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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 159 KB, 724x1020, 3502306233_34c9838366_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980934 No.6980934 [Reply] [Original]

I usually come here for the ita threads, but today I'm after something more specific. BJD owners in ita/cosplay please, I can't get enough of it.

>> No.6980937

it's the crazy look in her eyes that gets to me more than her outfit.

>> No.6980938
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>put me down

>> No.6980942
File: 197 KB, 785x1130, 3502306265_aec9c5332c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't breathe, let me go

>> No.6980944
File: 474 KB, 1024x768, 3805812366_8288086526_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6980978

Oh my god I think her doll is an El on top of it. Somehow that's just so fitting... Like the only other doll I would itas to own is a Chiwoo or a really shitty Bobobie or something.

>> No.6980982

^ I would expect* ahhaahaa I quit typing

>> No.6981011

The one with cat ears amuses me.

Can someone explain the allure of BJDs to me? I really don't get them.

>> No.6981014

Ah, could you explain what's so funny about that to us non-doll owners? I also wish to laugh at the ita.

>> No.6981019

El and Chiwoo (made by Luts/CerberusProject/FairyLand/whatever the fuck they are now) were and I guess still are super common with the YOWEE enjoying crowd and are constantly dressed and painted poorly and given ridiculous backstories like "I'm a gay 500 year old vampire/elf/drow/mermaid/fairy!!".

Like seriously, I have never seen an El that didn't have an owner that gave it a zany backstory (and made it gay), and I've only ever seen a handful that are dressed and painted well.

Bobobies are just a cheap and poorly sculpted brand. They (along with a few other cheapo brands) are the ita of dolls.

>> No.6981022

To the girl in the OP's picture's defense, at least her doll is dressed cohesively and not wearing a sock dress. I don't like its outfit that much but it's not like it looks poorly made or mismatched.

>> No.6981028

It's like a tiny beautiful person that you can do anything to or have any ideas about and you would always be right because in the end it's your doll to do anything you want to.

>> No.6981029
File: 115 KB, 525x700, 6044915085_72017773c9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat intensity

>> No.6981034

I like them because I can dress them up in clothes that would never look good on me and for practicing photography. Plus I like collecting miniatures.
I personally don't understand the people who give their dolls characters/backstories/personalities. Like yo, it's just a doll.

>> No.6981037
File: 163 KB, 582x640, 3804997149_b473ce446b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that I was one of these dolls. I think it's my fetish. I want a heavy-handed fatty-chan to dress me up and pose me against my will, take photos of me and post them all over deviantart and tumblr with descriptions detailing my backstory as a vampire aristocrat ghost japan zombie half-cat crossdressing desu prince and all my bl drama. I'd be so embarrassed and ashamed, but there'd be nothing I could do because I would just be a doll. I want her to squeeze me and kiss me with her fat, greasy lips, gaze at me intently with her crazy eyes and make me sleep on her bed every night, holding me tightly against her boobloaf so that I could never escape.

>> No.6981041

Dem brows.

>> No.6981050
File: 36 KB, 532x355, RealDoll_06_1488263a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Margaret Palermo

>> No.6981069

exactly what i thought.

>> No.6981080

'oh Venus looks cute he-'
>dat dead expression
>dat mismatched outfit
>she really needs to learn how to do her lipstick, no lips aren't very dolly

>> No.6981093

She looks like she's pursing her lips as firmly as an old woman watching blasted children play on her lawn

>> No.6981095

She looks either REALLY mad or REALLY upset here. Her hair looks like she put it in a deep frier and who told her that outfit looked nice

No vendetta because I actually like her, minus her shitty attitude/thievery

>> No.6981108

As a doll owner myself yeah El is just never dressed well. And I almost always see people dress their female dolls into really bad ita/lolita clothing. Or the people that do some custom work and turn their male dolls more femine so they can have girly boys/crossdressers/traps.

I own a Luts Soo that I love, got the company face up with some flare and I adore her though she's currently the only doll I own besides a Fairy Land mermaid girl.

As a side note the only time I get really judgmental of dolls is when I see one with a really really really bad faceup that was done by the owner themselves. I also avoid my local doll comm, it's just eurgh.

Yeah but they wouldnt kiss you buddy. The face makeup on those dolls can cost a lot of money, most owners dont let others touch their dolls face.

>> No.6981112

Ever since someone compared her lips to a tightly clenched anus, that's the only thing I can see them as.

>> No.6981113
File: 307 KB, 639x352, DollFieCollectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man, I've been meaning to use this image.

If I had the money to burn, I'd like a Mama Chapp doll. Those damn things are so hard to find.

>> No.6981115

What's considered "well dressed" for a doll?

>> No.6981130

>mfw doing faceups quite literally costs $20 of materials and takes 4 hours or so all the way through.

damn, i really need to get my airbrush system up and running again. i can make bank with that shit and use the money to buy fucking lolita again.

>> No.6981141

tight lips are a sign of doucheyness, selfishness, and greed, according to what I've read about body language....

>> No.6981149
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>> No.6981159
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Well, in defense - I follow her on flickr and her dolls are like 100x better styled and photographed now.
Pic related

Though I still don't see how it she cosplay or lolita related...?

>> No.6981167


I too noticed that the most abused dolls always happen to be DODs, Bobobie's or Fairylands... And I have a theory it's because these companies are the easiest to find (years ago when I first googled "dollfie" Dream of Doll was the first to come up).
These girls are not interested in the creative or artistic aspect of BJDs, they just thought having one is kawaii (omgz duncan is so smexy lulz), so they grab the first one they can find.

>> No.6981170

That theory is pretty valid. Plus Bobobie and a lot of other similar brands are also really cheap as far as BJDs go so that makes them more easily accessible.
Unfortunately, you get what you pay for.

>> No.6981177

would you guys mind posting some nice pictures of the dolls? i'm curious

>> No.6981180
File: 143 KB, 419x618, Oasisdoll Yaoyue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like generally nice dolls? I can post some from my personal folder. I'll also try to find lolita or cosplay related ones that I've seen before

>> No.6981182
File: 137 KB, 419x618, Oasisdoll Yaoyue 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More detail of the doll

>> No.6981185

>Unfortunately, you get what you pay for.

TBH, not always true. Many of cheap Korean brands are nicely sculpted and casted. On the other hand there's Soom, for which you have to pay through your nose, that's pretty underwhelming. Once got Amber's body for blushing that had seamlines you could cut yourself on - and this (plus multiple posing issues) seems to be the norm.

>> No.6981186

holy shit where can I buy doll shoes and clothes (I don't care about the dolls themselves) because those little shoes... ugh I'm dying

>> No.6981189

I'm not sure about those exactly. I know the owner handmade a lot of what that doll is wearing. If you just want clothes/shoes, you can check eBay and sites like Angell Studio have nice shoes. Taobao also has nice/cheap options.

>> No.6981192
File: 64 KB, 435x580, Fairy Kei Unoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita, but j-fashion so it counts I guess

>> No.6981194
File: 163 KB, 427x640, Volks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6981195

Pretty much what counts for humans - well fitted, good quality clothes and shoes with some nice accessories thrown in. Though with dolls there's added challenge of keeping everything in proportions, can't tell you how many shoes advertised as MSD size are 1.5-2cm bigger than the doll's foot - which would translate to a human wearing shoes 4 sizes too big...

>> No.6981196
File: 210 KB, 425x640, Oasisdoll Yaoyue 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6981197
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>> No.6981198

thanks, yeah i just meant nice things.
the little clothes are really nice. especially the tights i want to touch them, haha. i have zero monies for this right now but i would like to make little clothes..

>> No.6981201
File: 129 KB, 403x640, tumblr_miybwbPBnH1qgf4hyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tights are fairly simple to make, but speaking from experience, it is really difficult to sew on a machine for such a small scale.

>> No.6981202

This is how i pretend i look when im in my CC.

>> No.6981203
File: 135 KB, 570x570, sd01a_pic01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised the latest Volks x AatP collab didn't make it to the thread.

>> No.6981204
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 109P316-w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the matching human dress from AatP (Milk Tea Doll Dress). There's a matching bonnet somewhere on Baby's webshop as well

>> No.6981205
File: 164 KB, 570x570, sd01b_pic01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ginger Doll

>> No.6981206

>tfw the doll dress looks better cause stock photos.

Dammit, baby(AatP) just doesn't care do they? I can imagine the marketing team watching the person sew up the prototype dress and then just grab it hot of the machine, threads still attached and start snapping photos as quickly as possible.

>> No.6981207
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 109P315-b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last one -- human dress version of Ginger Doll. Matching bonnet is also somewhere on Baby's webshop

>> No.6981208

wasn't there that artist who posted a couple times to egl who actually was able to make it into the doll scene with her lolita dress designs? And they turned out gorgeous?

>> No.6981209

these things are like, a couple grand right?

What's the most expensive brand doll?

BJD stuff is even crazier about brands right?

>> No.6981210

The one that was posted with the collab is priced at 93,000 yen. Not bad when you get the doll, fully painted, and the clothes. The doll and clothes are limited themselves.
Collaboration clothes alone are $200-$300.

>> No.6981212

Volks (a Japanese company) is probably the most expensive brand. It's the oldest as well. The make basic non-limited dolls, limited edition dolls, clothes, etc. Their limited edition dolls and clothes can go for a lot. They did a Rozen Maiden collab of dolls that go for thousands.

>> No.6981214
File: 215 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mh8sb4wIBO1qi4itoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever wondering where she got these doll-sized accessories

>> No.6981217

accessories are cute but the fish faces aren't imo

>> No.6981219

Some of the Soom limited editions can go for a lot second hand now.

I know I poured about $1000 into my doll, I posted earlier but special edition Luts Soo with the second head. I think she was 700 at the start but then 800 with both face ups and of course shipping, a good wig and a nice set of eyes and if I factor in clothes I've bought her then its $1500 easy.

People think the prices are insane at the start but usually youre seeing just the base price, things go up a lot if you want them to have a decent face and hair.

>> No.6981221


They're 97,650yen before shipping, so shipping probably puts them over one grand. Even being scalped probably won't put them over two grands.

Most expansive brand doll -- at retail? I think it's Soom. The first couple of years, their monthly dolls were the big ones -- 60-65cm, the base cost was around 500-700 dollars, but once you added in all the options -- faceup, optional fantasy parts/optional human parts, clothes, eyeballs, wigs, etc, some of them go over a thousand dollars easily, before shipping. I gave up on the grey-skinned Egyptian doll, he came up to 1,650 USD and I just couldn't justify that, as gorgeous as he was.

The Rozen Maiden Volks collab retailed at their usual price (about 90k yen), but on the Japanese secondhand market Shinku and Suigintou can go into 300k yen figures.

Brands: There's a lot of similarity between BJD owners and lolitas with brand, except that there's really only one major Japanese brand (Volks), unless you count Alchemic Lab, which is more of a Japanese indie brand. For a really long while it was mostly a lot of bitching about "Volks elitists" the same way there's lolitas bitching about "burando elitists", and then now there's the ita kind of "elitist" (ie- for lolitas, the kind whose closets comprise thrifted and homemade stuff and call any decent lolita a brandwhore regardless of what she's actually wearing, these are BJD owners who can only afford Bobobie or AOD and call Luts owners "Volks Elitists".)

>> No.6981223

I think they're from Bambicrony's LE lolita fullset? It had the most wonderful rocking horse shoes ever, but I'll never justify spending more on doll's shoes than my shoes.

>> No.6981229

I forgot about the price of the bigger Soom limiteds. I think when Luts was more popular, they're dolls sold for higher prices secondhand and the limiteds were worth more. Volks just feels more overpriced in relation to other companies to me. I have two SD girls, a limited from Luts, the other from Oasisdoll, and they each averaged about 550-600 after shipping. Anything over that for a non-fantasy/limited doll is too much imo.

>> No.6981240

Yeah, but I'm talking about the super-low priced Bobobies and Resinsouls? Which are like $200 for a 60cm or something insane like that. The sculpts and body design of them IMO are horrible. What do you consider to be cheaper Korean brands?

If I recall, that girl custom made the outfit for her doll.

This, except for when there was Bermann (made by Dollshe) fever and unpainted heads alone were fetching a couple thou. I think that died out with the advent of the Soom and Iple limteds.
I've also seen heads painted by famous artists on y!J go for insane prices.

>> No.6981247

Venus is Margaret's BJD

>> No.6981482

To true.
Ugh that little AP pony plastic accessory, I need it in my life.

This has been a really interesting read.

>> No.6981620
File: 86 KB, 550x816, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread! I'm dedicated to wasting money on lolita, but my inner weeb who saw BJDs on DevArt still wants one. To the doll owners here, do you guys have experience with Ringdoll? They've always carried my favorite sculpts and I'm actually thinking of putting down some cash for a doll, but I've heard that they have a lot production problems.
>pic related

>> No.6981627

The dollfie girl that's in the manga would be even more fitting for this thread

>> No.6982472

I've also heard a lot about them having production and resin quality problems (I've heard that it feels really weird, almost sandy, and is kind of thin). Do you have an account on DoA? That's honestly the best place to check.

>> No.6982474

Just like in lolita theres brands (Dollheart, some actual lolita brand miniaturized by Volks), there's indie seamstresses of varying skill, and there's cheap, usually Chinese made knockoffs of varying quality.

And then theres the people who buy the cheapest doll they can find, dress it in a sock with holes cut in it, and post it EVERYFUCKINGWHERE

>> No.6982482

Volks did a collab with BTSSB years back, so theres tiny brand out there that would be pretty cute to display on tiny hangers in your room. Costs nearly what some of the actual human dresses do though because its a bit rare. I think theres a few Pullips out there too that are Angelic Pretty designed.
Other places to just get little dresses/shoes in lolita style would be Dollheart, Leeke, Luts, Bluefairy has some cute stuff... Plus Yahoo!Japan and Etsy have stuff in lolita/mori/otome styles pretty regularly.

>> No.6982489

They don't cost thousands new, and most non-limiteds never go over $600. I have some pretty decent ones (including Volks) and the most expensive was about $450 shipped. If you're clever with secondhand shopping, sales, and trading up you can get some pretty amazing deals.

>> No.6982495

From what I have heard recently their problems are easing off. I personally quite like some of their dolls like the new Frankenstein and Bride, plus their accessories are great.

>> No.6982643

No DoA because I havent' really met any Doll enthusiasts. Thank you for the response, I'll look into getting an account to find out for sure!
Yeah, their new dolls are really detailed and unique, so I'm really hoping that thing are getting better as you've said. Thank you.

>> No.6982732

What is a good place to start learning more about BJD's? Are there any good beginner's resources?

The most I know about these dolls are that they're expensive and cute, I don't know much else. I would google, but sometimes that doesn't provide many good answers (i.e. googling 'what is lolita fashion' gives questionable results).

I would love you guys 5ever.

>> No.6982763

Porbably Den of Angels/DoA, it's kind of like a hub for people interested in BJD collecting.

I have a question for doll collectors - if you've ever contemplated selling a doll or have had to sell one, what do you do about the shipping? I've bought a couple 1/6 figures (not really dolls but because of their quality and articulation I usually put them in the same group) from China and received free shipping for them, but their boxes are GIGANTIC in comparison to anything else I've ever bought. If I were to ever sell them I think I'd wind up getting an overseas buyer.

>> No.6982764

Den of angels

>> No.6982773

thanks so much guys.

>> No.6982775

omg it's like itas on parade

>> No.6982778

Every person I ever met who owns a BJD is a fucking nutcase.
One example: I went to a lolita meet up and this one girl said she'd bring her boyfriend so we saved a seat for the both of them at the restaurant. It ended up that her "boyfriend" was this BJD and she sat it down next to her and flipped the fuck out on our waitress for not asking what her doll wanted to eat. She ordered two meals and ate them both.

>> No.6982779

When I sold my dolls, I thankfully got people within the US. I no longer had their boxes, so finding a box that worked at my job was pretty easy. I just had to pad them and wrap their faces up super-carefully. I think shipping ended up not being too bad within the US (something like $16 or so plus insurance). But shipping overseas would've been a nightmare especially with international shipping costs, not to mention sky-high shipping that has a tracking option.

Your best bet is to package it up, and figure out what the costs would be. Usually the higher shipping rate for tracking and what not would deter most international buyers, especially if it's a fairly common doll.

>> No.6982809

There are AP and AatP collab Pullips.

DoA. It's full of crazy but it has the most info and the best marketplace. Sometimes getting an account can be a hassle though. If you have any specific questions you can ask here and I'll try to answer. I've been in the hobby for a really long time now, and while I haven't kept up with new releases I've managed to retain a lot of useless info about dolls.

Buyer pays shipping. I usually keep my dolls' boxes and I think I've kept some of the shipping boxes too. I've never sold a full doll though, just heads and body parts. I put those in whatever size box fits best, package it up, weigh it and get a shipping quote.

>> No.6982822

HAHAHAHAHA we had one of those in my community many many moons ago. She had this ugly Hide-looking doll with what looked like a rug for hair, which would slide off all the time. Another girl who also doesn't go to our meets anymore, enabled her a bit by trying to feed it rice. The doll owner was a hamplanet with a skirt that rode up a good foot in the back, her shirt wasn't tucked in and was generally disgusting. It was the only meet she attended, thankfully.
The enabler was a Blythe obsessed aspie, who I got along with for a good while, when she suddenly turned on me. I was friends with another aspie too, that was doll obsessed and pretty creepy. She seemed like good fun until she went full weird on me too. She has a rep for being crazy too.

I give up on these people, seriously.

>> No.6982914
File: 88 KB, 427x640, 6473340905_ef205944d5_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I really lucked out with my own comm. The regulars are chill people - actually, pretty cool and crafty. There are two ~married lesbians~ that are the doll equivalent of brandwhores and have dolls that are just as butchy as they are (except the men, which of course are effeminate and gay), but they're nice enough people. But one girl... oh, this one girl, she's fucking bonkers.

Her dolls are DISGUSTING. The dirt, oil, and grease are visible to the naked eye. They are yellow as a pale lemon (for those who don't know, the dolls will gradually turn yellow with age but it usually takes at least 2 years to start seeing it, with good care of the doll, but exposing them to sunlight or smoke accelerates the process) and they smell like cat piss - just like her! They always dressed horribly and the wigs are in terrible condition. I do faceups/repairs/blushing and she asked me to repair a scuff on one of them and I NOPE'd the fuck out of that situation. I do not ever want to touch those nasty things. She recently got a IH JID Asa and I wept for the dismal future that poor, beautiful doll will face.

Pic related - a JID Asa that is in way better shape than Cheeseburger's.

>> No.6982988
File: 2.44 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly like lolita and BJDs. I can see the connection, especially since some companies put out their dresses in doll size as well (I believe both Angelic Pretty and BTSSB do this).

I find them to just be very beautiful and collect them much like I collect art. (Here's one of mine)

>> No.6983013
File: 100 KB, 1600x1061, DSC_0339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that this thread should pop up, doll people always interest me because it's so similar to lolita (which I'm in to) and so separate.
But also I've really been wanting to try my hand at face ups lately. I'm going to practice on some cheap porcelain dolls to see if I get bored of the idea after the first time. Do doll people have a nice or aggressive tumblr base, or no significant number of either?

Sage'd because babble and irrelevance away from /cgl/ism.

>> No.6983152

Even though I actually forgot to sage, dammit.

>> No.6983260
File: 162 KB, 640x426, 3390545225_bd0474b678_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, please more doll owner stories. I wish moments like these happened in my life

>> No.6983263

Girls so fat she doesn't even know how to sit properly?

>> No.6983326

...oh no.

>> No.6983340

this picture is nightmare fuel

We had 0 lolitas in my old cosplay community but something about Naruto cosplay attracts dollheads.
One girl had an AWFUL yellow thing that she claimed her mother gave her (i'm pretty sure it was a DOD with an old porcelain doll's face) that she dressed in cabbage patch clothes. It was physically painful to watch her dote on it.

>> No.6983344
File: 231 KB, 535x766, 6284727667_565731de06_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6983449
File: 281 KB, 753x500, bpie2012_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that an Anotherspace jacket? It's really cute!

I feel that way about my own community too. We also have a more private offset of the main community that has private meetups every so often and everyone just has a higher standard of dolls and are incredibly well kept, cool people.
Also I think I vaguely recall horror stories about Cheeseburger from DoD.

There was one girl who used to suck her doll's feet.

>> No.6983451

God that doll's face is just perfect.

>> No.6983471

> There was one girl who used to suck her doll's feet.
> There was one girl who used to suck her doll's feet.
> There was one girl who used to suck her doll's feet.

I'm just so creeped out right now. Mt skin is crawling and I feel like I need a shower just because of this comment.

>> No.6983475
File: 223 KB, 850x1189, 071ac59377795df3d663ac1ef1cd421e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks gals, I'm going to have nightmares now about being a helpless BJD in the domain of the insane.

>> No.6983478

Holyshit, someone with lit skills should totally write a creepypasta from a bjd's perspective

>> No.6983522


It's actually from TTYA, they have really nice things there too!

>> No.6983524

That girl is seriously the first thing I think of whenever I'm trying to explain to people how most doll owners are totally insane.
The second person I think of is Toshirodragon. I still remember some of the photos taken in her bathroom where you could see mold growing where a tile had fallen off.

It's really cute! I haven't looked there much at all. I'll have to take a look after I've locked my wallet away.

>> No.6983656

I swear we might have had the same comm (though I moved recently, if that sounds familiar hi!)
If not, there is always THAT person in every good comm. And in bad comms (like the one I live near now), everyone is that person but you. It seems like everyone here is either a weeb or a hippyster (that pungent blend of unwashed hippy and pretentious hipster). Also apparently here pretty doll in nicely made dress=Volks elitist even if the doll isnt even a Volks.

>> No.6983658

As long as you avoid the confession blogs and ToshiroDragon's blog, the dolly Tumblr base is fairly nice and a good way to see awesome doll photos.

>> No.6983662

Theres that obnoxious webcomic by KikiChan, miss professional artist who can't keep consistent proportions or scale to save her life. No its not meant to be creepypasta, but the fact that they have to live with Kiki....

>> No.6983687

I'll do it and if this thread is still around in a couple of days I'll post it.

>> No.6983700

Who is ToshiroDragon?

>> No.6983705

Oh god, I started and with all the ideas i have for it, it's going to be long as hell.

>> No.6983708

You don't want to know.

>> No.6983719

I'm really curious though!

>> No.6983728

No man, that woman is the stuff of nightmares and I still cringe whenever I think of her. I didn't save any doll pictures she posted but she had the nastiest, messiest house ever. Like, I'm talking mold growing on the walls and you could practically smell the cat piss through the photos nasty. Plus she's so crazy I can't even begin to condense her into a nice, compact, tl;dr post.

>> No.6983735

:( I love scary stories

>> No.6983743


>> No.6983749

All right, let me know if you like it so far and if I should continue:

I remember when I was excited about finally getting a home. I’d heard stories from the others about how wonderful it was to have an owner. For someone that would love you, dress you in beautiful clothes and take care of you forever.
How wrong I was.
The fateful day when I was chosen began like any other. The owners opened the shop, dusted all of us off and posed us on the shelves to attract customers. A few hours into the day she arrived.
She was a rather chubby girl, long lanky brown hair, and dressed in brightly colored, ruffled skirts and was full of energy. She practically bounced around the shop she was so excited. I was a bit concerned she would knock some of us over at the rate she was going. She eventually calmed down and began examining all of us as she went down the aisles.
I’ll admit that having people look at me makes me feel rather self-conscious. I’m wearing nothing but a t shirt and boxers, my default eyes and I don’t even have any hair on my head! Saying that one feels naked is an overstatement. The customers don’t seem to mind though.
I am placed at the end of an aisle and all too soon she stopped and began looking at me. She was nearly nose to nose with me, her hot breath rolling over me in waves. I think if I actually had to breathe to live, I may have fallen over from the smell.
Her face lights up in delight as she finishes taking me in. She steps back and screeches “DAD! I FOUND THE ONE I WANT!”

>> No.6983768

Love it!

>> No.6983779

Continue please

>> No.6983818

added another layer of horrifying realism for me. go on anon

>> No.6983832

Another anon here, interested with the idea so I have a quick scribble on the story. Credits to Ringdoll with Julia, the Rose of Swan (Sorry for using her as a guideline in this story)


My existence is crafted by countless pair of hands. Skillful, delicate hands that handle me with utmost care. I am shaped into a body of human girl in the highest level of perfectness. They call me Julia, the Rose of Swan. A beautiful story is given to me as my history. It makes me feel precious. It makes me feel wanted.

I have always thought I have been very well taken care of but I was proven wrong. Nothing beats having an owner, they say. An owner is the one that will dress you up in beautiful clothes and place you in a comfy home.

Your owner is the one that gives you soul. The essence that makes you close to a real human being.

One day that I have lost count of, I am given a pair of pink eyes & golden wavy hair. Colours were painted on my face like blossoming flowers. It is until then I realize that I am going to have an owner soon. "Take care & farewell, Julia." The creators said. "I hope you are in safe hands."

That is the last time I saw them before I was packed into a box & shipped away.

The journey to my new home is nonetheless bumpy & dark, but I brave myself by recalling the story that my creators used to tell me. A brave girl in the size of mine finding a place of her own, not unlike me I suppose. I cradled myself to sleep in a blanket of paper & plastic, careful not to pop the air bubbles.

Maybe my imaginary animal friends are helping me out, I love to think of that.

Finally my box has come to a halt. I must have arrive in my owner's hands. Silent & still, I patiently await for my new owner. Her face, however, is not the first thing I know of her.


I jumped at the volume. What in the name of Swan is that?

>> No.6983853


I love both

>> No.6983913

These are actually really depressing because most Asian doll companies view their doll sculpts as their children and now I'm just imagining kids going to horribly abusive homes D:

>> No.6983924

Please continue.

Please continue.

>> No.6983940

First story writer here. (I'll use a tripcode from now on)
I understand that feeling. I'm normally a /toy/ soldier and I've yet to own a BJD but I love all of my other toys and I cringe when I think of them being abused.
Work calls so I'll continue later tonight!

>> No.6983946

Moar moar!

>> No.6983967

2nd story writer here, thanks guys! Will post here as soon as I'm done.

I have friends who dealt with companies such as Ringdoll & they really love their dolls. So I'm using that as a guideline for the story.

Before continuing I think it's better to ask (I know it's 4chan but yeah) can I post R18 storyline in this board? If not I'll alter it to more work safe.

>> No.6983979

A collector who has a famously filthy house that she'd photograph her dolls in and proudly post them everywhere for all to see. By filthy I'm not talking like, bitch needs to vacuum a bit. Her kitchen had crust and cat litter everywhere, her dolls would climb all over the unmade stained bed (with vsome kind of breathing apparatus dangling over it) and the bathroom had grunge and black mold pouring out around the tub and toilet. There was stacks of fantasy paperbacks and cheap dragon sculptures coated in a thick layer of dust in the living room, and visible far in the back was a sad lonely dusty vacuum, likely never used.
On top of her house she also had a nasty personality and sense of self importance. She was a wannabe writer who was trying to sell a fantasy about her gay dragonwizard dolls, even making a photostory out of the rejection letters sent to her bu publishing companies. Apparently her day job was as a bus aide for special needs students and she would bring her dolls even though some students were afraid of them. Her young son (about 13when this came out) is given yaoi doujin and fanfic to read as she seriously wants him to grow up to be a real life gay boy for her amusement.

>> No.6983983
File: 243 KB, 1024x687, Why did I do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These dolls actually look pretty attractive, if not too childlike
>I wonder if there's people out there who jerk off to these
>Google "cum on dolls"
>Oh god why did I do that

>> No.6984014

Quick question for the BJD owners in the thread. I've heard snippets about certain BJD clothing being able to fit Monster High dolls pretty well but I've yet to find out what dolls are close enough in size to know what to look for. For reference for anyone unfamiliar with MH dolls they are just under 11 inches tall with crazy long legs. Their legs measure just over 5 inches from hip to ankle. They are also pretty slim with their waists being just under 2.5 inches. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

>> No.6984061
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>> No.6984064

I don't have the gif on me, but there's one of a guy who is fucking a modded one

>> No.6984072

>Apparently her day job was as a bus aide for special needs students and she would bring her dolls even though some students were afraid of them.
>Her young son (about 13when this came out) is given yaoi doujin and fanfic to read as she seriously wants him to grow up to be a real life gay boy for her amusement.
People like this shouldn't breed. I'm not a fan of eugenics in the least but she makes me think twice about it.

>> No.6984082

IIRC there was a thread on /gif/ a little while back with a guy having sex with a modified BJD. Like they would put an onahole into the hollowed out abdomen and make them into little sex dolls.

Sage for creepy and off topic.

>> No.6984107

Dude we found her lube and wank material in the back of some of her photos.
I remember when the LJ community she made to suck her own cock and circlejerk with friends (after she'd been banned from Den of Angels for being a bitch) got fed up with her nasty attitude and kicked her out, and she like, wrote something like "I QUIT" on a piece of paper and stuck it on her door WITH A KNIFE and then took a photo of it. I can't even make this shit up.
P.S. she's gotta be in her 40s.

Woah no. Even Pullip clothes are too baggy for MH dolls and Pullip bodies are around the size of Barbies.

>> No.6984127

seconding this

>> No.6984136

Looked through the thread but didn't find anything (and slightly off topic) but is there a good brand for 'manly' BJDs?

I've always wanted two or three, and while I'm juggling over what girl to get, I know I'd prefer a manly boy doll over an ambiguous femmeboy. But I'd also like one who doesn't look like a grandpa/weirdly old, if you know what I'm saying? A few of the male dolls look strangely pale and weird.

>> No.6984142

Pictures, anyone? I checked out her dA, but all the photos were taken outdoors

>> No.6984147
File: 72 KB, 600x427, BJD_I_hate_it_here_____by_Blitzava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please include this moment

>> No.6984157
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Iplehouse, pic related. Dude's got a face like Peter Steele. Most of their large male dolls are a similar degree of masculine. Sadly I see a lot of poorly painted ones, but the ones that are well done are fantastic.

Spiritdoll has good manly bodies but I think their faces are still pretty feminine.

>> No.6984167
File: 81 KB, 800x533, snow_queen___05_by_scargeear-d5mwo32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Snow Queen"
Oh god, my sides

>> No.6984172
File: 141 KB, 797x1002, kiss_my_eyes_by_wildsid-d36v4a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shop lol

>> No.6984173
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>> No.6984174

So she's basically the pixyteri of bjd's?

>> No.6984186

I don't think PT is that slovenly.

>> No.6984197
File: 55 KB, 666x500, 3096570029_e38ceb85f3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I found a picture of her car at least

>> No.6984210

I feel like dolls like these have saved countless lives of people from being tortured. If these people couldn't act out their sick fantasy's on plastic, who knows what they might have done.

>> No.6984211

omg i remember her lmfao
calling her out on her shooping a few years back...good times

>> No.6984228
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>i'm out

>> No.6984229

I retell that story to my friends all the time! Thank you and your comm for posting that story years ago. It is honestly one of the best things I've ever read on /cgl/. So much fun.

>> No.6984247

jesus what the fuck

>> No.6984261 [DELETED] 
File: 491 KB, 470x353, 1266580684066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it
>don't ban me

>> No.6984276


>> No.6984292

That is awful, i'm gay and all but I wouldn't force it on my kid, it would be up to him or her.

You shouldn't share porn with your damn kids
Wouldn't be shocked if she dressed her kid all bishi like and molested his nipples..

>> No.6984296

Has anyone bought from here? I'm in love with this doll and I don't know much about them


>> No.6984299


i kind of want one

>> No.6984314

I always thought these crazy BJD stories were fake until I was at Disney World, 3 years ago. I was in the bathroom, and had just some out of the stall when I saw a girl standing in front of one of the sinks. In her hands was a BJD, the doll was obviously supposed to be male but it was wearing some ugly ita dress. And she was fucking kissing it! Not just a little peck on the the lips or anything, but full blown making out with it! And then she started talking to it, as if it was talking back to her. And then she noticed me, and she growled and hissed at me, as if she thought she was some kind of fucking cat. I just ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could, shit was fucking scary.

>> No.6984322

I worry that these creepy obsessed doll fans just sit in their homes w/ no one but their dolls, until they truly believe they're real people/alive.

>> No.6984338



>> No.6984347

Kinda interested in getting a doll so I can make cute outfits that wouldn't look good on me. Where should I start? Looking for something not too big, 12 inches max, without insanely gangly proportions. yet something common enough that properly sized wigs and eyes etc aren't impossible to find.

I think it might help to go to a convention so I could see some in person, but I feel I'd be terrified by some of the people. I imagine there's regular doll conventions that got overrun with BJD crazies at some point.

>> No.6984390

I suggest you look into modding a Monster High doll since BJDs are kinda expensive

>> No.6984403

Man, I really dig people with full on fetishes.

>> No.6984415
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>> No.6984431

To be truthful... i like some of BBB sculpts.

>> No.6984448

Look at these. I love mine.
Though, be careful, they dont come with a wig, eyes, or any faceups. I recommend junky-spot for tools.

>> No.6984450

nevermind. I thought those were the dollfie plus. Sadly they discontinued those.

>> No.6984454

Here's the real link...

>> No.6984456

...is that...a Loki doll?

>> No.6984474

my exact thought.

>> No.6984492
File: 27 KB, 381x500, $(KGrHqMOKogE4t9gnok)BOTP-0uOww~~48_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not bought from them personally but DC makes very nice dolls. They're a subset of Dollzone which has been a legit company for quite some time now.
I really want their ugly little pet thing. What is it??? Who knows.

It's a really shitty custom sculpt of Tom Hiddleston, yeah.

Watch out though, DDs stain really easily since they're made of vinyl and not resin. Resin can stain too, but it's much easier to remove than on vinyl dolls.

>> No.6984503

does anyone have any horror stories involving asshole or creepy BJD owners?
I love them.

>> No.6984529


These two need to hurry back ugh :(

>> No.6984653

I'm not one of the anons, but I want their stories to get updated so badly that I'm going to try to write one while I wait. I hope it doesn't suck.

I couldn't see, but I could hear. I always heard people talking about beautiful dolls with delicate features. I dreamed of becoming beautiful ever since I first grasped the concept. I waited calmly in storage for someone to put me together-to make me complete.

Finally, the day came when I was packed up and shipped out. The ride was bumpy, but I felt as if my whole body was shaking with anticipation. Finally, I seemed to have arrived. To where, I wasn't quite sure.

My meeting with her was nothing like I had imagined. I honestly couldn't have imagined it if I had tried. My box was hastily unwrapped. I was pulled roughly out of it by sweaty hands and shaken about while my new owner was shrieking, "So KAWAII" She plopped me down on something soft and said, "Your new name is Sakura-chan, and This is your new home. I'll get you fixed up with a face real soon. I'm sooooo good at them. Everyone online is jealous of my talent!"

So, anons, do you want me to add a couple other suffering dolls into this story? I'm thinking the crazy girl might already have a couple others.

>> No.6984692

Yes please!!

>> No.6984704

There's always a thread like this on /gif/. Some want to count it as hot glue but since there's demand for it, they've gotten whole threads recently.

>> No.6984706

...there's actually someone who officially goes by "cheesburger" ?! In my case it was just a codeword for the real girl, that's not her username. My comm is too small for me to name-drop, though...

>> No.6984751

Will do!

She placed me on a rough, wooden chair and told me that I'd have to wait here while she "made me KIREI," then, and only then, could I go meet my "new friends." She said this with a mischievous giggle, so, even though I had no idea what she was talking about, I dreaded it.

Now that I wasn't being shaken or squealed over, I began to observe more about my surroundings. There was music in a language I didn't know playing in the background. The air around me smelled like sweat and onions. I began to wonder if I was dirty just from her touching me.

The next day, she came to fix up my face. She told me that she brought eyes, a wig, and the perfect make-up for me. I don't know how to quite describe the sensation of getting my eyes put in my head. With someone more caring, meticulous, or delicate, it might not have been as jarring, but what I suffered is something I would never want to repeat. My head was grasped in large, clammy hands and wrenched apart. I could feel the weight of my eyes as she plopped them into their sockets and forced my head together again. I felt so violated. I wish she had never put them in, not just because it felt disgusting but because I could now see her and the pig sty she of a room wgere we sat.

Her face was shiny with grease, and her eyes looked too small for her large face. Her hair was limp and unkempt at the same time. She wore a pair of cat ears on her head, and sported a t-shirt that said "I Love Yaoi" on it. I didn't know what that was, but I was sure it couldn't be a good thing.

The room was a different-but just as horrible-terror. There were clothes strewn about the floor with even more in a pile near a closet full of even more clothes.

>> No.6984776
File: 71 KB, 260x259, THE HORROR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984802

I don't even know what the fuck a BJD even is other than a special kind of oral but goddamn do I feel terrible for also driving an S10.

>> No.6984824

"We're in my cosplay room," she explained. "This is where I keep all of my cool anime outfits, lolita, and kimonos." I also work on my dolls and art in here." She gestured to a wall that had lots of pictures of boys kissing and big-breasted women. I have nothing against boys kissing, but the proportions of her "art" were all wrong.

Her desk situated below the wall of art was even more of a mess. There were some glass bottles with little glass balls sitting in them lines up in a row on one side with some boxes that said "Pocky" in different colors various pictures of some stick cookie on them to the right. There were papers strewn across the desk and other packaging for food scattered about. I had no idea why she hoarded these things and wanted nothing more than to leave.

(I think that's a good stopping point for tonight. If this thread is still up tomorrow, I'll post more.)

>> No.6984841

I swear there was someone named that on DoD that people then bitched about. Maybe there are multiple Cheeseburgers in the community.

>> No.6984874

Have never heard this. There are, however, a lot of bjd seamstresses who also work in MH scale. Check Etsy.

>> No.6984882

If you want something a little smaller than an Iplehouse (they are excellent but huge) I'd suggest a Chicline muscular male. The Rou sculpt is the most masculine and popular. Small scale but pretty nice, skinny-built muscles, poses beautifully. Plus you can take advantage of some accesories for fashion dolls and action figures.

>> No.6984886

You arent likely to find anything at 12 inches that isnt a toddler. Try Fairyland's Chicline or the Dollmore fashion doll line. They're around 16 inches and fashion doll scale, so shoes and wigs will be fairly easy to find.

If you're very set on the size go for Pullip. Bjd like looks but on basically a well articulated Barbie type body.

>> No.6984907

I used to date a dude who was so fucking creepy in retrospect. Sadly didn't see it at the time because I was in a bad home situation and wanted out badly. Short rundown here.
>he was 38, I was 19
>he was already married, did not inform me at first as "its totally an open relationship, besides my wife thinks youre cute"
>entire relationship started because he offered to chat with me about the bdsm scene
>pretty quickly claimed he loved me and wanted me to live with him
>attempted to sell his old GIJoe and Matchbox car collections to buy my plane ticket
>tried to convince me my regularly appearing skin allergy was proof my mom was poisoning me
>made me jewelry smeared in his blood
>had weird friendship with 12 year old on doll forum
>was a furry, sent me furry/drawn bestiality porn
>also he meowed, growled, and purred on the phone
>eventually just pissed me off to the point that I broke up with him, wised up to his crazy and shared some of this info on a site containing drama he was related to
>he now believes I stalk him because of this and because I belong to the same doll sites as him (meaning the biggest most popular ones)
>am waiting for lulz right now as I moved in with current bf who is also into bjds, happens to be same (fairly large) state with only a small doll community

Oh also bf has a crazy dollbitch ex too, a fairly prolific one at that.

>> No.6984965

The idea of them being sentient makes me sad since I bought mine right before college and unfortunately I had to leave them in boxes at my house when I left for the dorms. I feel bad not taking them out enough or changing their outfits.

And to bring this back to /cgl/ stuff does any else not understand cosplay dolls? Like I find it really cool if you fashion a doll after a character you love they look neat as hell, but I dont get why people say it's their doll cosplaying.

>> No.6984968

I think it's like just the people who buy dolls and give them backstories. I have a dollfie dream that I dress up as Patchouli from touhou, but I don't say she's cosplaying. She's not alive, she's just a doll. Also, your story reminds me of rozen maiden stuff.

>> No.6985056

Everytime someone asks me if my doll is my daughter/son I laugh and say yes, that's why I totally leave them in completely dark boxes for weeks at a time, dress them up in the wrong gender outfits if I run out of enough boys to make a group (or vice versa), buy a boy and dress it as a girl because I always wanted a boy that size but girl dresses were cuter and I didn't have enough money for both, completely wipe their faceups because I'm bored and then leave them that way while trying to decide what faces I should give them next, drill holes in their ears and sandpaper their bodies for aesthetic reasons, the list goes on.... yeah, I really hope they're not sentient. I haven't been murdered in my sleep by dolls yet though, if that's proof of anything.

And to answer your other question, I've got an active doll comm and some friends who know some of my dolls by name (and I know theirs by name). Sometimes I just really like an anime, while knowing that it's a passing fad, so I just introduce my doll as "This is <dollname>, cosplaying as Cain from Trinity Blood" and six months later the same doll is cosplaying a different character. It saves a lot of questions from other dollowners on whether it's the same mold as my "other doll" (it's unusual but not unheard of for a dollowner to have two dolls of one mold, so naturally it attracts questions), and whether it's a permanent name change (since the word "cosplay" implies it's only a temporary costume change). So it's more a convenience than a serious "my doll has a soul and is pretending to be someone else for six months" kind of thing.

>> No.6985071

Have you posted this story somewhere before anon? sounds familiar, unless this is a common scenario

>> No.6985175

Don't bother. You're poor at writing from the doll's point of view and it just sounds like a description of a generic weaboo.

>> No.6985201
File: 14 KB, 276x183, depresd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a company that makes Super Dolfie sized onaholes, I think called Dollho. Learned that from a creepy ex-friend dollbitch, who was a little too interested in it.

Sage, because I didn't want to reach in that part of my memory.

>> No.6985294

Any OC is good OC, Anon. Don't be mean.

>> No.6985311


>> No.6985318

If my husband ever dies before me, i'm convinced i'd go the route of a creepy bjd owner and live my life complete in the loving arms of my many many ball jointed husbandos.

>> No.6985326
File: 43 KB, 384x640, 1325735408743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen her multiple times in ita threads, in multiple similar outfits always twinning with her dolls. Gimme her blog or lj or whatever and I can die happy

>> No.6985328

holy shit what is this

>> No.6985331

I've always wanted to invest in a bjd just so I could Twin with her.
I've loved the Idea of twinning as a kid and even had a my twin doll that I carried around until she broke.
I've worn lolita to the free to attend local doll convention and all the old ladies there loved it.
I'd love to return again with a matching doll.
unfortunately, I know nothing about bjds , so I don't know where to start.

>> No.6985335

Just don't, girls who treat dolls as just accessories to their ~*kawaii*~ image are hated in the community.

>> No.6985337

Dolls ARE just accessories.

>> No.6985340

Ugguuu look how kawaii I am with my kawaii BJD teehee <33

>> No.6985346

that anon wasn't me, but seriously, whats your damage? you gotta admit this >>6981180
is pretty cute.

>> No.6985347

Yes, Tom Hiddleston. There are several custom manufacturing threads on the biggest BJD Forum already trying to buy Hannibal, Martin Freeman, R.D.Jr heads too, so they can have super kawaii armies of bishis. Yep.

I wish there was more actual lolita clothing for bjd's, all I find are super frilly dresses with those arm-things. Not even long sleeves, but these frilly, lacy things, and they never look good...

Also, someone who is genuinly nice just said my anthro bjd was "Such a sexy lady,"

It's a doll. But I had it coming, it's an anthro and all.

>> No.6985362

Except this girl didn't lug her bjd around telling people 'teehee look at me I'm so cute I totally look like a dollfie myself!!!' It was a fullset project that she sold fast for a nice price.

>> No.6985375

If I ever manage to get one, I'll cosplay from Angelic Layer and make cosplay for her too.

>> No.6985380
File: 15 KB, 188x153, HNI_0066_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I wan't to look like a doll.
I want the doll to look like me, to carry to special events only and for photography practice.
>implying everyone does it to look cute
I've ran into gothic and classic lolitas that do this.
you avoided the question:
>what's your damage?

>> No.6985384

..anon why?
I reverse searched her and I just found this: http://cosplayers.acparadise.com/10121/

>> No.6985385

She never said she was a dollfie herself. Wanting to twin with a doll=/= ermergherd#reallifebarbie. Tell your vag to stop hanging around with sand so much.

>> No.6985387


I was the "uggu kawaii desu" anon. It just seemed kind of typical weeb trying to be cute, but, I misunderstood.
I'm not >>6985362

>> No.6985390

I really suck at expositions, but I apologize in advance if it doesn't get any better. I wanted to give it a try. Also, what's wrong with using a weeaboo owner? I mean, she's generic now, but do weeaboos always show their crazy/creeper power-levels right from the start? (Any horror story thread tells me no.)

"We're at my doll work table," she explained, "I'm about to give you the prettiest face you've ever seen! All the other dolls will be so jealous!"

She began working roughly on my face. I laid their hoping, well more like desperately begging the universe, that maybe she was a brilliant savant who was excellent at painting faces.

She finished and showed me my reflection in a tiny hand mirror. If I could have gasped, I would have. She had a complete disregard for my facial structure. My blush was too far on the outside of my face and a little too pink. My lips were really light and a little crooked. I just couldn't believe that all my dreams of being delicate were ending. I had heard people talk about how cute or lovely other dolls that came into the shop were, but no one would ever say those things about me.

"I bought lots of lovely new wigs for you! Let's start with a light pink one, since your name is Sakura-chan after all." She shoved the wig on my head and showed me in the mirror. It wasn't the best quality wig and was a little tousled from her handling it, but it wasn't as terrible as my face. Maybe, things would get better.

"I found you this super KAWAII lolita dress! Let's get you in it, then you can go meet your friends!" She giggled again. I wasn't sure what was so funny about meeting friends, but I found myself dreading it.

She proceeded to put me in a shiny, itchy black dress with lots of light pink lace. She put a headband on my head that was also black and declared me to be ready. I had no shoes and no socks, but I was apparently "ready" in her eyes and was taken into the next room.

>> No.6985395

I really like your story!

>> No.6985421


When we got into the next room, I saw two other dolls sitting on the top of a slightly cluttered dresser. They were both male with poorly painted faces and tousled hair. They were both fully dressed. One had a black top with buckles down the front, black pants, and large, black boots. His hair was also black. His eyes were the strangest ones that I had ever seen. They were red with vertical slits like a cat's eyes.

She gestured to him and said, "This is Kaito-kun. He's a vampire, but he's also a demon. Being part-demon means that sunlight won't kill him. He looks tough, but is really caring deep down inside. His tragic past just makes him more distant most of the time."

She gestured to the other doll, "This is Kyousuke-kun. He was just a normal university student, but then he met Kaito-kun and hat to help hide him from the other demons who want to kill him."

I turned my attention toward him. Kyousuke had dark brown hair, regular, blue eyes, and probably the worst face-up of the three of us. He had on a white button-up shirt, jeans, boots, and a loose tie around his neck.

You see," she continued, "they kind of have feelings for each other, but Kaito-kun is also my boyfriend. I don't mind that they like each other. In fact, I think it's pretty cute. I just thought that if Kyousuke-kun had a girlfriend too, then we could go on double-dates! Wouldn't that be fun?"

I didn't know what to think. Before I had time to process this information much at all, she placed me on the dresser beside Kyousuke and left.

(Should I make it so that the dolls communicate with each other when no humans are around, or is that stupid?)

>> No.6985428

Don't, that gives it this weird toy story vibe. I like just having this one doll thinking to herself.

>> No.6985436

She's from Belgium. As a Dutch person I see her at almost every Dutch convention, she always buys a stand to sell her own BJD dolls, lolita accesories, wigs and cosplays (they vary from bad to decent). She also brings lots of boxes with really random stuff to sell. I've spoken to her a few times and she is very nice but...how should I put it...hard to shake off once you are in a conversation with her.

>> No.6985439

Here is her website by the way, where you can rent and buy her costumes: http://users.telenet.be/the-mermaid/basis.htm

>> No.6985450

Those costumes are so awkward

>> No.6985455

Yeah, I thought that's what might happen. I guess it's creepier if they can't communicate and are trapped in their own thoughts.

I just sat there in mild shock. less than three days ago, I was still dreaming of being a beautiful, delicate work of art. Now, I was in a cheap dress with bade makeup and apparerently a somewhat gay boyfriend who was probably just as upset with being her doll as I was. Both of the boys' skin looked yellowed, and I began to wonder what they had been through with her. I wish I could have asked them what to expect, but I don't think even they could have told me what I was about to suffer.

A few hours later, she came back and picked up Kaito. She pulled him in close and kissed him on the lips. I could just see the oils from her skin transferring into him.

"Aww, Kaito-kun, you must have really missed me! I've been so busy getting you a new friend/ Do you like her? I bet Kyousuke-kun really likes her! Are you jealous, Kaito-kun! Don't be! You do have me, after all."

She posed his arms so that they would be placed around her large face when she leaned on for a longer kiss. I felt awful for him but was also very glad that I wasn't her love interest. She placed him back on the dresser and picked up Kyousuke. She ran her fingers through his hair and asked him, "Kyousuke-kun, how do you like your new girlfriend? She's cute isn't she? I bet you want to do all sorts of dirty things with Sakura-chan-just like the things that Kaaito-kun does to you. Why don't you start by giving her a kiss?"

She then picked me up with one hand and brought my face near Kyousuke's. She was also leaning in; her hot breath rolled over us in waves. She pushed our faces together. I could feel his face pressing against mine and rubbing across my lips as she moved us back and forth a little.

>> No.6985461


I'm a lolita who's also a BJD dollowner, I have to say if you want to twin with your doll, it's better if you can sew, or can sew and print your own designs off spoonflower. It's very annoying to have to base your own fashion decisions entirely off your doll's wardrobe.

For BJD twinners, fashion choices are:
- Volks x btssb collab, the older ones are old school style, and the most recent were posted above.
- Cotindoll copied some of the older Volks x btssb collabs (oldschool lolita)
- Volks x hNaoto, you can match the punk/v kei (male) styles, or you can dress up in hnaoto frill.
- Anna House has a couple of doll dresses that are a copy of, and match their human dresses.
- Kidsyoyo has a doll version of their chocolate dress, though it might be out of stock by now.
- Dollheart (BJD brand) has human clothes that look like their doll clothes, but be warned that it doesn't look lolita, and most of them look like cosplay as the doll designs sometimes don't scale upwards right.

And that is it. That is the whole wardrobe you will share with your doll. In the end I had to scrap my idea as I don't sew, and I just didn't like any of the clothes listed above. You might be able to commission someone to make something for you that matches your doll, or something for your doll that looks like something in your wardrobe, but it's hard to find a reliable seamstress, and quite often the lace details don't scale up/down right, so the end results look a bit weird.

I finally got a Blythe, as they have AP collaborations, which is closer to my style.

>> No.6985464


Forgot to mention, my style is toned down sweet, usually prints, so none of the choices I listed above match me at all. I guess if you like one of the styles or it's your favorite brand then twinning with a BJD would be right up your alley

>> No.6985495

She moved closer to the dresser and sat us both down with me upon his lap. She posed him so that one hand was supporting my back while the other one rested atop the breast that was further away from him. I was upset about neing left in such a position, since neither one of us could do anything to get out of it. She giggled and left.

That night, she came back to go to bed. While she was fast asleep and snoring heavily, I wished that I could just get up and run away.

The next few days were full of more kissing and heavy petting for Kyousuke and me and more sloppy kisses for Kaito. I hated when she would run her greasy fingers through my hair the most. Somehow, clacking me up against Kyousuke didn't feel as violating.

A week after my arrivel, she took us for a picnic in the local pary. It was a beautiful day. There were lots of children laughing and running around on the playground. There we sat-about fifteen feet away-in silent suffering. There wasn't any kissing or petting, since she said it wasn't appropriate for us to do it in public. There she was in a lace covered dress more awful than mine pulling little plates and food out of a picnic basket.

I though the food was all for her. She surely looked like she could eat it all, and then go order more food at one of those fast food places she talked about. Unfortunately, she put real food on each of our little plates and would intermittently pick a piece up with a little fork and press it to one of our faces as if we were able to eat. She pressed a piece of pineapple up against my face-letting the juice have time to drip on my dress-before popping it in her mouth. I was people staring in the distance and really wished that someone would tell her not to treat us like that. No help came.

At the end of the picnic, she wiped the juice, crumbs, and icing from our faces and packed everything up to go home. I was happy to head home and sit back on the dresser, no matter what position she put me in this time.

>> No.6985597

Any more?
I'm starting to think the people writing these don't finish because they're being attacked by dolls.

>> No.6985631

I stopped with >>6985495 since I have other stuff to do today but was going to write more this evening/tonight. Sorry to leave you hanging. I just thought that was a good point to stop at for now.

>> No.6985637


That doll has a serious case of yaoi hands.

>> No.6985679
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Thank you for the links!
my mother sews doll clothes as a hobby, so that should really be no problem.
my only issue is that the sewing machine can't handle little things

>> No.6985880


Glad you like them!

re: sewing machine -- don't go smaller than 1/3 BJDs (60cm) then. My dollowner friends and I both sew, and we've agreed, 1/4 dolls (40+cm) are a pain as there's quite a few places where the sewing machine is really clumsy to maneuver with.

>> No.6986051

I have posted this in a weeaboo thread with more info before, and it also got posted on DoD some years back when it happened, though did not admit that I was the girlfriend involved (told it in third person) as I was still active on the smaller forum we initially met on.

>> No.6986062

If you really want, there are companies that will sculpt a custom head based on your own face or a celebrity.

>> No.6986064

Dollheart and Volks have some nice stuff... Theres also some bjd sized prints on Spoonflower now.

>> No.6986072

oh my fucking god I wish I didn't know that they were trying to create a Mads head. I'm not surprised now that you've mentioned it, but I really wish it wasn't happening. When will people learn that custom heads almost never look good (see: the Hiddleston nighmare above), especially if they're done by Minimee?

Sage cause I'm buttmad about custom heads

>> No.6986077

Is she the same woman who dressed up as a terrible blubbery mermaid and flopped around in someone's pool, or are there multiple crazy Belgians who look like that?

Oh man, I love this thread.

>> No.6986086

Don't. They almost never look good and there's little to no quality control.

I own three (sort of) custom heads. One is off of a video game character done by Minimee and it looks alright, though the eyes are uneven in places and the ears are completely crooked. The other two are of Andrej Pejic, one being done by an American sculptor. It looks nothing like Andrej and is much larger than it was supposed to be, but it is well sculpted and I really like it. I then bought a second Andrej head done by Sarina of Oasisdoll that actually looks like him and was made to fit a specific body.
But this? This was done by Minimee/DIM. And it's a fair representation of every Minimee based off of a real person in terms of how terrifyingly awful and out of scale it looks. Their sculpts are always hyper-realistic and the heads are never in scale for almost any body.

TL;DR only get a custom sculpt of a real person if it's from an artist you can select yourself and trust to communicate with you.

>> No.6986958


>> No.6987125

I agree. But they're def. hard to faceup well, you really need to have a good faceup on a BBB sculpt because they don't take well to a lot of different/weird style face ups.

I got an ariel really cheap to use for some serious modifications and i think their resin quality and sculpt itself is very nice, but even the nicest, most expensive limited BJDS are going to look like shit if you give them shitty faceups .

BJDs are blank canvases, it's more about what you put on them.

>> No.6987255

Here I am again, seated on Jessica’s lap. The glow of the computer monitor is the only sort of illumination in the entire room. Out of the corner of my eye I could barely make out the shapes of my comrades. All seated in a row and relatively organized in comparison to the shapeless blobs littered around her disheveled room. I was by far the most spoiled of her dolls. Not only the largest in size, but with the widest wardrobe. I lived a pampered life of constantly being coddled and acting as a makeshift boyfriend to my owner while the other dolls she largely ignores she considers our ‘children’. “Ugh… look at THAT fattie. How does SHE have a boyfriend?” She snaps out of nowhere, pulling my attention back to whatever frivolous task she busied herself with online. Typically she flirted online with guys who only used her up until she showed her tits. She also frequented sites about dolls and updated regularly with pictures of our ‘family’, with me being the center piece. But tonight was different, she spent a good portion looking up pictures of couples and the keywords for her search terms were along the lines of ‘love’, ‘heterosexual’, ‘cute boyfriends’, ‘relationships’ and topics along those lines. Throughout the span of my five years with Jessica she never had a boyfriend and from what I gather she never has. Which isn’t too farfetched considering how childish, inconsiderate, selfish, vain and cranky she could be. -c-

>> No.6987259

The girl only referred to her parents when she wanted something and for the most part they provided their daughter with whatever she pleased. Jessica is almost as spoiled as I am. But unfortunately her parents can’t buy her a human boyfriend. Which is what gets her in these moods. “I mean… I look way better than this fat, ugly bitch! Life is just so unfair… he deserves way better.” I am picked up, facing away from the glare of the computer monitor and towards Jessica’s heated expression. “But at least you are more attractive than HE is. You would pick me over that fat ugly fuck, wouldn’t you Kenny-kun?” I am silent. “I mean… I’m skinny, pretty, fashionable….” By this point I tune her out, knowing from experience that Jessica rattles on about her good graces for the better part of ten minutes. But when my focus is pulled back it is to a familiar touch. The inexperienced and finicky finger pads trailing along my golden wig. I groan internally. She chooses now of all times to decide she wants this? This pesky woman’s moods swing wildly around. It was no wonder she was alone. “Kenny-kun… maybe we can go have some fun? That would surely lift my mood!” She lifted me up to whisper in my ear. My expressionless was forever frozen in place, but for once it was an accurate expression for my feelings of this situation. Jessica reached over and turned off the monitor of the computer before tossing me onto her bed. I landed on my back, bouncing twice and a bit surprised by the force of her throw. She was getting careless. -c-

>> No.6987260

From my vantage point I watched the gangly girl fight with her pajamas that were five sizes too large. But she found the look ‘kawaii’. Tossing the clothing aside, I watched as she climbed onto the bed, crawling up to me in what I assumed was supposed to be sexy but seemed way too forced as if she were mimicking the pornos she frequently watches. Nevermind the fact that this room was pitch black so I could barely make out anything other than shapes at this point. She picked me up and pressed my mouth to her breasts. At times like these I questioned my sexuality. Was I supposed to feel anything? I’ve been on her lap while she read hentai online… I know I am modeled after a human man… but when we perform these acts I find myself bored at best and disgusted at worst. Typically I’m disgusted by her. Especially her fluids. In no time she removes me from my intricate outfit of leather and chains which costed her parents a pretty penny. My groin is forced against her and the biweekly ritual commences. Jessica rolling onto her back as her hands grind my hips against her clit and the outer lips of her pussy. I can feel the slime slicking my lower abdomen and hips. Her stench will be on me nodoubt yet again after she gets herself off. But for now I am used as a puppet as the woman under me gyrates and frantically pants. I suppose no person’s life is perfect. Sure, I might have to deal with my sexually stunted owner who believes real life and relationships should be like the perfect sex and relations of the characters on tv. But I get nice clothing and cared for far better than the other unlucky folks I have seen on the doll forums online… so, life isn’t TOO horrible, right? -end-

>> No.6987718

It's like she's his sugar mommy(?). I like this, anon.

>> No.6987734
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The last part was fucking disgusting. Do crazy BJD owners actually do shit like that?

>> No.6987739

Well I mean, there are people who do modifications to make dolls fuckable for men. So I'm guessing some girls do it too.

>> No.6987757

This was great. You're great. You keep on being fantastic, Anon.

>> No.6987764
File: 79 KB, 480x360, 1337373868694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think of it, since there actually are Japanese lovedolls made to look like real (little) girls, and they're lifesize, is there the same thing but male for shotacon fujoshi?

>> No.6987774

Holy shit it's Dakota.

>> No.6987778

O man someone made the mcqueen armadillo shoes in BJD size?

When did Venus commit thievery?

>> No.6987781
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>> No.6987786
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I found Venus, too.

>> No.6987789

Stopped reading there

>> No.6987792

I am not from here, but what are these type of those called and where can I buy one (supposing they are under 200USD)?

>> No.6987793

Girl doesn't seem intensely ita tbh. She needs makeup and hairstyling but tbh I feel like this is a situation where she can almost get away with it b/c she has a fresh asian face.

>> No.6987795


not that my parents would have bought me a >$500 doll

>> No.6987821

Eh, I don't think I'd call this stealing tbh, this is how most sponsorships work. Usually terms like this are laid out before hand, but most bloggers I know will not feature products that they think are shoddy. It probably would have been courteous to return them, but shop owners should really comprehend what they're getting into when they send sponsored products to a personality.

Also, SassyNPunk's products really don't look particularly "high end." :|

Not tryna champion Venus or anything, just bein real

>> No.6987975

You from /toy/?
Bobobie and Resinsoul dolls are very cheap, but tend to look like shit.

With $300, though, you could get a pretty nice MSD-sized doll.

>> No.6988004
File: 579 KB, 976x373, awshieeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were any, they would have a buyer right here. Not necessarily shota, but if I could get any of these three guys I'd probably slave myself to make it happen. Maybe even get my bf's waifu for him.

>> No.6988046

honestly, I don't see why this doll is so horrible, could someone explain? It resembles the actor, doesn't it? and I suppose that's what the owner was looking for. The clothes are another matter entirely, of course.

>> No.6988138

It resembles the actor but IMO it's really terrifying looking. There's also the fact that the head isn't in scale with the body.

>> No.6988294
File: 429 KB, 768x1024, 2784275232_4efbcaed86_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat this

>> No.6988307

We are the people who are open about their kinks always the fucked up ones?

My mother's coworker is in your face about his kinks and he was always really nice to me, and open to talk about anything - naturally, being interested in BDSM, I would ask him about his experiences and his poly lifestyle. He would always punctuate our talks with "don't tell your mother," as she is his boss. Years later, now that I am legal (I was probably a sophomore in high school when I met him) and have transitioned ftm, I asked him if he would be willing to give me a little sample taste of being a sub. In our pre-scene negotiations, he admitted he used to fantasize about me when we first met.
>mfw "you were a cute girl then and you're a cute little boy now"
Needless to say I called the whole thing off because he just wanted to fuck me. And then I'm pretty sure he actually doesn't know as much as he makes it seem, considering he told me to just buy the cheapest gear, saying it would be just as good as the high quality shit. Ugh. So glad that playdate never happened.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6988309

Some women definitely do. My boyfriend has unfortunately been privy to the stories of these, through girls assuming him to be gay or into it himself.

>> No.6988311

Go to /toy/'s doll thread. Lots of suggestions in there already.

>> No.6988313

Op of post you linked. This guy (and another I met later) was exactly the same. Knew jack shit, I knew more bout bdsm safety and acts as a well read 19 year old virgin than a supposed highly in demand master dom.

>> No.6988314

I know her! Nice lady but a bit odd. Somehow lands herself in the middle of batshit drama a lot too.

>> No.6988942

Hey guys..sorry it's been forever. I've been busy prepping for a job interview that I have today.
Here's part two and then I'll have to finish up tonight.

I should have known what I was in for just based on what happened so far alone. Alas, I remained hopeful. I was getting a home. I should be happy.
My new owner had picked out new eyes and hair for me and I was taken in to get my face painted. I had no idea what I looked like, I just hoped I pleased my new owner.
It took a while to actually arrive at my new home, apparently my new owner lived overseas. The journey was long and quite boring but I hung in there and with each passing day I felt my excitement growing.
After what seemed like forever, I noticed that it had suddenly gotten much quieter. The sounds of transit had ceased and it was blissful silence for a few hours before suddenly I felt my box being quickly snatched up and a voice outside cry out:
I was quickly whisked inside and suddenly the world became much more jarring as my box was being torn into and not very gently. All too soon a crack of light appeared and I was momentarily dazzled by the bright light that assaulted my glass eyes.
She was just as I remembered. Chubby with lanky brown hair and now she was breathing heavily out of excitement and making odd squeaking sounds. She lifted me out of the box and I found myself pressed against a slightly sweaty bosom. Again, I am thankful I don’t have to breathe to live.

>> No.6990041

That sound like the plot to one episode of criminal minds :/

>> No.6990057

Ringdoll is getting better, but the dolls themselves are much more thin than other dolls in their height range, so finding clothing can be a challenge.

>> No.6990203

Try Parabox/Obitsu. They're like $40 for the nude doll. They take normal YOSD wigs and their eye size is pretty easy to find.

>> No.6990398

Obitsus actually take wigs the size of Pukis, not YoSds. Theyre a 3/4, not a 5/6, so you can see how thats a bit of a jump in size. I have both, plus a pair of Chiclines which are smack inbetween at 4/5 and none of em fit each other's wigs.

>> No.6991818

Yes, the same one. She has a lot of different mermaid tails and you can hire her for your parties.