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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6947291 No.6947291 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>6937750

>> No.6947374

Looking for troll make up that works the best for a POC. I've tried Mehron Star Blend Light Grey, but I look more white than I do grey.

>> No.6947386

Try getting a darker color? Or mixing them up in a container.

>> No.6947403
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>> No.6947402
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Dumping a few pics from AE. I didn't go and these are not my photos, but I really like the cosplays/community there.

>> No.6947405
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>> No.6947407
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>> No.6947408
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>> No.6947411
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>> No.6947410
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>> No.6947431

I've considered getting a darker color, but I want to branch out and try other make ups as well. Not too confident in mixing make up and it possibly going to waste

>> No.6947450 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 213x267, 1365825065418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanstuck here, please delete this.

>> No.6947496

Why? If you're the Equius, you look great. You suit him pretty well, too.

>> No.6947506

Even if you request they delete it, they don't have to.

>> No.6947530 [DELETED] 

I shouldn't have gone up without the costume done so I'd rather not see myself here yet.

I know, but still.

>> No.6947542

The next time you're posted on cgl don't draw extra attention to yourself. You reacted to this in one of the worst possible ways.

>> No.6947566

You look fine from those two photos here. Just curious here, what isn't finished/what are you scared of about being posted here? If you hadn't drawn attention to yourself, I doubt anybody would've even commented.

>> No.6947693

>not having to wait a week for another update

feels good man

>> No.6947721

hey cgl, I have a question.

I'm planning on making a Seer of Blood god tier for Kankri this upcoming Otakon, and I have most of it planned out; I'm stumped as to what fabric to use for the hood itself, however. I'm planning on using a Jersey knit for the robe itself, but should I do the same for the hood? I'm thinking no.

>> No.6947727

For the main body jersey knit works great. For my hoods I tend to stick with a thick polyester/cotton blend.

>> No.6947812
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>> No.6947890
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Dumping from the tag

>> No.6947897
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>> No.6947900
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>> No.6947904
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>> No.6947908
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>> No.6948053
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Spades Slick in this one is kind of attractive.

>> No.6948056
File: 221 KB, 600x872, tumblr_mmnt6uQ1GQ1qbb7rdo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish the horns had been placed better in the wig, but the photography/location is nice.

>> No.6948059
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>he'd be such a babe
>if only trigger awareness

>> No.6948100

This is the anon from the last thread who /r/ed skits- did any get posted? I didn't get the chance to check the thread before it got deleted.

>> No.6948213
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>> No.6948241

Scene Jade Harley

>> No.6948247

Aka gross

>> No.6948259
File: 66 KB, 500x500, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6948347


>> No.6948358

Jade is cute but goddamn that Rose

>> No.6948378

I really like their wig.

>> No.6948548


>> No.6948814
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>> No.6949084

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPk5Ngn7zvQ I know this one got posted.

>> No.6949090

Oh man this is cringeworthy.

>> No.6949224
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>> No.6949389

adding to the embarassment

>> No.6949423
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Why does everyone think biting at the camera is cute/sexy/whatever?

>> No.6949505

I'm not sure how I feel about this one

>> No.6949510

worse. I think it's supposed to be "scary" and "evil."

>> No.6949602

Any promising looking WIPs in the tag?

Also, can everyone share the worst wigs they've ever seen? I've been frustrated over Bieber-cut Dave wigs lately and I need something to remind myself that it could always be worse.

>> No.6949642
File: 600 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mpdtouaDP11s9t2pqo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still amazed how someone actually thinks that this looks good.

>> No.6949648

dear lord that looks like shit

>> No.6949657
File: 554 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mpdtouaDP11s9t2pqo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat kind of reminds me of a taco...

>> No.6949662


Oh goodness. That is an unfortunate mess.

Maybe they are new to costuming and bit off more than they could chew?

>> No.6949666

pftbawahaha is that a boa attach to the hat?

>> No.6949696

Jesus fuck
Is that urchin tier

>> No.6949701

>dem boots on the table
>dat wig just fucking lying on the ground
>dat boa

>> No.6949715

that has GOT to be urchin tier

>> No.6949751

Yup, it's her.

>> No.6949776

and it's finished
oh my god
oooooh my god

i am laughing so hard through my tears

>> No.6949780

This is honestly the ugliest cosplay I have ever seen. Is it some kind of SBaHJ-tier fandom gimmick?

>> No.6949789

I believe it's called urchin tier.

>> No.6949791

It just looks nice and natural?

>> No.6949970

No, just /cgl/HSG and /co/HSG's abomination of an incestual love child.

>> No.6949981
File: 561 KB, 500x745, tumblr_mos6ee6pvW1s3u0h4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing on freckles

>> No.6950004


>> No.6950104

Oh, christ, she follows me

>> No.6950108

What would you all think if you were at an anime convention rave and saw a Dave DJing?
I'm booked for SJ and I just want to know if this is an awful/great/unoriginal/etc idea.
Honest thoughts.

(I posted this a few threads back but I'm looking for more input)

>> No.6950114

I probably would be like "here we go again" but like 70 percent of the people at the con would probably love you.

>> No.6950116

I'm a POC and I used the 2 parts white one part grey ben nye thing, but that was before everyone ditched Ben Nye.

>> No.6950117

freckles don't bother me in the cosplay if they're done well but jesus fucking christ i see soooo many homestucks that just draw these dark garish circles on their face and pass them off as freckles.
no..... just no.

>> No.6950124

So what was the drama with Homestucks at Animaritime?

>> No.6950126

Honestly I'd think it was pretty funny, even though I'm not really into homestuck. I like DJs who cosplay.

>> No.6950133

Freckles for Striders bother me a lot. Like I know they're from Texas and whatever, but I think John/Jane in Washington and Jake/Jade in the middle of no where make more sense and look better with freckles. The Striders are exposed to so much sun they probably either straight up tan or burn, not this gentle freckle stuff.

Plus no one does freckle Lalonde.

>> No.6950139

I guess some girl was banged by like 4 dudes in a homestuck party at the hotel...like...wow.....

>> No.6950145

>getting enough sun to freckle

>> No.6950149

If you think you'd have fun with it, go for it. It doesn't sound tacky, if that's what you're worried about. As long as you're not a shitty DJ I know I'd like it.

>> No.6950153
File: 210 KB, 500x263, 1360791677685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny that you say that about the Lalondes because I am almost done with my Rose cosplay and I was actually somewhat concerned about the fact that I have freckles across the bridge of my nose...

>> No.6950159

>exposed to so much sun

Idk dude, Dave seems like the indoors-except-for-strifing type to me. I'm from Texas and I freckle like crazy when I'm in the sun for 15-20 minutes, which might be about how long strifes might last.

But then again I'm a huge fan of freckles on everyone so

>> No.6950160

I think it'd be funny/cool. I'm sure the only people who'd really have a problem are the faggots with hateboners for HS and the elitist HS fans with mindsets "no fun allowed!!1 do u WANT ppl to hate us moar???!"

>> No.6950164

Oh....oh my god....I'm going to the same con as her this weekend. Do you guys want me to take a pic?

>> No.6950167

Actually, this con is going to have both urchin-tier and heaven at it. Haha.

>> No.6950203
File: 203 KB, 445x679, 1354583901012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orb is STILL arriving for my doc scratch cosplay
>It was supposed to get here a week before AX
god damn it

>> No.6950241

wait what con

>> No.6950247

Maybe AX?

>> No.6950248

Please tell me you are talking about Anime Overload. I'm going to have a hard time not losing my shit if I see that walking around.

>> No.6950261

No, Anime Midwest. It's in Illinois.

>> No.6950280

damn i was hoping it was ax

>> No.6950385
File: 195 KB, 720x1080, tumblr_mpcjvgGIxb1rr28kbo2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reds don't match and it's pissing me off

>> No.6950390

everything about this is pissing me off

>> No.6950393

also that

>> No.6950395

>terrible symbol
>terrible bonnet
>terrible wig probably, a little hard to tell since its under the bonnet but lets be honest it probably isnt too great either
>wrong glasses
>terrible outfit really the mismatched reds are just one of the many things wrong here

The only, only okay thing is the fork, sort of, but even then

>> No.6950401

Dear lord that looks horrid. I don't even know what they were trying to go for in the design

>> No.6950420

I think they aren't supose to match since there are 2 reds in her current outfit as well. I'm more mad she didn't just make a frilly maid god tier instead of making basically a shitty version of the witch costume. Also that picture is doing nothing to help the costume look okay.

>> No.6950418
File: 195 KB, 720x1080, tumblr_mpcjvgGIxb1rr28kbo4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the ribbon here cream-colored, i really dont think its the lighting and i dont understand because i thought the theme was red-white-black what is going on

>> No.6950528
File: 52 KB, 290x290, Do you want a kanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoke mechanism works perfectly in the orb
This is close to being done
All I need now are the morphmask, I need to make the purging unit, and I need to install the superLEDs

>> No.6950532


So black people can magically stop being black for cosplay, then. Right.

>> No.6950552

Guys, what's your recommendation for blind eye contacts? Kinda unsure about which look the best while still letting you see.

>> No.6950556

Are you fitted for sclera contacts

>> No.6950573

I think they mean mesh contacts? Not sure.

>> No.6950586

Sclera contacts are contacts that go over your entire eye, on the offchance that there was a misunderstanding
A lot of blind contacts are like this so they fuck up your entire eye
but they need extra fitting

>> No.6950590

I'm not, and I think I'd prefer to try and avoid sclera 'cause they're usually really expensive, right? I guess I was thinking more along those 'mesh' ones. But suggest away regardless~

>> No.6950593

The mesh ones tend to look pretty cheap, but that's not always a huge issue (and yes, the sclera ones are typically a good deal more expensive)
I'd look at http://www.youknowit.com/ personally, they have some pretty great contacts

>> No.6950603

I'm not too worried about it looking cheap, I'm not a huge homestuck cosplayer otherwise I'd make the investment.
On youknowit.com I see three different listings for mesh blind eye contacts, all at different prices. ;-;

>> No.6950605

I was going to agree with you until you had to go and be fucking racist.

>> No.6950621

They're good for different amounts of time, the cheapest ones are probably only good for like a day

>> No.6950630
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>> No.6950643

Since my doc scratch head revolves around glycerin vapor in the head area rather than being painted white, it evenly disperses light. That means I can make it flash green occasionally like when he's unstable

>> No.6950657

One person dislikes a cosplay of a poc and all of a sudden they're racist

>> No.6950669

Disliking a cosplay BECAUSE they're dark is pretty racist, yeah

>> No.6950670

There's a very clear difference between having a personal taste or a headcanon making a POC cosplay lessen its appeal to you and saying a cosplay is automatically bad because of a POC cosplayer.

>> No.6950671

If you're actually a good dj and acted properly in character then it would be amazing. If you just play songs with no mixing etc or acted stupidly OOC then it would suck

>> No.6950705
File: 123 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mjaysbj9aC1qfu6zso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of sclera lenses, does anyone have a recommendation for where people have been getting their yellow tinted ones? I've seen a huge variety in prices but are they purchasing from sites that don't take your eye measurements into account? (something I don't want to do)

>> No.6950717
File: 488 KB, 1280x853, conical_mindfang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard mode: get urchintier and heaven in the same photo

>> No.6950726
File: 43 KB, 500x500, roxydoesnthavefreckleswhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal preferences but I think freckles are cute, just not when they're drawn on/horribly done like pic related.

>> No.6950727

Dude, one person on my facebook attempted freckles on their shoulders and it looks like fucking chicken pox.

>> No.6950768

I've been Producing music and DJing since 2007, so I don't think my stage presence will be a problem. I'm just worried that some people would think "Oh god... not another Dave DJ"

What do you like better: Hard Style, Speedcore/Kawaiicore, or Happy Hardcore?

>> No.6950772

lmao did you miss the part where the person criticising the costume listed "POC" in the list of things wrong with it, along with sloppy craftsmanship and mismatched fabric? 0/10

>> No.6950774

I hate homestuck.
That's right, come get me America.

>> No.6950776
File: 4 KB, 230x217, 1363909082945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends invited me so I didn't think for a second about it until now
How looked down upon are homestuck cosplayers at anime cons, specifically AX?

>> No.6950781


I'm an outsider, but pretty neutral on the subject. But I CAN tell you that a lot of people love to make fun of HS and avoid HS like they are the plague.
I think people like being hipsters and love hating the popularity of HS, because lets face it, y'all are probably the single largest cosplay community to be found at a convention.

I personally don't have a problem with HS, unless you touch me with your greasy paint. Don't do that. Act mature, have fun, and don't bull-bait for trouble.

>> No.6950784

Thank ye kindly, that's sound advice
Also I'd never cosplay a troll for fear of gray

>> No.6950783
File: 515 KB, 500x747, tumblr_miwwc1ufel1r0dmxco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people don't care. A lot of people are Homestucks themselves and will be happy to see you, especially if you're in a well-constructed costume. There will also always be some people who decide to act like entitled assholes because they've decided you've "ruined" their precious animu cons. If you're worried about the blowback from random fucksticks, stick with a group of friends since that breed of animu dude tends to target people who are out solo.

>> No.6950790


A lot of the haters can't even recognize the kids / non troll characters so if you don't do gray you're probably even more fine.

>> No.6950815

they are seen as cancer

worse than the great naruto wave

>> No.6950823

for me personally speed or hhc. and by acting in character i meant acting like dave does, not doubting your stage presence. like, if it's a dave cosplayer djng everyone's like oh god not again, but if you keep it up, not breaking character even during announcements or if people come to you to request songs and all that, then it would be a great show number.

Even better if you throw in one of his actual tunes from the comic since they exist.

>> No.6950824

Other fandoms seen as "cancer":

Pretty much everything that's claimed the #1 fandom popular spot. Grey paint is just easier to recognize.

>> No.6950852

I feel like the reason for the bad reputation Homestuck gets is the grey paint, but not just because of it recognizable. I feel like due to a lot of people not knowing how to seal means it to having a higher chance of damaging the costumes and property of others. So, everyone just assumes it's gonna cause problems.

Besides that, I feel like it might just be a bigger fandom than the others were overall. But, that just has to do with cons being bigger and more easily accessible.

I really can't wait until the next really big thing hits. It'll be interesting to watch the horror of whatever it is.

>> No.6950854

The mesh ones are fine. They don't look cheap. Don't listen to the other anon. They're the best thing out there if you want to block out your pupil without being blind.

>> No.6950860

>was vriska couple years back, sealed with ben nye and all
>peering at stand selling petticoats
>sales person ushers me to touch the froofiness
>stands back, tells i have paint on my hands, i dont trust it
>salesperson doesnt care, ushers anyway

>> No.6950861

dont forget
Death Note
Sailor Moon

>> No.6950866

...yeah, I get anxiety attacks cosplaying Homestuck, I just save it for home now.

>> No.6950875

I feel like the only "fandom" worse than the villainized idea of the Homestuck fandom is the Anti-Homestuck "fandom.

Like, seriously, so the annoying grey kids are being rude and you don't like them.
Why does that mean it's okay to threaten them and to actually go out of your way to harm them?

Seriously? Who does that? Why is that even a thought people have? They just want to dress up in dumb costumes and have fun, so why does that make them worth hurting?

>> No.6950923
File: 53 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mkymxxDQSx1r5ed5yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO a lot of times it's the same breed of vocal nerddude who thinks it's cool to harass female cosplayers. They don't understand social constructs.

>> No.6950920

Yeah idk where other anon is getting looking cheap from. I also don't know what they mean about them only being good for a day. I've had mine for months and they work just as well as my circle lenses from pinkyparadise. Other anon just sounds like one of those needlessly nitpicky anons. Idk why the prices are different either but I got the cheapest ones so shrug.

>> No.6950928

The anti-HS fandom is definitley the worst, in my honest opinion. The only real HS-haters I know of irl are total weebs. "Keep your HS out of my animu cons!!!"
Fun fact: I once got pushed down a flight of stairs by some fat Yuno-cosplaying weeaboo shouting "DIE, HOMESTUCK!" It gave me a concussion. Fortunately, she got escorted out of the con pretty much right after apparentally, for threatening more Homestuck cosplayers.

>> No.6950955

the prices are different because some lenses last longer than others
say like the 30 day lenses would cost less than lenses that last a year

>> No.6950956

>Total weebs

At an anime convention?

Yeah you deserved it.

>> No.6950958

whats the problem? there ARE fucking crazy weebs at cons

>> No.6950965

As there should be. I'm glad HS people get harrassed at them. You're all far more of an embarassment than any weeb could be.

>> No.6951017

>is glad people get harassed
>two posts after someone posted about being assaulted

You're the embarrassment.

>> No.6951021

I don't even have a trip you dumb nigger. I hope more of you homestucks go tumbling down the stairs.

>> No.6951023

No one is denying that weebs run rampant at these things.

Here's the thing I don't get. Ignoring the being glad about the assault thing, how are the HS people more of an embarrassment than any weeb?
Like, is it the grey paint? Cause that doesn't include all of them. Is it just the series itself? HS isn't perfect by far, but it's still better than a lot of other webcomics out there so I don't think it's that.

I really just don't get that line of thought. What makes it so embarrassing?

Troll or not, I honestly don't get it.

>> No.6951028

For one instance there are no "famous" anime cosplayers who are known for being drunk and also sleeping with underage people at every chance. DrunkRoxy I think? There's proof enough that your fandom is shit.

>> No.6951039
File: 5 KB, 260x260, pro reaching arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to combine rumors about multiple people and prove that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes because HS is the only fandom with dramalama people and shitty cosplayers. This is a 100% true statement. Is this your first time on CGL?

>> No.6951040

Trolllllllll in the dungeon. You know they get off on serious responses, right? Just ignore them, they'll go away.

>> No.6951047

Isn't Drunk Roxy just the nickname she got from showing up drunk anyway?

Also, isn't she like 17?

>> No.6951048
File: 56 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpelvpq3In1r479i1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping from the tag

>> No.6951057
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>> No.6951054
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>> No.6951059
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>> No.6951063
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haha this is actually great

>> No.6951065
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>> No.6951067
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>> No.6951069
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>> No.6951072

These two are so fantastic. Source?

>> No.6951073
File: 116 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mpdlduKNrn1s6d7joo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"injured Feferi"

>> No.6951075

Karkat is fromgilbowithawesome, Meenah is regdichab.

>> No.6951078
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>> No.6951081
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>> No.6951084
File: 493 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mowxu5YvcK1qil7u3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really cannot stand this Meenah. Every time she's posted here I can't help but stare at her ridiculous teeth and inevitable grey paint on her shirt. It's a shame because the wig is actually great.

Holy shit I love this.

>> No.6951085
File: 538 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mp8r8hRhmO1rwdig0o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess whos back

>> No.6951089

Oh lordy.

>> No.6951090

As well as MLP.

>> No.6951092

Are you saying it's... not okay to threaten people you don't like, and it's... not okay to go out of your way to harm them? Their costumes are dumb and their idea of fun is at the very least a possible liability to others (since that grey paint can ruin other costumes), is that not worth hurting them?

>> No.6951096
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>> No.6951098
File: 94 KB, 585x278, 3ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6951102

need to cosplay me some mom lalonde so I can find this guy and drunkenly fawn over him

>> No.6951103
File: 97 KB, 565x1102, Hino.Rei.full.449339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Sailor Moon has never been cancerous at cons you deluded bitch.

>> No.6951104

Why? His hat isn't white.

>> No.6951108

he also has facial features and has peachy skin

your point

>> No.6951109

I haven't been in the con scene for very long but I have the strongest feeling that this statement is an after construction.

>> No.6951111

Cancerous or not, it's certainly still very popular even up to now.

>> No.6951114

Which is why you would tend to see cosplayers of it at anime cons.

>> No.6951113

Yeah, it's also actually anime.

>> No.6951121
File: 372 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mp8fjqobZF1qlftb6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is this bitch wearing two pairs of dog ears. what WHAT

>> No.6951123

That's odd. It looks like the rest of it might be okay, but I guess I can't see much of the costume.
Oh, haha, bitch, I get it. Cause she's a dog.

>> No.6951126

Did you even try

>> No.6951131
File: 2 KB, 208x289, Jadesprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the peices by her face are supposed to be the poofy fur shown in the sprite, not actual ears.

>> No.6951134
File: 691 KB, 1000x1333, tumblr_mp8fjqobZF1qlftb6o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it looks well constructed, I'll give her that, but nothing in the outfit makes any sense whatsoever

>> No.6951139

but that's.... not even close to how dogs' hair grows on their cheeks. it might have worked if her wig wasn't in the way but now it just looks like second pair of ears

>> No.6951143

You know, from that angle, I honestly don't hate it.
I'll give you that the outfit is a little odd and I'm not entirely sure that I understand what they were trying to do, but it looks kinda nice.

Is it supposed to be some sort of Fancy Sprite or something?

>> No.6951145

It works for how Bec and Jadesprite look, but it does not translate over well into real life.

At least not in the way this person has decided to attempt it.

>> No.6951151
File: 415 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mj3a55CKle1rgqhc6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experiance with anti homestuck wasnt as bad but once the first time me and my friends did homesuck cosplay together (Quite well might i add) we were walking my friend to her car when we went down the escalator this group of full grown men were on the up escalator, took one look at us and said "You're homestuck, you're assholes!" Me and my friends were so dumbfounded on what brought them to say that.

>> No.6951155
File: 559 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mp8fjqobZF1qlftb6o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my biggest problems the double ears, that black bit that makes no sense and the fact that her greens don't match. If the tights were cool green instead of warm it would work but now they just make her wig look almost teal. but yeah the construction is good and I like her makeup.

>> No.6951180

It was a legitimate question.

>> No.6951175

I think it's a lot more than that.
I always see homestuck weebs doing awful shit for the sake of a 'fun hamsteak joke!!!' AKA throwing buckets, terezis licking people, running around hitting everyone with props and generally making everyone feel uncomfortable
And also the shitty cosplay galore.

>> No.6951186


>> No.6951189

It's usually not okay to hurt anyone, especially if there is a non-violent way to get them to stop.

>> No.6951190

And if there isn't a non-violent way?

>> No.6951197

Have you even tried.

Because I can guarantee you most homestucks hate the BS as much as the next guy and will gladly help to get it to stop as long as its a reasonable complaint. ("get out of our anime" is not a reasonable complaint.)

>> No.6951201

Unless you are directly being assaulted and they will not stop, I'd imagine it'd be fine to just let con security know what's going on.

But, if you are being physically endangered and must take matters into your own hands, then restraining the individual in some fashion would likely be acceptable, if you are alright with the possibly legal ramifications that would come from such an altercation.

Though, attacking Homestucks for being stuckaboos still isn't really the best plan. It really doesn't accomplish much and is honestly just wasted effort.

>> No.6951206

It's a total pet peeve of mine, even though I used to do it myself (like, once, before I found actual, better glasses) but has anyone actually used 3D film glasses and somehow made it look good? Or is it always easily recognizable, doesn't look good even if you remove / scratch out the logo?

>> No.6951214

Oh cool, thanks guys! I figured as much but I also haven't done that much research on blind eye contacts, haha.
Are all the mesh ones essentially the same, or is there a certain brand/model that's better?

>> No.6951221

they always look horrific to me

>> No.6951247
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mpedbwN0fF1sqfo89o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6951251

More strange Strider gifs.

>> No.6951249

Why the fuck

>> No.6951261

they're always recognizable because they're too big for like everybody's face and that's why they look bad

>> No.6951265

What's the general opinion on book props for the Disciple? I remember reading that this pretty neat prop, or at least I thought it was neat, was derided since it had the God Tier symbols of Team Signless combined (or rather, the symbols of their counterparts) on the cover.

>> No.6951289

If you're talking about the white mesh ones, make sure you get it from honeycolor or something - even if you have 20/20 vision, if the contacts are ONLY available in plano, they're probably black market. So make sure it's at least available to buy them in prescription, even if you personally don't need prescription.

>> No.6951297

I wasn't aware that mesh contacts were manufactured in prescription at all. Aren't they plano all across the board?

>> No.6951298

I just ordered presc from honeycolour, haven't had a chance to test them out yet but ill post something about it when I do.

>> No.6951301

I think as long as you look up actual references for what the cover is it'd be a cool prop.

Props are easier for posing with photos too imo

>> No.6951302

No, I recently acquired a pair of prescription, from honeycolour. I have -3.50 in both eyes so they're VERY helpful.

>> No.6951305

I used to have a nonprescription pair from 4eyez and now have a prescription pair from honeycolour. They're a lot more comfortable and useful.

Obligatory don't be a dick and drive wearing mesh contacts warning.

>> No.6951306

I don't even have a licence, so no worries. But that sounds great!

>> No.6951315

Is wearing Dave's most popular outfit a bad thing to do for conventions, unless you have props (so iShades and a sword)?

>> No.6951317

really? that's good to know! I've been debating whether or not I should get those or just regular colored ones so hearing that they actually work for someone helps

>> No.6951320

Dude, wear what you want. Sure you won't be super ogled over if you're just Alpha Dave, but if you're having fun and hanging with friends and celebrating Homestuck who the fuck cares?

>> No.6951322

Alpha Dave is generally reviled, I think.

>> No.6951321

It's not bad, it's just not a very noticeable cosplay but as long as you dont get all pissy about it it's really no biggie..

>> No.6951325

if you have a good wig, great. if your wig sucks the whole thing will suck

>> No.6951382
File: 184 KB, 544x700, tumblr_mch1af5TKD1r35os0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that prop. IMO the Signless had visions of their past lives, so sure why wouldn't he have seen the god tier symbols. Everyone's going to have their own opinion though so make whatever book cover you want. I've seen a bunch of people put the Leo or Cancer symbols on it too.

>> No.6951389


same, her teeth and the angle of her glasses make her face look so pointed and hideous, it really is a shame

>> No.6951474

I was thinking about making fake pointy teeth for meenah because my real teeth are kinda jank and I don't think tooth black would work very well, but fake teeth seem to look terrible on almost everybody so I'm not sure.

do you guys think having pointy teeth is a must or no?

>> No.6951504

fucking attempted sadstuck

>> No.6951501 [DELETED] 
File: 737 KB, 1280x1920, 8635AFB7-973F-4650-99B5-6CCA47351389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6951512

I don't know, man

I mean, spilled sauce on your shirt could be kind of sad, maybe it was enough to make this Roxy faint because well, that's sauce that gets wasted

>> No.6951564

maybe she spilled her drink

>> No.6951587
File: 14 KB, 301x372, 89312783012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a robot arm sock for a jack cosplay, and I'm going for the "canon" (simplified) design for the cosplay, so it's just going to have the rings
What would be the best way to add the rings so that they're straight? If I were to use fabric paint, how would I keep it not shitty?
My real issue is that the material I'm making it out of (obviously) stretches, so whatever I do, I need to do WHILE it's on my arm.

>> No.6951596

There is no grey on her shirt, don't nit pick things that aren't even a problem. If you're gunna post about your vendetta i suggest you do it better.

>> No.6951651

I get that you're a big fan of your friend, but not liking someone's shitty costume choices isn't vendetta. The teeth she uses in all her costumes look ridiculous. One of the recent threads had a pic of her shirt covered in makeup, but do you really need me to circle the grey above her symbol and on her sleeve for you?

>> No.6951673

>In order for someone to defend someone else, they must know them personally
I'm sorry I'm not as insecure as you

>> No.6951690

I'm pretty sure the grey you're talking about is just the black top being see-through. Aren't you talking about another Meenah with the grey on her shirt who was doing some dead zombie version of her, because they're not the same person regardless.

>> No.6951693

peep the terrible 2011 scene kid plastic bracelets

>> No.6951704
File: 230 KB, 1280x840, tumblr_mnnagtpsFu1qdf2qho1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going less off of the fact that you like the costume, and more off of how defensive you're being when someone makes a general critique. I'm sorry, those teeth are stupid and way too big for her mouth.

Possible. I don't have the pic saved but I thought it was the same person (the teeth are really recognizable).

>> No.6951708

I wasn't actually the person you were talking to. The teeth don't look great, yeah, but that also wasn't what you were insulting- and really, they aren't that terrible

>> No.6951734
File: 288 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_moh5ldDoq81qjnfuho1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGL isn't a hivemind news at 11. Differences of opinion can, shockingly, happen.

>Spoiler: they look dumb as shit.

>> No.6951745

Different opinions...?
What nonsense is that

>> No.6951746

Sorry dude. They're pretty terrible.

>> No.6951755
File: 176 KB, 917x917, tumblr_mpfj9w9zyG1qe8uxoo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how horrible Takisiski looks as Fef, yet she looks decent as Meenah. (sans her shitty eyebrow rings job)

>> No.6951759

Try re-reading next time. My original post was about both the teeth and the grey (which might be my bad, I admit. Don't have the pic to back it up). If it's a sensitive subject we can talk about the wonkyass horns in >>6951734

>> No.6951778
File: 84 KB, 250x334, oh god no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making last minute touch ups to my cosplay
>Replace bobbin
>Sewing machine stops grabbing the thread from the bobbin
Not now
Not here

>> No.6951822

>not a hivemind
Hahahah what cgl have YOU been on

>> No.6951867

aaaagh I really like the concept and makeup but godDAMN those duct tape boots

>> No.6951912

She looks terrible as both

>> No.6951946

But I thought we weren't allowed to hate on Taki.

>> No.6951977

Shh, don't wake up her whiteknights

>> No.6952005

Seriously can anyone tell me why it might be doing this?
I'm not extremely familiar with singer sewing machines and I'm fucked if I can't fix it

>> No.6952029

The timing is probably off. If it is, you can either try to look up timing fix video tutorials or take it to a repair shop somewhere near you.

>> No.6952032

Maybe try the help thread, or check your sewing machine's instruction manual for troubleshooting. Places to start are making sure everything is threaded properly (re-thread everything), the bobbin is facing the right way, the bobbin holder is clean/lint-free, the needle is in properly, the needle is strong enough for the fabric and not blunt, the pressure is correct, everything is screwed in properly, etc.

>> No.6952053

Listen to >>6952032 . These are all things that I never checked when I first started sewing.

>> No.6952078
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 20130704_232611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, following this I was able to make it "grab" the bobbin thread when manually moving it- the problem is, it isn't actually doing it when I'm feeding it fabric. Before I start, it should look like this, no? I've gotten it to work a few times, but it seems that was mainly luck.

>> No.6952082

Yes, it should have the bobbin thread coming out of the sewing plate. Then, what you'll want to do, is HOLD both threads as you feed your fabric through, for the first couple of stitches, since the bobbin will be spinning, which will pull the bottom thread down if you're not holding it.

>> No.6952084

Man, this is frustrating. It quite simply isn't grabbing the bobbin thread, for some reason or another. It was before, I have no idea why. I guess I'm going to have to hand-stitch and detail an entire ruined armsock in a single night.
kill me now.

>> No.6952086
File: 14 KB, 650x450, 1368042326833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are people who have never made out with anyone before.

>> No.6952085

We believe in you anon! Good luck!

>> No.6952090

Kind of thought they were just hugging or something. While topless. And yet it's the most awkward hug.

>> No.6952088

That sucks, the best of luck to you then. The other things I can think of to fiddle with are tension, needle positioning (backwards, too high or too low) and the presser foot you are using (I find my transparent one just that little bit worse for sewing through multiple layers), but it's most likely your machine needs retiming.

>> No.6952091

I realized after I typed that that I'm probably just going to end up agonizing over the machine, begging for it to work for the next three hours before crying myself to sleep and then throwing together a shitty aces suit dave instead, with a slightly ill-fitting suit.
At least I have the right wig/shades/contacts

The weird thing is, I LITERALLY just got this abysmal piece of shit repaired, and the person that actually knows the ins and outs of it is halfway across the country currently

>> No.6952098

If it reliably works when you manually crank it, you may be able to tough it out and sew it that way?

>> No.6952102
File: 1.81 MB, 720x960, 28043_368013283304220_1748476913_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oxb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a professional cosplayer. pic related

>> No.6952104
File: 444 KB, 720x960, 524773_368013206637561_1330257297_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oxr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952103
File: 435 KB, 720x960, 163991_368013303304218_206211088_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oxf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952107
File: 668 KB, 720x960, 163991_368013303304218_206211088_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oxmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good john, right?

>> No.6952109
File: 269 KB, 720x960, 922847_368013336637548_1562769658_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oxvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952110
File: 111 KB, 720x960, 934958_368012649970950_942673063_n_by_amaicosplays-d62oy3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952111
File: 169 KB, 700x800, 1368769901268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only works when there's no fabric in it. It's like it literally doesn't want to sew.
Maybe it's allergic to fabric

>> No.6952120
File: 94 KB, 480x500, 05735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out, and the solution was probably the dumbest thing I've ever tried.
The only way to fix it
get this
is to sew with the bobbin sheath thing open
I guess that's what I get for using logic

>> No.6952131

Scratch that, only works without fabric.
Maybe it DOES just hate me

>> No.6952146

These Homeshits aren't going to be any help. Handsew, Google and pray.

>> No.6952151

That's what I'm doing now

>> No.6952218

Oh man my sewing hand is starting to get shaky

>> No.6952233

I did it
I hand-sewed the whole thing
I then tried the sewing machine again, and it immediately worked
Can I kill myself

>> No.6952241
File: 351 KB, 250x188, tumblr_moxdmsYwQi1rxjqdko1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pet peeve for gifs of cosplayers just kind of opening their eyes with coloured contacts on. Not only is it not acting, inevitably you can see the contact lenses sliding around.

>> No.6952250

i hate flat colored contacts so much. These look so fucking cheap and shitty. Dave's eyes might be red but he's still a fucking human so he'll have human irises not flat red spots of color.

>> No.6952252


what kind of fabric are you sewing? is your needle the appropriate type? I get this problem a lot when sewing knits when I've forgotten to put in a ball point. replace the needle, regardless.

>> No.6952254

Agreed, so much. It's hard finding realistic orange contacts for Dirk, but Daves really have no excuse.

>> No.6952257


I have yet to see realistic non-vampire contacts for either one of them

>> No.6952263
File: 83 KB, 643x827, 1362952183033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys suggest I get the lines straight & clean on this armsock? My original plan was to use electric tape and get it tight around the arm, but because I only have one hand with which to do it (the armsock is physically on the other one) I can't get it tight without the sock bunching up.

>> No.6952266

Circle lenses yo, they come in all kinds of weird colours. I've seen nice, detailed reds and oranges.

>> No.6952265

You should try honey colored or bright gold lenses, they look p much like what natural orange would and wont cost a fortune

I've never even seen a Dave in Dolly Reds and you can get those for less than those hideous red flats

>> No.6952268

what am i supposed to be looking at? are you making an armsock with Meenah's bladder meter?

>> No.6952275
File: 32 KB, 650x450, 03614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sorry. It's just not much to show. It's a pretty simple armsock, made from a butchered stocking. It's just the fact that the material's stretchy, so I need to deal with it while it's on my arm. I'm making a "canon" robot arm, with just the simple details on it.
Pic related, I'm just going for the simple bands and dots

>> No.6952311
File: 997 KB, 180x260, tumblr_inline_mh6udlhZMK1r49kfi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamsee everyone.

>> No.6952312
File: 271 KB, 300x194, D4NC3P4RTYFOUR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads not only because of hs but to read the many comments from faggots trying to tell us hs sucks in a hs thread. Please continue. I am entertained.

>> No.6952314
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>> No.6952317
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>> No.6952316
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>> No.6952320
File: 2.85 MB, 2048x1536, 921483_10201176010591696_621463724_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6952343

Do you guys prefer Snazzaro in light grey, or dark grey? I have both but I can't decide between the two of them.

>> No.6952349

Jade is almost adorkable enough to save this.

>> No.6952352

Bahahaha this made me smile.

>> No.6952368

Heyo friends, I'm working on my armsocks but the fabric is not only two shades too dark but also looks very much not like skin. What do? I don't really have enough make up for full arms if the armsocks fail, though I do have pax, but that looks like shit on my hands so that's just a plan b for my arms.

>> No.6952384


Get new tights that match

PAX your arms and makeup on your hands

>> No.6952387
File: 55 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mpc6z1LqEC1r0c7wno3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think THIS is officially my least favourite homestuck cosplay fad. Who started it?

>> No.6952393

I believe strideer did because they wanted to cosplay their url and then everyone hopped aboard the idiot train

>> No.6952396

Since this is an MSPA thread, you mean the moron express?

>> No.6952398

I too purchased a pair from HoneyColor recently, I like how they look and everyone always comments on them.

>> No.6952401

I still cry at night over this fad, lamenting at the awful things I saw posted in my local comm that night.

>> No.6952403
File: 17 KB, 220x305, calmlywatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 ur shits gettin old

>> No.6952410

Twelve hours of anime, thousands of hand-stitches due to my broken sewing machine, and one fake arm later, my armsock is finally finished and is currently drying

>> No.6952461

light grey for troll and dark grey for grim

>> No.6952463

There's a tutorial post going around tumblr that reccommends using snazzaroo, THEN sealing wit hairspray, and THEN sealing the hairspray with powder?
Is it just me or is this the stupidest shit ever?

>> No.6952508


I use snazz, then powder, then hairspray, then powder&hairspray again, but only on my hands. It's awesome.

>> No.6952511

But why is powder necessary for snazzaroo? I always thought it was meant to absorb the excess moisture from wet makeups, which would set it. Snazz is water-based, so it's already pretty set aside from the final seal.

>> No.6952519

The powder is so it doesn't wipe off if you rub against someone

>> No.6952524


It absorbs moisture coming in to the makeup (humidity, etc) and from any sweat working though the snazz. The powder absorbs and the hairspray keeps the powder in place, so even if you'be sweated or picked up a damp water bottle or something nothing is going to smear your loose makeup.

>> No.6952525

I thought that was what the final seal was for.
Powder=absorb excess moisture, prevents sticky paints from being sticky
Final seal=forms a outer barrier between the paint and the environment, preventing it from getting on things

>> No.6952529

>go to stridercest tag
>leaves stridercest tag

Fucking cosplay fanservice bullshit, are these people even legal?

>> No.6952543

Yes but that doesn't work if you sweat and then rub on someone

>> No.6952552

Huh, I've never had that happen, even after 8+ hours at a midsummer con.

>> No.6952561

I guess you're the chosen one

>> No.6952617
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 20130705_105011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that work
>apply paint with electric tape as to get crisp edges
>when I removed the tape, the paint had grabbed onto both the tape and the fabric and turned into rubber
>the edges are now jaggy and unfine as fuck
It's ruined

>> No.6952619

Use masking tape, not electrical tape, and gently cut around the edges with a craft knife before taking it off.

>> No.6952622

I did one with masking tape before and it bled underneath
Ill try the craft knife trick on what I currently have, I'll just make the likes a bit thicker (unless you have a better suggestion?)

>> No.6952665

Did you say you're sewing an armsock? Fabric liek that doesn't really work on a machine regardless of your machine..

>> No.6952667


Use a black sharpie and clean up the existing edges

Or get some white stretch fabric and make appliqué stripes

>> No.6952673

You have to go over it by hand, it's sadly the best solution to get the cleanest lines.

>> No.6952675

Next time make sure you always stroke your brush inwards from your stencil/tape/whatever. That's probably what caused the problem.

>> No.6952690
File: 92 KB, 720x540, rock_out_by_100curlywurly-d6brzj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952724
File: 1.09 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mph7nrSpkg1so0g1uo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GG: well heres a kimono picture like i promised!
>GG:what do you guys think?

>> No.6952734
File: 801 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mpgbma0X0i1rcvejjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6952737

But why the fuck were you in the Stridercest tag

>> No.6952739
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>> No.6952742

that sure is
a kimono

>> No.6952745


>> No.6952747
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>> No.6952748

Holy fucking shit

>> No.6952757

I don't know why I clicked that. I don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.6952758
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>> No.6952765

so tired of seeing this photoset on my dash

>> No.6952786

...is that supposed to be facial hair?

>> No.6952819

is that eyeliner

>> No.6952821

i meant on the eyes but on second thought

>> No.6952906
File: 77 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mpf3f35TOI1sn28coo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on my dash. I honestly did not expect it to look so much worse from the front.

>> No.6953020

Actually this isn't an MSPA thread. It's a Homestuck thread.

>> No.6953024

>dat photoshopped skin
>dat cheap tinfoilish tiara
And personal preference...

>> No.6953032
File: 557 KB, 693x1040, 2013_0158_ct_acen_05_2013__800_of_1642__by_darkplauge-d676w1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing because it looks like they didn't even use actual makeup and used regular markers to draw on that cheesy attempt at a beard.

>> No.6953033

*and went with regular markers

>> No.6953040

/r/ing cosplay that actually has good facial hair to balance out this mess. I know I've seen more scrufferers lately.

>> No.6953372

I wonder if FemJohn cosplayers (and artists who draw her too I guess) realise that her godtier pajamas will literally be the same things that John wears since it's one of the unisex classes.......
I can see tweaking, say the Witch class or the Sylph class or something because skirts, or wearing a closer-fitting tshirt but pants are unisex.
Bit of a nitpicky thing on my end, but it's a pet peeve.

>> No.6953391

A few questions; What are good fabrics for the dreamers? I always see flannel but I don't know if I dig that personally.

Also what fabric for Eridan's cape? How should I go about his rings?

>> No.6953493
File: 91 KB, 500x714, tumblr_mphqt0BCNG1rk0608o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for cape i used a poly-cotton blend because its nice and stretchy and light but isnt entirely translucent.
for rings, you can probably go on a hunt at your nearest mall/hobby lobby. a good portion of mine either came from forever 21 or just plain gold bands i bought at Hobby Lobby, and i attatched purple jewels to some of them.

>> No.6953497
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forgot to mention pic was unrelated.
(and by not entirely translucent, i mean its pretty opaque up until you hold it right up to your face, then you can slightly see through it.)

>> No.6953540

Is that yaexrae?

>> No.6953553

She flat out told said she's a transtrender, and gets mad when you tell her this

>> No.6953559

How is her drama relevant here? Take it up somewhere else. Just because she's cosplayed from Homestuck doesn't mean you need to bring it up in this thread. She doesn't even like Homestuck anymore.

>> No.6953565
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It's not I guess. I just really, really hate her. Eh.

>> No.6953577

who is this person anyway?

>> No.6953602

a tumblr user who got a lot of followers really fast for only making 4chords jokes 24/7 and it actually went to her head

>> No.6953614

That's really pathetic, anon.

>> No.6953621

>went to her head
What are you even talking about?

>> No.6953942


>> No.6954207
File: 699 KB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_mpc6rp4s5C1rz005i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fem Karkat"

>> No.6954270

HSG is really slow lately, isn't it.

>> No.6954292


>> No.6954312
File: 133 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mpj05klO5J1s30li8o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has begun

>> No.6954345
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What would you say the average quality of the HS cosplayers is at AX

>> No.6954349

Nigger what

>> No.6954350
File: 123 KB, 526x806, Humanstuck kanaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6954364

My favorite part of this is how the horn is basically attached sideways to the hat. Is it even coming off of her head?

>> No.6954399

welp, it somehow fits her worse than it fit her dressform
i need a full view so badly

>> No.6954407

That could have looked so much worse than it does
I'm honestly shocked

>> No.6954439

This is real messy, yeah, but you have to admit she's improved a lot and the fact that she hasn't discouraged or quit cosplaying is pretty admirable.

>> No.6954472
File: 143 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mndkw0loHT1qdwjd1o8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the fact that she refuses to start at a beginner level and throws a fit at all polite advice really isn't.

She's clearly continuing to make the "fancy" outfits for the attention it brings. Really not seeing the improvement either unless you mean the lack of puff paint.

>> No.6954488

agreed. it's an absolute mess that has so many adornments that it's just too busy to see them as clearly
the scorpio symbol was freehanded in glitter paint
there's cheap ass lace
the trim was clearly just tacked down with no regard to whether or not it looked good
there's a fucking blouse holding it together
and her horns look like reject oversized candy corn

that is pretty limited improvement

>> No.6954510

I think Ambition Amber colored contacts seem pretty decent for Dirk

>> No.6954549
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>> No.6954558
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>> No.6954576
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(captioned as a WIP shot)

>> No.6954578
File: 715 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mpj8fsFwVy1ry37vgo9_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6954580

....Huh. As much as I dislike steampunk I'm actually interested in seeing bigger pics of that Aradia.

>> No.6954582

Crop tops are so out of character and annoying for Meenah.

>> No.6954585

What even is this
What's that paint and poo all over their face

>> No.6954588

reverse search isnt giving me anything. who is this?

>> No.6954592

it's not sticking to the canon design, sure, but I don't think that means they're out of character. it's a matter of personal interpretation of the character.

personally, I think the look works.

>> No.6954594

grabbed it off of tumblr- sweethobgoblin.

>> No.6954599
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>> No.6954601
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>> No.6954604
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whyyyyy that lipstick color

>> No.6954611
File: 182 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mpijbjkLBJ1rqpruqo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact, kids: using a white cane when you're not blind is illegal in some states

>> No.6954621
File: 72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mpj95xmKcb1r79np8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a perfect eridan as far as i can see from the pic. i just wish he had a better feferi to go along with him, takisiski just doesn't suit her. they're cute as cronus and meenah though at least.

>> No.6954635

I'm laughing so hard why are their fins glued to her anklets

Roxy's contacts are creepy, but this group looks alright.

>no contacts
And yeah, that red really clashes with her symbol. I think if a Roxy were to wear a similar pink on her lips to her symbol, it'd look fantastic.

Yeah, Yonejiro makes a fantastic Ampora. It's a shame.

>> No.6954785

Got a source?

>> No.6954787

Jane and Jake aren't too terrible, Roxy's okay, but that Dirk's just Godawful.

>> No.6954952
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>> No.6954993


disagreedo. their captor is spot on tho.

>> No.6955024

I feel like they'd be a ton better if they just restyled that fucking wig. The Jake, too.

>> No.6955034

Dirk's glasses are just really awful, too.

>> No.6955120

/r/ing cute serkets, they are my favorite and I want to cosplay one but I can't decide which

>> No.6955180

Has anyone heard the new floridastuck drama with seerofsarcasm she apparently threatened a 14 year old but I can't find the post?

>> No.6955185


went to her blog and this was the first post. I don't follow her or anything so I have no clue what happened but hopefully this helps?

>> No.6955194

She made a post earlier that she's since deleted that basically said don't schedule a homestuck panel right after another homestuck panel because the audience will leave the first homestuck panel early go to to the second one (which I believe because Metrocon forms huge lines for the Homestuck panels, or at least I passed by one last year), which was mainly in reference to the fact that there's someone who scheduled some shitty looking murder mystery panel right after hers and I think someone else scheduled one right after cancerouslys panel and last I checked there were literally two at the same time on Sunday. After that idk what happened, I think the first panelist got upset about it and someone managed to get into seerofsarcasm's twitter and screencap her bitching about it but nobody can actually find the post.

>> No.6955195


Can you even CONTROL when your panel is for a con? I've never had that choice.

>> No.6955198

Metrocon uses myconsonline which, once your panel gets approved, basically gives you a google-doc like system to choose your day, time and room. It's a fantastic system really, all the panelists choose their own times, and can see all the other panels that already did.

>> No.6955241

Oh, that's really neat actually.

>> No.6955246

Yeah, it's run by the guy who used to run the con but got booted because he slept with a minor, but the system itself is great. A few florida cons use it.

>> No.6955329

Any HSGers at AX today (Saturday)?

Dat topstiching.

Scrolled down and saw that this is too late for you, but for additional future reference: Get a paper towel tube (if you have a skinny arm) or an oatmeal carton and use it to stuff the armsock while you're painting it. Voila, utilising both arms to paint and at all sorts of angles.

>> No.6955423 [DELETED] 

>Tfw you see a beautiful PM cosplayer but when you see them without the face covering it turns out only their eyes were beatiful and they have a bit of a butterface

>> No.6955685

Sorry that cosplayer wasn't hot enough to please you, anon. Hopefully they feel really bad about not being born a smokin' hottie.

>> No.6955756

wtf happened did a bunch of messages just disappear

>> No.6955885
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>> No.6955905

Part of me wants to do antler-esque textures on my horns (not that 'pin prick' bull shit, I can get a legit deer antler and tell you that shit ain't right), but part of me is nervous that I'll get bullshit about how my 'horns aren't smooth enough' or some shit.

>> No.6955912

I'm not partial to textured horns myself, though I feel like if you really want to put the effort into making it look right go for it.
I'm just not sure which troll would have deer antlers.

>> No.6955932

It's not necessarily deer antlers... I'm more so saying that I can actually have access to horns to know what kind of growth textures they developed. I've never actually seen a horn with tiny pinprick holes, for example... It's mostly that towards the base you get little bumps and waves sort of thing.

>> No.6955948

Ah, okay.

Well, it sounds like a neat idea. I guess it's just one of those things that not everyone is gonna enjoy the same as you do, but if you want to try to accurately portray the structure of it, go for it.

I think that no matter what you do, someone will have some complaint about the construction of the horns. It just seems to be one of those things no one can agree 100% on.

>> No.6956170

New Thread
