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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6985753 No.6985753 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here going to this? Anyone been before? I'll be up in Portland visiting family around this time and am deciding whether or not to go.
Is there a decent cosplay scene or just people in graphic tees looking for merch?

>> No.6986102

I know it's a smaller con but no one is going/has been?

>> No.6986366

I'm going! My friends are going as well and I have a few that love it. They say it's more relaxed than the bigger cons in the area, and I know that Vancouver is a nice city in the summer and such. Trying to debut a new outfit if I can finish it in time! *crosses fingers*

>> No.6986386
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Awesome! Glad someone else on here is going.
What are you cosplaying?

I'll hopefully be there both days with a group of friends, dressed as pic related

>> No.6986389

I went once in 2011 and it was pretty much the worst con ever. no merch, lame panels. if i go, i wont be buying a badge, ill just hang in the park

>> No.6986396

I'm not usually into panels unless it's at a bigger con, but was the dealer hall/artist alley total crap?

>> No.6986409

It's far too large for the current venue, unfortunately. I rather miss when it was in Portland's Hilton the second year, but that was prime location for all sorts of food.
But the cosplay scene's decent for the size, and they've ironed out a few kinks on where to put things since 2011.

In 2011 they'd just moved to Vancouver and yeah, it was shit.
Since they've sort of worked out better places for the AA/Dealer's Hall and they have a decent sized variety.

>> No.6986420

there was absolutely nothing, my super local sci-fi con has more dealers hall than kumoricon

>> No.6986419

Well it's good to hear that it has improved. I'll probably go regardless, just because the timing is right and I have a lot of friends going.
Mostly going for the cosplay.

>> No.6986430

aw that sucks, well it sounds like things have gotten better since 2011.

>> No.6986444
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Going as PaRappa the Rapper and Flippy. You'll probably hear me before you see me; I'm going to be carrying a boombox and blasting rap music.

I honestly wasn't going to get a badge for this con. I figured that since I only go for the cosplay aspect, I don't watch panels, and I never buy merch, that a badge would be a waste of my money. Then my friends said that they would all be getting badges to check out the dealer's room, and so I decided to get one too to a) go with them and b) see what the hall has to offer.

Come to find out recently that they're scrapping their plans to buy badges and I just got mine in the mail. Now they either want to have me scope out the room and communicate with them via walkie-talkie to make purchases for them, or we'll all rotate my badge.

I honestly don't feel like doing either. But I am intent on buying some merch this year since I have the badge anyway.

Any plans on when and where the meet-up should be?

>> No.6986487
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My friends requested I rewear Shura, and I'm trying to debut Seras in time. Other than that, rewearing one of my old outfits and I have no clue which one yet haha
I have a few I might wear so we'll see if I have any other buds who want me to fill in.

>> No.6986565

Oh girl those boobs need some serious lift, they look sad as hell in that top. Look into some boob tape or something it'll make a world of difference.

>> No.6986594

I'm using tape...

>> No.6986602

Tape to lift them? Maybe your top is too tight, it's really pushing them down against your chest and it's very unflattering. Try pulling your shoulders back when taking photos .

>> No.6986608

I'm fixing it actually, I figured out I accidentally sewed the straps too far up the side of the cups. ><
It bugged the hell out of me at con too, sorry my boobs aren't round

>> No.6986849

Bumping for interest

>> No.6987934

I know a bunch of people that go every year. Basically the people I know are a generic 'high school weaboo' group, though it is slightly unsettling for me to hear that they're running a panel and have been for a year or two.

The con has always seemed less than awesome to me, but Portland is a pretty great town.

>> No.6988969

Going with a group of friends that I haven't seen in awhile, hopefully they haven't gone full weeb on me. One of them is a homefuck.

>> No.6990592

Went last year, going again. Last year was my first con and first cosplay so it was really fun to attend. I had a pretty shitty costume but a ton of people still wanted pictures with me so that was awesome. Gave me the motivation to pull some shenanigans that the character I dressed up as pulled at the con.

>> No.6990596

Cool, who are you cosplaying this year?

>> No.6990606

I was making the Fury from MGS3, but just decided to hold off work on it due to time constraints and just wear it at Sakura con. My backup is Big Boss, but I really want to dress up as Tom Nook and just roll that assuming I can think of how to make it and finish his head in time. I've got a thread up right now asking for advice but so far I've got none.

>> No.6993044

Kumo '11 was my first con, and went last year too.
Small con, panels are meh, but I always thought it was a ton of fun - great for meeting seagulls, too.
Pretty good number of cosplayers for the con's size, too.

The con isn't organized perfectly, of course, but it's probably my favorite location compared to Sakuracon and Newcon - largely thanks to the nice, open park across the street from the main hotel.

However, Oxfest in the park day 3 sucks like hell, but there's nothing they can do about that.
Any news if it's coming back again this year? And did they ever find that guy's stolen armor from last year?

>> No.6993047
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Bringing Gino Weinberg and Dominic Sorel again.
Gino's been my favorite cosplay thus far. It's just fun to wear the cloak and suit, and people seem to love it.
Getting bored of Dominic, but I finally have someone to cosplay Anemone with me.

Did Makoto as a joke at Sakuracon, but I have a group for it at Anime Revolution (2 weeks before Kumo), so I should have better leggings, an actual wig, and the jersey.

>> No.6993067

If I see you I'll get pictures :)

>> No.6994195

Nice I hope I see you as Gino!

>> No.6996713
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From the Kumoricon facebook group:

>Also, for anyone (like me) with larger thighs that enjoy making out with each other while you walk: Diaper Rash cream. Rub that on the inside of your thighs before you start your convention day, and they don't get that painful chafe-y feeling.

>ladies should bring extra bras sometimes cosplay gets really hot and you sweat put a bra in your purse so when you do can change it feels 10 times better than walking around all day feeling damp and theres bahrooms all around to change

oh god who sweats this much and is this fat where they are worried about chafing thighs
my god

>> No.6996721
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>> No.6996737

>they are worried about chafing thighs
any person who has thighs that touch that's who.

>> No.6996826
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Trex modes have this problem, too.
Please think of the cyclists.

>> No.6999849
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I'll be going. Been going for 7 years, still having a blast...although I will say I mainly go for the cosplay. I buy a badge for the DH/AA and also to support the con, because if it weren't for Kumoricon I wouldn't be having the cosplay-laden blast I have each Labor Day weekend. I love the community, the atmosphere...even if the panels are on the weaker side, the location and spirit are more than enough reason for me to buy a badge.

Oh, and I'll be cosplaying Baku from Final Fantasy IX this year. Third year in row reppin' the side characters. Woo.

>> No.6999867

Yes, your cape is pretty fabulous. It's how we spot you from a mile off. Anyway, it'll be fun to hang with you again!

Oh gosh why

>> No.6999870


>> No.7001565
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>> No.7001568

Unless his arms are paralyzed or something, how does someone let their body get to this point?!

>> No.7001587

This will be my second con ever, my first being Kumoricon last year. Hoping to make Sakura-con my third, how different is it besides the size and more famous guests?

>> No.7002478
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Thanks! What will you two be wearing? I like to walk around and take pictures, so it probably won't be hard to find me - especially as Gino. The cloak makes me stand out like a sore thumb.

It's how everyone finds me. At one point during Sakuracon, one of my friends got lost, so they just asked around if anyone had seen me, and they eventually tracked me down.
Well, I'll definitely be at the /cgl/ meet, but I have a feeling we'll run into each other well before then, haha.

There was another time where Euphy and I were stopped for a good half hour straight, and some photographer got a number of pictures of us from above because they thought it looked cool.

If you're competitive, people do ridiculous things.
In the case of cycling, the smaller your upper body, the less weight and drag you have to carry.
It's like how some distance runners get their toe nails permanently removed via surgery - because it gives them an edge.

>> No.7002499

Went last year, going this year again. Girlfriend and I dressed up as ponies last year, doing TF2 this year. It's a small con but it's super fun. Had some Hetalia cosplayer walk by my girlfriend and I audibly say "I HATE PONIES" like a massive asshole though. Like, that made me pretty fucking mad for a while but then I remembered people who do stuff like that are pretty spergy to begin with. Also we tried to go to the /cgl/ meetup but didn't see shit in the lobby at the time it was suppose to be so we spaghetti'd out of there

>> No.7002518

Last year the /cgl/ meetup split in half. Some of us just sat under the stairs and talked for a while, the others left together - room party, restaurant, or something like that.
Just look for trips you recognize, or costumes you know a seagull might be wearing. Chances are, everyone in that area are from /cgl/.

As I've learned, so many people spaghetti out of meetups year after year.
Also, there's always a few just standing there, since they don't know anyone or are really nervous.
I did that for a few cons, until I started actually making friends, and now I'm slowly getting less awkward.

TL;DR: join us.

>> No.7002527
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Should I just ask "Is anyone from cgl here?" Like, would that help get shit started? I feel like we would've had fun meeting people from 4chan and hanging out and stuff. My girlfriend and I just kinda sat on those fancy chairs to the left of the lobby for a while. Sooo chances are you probably saw us getting confused as shit.

>> No.7002542

Usually you'll recognize someone, at least.
Meepygal, Shaynii, PiggyNukka, BadWolf, ect.
If not, you can just ask if they're there for the /cgl/ meetup.

My first meetup, at first no one recognizable showed up, so it was just a handful of Anon's who got there a bit early.
We all noticed everyone was just kind of standing there like we were all waiting for something, so someone piped up and just said, "/cgl/?"
Began introducing ourselves, cosplays, ect, ect.

Of all the people I've met in person who lurked 4chan, everyone was surprisingly chill - aside from a few from /b/, but that's a given.

>> No.7002592


Haha, seems like it'd be fun then! I usually just browse /v/ and come to /cgl/ around con time, so I wouldn't recognize anyone I think. I hate when people use memes and shit in real life so you won't have to worry about me. Hopefully we'll find everyone this year! Is there a time/location set yet?

>> No.7002618

Yeah, seagulls and the random people I met at Newcon made it one of my better con experiences.
Also gave me a few interesting stories from Sakuracon.
Not uncommon to hear memes throughout a con weekend, but seagulls seem to be a bit more tasteful, at the very least.

No time yet, though it'll probably be in the lobby like the last two years.
Check for meetup time when there's about 1-2 weeks left until the con, since we don't usually say anything until the con schedule's been posted.
Oh, and it's not a bad idea to check the con's /cgl/ thread every now and then during the con itself.
Sometimes there's last-minute meetups, or other random stuff.

>> No.7002625

I want to go to cosplay and hang out with some friends, is it worth it if I can't buy a badge? Can't really afford it but ill be in the area anyway so I thought I might go check it out

>> No.7002637

Well, it's not like Kumo has amazing panels you'd be missing out on.
For me, the best part of Kumo is the cosplays, location and people.

>> No.7002789
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Yoooo, I should be going for at least Day 2. I am toying with the idea of bumming around on Day 3 as well.

Gonna be cosplaying short hair Black Hanekawa from Monogatari Season 2 or Tank Girl. Ain't sure which one yet. I should figure out that soon since neither are made.