accessories are pretty nice.
the lighting is shit but I love it none the less.

>> No.6997938

More of these and less ita please.

>> No.6997943

more like more of these and less vendetta lol

>> No.6997950

I don't see anything wrong aside from the lace. vendetta harder.

>> No.6997959

The hair is a mess, the blush is too heavy, the dress is really wrinkly and ill fitting. Unless you dress like that too, then I guess /cgl/ is really full of itas.

>> No.6997966

Then why do you actively post in ita threads? Damn you're stupid.

>> No.6997976 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck, vendetta harder Amber, Katzia, Leah, or Morgan.

Whichever one of you it is, you just continue to make your comm look shitty by being so petty on an anonymous message board, everyone knows it's you so just drop it and go on with your miserable days.

>> No.6998004

Your vendetta's getting really old and tired and has no legs to stand on, you post one picture which was interpreted by YOU, to look bad. Last time I checked your opinion wasn't that powerful and people could decide for themselves if something was ita or not. She looks perfectly fine aside from the subpar wrist cuffs.

Get a life and get the fuck out of the thread if you're just gonna shit it up with petty personal drama that doesn't belong in it.

>> No.6998005

Sorry about the thread OP, usually I have no problem posting on /cgl/ but the vendetta is strong with this one.

Trying to get back on track, you can find some cute (and well accessorized) coords on store mannequins, so I'd look at those for inspiration.

>> No.6998016

Sorry, I'm not the person who posted the picture. I think you girls are really delusional to think I'm a certain person, because god forbid someone has an opinion different from yours. Are you going to get all Rosaire on me now?

Also it's really hypocritical for someone who participates in ita threads when she can't even dress herself decently.

>> No.6998022

>everyone's delusional except for me

>> No.6998023

And there it goes again, "Can't dress herself" where's the proof to your statement? One not so great coord? It's gonna take more than that to convince everyone that someone can't dress themselves.

>> No.6998026

imo I think the coord looked fine other than the wristcuffs.
anon's just making an ass out of herself.

>> No.6998027

I was only the last person you quoted. I have no vendetta just a penchant for pointing out bullshit. Of course everyone that has something bad to say about Nia is a racist vendetta chan, right.

>> No.6998028

Diff anon. Proof... to what, an opinion of someone else's coord? We need "proof" to have an opinion now??? Holy shit cgl really is full of tumblrfuck whiteknights now.

>> No.6998032

There's at least 3 anons, then, because neither of those comments are mine, either, I made another couple. Nia is just delusional.

That said, we are derailing the thread, so...

>> No.6998037

You seem to act like your opinion is the only on that matters "SHE'S AN ITA SO EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE HER AS AN ITA!!"

You don't need to have proof to your opinion, that's your opinion after all. But it sure is a shitty opinion if the only supporting evidence to your claim of "ITA" isn't really that bad at all.

Move along little vendetta chan, move along.

Birds of a feather.

>> No.6998041

I get the reason why you feel the need to white knight. I'm not judging her as a tripfag, all I think was that outfit is bad. Maybe you guys should consider people can have different opinions, and it's not necessary a vendetta?

>> No.6998043

Maybe people have a different interpretations of what is ita? We had this discussion before already. You can calm your raging cunt.

>> No.6998047

if you just wanted to say the outfit was bad you could go about it in.. I don't know.. a way that doesn't make it seem like you are a bitch?
the outfit looks absolutely fine. her makeup looks fine. the wristcuffs look like shit.

>> No.6998053
File: 12 KB, 234x201, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to my thread?

>> No.6998056

Do they have a webshop or something? I think the picture you posted is adorable!
I feel for you, OP.

>> No.6998061

sorry OP! I know what its like to have "meh" coords as well- so I've been lurking this thread
I also feel op. I feel it too much.
yes, they have a webshop here
I envy their crafting skills greatly

>> No.6998064

Thanks for that link, Nia! You're the best!
I couldn't seem to find it, haha.

>> No.6998074

haha, really? its the first thing I found when I looked up "dolly house" lol
Here's a great place for accessories:
something to definitely bookmark!
thinking about getting the wristcuffs, I love them.
maybe then everyone will shut up lol

>> No.6998092
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woah hold the front door what is this?
cute wristcuffs for UNDER $15?
oh my I appear to be sold
look at this
but clearly, it has been.

>> No.6998100

I have some from her, they're comfortable and well made.

>> No.6998106
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thank you.

I'm going to enjoy doing this more than I should considering the shit I went through in this thread:
pic related is for you
pic related is esp. for you and destroying the fucking thread

and SOLD.
bought the wristcuffs

>> No.6998107

This girl is just amazing at accessorizing, her outfits really sold me on 'OTT' gothloli. @mariedauphine if anyone wants too check her out.
Though I think she just did bonnet + plastic clip in flowers as anons were suggesting earlier.

>> No.6998111

I laughed harder at this than I should have.
that store you linked was very good-I saved it.

anyone else have any reccomendations?

>> No.6998118

What kinds of things are you looking for? Most of the places I have saved are gothic and classic, so...

>> No.6998125

gothic and sweet.
my wardrobe varies quite a bit.
but how about you show them all to help other people in this thread?

>> No.6998134

Off topic slightly, but a few years ago I bought wristcuffs and they never arrived by a user of egl.. I messaged them, they apparently sent a replacement pair, which also never arrived, and I left it too late to do a paypal claim.. Also never left feedback. Still irks me to this day seeing them posting sales posts even though it was only around about $10-15 I lost.

>> No.6998138

; _ ;
that's terrible.
the seller looks pretty reputable so I really don't hope I come across that problem.

>> No.6998139

I think I posted a lot in the last etsy shop thread, but I like:
Really nice gothic stuff, very Suppurate System inspired, someone mentioned last thread she's been shipping slowly or hard to contact lately though, so be aware. Lots of brass, resin, roses... She sells through her own website now, no longer on her etsy.
>Eat Me Ink Me
The construction is very good. Accessory wise it's mostly like bows and stuff, mostly classic that I've bought/seen?
>Sweet Mildred
Floral headpieces are amazing, but personally I think the plain ribbon ones aren't as nice. As long as you stick to the florals you'll be satisfied imo.

Sorry if these are mostly places people have posted before, these are the most relevant ones I can think of though.

>> No.6998429

thank you for the reccomendations!
lets post well-accessorized coords

>> No.6998437
File: 549 KB, 963x729, tumblr_migawxY6ts1s3n6sko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post some collages and accessory closeups I have saved

>> No.6998441
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>> No.6998447
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Also a question/request while I'm at it- belts? What belts do you think work with lolita, when is the right time to use belts, etc?

>> No.6998460
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>> No.6998464
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>> No.6998478

I just got some from bodyline and they're honestly really nice? The lace is decent, they're pretty well constructed and they have cute little pearls on them. They're a bit huger than I was expecting though which is kind of weird. I can't find them on the site anymore.

>> No.6998479

where do i get a hairpiece like that?

>> No.6998480
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>> No.6998517
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The one in the picture is Victorian Maiden, but I'm pretty sure Surface Spell has made knockoffs of these at some point if you want one for cheaper. You can also probably find something like it on etsy since floral crowns started getting popular!

>> No.6998524
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>> No.6998526
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>> No.6998552
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>> No.6998554
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>> No.6998564
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>> No.6998567
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>> No.6998570

Yeah, I'd be willing to pay VM prices but they're all sold out :( I need it in Cinnamon or Ivory but they only have smaller pieces in those colours. Cry. Surface Spell's are pretty nice but I was hoping to find a Japanese source since I'd need it soon. Oh well, I'll find something.

>> No.6998599
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Ahh, that sucks. I'm not sure how often they restock them since I've only ever bought their pieces secondhand, but depending how soon you need it I think they do restock them now and then?

>> No.6998617
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>> No.6998623
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>> No.6998624
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>> No.6998625
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>> No.6998628
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>> No.6998631

Requesting co-ords with mini hats <3

>> No.6998632
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>> No.6998635
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>> No.6998639
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>> No.6998649
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And I think this is everything I have...

I'll post if I find anything!

>> No.6998658
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minitophats minidump

>> No.6998664
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Not sure if mini tophat or just a riding hat...

>> No.6998785

it's a riding hat.

>> No.6998827

holy i've never liked green much but this is lovely

>> No.6998828

thank you kind anon <3

>> No.6998955
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Off topic but, just holy fuck, I love this girl and her blog.
I wish I could have hair like hers.
That feel when hair is a frizzy dark brown mass of half curls and waves.

>> No.6998967

Isn't this the girl who mad scalps Closet Child accessories?

>> No.6998969

I fell in love

>> No.6998988

This thread is making me really fucking sad that my computer is fucked and I possibly wiped out the collection of lolita accessories pictures I had. It was a huge fucking collection too.


>> No.6999006

What is her blog? I actually don't know her name.

I love her too, anon. Her handle is imperial fiddlesticks, if you want to look her up. I believe she makes her own hats.

I think it might be, yes.

>> No.6999007

Wait, I'm stupid. Is that fairy emily?

>> No.6999023

What kind of hair accessories look best in short hair? All the things I've tried look silly and I don't like wearing wigs; suggestions? I wear gothic and sometimes classic. Pics would be lovely too if anyone has any.

>> No.6999041

Thanks! Gonna look her up.

>> No.6999042

How short are we talking? Like a bob in >>6998464
or shorter bob in >>6998524, or razored-short?

In any case I think hats work pretty universally on every kind of hair. Hair flowers also work pretty well on any hair length.

>> No.6999050

Fairy Emily.

>> No.6999093

Sort of between the two, and almost entirely straight.
I might try parting it to the side and pinning in some smaller fabric flowers. I keep thinking I'll grow it out and do pretty stuff with it but I just hate the feel of it past my neck.

>> No.6999399

I like AP's accessories, and they're good quality and sturdy. But honestly outside of the collectability factor, they are way too overpriced for what they are. I wouldn't recommend them unless you want the matching jewelry for this or that. That, and some items are over-hyped and end up selling 2-3x the retail cost (for example, the Toy Fantasy elephant and giraffe) I usually just search Etsy/Storenvy for cute jewelry and stumble upon shops that seem to have nice things for decent prices. A friend recommended Ali Express to me. She found all sorts of really cute jewelry for cheap, I've also found cheap jewelry making materials there as well.

I have a pair of her wristcuffs. The lace on them is cute and soft and they don't have the scratchy seam factor that the My Dearest Victoria cuffs have. But see the ribbon in the center there? On the ones I have, the stitching is all over the place. Otherwise, they're okay for $15.

>> No.6999431

Reading this entire thread stressed me out.
Are there people out there that crazy to hate someone that much? Goodness.
Sage for lack of contribution.

>> No.6999545
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I'm the anon who posted >6997628, I left it there and then went to work for eight hours. this is the first time I've been in the thread since, so reading over your accusations of 'vendetta-chan!!' has been really amusing. really, nia, you can't really expect to go around trashing other people's outfits in ita threads and not expect to eventually get some flack for your own. all that photo did was call you out. the thread's derailment afterwards was wholly due to your inability to accept criticism and let the subject drop.

and now to actually contribute:
shoe clips are awesome for lolifying plain heels or boots. Buy ribbon, clip-on earring backs, and whip yourself up some bows to make your shoes kawaii as fuck. I've also seen ones that are floral or cameo clips.

I also really liked kayzeekay on blogspot for her shoe garter tutorial, I thought that was cute.

>> No.6999598
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I've seen Nia around in threads and things are usually fine.
I think she handled the critism well and did her best to get things back on track despite everyone's (and your own) obnoxious behavior.
what derailed the thread was not her "inability to accept criticism" but anons not getting past their petty hatred of some trip.
I'd appreciate it if you would stop trying to bring this up and let my thread continue on its natural course.
I did not intend this thread to be a place where people flaunted their hatred for others (despite being on /cgl/)
but rather a helpful place for others like myself to learn how to properly accessorize.
I frankly think its quite annoying and shows how desperate you are for drama that you feel the need to try to drag it on a day after it happened.
let it go. take a breath. have a cup of tea.
move on with your life
and let me move on with my thread

>> No.6999644

if nia hadn't continued responding as if to her 'vendetta-chan' then I wouldn't feel the need to correct nia's assumption that all of this is perpetrated by a single person. you clearly haven't been on /cgl/ for very long, but there are reasons why a number of other people stepped in with a response of consensual dislike.

and I ended my post with an attempt to get back on topic, so I don't see why you feel the need to defend your thread now when you couldn't bother while the actual dramafest was going on.

have some taobao links and calm down. it's /cgl/, this isn't unusual.

>> No.6999649
File: 323 KB, 500x609, wristcuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these wristcuffs are four fucking dollars.
you're welcome, bitches.

>> No.6999650

I've been on /cgl/ for a while.
I've participated in Ita dressup threads-those are fun.
I appreciate nia's dumps in the ita threads.
on anon, nia's been nothing but kind to me.

thank you for the links but really, please, stop talking about it.

>> No.6999686
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>anon keeps trying to return to original topic
>OP keeps bringing up drama to whiteknight

>> No.6999734

so much god damn lace.

i love it.

>> No.6999747

and I don't have to pay $25 for wristcuffs too.
anyone buy them before? they look cute.

>> No.6999752
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Back on topic how do you guys make ribbon bows? I've been sewing them together but they seem prone to changing position. Pic related is a very simple one I made to try things out, but the lace part keeps going out of position. General crit on construction or whatever is also welcomed

>> No.6999757


Also my mobile is fairly retarded, but it will lad upright. Apologies about that.

>> No.6999762

Tack it into place with a few stitches?

>> No.7000047

god I want a wig like that

>> No.7000053

Arda-wigs sells poof clips and short wigs/bangs like that.

>> No.7000060
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You have to make the the pinch/fold and sew through it. It's easier to do if you keep the layers flat, and sew along the center, going with a large stitch in up in up and pull it into the fold shape.

>> No.7000520

these look like shit. god everyone in this thread has shitty taste

>> No.7000529

post pictures of good bows then
no really, seriously - what makes these bad and the ones you like good? generally curious.

>> No.7000533

Not that anon but >>6999752 looks pretty bad. Also the ends on >>7000060 aren't sealed at all.

>> No.7000561
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I think Fan+Friend makes some really cute headbands and hats, and not too expensive either

>> No.7000564
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comes in several colors

>> No.7000566
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captcha: Free hatbua

>> No.7000593

Is anybody else having an issue with Fan+Friend's website? For some reason the website is derping for me and only partially loading when it was working fine the other day.

>> No.7000622

I just ordered a pink and yellow accessory lucky pack from Sweet Mildred. I've seen her floral headpieces in person and they are absolutely amazing like you said. I hope the ribbons are cute even though they're not god tier like the rest of her stuff.

Is it tacky and silly that I'd love a pink fawn collar? She probably doesn't make any but since that review was posted on egl the other day it just reminded me how cute they are to me