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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6972320 No.6972320 [Reply] [Original]

Secrets post 78

>> No.6972437


>> No.6972487

is failita alright? I see Twilight did the actual post.

>> No.6972538

twilight, if you're here, the first secret with all the lolitas on it is totes not about lolitas.

>> No.6972542

>implying an image gif with "knee socks" is a secret

not sure if serious...

>> No.6972553

What? It relates to all the tall lolita secrets that complain about knees showing. Totes loli!

>> No.6972563

But it's not a secret.Then again, a good 3/4 of the posts on btb aren't secrets on average.

>> No.6972565

Did your secret get rejected or something? She said you could message her and discuss it. Someone just got their secret back up because they fixed the size.

>> No.6972576
File: 15 KB, 448x273, xHlCaCi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.6972611

who the fuck is complaining so much? your secret didn't get in, big deal.no1cuur

>> No.6972617


So what do they want us to do? Tear our 762 dollar BTSSB dress off and beat our breasts because this world isn't perfect? Fuck that shit.

Also caring about random bullshit that gets media coverage doesn't guarantee one isn't a nasty cunt. People can 'care' all they want and still make fun of someone who is fat because they can be cunts. My SJW former friend was someone who would go off her rocker every time someone didn't care about her pet Ethiopian project, but would make terrible jokes about people with Down's syndrome. So tut tutting at us about not caring about some black kid like they're on the moral high horse means absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.6972621

I feel bad for the mod. She went through all the trouble of getting the secrets up and that person is still constantly bitching up a storm about what an "actual secret" is. I'm surprised she hasn't told them to fuck off yet.

>> No.6972626

I didn't submit a secret this week or post on BtB about it. But if they're going to start removing secrets for "not being a secret," maybe they need to actually create some guidelines... since more than half the secrets aren't secrets at all on most of the posts. It's a bit silly to say "this wasn't allowed because it's not a secret" but blatant not-secrets like the first secret, with the knees, are posted.

>> No.6972632

Would you rather a repeat of the 200+ post from months ago with a bunch of trash secrets to scroll through? I know mods have rejected a few secrets that only have a picture of an object and all they did was put a lolita bow on it.

>> No.6972633

Secrets count as controversial things. The knees thing is a somewhat controversial topic since it has to do with dress length. I think that shit like the Nicki Minaj picture isn't a secret cause no one is gonna comment on that. They're supposed to cause drama or 'debate' atleast, that's what I feel.

>> No.6972635

The way I see it is that BtB isn't just a secret posting site (where people can post anonymous things to bitch out others or expose shady things) but also a place to make commentary on what is currently happening in comms and in the fashion.

There really isn't anywhere except /cgl/ to make this commentary. These secrets-that-aren't-really-secrets are good in a way as they incite discussion. People can make commentary whilst anonymous that they may not be comfortable with using their LJ account.

>> No.6972636

That secret reminds me of that obnoxious "Barbie" girl.

>> No.6972637

Hah, yeah I get that. I hate Nicki Minaj though so I probably have a bias.

>> No.6972639

Secrets have always been shitty.

But a picture of people showing knees isn't a secret. A "controversial thing" by itself isn't a secret. If they added something related to how they feel about the image--aka something that indicates why this is a secret? then yeah. Something like, "I think it's ridiculous that people don't bat an eye when Japanese lolitas show their knees but when a Western loli does it, PANIC" or whatever. But just posting something that's related to lolita or the community doesn't make it a secret.

>> No.6972644

they're called 'secrets' because you post them anonymously, not because they're literally a secret you asshat. fuck, some shit you don't even need a stance on, i could post the word replicas and have a 100+ thread.

anyway, you need to shut up because no one really cares at all. if you want 'good secrets' start your own fucking comm.

>> No.6972645

Going back over the Secrets, a lot of the images have an implied message behind them. If you weren't in the loop or didn't know the source of the pic, the implied message would get lost. So I can see why people are saying they aren't secrets.

>> No.6972647

Except to regular readers of BtB, you'd know it's in response to all the "I hate knees", "tall lolitas look shit because their knees show" secrets.

>> No.6972653

Wait...wasn't this a secret a while back ago? I messaged the mod about it not being a secret and it being a repeat. Someone commented that it was a repeat too. Guess that secret is about to go too.

>> No.6972657

No, anon, didn't you know, inside jokes aren't fair to people who need don't get it. We need to remove all of them because they trigger me and make me whine and bitch till I get my way.

>> No.6972661

You sound bitter.

I know that the image is referring to the fact that people get in a tizzy about knees. But there's nothing about the image that makes it a secret.

A response isn't a secret. If something is just a response, why not comment in a thread about it instead of making a secret? wasn't there a rule about that a while back, anyway, or did they nix it?

>> No.6972663
File: 1019 KB, 350x215, twistyourbacklikemine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being such a bitter bitch, Colin.

>> No.6972662

YUP. It's gone. Someone said it was a repeat and truthfully, it wasn't a secret.

>> No.6972668

the only bitter bitch here is the one with their panties in a twist over nothing. shit do you have ocd or something?

>> No.6972670

Secrets don't always have to be "she sucks" or "tall lolita suck" or "blahblahblahcomplaint"

They can be anything lolita related. Whether you're upset about something, replying to a recent topic, or just spreading some gossip.

>> No.6972678

Except those one word secrets, I can't stand those!

>> No.6972681

OK you know what? we have been here politely (well except for >>6972644 over here) explaining to you what we feel the general consensus of what constitutes an admissible secret is, and I'm feeling that you aren't here to have it clarified for you but for the rest of us to agree with your stance.

From your comments, I think you are too literal to understand the nuances from BtB and therefore perhaps you should therefore stay away from there and refrain from commenting on anything BtB related.

>> No.6972684

>I think you are too literal to understand the nuances from BtB and therefore perhaps you should therefore stay away from there and refrain from commenting on anything BtB related.

Totally agree. I get a weird vibe from her, like aspergers? Like shit guys, this isn't the definition of the word secret, ignore the context it's wroooong!

>> No.6972689
File: 481 KB, 270x180, rqUIr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your panties aren't twisted like a chocolate-vanilla ice cream cone

>> No.6972691

the problem is, what counts as a secret? Why is x not a secret, but y is?

It's funny, normally people on /cgl/ are all over mod inconsistency. Maybe I just touched a nerve for you, since guidelines would probably mean that the majority of the lamer drama secrets (like the "this outfit is shit!" "this person eats peas!" and so on) would be up for removal.

>> No.6972692

Different anon here, I really don't think they're angry like you think they are, just annoyed that even though it's really just a matter of mod discretion, they're dragging it out so long for basically no reason. Plus, twilight was kind enough to post secrets even though failita is MIA. Everyone here is just telling her to calm down and let opinions be just that.

>> No.6972694

Honestly, the mod decides that. It's subjective. And if you touched a nerve, it's because we went over this before and it came up the same way. It's just subjective. Sorry if you hate human error so much.

>> No.6972699
File: 1.48 MB, 400x232, ka1qqe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragging it out so long
>btb has two comments on the subject
>two comments is dragging it out

Really, Jan?

>> No.6972715
File: 264 KB, 1280x1959, twosurelooksbig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd refresh if i were you.

>> No.6972728
File: 249 KB, 634x331, tumblr_m3quebyQfk1qad2ozo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh goodness, my mistake.

>THREE comments

>> No.6972731

are you confusing the word comments for commenters?

either way, it's time for bed butthurt-chan.

>> No.6972734
File: 500 KB, 500x245, bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replied to a comment which said:

>they're dragging it out so long for basically no reason.

"They," as in the person people are bitching about, only made three comments. The initial comment, then two replies. "They" aren't dragging anything out.

Maybe it's time to spend less time on /cgl/ and BtB crying about how someone made three comments on a subject? Btw, you forgot to log out--I can see you contributed to the comment count down there!

>> No.6972735

no picture??

>> No.6972796

You have touched a nerve because several different people have said basically the same thing to you, and you respond with the equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and going "LA LA LA". It has been explained to you, politely and in different ways and you continue to argue instead of shutting the fuck up and agreeing to disagree. There are other viewpoints than your own and labelling a subjective thing as the topic of secrets as 'mod inconsistency' is ridiculous.

Secrets aren't cut and dried.

>> No.6972817

I agree. The mod said views are going to vary no matter what on that type of rule. I don't think there really can be much of a guideline. I'd just exclude the one-word secrets or secrets where you just took a photo of a cat or dog and put a bow on it.

>> No.6972833

I can't believe someone could get get so finicky over a snark community.

>> No.6972878

Holy shit, the Holy Tea Time defense force is out in full swing.

>> No.6972988

What is the story with So Cal drama? I live in So Cal and am apparently out of the loop.

>> No.6973011

Do you actually have Aspergers? You're arguing over semantics so hard, and that's where your problem is coming from. You're taking these words at face value. "These aren't secrets because everyone knows them!" "You're wrong about this being dragged out because you said 'they,' and there's only one person!"

>> No.6973018

not that anon but I actually have aspergers and while i am often full retard at understanding verbal speech, text comprehension is 1246373% easier.
they have no excuse theyre just dumb

>> No.6973022

"They" can be used as plural but also as singular gender neutral.
There is no usage issue there.

>> No.6973027

More Peachie hate? really?

>> No.6973030

So tired of the stupid "KNEES" crap. Anyone who still thinks that shit meme is funny is the kind of retarded person who thinks kpop gifs are the pinnacle of humor. Just stop.

>> No.6973032
File: 281 KB, 564x384, MsCF1py.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK, I'm gullible as fuck and don't know what to think, so what do you seagulls think about this?

>> No.6973033

I dunno about you be in the second picture, you wouldnt be able to see yellowing. And also, the lighting could mask the yellowing.

>> No.6973041

that holly has been busy

>> No.6973045

I think it's a difficult fabric to work with when photographing with crappy cameras. I wouldn't be surprised if they were both the same dress and no image editing occurred. Particularly the second picture looks like it was taken with flash in a dark room so one can't really say. Besides, it looks blue rather than white for me.

>> No.6973059

The more I look at it, I see the yellow in the second pic near her arm and near the waist.

So much for that argument.

>> No.6973064

The dress still looks like shit but I doubt it was shooped yellow.

>> No.6973068

And that't why I need glasses.

>> No.6973083

If you look at the strap compared to the back, the strap has a bluer tint while the back has a creamy tint. The flash would wash it all out more and even out the colours but you can still see its yellow.

>> No.6973085

LOL. Not gonna debate that. I don't see well at all, but I can usually see colors. What >>6973045 and >>6973033 said about the lighting is probably what made me think it wasn't yellow. Flash can fuck with lots of colors.

Also, so this means someone is grasping at straws, right?

>> No.6973095

wtf meme are you talking about?

>> No.6973113

Maybe not exactly. It could be easily seen in natural lighting... the pictures were just as bad as the dress.

>> No.6973155

I don't get the knees but either. Most of the pics had otks or tights. There weren't even any fucking knees showing.
The knee thing was only "controversy" for people who wanted to bitch about Misako. And no one really cares a out her so no one cares about one offhand comment that elegant ladies should have their knees covered.
Everyone knows that AP is really short and that shorter dresses is in fashion. Try hard poster is trying too hard.

>> No.6973249

Even if they weren't using they to refer to the person they disagreed with, that's still only 6 comments. Hardly "dragging it out."

>> No.6973256

what are you even talking about?

>> No.6973271

She came on here and half of this thread is about it.

>> No.6973278
File: 301 KB, 400x230, 9273487348ujfolsg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not any of the people involved but
>mfw 19th secret.

>> No.6973289

>I didn't submit a secret this week or post on BtB about it

keep trying

and twilightcircus isn't posting on /cgl/, so it doesn't affect her if it's discussed on her.

>> No.6974388

RE: 8

Wow I am glad I am in a community where we don;t have to worry about creepy dudes with ageplay and sissification fetishes joining it and trying to not-so-subtly nudge it onto our members

>> No.6974390

Am I the only one that never sees any yellow coloring in any of the HTT controversy pics?

>> No.6974401

think of it more as a creme color anon. And it's really apparent on the review pictures because ONLY the side and back of the bodice has it

so it looks like someone pissed on those parts lol

>> No.6976030

The NYC comm has been going downhill in all 3 groups. I'm totally not surprised.

>> No.6976039

NYC has become a post apocalyptic wasteland for lolitas, it's so depressing to want to go hang out with other lolis and realize that they'll either be utter shit itas or the meet itself will be a drama-spawning wreck. (I just want a frilly friend to hang out with, goddammit.)

>> No.6976071
File: 278 KB, 640x424, lolimarvle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my post got cut because I missed the url.


>> No.6976100

You and me both. I would totally hang with anyone that is practically neutral.
I'm just sitting out of the groups because now it seems like you either have to be stupid to be in one group or a suck up to be in the other.

>> No.6976106

This secret is fucking retarded. Hurrr I dun understand wut is different lighting. It's still a shit dress.

>> No.6976127

Ive avoided both comms (and fb in general) for a few months now becouse of this.
Have any meetups actually occured in either comm since ild? both comms actually seem dead.

side note but i hate the mods for both comms,can someone please make a new comm (preferably off fb since that site is a shithole) and actually hold meetups/events for all the members in that community instead of the private shit everyone seems to do now?
I miss lj,it was harder to use so we didnt have as many newbies back then. Im all up for a new nyc lj comm,and itll get rid of the current shitty mods we have now.

>> No.6976162

I would honestly volunteer to help out but it's never worth herding cats. Especially dolled up new york cats.
If anyone from CGL pulls it off though I'd be super interested in checking it out, anything for a decent comm that doesnt require sucking up.

>> No.6976168

No meetups actually happened. It's either a "popular lolita" and her group of asskissers do a private thing or a botched picnic in Central Park.

I don't mind making a new comm/group but I'm too busy to actually maintain it.

>> No.6976185

If one of you guys pop in eglchat, I'll be happy to discuss this with you.

>> No.6976216

Even if you are busy you can always find someone to help out once the comm is made, I say go for it.
Also wasn't the Central Park thing private as well? I would've gone had I known about it.

>> No.6976240

I have no idea what eglchat is, I live under a rock.

>> No.6976249


>> No.6976288

lol yup, you just go ahead and start your own brand new shiny NYC comm. there's a reason people want private meets now. people have pretty much made their friends, who wants to hang with 20+ girls that you don't even like? most girls would want to hang out with a group of ~10 girls, a lot of them are done with holding big meets for newbies who disappear after a day.

As for a comm with no drama....doesn't exist.

>> No.6976291

what central park thing?

>> No.6976292

no, it wasn't. it was linked in the NYC FB comm at some point.

>> No.6976367

i dont see it anywhere :/

>> No.6976378

maybe it got deleted. but i do remember seeing it linked somewhere.

>> No.6976549

I would really love a new nyc comm with better mods. Half of them are crazy and start drama/act all edgy and bitchy. The whole ILD thing became a mess when a mod flipped shit and I'm 110% done with so many people involved in the community. I've met a few lolitas that I like that I'll hang out with but I want to meet more which is hard since there are no public meets since no one wants to host a meet that 30+ girls could show up to.

>> No.6976599

What ILD thing? Unless you're talking about winter ILD, doesn't seem like there was any drama with this summer's ILD

>> No.6976617

Yeah, Adelheid is awesome. Really good Venom, too.

>> No.6976625

NYC lolitas: I live in north NJ and have been wanting to meet you guys for years. I could never find an active livejournal community and didn't know how to find the active fb communities. :I I'm a member of New York Lolitas but no one has posted for months... help?

>> No.6976641

Uh...people post new things almost every day in the FB comm. You sure you're in the right one?

>> No.6977352

The FB groups suck. The lj group is dead. If you would like to come to our meetups most of them are private and it's better that way since there's a lot of shit talking between groups and tension.the best way to break into the community is to find your own group of friends and that's difficult. If you're interested in coming to a meet sometime soon leave your email here and i can email over details if a meetup is planned. I dislike FB so I tend to plan things by texting or calling people, it's more personal that way.