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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.37 MB, 2983x1645, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6968062 No.6968062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita in the media thread.

Picture from Fast & the Furious Tokyo Drift

>> No.6968068
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Another from the same scene

>> No.6968076

Yep. That's all of them.

>> No.6968093

Naw there was some mexican disney channel type show where they shortened the dresses to whorish lengths and called it cupcake style or someshit. The dresses were AP though.

>> No.6968098

I thought it was Nickelodian.
pretty sure.
many people mourned honey cake.
don't show the photos.. they are.. too painful

>> No.6968114

Right. I googled that shit and yeah, it was Nick. They wore the butchered dresses at the mexican kid's choice awards.

>> No.6968119
File: 159 KB, 499x750, 3eretrhdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was lolita's in a Bones episode.
Worth a good giggle.

>> No.6968131
File: 1.63 MB, 224x126, rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My jimmies... they are rustled.

We must raid their Facebook page.

htt--ps: //ww--w.face--book.co--m/Miss--XV.Oficial (4chan thinks I'm spamming)

>> No.6968133

it isn't available though...

>> No.6968140
File: 373 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mlaz6vR1L51r93b45o1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find images
>Those poor dresses.

>> No.6968143

I think you meant to reply to >>6968119

>> No.6968145

This has so much potential for a reaction pic.

>> No.6968155


New Zealands Got Talent

>> No.6968182
File: 745 KB, 400x234, tumblr_lyvh7oLyEq1qfr0c8o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maki and Asuka were on a BBC documentary for a couple of seconds. It was a documentary about genetics or something along those lines so it was really weird suddenly seeing them pop up on screen.

>> No.6968186

Did any other UK lolitas see the lolita on Deal or No Deal?

>> No.6968194
File: 410 KB, 750x500, WHYWHYWHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dear frilly god, why?

>> No.6968196

You could tell she was a little nervous, but she did really well. I'd be pretty fucking nervous on that giant stage as well.

And all dressed in lolita... wow. That girl's got guts.

>> No.6968201

My eyes. They turned AP into Halloween costumes.
There's the sexy maid and sexy Dorothy, ugh.

>> No.6968207

America's NTM and the Australian one. Can't remember which season for each though

>> No.6968208

yeah I did I don't know what happened.
to top off this fuckery, the girls said that it was a fashion they invented called "cupcake fashion" and that they made the dresses themselves.
ugh. UGH.
they won the mexican kids choice awards.
mexico confirmed for shit taste. I feel so bad for the decent lolitas over there, having to deal with this bullshit.

also, there was a lolita thing with Jessica simpson, who just blew off maki and asuka as "harajuku girls"
did a lolita fashion show, and lifted up her petticoat and tried being super sexy about it. ugh

>> No.6968209

there was a lolita on a recent Glee episode and she actually looked decent

>> No.6968216

Jessica Simpson did WHAT?

I want photos. Videos. Oh god please.

>> No.6968220
File: 57 KB, 400x534, oh god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm found it.

Jessica Simpson wth.

>> No.6968221


>> No.6968225

Here we go.
Here's the episode (skip to the end)
It should work fine for 'murricans
and here is someone bitching about it
which sums up my thoughts on it pretty well.
I mean "oh these harajuku girls are helping me out"
thats motherfucking Maki and Asuka you twat at least say what they did for the goddamn industry

>> No.6968235

for non Americans (since we can't see that video) I think this is the right one on Youtube?

>> No.6968236

thanks anon. that helps me out.
but seriously. that will make you rage.
not as much as the mexican "cupcake whore fashion" bullshit, but yeah, it will make you rage.

>> No.6968239

At the lolita shops is arund the 2:20 mark, then after that you have to skip forward to about 7:20 for the fashion show.

>> No.6968246

why would someone put her in lolita eugh

>> No.6968256
File: 226 KB, 489x366, atm2004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's Next Top Model Season 3 Episode 12, aired in 2004. The girls got dumped in Japan and were told to assemble lolita-inspired outfits. Nightmares ensue.


>> No.6968262

all of them failed. miserably. no top-notch modeling for you. get the fuck off the show

>> No.6968264
File: 70 KB, 500x333, 4311156886_4d300321b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Paramore video.
Probably the least nightmarish thing I've got.

>> No.6968266

Basically. I don't know which one makes me madder, the girl with the striped armwarmers or the girl wearing the petticoat as a skirt.

>> No.6968268

I reckon Hayley would be a raging ita

>> No.6968270
File: 110 KB, 200x348, oliviamunn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have the hilarious trainwreck that is Olivia Munn.

>> No.6968274
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Not as raging as Lil Mama

>> No.6968280
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, I can't.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god.

There is no fucking way Jessica studied abroad in Japan for four years. She would've at least learned how to act.

Oh my god, dat gasp when they heard about double eyelid surgery.

>Deez here nipps are CRAZY amirite giiiiirls?

Omg the dude all dressed in ninjagoth. I was all "Okay, looks fine." but then they panned up to his face and I couldn't- I can't-


>> No.6968281


>> No.6968292

I think the 4 years thing was obviously a joke her bromo was pulling on the other dumb bitch

>> No.6968293

It's.. Bodyline?!


I know of this dress but I never remember ever seeing it on the website. Anyone know when it came out?

>> No.6968296

Oh no Olivia Munn! I loved Attack of the Show when she was on so that's horrible. When did she dress in that?

>> No.6968299

then there are the TV shows that revolve around
"lets be dicks to people who aren't wearing clothes we like, and try to make these people look 'normal' only after harassing them a bunch about how they look"
that feature lolitas.
also very painful to watch

>> No.6968302
File: 173 KB, 652x463, IR322-003m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katy Perry wearing AP for the October 2010 issue of Inrock Japan

>> No.6968303

a long long time ago, I remember wanting it so bad, haha

>> No.6968304

I don't know. I got it way way way back when as my first lolita dress. and the print is actually really lovely. its far too small on me, and the zipper is broken, so I'm just going to ship it out to my petite /cgl/ skype friend instead of selling a damaged dress with a missing headbow.

>> No.6968309

I remember people bitching about this
"ugh, she looks like a whore or a pinup girl"
Katy Perry is interested in the sexualized version of "lolita" and was probably going for that look, hence all the butthurt.
all in all, I think she looks fine. could of had a nicer hairdo and cuter makeup, but fine.

>> No.6968311

All I was able to find was this:

"Although brief, I was pleased that actual lolitas were shown on The Price of Beauty. I was also please she went to Angelic Pretty unlike G4's Attack of the Show hosts that went to Bodyline. Olivia Munn tried on the worst brown outfit, then tried on a biker jacket with a pink petticoat, and finally a maid outfit. While the Price of Beauty was horrible, I feel it was slightly than G4's minimal mention of lolita fashion."

I wish I knew what episode it was, I want to see her in a biker jacket and a petticoat lol

>> No.6968314

the comments section hurts to read

augh like What Not to Wear or something? I've always wondered what would happen if a Lolita was told to get on there.

Does anyone else feel kind of pissed off because they got money to blow at Meta, Closet Child, etc, and they don't even like the clothes or appreciate it at all? And that one model that won, I just... Eugh. Can't help but be annoyed.

>> No.6968317


It actually looks of nice quality for an older Bodyline piece.

>> No.6968320

There was a lolita on WNTW

>> No.6968321

Oh man boobloaf...

>> No.6968323

yeah, it was around the time when the started to get better

The print is so fucking cute

>> No.6968327

Here you go.

>> No.6968331

oh my god if someone tried to send me on there i would be so pissed

was she at least an ita or something gdfhad

>> No.6968335


>> No.6968336

she was an Ita.
but they were still rude as fuck and kept implying that
"with a name like "lolita" how are you NOT a walking fetish! ew! you wear that to WORK?"

>> No.6968347

Urrrrgh, I can't watch What Not To Wear because they're so judgmental of anything that doesn't look like the overpriced cookie-cutter style they inflict on their guests. I mean, obviously they've helped a lot of people build confidence by changing their appearance, but to be hateful ad make a girl cry about holding on to some sweat pants and old t-shirts from high school is completely unnecessary.

>> No.6968350


god they always act like cunts every time I watch

>> No.6968354


She wasn't an ita, her boyfriend was kind of a flop, but she was super cute and (not like you can't be an ita and wear brand) in AP. She looked really cute.

Unless we're talking about a different show. There is that UK one where they walk into that machine or whatever and the robot talks to them

>> No.6968360

Apperantly, the girl in the WNTW episode spoke out on it, and said that almost all of the parts where she defended herself were edited out to just make her look like a bitch.
not only that, but the clothes they made her wear were MOLDY.
and then they made her seem like a bitch when she was hesitant to put them on.
THEY WERE FUCKING MOLDY you fucking skunk bitch

>> No.6968364

Getting to see a guy in a maid costume kinda made the anger caused by the rest of the video worth it. Almost anyway.

>> No.6968366

how the fuck do they give someone moldy clothes ew

>> No.6968368

You Rage You Lose: Lolita Edition

>> No.6968371

I remeber watching it when it came out and flipping shit when the called Maki and Asuka "harujuku girls"

>> No.6968374

Are you talking about Marry Snog Avoid?
I had a friend who ended up on that show and they were so ridiculously mean to her because her style is so OTT, it was hard to watch.

>> No.6968376
File: 32 KB, 300x400, 6a00d8341bf67c53ef0120a52a7db4970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are talking about pic related, right?
look how pissed she looks after her transformation.
I'd be pissed if I were near those fuckers too.
also, this article on the episode

I'm fucking popping a vein over here

Captcha: Clawed nyaITA

>> No.6968377

Oh yes, that show, my bad!

>> No.6968380

oh no, not that girl, I was thinking of a different show. Marry Snog Avoid. The girl was in milky chan I think, and the dude was in a kind of sad kodona attempt.

>> No.6968391

I read the first paragraph and I need to go lay down and count to ten. All of my fucking mad.

>> No.6968393

oh, ok.
because I was about to question your tastes lol.
this girl wears a pulled back ponytail with no bangs in her fanciest of outfits.
Pulled from the article on the episode
>Lexa is fairly hostile during the What Not to Wear secret footage, adamant that her attire is work appropriate--and conservative. When Stacy and Clinton try to explain the sexual connotations to her wardrobe, she is offended, saying that's not what "Lolita" is about--it's not sexual. While I agree that her clothes weren't revealing, it's apparent that she's never read Nabokov, or delved enough into the manga/anime community.

>> No.6968397

and for shit like this you have to sign in to comment because if it wasn't otherwise I'm sure this bitch would of been flamed so hard by lolitas everywhere

>> No.6968398

>obligatory "Rabbit was on Snog Marry Avoid!" comment

>> No.6968412
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I read through a good chunk of the article and just.... couldn't anymore.

>> No.6968434


and other lolitas in the media, there was Gothic Lolita Psycopath (on netflix, watched for the hell of it)
It sucked. her outfit was balls, machine girl was better.

then we have Penus Angelic.. and that trap star in Europe.. whats his name..?

>> No.6968451

pissed me off too much to finish

>> No.6968453

trap star??

>> No.6968458


>> No.6968465

I live not to far from LA, so at least I get Fairytale Boutique.

Media stuff, forget it. At least the local groups are nice.

>> No.6968469

Yohio doesn't do a ton of lolita though I don't think? I mean he's worn a few dresses, but he's not too religious about it and he's way better looking than any of the "living doll" types that are trying to claw their way into the spotlight.

>> No.6968499

Yeah, but its in the media, so it counts for something.
Exactly. I'm Jelly of all of you over in CA, there is so much cool shit over there.
I plan to visit purely for shopping trips.

>> No.6968525

that article..
I want to make an account just to tear them a new one but unfortunately my wording is terrible and I would probably mess it up real bad

>> No.6968535

i would have ripped out that old whore's white streak before i let them throw away one piece of AP.
God, that poor girl lost so much money.

>> No.6968537

who the hell came up with the name "lolita" for the fashion anyway?
wasn't it mana?

thanks a lot, you fucked each and every generation of lolitas outside japan to scramble to explain we aren't whorish little girls with daddy issues because of the name.
thanks a fucking lot.

why couldn't you call it "princess fashion"?
In the game style savvy, the censorship in the US caused lolita fashion in the game to be called "princess fashion" and there is "gothic princess" (for gothic lolitas) as well.
the name is self explanatory, and it doesn't make the wearers look like perverted freaks.

>> No.6968542

tell that to everyone who doesn't change the name. and why don't you ask people why they can't learn that words evolve? but no, clearly words don't evolve.

i'm feeling a bit queer this morning so i'm going to go outside to smoke a fag.

>> No.6968544

I wish we could just start a fucking campaign to change the stupid name

or idk pronounce it Law-lee-tuh if that helps any

just something

>> No.6968551

Venus Angelic is British.

>> No.6968553

why not gosurori? or just rori, it's a japanese fashion anyways, who cares?

>> No.6968562

If people on the street ask, I just say it's a Japanese street fashion. Unless someone seemed like they wanted to get into the fashion, it doesn't matter what you tell people.

>> No.6968566

here's my thought on why mana chose that name

lolita(rori) means little girl in japan.

but in other places lolita means a sexual little girl, which is creepy

so lolita is creepy little girl

viola! it's perfect~ goth lolis are creepy little girls right? makes sense

>> No.6968569

we are talking about the general media though.. regardless of location?

>> No.6968571

I liked that one time an anon suggested renaming the fashion lovely-kei. Wish dolly-kei wasn't already taken. I guess shit like "dolly girl" would work too.

>> No.6968580

Can we stop suggesting Japanese weeb names, please?

Yes; The fashion was made over there but it's based off and named after our shit already. Keep it on the same page.

>> No.6968582

Haha, oh you

>> No.6968588

Wasn't there a picture of rune-midgarts and some of her friends in Loli hanging out with Dylan Cole Sprouse? It had like a million notes on Tumblr.

>> No.6968592

What? No she's not. She may live in the UK now but like fuck is she British.

>> No.6968593

Uhg, there was that time when it was being discussed on EGL and that one fucking chick wouldn't let go of it being VERSAILLE KEI OR LIKE ROCOCO KEI or some shit.

>> No.6968594

No. It's wasei eigo.
Maybe everyone should actually read Lolita and see how it's actually about a pedophile who is an unreliable narrator and sexually abuses Dolores.

>> No.6968595


>> No.6968598

I thought Princess Fashion was good.

>> No.6968603

She's Swiss/German/Hungarian and used to live in Spain.

>> No.6968605


>> No.6968606

I wouldn't feel comfortable telling people I'm trying to look like a princess (or a doll, for that matter). It's too idealistic.

>> No.6968609

its much better than calling yourself "lolita" imho
I thought style savvy handled it really well. and its a start.
for everyone that doesn't know much about jfashion yet owns that game, they will all look at lolita fashion as "princess fashion"

>> No.6968611

but that really only covers Sweet and Hime.
everything else gets sort of left out of that umbrella because its hard to convince someone you're a princess when you're wearing shades of brown and cream/classic lolita.

>> No.6968612

When people ask me what I'm wearing I just say I like looking old-timey.

Then again I don't wear extremely large bows and cakes on my head so nobody questions it.

>> No.6968640


Yeah, I really like Dolly Girl. That covers the whole spectrum I think, as all areas have some doll-like aspects.

>> No.6968665

Either way she's not American.

>> No.6968690

found it


>> No.6968712

Korean MBC aired a lolita set,. It was a korean mother and her infant who dressed in lolita. She was friends Hanueli i think as well

>> No.6968724
File: 460 KB, 1360x768, gokaipinkworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only two lolitas in the 37+ years of super sentai
and they both come from SPACE
Imagine ordering AP FROM SPACE

>> No.6968728

i remeber that, but the video on youtube got copyrighted

>> No.6968733

Are you forgetting Akiba Yellow?

>> No.6968737
File: 190 KB, 499x342, gaijins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968744

>Imagine ordering AP FROM SPACE

AP space lolita could be a little interesting if they bypassed the generic galaxy print or lolsorandum cutesy aliens. Actually, Meta would probably pull it off better, never mind.

>> No.6968748
File: 1013 KB, 500x355, 1363491889028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they get 2,000 dollars to spend at CC and meta and get to talk to milk and they were all super bitchy and whined the whole goddamn time. fuck them all.

>> No.6968749

Akiba yellow isn't a lolita, she's a cosplayer (who uses AP to mkake her OC )

>> No.6968756


what in the world is this outit
this might have been why she didn't win

>> No.6968757
File: 960 KB, 300x157, spacelolita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6968759
File: 26 KB, 490x275, eNURy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you never watched the show then.

>> No.6968761

But that was a costume of a made of anime character. It's still cosplay. She was also acting in character, being a dominating meanie. She always acts different in each costume

>> No.6968762

no her song/voice just sucked lol

>> No.6968763

That's Shokotan.

She's even credited.

>> No.6968764
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, yumeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying because she likes acting out weird personas this means all her lolita outfits aren't lolita? So this isn't ouji even though it's all AATP? Just because of the way she acts?

>> No.6968767

>Olivia Munn
>Ever not being a train wreck
I'm going to bet she did it on Attack of the Show, right? God, she was awful.

>> No.6968769

Lolita's are always trying to clarify the fact that what they wear is just clotehs/fashion and they are always the same person no matter what one wears. Akiba yellow is part of a tv show where they can't refer to real animes/manag so they make up random characters for her to be.

Akiba isn't event part of the official sentai universe anyways.

>> No.6968770

This made me rage, hard. The one that did the "best job" considering the lack of knowledge was the blind girl. It's very otome-ish, she should've chosen some lacey tights instead. The only reason why she wasn't picked was because she was old/

>> No.6968772
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to argue anymore because you clearly don't understand what I'm trying to say. She is wearing lolita/ouji in some episodes and therefore sometimes a lolita. That's really all there is to it. She's not a lolita all the time but she has had outfits which are clearly in the style and from brands. If you're going to be this awkward about it then here, there's other lolitas in akibaranger too.

>> No.6968773
File: 31 KB, 450x337, gnj0807090432006-p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lolita in a drama called Cat Street, and she actually really cool in it! It's all about misfits :)
all the dramas I know with actual lolita are here
Deka Wanko
Mendol ~Ikemen Idol~
Atashinchi no Danshi
Cat Street

>> No.6968774
File: 559 KB, 300x169, cheapexpensive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As clearly defined in the 2nd season of Akibaranger there are three universes. The real world (ours), akiba's, and super sentai's. In the super sentai there have only been two lolitas and they came from space.

>> No.6968775

How did that fat, broad shouldered cow even fit into brand?

>> No.6968776

Thanks for the list! Will watch

>> No.6968792

The manga was even better, in my opinion.

>> No.6968817

Actually it was $200 (20,000 yen).
But yeah, it kind of pained me to watch them.

>> No.6968822

oh sorry i thought i heard them say 200,000.
200 was definitely enough to buy an actual good outfit from CC

>> No.6968837

That couple is adorable.

>> No.6968852

Why is the gothic one wearing a mini-stovepipe hat? Is she loli Abe Lincoln?

>> No.6968870

they called gothic "gothic princess"
and the game had mostly classic lolita.

>> No.6968908

more articles from people who don't know what they are talking about

>> No.6968940
File: 58 KB, 680x510, Collards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first sentence:
>high collard dresses
>collard dresses

do they not even have people proofread these? fuck.

>> No.6968945


>bitch complaining about signs being written in japanese

It just irks me when travellers do that. Of course you're not going to understand anything, you're in another fucking country.

I am not excited to find out where this goes...

>> No.6968946

Believe it or not, that used to be the in style at one time.

>> No.6968963
File: 21 KB, 276x447, nikki minaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicki Minaj in a bodyline blouse

>> No.6968968



>> No.6968975


what is her friend in the red wearing omg

>> No.6968978

I lol'd when Eva (the one who was frustrated with all the signs in Japanese) won the Milk challenge and said that she just put on whatever didn't match. Oh how true is this for some people...

>> No.6968984

they don't have the need to wear brand to feel better about themselves

>> No.6968986

A terribly unfunny "comedy" featuring a lolita

>> No.6968988

On the subject of naming things, I think it's really stupid to rename it just for the western world. Like whatever, we're not gunna find something we agree on, it will be confusing to new-comers, and it's been called lolita for what, 15+ years at the least? Changing it is retarded. Everything else sounds retarded, and doesn't encompass all that lolita is.

Just tell people it's a japanese street fashion, or you're a time-traveller from the 1800s or whatever. Call it Time Travel Maiden Fashion if you don't like lolita, but don't try and change the name.

When my dad asked, I said "It's a japanese fashion. It's called Lolita. Not like the book, though. It's just, the japanese..."
Japan has a reputation for being weird, so you tell them it doesn't mean there what it means here.

>> No.6969003


>white woman in blonde wig playing middle eastern woman
>japanese are so crazy lol randum let's use this as an excuse for shitty random humour

Also the woman playing the woman from the UAE... You can hear her british accent. She's not even trying

>Racist and bad actress

>> No.6969011


The one in blue is cute, but she the ringlets make her look like fat sissy. I was surprised she had a good figure because the hair makes her face look so weird.

>> No.6969015
File: 35 KB, 306x306, 8889-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caroline sunshine in 'lolita' for that disney show shake it up

>> No.6969016
File: 277 KB, 640x360, made in japan sit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here

>> No.6969028
File: 955 KB, 300x162, sadsadrori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969032
File: 29 KB, 320x479, 320px-Made_In_Japan_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this