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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 599 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mnr16mi9mS1rm1c0vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6953417 No.6953417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your cosplay pet peeves?

My major one is people not knowing how to hold a fucking bow right. This costume looks great but her hold ruins it for me.

>> No.6953425

man i barely know jack shit about archery and even i think that looks redic. how does she expect that arrow to make it through her fingers?

>> No.6953440

Closet cosplayers expected to be taken seriously and demand lots of pictures at photoshoots.

Don't have a problem with closet cosplayers in general, just those who can't understand their costume isn't legit.

>> No.6953437

Not only that, with her arm stretched out like that the string is going to whip her in the crook of her arm. I see this in a lot of photos, overextension. But this is the word bow-hold I've ever seen in cosplay.

>> No.6953544

That is one of the nicer bows I've seen, actually.
(Can someone post a "how to pose with a bow" tutorial?)

Shoes. Always the shoes. Barefoot cosplayers who aren't barefoot characters. Cosplayers who wear tennishoes instead of whatever their character is supposed to wear. etc etc

Also I hate when people's hair sticks out from their wigs so obviously. Maybe a few strands falling out in the back, but I hate when you can see all of their hair down by their ears or around the back of their neck.

>> No.6953551

Look up the olympics archery section.

>> No.6953556

>(Can someone post a "how to pose with a bow" tutorial?)

I read this a while ago, and while it's not exactly a 'how to' it does point out problems and how to correct them. If you have a costume bow, the two links at the start are also worth a read.


>> No.6953566
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Thank you kind anon! I've always been afraid of screwing something like this up

>> No.6953575
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I can't stop staring at that in morbid fascination. I mean, there's not a single thing for which I can say "well at least she got that right..."

I hate when details are oversized/not in proportion with the rest of the outfit. Usually it's some important accessory or a painted detail on the costume. Like, if you make it bigger people people will magically know who you are? It just looks ridiculous.

>> No.6953580
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Speaking of shoes, I have a special kind of distate for those hooker boots. Especially when the character is masculine as hell.
Also, Asians that cake on horrible makeup in an ugly, inhuman attempt to look "white"(pic related, though the fem!America isn't as bad).
As one last thing, I really hate when fat girls think that because they're fat, they're perfect for masculine characters. No. Your fat is obvious even when you bind, and your feminine features are even harder to hide. Beyond that, they always think that somehow their fat can be a substitute for a manly character's muscle...

>> No.6953582

At least the bow is pretty?
I would have clipped that little but of string off on the bottom, though, unless she has to untie it to pack it.

>> No.6953591

Oh, well, the costume/bow are both very nice! It's just the whole pose...

>> No.6953603
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I can't figure out why some Yukio cosplayers and cosplay sellers have a rosary hanging off his belt. I've dug through references from the animu and manga but it's not even there on his manga cover where they're usually kinda blinged out. I think it showed up in a fanart once.

Meanwhile cosplay hooker boots for "accuracy." This isn't the worst example I have but still.

>> No.6953634
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>they always think that somehow their fat can be a substitute for a manly character's muscle...

Holy crap this. I think I literally read a coscom post once that went something like. "I want to cosplay Miles Edgeworth. I'm 5' 1" and 210 lbs. If I wear a suit though will the fat look like muscle.

>> No.6953632

About wearing sneakers. Sometimes being comfortable and not completely miserable all day is more important than accuracy. Although the right footwear should still be brought along for photo shoots.

>> No.6953676

If you're cosplaying a barefoot character, please, please, just wear flip flops around the con and slip them off for pictures.

Seeing nasty dirty feet that might get crushed or step on something sharp makes me turn myself in knots

>> No.6953690

using this same picture as an example:
when girls crossplay but still do their eye makeup like a girl.
especially when they go heavy with black eyeliner on their upper lid...ugh

>> No.6953740
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>Tennis Shoes
>Not taking glasses off for photos

>> No.6953742

I also hate it when cosplayers wear circle lenses but no make up? It makes them look inhuman and creepy and gross

>> No.6953757

that Madoka's face...

>> No.6953802

I say this every time this thread comes up: There are people who can't take their glasses off for photos for a multitude of reasons. If they could, they would. Personally, one of my eyes turns right inward which I am massively insecure about. I do my best with a pair of inconspicuous glasses but some people can't afford that option.

Please don't mock us for it. It sucks enough being blind.

>> No.6953922

Let see:

Elaborate costume but not a shred of make up on. Good job wasting all that time but managing to still look half assed.

Inappropriate make up for the character like laying on a thick line of eyeliner, doubling up eyelashes, bright red lipstick for Ponyo.

Not ironing your costume. What the what, how do you not know to do that?

Obese (like the kind with a giant fupa) with obviously well done costumes. I can't help but think, in the time it took to create that large costume they could have taken a walk for one hour a day and dropped 20 lbs and ended up looking more awesome than they ever dreamed.

Over shoop. Your skin does not look like that. No ones skin looks like that.

>> No.6953933
File: 186 KB, 650x975, Mami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacking on to that, how about fat girls who think their waist doesn't matter when cosplaying big-boobed characters.

>most Mami cosplayers are massive offenders of this
>pic related is doing it right

>> No.6953945

But if you cosplay you could look into contact lenses. I understand some people can't wear contacts due to their eyes not letting them but they're not the majority.

>> No.6953956

There are 2 photographs of me where I forgot to take off my glasses and I cringe every time I see them. All the other timesI've just put my contacts in for the day.
But yeah, if you wear glasses and can't use contacts at least try to remember to take them off.

>> No.6954051

Ugh and it's so annoying when you're in a rush to go somewhere when people are asking for pics when you're running grom one thing to another and you have to pull them off, hide then and strike a pose with whatever other crap you're carrying. And I don't even have the option of corrective lenses that aren't the hard uncomfortable kind.

I can forgive the fat girls who actually bother to use strong support and boning to at least get themselves in a flattering shape but that's usually not the case.

>> No.6954137

fat girls can't change their bodies and they're going to cosplay whoever they want, so its not really something you can do anything about

>> No.6954141

>fat girls can't change their bodies
Cut it out.

>> No.6954162

>fat girls can't change their bodies

Nigga you just went full retard.

>> No.6954178

>people wearing outfits that should be dusty or caked with blood/mud but their outfits are absolutely clean

what is the point

>> No.6954184

What about when people wear the
most ridiculous looking shoes when the character is barefoot?

I once saw an Ilia cosplayer who had on these big black skatergurl shoes. Like, what? Why not get a pair of sandals like the other characters around her? Good gravy.

>> No.6954186
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They can work out, or not make the decision to cosplay a character who is not fat.

>> No.6954192
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>> No.6954209

>When people put so much time into one element or item of the costume and then half ass the rest thinking no one will notice.

>> No.6954216

to add to this, girls who don't bother tailoring their garments for a more masculine figure when crossplaying. she is completely unconvincing because the waist is too high, the shoulders are too narrow and overall the proportions are all wrong even for an anime male.

also dat girly makeup.

>> No.6954260

Different anon but if you can't afford inconspicuous glasses chances are you can't afford contacts.

>> No.6954309
File: 70 KB, 333x500, are_you_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only good Edgeworth I've seen
>tfw I can't find the source for it

>> No.6954331

>hair showing/coming out from under the wig
>people wearing wigs backwards
>people not trimming bangs and/or separating them in the middle to see
>only a wig and no cosplay
>cosplay and no wig
>people who wear running shoes with a nice example bought cosplay

>> No.6954347

trigger discipline.

more to the point, the severe lack thereof ...

>> No.6954356

>obviously a woman

>> No.6954403

Someone post Kazzu and Ninjattourney I'm on my phone.

>> No.6954463
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>> No.6954465

. . . people can wear wigs backwards? How the fuck can they screw up that badly!? O.o

>> No.6954608

Actually, my Doctor Who cosplay which was maybe a bit closet-ish was extremely popular, though all the pictures were taken by girls in private and not in any photoshoots.

>> No.6954658

I tend to wear (more natural) wigs without a cosplay at the end of the day at a con. It's better than walking around/going out to dinner with terrible wig hair or a hood.

>> No.6954948

I don't think people will have a problem with that, more the people who wear a pink dress and wig and "IS THE BEST PINKIE PIE EVER!!!111!!" and must be in every single photo.

>> No.6955345

At least she asked before hand. Whether or not she responded appropriately, though, I don't want to find out.

>> No.6955914


>> No.6956086
File: 176 KB, 778x1162, tumblr_mjdq7cbR621qjnfuho1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things such as horns, fins or things that otherwise are there to modify you to look non-human which looks unnatural and or sloppy.

>badly placed horns

>> No.6956711

>This costume looks great but her hold ruins it for me.
Your anal-retentiveness is showing.
There's nothing wrong with how she's holding it.
Don't let it bother you and try to have more fun.

>> No.6956740

They were referring to the hand that's near the arrow-head.

If she actually shot that thing, the arrow-tail would get caught on her hand.
You're supposed to do that to angle the arrow, yes, but then you move your index finger under the arrow, so that it actually shoots.

>> No.6956750

Different anon, but with how they're holding it, I'm pretty sure a finger will fly off if she were really shooting an arrow.

I'm more bothered at the socks...

>> No.6956786

Anon number 3 here, no need to worry about her fingers being sliced off by the arrow because she'll never be able to shoot with that death-grip she has on the string.

If you're going to use a prop you better make sure everything about it has the same level of detail, including how you pose with it.

>> No.6956804

The fact that Link is wearing more makeup than Zelda really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.6956812

>Meanwhile cosplay hooker boots for "accuracy."
We had a whole thread on this one thing recently.

>> No.6956834

I'm fat and I've lost 20 pounds in the past 2 months from eating better and working out, with the goal of cosplaying skinny characters. Fuck off, they're just lazy and don't want to take action with their life. Nothing is holding me back, and nothing is holding them back other than their own laziness.

>> No.6958529
File: 432 KB, 1888x1010, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm pretty much alone in this, but I hate when gijinka in any form - MLP, Pokemon, whatever - say that they are cosplaying that character.

You're not cosplaying the character, you're just wearing character-themed clothes. You may as well just wear a T-shirt with a picture of the character and call that cosplay.

Not saying gijinka stuff isn't a fun thing, it's just... it isn't cosplay.

>> No.6958545

You're just as retarded as the person you're responding to.

>> No.6958823

they look fine

>> No.6958827

Not everyone has the skill to do a fursuit/mascot suit/whatever. This is stupid. There are great gijinka cosplays out there.

>> No.6960022

not the poster, but you sound like a mad fatty

>> No.6960043

Cosplay means costume play, and sadly these days everything can be considered a costume. I think they should be called "Character inspired outfits" or something. I like them, and a lot are creative and well done, but it bugs me too anon.

>> No.6960075

but...gijinka just means to 'humanify' something basically. Also, dressing up as yourself in a mcdonalds uniform is considered cosplay.

>> No.6960747

>I can't help but think, in the time it took to create that large costume they could have taken a walk for one hour a day and dropped 20 lbs and ended up looking more awesome than they ever dreamed.
Eh, it's possible the cosplay was commissioned or they know someone who can sew. The rest of that is just laughable—wow, she went from 220 to 200, total knockout now, right?

>> No.6960753

Well, with "prop-holding" sometimes I let them pass because they're holding it wrong in the actual series in the first place, so cosplayers copy that.

>> No.6960763

Nobody's going to use some pretentious hair-splitting phrase when there's a casual word they can use instead.

>> No.6961138

When girls crossplaying draw on facial hair and it looks really obvious and BAD.

When people don't trim their wig's bangs and just part it down the middle to get it out of their face. Ruins the whole look!

On that note, bright wigs (I see vocaloid ones a lot) with no eye makeup. The wig then just eats your face and looks odd.

Also BRIGHT YELLOW acrylic paint eyebrows with blonde wigs. There is no need for that.

>> No.6961162
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When people worship other cosplayers like gods.

It's perfectly fine being a fan of someone, but when you start babbling incoherently and foaming at the mouth saying "(Insert cosplayer) IS THE BEST COSPLAYER EVER AND NO ONE CAN COSPLAY (Insert character) BETTER THAN HIM/HER", and then get offended when someone else does a better job than them, fuck yourself.

>> No.6961225

Blotchy body paint and face paint. Especially when they only paint the front of their face and not their neck or ears. It looks shitty and you might as well go without.

>> No.6961230

when people cosplaying male characters wear 700 pounds of super dark black eyeliner

when people draw their eyebrows on so they're like straight lines pointing downwards toward their nose, i dont care how anime you think it is i think it looks fucking retarded

>> No.6961267

could you please link it?

>> No.6961303
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When women on /cgl/ say that men are terrible cosplayers because they suck at sewing. Or that they can't cosplay certain male characters because, according to them, women pull them off better.

It's these same women that complain about misogynist trolls, yet they make misandrist comments like this. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.6961393
File: 151 KB, 500x378, 1e1604956daccd5fa364840475f94aa61370278848_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some girls do cosplay certain male characters better (because they look and are designed like girls) but male cosplayers can be as good as female cosplayers and generally pull off guys better.

beware male anon, most of the retards saying men can't sew don't believe sexism can exist against males.

I can't really see a dude pulling this off, but god why would they even want to?

>> No.6961449

Jesus, this so much. How can they mess up so poorly? It's actually really easy to do. I wonder if some people are using face paint all over their body or something...

>> No.6961457

>fat girls can't change their bodies
First law of thermodynamics. Conservation of energy. If you keep eating at a caloric deficit, it is literally impossible not to lose weight. Now, how stupidly you'll measure your intake is up to you. You don't need to starve to achieve results.

>> No.6961465

Lazy gender bends where girls will do 95% of the cosplay, and then just put on a skirt, when the character would not use a skirt.

>> No.6961470
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>Thinking Misandry is real

>> No.6961472

This. Is it just me or do white people do this the most, at least the blotchy part? Brown folk have the sense to cover up, but white kids think a slight sheen of the right tint will suffice. Homestucks.
Unless they crash diet and eat so little the body goes into famine panic mode. Or they don't exercise at all.

>> No.6961476

They say that shit to women who can't sew too, fear not.

>> No.6961478

>Or they don't exercise at all.
Exercise is not strictly needed for weight loss. It actually provides only a marginal benefit in terms of pure numbers compared to just eating less. The reason exercise is advised is because of the positive changes it has on a person's lifestyle. Also, the endorphin rush is pretty pleasant.

>> No.6961482

honestly I kindof agree with the brown folk part, but i've seen only 5-6 black homestucks compared to white ones. I've seen terrible of each race, but for the most part white homestucks don't even bother with a full layer of grey.

>> No.6961489

date skin painting too, ugh

>> No.6961494

Exercise isn't needed for weight loss, but if you've lost a substantial amount of weight and plan to bare some skin, especially your stomach, you're going to want at least some strength training thrown in if you don't want to look soft.

>> No.6961496

Boosts the calorie deficit. You'd be surprised how inactive some people can be.

>> No.6961534

Closet/ ghetto cosplayers who are adored more than those who put actual time / money into their outfit due to looks.

>> No.6961549

It'd be nice to see more non gijinka based, but mascots tend to be lumped in with furries.

>> No.6961567

I can tell if this is a troll or some retarded feminist, but I'm honestly laughing at your post too. Thanks for that.

Depends on the character. I agree that a lot of anime characters are better cosplayed by women, but I think it's stupid to say that women are better at cosplaying males who are obviously built like men (lots of muscle, broad shoulders, etc.), or have only slightly boyish facial features.

>> No.6961834

Sad but true.

>> No.6962013
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It all depends on the person, too.
I certain Hetalia ask blog has proven that just because you're a man, does not mean you can cosplay a male character well.

>> No.6962024
File: 185 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mik804LiHB1qbn3fio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking shitty-ass "cosplay" all over my dash a few months ago because they're black
Does anyone have that disgusting Katara with that blue cornrose shit?

>> No.6962042

the one with the yellow on her dress looks gross. :c I'm black as well and only fairly light skinned but I don't get why black people have dark underarms and knees like that.Mine is all one even skin tone. Can someone explain?

>> No.6962372


some people have thicker skin near joints. It would show up more on those with darker skin.
Joints have to expand and move with the muscle and bone so there has to be more skin there and it has to be durable.

>> No.6962398


What irritates me the most is how they must have spent all that time photoshopping the background in but couldn't bother to even out that girl's armpit.

>> No.6962433

He is the most overrated Hetalia cosplayer. I mean, he's nice I've heard, but he's nowhere near suave enough to be France, sorry. Same goes to that one Spain.

>> No.6962488

A mild form of eczema, maybe? I grew up in a really black suburb and everyone had that shit. Not extreme cases like in the pictures in the wiki article, just dryness that led to darker skin and ashiness around joints like elbows and knees.


>> No.6962715
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... mine is this kind of bow.

>> No.6962830

hmm that makes sense thanks anon

>> No.6962837

He gets talked about in some of the Hetalia threads when they pop up.
I've heard he's kind of an attention whore. Then again, lots of tumblr-famous Hetalians seem to be, no matter how shitty they are.

To stay on topic, that's another pet peeve I have. When cosplayers have a fucking elitist attitude. Don't worry, man, most people still think you're a weird-ass nerd, you don't have to pretend like people actually give a fuck about you.

>> No.6962840

Yeah, it's the thicker skin thing. My elbows and knees are slightly darker, but since I'm light brown it's not as noticeable.

Also I think the muses cosplay is at least impressive because they got a full group. Add the fact that they're not cosplayed as often to Disney having a lot of fans means a lot of attention regardless of quality.

>> No.6962862

Trombones held backwards in Hollywood movies always get me as well
drives me nuts it takes literally 5 seconds to show someone how to at least fake proficiency

>> No.6963003

Sage for unrelated, but I remember once when I went to a national music competition (wind orchestra), and one of the trombonists was a leftie and thus held her trombone differently. The judge was just like "Why the fuck are you holding your instrument upside-down?!".

> mfw people mess up holding a flute

>> No.6963042
File: 99 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed a bunch of people talking about makeup in this thread... And I hate to self post, but I could use some crazy con crit on my makeup.

I skipped doing really heavy makeup, because the character is actually male. And a bear.

But I got bright blue circle lenses to match his eyes, and made my skin tone as even as I could... Then just used some mascara, and a little bit of shimmery eyeshadow because I thought it looked cute and snowy.

Is this not enough? Do I need more? WHAT do I need more of? Thanks, guys. And sorry it's a bit off topic.. Looking to be NOT your pet peeve! ;-;

>> No.6963050

*squints* league of legends girl, is that you? honestly it's so subtle I can't tell that you did much at all, but I'm the last person to ask if that's good bad or indifferent.

>> No.6963054

I was going for subtle, so I'm glad, I suppose?

And what do you mean "league of legends girl"?

I feel like I should have defined my eyes a bit more, and I'm a bit frustrated with myself for being lazy.

>> No.6963055

Not taking out your facial piercings for accuracy. Facial piercings look crap with lolita as well.

>> No.6963077

Ah, an advice thread a while back had someone wanting to cosplay a polar bear character from that game. I think she may have had a bear head hood, my bad.

>> No.6963088

Ahhh yeah! That was me! I carved out the head, but didn't have enough time to fur it, so I went with something cutesier because it suits me better than serious man mode.

>> No.6963104

Aw, you should still totally do bear head mode later or something, it was a cool idea. Glad it's coming along!

>> No.6963254

When niggers try to cosplay.

Seriously, it's like, we don't try to rap so fuck off!

>> No.6963367

Fuck, THIS. Seriously what's up with people who CAN'T TAKE THOSE PIERCINGS OFF for the day. Do the holes really heal shut in 8 hours or are you just an idiot for not taking those 5 lip piercings off for your fucking cosplay? Or at least take them off for photos? Or use ones that are not so goddamn noticeable??? I swear I've seen more Sebastian cosplayers with ugly as fuck emo lip piercings than anyone ever should.

>> No.6963379
File: 750 KB, 500x375, 1363136715913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of a girl who has done two (2) costumes that are both painfully ghetto, you know, clothes straight out of the closest H&M and a wig. And even then her costume is inaccurate. Her photoshoots are messy and the person handling the camera obviously has no idea what they're doing. She has over 1500 likes on her facebook fan page and tons of fans and everyone loves her "WIP" pictures which are mainly her showing off the wig/contacts/makeup tests. Let that sink in.

>> No.6963399


Sometimes in newer piercings (Under a few years old.) the holes can narrow enough not to be able to get the jewellery back in. I recommend people wear retainers as opposed to taking them out, they hide the hole too.

I've got piercings and whilst I've been leaving them in for lolita (Don't want to fiddle with them until they're three years old.) as soon as I get my cosplay sorted, they'll be switched out for retainers.

>> No.6963478

HAHAHA oh god I would have died, I'm a lefty as well but learned all my instruments right handed.
Another peeve to keep it on topic, I also hate over the top hooker makeup for male characters like others have said.
Yukio Okumura seems to be a really common offender.

>> No.6963609
File: 21 KB, 677x406, Muses_Catchy-Songs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forget what the muses looked like, look it up so I can tell what I should be angry at
>Their costumes look LITERALLY NOTHING like the characters other than part of the hair, colors are flat-out wrong, most of it is just holding up bolts of cloth, and the second-from-the left one isn't even supposed to be fat, or wearing whatever the fuck kind of dress that is
what the hell were they thinking
Did they EVER even wear pink clothing? I only remember white and blue.

>> No.6963641

Both pictures look purple to me, to be honest. I remember there was a muse toy in purple, possibly from McDonald's.

>> No.6963657

Cosplay makes a lot more sense now

>> No.6963689
File: 873 KB, 500x250, tumblr_mjtr7xldOT1r41223o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a VERY light off-white pinkish purple at its MOST purpely (And that's only one scene), and a good deal of that can be contributed to the lighting.

>> No.6963694

always thought it was lilac too, though overcompressed tumblr gifs are never a good example

>> No.6963696

If this is the new Jessica Rabbit's dress, I'm going to cut bitches.

>> No.6963703
File: 123 KB, 602x379, 1367536181500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.

I'm 19 and a late bloomer so I've got a few years before I start looking too masculine for effeminate characters.

>> No.6963704
File: 31 KB, 716x428, hercules-muses-e8vnv22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all the colors are 100% lighting effects, but since they're almost always lit up in some color or another picking white would just look odd. I didn't mean flat-out purple anyway, just purple tinted.

>> No.6963709
File: 116 KB, 900x675, hercules__s_muses__x3_by_renpika95-d56bd6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I think the muses cosplay is at least impressive because they got a full group.
It's not that hard.

>> No.6963713
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, P8140372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found shittier, what do I win?

>> No.6963716

Hey, I had that one!

>> No.6963720

These ones actually look pretty decent

>> No.6963723
File: 34 KB, 456x315, tmb_456x315_her_muses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the official disney blog

>> No.6963741

I'm agreeing with you, moron.

>> No.6963863

Maybe she was worried of the arrow actually shooting if she held it normally

>> No.6963874

Maybe she's just a dumbass.

>> No.6966169

Ever since I took up archery, I always groan at the way people hold bows. Especially people who think holding a bow horizontally is badass.