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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6995581 No.6995581 [Reply] [Original]

That "people looking at lolitas" thread from a couple days ago reminded me it's been a bit since one of these. Weird or funny encounters with the general public?

>> No.6995603

I saw a shitty L and a bunch of Homestucks at the mall. I leave town for two years and a shitty cosplay comm pops up

>> No.6995605
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>Be at con
>Getting late, con is drawing to a close
>Everyone is chilling in the lobby
>People mention that they're hungry
>Consensus is reached that the only place open at this time of night is McDonalds
>My friend and I decide to head off to get food
>Half way down the street look round
>Everyone else has decided to follow us
>mfw I lead an army of 50+ cosplayers into McDonalds
>mfw we literally pack out the tables
>mfw the manager throws us out for being weirdos in silly costumes

One of my fav con memories ever.

>> No.6996176

Oh my god that sounds like so much fun

>> No.6996193
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>be a fat sixteen year old, into lolita for about half a year and self conscious as fuck
>do my best to start wearing coords out in everyday life, very mixed results
>go to walmart with my father to buy a couples of things
>three mexican bros start laughing at me
>they take my picture without my permission
>"dude I cant wait to post this to facebook"
>catcalls, bo peep, pointing, etc.
>everyone in the store staring at me
>courtsie and leave rather distraught
>cry in the car with my father
>vow to lose weight and become more confident

Honestly I think that day hardened my resolve more than anything. I'm glad I didn't give up; every outing has been wonderful since!

>> No.6996217
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>people saw me without a gf
>they laughed

still no gf.

>> No.6996237
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>order pizza
>always dress up for the delivery
>pizza place is familiar with the address
>they always send their newest or most hated employees there
>mfw I open the door

>> No.6996275


Stealing this anon, I'm have me some fun this weekend

>> No.6996355

Never curtsey to those who are mocking you. Take their photo and post it to the SJW on Tumblr instead.

>> No.6996356

When we see bible thumpers door knocking down the street, my boyfriend puts on his start trek uniform to answer the door. He & his room mate bought snuggies just for this purpose, they like to pretend they are in a cult and the snuggie is their uniform and the doorbell has interrupted a meeting.

>> No.6996449

>grew up in the sticks
>never any biblethumpers in my neighborhood
>move to populated city
>have grand prank plans
>realize my city is super liberal and atheist
>never get my chance

>> No.6996517
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oh god, I've been laughing for a good five minutes.
oh this shit is gold I'm going to have to do this.
my sides are in orbit
I creyed so hard I burst into treats
why is this so fucking funny

>> No.6997487

bampu desu

>> No.6998050


>Con used to be across street from mall.
>Mfw going to mall in costume, seeing everyone else in costume while all the teenager, guidos and other mall rats look at us like freaks.

good times.

>> No.6998325

Pretty much whenever I see cosplay in public, I cringe and pretend to not look. Cosplay in public is dumb most of the time.

Unless you're talking outside a con while one's going. It's slightly less dumb then.

>> No.6998336

>Be at con with friends on a Friday
>One friend is dressed as Bilbo Baggins
>Decide to take a bus back to his dorm as things begin to settle down that night
>Forget we're at a pretty infamous party college
>At one stop the bus gets filled with 15-20 drunk college kids
>Everyone's singing "Happy Birthday" for some reason, guys are doing pull ups on the bus railings
>About five start freaking out at my friend, "HOLY SHIT ITS THE HOBBIT FROM THE HOBBIT"
>Get off the bus with the two old black ladies muttering "White people, man. White people."
>Pass by a frat house having a party while walking back
>Friend has drunk people asking "WOAH ARE YOU BILBO" or "WOAH ARE YOU FRODO" or (my favorite) "WOAH ARE YOU THE LORD OF THE RINGS?"
>Friend says "yes" to everyone

>> No.6999487

From the thumbnail, I thought that the black haired guy next to the grandpa was George Zimmerman.

>> No.6999493
File: 173 KB, 500x280, coneofshame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to do a photoshoot in the woods on this one particular mountain, but in my area there are so many damn hikers around that it'd be almost impossible.

I'm also really self conscious about people giving me strange looks for dressing in a costume and having people snap pictures of me. Oh boy.

>> No.6999746

worked at a clothing store in a japantown district. kids would come in after school wearing cosplay anime wigs, sometimes in half cosplay outfits, and kigurumi being obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.7003146

Two thumbs up for great Indian cosplay.