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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6995873 No.6995873 [Reply] [Original]

you folks should be good with it

best ways of making hair white?
>inb4 getold

>> No.6995874
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Get a wig.

>> No.6995889

Bleach it as light as you can, and then apply a lilac toner.

Get a professional (or at least an informed amateur) to do it for you, though. Bleach is seriously damaging and there are some hair types that it should never be used on (for instance, if you are black and have relaxed hair, attempting to bleach it white will more than likely lead to it disintegrating).

>> No.6995890

like, the hair will be gone?

made into ashes?

>> No.6995895

No, but it'll be so badly damaged that it'll just break off in your hands.

>> No.6995898

aww, thats bad, total disintegration would be cool

>> No.6995956
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So i've had white hair before.. I sure as fuck hope you're ready for the "pain" that comes with it.

Basically its :
>Bleach until it reach platinum blonde as its called, or just the blondest you can get it really.
>Toners until even more blonde and plat.
>Toners with purple/lilac.
>Silver shampoo for keeping it.

Just a reminder, this will damage your hair sooooooo much, some people even end up with getting "gummy/jelly" substance hair which means you overdid it, so remember hair repair on a 3-days base atleast, getting white hair is hard.

Or just do as Boris says : >>6995874 you wont be spending a ton on it like doing it the hard way.

Be careful Anon.

>> No.6995970

It'll actually turn into goo and melt clean off your head. My hair stylist once had a girl try to use really strong bleach on her hair twice in a row. She came into the salon after she had done it herself hoping they could fix it. She went from having butt-length hair to having it cut just a little below her ears because it couldn't be saved.

>> No.6996006 [DELETED] 

oh, this is a good place to jump in and ask this i guess cause its sort of relevant
whats the most effective way of getting white eyebrows for cosplay? my friend has her wig ready but for the test shots we tried to kind of... seal hers in with wax and then coloured them in white pencil crayon and a bit of powder but it didn't look very good

it's kind of a hard thing to even visualise, really, so i'm not sure what we were doing wrong

also is white mascara as awful as i think it's going to be? i googled it but the only brand i can find is stargazer and thats kind of... 90s goth tier, right?
a lot of places do a mascara primer 2 in 1 thats a white one to start and a black one to go over, but i don't know if that looks okay on its own.

ignore me if its rude to push into this thread uninvited, but please do share some of your makeup knowledge with me im a guy i dont have any of my own

>> No.6996050


do absolutely nothing for 50 to 75 years

>> No.6996055

I'll pop in to say coconut oil is good for preventing the damage from bleach.
Coat your hair in coconut oil and leave it in for a few hours, then wash it out. Do this every 3 days or so, if your hair gets dry/fried looking.

If you do fry your hair and it falls out, get a wig until it grows back.

>> No.6996066


I think you are looking for this thread. >>6971240

Anyway, I have tried those coloured mascara thing (to lighten my eyebrows, though not as radically as make it white) and I guess they work okay. Gotta trim those brows a bit though because it looks a little chunky sometimes.

Have you tried the burn-the-coloured-eyeliner method? Like you warm up the eyeliner until it just glides on pretty thickly.

>> No.6996119

oh, thank you, i'll delete and repost

>> No.6996498

Bleach it to the yellow-blonde stage then tone the everliving hell out of it with violet toners. Your hair is going to be a mess though unless it's already around a level 6 or lighter. Root upkeep is a nightmare and should honestly be done by a pro so you don't overlap bleach and end up with your hair melting off in huge chunks. I'm a natural blonde (level 8.5) and I still get nervous doing a high-lift dye on my roots to maintain my platinum hair. The back is really hard to do on your own.

Wait AT LEAST a week between each bleaching and do protein treatment during the downtime. Honestly, Coconut/Olive oil isn't going to do much to keep it healthy. That shit barely penetrates the hair shaft and pretty much only serves to coat the hair and make it look shinier. You'll need heavier duty shit for this. During the entire process of getting it to white do not touch heat to your hair, get regular trims, and if you put it up do so loosely.

After you get it there, you'll want to use sulfate free shampoo/conditioner and have a bottle of purple shampoo on hand for when it gets brassy. Tressa Watercolors is fabulous for depositing shampoo. Make sure you are super gentle with it after this too, and you might want to consider a good haircut when it's all said and done.

Keep in mind, some people flat aren't able to do white hair. For whatever reason sometimes all the pigment won't come out and you'll just have a platinum blonde. If you tone it a few times and it's not getting any whiter, accept it and move on. No need to damage your hair more than you have to if it's not going to work.