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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6945933 No.6945933 [Reply] [Original]

Comic-Con is near.....
Whose going?
What are you dressing as?
And where are we getting drunk?


>> No.6945941
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forgot to put that ima bean scoutting legion member from shingeki no qtip.

>> No.6947426

>me. It's my first time and I'm from all the way on the other side up of the continent (Montreal)
>Nothing. I've had the chance of doing something super cool for a couple of weeks (being an extra for the new X-men movie) so I don't have any more time to make a cosplay. I was supposed to be Mara from Tron Uprising.
>Apparently being 19 forbids me to drink in the States. FML

>> No.6950994

>SnK cosplayer at Comic Con

Please do you know anyone else who is cosplaying SnK?

>> No.6951342

>wanting to get wasted

pick one

>> No.6951350

Second time I'm going to SDCC and am excited. I'm working on an Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) cosplay at the moment. Hopefully it'll be done in time. :)

>> No.6951359

Post pics.

>> No.6951356


>> No.6953295

I'll be there again. Still deciding what to wear buuuut I think I'm wearing Bellatrix L'estrange to preview night cause its comfy and easy to get into/out of
Thursday probably classic Harley Quinn
Friday Mad Moxxi
Saturday a sort of original take on Harley? Like... if Joker and Harley were doing a bit in B:TAS sort of thing.
Sunday I have no idea. Maybe a hunter from L4D.

and I will probably do like Wondercon and have soda bottles full of some sort of booze. Helps you get through the crowds, jesus fuck.

>> No.6953313

Why would I want to get drunk at Comic-con? imo that's the con for celebrity spotting, exclusives, panels, dealers, and doing so much stuff you don't have time to get wasted.

>> No.6953443

I make it my goal to get wasted with some kind of celebrity every year.

>> No.6958768


So, AX is over. SDCC in just under a week and a half. Rev up them engines.

>> No.6958772

Back to page 10 where you belong.

>> No.6958782

I'm surprised at how little posts it had.

>> No.6958785

I think I might be Jon Snow again, fucking hot though.

There are plenty of open bar industry parties to get into.

>> No.6958796

I've got a bunch of friends going for their first comic con. Some of them I've been telling to go for years back when it was easier to get in and only finally have they decided to try.

Time to play tour guide.

>> No.6961283

Comic con is too crazy for full on cosplay IMO. I'm wearing a corset made from swag bags Friday, and a "civilian" sailor Venus outfit Sat. Possibly a Tardis dress Sunday.

I'm hoping to find some cool Animal Crossing stuff in the dealers room.

>> No.6961301

Want to cosplay.
Any recommendations?
Want to wear simple clothing, something that I can just put on to complement my skin color.
Hispanic Btw.

>> No.6961304

Was thinking booker from bioshock but felt I might look unrecognizable as such

>> No.6962282

I really want to bring Levi, but I also feel weird cosplaying something from an anime here. Is it odd cosplaying something from an anime to a con that's pretty western media saturated?

>> No.6962297

You think all those people cosplaying western stuff at anime cons feel weird? They don't. At all. Wear what you want. Shit I'd be happy to see more anime costumes at SDCC because most people wear their western stuff there.

>> No.6962307

Alright question: this will be my first con as someone who is 21 years old, and I have no idea how to approach the whole bar thing. Where should I go?

Pretty much anything fits in at SDCC, and anime will easily fit in. go for it!

>> No.6962332


>> No.6962425

Haha, good point. I was going to bring some western stuff because it was relevant, but I guess I'll toss in some Shingeki after all. Thanks guys.

>> No.6962470

you have no idea how happy I am to have more anime costumes at SDCC

seriously, there was so few last year

>> No.6963240

>I'll be going if I can find any scalpers on the day

>> No.6965969

Oh, no you can find scalpers but just be prepare to spend between 100-500 dollars on one day. especially saturday.

>> No.6969047 [DELETED] 
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I think this'll be my lineup for the Con, but this is my first time going to SDCC so I am not sure what days to wear what (except for Friday because that's when the Regular Show panel is).

>> No.6972418

Going to be dressed as Aria from mass effect on Saturday.

>> No.6972423

The only thing that matters to me is the Breaking Bad panel on Sunday. My entire life will be leading up to this moment.

Does anyone else want to do The Walking Dead Escape thing on Friday/Saturday? Or has anyone done it before? It looks kinda fun.

>> No.6972430

shiiiiiiiit part of me wants to give you an extra ticket
If only it was easier to get said ticket quickly

>> No.6974182

How the hell did I completely miss this thread?

Scalpers are going to be harder this year because to prereg for next year you must have your physical badge. Or so they say, I'm sure taking pics of it would work as well so long as you have the info you need.

>Breaking Bad Panel
>Kids Day
I don't know why I laughed at that, but that's hilarious. And yeah, I might be down for the Walking Dead thing. I have almost nothing to do this con.

As a reminder, /cgl/ meetups are 8pm every night including preview night outside on the stairs between halls C and D!

>> No.6974400

It's sandwiched right between the Supernatural and Doctor Who panels. I'm gonna be so fucked but whatever I am the one who knocks etc.

>> No.6974405

oooohhh be prepared to camp overnight dude. That is the only way you will make it in.

>> No.6974416
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My body is ready

>> No.6974498

We'll visit you in line. Maybe.

>> No.6974691

that feel when you scored a saturday ticket on the resale

>> No.6974981

I've been going to mostly anime cons, so this will be my first time going to SDCC. I'm wondering what I should expect as far as night life goes. Is there like a schedule dance or clubs in the area? Or does everything die whenever the con shuts down.

>> No.6974994

the closest thing to a dance is on saturday in the sails pavilion
there's programming that goes on in the evening but most people use the time to eat, relax, or hang out. there's a ton of clubs and bars in the gaslamp since it's basically the nightlife part of san diego

>> No.6974998


The convention center is right in the gaslamp district, which is pretty much the core of Downtowns SDs bar scene. Looking for some tips on which places to go, myself.

>> No.6975003

I don't think the dance actually happens til after the masquerade (last year about 9-930pm) but there will be a ton of people there anyway because they do a simulcast of the masquerade there. you can probably forget about getting into Ballroom 20 to begin with because the ticket line for that is going to be long as hell and there's no point when they have multiple simulcast rooms.

Also free food. It's just stuff like those mini pretzels, nachos, random baby vegetables, cupcakes, but fuck it, free food.

>> No.6975580

Got my comfy walking around and not having to do shit for anyone clothes, cocktail dresses for work(and drinking at night because someone has to be a classy broad), and my mom sandals. Never go to a con without your mom sandals. Shit's comfy as all get out.

Drinking will take place at the Machinima party and the Gaslamp Quarter. Sunday is totally fair game for drunkypants wherever since brunch lasts all fucking day and I've a mighty need for mimosas during the last day of every con.

>> No.6978291

Going for 11th year straight, although this might be my last and change to Animexpo.
Cosplaying as Solaire, Saturday and Sunday.

>> No.6978301

What's it like going to a con alone? If you're a shy guy, will you just spend however many hours walking around alone looking at things?

>> No.6978316

Yeah, but even that is pretty fun! I would definitely have some objectives in mind though, otherwise you will have paid like $100+ to walk around a crowded room. Pick up exclusives that seem interesting, try to meet celebrities and shit, go to stuff! I would even venture that some things are easier to go to alone because people can have conflicting interests and there's so much shit to do there.

In other news, I'm eating pbj all weekend long. Welp.

>> No.6978322


I realise it's not strictly a cosplaying event, but have you/do you know anyone that's ever been to an event like Dreamhack? How do they compare?

>> No.6978340

if you like cosplay, you'll spend a lot of happy hours shooting cosplayers.

after the 6th year it becomes kinda stale, though.

>> No.6978342

I have a friend who is going. And I am super jelly. He's not even cosplaying. I should go with him next year though.

>> No.6978368

I've never been to something like Dreamhack, so I couldn't tell you. If you've been to any sort of anime convention, comic con is a lot like that but much bigger. The exhibit hall has mostly merchandise, but larger booths, say, WB, DC/Marvel Comics, movie studios, etc. will do a lot of promotions, bring out celebrities, freebies, etc. Just walking around the exhibit hall is a feat in and of itself, but it certainly helps if you know where you're going or know what you want to check out.

Panels and programming are a little different for comic con depending on what you want to do. Hall H and Ballroom 20 are the big rooms where the most anticipated panels are and you usually have to wait hours, if not overnight to get into an event in either of those. Some smaller panels you might still have to wait a bit to get into, but most of the really small, generally more obscure/niche comic panels you can walk straight into. If it seems interesting in the programming, it definitely doesn't hurt to check out! And of course if you get bored, you can just leave.

If this is your first comic con, I would just kind of walk around and try to take anything in. If you actually want to do something, make sure you look up everything you can on the website and know when and where you're going to be and for how long. It's impossible to do what you want to do otherwise. Comic Con is kind of unforgiving in that regard- if you WANT to do something, you HAVE to plan or you're not going to get to do it.

>> No.6978377

Going by just pure numbers, DH had 18k people. Comic-con has 130k.

I went to a bunch of my first conventions by myself. You'll do fine. It's more fun with friends, true, but you shouldn't lack for stuff to do on your lonesome. Hit up panels, Thursday night watch the Kung Fu Extravaganza (lots of fighting movie clips), saturday masq. The exhibit hall should be able to occupy for a good amount of time if you look at what every booth has to offer.

Subway and continental breakfasts here.

yeah, it kind of does. I'm on legacy right now... going because I went all those years before...

>> No.6979321

Well this is my second time going but the first year I have to give a shit about parking. Any advice?

>> No.6979331

Park at Qualcomm stadium, then ride the train to the front steps of the convention. Super easy!

>> No.6979351

If you want to park near the convention center there are usually a couple of streets with free parking but you have to get there ungodly early to snag them. I've driven there, parked, and slept in the car for a couple more hours. You can also look into parking at a trolley stop and taking the trolley in but be prepared for packed trolleys are certain times. You can also try parking farther out from the convention center near hotels with shuttle stops and jumping on the shuttle. They don't check if you actually belong to one of those hotels.

Parking near

>> No.6979380

How much does it cost?

>> No.6979425


That helps quite a bit thanks, but because hotel lottery fucked me over and stuck me in the sheraton symphony halls I'm at a loss concerning over night parking.

Apparently its not only expensive, its shitty as fuck so I'd rather just park elsewhere for the duration.

>> No.6979447

i parked at night near one of the hotels farther out from the gaslamp. was staying at the hotel, parked next to it on the street because it was free

>> No.6980426



>> No.6980430

Do you have gmail? Gmail will usually just kinda... not include it unless you click the thing at the top that says "show photos"

>> No.6980438

No, I don't have the barcode email.
I have every year since 2010, but not 2013.

and I am so damn angry because I know I got it, but it is no longer there. I even went and "starred" it and marked it as important so that it would be easy to find.

djfalsdfjl so mad.

>> No.6980446

Contact them asap.

>> No.6980451

I sent out several emails... I don't know how else to contact them.
This same thing happened to my friend last year and they never replied, but it turned out ok, they just took her ID and confirmation number and gave her the badge. But I am just so damn mad because I made damn sure that this exact thing right here would not happen.

>> No.6980454

That's all your really need. They never check IDs at the con, just flash your badge.

>> No.6980469

Arrived in San Diego just now and checked into my hotel. Traffic from LA to SD kind of sucked. Going to vegetate in my room for a bit before heading to get my badge.

>> No.6982948

So how many of you are here?
Couldn't get to the stairs at 8 tonight

>> No.6983134

There was nooobody there at 8.

>> No.6983183

Slightly disappointing

>> No.6985595
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What a shit-tier thread. Where the shitting dick-tits are the pics. Am I the only one at Comic Con?

>> No.6986313

Apparently yes. We had no one show up yesterday :(

And sorry Freeman I won't be able to pop up before the masquerade after all. I actually have a good spot in the photo room

>> No.6986478

I can't take pictures because I'm in full costume. /cgl/ has failed me for the last time.

>> No.6986479

I took pictures, but I won't be able to post them until I am back home in 2 weeks.

>> No.6986504

Oh wow, the oddest thing happened on Day 2. Some guy asked Adrien Curry to do a sexy pose in her Psylocke costume. Her handler friend went up straight on his face and yelled at him. Holy fuck, I was scared that this could get ugly. I didn't want to ask a picture anymore of her after that.

>> No.6986513

Because half of us are either stuck in Hall H, sleeping outside the Convention Center, or fucking hung over at the Gaslamp District.

>> No.6986516
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>tfw every single cosplaying chick at comic con is either bi or a lesbian

>> No.6986526

You forgot to put quotes around those labels.

>> No.6986570

Of course, anyone who is a chick and likes comics loves the taco.

>> No.6986680

She looked like trailer trash anyway, I don't get the appeal.

>> No.6986878

>mfw I can't find a single dude who wants to fuck

Speak for yourself man.

>> No.6986962

Of course, all the dudes at Comic Con are mega nerds and only wanna fuck Batman

>> No.6986964


I know that feel man, not one dude responded to my offer to glaze their donuts.

>> No.6986966

I haven't made an offer per say but I did kind of give folks the eyes. How the fuck do you say to a stranger; "you are hot I wanna bump your uglies"?

>> No.6986973

Depends entirely on the stranger. This is the first convention I've ever been to where I didn't find someone down to fuck on the first day.

Honestly usually it is a couple, straight or gay - who I usually find on day 1. Single people are much harder to find, as in singular people who aren't with someone who are interested in fooling around. It always seems to be couples.

Anyway everyone at conventions is usually out of town and if they are in costume almost always looking to cut loose and do anything - it is like the nerds Las Vegas.

I'd be lying if I said 90% of the reason I cosplay and come to cons is because I liked to dress up - it is most certainly sex.

>> No.6986997

Usually there are groups, like /cgl/ who meet up after the show floor closes to go out and dance or drink. This is the easiest time to strike. I personally like a guy sober though.

>> No.6987003

Are you pretty?

>> No.6987008

>>mfw I can't find a single dude who wants to fuck

Are you a fan of deep throat? I'm looking for a dude to attack my titan.

>> No.6987988

that feel when you choke on semen

>> No.6987998

The best is when you throw up on their sheets.

>> No.6990179
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If anyone got their pic taken with the GameSpot 3D Costume Cam, I made a tutorial on how to find your pic, because GameSpot's navigation is piss poor...
