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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 956 KB, 269x430, 01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6991258 No.6991258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Walk past this person.
>Glance at her.
>She says "what the fuck you looking at pervert"

True Story.

>> No.6991262



>> No.6991264
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>> No.6991266
File: 97 KB, 960x720, 148522_528497700539575_829923553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never imagined TPZ had such a hot bod underneath that Zelda outfit

>> No.6991268
File: 40 KB, 500x334, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you staring at my boobs? You creep!

>> No.6991273

Flabby as all hell

>> No.6991280

Most of these cosplaywhores have never seen the inside of a gym.

>> No.6991284
File: 60 KB, 1200x900, 1071686_525740280815317_1904023438_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6991287
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>> No.6991288
File: 151 KB, 500x375, 1370527445592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dumb bitch. I'm a woman myself and I really hate this thing where women wear super revealing clothing and then get mad at men for looking. Bitch you are dressed in pasties for a cosplay, you obviously did it for attention. It's like this friend I have that got huge breast implants and wears super low cut tops all the time. Then she complains to me about how men never look her in the eye, or are always staring at her breast. She stopped talking to me for like a week when I told her "Good you got your moneys worth then." During when of her "stop looking at my titties" Bitch out sessions.

>pic related looks like the girl in OP's post needs this.

>> No.6991286
File: 805 KB, 160x120, 1372350756772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what the fuck you looking at pervert"
I'm laughing because I'm sure this made you pissed as fuck.
Oh and protip: Everyone already knows she's a slutty bitch, so nothing she says really matters.

>> No.6991292

>Bitch you are dressed in pasties for a cosplay, you obviously did it for attention.

>> No.6991298


>> No.6991300
File: 1.76 MB, 1701x2551, 1374255973608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6991299

I would've kicked her right in the gut.

>> No.6991305


>> No.6991307

>calling this girl flabby
Girls, stop please. Lol. Call her a dumb bucktoothed bitch for all I care but that woman is far from flabby.

>> No.6991311


>> No.6991312
File: 316 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_1522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6991308


>muh augmented breasts
>muh stage makeup
>muh red dyed hair

All this shit to distract from the fact that the girl is still 5'3' 145.

>> No.6991309

Is this SDCC? I saw her at DragonCon last year she was meh, the DareDevil with her was more impressive costume he was sweating bullets in the full leather costume. I'll upload some pics later

>> No.6991313

Seems average to me.

>> No.6991318

So she walks around pretty much naked and gets mad at people for looking and calls them stares?

>> No.6991314

You know this whole cosplay-consent thing is about people thinking they have a right to touch someone in a costume rather than people just looking at a person in a costume?
That being said, there was a thread here where some guy took pictures of people looking at a bunch of Lolitas, like, for fucking real, you're going to embarrass them for looking at a bunch of girls in pretty dresses? Because abloo-bloo-bloo they have no right 2 luk at me, 2gud4thenormies

>> No.6991319


How do I go up to half naked girls and ask to take their picture? I dont want to be called out on being a pervert in a crowded place.

>> No.6991328


Any more vids of her ?

>> No.6991327

>getting embarrassed because a half naked bitch out in public is calling you the pervert
Consider the source, anon. Just ask.

>> No.6991333



>> No.6991336

wtf, man, that stupid milf is disgusting. The only difference between her and any other milf is that she is naked + she is so fucking stupid. Don't be so beta, next time and call her the attention whore she is

>> No.6991341


Please do

>> No.6991343

They're there to get their pictures taken and spread all over the internet, dumbo

>> No.6991344


"Hi can I take your picture?"

Its only creepy if you make lewd comments about their body or ask for an obscene pose

>> No.6991348

yeah guys keep giving her all this attention that she wants gg

>> No.6991346
File: 99 KB, 1152x768, 1374505975689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really a true story or is it just to incite discussion? I saw this pic on the front page only reason I'm on this board.. but do cosplay girls actually act like this at cons? Dress like whores and then wonder why guys oogle them?

>> No.6991354

Are you kidding? Look at that stomach pooch. Some crunches and a run wouldn't kill her.

>> No.6991353
File: 21 KB, 273x300, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Eww look at that guy over there. He keeps hovering around and staring at us. I think you better call security.

>> No.6991356


It has been known to happen. Women dont like it when you stare at their tits. Even if their tits are hanging out.

>> No.6991357

Wait what the fuck, is my phone working correctly? Because it's that a picture of me in lolita that I just tried to upload here instead?

>> No.6991359

So who is this exactly, it seems like some seagulls have run across this lady before.

>> No.6991360
File: 305 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-07-23-12-34-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.6991362

Yeah that's not the picture I uploaded lol..

>> No.6991364

>stomach pooch
I don't think you know what that means...

>> No.6991368

imageswap I guess

>> No.6991372
File: 99 KB, 1152x768, 1374505975689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one I uploaded was pic related but it did that one instead I dont know why i dont even have that pic on my computer

>> No.6991371

Oh okay that's good, I guess it's just my phone. I was very confused for a second.

>> No.6991378

I dont either, something must have gone wrong and maybe we posted at the same time or something.

>> No.6991383
File: 68 KB, 360x480, vampirella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont objectify me

>> No.6991380

I remember her, she was posing with some wolverine dude at a booth. Apparently she does the same getup every year.

>> No.6991381

On another note, reading those comments, I hate people who say "oh that's so... different." Dumbass doesn't know what to say and wicthblade is old as fuck it isn't anything new

>> No.6991382
File: 31 KB, 360x450, WWWD00Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that is why I have a hard time understanding my friend who gets mad at men looking at her after spending thousands of dollars on giant fake boobs. My boobs were never really that big, but I want them to be completely flat. I really don't give a shit about if people look at me or not.
>pic related my idea body type

>> No.6991391

Who is the biggest cosplay whore going around at the moment ?

>> No.6991393


its a known 4chan bug when two people upload pics at the same time

>> No.6991398

>attention whoring deluxe
>complain when you get attention

yeah ok

>> No.6991400

>dat cellulite

Fuck, you cosplayers really have no standards.

>> No.6991401

I honestly think it's funny. Yes, groups of people in costumes/outlandish outfits can be a spectacle and I wouldn't be offended at all had I been one of those lolitas, but I wouldn't mind turning it around on them for a laugh. Then again, I was raised to believe staring is rude, no matter the circumstance. Either make conversation so you can get a closer look or walk the fuck away.

>> No.6991405

This, absolutely.

>> No.6991407 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 500x200, 1371063353987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem thighs

>> No.6991413

She doesn't look like she really exercises but it's not like people who are thinner and do exercise don't have cellulite

>> No.6991414
File: 499 KB, 500x200, 1371063353987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991415

What, on her ass where the majority of people get cellulite?
Look I think she's an annoying bitch. I think she's stupid and a hypocrite. But her body is objectively not bad. So can you like ease off the bait so more girls on here don't develop EDs because of this psychotic 'standard' that they're supposed to obtain somehow?

>> No.6991420

She's hot, I'd fuck her, but she sounds like an awful person.

I need more game practice before I get close to her.

>> No.6991418

Practically everyone has cellulite and/or stretch marks. I'm willing to bet you've never seen a naked woman in real life.

>> No.6991423

The Bionic woman, good taste. She is so much prettier and has a nicer body over all than the woman they picked for that shit remake.

>> No.6991421

But who is she?

>> No.6991429

Just say "Nothing special."

>> No.6991435


Jacqueline Goehner

facebook /HappyGoJackie

>> No.6991437

Why are you morons defending her?

>> No.6991438
File: 47 KB, 470x346, hyde-kelso-michael-kelso-steven-hyde-that-70s-show-Favim_com-107556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991444

She sounds like a cunt but certainly isn't fat.

>> No.6991450

LOL she's insanely sucking in.

>> No.6991453
File: 65 KB, 500x960, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her SS Zelda is as bad as her first. Not to mention she has a chubby/average build and nothing to offer facially.

Why are people giving this bitch attention?

>> No.6991455

Because she walks around naked, but don't look you silly boys.

>> No.6991459


I was the first person you quoted, I wasn't trying to defend her

>> No.6991458

as annoying as the bitch is, attacking her weight is major desperation.

>> No.6991464

ew... a halfway-outie bellybutton...
call me eight years old, but that's pretty gross...

>> No.6991465
File: 953 KB, 380x218, 543245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people not defending her behavior at all
>just saying her body isn't bad
What do you want from us? A witch hunt?

>> No.6991463
File: 84 KB, 275x275, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck about what a fat fuck says

>> No.6991469

She doesn't just have the same getup every year. She wears the outfit to at least 5 different events per year for the past two years. It's the ONLY thing she wears.

>> No.6991480

God how the crotch and ass pieces on that thing must smell. Do you think she knows how to clean it properly?

>> No.6991481

Why, thank you~

>> No.6991487

Her face is incredibly ugly.

>> No.6991496

Not to mention she wears it everyday per convention. That shit is nasty.

>> No.6991502

I just want to kick her on the cooter.

>> No.6991504
File: 78 KB, 500x475, 1352213197905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that bitch why doesn't she cut it off like ew who does that who has a bellybutton like that

>> No.6991512

ball fell too close from home?

>> No.6991513

Thanks for your concern. I have no problem getting sex and women.

>> No.6991514


They don't. Look at the legs of cross country/track and field runners.

>> No.6991518
File: 213 KB, 720x720, 1372559560820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn un-rustle your goddamn jimmies. I'm not saying anyone has control over their bellybuttons, but damn, at least don't show it off that much if it's an outie.

>> No.6991522

hear hear.
sure the girl sucks but her body is very hot, and if she has any extra fat it's minimal and doesn't detract from her attractiveness, and it isn't unhealthy. insulting her by calling her fat just makes all the nice girls here feel bad.

>> No.6991523

I always thought exercise gets rid of cellulite, since it worked for me. It's one of the reasons that makes me love to get fit. I guess I'm just lucky...

>> No.6991524
File: 128 KB, 575x476, 1373791321824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! talk about OWNEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

how does it feel to have a F**KED UP HALF BELLY BUTTON?

>> No.6991531

It sucks, thanks for being a bitch about it.

>> No.6991532


anon is right
outtie belly buttons are gross. it looks like someone stuffed chewed gum in there.
Im willing to accept it though. since all belly buttons are created to attempt to please me.

>> No.6991537


Im so sick for getting turned on by reading this

>> No.6991546

Honestly, this.
She isn't even fat in the very least. Attacking her weight is pathetic and desperate? Sure, she seems like a real asshole, but why would that effect how attractive her body is? I'd do her.

>> No.6991547

bitch please shes no victoria's secret angel. shes fat.

>> No.6991553


>> No.6991560

>nice girls

pick one

>> No.6991561

Some girls on here seem nice.

>> No.6991562
File: 23 KB, 462x327, untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not defending her butthurt about being stared at but anybody who thinks this is a fat person is fucking mental.

>> No.6991569

Chubby girls at this age (hopefully over 18)should have learned by now to not care when someone who clearly isnt fat, is being called fat. Im hoping theyve all had that one skinny friend who fishes for compliments with the "oh I need to lose weeeiiight :<<<< "

>> No.6991583

my response would've been
>"your exposed body"
>stare harder

>> No.6991587

I'm more worried about what's going in a persons head when they think an average to slim sized person looks offensively fat.

>> No.6991591

The only nice girl on /cgl/ was Lobitah. The rest is your usual "I AM WESTERN WOMAN SO I WHORE MYSELF OUT TO PROVE HOW EMPOWERED I AM, HEAR ME ROAR!!".

And that one girl with blonde hair.

>> No.6991595

>mary jane =/ all of cgl

Just kidding mj.

>> No.6991601

ikd, man I dunno who she is, but I think she's kinda cute.

>> No.6991603

It happens more than it should.
>not liking a girl
>shes automatically a whore, slut, fat, and stupid

When someone doesnt like someone everything they do and everything about them is offenseive.

>> No.6991599
File: 482 KB, 500x274, sumire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991600

ukraine is lovely and kind.

>> No.6991607


But here >>6991264, she's fatty shaming.

>> No.6991613

Nope, she's just another of those NO FUN stuck up bitches who don't trashtalk and only suck up to everyone to maintain an e-persona.

Same goes for Katsumiyo, that girl who wears fake tits because she has ugly breasts, and co.

>> No.6991617

I know her irl and she's a very nice person, stop judging people you don't even know.

>> No.6991619

I don't get it. Always expect being stared at in costume especially as a woman. Society isn't going to suddenly change over night because you got stared at.

>> No.6991629

so she's no fun because she doesn't mock people with you over the internet?
no, she's a sweetheart, a genuine nice person. stop being so bitter.

>> No.6991636
File: 11 KB, 338x321, mdkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly fine to fat shame silly anon.
Fatties, after all, are subhuman pieces of shit with no value in this world. Fatties just hate me for my sexuality because they can't get laid, and never get compliments. That's why it's bad to slut shame, because it just proves how jealous and fat all of you are <3

>> No.6991638

Yeah, shes sorta flabby.

>> No.6991643

>doesn't trashtalk
>this makes her a not a nice girl
the fuck kind of logic is that

>> No.6991660

I wonder if Jackie has actually gone crazy. I really didn't expect her to turn out like this, she was nice when I met her 7 years ago.

Or maybe that's just because I was a kid and drooling fan. Who knows?

>> No.6991657

>ugly face

No one WOULD objectify you. You're ugly as shit.

>> No.6991663

Not that anon, but I get what she meant. People who come to this place are drawn in by the drama. There's really no telling if someone is genuinely nice or a two-faced bitch since everyone is anon. Just because someone is a tripfag here doesn't make them any more innocent. I'm not trying to shame who you're defending, since I haven't even heard of the tripfag. There's a lot of kind helpful anons here, but I don't doubt they don't have a mean side. It doesn't make them bad people though.

>> No.6991664

I now want to hang myself.

This is too much.
I really can't.

>> No.6991662

come on man- a little cottage cheese is good for you.

>> No.6991668

"aww man I'm walking around almost naked why did people stare at me"

>> No.6991671
File: 13 KB, 366x427, 1365912841839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may be a bitch but she certainly isn't fat

>> No.6991675

It's far beyond that though. People find not only touching but they way someone is acting as a threat. I have friends who are really sheepish and when certain people come up to them(usually social awkward people) she'll ask "Anon, am I okay, is that guy gonna stalk me and rape me? Should I call someone? No bitch, you're cosplaying from a game about busty ninjas of course you're only going to attract creeps!

The real problem with this is that people abuse these kind of things, either due to their own stupidity or due to the huge hugbox of people rallying behind them. Some men(and women) can get pretty creepy, that's true. But there comes a point when idiots start blaming men entirely and ignoring the fact that many of them aren't pussy hungry ass grabbing frat boys. And it's totally wrong to blame and be bitter towards an entire group due to the shittiness of a few of it's members.

>> No.6991674

>hamsteak reaction pic
go back to the HS thread.

>> No.6991684

how can you call this >>6991287 not fat?

>> No.6991688

>she was nice when I met her 7 years ago

She's an actress. Of course you thought she was nice. She's always been a bitch and uses people at every chance she can.

>> No.6991690

Do you live in a colony of anorexics anon? At worst her body is average, which isn't a bad thing. Not everyone has a god tier body and that's okay.

>> No.6991692

>At worst her body is average, which isn't a bad thing

>not a bad thing
disguting. stay pleb

>> No.6991693
File: 136 KB, 800x806, The_Women_of_Twilight_Princess_by_ThePrincessZelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fat. And to think there was a time when you could see her ribs.. she really let herself go.

>> No.6991695

Easy. She's not fat.

>> No.6991698

Out of shape? Yes. Fat? Nah. She doesnt have the body for the costume, but def not fat. Those tight jeans arent helping.

>> No.6991712

We're not?

We're just explaining cellulite???