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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6982134 No.6982134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever get guys approaching you assuming that lolita is a sexual fetish?

>> No.6982357


>> No.6982379

>guys approaching lolitas
Must be some really desperate men.

>> No.6982421

Nope. Lolita isn't sexually attractive to anyone unless it involves traps.

>> No.6982448

I actually wanted to approach the one lolita I met in non-con setting, but I didn't because I figured that I would be written off as that type.

>> No.6984118

Come to think of it, why do women actually wear lolita then?

Cosplay is understandable, if you dress up as the males' favorite female characters, you will get a good dicking from the Alphas and the attention of the Betas.

But lolita? C'mon. The Alpha male would be ashamed to brag to his friends about tapping *that*, and the Beta male is put off by the gold digging and the Bitch attitude of lolitas.

So, if it isn't for men, why do women wear lolita?

>in b4 SJW implying that women's world doesn't revolve around men (lel)

Okay, but it doesn't impress other women neither.

Really, the only thing I can come up with is that the lolitas want to be special snowflakes and get everyone's attention (but not the positive kind) by looking ridiculous.

Kind of like the emo trend, with all the ridiculous hair and shit. Or like punks with colored mohawks.

>> No.6984129

Contrary to popular belief most women don't wear clothes for men or other women they wear it for themselves.
I read somewhere that if women dressed for men we would be naked all the time.

>> No.6984133

I read somewhere that nignogs are inferior to white people.

Just because we both read it somewhere don't mean it is true.

>> No.6984139

they are though...

>> No.6984149


>> No.6984150

But anyway as a women it's only about 1% of the time where I dress to impress anyone, and even if I'm dressing to impress someone else I'm still dressing for me.
I won't wear anything I don't like or think is super cute or sexy.
Women who are interested in fashions dress for themselves because it makes us happy to wear the things we like. We aren't going to wear something we find ugly or uncomfortable just to impress someone else.

>> No.6984152

as a woman* asdf

>> No.6984165

D-do you actual mean that women don't dress for men ALL THE TIME?


>> No.6984171

Straight young men have shit taste. If my boyfriend picked out my clothes, I would wear a t-shirt and jeans errday in public because he wouldn't know what else to do with clothes.

Lolita fashion is for me and also makes for a good excuse to go out with friends.

Sage for replying to stupid troll.

>> No.6984181

Yeah I do and I educate them briefly.

>> No.6984187

I have a few friends who are into kinkier things like full out BDSM lifestyles. When I first got into lolita, they waited until they saw me in person to start grilling be about what my role/relationship/new fetish was. It was strange.

But we're past it now. I've never gotten any questions from strangers, though.

>> No.6984190

Stop lying.

Good move. She would have bitten your head off and maced you just for approaching her like the misogynistic, pedophile, stalker rapist you surely are.

>Straight young men don't care what women wear
As long as she doesn't look utterly ridiculous/homely/whoreish when going outside, a guy couldn't care less what his SO wears.

>> No.6984230

I was glomped by this creepy weeb in college. I was wearing navy sailor lolita. he went on and on about how lolis are cute and how he fapped to loli porn. he kept hugging me (dude had a chubby) and my friends had to pull him off me-I had this "oh god help me" look on my face
when I didn't wear lolita on campus he'd bitch about it. I'm glad the spring semester is over so I don't have to see that creep.
apperantly he got in a lot of trouble for blatantly looking up the japanese exchange student's skirts.
>inb4 u didn't like him bcuz he was uggo
he wasn't even fat, had an average face. just one big creep

>> No.6984235

Lolita is ugly and creepy as fuck.

- male

>> No.6984246

cool nobody's wearing it for you

>> No.6984252

woah girls, everyone stop what you're doing this male said lolita sucks.
Well, better burn our dresses, this anon doesn't like it.

>> No.6984254

I disagree.

- male

>> No.6984270

>gold digging and the Bitch attitude of lolitas.

Having a bratty GF is a turn on for me b/c I'm into DD (domestic discipline). Obviously this is consensual and mutually enjoyable. Tho we haven't explicitly tried Lolita cosplay, I can see how it would make a great addition to our roleplaying.

So my opinion: It's probably not a fetish of it's own, but easily lends itself to other fetishes

>> No.6984321

dick or gtfo

>> No.6984513

I've had guys approach me saying they think it's cute an unique, but I never got anyone who was creepy about it. Most guys I've dated either think it's pretty or don't care at all, I only had one who didn't like the way it looked, but he didn't complain about it. Then again, I mostly wear goth, which doesn't seem like ageplay as much to the rest of the world.

So then everything you wear is based on what other people think and has nothing to do with what you like? I find that very sad.

>> No.6984517 [DELETED] 

>implying there are males other than tripfags on this board
I agree with >>6984321 time stamped dick or gtfo

>> No.6984523

>Okay, but it doesn't impress other women neither.
Someone clearly knows nothing about lolita. Go to a con dressed in rare brand and you'll have dozens of girls begging for pictures and conversations.

>> No.6984525

>even if I'm dressing to impress someone else I'm still dressing for me.
This. If I have a date or some shit, I'm still not going to wear something I don't like just for the sake of impressing a guy. Everything in my wardrobe besides work clothes is shit I absolutely adore.

>> No.6984547

By age 16 every 6/10 or above learns what they wear means jack shit when it comes to men. I get just as many guys hitting on me in sweats and a t-shirt with my hair unwashed as I do all dolled up in pretty normalfag shit. Guys really don't give a shit for the most part. I won't lie, when I got into lolita at first I was a bit upset about the thought of it turning guys off (still wore it though figuring anyone who cared wasn't worth it) but I have found all that happened was that I seem to attract more goths, punks, and hipsters as opposed to normalfags, but that's the only difference and I prefer more alternative guys anyway.

>> No.6984578

I don't wear lolita for anyone but myself BUT my alpha BF loves that shit. He likes that i look feminine and cute and he loves the weird attention that i get.

>> No.6984858

I wear what I want to wear, because I feel pretty in it and it boost my confidence. Actually, I love wearing lolita because people just make fun of me instead of bed room eyes, and I feel way more secure. Anyway, dressing the way you like make you attractive for people who understand this. You look happier, in better health, determinate and strong, so it may attract people in that way. Some alternative guy do like it (last boyfriend was goth, new is into EGA). But at the end of the day, if the can't think over your look, they are not people worth your time.
I do dress sometimes to impress people (in con or big lolita events) but my outfit have first to please me. For example sweet OTT still the great trend among e-famous lolitas in my country but I don't like it, so I won't dress lIke that to impress.
Tl;dr : We wear what we want because we actually like it, and not to please anyone

>> No.6985193

No. You don't understand that some things to wear are so retarded that no male will fuck you. Okay, maybe not if you're still a 10/10 even dressed up as a clown, but if you're 6, 7, 8? Reduces your chances, a lot. Even a 9, dressed in full Klan attire will likely scare away a lot of her suitors.

>> No.6985197
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Or, maybe I'm wrong, idk, CRAZY idea, here goes:

What if -I'm just saying- what IF

They actually LIKE these clothes?

>> No.6985204

I don't wear it enough outside of convention settings to really get bothered by guys. Honestly some guys really don't seem to give a fuck what a girl wears. Jeans, t-shirt, no make-up, plain as a day and I've still had guys hitting on me. It's really funny how offended some get when I tell them I'm married and show them the wedding band on my finger.

>> No.6985208
File: 199 KB, 600x450, here, have a chicken in a wagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was grocery shopping and this old man came up to me. Very sweet guy, but was staring me down, and not in the "Oh, that's a weird dress" way. Kind of odd.

>> No.6985219

Maybe they were offended because you mistaken their friendliness as flirting? Some people just like to start a conversation with strangers, it doesn't have to be sexual.

>> No.6985226

No, I've flat out had them asking me for my phone number, and in one instant a guy told me he didn't care that I was married and kept trying to flirt with me. It's pretty easy for me to pick up on when a guy is flirting and when they're just being nice. Apparently some guys find it offensive that a woman is already taken and dares to be outside without their husband or boyfriends.

>> No.6985227

That's like saying "what if they're actually retarded?".

>> No.6985229

I wear lolita so when people laugh at me I can assume they're making fun of my clothes and not my face. ;_;

>> No.6985232
File: 66 KB, 395x400, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like things. I like things. We might like the same things...

And sometimes we may not.

And that's okay.

>> No.6985236

I've found that betas and punks actually dig the sweet lolita look.

I mostly wear classic, so I mostly get hit on by older guys in classic cars and those hipster/dandy types.

I only get negative comments from guys who are obviously under 18. I have no interest in being a pedo anyway.

But honestly, getting guys attention doesn't matter to me. I wear it because it hides the things I hate most about myself. If I wasn't into lolita, I would still probably dress in giant skirts anyway, just more retro inspired.

>> No.6985241

>alpha male dating a womanchild who thinks she's 4
Sure sweety

>> No.6985242

No, it isn't okay, you liberal piece of shit.

There's always things that shouldn't be liked, and by pointing that out you create progress.

>you: "I like to rape little girls. You like ice cream. [...] And that's okay."

>> No.6985244

...But wearing frilly dresses isn't murdering or raping anybody, so why are you getting so upset?

Calm down. It's just lace.

>> No.6985245




>> No.6985247

Come here, Anon, I will give you many hugs.

>> No.6985248
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>> No.6985258





I don't know what you're talking about m8

>> No.6985264
File: 31 KB, 450x327, oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, we'll go get icecream.

>> No.6985267

>comparing wearing poofy dresses to the uniform of a hate group
Kay, now I know you're trolling.

Seeing as I've never had any trouble with the men I pursue due to wearing lolita and most of the girls in my community have boyfriends, it clearly doesn't fall into the category of "so retarded that no male will fuck me". For many it might be a deal breaker, but not for the guys I care to date.

>> No.6985280

>implying Klan is a hate group
>implying lolita isn't the real hate group here

>> No.6985283
File: 324 KB, 768x1024, cgl's janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not for the guys I care to date.
who prolly look like this, lel

>> No.6985289
File: 125 KB, 300x300, HNI_0081_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious troll miserably failing at trolling,
while the rest of the lolitas come and check back in this thread for shits and giggles

>> No.6985290

>miserably failing
Oh really?
>>6984118 Singlehandedly turned this thread from death to life.

>> No.6985291

pretty much.
this guy was entertaining at first, but now he's just trying too hard.
The Holly Tea Time troll was the greatest though, and he can't even hold a candle to her.

>> No.6985292

>wymin goes to Saudi Arabia to get some virile brown cum in her vagina
>gets drunk like the whore she is
>gets surprise sex from some fat sheik as a result
>next morning she wakes up next to him
>"OH NO! this guy isn't 10/10! I'VE BEEN RAPED!!"
>goes to report rape to the police
>they see through her feminism/Jewthinkery bullshit and arrest her for sluttery

Islam has all the answers

>> No.6985295

>trying too hard
hun, the only thing you are gonna accomplish is the thread getting deleted.
I no longer feel the need to feed you.

>> No.6985350

That's good, because I'm not actually OP, just a girl from tumblr who wants this thread deleted beceuse it's misogynistic.

>> No.6985701

Islam is the best, f u

>> No.6985718

-simple smile.
-clean, elegant white tux.
-modern, not hipstery glasses.
-The room in the photo is ordered.
-Pefectly combed black hair.

10/10 would bang/play minecraft with him.

>> No.6985754

So I know this thread is troll and all, but am I the only Lolita who actually dates someone who would be considered a jock?
By jock I mean he was on the football team back in high school. Did lacrosse since high school and continued in college. Likes to snowboard, mountain bike, bmx, etc.

>> No.6985785 [DELETED] 

That's an athlet, not a jock

>> No.6985787 [DELETED] 


>> No.6985788

Have you even tried reporting the thread instead of bumping it up?

>> No.6985875

you're not alone <3 mine's been playing soccer for 18 yrs, makes me watch football on sundays (and mondays/thursdays when its on...) and works out 4x a week. Though I have to admit, I've really gotten into football and working out too. I feel like that isn't kawaii. Maybe I should do a Patriots coord.

>> No.6985882

Micnax / Nix Nax pls go.

>> No.6986268

They're trolling, dude.

>implying everyone on /cgl/ doesn't have a tumblr despite claiming we all hate it