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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6988012 No.6988012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Today, I was at the Comic Con Lolita meetup. (Non-loli dude but I'm friends with a whole bunch of the SD local ones). It was pretty awesome, but it turns out, 3-4 dozen lolitas is apparently something that makes even SDCC stop and stare. So while they were trying to figure out just what the hell they were looking at, I was sneakily (kinda) taking pictures.

I give you: Random People Staring At Lolitas.

>> No.6988016
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>> No.6988017
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>> No.6988020
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>> No.6988022

this is perfect ty anon
i love seeing this kinda shit hahaha

>> No.6988024
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>> No.6988025
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>> No.6988026
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>> No.6988028
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>> No.6988029

This guy yelled at his son from "disrespecting" the lolitas.

(by the way, these were all taken with a 3DS, which is why they look so shitty but also how I was able to get away with it, people don't react like they do with a phone or camera.)

>> No.6988030

I swear, people act like a poofy dress is such a spectacle.

>> No.6988031

i think i like that guy

3ds camera
good idea

>> No.6988035
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>> No.6988040
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>> No.6988041
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>> No.6988045
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>> No.6988042

That guy looks a bit like samuel l jackson but maybe I just need sleep.

>> No.6988050
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>> No.6988052
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>> No.6988054
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>> No.6988058

These people shoved OTHER Lolitas out of the way to compliment one girl on her coord. Okay?

He didn't in person, but I like your verison better. It's funnier.

>> No.6988060

Honestly, if I saw a flock of lolitas, I would stare too. Come on people, it is pretty out of the ordinary, and it's not like people don't stare when you're in cosplay.

> inb4 cosplay =/= lolita

>> No.6988062

Awesome! Thanks anon
Do you have a group photo of all the lovely lolitas?

>> No.6988064


A shove is still a shove. And shaming people for being rude is still fun.

>> No.6988066

I wear lolita and I'd stare as well. While the pictures are funny and I'm enjoying them, I don't think it's weird that people are staring.

>> No.6988071

Yeah, but there's stares, and then there's "stares".

Some are "Wow, that looks amazing!" and others are "Oh, look at the people dressed in different clothing. Let's stare at them condescendingly for not wearing a t-shirt and jeans."

>> No.6988074

I want pictures of the lolita crowd.

>> No.6988076

This is beautiful.

>> No.6988081
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I do! This is off my phone so the quality is a little better. The event had a Hello Kitty sponsorship (How cool is that?) so they had crew there with MUCH nicer cameras, as well as just people who brought nice cameras so better pictures will be showing up soon.
Yeah I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to be down on people for looking or being confused. It's understandable. I just think it's also funny.

>> No.6988083

Yeah, but it was at Comicon. Where there are huge crowds of weirdly dressed and costumed people *everywhere*.

>> No.6988086

>Grazia crown

Bitch looks fabulous.

>> No.6988090
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>> No.6988095

They're also by a Hello Kitty stand and I see a giant smurf in one photo

>> No.6988096
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>> No.6988098
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>> No.6988099

And some of the starers are in HK ears!

>> No.6988101
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>> No.6988105
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>> No.6988107
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>> No.6988108

Well no wonder...

I hate it when people stare at lolitas, but dear god, even some of the good lolitas look like poo poo.

>> No.6988111
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>> No.6988112

these are awesome, OP.

however, the sheer size of the average american has been weighing heavily on my mind lately, and so these photos also depress me.
also, why the hell does everyone look like shit? these people don't even look like nerds or neckbeards, which i would expect at this type of thing.

>> No.6988113
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>> No.6988119

Most of these pictures are taken in the "amusement park" area that isn't properly part of the convention. It requires no badges or any entry fee. They had a huge Hello Kitty setup (of course) as well as Smurfs and abunch of new movies and shows and video games all running promotional stuff.

The people who actually had badges (the real nerdos) were off inside the hall.

>> No.6988123
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>> No.6988125
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>> No.6988128
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>> No.6988127

I love all of those :/ faces being made

>> No.6988130
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>> No.6988133
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>> No.6988134
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>> No.6988135
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>> No.6988137
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>Disapproval intensifies

>> No.6988139

pig on the far right

>> No.6988143

You lil' mothafuckas better stop bashin on the frilly as fuck ladies.

>> No.6988148

Why do people sit on the dirty ground especially in Lolita..

Also, check out the hippo in this picture >>6988041

>> No.6988157
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>> No.6988159
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>> No.6988161
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>> No.6988163
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>> No.6988164

Dude have you never done a group photo? Either you go all out and get platforms for people to stand on in back, or the front people crouch or sit . You just HAVE to.

>> No.6988165
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>> No.6988167

there's a new mad max movie coming out? oh shit

>> No.6988170

>The Game

You dunderhead.

>> No.6988175

I have and you don't have to sit on the ground. I can see the people crouching but still sitting on the ground is just gross.
I would never let my beautiful, expensive dresses and outfits touch the dirty floor. There's nothing elegant about that at all.

>> No.6988176
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And who can ever forget, "Wait Can My Kids Be In This One" Guy.

Welp, I'm out of candid shots! Hope you enjoyed, because I laughed my ass off getting them.

I KNOW RIGHT!? I think she figured out what I was up to and was not feeling it.

>> No.6988204

yea but shit- look at that woman and her kids eating ice cream. take those bastards to the pool or something god damn. I know you cant afford to go to disney world but...jesus.
I was raised to believe that staring was impolite. Unless theyre naked and waving around hotdogs.

>> No.6988209

This is so funny--people with disapproving looks should probably remember that although SDCC has become so much more mainstream, it is a comic book convention, and it should be a safe place for people to express their interests.

>> No.6988236

What'd his son do?

>> No.6988238


>> No.6988239

called lolitas weird.

>> No.6988242

This is why I don't like cosplaying outside of Convention Center grounds, even if that parking lot at Petco is part of Comic Con.

>> No.6988270

but you see cosplayers like a MILE away from the con in downtown during SDCC. they're everywhere.

>> No.6988271

Seriously, I kind of don't get it at this point. All those :/ faces just make them look like killjoys. 70% of them are in shitty walmart shorts and tees but their faces look like they'd be 5 seconds away from a. complaining to SOME AUTHORITY they can't think of at the moment b. making a snotty remark on the fly and embarrassing themselves.

I like the regular gawkers, though. They seem surprised but pleased. Intrigued?

Baltimore, oddly enough, seems waaaay more accustomed to cosplayers around Otakon season.

>> No.6988371

I want to know what wig she is wearing. I am covetous.

>> No.6988377

Similarly, I'm covetous of her JetJ Sphinx parasol!

>> No.6988381

Yeah. You'd think they'd be used to seeing people in odd outfits during comic con. Heaven forbid all these odd dress people come to San Diego and bring the city a ton of money. Not to mention the con is having all this outside entertainment, so I think they can put up with a few girls in poofy dresses.

Should have really brought some kind of blanket or carpet for the girls on the ground to kneel on so their dresses weren't touching the ground.

>> No.6988435

You should submit the ones where people are taking pictures to the lolitapaparazzi Tumblr! I saw a bunch of tagged photos uploaded yesterday from some meet, but I'm gonna guess that some /cgl/er started it?

>> No.6988434

they are weird, but i agree you don't say it out loud like that.

>> No.6988436


can you link this? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.6988441

jesus tittyfucking christ, 90% of the lolitas look like shit honestly.

>> No.6988463

This is quite an eyeopener. I like the positive reactions, it's surprisingly more than I expected to see. The negative reactions are interesting too, those people are always poorly dressed. Good for laughs.

Some of the lolitas in the group could lose a few pounds, but overall I think they are all pretty well dressed.

>> No.6988466

Sorry, I remembered the name wrong!

>> No.6988473
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Would date the one on right side with blonde wig, she seems cute... But i'm sure she have some sort of nasty personality.
Her friend though on left side looks like she have some sort of heritage in the jewness, that nose.

>> No.6988496

I think a lot of the people in this thread are reading the faces wrong. When caught unawares by something unusual, you stare at it a bit to try and understand what's going on, and I daresay you adopt a severe face and don't smile until you figure out what it is (and make sure its not going to kill you, if we're going by evolutionary habits). Lolita is unusual, even amongst other cosplay.

Also. isn't a comic convention an unusual place for large amounts of lolita? While it is a fashion that can go anywhere, wouldn't it be more usual and expected at a more Japanese-y convention?

>> No.6988504

the discrepancy between anime cons and comic cons really surprises me. I have yet to go to a comic convention, and having only been to anime conventions, it was really shocking to me when people starting bitching about "fake nerd girls" going to conventions, because there have always been girls at anime cons, it wasn't any sudden thing.
Nerds at comic cons bitch about girls and nerds at anime cons bitch about ravers, I guess.

>> No.6988576

D*Con is going to be my first non-anime con this year, and I'm kinda preparing myself for the difference than what I'm used to. I'm used to seeing everything under the sun at anime cons, whereas Sci-fi and comic cons have a specific theme in mind, and you definitely stick out if you don't adhere to it.

>Nerds at comic cons bitch about girls and nerds at anime cons bitch about ravers, I guess.

Also this. I love how even though anime cons are seen as an excuse to go all-out, and dress in the most extravagant, ridiculous outfits, the ravers always look out of place.

>> No.6988580

what do you expect? americans eat shit all day long, i don't know how they stand all that deep fry and shit

>> No.6988614

Is that little boy her kid? He's adorable

>> No.6988622


I get really tired of not the "stares" of curiosity, but the ones of ridicule. People pointing and laughing and then people taking pictures without permission pisses me off. (I believe people should always ask before taking photos b/c you never know where they'll end up)

Once some lady tried to take an upskirt shot of me, while she was with her three daughters. That's what makes me angry.

Staring and being curious is okay, but being cruel just because of the way someone's dressed is never okay. Especially at these nerd epicenters, you'd think people would be more accepting.

>> No.6988671

Guy who took the pics here. Worth noting that I don't think ANYONE reacted outwardly negative. Any comments were positive or just curious, and that includes comments people were making just to each other.

And trust me, I was listening. It was one of the few times in my life my 6 foot+ self wasn't being noticed.

>> No.6988679

>Once some lady tried to take an upskirt shot of me, while she was with her three daughters. That's what makes me angry.

OMG slightly unrelated, but I once was in the grocery store and had this crazy old lady lift my skirt up to see my petticoat.
>*sweet smile* I used to wear those when I was your age!

She obviously meant well, and I was too surprised to do anything other than awkward smile. She was pretty much doing that Christian Bale macro, lifting up my skirt and pointing at my petti then shouting across the store.

>> No.6988683

I've noticed this a lot recently too... as a heavier person and someone who has lost a lot of weight. It's motivation to work hard to get down to my goal and keep it off. I swear at my job, seeing people who look to be around a healthy size isn't as common as one would expect, especially when you begin paying attention to it.

I live in the Midwest, and I think a lot of it is general diet, income=cheap shitty food, portion sizes, people drive to get everywhere and seldom walk unless it's for leisure, which is rare because TV. I lost 60lbs by just watching my calorie intake and still ate shitty/fried food fairly often. But people are fairly mindless about it.

The fuck. She tried to upskirt shoot you? I'd whirl around and tell her, "M'am how would you feel if someone tried to take pictures up your skirt, or up your daughter's skirts? Yeah, don't fucking do it." The audacity and lack of thought and common courtesy in some people.

That said, whenever I'm out in public in Lolita, I usually have my phone in hand so when people try to get pictures of me, that usually deters them.

>> No.6988681

I'm in no way attached to the lolita fashion, or even wear anything remote but JESUS FREAKING CHRIST IN A BIRCHBARK CANOE THAT GROUND IS DIRTY WHY YOU SIT ON IT WITH PRETTY DRESS

>> No.6988689

That's the one I noticed too! She's really adorable.

>> No.6988699

/co/ here
we hate you Loli scum that is why you got all the shit looks you weeabo pedo bait aren't wanted or welcome at Comicons

the Twilight and Hunger Games people are more welcome than you

>> No.6988700
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>/co/ here

>> No.6988706

I hope those are scrubs he's wearing, because then I'm going to call him "Doctor Respect"

>> No.6988710

>Go to one of the largest "nerdy" conventions in the world

>> No.6988711

There were like not even 100 lolitas there. Barely noticeable among the sea of cosplayers

>> No.6988718
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He thinks we care that he's from /co/, that's so cute!

>> No.6988728

Fucking this.

>> No.6988734

Oh shit mad max game

>> No.6988748

>/co/ here
/co/ is not hivemind you peice of shit

>> No.6988766
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When I take pictures I like to make sure they notice me. So they know how it feels to have someone take a picture of you because you're wearing some sort of clothes.

>> No.6988779

Bad pictures? I saw them up close when they were walking around and most looked great. I loved the goth Lolita with the comic con waist corset.

>> No.6988782

Same. When out with my local community and we see someone taking "sneaky-pics" of us, whoever spots them usually screams "PAPARAZZI-TIME" and everybody whips out their camera and we have a small involuntary photoshoot with them. Most people seem to understand our point fairly quickly.

>> No.6988803
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>/co/ here

>> No.6988804

We're pretty fucking disgusting in this country. I have a slim-athletic build myself, but I used to live in the southern midwest, have since moved to a more liberal/cosmopolitan city where everyone's health conscious (though not obsessive or superficial levels), and I can't stand going home now. If I go out for a run in my mother's neighborhood, people literally stare at me like I'm insane, and when I realize that almost every other person in any given store is obese, I want to vomit. God damn.

>> No.6988810

In my experience, D*Con is only different in that the crowd is older and far more relaxed than most of the anime cons I've been to. There was far less anime-related cosplay, but it's still present, far fewer people are running around and screaming like retards, and absolutely no one gave me any attitude for being young or a girl. Easily my favourite con, to the point that it's become one of the only conventions I'll actually pay to visit. You may not exactly blend in with all of the more common costumes, but there are heaps of obscure outfits running around, so no one's going to think twice about it.

>> No.6988813


Ugh that would be horrible. I live in northern california and don't deal with that at all, there are so many people biking and jogging.

>> No.6988832

>/co/ is not hivemind you peice of shit

yeah it pretty much is 2 hive minds /co/ and Tumblr cunts and their faggot friends

>> No.6988877

I've heard there's more of a frat/bro presence than there used to be though - dudes who show up at the con expecting to crash room parties and ogle girls in sexy costumes.

>> No.6988892

>hey kids, didnt get you anything for christmas so...heres a .75 cent ice cream and girls in pretty dresses

>> No.6988895

Have you even browsed /co/? I wouldn't consider it hivemind.
>every board on 4chan thinks every other board is hivemind

>> No.6988955

That was my SDCC experience.

>People say that comic cons have a more mature crowd than anime cons
>Rude, smart-ass attendees and vendors all weekend

This is the second year in a row I've had a bunch of negative experiences. The more mature crowd just seems burned out and jaded. People aren't half as willing to talk as they are at AX. The frat types whistling and screaming shit don't help the situation any, either.

>> No.6988968



>> No.6988995

I've only been a couple times in more recent years, and maybe I was too busy dicking around in panels/with my friends to notice this, but you may be right. All I know is I've had amazing times attending panels and signings during the day and drinking/taking photos with con-goers at night without anyone being rude to me or acting like a dick my or my friends' revealing costumes.

>> No.6988997

did you tell this story years ago? I think I've heard it before..

maybe it's just not an uncommon request lol

>> No.6989079

This should be implemented as a thing to do at outings. Thanks for the idea!

>> No.6989165

Yeah cause I'm really going to carry around a giant piece of carpet every time someone wants a group photo.

>> No.6989167

Employ a valet or manservant. Make sure they dress nice.

>> No.6989254
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>> No.6989360 [DELETED] 

you know what's even worse, when a fat bitch like me goes running or working out and "slim-athletic" people like you stare and gawk at me.

Yeah it feels really fucking nice when you're ridiculed for actually trying to lose weight.

>> No.6989374

you know what's even worse, when a fat bitch like me goes running or working out and "slim-athletic" people like you stare and gawk at me.

Yeah it feels really fucking nice when you're ridiculed for actually trying to lose weight by the same people who want to vomit at your appearance

>> No.6989408

You're a piece of shit. If you don't want to ever see fat people I suggest you gouge your eyes out.
I'll never get why fat bashing is so acceptable here. I'm not defending fat people for being overweight or unhealthy but people like you act like they murdered 50 babies and pissed in your coffee.

>> No.6989456


Weird question, but I want to know too! He is adorable. I don't know why but seeing lolitas with kids always makes me smile.

>> No.6989477


Fat people are fine, but obese people who heavy breath and gasp while walking and are so large that their fat won't fit in a decent sized chair that seems ready to break from them being like 300+ pounds, that is when it just gets pretty awful to be around, especially if they are the type to always complain about how they aren't being "accommodated" and demand things like free extra airline seats and shit because they won't fit in a normal one. That shit really grinds my gears.

>> No.6989497

No one does that shit outside of tumblr. Stop projecting. You know you just shit on fatties to feel better about yourself. Their only sin is being too fat for your comfort. God forbid some girl goes and cuts herself at night because you thought she looked disgusting trying to work out at 300 lbs.

>> No.6989500

This fashion is too damn high!

>> No.6989502


I don't think you really thought about the logistics of someone being over 300 lbs and working out in public. That is pretty large to be doing any kind of working out that isn't extremely low impact and probably not done in front of other people.

>> No.6989510

I'm over 300 pounds and I've worked out in public. Walking is working out and low impact, right? Though I am a tall, muscular male(still fat as fuck obviously) so I can understand the social stigma that a girl at that size would have to face.

>> No.6989515

um, I'm sorry but disgusting fat people do exist.

One that really stands out in my mind was someone I frequently saw outside the income assistance office in my town. She looked about 350-400 lbs, could barely walk, was huffing and puffing and sitting down whenever she could. She had 3 children than were all normal-thin. I wonder where her welfare money went?

How did she even get enough to maintain that weight?

Anyway, I don't care if you're a fatass working out in public. But if your wheezing in a public space, and I see you all too often, and you are not losing weight or appear to be gaining. You are probably gross.

>> No.6989521


I don't care about that as much, I just hate when they complain about people not being accommodating to them or the ones that always get like Tumblr social justice overreacting angry about "fat people hate" when no one has even remotely insulted them because of their weight. Those kinds of people do exist and they will go out of their way to blame everyone else for their problems, just like anyone else who has a personal problem that they blame other people for.

>> No.6989526

I never said disgusting fat people don't exist. Many do but not all overweight/obese people would qualify as such But I'm just saying that they are the target of everyone's scorn here. Even if they aren't that large, they get shitted on if they selfpost so most don't do it. All because someone thinks they look disgusting and won't hesitate to point it out.

Like when people call a person fat. No shit. They know that already and ridiculing them doesn't help their situation. Stick the knife in deeper and twist it, will you. Only a child thinks this is acceptable behavior.
I feel the same way about smokers with their yellow teeth and smelly clothes and hair but I tend to keep my comments to myself.

>> No.6989531

>Tumblr social justice
That the problem. Don't go there. In the real world fat people don't whine about "muh rights". They go about their lives as best they can. Tumblr is the echo chamber (I hate the term 'hugbox') of everything SJW and is not worthy of existing.

>> No.6989532


Thanks for taking these, they are hilarious! You're right that most people were pretty nice if they bothered to say anything to us - I suppose the people who wanted to snark realized that the numbers were against them and just slunk away :)

Thanks! It was a random Taobao shop find, not as curly as the stock photos but I'm really happy with it, especially for the price.

>> No.6989536

>In the real world fat people don't whine about "muh rights".

Oh no, they definitely do. You must have never been to Walmart or a fast food restaurant.

>> No.6989542

>Fat people
>complain at places like walmart
Yes they do, I can say this because I work at one. A lady spat in my face because we didn't have any more electrical carts because two were being repaired and it was a busy day.

>> No.6989546

Honestly I feel that the whole "ermegerdd disgusting fatties~" is only on tumblr and cgl. MAYBE the occasional facebook tough guy. I never hear people spout this asinine shit irl.
Especially when people generalize about obesity. Everyone thinks you need to be a 300 pound landwhale that can't move to be considered obese. Not to mention that your diet must consist of sucking down liters of soda and wheelbarrows of twinkies. Or that you've never exercised consistently at all.
At 5'3 and 240 pounds I was considered obese. However my entire life I've never been horribly picked on for my weight, never have been called gross out in public, or was never complimented on how I dressed. I've never had problems getting boyfriends, being social, finding clothes that flatter me (although I wish I had more variety), health problems, or any other of this supposed bullshit fatties are supposed to get for being fat. I fit in my own bus seat, I can fit an airplane seat with room to spare for my purse, and I can fit into seats for roller coasters.

And I've lost a bit of weight recently (I'm now back down to 215 pounds) but even then I still don't get shit for it even though I'm still obese. I mean if you're out in public and you stink, you're out of shape, and you look unkept in general I don't think your body weight will make a difference. I'd still avoid a smelly crackhead regardless if they're overweight or not.

>> No.6989552


You must not work in a place with a majority of fat people. That said, the vast majority of 'fat people' are like any other person - most are decent and nice, but some try to pull what the SJW people do, which is unfortunate because honestly it has less to do with less being fat and more with their horrendous personalities which you can find in anyone, not just fat people.

>> No.6989578

Walmart hamplanets =/= fat people in general
Those types are just trashy in general, no matter the size.
>inb4 hating on walmart shoppers I go there too sometimes.

/cgl/ is tumblr2.0 so it really is just Tumblrgulls squawking.

Those are like a needle in a haystack. lel

>> No.6989580


Seconding this.

>used to work in retail store across the street from assisted living apartments for seniors
>they take a shuttle over to shop every few days
>fat people and teens would take electric carts and some of the seniors would have to sit up front and wait for them
>manager makes a "Electric carts for elderly and injured only." sign
>fat woman who can walk perfectly fine, has no injuries whatsoever threatens to sue us for fat shaming

>> No.6989591

These are cracking me up
That is the worst smug look haha

>> No.6989603
File: 37 KB, 317x265, 1373686015312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sue us for fat shaming
People have no shame these days.

>> No.6989613


I asked her if she was injured and she said, "THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY."

>> No.6989619

can't you kick out those people?
it's a private business after all

>> No.6989652

I can't stand these kind of people. Hell, when my mother was obese(she lost the weight), she never once screamed about fat shaming or asked for special privileges because of her size. The only time I ever saw her use an electric scooter was when she broke her ankle. If we did amusement parks or other outings she walked. You know what my mom did if theater seating was too small, she stayed home and didn't complain to the theater because she knew it wasn't the theaters fault for her weight.

The only person who used a wheelchair was my grandma when we did an amusement park with a lot of hills.

>> No.6989673

Do you mean self post here? Because everyone gets shitted on for that. It's not fat hate.

>> No.6989681


She got banned when she pulled my manager's hair. And technically, no. Especially since my store wasn't a private business, it was a corporate store (though not a huge name).

>> No.6989685


>fat people and teens
>and teens

Why where teenagers using electric carts?

>> No.6989705


Many different reasons.

>"My ankle huuuuurts."
>"Oh, I was just returning it to the front."
>riding on them with brooms to 'joust'
>piling 7 people onto one cart, two in the basket and the rest hanging onto the driver

One of my favorite work moments was when one of the 'jousting' teens broke a cart. Our security officer took him into the holding room where we took shoplifters. The kid was acting tough-shit the entire time, saying "Fuck the police." and "I don't give a fuck."
Security called his parents, told them they had to pay a few hundred dollars to replace the cart. Dad and mom yell at him and he's suddenly crying like a bitch and begging them not to ground him.

>> No.6989736

Not who you're replying to, but I've seen several teenagers take electric carts just so they can fuck around with them, generally because they don't have anything better to do.

>> No.6989858


my sides

>> No.6989993

/cgl/ and I think the internet in general can be pretty vicious when it comes to the fatties. But IRL, people are generally too chicken to say that shit to anyone's face.

I got all sorts of shit for being a fat cosplayer (old pictures of me occasionally crop up in threads here) and at my highest weight, I was 215. Though said pictures are usually around the 180-190 range. I'm at 150 now, and looking in the mirror, I see the difference and I really don't look all that fat now, just a bit more to lose. My goal is 130. Right now, I look healthier than most of the people coming into my store, I'm sure I won't be excluded from being called a "disgusting fatty-chan" in the future on here or BTB. Hell, I self-posted in one of the last plus sized lolita threads when it was being raided by /fit/ and got all sorts of nasty comments about needing so much fabric (when I barely stretch the shirring on my brand dresses made a size 6). Little do they know, I lift and work out at home (I can't make it to a gym very often at all, but I do what I can), I also unload trucks and frequently lift 40-60lbs all the time in succession on a daily basis at work, and I'm aiming for a fit body. I'm actually quite strong and in relatively good shape, albeit with a little body fat to lose.

Come to think of it, I've only ever been called fat online. Usually the fat comments come from dudebros and neckbeards who are trying to make themselves feel cool (as if I want your nasty cheetos-covered wang), or girls who know no other insult aside from fat and assuming that fat is the worst thing you can call another female.

When I tell people I'm working on losing weight, they're surprised because they swear I'm not 300lbs and don't need to do it. For that matter, I was considered obese at 175lbs.

>> No.6990014

>Honestly I feel that the whole "ermegerdd disgusting fatties~" is only on tumblr and cgl.

It's not. I was fat as a child and got tormented on a daily basis. From people my age and adults. I'm chubby now and still get shit, but not as much, but from the time I was about 10 until I was 20 or so and lost a lot of the weight, it was pretty bad.

>> No.6990017

>Come to think of it, I've only ever been called fat online.

>> No.6990056

actually there is a new movie coming out, my friend worked on it

>> No.6990064

No one would actually tell a complete stranger how they're a fat ass and need to lose weight. That doesn't mean people don't judge you though. People discriminate fatties all the time. They might not call you fat, but they definitely could have treat you better if they wanted.

>> No.6990067

>at AM in Houston
>At nicest hotel in the city
>Go around 9 am
>See finely dressed men and women trying to both enjoy themselves and not stare
>Go to top floor
>See Homestucks talking to a scared businessman.

Shit was great

>> No.6990073

I got shit in high school for it, but hey, it's fucking high school and everyone is brutal to each other during that time. Sorry you were tormented though, that really sucks.

I admit there's been other instances where my weight was called out on, but usually when things were heated and people just say mean shit just to be mean. Like breakups. The only other time it's been unprovoked since I was out of high school was in my college anime club funnily enough. Yeah, the VP and a few of her friends thought 4chan was their personal circlejerk and that they could call their 'friends' names like hambeast. I found out through a mutual friend that they were calling me and other club members awful names. I raised hell when I found that out though, and of course they denied saying that behind our backs while they chewed out the mutual friend for telling me the details.

TL;DR Some people can be cunts no matter where you are in life and where you go.

>> No.6990079

Which makes them shitty people. And maybe shitty people are the ones that need to change themselves and not the other way around.

>> No.6990166

What's wrong with shaming people for bad health practices? It worked with smoking, why not obesity?


>> No.6990168

Then you must think the general public are shitty people. Whether you like it or not, that's how things work in the real world. Everyone is shallow to some degree, and there's nothing wrong with it. That's why first impression is important, there's a lot to tell about the person's lifestyle from their appearance. If you want people to respect you, you have to respect yourself first.