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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6957618 No.6957618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread is autosaging, let's continue here.

>> No.6957669 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 540x720, HNI_0024_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh board culture
>animal crossing threads get deleted right off the bat, no matter what we are talking about, unless "cosplay" is put in the title
>Jnig and troll threads everywhere, most likely the same faggots who just keep coming back
>lelsoedgy threads stay as well, with tons of responses, nothing done about those
>no one uses the help general or cosplay suggestion thread, they just make their own topic and once they get what they need, they leave their shit thread behind
>Janitor is biased as hell
>people come to this "womyn board" to troll us and be dicks, and get off spot free, no bans, just post deletions
we really need a mod.
one that KNOWS board culture. this is pissing me the fuck off.

>> No.6957771

it rustles my jimmies when special snowflakes tear anything to do with alice in wonderland to shreds.

>> No.6957787

Do you mean people who whine about how they hate alice in wonderland and it's overdone etc, or do you mean special snowflakes that do their own super original special alice lolita?

>> No.6957802

i mean girls who bitch and moan about about the existence of sax-colored dresses because they "remind me of alice ugh >.<"
the latter doesnt sound too appealing either, though.

>> No.6957836

I have literally never heard one person say this
it's always the exact opposite
"I did my own version of Alice today with the dress I bought for Halloween and my friend did a genderbend Steampunk Cheshire cat gijinka so we had a photoshoot in the park >w<!"
this is obviously the extreme version but I think at this point ALMOST anybody who uses Alice and Wonderland as a theme is just using it as a crutch to feel creative and still appeal to familiarity...whether your a talented lolita or not, it's so overdone please for the love of god stop beating the poor dead horse corpse.

>> No.6957907

I have personally gotten hate mail for resembling the character(thick ass curly long blonde hair that doesnt fit under a wig combined with chronic babyface=aryan child look) when that wasn't even my theme and now i feel self conscious of it. :c i guess it's a personal thing but my jimmies are rustled nonetheless.
this is a bitch thread after all.

>> No.6957911
File: 222 KB, 280x280, whywouldyousaythat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recently got into lolita
>Bought my first JSK
>Alice in Wonderland print

>> No.6957915

My biggest pet peeve is the "moderators, feel free to delete if not allowed!" caveat in newbie posts.

Goddamn. Just read the rules to know if it's allowed or not. And moderators don't need your permission to delete a post, you twats.

>> No.6958120


Please, for the love of god make a gtfo out about this. This shit needs to be put out in the open for all to see. A lot of people forget about the archive, and posting on gtfo will make it more public.

They tried to scam you and then talk about how they want to attack you with a shovel. I know it's all big talk, but these bitches need their names smeared.

Make a sock if need be. If you don't, I'm very inclined to make the gtfo. These bitches are vile.

>> No.6958129

Don't worry about it. the only thing that matters is if you base your entire outfit on alice in wonderland and to it terribly, or if you only think lolita is about alice in wonderland and omg cheshire cat and OMG soooo kawaiiiii!!!!

IMO, itas ruined Alice in Wonderland for the rest of us. I fucking loved the book, (And not to sound like a D-Bag but the cartoon was only "alright").

>> No.6958150

>I fucking loved the book, (And not to sound like a D-Bag but the cartoon was only "alright").
Meanwhile, because I grew up with the cartoon (and a lot of other Disney movies), I will always have a fond spot for it, but found the books to be rather boring, since I read them when I was older.

I think we can all agree that the latest live action travesty Disney did should never have happened to begin with, at least.

>> No.6958237

bill the motherfucking lizard
that poor son of a bitch was hilarious why wasn't he in the movies
(i just pictured the anon who sent me hate as Bill sitting at a computer. i lol'd)

>> No.6958242

I think he was?

>> No.6958244

in the movies enough*

>> No.6958273


Good news, didn't have to go to the depot because the item got delivered by the postman this morning! I'll never know what originally happened to the item though but I'm pretty relieved now! Pretty sure if this happened and the item was posted without tracking I would have been fucked.

>> No.6958309

Name and shame the seller, anon

>> No.6958311

Nono it wasn't the seller who caused the problem, the post delivery service delivered to the wrong person even though the name and address were written correctly.

>> No.6958534

Shitty post offices/mailrooms are the worst. I just moved to a new place and I've been told my local post office apparently has a reputation for being the 'worst in the city'. Greeeat.

>> No.6958567

I can send you the caps of messages between us if you'd like to make one instead.

>> No.6958951

Another thread reminded me.
>Eurofags whining about USA-only sales posts.
>Amerifags whining about Europe-only sales posts.

Cry more you entitled shitstains, nobody is required to sell anything to you.

>> No.6958983

You forgot
>Hi I live in [XYZ] will you please ship to me? This is my dream item. You will? Great, here's my paypal!
>omg international shipping costs HOW MUCH? No way, I'm not paying that much.

International shipping is expensive, especially from the US to other countries. I totally understand someone's preference not to ship internationally because it can be a colossal time-waster when that kind of thing keeps happening

>> No.6959241
File: 467 KB, 492x918, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even post this.
If you're going to charge more than double the price of the wig new, at least omit the seller or something so people can't search up the price.

>> No.6959386


Email in field. I'll run it by you before I actually post so you're happy with it. If there's any other screen shots not posted here you want added, feel free to include them too.

General post: I've never done a gtfo before, so any pointers from people would be appreciated. I don't know their FB's right now, but linking them be a no-no right?

>> No.6959557

Why are there so many sales where items are listed NWOT and never worn? Are we supposed to believe they removed and threw away the tags but never wore the item?

>> No.6959562

I'm emailing you now.

>> No.6959572

Uh, yea? It's possible to be really excited for something, take off the tags, try it on for 5 minutes and realize it doesn't suit you

>> No.6959574

Yeah...that's really stupid. And that's coming from someone who sells l-email wigs as GLWs. Anyway, the wig looks exactly like the picture so I have no idea what's up her ass.

>> No.6959577

A lot of shopping services will remove tags in order to mark down the items, are you daft?

>> No.6959580

>coming from someone who sells l-email wigs as GLWs

Uh... how often do people fall for this? I actually might have to start doing this now, haha

>> No.6959589

Noobs do all the time. Those split wigs and the rhapsody wigs especially. Just post the GLW picture next to the picture of the wig you actually have. There are some others like the blended wigs that also look basically the same.

Either way, even with shipping for you and for them you make about $15-20 each wig.

>> No.6959595

Am I weird for saving all my loli-related tags?

>> No.6959600


Someone on a local trading site here sells them for about $55 a pop.

And people always buy them.

>> No.6959629

I keep all my tags and notes from sellers in a box. We're weird together. A lot of people I am friends with do not do that and just throw everything away but I like to include tags and brand bags when I sell an item (especially since the AP print tags have swatches and extra buttons on them). I didn't have a lot of clothes growing up though so it might just be a lingering hoarder mentality thing.

>> No.6959633

I try to keep all of mine, too.

>> No.6959659

it's sad, to be honest, because in my experience, l-email wigs (specifically the yellow, pink, and "mint" rhapsody wigs) don't look like glw wigs and are incredibly thin in certain areas. i sometimes feel bad for newbies.

>> No.6959672

The GLW ones are much thinner than the pictures too.

But the L-email ones don't have the gradient that the GLW ones do. I think the split wigs would be the easiest to pass off as GLW.

>> No.6959679

I do this too, anon, no worries. I might be even worse considering I keep everything even from nice ebay and etsy sellers. I fancy that one day I will organize them all into some sort of nice "purchases" scrapbook thingy, but when I think about it too much, I'm disgusted by my own consumerism.

>> No.6959688

what does egl stand for

>> No.6959700

Extreme Grindcore from Latvia.

>> No.6959708

why does everyone try to be a comedian?

it's not google yields results

>> No.6959721

Elegant Gothic Lolita.
You're new, right?

>> No.6959723

Oh okay good haha. I keep all my tags, spare buttons, and papers in a bag I got from taobao. I keep it on a hanger in my closet with my dresses. I should really get a binder and trading card sleeves to organize it all better...

>> No.6959725

yeah thanks

>> No.6959728

dude, it's written in the board's rules and explained on the sticky...

>> No.6959780


Okay-dokay. I'm off to bed now (3am here, oops), so it won't be posted straight away. I'll work on it when I wake up.

For those that haven't: go check the FB of that Kai bitch. Bring a gun though because you might want to shoot yourself afterwards.

>> No.6959796

erm, what's her username?

>> No.6959906


Assuming you mean Kai's Facebook, her user url is youngladykai.

4Chan won't let me post a link and is fucking up for me, so you'll have to build the link yourself. sorry anon.

>> No.6959952


Everything is on getoffegl now anyway.

>> No.6960136

I want in on this shit too.

email in field

>> No.6960180 [DELETED] 

>Making a fucking 6 foot tall greatsword for a MH cosplay

>Took ages to craft it out of insulation foam perfectly
>Only has PCB tube through it since I'm not going to move it for a while, cutting a dowel to size later

>Fiberglassing it on one side during the week before July so it got heavy as fuck

>Family comes over and tell them not to move it from my shed in the back



>> No.6960279

A lolita posts pictures from a convention and looks equally the same if not bordering on ita-ness during the con. STEP IT UP, FOR GOODNESS SAKES! You were really nice but your coords need massive improvement and please ditch the cat ears, thank you. /end rant/

>> No.6960393

Any updates on the Baby drama? All I know is there was a pending lawsuit and potential arrest?

>> No.6960405

As far as I could tell, she moved onto a translating job, and she has paired up with that other delusional gaijin rights guy Debito and is gleefully under the impression that she did everything right and she is the one graciously letting BABY off the hook of a discrimination suit.

Watch how in a matter of a year all this will be conveniently swept under the rug and once again roseaire/karasu will be the innocent victim and anyone crying foul are vendetta-chans who don't have any proof.

>> No.6960413

>she has paired up with that other delusional gaijin rights guy Debito

More on this? I heard someone recc'd it to her but I didn't hear what the guy said/what happened that came of it.

>> No.6960421

>I had to take the released emails (including the translated one which everyone is using as a basis of their claims that I am a liar), plus ones I didn't show any of you and don't plan to, to a lawyer. The lawyer was appalled at the tone used in all of them, particularly the one that was previously all blacked out, and asked me about my experience working there, and I told them. The conclusion was power harassment/bullying. Now there is a pending case. :)

I don't see anything about discrimination. Source?

>> No.6960427

He hooked her up to a lawyer, see >>6960421.
>The conclusion was power harassment/bullying
This is what we call a discrimination suit, and considering her entire case is based on BABY mistreating her because she's a foreigner...

>> No.6960433

How do you know that she used her foreignness as a basis that she was mistreated, and not the simple fact that she is a human being?

This is interesting too.
>Thanks anon :) they decided to settle out of court with me instead of it going to trial, so there is some good news.

I wonder why anyone would choose to settle out of court if they were innocent.

>> No.6960436

>I wonder why anyone would choose to settle out of court if they were innocent.
Long story short? Money.

The costs of going to court may actually outweigh the damages that the plaintiff would request to settle, for one. For another, it's up to the court to decide who wins a civil case and, while they may feel that they are not in the wrong, they also may not be willing to risk losing for a higher sum in court on the basis that the court may not agree.

>> No.6960437

>How do you know that she used her foreignness as a basis that she was mistreated,
Uh, have you read the blacked out and non-blacked out email (one of which was "Baby does not like foreigners...", or the other shit like how roseaire apparently said "it's past 5 now can we talk in English" out loud in English?

It's all about how essentially that she is a foreigner and they don't like that a foreigner acts out in BABY.
>and not the simple fact that she is a human being?
You mean a human being who messed up several orders and

>I wonder why anyone would choose to settle out of court if they were innocent.
Because trials are expensive and take a long-ass time, up to several years? Let us say BABY wins the trial, what money can they get out of roseaire to compensate?

>> No.6960447
File: 813 KB, 500x281, STt5dm9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean a human being who messed up several orders and

that totally makes a hostile work environment ok!

>> No.6960462

So, I bought a dress at Baby's summer sale, and I got an email with my tracking number tonight, then about an hour later I got an identical email with a different tracking number. I checked my bank and i only got charged once, so is this normal or do you think they accidentally sent me two dresses? And if so, what do I do with the extra one?

>> No.6960466

They sometime send the wrong tracking number. Check the names on the email. I've gotten emails for other girls twice now when I hadn't even made an order.

>> No.6960477

Both emails have my name, but I'm glad to know they sometimes miss fire. What I'm most worried about is getting blacklisted on my first purchase for their mistake.

>> No.6960478

They probably sent the wrong one in one of the two emails. Track both and see which goes where. You'll be fine, though. You've paid. From here on, it's up to them.

>> No.6960480


God no. That fucking live-action movie was just so lackluster.

You want to know the part that always gets me? The bit before the big final battle, when all the cards are marching and they ram their spear-butts on the ground, and all you hear is this teeny-tiny 'clink!' sound.

Could the foley artist not muster the give-a-fuck to make the sound a little more intimidating?

Sage for faggotry; that movie was just so disappointing.

>> No.6960488


Haha, fuck me, I didn't even sage. Alright, anon's going to bed now.

>> No.6960506

Rosaire fucks up again lol

>> No.6960560


Did you email me? I haven't received anything.

>> No.6960590

No news if they've even given her a penny, with her poor work performance I'd expect not

>> No.6960594


Hi Neeya or Octave.

>> No.6960627

... and constantly used her "illness" as a reason as to why she had to read things out loud or forget things constantly at work, then when this was raised as an issue and she was let go, she retroactively blamed everything on one employee who herself was not a high ranking one, claiming she was "sana" and trying to stir a boycott of BABY over a nonexistent Tokyo Rose?

How was the environment any more hostile than one in the US or any other country, really? What do you think realistically would happen to a guy who constantly refuses to speak English while at work to the point of even speaking out loud in English to themselves, then blame their fibromylagia of all things when asked "why did you stuff up"?

>> No.6960650

Totally agreeing with you. As a disabled person myself, I'm all for equal opportunities, but if your disability gets in the way of the job you're doing then you shouldn't be doing it. I mean even taking out the disability issue, for example, to be an air hostess, you have to be a certain height so you can comfortably reach the overhead lockers. If you didn't know how to write computer programs you wouldn't get a job as a computer programmer and then whine that you need special help.

>> No.6960658

Dat you, Scarlet Penta? You sure seem to know a lot about this girl's conduct when you weren't even there.

>> No.6960680

Only semi-related, but why did Scarlet Penta become Scarlet Penta? Wasn't she Riona_Chan before? I remember some vague drama associated with her being a bitch, but I can't find details.

>> No.6960688

Tocco sends in her whiteknights to spread her lies again, big surprise there. Gotta earn those dresses, gals!

>> No.6960691

She can't be that busy with her so-called amazing new job if she has enough time to constantly lurk /cgl for any mention of her name

>> No.6960693

Doesn't sleep, eat, go out, shit, piss, shower, work, and gets money from her parents just to sit on here all day waiting for you to start drama.

>> No.6960704

I keep my brand bags folded in my biggest AatP bag, with the tags. Letters and postcards are hanging on my wall, and special brand present on a dedicated shelf. I think it's a cute collection, but lot of my loli friends don't even keep bags or tags

>> No.6960710

All of my tags and spare buttons/swatches are in a little box in a drawer where I keep my jewellery. The bags get folded and tucked into other bags. Letters (IW writes such sweet notes!) get pressed into books or novelty calendars from Baby. Postcards are currently framed, but not hung, because I recently moved and haven't gotten the right nails for our walls.

>> No.6960715

I have tags and bags absolutely everywhere, I am not organized. I'd like to organise them all at some point. Buttons are in my jewellery box. I have a cute fondue mug from AP I'd love to use more regularly, but I'm scared it'd get broken.


Oh God, I forgot about IW's notes! My girlfriend is a new lolita and bought her first direct-from-brand piece in the IW sale. She is going to die if she gets a cute little note, she loves Innocent World.

>> No.6960718

Oh yes, they are so sweet, plus I love the writing which is absolutly cute !

>> No.6960728

Wow look at all this utter bullshit, I can't stop laughing

>> No.6960970

She's a singer; Scarlet Penta is like her stage name.

I believe her old drama was doing a photoshoot in a graveyard, but I could be wrong.

>> No.6961175

>implying she refused to speak Japanese
>taking whiteknight email for 100% truth


>> No.6961217

rosaire whiteknights still drinking that koolaid I see

>> No.6961219

Yeah, acknowledging that the whiteknight email from the friend who gets free swag from Tocco isn't 100% truth (while pointing out that what that person said isn't true, because rosaire didn't refuse to speak Japanese) means I'm a whiteknight.

Vendetta logic strikes again!

>> No.6961223

Tocco said she refused to speak Japanese, so it's the truth. We must believe what the kawaii rori says because she never lies and she's just a sweet innocent angel being bullied by a big fatty-watty.

>> No.6961239

Rosarie can't speak Japanese dumb ass.

>> No.6961243

I hate Canada Post.
EMS tracking said they attempted to deliver my package 3 times yesterday, but I have no package, no slip, nothing. The postal code on the tracking is right, so i have no idea whats going on.

>> No.6961469

the story has deviated so far from the original that it's ridiculous.

>> No.6961524

ROSAIRE sued baby and won?? The fuck has this world come to lol...

>> No.6961533

What I don't understand is who are these crazy stupid birches to aside with her bullshit :')

>> No.6961555

this has happened to me multiple times, but I'm almost positive it's the letter carrier is lazy as fuck. I've filed a complaint for it before.

usually I'll go to the post office closest at the end of the day and it's waiting there. The next day (or monday, if it was supposed to be a friday) I'll get a packing slip in my mailbox lellll

>> No.6961610

I hate it when lolitas leave their Paypal address then cancel the purchase the next day! Or have me put stuff on hold for a week then cancel. SO RUDE.

>> No.6961753

I hate sticky invisible back zippers like VM have. I feel like a 60 year old because my shoulders aren't very flexible, combined with those stupid sticky zippers that hate being zipped up. I end up with sore shoulders from forcing my arms back there. Sometimes I can get someone to zip it up for me but not always. And also I'm often too lazy or busy to use the thread technique, or I'm in public place like a fitting room.

>> No.6961783
File: 249 KB, 470x288, Birches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are these crazy stupid birches to aside with her bullshit :')
Are you retarded.

>> No.6961800

Are you new?

>> No.6961825

Honestly, I ordered from Baby's San Francisco store, and my JSK didn't come with the tag.

>> No.6961826

>Scarlet Penta
Just looked her up on youtube... Shitty vocals and the backing sounded like a midi file. Why do most "Lolita" musos suck ass?

>> No.6961859


Stop making a fool of yourself.

captcha: Supreme walraus

>> No.6961879


speaking of archived threads
>that first post

>> No.6961932

Oh, god

Nia, you're sweet, but that post is a load of bullshit and you know it. Animal Crossing threads were getting deleted because you weren't talking about cosplay or lolita. You were whoring out friendcodes and taking about the game (that's what /v/ is for)

The janitor is actually pretty diligent with troll threads. If I report one, it's usually gone shortly thereafter.

You know janitors can submit ban requests right? I'm p sure they've done that with some of the /fit/ kids who came here to troll

>> No.6961938

the point is, the trolls kept coming back and nilch was done.
It is a rant thread after all, and that is a legitimate thing to get upset over.

>> No.6961939


>Sauce on Holley Tea Time?

>> No.6961972

90% of Troll posts are deleted, that's the most a janitor has the power to do. I'm sure the janitor submitted ban requests

Just 10 minutes ago someone tried to start a jnig thread and the janitor deleted it within minutes

>> No.6962008

that must be why she and Tocco talked in Japanese dumb ass

>> No.6962022

Ooooh man what the fuck

talia 2.0

>> No.6962026

>The janitor is actually pretty diligent with troll threads. If I report one, it's usually gone shortly thereafter.

Thats kind of the problem. If a thread gets reported for any reason it's almost always deleted, even if the thread doesn't break rules. It's gotten to the point where any thread that is downvoted enough will be removed, sort of like comments on youtube.

>people arguing? okay, this has to go.
>this person is being mentioned again? I don't like the topic of her. deleted.
>Oh, this shit again? Whatever, I don't like it. Talk to moot if you don't like my moderation. Deleted.

I know people like you like to heckle others, but this type of over-moderation really does destroy this board. /cgl/ only has a fraction of the activity that it did this same time last year.

>> No.6962034

They kept coming back.
its been happening for days now.
its a bitching thread let me bitch

>> No.6962047

>Just 10 minutes ago someone tried to start a jnig thread and the janitor deleted it within minutes

You speak as though this is somehow a good thing. Why should a Jessica Nigri thread be deleted? Because you or the janitor doesn't like it? Because it MAY cause an argument or debate? That's not what janitors should be deleting threads for.

>> No.6962057

Wasn't it that she wanted to talk in English (in a Japanese-only workplace)? And she made a bunch of demands in English, although being the lowest person on the totem pole, she had no right to make demands?

>> No.6962060

So I guess you'd like to bring back PT threads too, right?

Take it to maxfag or staminarose if you wanna talk about people so badly

>> No.6962070

I think its because they are biased to be honest. I mean, look how fast that post got deleted. I've been lurking this thread and didn't even see it

>> No.6962075

If PT made a cosplay and people wanted to talk about it, there should be no reason not too.

The notion that there should somehow be some sort of arbitrary /cgl/ topic blacklist of people not to be spoken of is retarded. If something isn't against the rules then a janitor should not be deleting it or trying to interpret subjective reasons for deletion. Period. Only mods should be doing that if need be.

>> No.6962082

I'd have to rummage around to find a screencap but a moderator has come in here before and confirmed that Jessica Nigri threads aren't allowed under rule #2.

>> No.6962094

She admitted the reading things out loud and the "it's past 5pm, can we speak English now?" on the getoffegl thread, saying even though it was at work since it was past work hours and only 2 other people were on the floor it should have been fine. I don't even know why you're arguing against something roseaire admitted.

>> No.6962104

It annoys me when people bring up the stupid "rule #2" bullshit. The intention of that rule was to stop people from bringing drama from the community as part of board warefare, etc. Not to bar topics from discussion out of the fear of people on 4chan arguing. Though again, if a MOD feels the need to somehow get rid of a thread for whatever arbitrary reason, that is THEIR decision to make. NOT the janitor. The role of a janitor is to NOT interpret rules or what is "drama" or whatever. Yet that is what we have: one or more rogue janitors deleting threads based on arguments or what they don't want on this board. It's wrong any way you spin it.

We complained enough before to get Moot to listen and for a while things seemed to be better, but now the janitor is going back to her old ways of pretending she's the mod of /cgl/.

>> No.6962131

Because it's against the rules to make threads about one particular person.

>> No.6962149

Wrong. It is against the rules to single out a person for trolling/flaming. Not simply mentioning them by name or at all. That rule was also misinterpreted by the janitor.

>> No.6962167

Ahhh... she and her friend were the ones rolling around on the graves and mocking people who called them out on it, yes? I remember that now. No wonder I couldn't find it, though. They probably deleted that post.

>> No.6962168

I got temporarily banned for complaining about the way /cgl/ was run in this thread. did this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6962172

Because they know nothing of music and are just hoping that the gimmick of their image will be enough to get them by?

>> No.6962184

Good. Youre supposed to take that shit to /q/

>> No.6962192

I got banned temporarily because apparently the "quality of the post" wasn't high enough. Whatever the hell that means.

>> No.6962206

this is ridiculous
thanks I will.
because the Janitor abusing their power and going
"DINGU DONGU I BANNU YOU" at every post that calls them out on that, its just out of hand.
if this gets deleted, and I get banned for posting this, I'll cap this and send screenshots to moot because this is just fucked up

>> No.6962218

Why don't you just go to the archive and screencap the post you originally got banned for?

>> No.6962219

So youre gonna show moot a screencap of you breaking the rules?

Yea, that'll show 'em

if you wanna bitch about the janitor, take it to /q/. It's against the rules to make meta posts like this

>> No.6962227

/q/ is a waste of time. Nobody there cares about /cgl/. You make a thread and it falls to the end of the board with no replies. Or you get one reply from someone like yourself telling you "lol cry moar."

Why do you think the janitors on /cgl/ plays mommy mod in the first place? Because the mods don't do anything about it. It's like being left alone in an abusive daycare center.

>> No.6962236

Fatty-chans and itas.

>> No.6962244

>abusive daycare center
agreeing with this post.
we had general /cgl/ complaints threads a bunch a while back and no one got banned for those. so why care now?
it is a damn abusive daycare center.
and for telling my mama that my nanny beats me, my nanny just beat me more

>> No.6962257

She wanted to talk in English after work about Tocco's conduct. Asking someone to not send nasty emails after work and not to constantly mock their weight seem like perfectly fine "demands" to make, noob or not.

>> No.6962259

There are moderators who lurk there for complaints. That's the point of the board.

/cgl/ is the best it's been in years. If you are seriously upset because a GLOBAL RULE is being enforced then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6962267

>best its been in years
>no more real discussions about much of anything
>most regulars gone
>Slower than ever

Not the person you're replying to, but you're just being stupid. The board is a ghost town. I find myself having more frequent conversations now on /trv/, which says a lot about the status of things.

>> No.6962283

Use a wire coat hanger anon, works a treat

>> No.6962310

The board has always been slow, I'd say that we move about average considering how many people use this place.

No one is forcing you to stay

>> No.6962379

They're not forcing us to stay. They're forcing us to leave.

That's kind of the problem.

>> No.6962390

Fun fact: before the new janitors, this board had 15 pages.

>> No.6962407

While true, that has nothing to do with janitors, dumbass.

>> No.6962439


>> No.6962476
File: 166 KB, 514x800, Bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the topic of selling over-priced L-email/Taobao wigs, how the heck do so many companies like Geisha Wigs have such a large following?

Every time I see her posts on Facebook I'm split between wanting to scream at all her followers that they're getting ripped off, and figuring out how she does this so I can do it too.

Pic related, she's trying to sell this wig for £22.00 = $33, it's $17 on the wig supplier website (item CB33).

>> No.6962483

>figuring out how she does this

Cultivate a following on social media for having cute items. Don't tell them where you get the items. Suddenly say "I'm going to sell my superspecial wigs to all you lucky people!" one day. Sell wigs from "unknown" supplier.

That's really it.

>> No.6962494

"Want to win this wig? Share this picture publicly as many times as you want! One share = one entry."

>> No.6962565

It has everything to do with them. Arguments are regularly pruned for the simply act of arguing, threads about people are deleted through personal bias, and people are systematically banned on a daily basis over trivial issues, discouraging them from returning or participating in the future.

The janitors are not cleaning up /cgl/. They are cleaning it out.

>> No.6962590

I'm trying to find the update, but /cgl/ had the number of pages permanently reduced from 15 to 10 months ago. My point being that even if threads weren't deleted, they would never get back to 15.

>> No.6962637

Also adding, the number of threads went from 10 per page to 15 per page. Meaning ... THERE ARE THE SAME NUMBER OF THREADS ON THE BOARD.

>> No.6963436

I must say, as someone with Fibro, how on earth does she have so much energy to remember a second langauge constantly day in day out an still have energy to work a normal job that requires several days back to back working? I want to know her secret because I would love to be able to spend more than a few hours of a day a wake.

>> No.6963463

>Everyone must experience an illness the same way I do or else they're lying

>> No.6963472

I bought something from GeishaWigs the other week. I knew it was over-priced, but I needed it quickly and didn't want to pay £10 for the wig plus £25ish for EMS shipping.

I've gotta say, it was a little ratty when it arrived, and after I wore it for a bit it looked destroyed. I washed it in some fabric conditioner, so it looks much better now, but I'm not going to be ordering from her again.

>> No.6963494 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 240x320, etc-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody is selling these etc ribbon shoes in gold (pic related, from lolibrary) in my size and everything. I have two problems:

1. Are they worth it? I have no problem spending for good quality shoes with real leather and stuff, but lolita shoes aren't really known for that. Should I get a replica of them instead? Are there any of them? I looked at Antaina but I couldn't find them (maybe I'm just blind).

2. I think they'd work nice with my style but I'm not sure how to coord gold shoes without wearing the same accessories to match every time. I'm not that good at accessorizing but how do I make it work with dresses that don't have gold in them? I think I could go for some gold headwear, some gold jewellery and maybe a gold accessory on a bag? I think I'll wear them with classic/sweet.

>> No.6963574

I took breaks when I started getting tired. I was diagnosed when I was a month into the job and my condition deteriorated pretty rapidly. Now I work part time and from home. It doesn't take energy to remember a language. I have good days and bad days.

I would actually really be interested in talking to you about it, if you're okay with that...

>> No.6963785

You can leave neutral feedback for that.

>> No.6963789

I have a question, hopefully you won't take this the wrong way, but how can you live on part time pay and retain your visa? I'm asking because I thought I would need to work full time in Japan but I also have a medical condition and part time would be ideal for me. Can you make enough part time to support yourself?

>> No.6964077

>buys Infanta coat from Clobba
>Shitty customer service the entire way through
>Finally get package
>they sent me a XL instead of a M

All my rage.

>> No.6964123

All but two or three girls in my area that are into lolita are completely ita. Some are weeby and mentally unstable to boot. I really want to start a comm, but not if it's going to be full of girls wearing steampunkloli, cat ears, and maid uniforms...

>> No.6964134

Ok /cgl/, I feel like a tremendous dumb fuck and I'm going to explode from anxiety before the dress even gets to my buyer.

I'm still fresh to lolita and buying and selling online and terrifies me because shipping is confusing to me past "put in box and give to post people". A girl bought a JSK from me for $200 USD and she wanted it shipped to the UK. I did not mark the package down because I was afraid that if something happened we would both be fucked. They also told me that from the US to the UK it cannot be tracked or insured. Is that really true or did the post just not know what to do?

I feel so damn stupid. :/

>> No.6964159

What? There is tracking between US and UK. Some EU countries (e.g. Italy) you can't track the package once it enters the country, because their postage system is weird. But within the UK you can definitely still track.

>> No.6964180

>Totally agreeing with you. As a disabled person myself, I'm all for equal opportunities, but if your disability gets in the way of the job you're doing then you shouldn't be doing it.

As also someone with a disabling disorder, I agree with this...except that she's got Fibromyalgia, one of the most misdiagnosed and overused disorders ever.

>> No.6964231

speaking of rants I can't stand liars

>> No.6964251

parents at meet ups.

a few others and myself included all feel like we cant be ourselves because theres a giant parent party going on. "oh our daughters with their silly low-lita fashion"

shoot me now. please.

>> No.6964264


I shipped from the US. They said once its out of the US its a no go. I feel like I have zero security if something goes wrong.

>> No.6964268


Speaking of thread deletion.. why did the bad cosplay thread get deleted?

Captcha: my last and middle name

>> No.6964269

My boyfriend keeps offering to fund a taobao order for me but I'm too much of a proud asshole to let him spend that much money on me. If I did let him I would have a bunch of adorable lolita stuff that would make me feel like shit to wear :')

>> No.6964292

speaking of which...
my boyfriend offered the same thing.
but I'm having him pick out the clothes (ones we both agree on of course)
enjoy not having cute loli clothes

>> No.6964312

Oh well I like my independence. I'll buy them myself when I eventually save the money up.

>> No.6964317


How's the GTFO going?

>> No.6964331

Oh god, my boyfriend did the same thing except what I did was just tell him about the costs of shipping and shopping service fees and he decided to let me be a stubborn proud asshole. At first it was okay because he saw that everything was really cheap and cute for him, so he wanted to get me a lot of things, but as soon as I told him the other costs he got the fuck outta that.

>> No.6964340

My boyfriend offered me a couple hundred dollars. I can't accept that from him especially when he already buys me little things all the time. I have my own job anyway.

>> No.6964692


She never emailed me. I thought i'd wait a couple of days, then just post with what we've got here if she doesn't get back.

Email in field should anyone have anything relevant I could add. If anyone knew their Facebook's, that'd be great. I haven't had a chance to go search for them.

>> No.6964697


And by couple, I mean a few. I've lost track of time, been without my laptop. Fucking migraines man.

>> No.6964718

Some companies, even though they hire you part time, will sponsor your visa. You can also string pt work together--if you're experienced enough you could get away with working 4-5 days a week, 4-5 hours a day and make enough to live on. Translation can be lucrative if you know the right people, especially if you work freelance, since you're not required to work a set number of hours most times: you just need to meet a deadline.

Retaining my visa isn't hard as long as I am working, but renewing it may be if immigration doesn't think I am making enough to survive.

>> No.6964722

You shouldn't hate everyone in the world, anon, including yourself. That's sad :(

>> No.6964741

Are we really going to play the "baww my disability is more real than yours and yours is fake" game?

>except that she's got Fibromyalgia, one of the most misdiagnosed and overused disorders ever.
Source? Genuinely curious. Sorry for the triple post.

>> No.6964805

I Honestly don't understand why you trip.
you don't really have a defendable reputation.
I used to support you, thinking that there might be an inch in honesty in there.
but then your lies just kind of brutally murdered that.

I don't hate everyone, little miss rosaire. I only hate sorry little fucks like you.

>> No.6964810

>your lies

But it was never proven she lied.

All we know is that she said x, and Japanese girl said y.

Someone saying secondhand "That's not how it happened," is not proof of a lie.

>> No.6964821

She has a long history of lying, it really isn't that hard to figure things out.
I believe for the most part, yeah, the BTSSB staff can be bitches, and that was wrong.
but to take Rosaire's words for !00% truth?
ha. this is Rosaire we are talking about.
maybe 80% truth in there at most. enough to take her side, but not enough for me to think she's a nice person

>> No.6964819

Which lies would those be?

>> No.6964849

How would I know what you've lied about?
I'm not a crazy bitch like you

>> No.6964854

Well you seem to believe I have a long history of lying. Surely you must know what those lies are...?

>> No.6964910

> because we're psycho bitches who will archive everything so we can cal you out

No matter what we say we'll never convince you you're a liar. It's not important. We know for ourselves about your execrable behavior and we have no obligation to convince you of anything.

>> No.6964909

Please stop Rosaire, go find new enemies elsewhere.

>> No.6964920

Tell more...

>> No.6964921

Guys this Rosaire witchhunting is getting a little old

You're starting to approach Pixyteri levels

>> No.6964922

>we know you're a liar!! there's proof!
>but we can't ever provide proof

and then you wonder why people call you vendetta-chan?

If there's proof that she lied, show it. Not he said, she said, but actual proof--not "omg she has a long history of doing it!" but some actual evidence.

I mean I don't know why I'm bothering since you do this with every thread. "She SCAMMED people!" "Evidence?" "Lol we don't need to provide it."

>> No.6964923

In other words, you have no idea what I have allegedly lied about, but I have lied, gosh darnit! Okay, lol.

But your anal pain storms amuse me greatly! Don't take that away from me anon!

>> No.6964929

Also, you don't need to have anything archived to at least bring up a credible example.

And no, "But Tocco-chan desu said _____!" isn't a credible example.

>> No.6964943

you are kind of sad

>> No.6964942

It doesn't matter WHAT you say or what proof you provide. She is lurking cgl constantly to defend herself. She misrepresented that email by blacking out parts that "didn't matter" that changed the tone of the exchange. She'll probably say "But I didn't liiiiie~"

I've seen enough to never use her again as a shopping service. She has no qualms about posting your paypal or personal information if it suits her purposes.

>> No.6964954

It changed the tone in her favor to black it out. Maybe the tone was lost in translation but it's very clear in the original Japanese that the email was very vicious.

>She has no qualms about posting your paypal or personal information if it suits her purposes.
Speaking of liars...


>> No.6964962

Except it does. But no one has ever actually provided proof of her lying, which means it all boils down to: 'SHE LIED! SHE DID! But I can't prove it or provide a specific detail.' and then usually throwing around whiteknight because someone points out, factually, that no one has provided evidence that she lied or, depending on which wank we're in, scammed.

The translation we got from an anonymous source had a different tone when read literally. But does that mean she lied? No. If this girl was treating her poorly in the workplace, then what she says has a different tone because of context.

Let's say worker #1 sent worker #2 an email with tips on getting rid of acne. Harmless, right? But if worker #1 is constantly making shots at worker #2 about their bad skin, that email suddenly has a much more passive aggressive, mean spirited tone.

>> No.6964965

Uhhh aren't you that girl who threw a tantrum because a pre-teen you told to kill themselves when you were in your 20s (and whom you couldn't even remember because you did that to so many people, apparently) told you to fuck off instead of wanting to strike up a friendship?

>> No.6964968

You're far more annoying than she is.

>> No.6964971

Stop attempting to hitch yourself to drama to get people to like you

>> No.6964976

No she's the SJW black loli and also got raped and has autism.

>> No.6964978

its ok, cheeto-chan. you are pretty damn annoying too.

but you know what's annoying? this has turned into a bitch about Rosaire thread.
if it keeps up, the whole damn thing is going to end up deleted and lets be honest, no one really wants that.
so lets make good egl complaints. ones that wont derail the thread with drama.

>> No.6964985

You know what's annoying? That time people politely told you to take down their copyrighted images that you were using without their permission and you told them they should be flattered you stole their photographs.

>> No.6964990

"bawww something that happened two years ago and has since been resolved is bothering me and proof that you're a bitch"
cheeto-chan, pls.

>> No.6964991

pot, kettle, etc.

>> No.6964992

Inb4 nia says "racism isn't kawaii" for whatever reason.

>> No.6964995

But you are a bitch. Your past actions are a reflection of who you are. And you? Are a bitch. Although why you'd think anyone would be flattered by your ita ass liking them is beyond me.

>> No.6965006

>the local lolitas are in the thread clearly making it obvious that I've rustled their jimmies
girls, be a little less obvious next time.

I dunno, but I saw one of you a while ago that was so damn fat that I couldn't tell if they were wearing a petticoat or not.

only you idiots would call me ita. I damn well know what I'm doing. and its sad that the only insults you can come up with are the same
>ur a bitch lel (ever try looking in the mirror?)
>ur ita (then why have none of my recent outfits been posted in the ita threads?)
>ur horsefaced and ugly lol (again, mirror, you obviously don't use it.
>ur black lol (says the same people that call me a bitch without looking in the mirror you know, I don't call people racist unless they, ya'know, are blatantly racist.)

Your community sucks, and people are catching on to it. and its funny you are blaming me instead of solving OR admitting to your own fucked up issues.

>> No.6965013

>It's only local people who hate me! No on else could think I'm a bitch!
Try again cuntflap, I live two states away from you but based on the way you act on /cgl/ it's quite clear that you are a massive twat.

>> No.6965029

>It changed the tone in her favor to black it out
Did you really sit here and spout that bullshit? Aside from lying to everyone that Tocco was the one and only "sana" and the maintainer of the blacklist?

>> No.6965036

I know other people dislike me, and frankly, I'm not going to kiss some bitch over the internet's ass to try to make her think differently.

I have plenty of people that do like me, people who don't go out of their way to be "massive twats" to me. and I don't really go out of my way to be a massive twat to anyone else- I don't threadhop to diss a trip I don't like.
If someone attacks me, I attack back. that's the way things work.
or if someone is being a bitch to someone, I call them out on it. that is the way things work.

so really, think what you like. you don't matter. and you aren't really going to get under my skin. the best you'll get out of me is a little chuckle.

>> No.6965043

Obviously you can't into context.

She is the one behind the email address and has been since 2010. The person who that email address was made for, unsurprisingly named Sana, quit years ago. And she does maintain the blacklist.

>> No.6965048


>> No.6965049

Right, because you know, that inconvenient blacked out email that changes completely Tocco's tone and making her out to be a total bitch is not an incident of lying, claiming Tocco was the one and only "sana" wasn't lying, talking about a nonexistent "stalker" as the cause of the reason behind shutting down karasu personal lj and *not the shopping service lj* and somehow appealing to the mods to get her feedback page scrubbed isn't lying.

No clearly these are just inconvenient... things, and we can't prove proof of it because no matter how often it's thrust in your face clearly it's just vendetta.

>> No.6965051

haha oh my god the irony

I hate both of you but jesus christ this comment is pathetic

>> No.6965054

Why do black people always have attitude problems?

>> No.6965060

>has been since 2010
Oh, so the fact that she is just one of 3 casual workers, there were other foreigners doing the shipping before as well and wasn't even behind the shoe incident is clearly a lie on Tocco's part.

No, Tocco is clearly the one and only sana and sole maintainer of blacklist.

>> No.6965061

I fucking hate nia so much, please tell me she never goes to east coast cons.

>> No.6965062


If you were on jram you'd know I had a stalker. I didn't have a separate shopping service LJ. The mods never changed my feedback page for my old LJ--it's still there, without a single negative, just like my current one.

I like your attempt at trying to make this out to be some big conspiracy with the mods though, nice try.

>> No.6965077

I'm kindly telling you to fuck off, I dont no tripfag's drama up in here, do a favor to yourself and stop typing.

>> No.6965081

They try to keep two people working foreign shipping because it's a lot of work. One of the other foreign workers actually backed up everything I had to say about my experiences working with Aoki... that says quite a lot, doesn't it? Or am I appealing to her to get her to back me up?

Aoki has been there since 2010 working overseas shipping. Fact. She even told me about the shoe incident herself. Why would a current coworker of hers, who has been there just as long, LIE about that?

>> No.6965082
File: 459 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mo09ri9BNV1rjcfxro1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.
see you there.
you won't really have an issue with me unless you, lets say, march up to me and be a great big cunt.
why you gotta be soedgytho

now excuse me, I have a life outside of the internet and will be partaking in that, and have no more time to respond to your silly little insults with sass. it was fun though.

>> No.6965090
File: 135 KB, 1280x1024, faggot anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6965093

Go fuck Stormy or something, bitch.

>> No.6965092

i lol'd

>> No.6965102

"Geezzz...stop reminding people what a cunt I am"

>> No.6965114

>somehow appealing to the mods to get her feedback page scrubbed isn't lying.

LMAO. Oh my god. The delusion is hilarious at this point. Clearly the only reason she doesn't have the mounds of back feedback you used to claim she had is because she got her feedback scrubbed. YEP.

>> No.6965116

bad* feedback

>> No.6965118

what?? that's so shitty

>> No.6965122

>ignoring what I said about context

Proof she didn't have a stalker? she didn't say Tocco was THE ONLY SANA EVER, just that she was behind the recent incidents. Proof that she had her feedback scrubbed?

>> No.6965128

With feedback you're supposed to have aliases associated with your primary account. karasu and lacetreasures are not listed

>> No.6965134

Because I asked them to not be connected. I renamed lacetreasures to rosaire with a rename token since I use rosaire for pretty much everything.

>> No.6965138

Diagnosed with what?

>> No.6965141


>> No.6965145

Didn't you already have the diagnosis for that in January 2012? http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/17506287.html?

>> No.6965148

No, that was Hashimoto's Disease.

>> No.6965159

Wow, the world must have it out for you.

>> No.6965167

I read a study that it's common to develop fibro if you have Hashis already. Hashis and thyroid cancer run in my family so it was only really a matter of time. I doubt Fukushima spewing radioactive materials helps any.

>> No.6965196

If she had a stalker or people harassing her on that account, I can see why the mods would agree that she could keep it off. In any case, I don't see anywhere where it's a rule--just recommended.

Also, lacetreasures is the same account as rosaire.