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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 360x360, 99292929_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6940198 No.6940198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>6934846

Looking to do some beetle farming tonight, was hoping I would have my own island opened today since I paid off my second house payment, but no go.


>> No.6940240

I have the island open, you can come raid it if you like.

also, I feel like a fucking idiot. I had no idea you could stack fruit until just now. All that wasted time running back and forth. ugh.

>> No.6940251

haha, ok adding you and I'll be over in a few mins!

>> No.6940260

I love that white deer! I haven't played since WW, and I don't remember any deer in game then. I have the brown deer right now, mmm white deer though

>> No.6940264

she is so cute! i wish i had more cute characters... most of them are blah

>> No.6940274
File: 23 KB, 380x312, 1279990899997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can... stack fruits?

Oh my fucking god.

>> No.6940275

YEAH! up to nine of the same type!

>> No.6940276

Okay, so I have never played any of these games. What attracts people to them?

>> No.6940280
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1312434262820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell indeed. I had AC back on the GameCube and AC:City Folk on the Wii, and never in my whole life did it ever cross my mind to try stacking the fruits. This is really depressing.

>> No.6940285

It's a new feature in New Leaf.

>> No.6940287

Oh, that's great then. I feel a little better.

Continue on.

>> No.6940288

When I turn on my game my character waves at me really sad looking, why does he do this how can I make it stop.

>> No.6940314

I took your batty dress design with me SlowMope, it's so cute! :) Thanks again! made about 250k!

>> No.6940317

nice! I am glad you liked it haha.

>> No.6940319

He's sweating, you aren't wearing appropriate summer clothes.

>> No.6940412

what the heck does the silver net even do.
the silver rod seems to give you a longer window to hit the button when the fish bites
but i have no clue what the net is doing different

>> No.6940423

Has a bigger circumphrance (at least that's what I'm reading)

Is the damn slingshot available in the store? Or is it somewhere else? Because I've been to at least 5 towns in the past two days looking for one and have had no luck at all. And I don't want to miss the UFO!

Also, I can safely assume villagers still give out their pictures when you become best friends? Last time I played I tried to get everyone's picture, and this is my goal this time as well.

>> No.6940428

Silver rod seems like a waste anyway, I've been able to catch three different sharks, one of those ocean suntail mofos, and two arrowannas with the normal rod.

>> No.6940436

There is no UFO in new leaf so the only thing you have to worry about missing is balloons. you can get those with a net by swinging as them when they are at the cliff near the beach.

>> No.6940439

w t f no fucking UFO?

>> No.6940457

I /think/ you need the first store expansion before the megaphone/slingshot/timer are available

>> No.6940463

Nope, Gulliver can now be found washed up on the beach.

>> No.6940508

He could in the first game too

I feel like there are a lot of throwbacks to the first game, the island, the balloons, the way you can catch bugs with the net, etc

>> No.6940603

>get something from gulliver
>super excited
>mouth of truth
holy shit that is terrifying look it up if you don't believe me.
I'm not putting that up in my room, not kawaii at all.

>street passing someone you don't like
>how would you rate me?
you're not "fantastic" asshole

>> No.6940609

Asked in the last thread right as it saged, haha.

Anyone have links to QR codes of hats that are actually designed to look more like hair accents?

I just want cute hairrrrr.

>> No.6940621

I got a sitar. Apparently gives me quite a bonus in HHA points.

>> No.6940624

yeah, 6,000 I think. but even so I'm not putting that ugly ass mouth of truth in my room

>> No.6940639

Just in case anyone doesn't know (I'll be honest, I didn't), the left and right directional buttons can be used to swap whatever tool you're holding, and the down directional button puts away whatever you're holding.

>> No.6940640

yeah I was really happy when I found that out (by accident) yesterday, so helpful!

>> No.6940642

anyone have the little pig's feet shoes, or any of the animal hats up for sale in their stores? Would really love the bear one!

>> No.6940646

I like to change my in-game outfit everyday, just like irl. Am I weird for doing this?

>> No.6940652


>> No.6940650

isnt this the wrong thread o.o

>> No.6940664
File: 130 KB, 800x480, Stunfisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green blazer
>White button up
>Ladder shades
>Links pants (They look like really nice corduroy khakis)

Why does my character look cooler than I do? ;___;

>> No.6940669

I know that feel. She probably has a bigger wardrobe than I do too

>> No.6940671
File: 306 KB, 515x610, Nendoroid_Shizue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is an AC:NL thread.

Any ideas on how to make Isabelle's vest? I'm considering painting the stripes/squares/whatevertheyare since I can't find the perfect fabric

>> No.6940674

take your socks and shoes off. thats how you get it.

>> No.6940676

Knit it.

>> No.6940688

this is now more /cgl/ related than before.
anyone that bitches "gbck2v" can kiss my ass and read this post

>> No.6940698
File: 86 KB, 500x673, Marlon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Anyone wanna beetle hunt or something? I can give you some fruits or random furniture stuff.

>you will never live in an animal village

If you dedicate time to it, you could knit it in about a week and a half.

>> No.6940703

I'm always up for beetle hunting anon (i'd have to come to you, my islands are not open yet) 5343 8561 1561

>> No.6940710

unfortunately I decided to cosplay this last moment. Only having a couple weeks to learn to knit, and making something with multiple colours might be tough.

I'd love to learn to knit and make this though :)

>> No.6940721

Knitting is honestly not very difficult, I picked it up really quickly as a kid and I'm so bad with my hands I'm not entirely unconvinced there's something wrong with me. Easier than sewing, imo. Just look up some tutorials, I'm sure you can do it. :)

>> No.6940727
File: 67 KB, 415x600, Marlon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some pretty neat-o Pokémon QR images here if you guys want to copy/save or request them.


>try to connect to WiFi

We can try later. ;_;

You could probably do it. Really. Vests are one of the easier shirt style things to knit since you don't have to make sleeves. I'd make it for you (for the right price) but I have my own cosplay stuff to attend to. ;_;

Sewing is hard. My wig isn't here. I will never be Keima.

>> No.6940737

ok what's your fc so i can at least add you

>> No.6940742
File: 35 KB, 500x420, Marlon38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people do end up adding me, then tell me please so I can add you back or something.

It's 5112-3421-3481~

>> No.6940793

Haha, one of my villagers just told me about that.

>> No.6940795
File: 399 KB, 800x480, colossal titan qrcode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some snk things because I have too much time on my hands! forgive the inaccuracies in the colossal titan shirt, anatomy is something I do not know

>> No.6940796
File: 29 KB, 343x206, 969864_10201337740915574_275842206_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my town flag. feel free to use it as your own!

>> No.6940801

I just got an error and lost like, 300,000 five sharks like a million beetles and several hours.

I am going to go cry now.

>> No.6940802

300,000 bells*

>> No.6940803

Oh no, I didn't realize that those kind of errors affected the host town too :( I always thought it just kicked out all the visitors, nooooooooo :(

>> No.6940807

no. I think everyone in my village just lost all their shit. my bf was there and he lost everything too.

all those bells...

>> No.6940810

oh god you poor thing I'm so sorry
that's why I constantly save the game as the host

>> No.6940811

I was the other visitor :( sorry friend, I didn't mind, but now that i know you lost all yours too, that really sucks

>> No.6940812

mannnn I just checked and weird random stuff is missing, like all my money is, but the sharks I donated and placed in my house AFTER I made the money are still there... and there are a bunch of beetles in the basket on the dock too, but not all. I am not sure what happened.

>> No.6940826
File: 38 KB, 400x240, HNI_0024_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody keeps taking the creepy little robots and making creepy basements. I turned them into an art exhibit instead. Got the club today too.

>> No.6940839
File: 620 KB, 1024x2084, isabelle_acnl_by_kehmy-d68lu5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning to try my luck to find a green buffalo plaid.

>> No.6940908

I love gyroids. I have an obsession with collecting the whole set.

>> No.6940984

Gyroids are like half the reason I keep upgrading my house. There are so many of them (I find at least two a day) and so little storage space! An art exhibit is a good idea.

Also does anyone else feel constantly judged by Labelle? Bitch if you think that moustache looks like shit then why are you selling it

>> No.6940985

I just wear the moustache or beard and run around her. I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want!

>> No.6941056
File: 33 KB, 400x240, HNI_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, mine's creepy attic.

>> No.6941143

Don't farm on wifi. If you must, the host can press start to save during a wifi session. This has saved me loads of time, haha

>> No.6941165

Silver rod also attracts fish from a bit further away so you don't have to drop the bobber on them as accurately

>> No.6941345
File: 282 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mp59q6BkRQ1s73pp6o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WAYWT: New Leaf Edition

>> No.6941354

how long do you have to stand outside to get a tan. I never succeed ;A; Nia has the cutest tan

>> No.6941355

that's beautiful.
I think I'm going to take a break from new leaf during the day, I'm kind of burnt out on it, but at night I got the late night ordinance so everything is open till 1 am, plus my clock is two hours slow.
I really enjoy clubbing the most. there's something about the club that just makes everyone in there be:
1. really hilarious
2. really deep
3. or really bored

>> No.6941356

You mean mutants, right?

>> No.6941359

go to the island, for hours. what I've done for my tan is go to the island, leave the ds on and do other things. I got an amazing tan.
other times I've gotten so damn brown my brown eyes are the same color of my skin and my pink hair didn't look right

>> No.6941367

thank you! Cause as soon as I turned on my ds it was cloudy af but i forgot about that perfect island weather

>> No.6941373

at my island it rains every other hour, on the hour. pretty annoying. I've tried tanning on the beach to no results, so apperantly you can ONLY tan on the island

>> No.6941385

She actually gets nicer the more you talk to her. Still stays strictly business, unlike Sable, but she ends up being less judge-y and bitchy.

>> No.6941391

That bitch Gracie really rubbed off on her.

>> No.6941398
File: 37 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mp4p3jAUmX1qzy5amo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't use a face guide when starting
I really wish I got that skeevy looking face.

>> No.6941407
File: 22 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mp69kq5YB01s769dlo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a perfect place to put something but none of your villagers request anything good you haven't already made
I bought the fence bc I just had an overwhelming urge to put something there.
Now I'm just waiting on the picnic area being requested so I can get rid of that piece of shit.

>> No.6941408

Every time I see those I just think of the terrible secret of animal crossing and I immediately digress from keeping them. I never really liked them as decoration anyways.

On topic: Does anyone know where a person could find Sailor Senshi qr codes?

>> No.6941413

I love those things, they are butt ugly and only keep pink/purple ones in my room though. I love how they enhance the music you play.
my favorite KK slider song is "stale cupcakes"
any one have any KK reccomendations?

>> No.6941421
File: 62 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mp4avdA8aR1r5ep9co1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently wearing this outfit. The pic is from yesterday, though, so I'm afraid there's no more mermaid stuff at my Nook's. I have a regal mail box, though.

>> No.6941425

>dat windmill

My villagers only request stupid shit, man.

>> No.6941440
File: 35 KB, 400x240, animu crossingu 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here been to this town before? There's a bunch of weird shimmering patterns, and the dude there asks you to chop his trees down. Like, all the trees.

>> No.6941443

Is there any point to the fence? Like is it just decoration?
Can't wait for my villagers to suggest better projects. I want a fucking fancy bench already.

>> No.6941454

Nope, it's just decoration. I thought it would be bigger so I could grow a tree in there and chop it down and have a cute stump to sit at, but no. It's tiny and all you can fit in there are flowers.

>> No.6941474

well, I'd like to go. sounds like a town that would make a good creepypasta

>> No.6941492

K.K. Ragtime has always been my favorite.

>> No.6941508

Has anyone been to the Alice in Wonderland town yet?

>> No.6941509


>> No.6941507 [DELETED] 

Ribbot want's me to recommend a new nickname for myself, what should it be?
>is male

>> No.6941512

Nah, my occupation shouldn't be involed

>> No.6941514

Involved* Ima go kill myself now.

>> No.6941516

I'm finally at a point where stuff's really beginning to unlock for me. Kicks is currently under construction, Nooklings is going to upgrade tomorrow, Sable has finally let me use the QR machine, and I caught Isabelle sleeping so I've unlocked the Dream Suite too. Today is a good day.

>> No.6941519


>> No.6941540

Does anyone have any QR codes for a seifuku? Preferably in pink or blue? I don't know why I'm having so much trouble finding one.

>> No.6941560

He goes by Mang over on the /vg/ threads. I think he's working on a creepypasta dream town.

>> No.6941565

This reminds me, are there any other known creepypasta towns documented like the Aika town?

>> No.6941600

What terrible secret?

>> No.6941629

That's the name of a famous LP of Animal Crossing

>> No.6941650
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0063_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the QR machine! so i spent a million years making this dress based of a G&L Bible. is it alright?

>> No.6941652
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0064_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6941653
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0065_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6941655
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0066_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/4 opinions? i have never done pixel art before.

>> No.6941659

It's so cute that I'm gonna go be a brolita now. (Guys can wear dresses now right?)

Hey, what are "perfect" fruits for? I have a perfect cherry but no idea why its so special.

>> No.6941660

It looks lovely! I am definitely using your QR code, thank you.

>> No.6941662

It just sells for more money. You can plant them and the tree will grow 3 perfect fruits. The tree is quite fragile and will die after a few harvests (anything from 1 to 6 harvests). You can't grow non-native perfect fruit trees, as it will just end up with a regular fruit tree.

>> No.6941663
File: 32 KB, 400x240, HNI_0046_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play autism crossing with old friend for a good three hours at his house
>tells me if I get a gold nugget he'll pay off my home debt or town project if I give it to him
>obtain gold nugget, see him online
>call him up
>his long distance girlfriend or some shit is visiting so he's been ignoring all my calls-to be fair, it would look bad on him if he anwsered
goddammit man, just give me the money. I want to have a giant uguu mermaid castle house and your girlfriend is seperating me from that.
you have to post all four

>> No.6941664

scratch that, you posted them. are you uploading directly from the 3ds?

>> No.6941665

djfkljdsf Thanks!

yes! because I am dumb and can not figure out any other way.

>> No.6941670

here's a way:
>turn off your 3ds
>look at side of the 3ds, there is a slot for the SD card
>take it out
from there, you can do one of two things
>put in laptop-upload directly
>put in camera, attach camera computer cord and upload to computer.

using the internet on the 3ds is a hassle (my only way to access the internet at the moment)
so those tips should be helpful.

>> No.6941675
File: 73 KB, 482x442, 132451874345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... but Nia, that can not possibly be the way because that is obvious and only an idiot wouldn't be able to figure that out on their own.

>> No.6941681

>tfw only just recently realized there was an SD card on the side
i-its not like i'm an idiot or anything, b-baka!

>> No.6941680

Why the fuck you posting that screenshot brah?

>> No.6941699

Sometimes the most obvious answers are the hardest to find, since everyone assumes you should know and then they don't talk about it.

>> No.6941730

because anyone that had a bitch nigga like you at their island who refused to sit their ass down would find it amusing

>> No.6941744
File: 71 KB, 279x216, jake upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still love me.

>> No.6941756
File: 52 KB, 400x240, HNI_0016_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you trampled my specially bred flowers because I jokingly chased uou around hitting you with my net, then refused to sit down for island games knowing everyone was waiting on you, cussed me out and called everyone names, and were an overall dick on animal crossing.
you made some guy rage quit animal crossing.
rage quit animal crossing of all games.

>> No.6941757

How is going on a tour with other people different to doing it on your own? I've been avoiding playing them with my friend because I'm super competitive and would get pissed off if she did better than me lol

>> No.6941765

Added you. Also, I need your FC Nia. Anyone else can add me, I need help getting funds for my bridge and new house expansion (which is BS that I have to pay 100k for a small expansion with no carpeting and flooring you stupid raccoon).

>> No.6941766 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 680x736, that kawaii feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless, you still luv moi.

>> No.6941792

I can't seem to get the qr codes to work om my qr machine. It's almost like they're not the right size or something.

Somebody have some tips for getting it to work properly? Also, anyone got a qr code for Isabelle's outfit?

>> No.6941800

Are those your flower beds? None of those are even hybrids and you don't have them even set up correctly for breeding hybrids...

>> No.6941805

I'll be back in a bit, would love to do some beetle hunting (my island will finally be fucking open tomorrow!)

Slowmope, if you're still open, I'll be back in about 15!

>> No.6941814

There's an ingame seifuku set, I think. I know there's a top form it, it's called a "sailor shirt"

>> No.6941815

island flowers.

>> No.6941816

I know there's a korean one that's been dug up, ask over at /vg/. I didn't record the dream town.

>> No.6941823

Enjoy your black list m8

Nia, can you post this idiot's friendcode?

I don't want anyone else to have to deal with this.

>> No.6941825

you earn more medals than usual with more people, and they are almost always very courteous about it.
shippou has been the only one I've ever had problems with

>> No.6941829
File: 213 KB, 720x720, you have problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking she'll post my friend code

>> No.6941849

my friendcode is in the box. shippou's my boyfriend and bought me AC, so I'm kind of stuck with him. he's since then improved, but I still collect pitfalls to use in his town.
Here's his friendcode:

and shippou:
>implying I'm not going to post it because of your boyfriend privledges
jokes on you, fucker

>> No.6941855
File: 115 KB, 280x263, stu_why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6941856

Anyone's town open for beetle hunting?

>> No.6941857

Can you guys go be faggots outside of this thread?

>> No.6941869

Just report them and move on.

>> No.6941871

come quickly im going to bed soon but ill stay up for some beetle hunt'in

>> No.6941873

ok headed over in 2 mins

>> No.6941878

Getzu, is your town Amaimura? I don't want to head over if you're still doing things. You were busy last time I stopped in a couple mins ago :)

>> No.6941882

my town is badeul, i just opened the gates.

>> No.6941883

Ah ok, I'm waiting for my list to update.

>> No.6941885

Still don't see you on my town list, not sure if you need my FC but 5343-8561-1561 there is it I already double checked and I have yours registered.

>> No.6941887

let me close my gate and see if youre registered on mine. (it wont let me check while the gates are open)

>> No.6941890


>> No.6941893

ok gates open try again, i didnt have your friend code before

>> No.6941894

what the hell did I do? fuck you, you're not coming to my town you cheeky cunts
and dont say you didn't want to go either. anyone that enters my town is showered with every kind of fruit or clothing or furniture I have on display.

>> No.6941897

Ok, headed over! I didn't realize both people need each other's FC, the more you know I guess.

>> No.6941899

Ignore them. They're just going to keep being assholes for no reason.

>> No.6941901

Are your shops open too or nah?

>> No.6941904


>> No.6941905

I'd like to go to your town Nia.

add me plz

>> No.6941903

i only have the basis and its 11 pm so

>> No.6941917

Can you open the gate? I have stuff to give you.

>> No.6941933

Gotcha! When I store stuff on other people's lockers, it transfer to my town lockers, yes? I've never tried that before :)

oh, and like I was saying, usually when I go tot people's islands they have all the middle trees cut down, they told me that is better for rarer beetles, dunno :0

>> No.6941937

How do we visit it?

>> No.6941940

dude did you just leave? the basket is empty now all the beetles i got are gone :c you should of just said you were done.

>> No.6941941

poop, resseti :(

>> No.6941943

No I did not leave, it ressetties on us

>> No.6941944

ah ok nvm

>> No.6941945

I dropped my beetles off in the island box and I was standing outside on the island again when it errored out, I can't leave a game without you leaving with me to the main island :( We both lost everything

>> No.6941952

..me too

>> No.6941950

life is cruel friend

>> No.6941962


>> No.6941986

I saw a chart with the real world pictures of beetles found in the game in an earlier thread, could someone repost it if it's not too much trouble?

>> No.6941997

Anyone have shops open? or want to beetle hunt?

>> No.6942052
File: 613 KB, 639x573, howtobeartime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacklist is here

Make sure to report anything amiss.

>> No.6942055
File: 30 KB, 400x240, HNI_0052_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to open gates, give me five minutes.
Here's the drill:
>bring stuff you don't want, drop it by train staition
>take whatever you want, if its by the train station, its fair game.
>you can write a wishlist of items on my town board, and I'll try to aquire said items for you
>I don't need any fruit, just donate to my town project
>sit the fuck down when we are going on tour, and understand others may have somewhere to be, so we might have to leave.
>what happens in the club, stays in the club

>> No.6942059

I just recently got a 3ds and everyone was talking about animal crossing on here and i was just wondering what it's about, since i've never in my life played an animal crossing game.

Can someone give me a brief explanation on what it's about and what there is to do? It seems fun but i'm worried i might not like it so I ask you, cgl, for your opinion.

>> No.6942060

How are you all connecting to wifi? My DS told me that my wifi is not compatible and I really want to connect and play with everyone.

>> No.6942064

It's kind of like Sims, but with cute animals to befriend. You decorate your house, wear clothes, fish/catch bugs, and make money so you can make a bigger house to decorate, etc.

>> No.6942067

Maybe your settings are wrong, like your router is WP2 and your 3DS thinks it's encrypted with something else.

>> No.6942068

Has anyone built a reset center for resetti yet?

>> No.6942069

I'm kind of lurking but what is this, it's hilarious for no reason!

>> No.6942075

No, I JUST started public works so all I've got is a bridge in the making :(

>> No.6942078

If you're living on a college campus or somewhere similar, you might not be able to. I was unable to use WFC at all when I was at college this year because of restrictions. Missed so much Pokémon shit. I also wasn't able to play online multiplayers of any kind.

>> No.6942079

Guy on /vg/ met a Japanese girl through the international island. Bear time happened.

>> No.6942081

The Viking thing at the end has been making me laugh. Probably not hilarious for anyone who had to experience playing with these guys, but goddamn, has anyone met this viking dude?

>> No.6942085

I want that bear suit... is the hat in the US version? I assume the suit is a made design or something? I would literally wear it until I stopped playing the game if I had it.

>> No.6942087

Ugh, someone else knows my pain. Had to resort to mailing a friend my cartridge so he could get giveaways for me (store ones along with wifi) because I couldn't even find a public hotspot to use.

>> No.6942098

I'll look into it.

No, I live in an apartment. I have AT&T U-Verse. Let me tinker with it to see if something happens. Thanks though!

>> No.6942097

that's beautiful

>> No.6942107

Nia are you opening up soon?

>> No.6942106

I don't think that's a problem with the DSi and onwards, though I know it was a problem with the original DS and DS Lite.

>> No.6942117

The animal hat things are available from Label. I bought the frog one on a whim and one of my villagers gave me the frog shirt that same day by coincidence.

>> No.6942139

been open for a bit. only shippou's here. trapped him in a bunch of pitfalls. but yeah, he should be calm.
He's calm. we're good. if he's not, I'll delete him permanently.

>> No.6942152

ok my gate list didn't update, I'll be over in about 10 mins if you're still open. I've never done tours before so I'd be interested in seeing an island tour :)

>> No.6942158

jsyk the tours aren't actually tours, they're minigames

>> No.6942201

gah, i missed out, all full up! if someone leaves soon I'm ready to hop on over

>> No.6942207

In my town I have
perfect peaches
I also have a Shampoodle with the eye station for anyone who needs it.

>> No.6942210

does the eye station work even on someone who hasn't had 10 hair cuts?

>> No.6942213

Yeah I had one and it worked for me the first try, you have to have Shampoodle for 14 days, then you get the eye station

>> No.6942217

ooh can I come over and try it out then? :) also wouldn't mind having some more of the tropical fruit to plant. I... am only on my third day so I probably don't have anything to trade though 5343 8561 1561

>> No.6942248

bump for your FC so I can come try the eye machine

>> No.6942257

hey, we should make wish lists of stuff we like here, so we can help eachother out maybe.

also, room for one more, dparting for town

>> No.6942274

I want that bear hat from the picture of the cute Japanese couple :( It even looks like it has curly fur . And the matching suit!

>> No.6942412

Beaded Shirt, Ballet Outfit, Halo, Purple-Imp Hood

lovely, princess, mermaid (if you have extra)sweet series

>> No.6942617

If my internet was not shit, I'd give that hat to you and the balet dress to nia.

>> No.6942676

They're in all versions. Keep an eye out at Able sisters and they'll pop up sometimes.

>> No.6942853

I love you basedNia

>> No.6942879
File: 25 KB, 400x240, HNI_0056_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how much it sucks to not have internet on the 3dswhen everyone is talking about the fun things they do. together. maybe later we can set up a one on one session where I will save constantly so no one loses anything. we won't be able to tour together, though.
and I love you too, random citizen! seriously, feel free to make your wishlists and write them here. I don't have enough money for expansions because I'm always buying people shit, but that makes me happier than having an uguu house.

Pic attached: Kapp'n continues to be creepy.
no kapp'n, stop shipping real people.

>> No.6942906

hey nia how are those rules working out for you? I kind want to convert my public works fence into a dump kind of like the original animal crossing where people can come and pick up and drop off whatever they like. But I feel like there'd always be those few people who take everything and don't donate .

>> No.6942913
File: 57 KB, 270x160, ph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to add me! I have kicks and shampoodle as well with the eyestation.

My native fruits is apples but my town is currently growing apples, oranges, lemons, durian and lychee

Haven't checked what nook has in today but I'm opening my gate in the next 30 minutes or so. I

I wanna show off my paving!

>> No.6942920

they've been working pretty well! in a day I got 100,000 donated, people have been really nice.

>> No.6942967

I'm getting one knitted. I tried myself but it was a disaster.

>> No.6942990
File: 91 KB, 688x387, 1371226412882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that these threads aren't /cgl/ when you spend 90% of the thread talking about how to play.

>> No.6943009

headed your way

>> No.6943020

may I visit? I will bring you pears and can donate some cash to public works.

>> No.6943024

Any 'scarier' clothing patterns? Like stuff with blood or a decayed look.

>> No.6943031

Hey Wolfe, you on?

>> No.6943034

got any pics of what you might want? I am not exactly good at it, but I am having fun making stuff and might take a crack at it if I can.

>> No.6943043
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0068_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good? 1/4

>> No.6943047
File: 48 KB, 400x240, HNI_0069_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/4 i have no idea why it looks purple here... it is blue i swear!

>> No.6943046

>moity moi

>> No.6943051

making fun of the brand name since the majority of people misspell or mispronounce it, lol

Side note, seriously wtf I've been looking for a certain villager for a damn hour, not in the shop, not in her house, I've been all over my town, on the beaches, where the fuck is this bitch. Almost makes me wish I had bought the stupid megaphone when I saw it.

>> No.6943052
File: 47 KB, 400x240, HNI_0070_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a joke about moi meme moitié

>> No.6943053
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>> No.6943055

Did you try the museum?

>> No.6943056

wtf they go to the museum??

No I didn't try there, headed there now

>the things I do to collect fucking villager photos

>> No.6943057

Yep, check all the rooms they don't stay in the main room. 99% of the time when I'm searching for those bastards they're in the museum.

>> No.6943060

stupid penguin bitch turned out to be hanging out in Able sisters, even though she wasn't there 1 mins ago.

Thanks for th einfo though, totally didn't realize they visited the museum.

>> No.6943072

What does the campsite public works project do exactly? I don't really like the looks of the other ones I have available at the moment (except the Dream Suite, but that's expensive).

>> No.6943073

Oh, and I also have Peaches, Persimmons, and Coconuts as well as pears if you are interested.

>> No.6943074

Whoops, didn't mean to reply to your post, I just clicked the number to get the quickpost window up.

>> No.6943079

Campsite increases your max villagers from 9 to 10. A random animal will camp at your town once a week and you can play games with them for items and there's a chance to convince them to move to your town making them the 10th villager.

Also, if you visit another person's town you might be able to convince a villager to visit your campsite. It doesn't steal the villager from the other person, it just copies them. I've heard it's pretty difficult to get the dialogue about it to come up though.

>> No.6943078

hey SP can you do a cute sailor outfit? I'd love something similar to the new DM or Meta sailor releases this year in white and navy with the double row of buttons! I have the hat and have been dying for my QCR machine, but it's still a week off!

>> No.6943080

I can sure try! If you could link me a pic of the sort of thing you want it will be easier.

>> No.6943081

How many villager pictures does everyone have? It's kind of the only item I really collect in game but I'm only 4 days in so I don't have zilch yet.

I always felt like pictures were the only thing you can't really fast forward for, since time traveling doesn't affect your relationship with villagers

>> No.6943089
File: 127 KB, 350x527, tumblr_mokxnsp0Hg1sp9586o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link for meta one I like http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/category/select/cid/398/pid/9417 and DM one in my picture.

>> No.6943090
File: 68 KB, 450x675, 1002229_578785292144308_674455424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud chamber one here too I like

>> No.6943092

And just in case you missed it, someone made this sailor outfit in the last thread.

OH! Yeah I can take a crack at that! It might not be perfect but I can try!

>> No.6943094

Yeah I don't have the scanner yet :( so the only way I'm getting cute outfits is visiting other people who have them! :) I was the one who took your batty cute dress and your sherlock lolita dress xD

>> No.6943097

AH! I am glad you liked those! the bat thingy was the first one I made, and Shirley was second (fixed the pleats on it recently too!) I will let you know when I have a sailor thingy up

>> No.6943114
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>> No.6943112
File: 186 KB, 673x643, tumblr_monc15n0cM1qe9gpto3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some cute drawings for cosplay ideas for people.

>> No.6943115
File: 326 KB, 667x560, tumblr_monc15n0cM1qe9gpto2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6943118

>no glasses
what the fuck

>> No.6943129

Hey sorry I'm back! I had left it on and no one came so was reading manga and my ds died. Im adding you and opening gates nao and they'll be open for a while

>> No.6943138

also my house looks like shit because i was focusing on upgrading and didn't buy furniture hahaa

>> No.6943146

ok I'll be over in 5 mins :)

>> No.6943151

don't see your town yet, but here's my fc 5343 8561 1561

>> No.6943157

for some reason i still don't see your town on my list. want to try reopening it?

>> No.6943160

okay im gonna check and make sure my friend code is right and ill reopen

>> No.6943164

i think I got it this time, gate reopened now!

>> No.6943166


>> No.6943180

I will be awkwardly standing in the middle of the event plaza trying to tan if you need anything.

>> No.6943189

noooo resetti :(

>> No.6943194

it errored out you didnt lose anything too important did you?? why does that happeennn ;A;

>> No.6943199

i think someone said I can save periodically. I'll try doing that. also your character is super cute. I look like a scrub haha

>> No.6943226

Is anyone else getting really attached to the characters in the game? I just passed the flower shop to go the Able Sisters, but instead I doubled back because I was like "No! I haven't talked to Leif today!"

>> No.6943228

I am! I love talking to Sable every day, she's such a sweetie. I'm also attached to my villagers Astrid and Nana. They invite me over to their houses a lot.

>> No.6943239

too late SlowMope :(

>> No.6943242

At first Leif scared the absolute shit out of me because sloths scare the absolute shit out of me.
But the way he talks is really cute haha. That and I have to always buy his flowers, so now I really like him as an npc.

Also Sable is my eternal wife.

>> No.6943251

anyone have a bear suit I can buy? or high turnip prices? I won'tbe long, only a couple mins because I need to do some work

>> No.6943254
File: 188 KB, 309x305, 1372066133443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not having a 3ds nor the money to get one

;_; at least I can still have fun lurking in threads, right?

>> No.6943263
File: 31 KB, 400x240, HNI_0099_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an otaku villager, shep who is dating cherri, the punk rock dog. I walked in on them at cherri's house, talked to cherri, and she hinted at me tgat I needed to leave by saying things like "Nia, with three people in here its kind of crowded." or "I really wasn't prepared to have another guest"

here's me when it happened

>> No.6943280

thanks wolfe! that was fun and i got ugly hair out of it too!

haha, I should have read the shampoodle guide before I headed over.

>> No.6943283

There're plenty emulators on the web
I'm not certain that you'll be able to play online, tho

>> No.6943287

There are no working 3DS emulators.

>> No.6943290

dang haha, My villager Frank has gotten really sassy with me lately. He used to be all "How ya doin,crushy? " now he's all now he is just straight up rude...

>> No.6943294

I had fun too come back again some time! i think I'll just start posting what items I'm giving away whenever i see these threads. i get so excited to shop and buy things only to realise I don't need them or I completely change my theme. Like I had that mermaid stuff but then decided I didn't want it. I'm an impulse buyer

>> No.6943301

I found several using Google
Are they a ruse?

>> No.6943302

My god, I never noticed Isabelle's bell rings when she follows you. She's so cute!

>> No.6943306

I think there's one or two out at the moment, but I'm 99% sure they don't work. And if they do, there are no ROMs anyway.

>> No.6943323

Labelle doesn't look bitchy enough but otherwise hnngh

>> No.6943324

There're many that claim to work with most ROMs
Very likely to be a ruse to get our pornos, tho
Wouldn't download.

>> No.6943336

yo! I got one dress done, it is not double buttoned because I was dumb and didn't notice you wanted double buttons until I had made it. Anyway, I will be back in two hours and you can come get it then if you are still around.

>> No.6943350

sounds great! just let me know when you're back via this thead!

>> No.6943431
File: 35 KB, 400x240, HNI_0097_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have frank too, but my otaku villager is my favorite.
and cherry comes second, purely because I love her design. so the dating thing works out. I always see them together. the "dating" is not stated but heavily implied.

>> No.6943439

also looking for bear suit

>> No.6943473

Is the otaku one a penguin or something(?) I think my friend has that neighbor too, I laughed so hard when I went into his house

>> No.6943481


>> No.6943508
File: 37 KB, 400x240, bear-qr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've seen this thread I can't bear to go back

>> No.6943555

OK so. I am stuck in traffic (essentially the S 101 is a very expensive parking lot right now) and I am just now only halfway to my destination. So I have no idea when I am getting home.

>> No.6943567

no problem! don't worry about it, be safe, ill probably stil be here when you get back haha

>> No.6943601
File: 33 KB, 400x240, saggit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one fucking villager you hate but won't move out of your town no matter what you do
Everyone has told me they want to move out, at some time or another, but him.
All I want is a fucking deer villager, but I have the max number of villagers because of him.

>> No.6943638

Ugh, this, I have an asshole that moved into a spot I was saving for one of the public works projects so I've been trying to get him out, no luck...

>> No.6943643

My newest villager is a sheep made of fucking hamburgers and fries.

>> No.6943645
File: 29 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mhv7ygaQ1X1s1gk0ao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse. You could have Coco.
Her house makes it look like she's going to sacrifice you to her gyroid gods.

>> No.6943650
File: 88 KB, 800x589, tumblr_mnf3xxf9az1ssafbxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being Isabelle and my boyfriend is talking to me about being Digby, but how do I do that without giving him fuck dumb pigtails?

>> No.6943652

I love Coco, she's my favorite villager :(

>> No.6943658

Dem soulless eyes...

>> No.6943659

looking for the bear costume shorts/pants!

>> No.6943660

Frita or whatever is waaaay worse than coco

>> No.6943680

Not really pigtails to be fair.

>> No.6943684
File: 45 KB, 208x208, 1326250383138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I thought Coco was pretty cool.

Speaking of Coco, has anyone accidently powered off the console in the first AC while in a train ride and booted the game back up?

>that Gyorid face

>> No.6943689

Huh? Do you have a screencap to show what you mean?

I think a wig resembling the top of his head 'hair' would be fine, maybe with some sidepieces for the ears instead? (like long sideburn pieces in front of his ears)

>> No.6943692
File: 39 KB, 499x341, ss (2013-06-30 at 11.34.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943696

Who's your favorite villager /cgl/? Mine's Kabuki.

>> No.6943698

Boone. Too bad I can't get him to move in...

>> No.6943699

At this moment, it's gotta be Shep

>> No.6943713

Um I saw one of the new Deer in SlowMope's village, I think her name is Diane? Or Diana? I really like the look of her! Unfortunately I have to collect all villager photos, so even if I have a favorite, I have to give them all attention until they give me what I want. Assholes.

>> No.6943723

Is your face like this through the whole game? What the fuck!

>> No.6943726

Just gotta restart the game and you'll be back to normal, it's no biggie.

>> No.6943730
File: 30 KB, 125x201, diana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Diana? I was just looking at her on the wiki! She's really cute.

>> No.6943733

yeah! All the deer are such great additions I think! I have one of them, uh... Dierdre? And she's pretty neat. I have someone named Caroline moving in soon so I need to go look her up. All I can here is freaking Miwako's voice though, every time I see the name Caroline.

>> No.6943740
File: 5 KB, 95x85, Caroline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, she's a weirdo looking squirrel.

sorry for the tiny image, this is the one on the wiki

>> No.6943742

The deer are really adorable! I don't really like the Hamsters much though. Sadly I don't have Animal Crossing New Leaf and can't meet the new characters yet, but I've had most of the other games.