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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6994977 No.6994977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have we come to a point where this whole "Cosplay =/= Consent" thing has gone way too far? Or the point where anything that isn't positive towards anyone cosplay is pure "negative?"

>> No.6994989
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>[hugboxing intensifies]

So if their cosplay is shitty, I have to lie?

>> No.6994997

"Thanks for showing up to the con"
You would sound like a fucking sperglord saying that.

>> No.6994999
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You could just not say anything unless specifically asked for your opinion. That was hard.

If you want to give criticism, even if constructive, do it before a convention, not during it.

>> No.6995000

I don't see anything wrong with this. Isn't there enough negative avenues in cosplay for us to enjoy that we can't occasionally have the hugbox just for variety? jeez.

>> No.6995004

Everything must be politically correct nowadays...HUGBOX TIME.

>> No.6995011

Isn't this what we always do to cosplayers we like anyways?

If their cosplay sucks, I'm not gonna say it to their face, I'm gonna make fun of them later on the internet like everyone else.

>> No.6995031

>Confusing political correctness with good manners
I don't suppose you're a fedora-wearing militant atheist, too?

>> No.6995157
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>Good manners and not being a complete douche to someone in public

Is it honestly that physically hard to compliment someone when the deserve it and/or keep any negative comments to yourself? At the very least you don't need to be a dick to someone to their face. You can at least stand in the corner and have a subtle little giggle to your also shitty friends.

>> No.6995169

How is being openly kind bad?

I don't understand. It's not like you're being asked to get down on your knees and masturbate as you lick some fat ratty-wigged Yoko's boot. You can, you know, actually look for something worth complimenting (fabric choice, tailoring, whatever) and just move on silently if you don't find anything done right.

>> No.6995222

Yeah, I feel like people would be more creeped out if someone said that to them than nothing.

>> No.6995230

I don't think it's about being nice vs being mean. It's about the need for some kind of acknowledgment or recognition. People may want it but they shouldn't need it. Plus it's worded in a way that's purposely intended to try to not offend anyone. I sort of dislike when people walk on eggshells for everyone, it seems really disrespectful to me in a way.

>> No.6995282

I swear. 'Thank you for coming to the con?' Talk about sounding insincere. What ever happened to 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?'
Fuck. I'm all for general tolerance and politeness, but since when is telling someone sincerely 'hey, you I like your costume.' Not only seen as invading a personal space but apparently supposed to be handed out like the left over smarties you don't want to eat?

>> No.6996510


It always had been a tad bit too far. But this is a fucking first.

>> No.6996528
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I think the problem with a lot of the progressive, social justice hugbox 'movements' is that they treat cosplay and nerdy hobbies like they are supposed to be the moral beacon for the rest of humanity, like nerds and geeks and dorks and weebs are all supposed to be the kindest, most caring, and understanding people on the planet.

It's an expectation that dooms people to disappointment and anger. I can see more people getting turned off from this sort of shit all together just because cosplayers and weebs and etc can be short-sighted, simple-minded, rude, inconsiderate assholes just like any other human being.

This whole twisted idea that nerds should be kinder just because they are used to being picked on, but it completely ignores that nerds are just as snobby and elitist and exclusionary as the jocks and normlafags that pick on them.

Hugboxing makes people think that, because they consider themselves part of a subculture, that they are accepted by their subculture and that their subculture is just like them, which is why you get guys who whine about the friendzone and fake geek girls in the same amount as girls who bitch about creepers and consent. One side thinks that everyone is a lonely beta who girls don't want to touch, and the other side thinks that they are part of some magical, all inclusive utopian society where everyone is ultra tolerant and understanding of their quirky ideologies.

In either case, the problem isn't cosplay or nerds.. It's that people are fucking terrible and they will never not be terrible in large groups and gatherings.

>> No.6996556
