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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6987420 No.6987420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just found this on tumblr, explain and discuss.

>> No.6987426

>is a witch


>> No.6987431

Oh, I used to know that bonbon person... I see he hasn't improved his behaviour then.

>> No.6987435


>> No.6987436

there own
>are fat and stupid

>> No.6987473

That Bonbon really pissed me off at MCM. He was just so full of himself. He kept talking down about people and about what people owned (brand etc..) yet he stood there in a replica jsk with rotten teeth.

>> No.6987482

uses boys to get new dresses? what?

>> No.6987554
File: 18 KB, 360x270, doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, wow someone from my old hometown. It's so exciting when there's someone from your area on /cgl/.
I've never met this person but my friend always bring them up when I talk about Lolita. She always tells me about his brand collection and how he can really "pass".
He also has a BJD... I know nothing about his personality, no information here.

>> No.6987562
File: 108 KB, 260x256, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a witch- "bonbon kawaii"
>in madoka runes

>> No.6987582

what the fuck is a pri star? is that what happens when you're really fat and pasty and have shitty costumes?

also what the fuck is that comparison? fat cosplayers vs. a lolita? i don't get why the two are being compared when they're different things?

looks like some jealous fatties are just trying to boost their ego by saying "at least we're nice" lol

>> No.6988327

Vendetta much?
Learn to fucking type bloodmyer, people can see your crazy a mile off and you still type like you have hooves.

>> No.6988357

OP here, just found the image in the lolita tumblr tag and was curious to know the story behind it, as I know nothing about these people.
it was posted in the tag several times.

>> No.6988577

Sorry to burst your bubble to try and toss the blame but I know for a fact a boy named Scones/Sunny and a few cosplayers in my cosplay comm wrote this and frankly I am never going back to the meet ups ever again. Not sure why this was made so if any one knows the full story please let me know. All I know is this dance 2 fatties and bonbon fell out. Apparently there has been a massive feud for awhile now and its become a full on flame war of these cosplayers trying to cause drama. All I know is it is completely unrelated to lolita and its really pissing me off. Personally they should keep the drama to themselves instead of fighting over who does "para para" better

>> No.6988655
File: 61 KB, 300x100, SPOOPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, so spoopy!

>> No.6988663 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 400x400, 1371662171863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses boys to get new dresses
how the fuck can a guy wearing a pink dress use other guys to buy him stuff?

>> No.6989205 [DELETED] 

Bonbon's never bullied anyone, what bullshit.

>> No.6989239

Bloodmyer's not involved in cosplay.

>> No.6989263

Bon Bon is also a lolita and an ex friend of Bloodmyer before she went psycho

>> No.6989267

She's got a really specific typing style though and it doesn't match up. It's fairly obvious whoever made this is in the cosplay group mentioned just because of the amount of arse licking going on in the post.

>> No.6989268


>> No.6989270

Could someone link the tumblr page this was on ?

>> No.6989290 [DELETED] 

Right now I am currently shaking with rage thanks to a mix of the person who made this (Scones)
And you lot for being incredibly rude to the people involved in the picture
now i know this is a annon site and ive been a lurker here for many years but to upset my fiancée, you have pissed me off to no end

I just want you to know that being nice isnt that hard

>> No.6989295


Coming from someone who knows and likes all the people involed, don't come HERE to try and fix shit ffs. Go talk to each other IRL, you'll just make the dramu more delicious by feeding it.

Go away.

>> No.6989302

So it's acceptable for them to publicly slag someone off but as soon as the face some backlash we're all terrible bullies?

>> No.6989303

Let's piss on the fire and just point out that while this is all a bit silly and out of hand, BonBon is also a cunt. So I honestly couldn't give a fuck.
Go take your drama back to Tumblr.

>> No.6989319


If you find their behaivour unnacceptable, tell them at the time IRL and sort it out between yourselves, this is just childish.

All you are saying here is they were bullying someone and you did nothing to stop it but make a post on the internet. Grow a pair and stop it as it is happening. If you don't like someone don't hang out with them.

>> No.6989322

Don't feed the thread. Nothing good can come from enabling Tumblrshit. Just ignore them, don't give them reason to respond.

>> No.6989326

I find it odd how the two people in the top image get the blame. I for a fact know bonbon uploaded this here herself. along with a few other images of the top two.

>> No.6989329

Nobody cares.

Negative attention is still attention.

>> No.6989340

Not bonbon, but I uploaded it because I was simply curious. that is all.
I know nothing about these people, so decided to ask the drama experts.